Important Questions On Both Fronts
Important Questions On Both Fronts | |
Date of Scene: | 26 July 2024 |
Location: | Seaside Victorian |
Synopsis: | Sam and Morrigan are enjoying some quiet time. She has a question for him and he asks her a question. |
Cast of Characters: | Sam Wilson, Morrigan MacIntyre
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Dinner had been had and it was looking like it was going to be a quiet evening in the MacIntyre-Wilson household, which wasn't a bad thing given all the excitement that they had been through with Sam being back and well...Morrigan was actually at a level point in her life again.
She still felt like she was in a fever dream sometimes because she'd never really believed that they'd be here. She wasn't complaining. Far from it. She'd found herself upstairs sitting on the end of the bed, just...sitting in silence. Maybe she was just thinking about things.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
Downstairs, Sam methodically wrapped up his cleanup of the kitchen with a sense of purpose. Dinner had been prepared by her, so it was only fair that he took on the task of tidying up-true partnership in action. Once the kitchen was spotless, he washed and dried his hands with a practiced efficiency, then turned his attention to ensuring that all the downstairs doors were securely locked.
With everything in order, Sam made his way up the stairs, his heart lighter with every step. This was their home, their shared space, and he was more certain than ever that his earlier suggestion of a proposal wasn't just a fleeting impulse driven by the excitement of reuniting. He was committed, and he wanted to make sure that this commitment was grounded in genuine love and not just the thrill of their recent reunion.
He reached the top of the stairs and pushed open the bedroom door, his gaze immediately falling on Morrigan seated on the edge of the bed. A warm, genuine smile curved his lips as he stepped into the room. "Hey," he said, his voice carrying a mix of affection and playfulness. "I don't have a penny for your thoughts. Unless you're into digital currency; Zelle, perhaps?" His teasing remark was light-hearted, a reflection of the ease and comfort that had come to define their relationship.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had been making sure to let Sam know that it was definitely a commitment on both of their parts. She'd also been making sure to let him know that anything he wanted added or changed in the house to better suit him she was willing to do.
The TV in the bedroom had been turned on to Peacock where the opening ceremony for the 2024 Olympics was being broadcasted. She was mid fold of a blanket when Sam's voice cut through her internal thoughts. "Oh I was just wondering about questions I wanted to ask you." she grins to that.
She pats the bed for him to join her, "Hello my love. Sorry I didn't stick around to clean up after dinner." she tells him. When he is within reach she leans in to kiss his cheek, "Olympics started today. I hope you don't mind it being all over the house." she muses to that.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"It's a house you invited me into. Why wouldn't I want to help, Morrigan?" Sam says warmly as he crosses the room, his voice filled with sincerity. He leans down and plants a gentle kiss on her cheek, his eyes flickering toward the open space as if contemplating its significance. "I caught that earlier today," he adds with a hint of nostalgia. "The Gojira heavy metal bit? That was wild."
His grin widens, a blend of amusement and affection in his expression. "Sorry if I spoiled anything. But really, I've made suggestions where they mattered. What matters more to me is you, not just the changes we make to this place." His gaze softens as he takes in the room, reflecting his deeper interest in their life together rather than the details of their home.
As he moves to his side of the bed, he begins to undress, preparing for the night with a casual ease. "Questions?" he asks, a touch of playfulness in his tone. "You know you don't have to wait to ask, right?" His eyes meet hers with a reassuring warmth, signaling that his focus is on her, ready and open for whatever she might need to discuss.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"My biological father is sort of an old fashioned man. I say that in a...he's over 200 years old. They did cohabitating differently back then." she muses to that. "I wanted to get out to see them this year. Might sneak out via portal to see some of it." she teases. "Last trip to Paris there were Death Gods being pricks, so didn't get to sightsee." she sighs.
"I love Gojira, I haven't seen that part yet, but I am looking forward to it." she grins. "And you didn't spoil anything. So stop that." she points out to him with a chuckle.
"I know I don't have to wait to ask. Just...I think my brain is still sometimes trying to wrap around this happening." she admits to him. Then she gives a look to him, "Wanna cuddle and watch things? We can talk about a few things as well. Nothing bad." she admits.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Well, we might need to address that next year," he says with a thoughtful smile, his voice rich with promise. "Concerts, tours, all that jazz? but for now, we can put it to the side as a hopeful future trip. Maybe even?" He trails off, a hint of hesitation in his eyes as he senses her desire to talk, unsure of what that might entail.
With a deep breath, he settles onto the edge of the bed, adjusting the pillow behind his back for added comfort. His gaze softens as he pats his lap with an inviting gesture. "Come here," he urges gently, his tone imbued with warmth and reassurance. "We can talk, you can ask me anything. I promise, nothing bad will come of it." His eyes meet hers with unwavering sincerity, a silent vow to be present and supportive, ready to navigate whatever conversation lies ahead with an open heart.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile to him, "My father has mellowed out over the years, but...I just don't know what he intends to do half the time." she admits. "I'm down for trips and concerts. And anything you'd like to add to the list." she points out.
When he pats his lap there is a grin given and she crawls up to him and makes herself comfortable as she settles in against his chest. "If I get too heavy just let me know." she whispers.
She kisses his cheek softly, "It's nothing bad." she tells him. "So...what is your favorite season?" she asks him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"I suppose I should probably ask him for his blessing before I propose, huh?" Sam muses with a playful glint in his eye, as he pulls Morrigan into a tender embrace. His arms envelop her with a reassuring strength, and he offers a gentle, affectionate kiss in return. "You'll never be too heavy," he promises, his voice low and comforting.
"Favorite season?" he continues, leaning into their intimate moment. "When I was a kid, New York summers weren't too bad-just the right mix of heat and fun. But Louisiana summers? Whew, they were something else. Can I cheat and say football season?" He adds with a teasing chuckle. "Probably fall, for that reason. Not because of pumpkin spice everything, though." He pauses, his expression turning thoughtful.
"Do you feel like you don't know enough about me, Mo?"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Oh that will be a...very interesting conversation." she tells him softly. "He's...not really been a father. He's trying though." she frowns to that.
Then something in the opening ceremonies causes her to pause, "What in the Assasin's Creed is going on there?" she chuckles to the man that is parkouring around Paris.
Then she gets back on topic, mentally noting when his favorite season is. "You can absolutely say Football Season. That's a valid season." she muses to that.
Then he asks that question and she blushes, "No, I don't feel like that Sam. I just...well..." she takes a breath. "I was more asking to add it into some early plans was all." she states.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"Oh, it gets even stranger," Sam murmurs, a mischievous grin spreading across his face as he gently caresses her back, pulling her closer. The rain pours down around them, soaking them both to the skin, but he revels in the sensation of her warmth and the intoxicating scent that clings to her. "They've really embraced the gamer spirit, haven't they?" he chuckles, feeling her heartbeat against his chest.
He knows she's on the verge of reaching the Gojira part of the program, that thrilling moment they both anticipate. "Plans, huh? Alright, I won't push," he says softly, his voice filled with tender affection. "I'll keep answering your questions." His eyes twinkle with warmth as he looks into hers, his smile broadening. "You feel really nice, by the way,"
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives him a look when he says it gets stranger and she sits back to watch the performance. There's a little wiggle of happiness when Gojira comes on. "Ooo, one of the bloodiest pieces of Paris." she muses. "I think I get the torch bearers thing now." she states. "I also like the outfit." she chuckles.
There is a smile to him, "You aren't pushing on anything, love." she points out. "I just...alright. I might have caved and bought some wedding books." she laughs. "Even if it is far out on things. I'd rather write things down. See what you'd like to do and all of that." she offers.
There's a blush, "If I'm getting too ahead of myself tell me to dial it in." she points out. Then she grins and snuggles in against him, "I think if we start losing clothes that it's going to be the Olympics as background noise." she winks at him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"I figured you'd like it," Sam says with a grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief. He chuckles softly. "So, are you planning to dress up as one for Halloween? Assassin's Creed, Happy Harbor style?" His voice is filled with playful amusement as he teases her.
Then, he takes a deep breath, his expression softening. "There's no rush, okay?" he reminds her gently. "But we've been at this for four years now. On and off, never quite sure if we were really together." His voice is tender, laced with the weight of their shared history.
Drawing in another breath, he reaches over to his nightstand and opens the drawer, pulling out a small, carefully wrapped package. "I was saving this for my birthday," he begins, his hands trembling slightly as he unwraps the package. As he opens it, she catches sight of a wooden ring box nestled inside. "But maybe..." he trails off, his eyes locking with hers, filled with a mixture of hope and vulnerability. The unspoken words hang in the air between them, the rain outside a soft, distant whisper.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"It was very cool. I do like that people are adding in other music and performances this year...and embracing gaming." she admits to that.
"I know there isn't a rush. I don't want to feel like I'm rushing you either. I'm just...I don't want anyone else but you, Sam." she whispers.
Then he's reaching for something and she feels a tingle of her senses. "Do you want to wait..." she trails off as she sees the ring box there. There's a few heartbeats of a moment that pass and then she leans in to kiss him warmly. Her fingers finding his face to help her stay grounded. Because she felt all light headed.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"I don't want anyone else but you, either, Mo," Sam responds, his voice filled with unwavering sincerity. As Morrigan leans in and kisses him, he melts into her embrace, his lips parting to savor the sweetness of her kiss. The world around them fades away, leaving only the taste of her lips and the warmth of her presence. When they finally break apart, he gazes deeply into her eyes, the connection between them palpable.
With a gentle yet excited breath, he finishes opening the box and presents it to her. "Doctor Morrigan MacIntyre, would you marry me?" he asks, his voice trembling with emotion. Inside the box lies a voucher for an engagement ring, a promise of a future they will shape together. "I figured we'd shop for it together," he adds softly, his eyes searching hers for a response.
- Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's worries have slipped away. Little by little since he had returned she was feeling like her old self. Before all of the...well, everything.
When the kiss breaks she draws in a shaky breath. Her hands reach for the box, a shake in them as well, "I would be honored to marry you, Samuel Thomas Wilson." she whispers to him. The voucher makes her grin, "You could have given me a ring pop and I would have loved it." she admits. "I like that idea." she nods to him. She presses her forehead to his gently, "Do we want to keep this hush hush between us until we can plan something for announcing?" she asks him.
- Sam Wilson has posed:
"I had a ring pop. I ate it," Sam says with a chuckle, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "We can announce it whenever you want, after you have your ring," he adds, his voice gentle as he presses his forehead against hers. He carefully sets the box aside, creating a moment suspended in time, filled only with the two of them.
"I love you, Mo. I have for years," he whispers, the weight of his confession hanging in the air. "I want my life to be with you," he says, his voice filled with earnest longing. He pulls her into another kiss, deeper and more passionate than before, their connection electric. As their lips meld together, he gently shifts her from his lap to the bed, his movements tender yet filled with undeniable desire. The world outside fades away, leaving only the two of them, their love, and the soft hum of the Olympics as a distant background symphony to their unfolding romance.