Lex Luthor |
Lex Luthor (Scenesys ID: 298)
Alexander Joseph "Lex" Luthor
President & CEO of LexCorp
MBA Harvard, Multiple Degrees in Science and Engineering
Rogues Gallery
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
28 Sep 1980
Played By
Billy Zane
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
@LexLuthorOfficial (V)
Theme Song:
Character Info
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You'd have to look very hard to find someone on the planet Earth that hasn't heard of Lex Luthor. Metropolis' favourite son and (formerly) known as the Man of Tomorrow, Lex and his company Lex Corp's influence is felt around the world, a person could (and many do) wake up in a building built by LexCorp, get into a car designed by Lex Automotive, fill up at LexCo gas station on their way to their job at LexCorp or one of its many subsidiaries, and on the way home stop at a LexMart for groceries before settling in to watch one of the LexCorp family of channels and streaming services on TV. Even the less fortunate are helped find housing through the Luthor Foundation and medical care at one of the many LexCares Free Clinics.
As for the man himself? He's something of an enigma, widely hailed as a 'genius' and touted for his philanthropy, there are still all those pieces in the Daily Planet that paint Lex, less like a 'billionaire saviour' than a ruthless corporate raider with good PR.
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1980: Lex Luthor is born in Metropolis. He grows up in the Suicide Slums with abusive parents and his younger sister Lena born five years later.
1990: Already interested in science and technology Lex steals money from his parents and travels alone to New York City to attend the opening of the Baxter Building. He witnesses the battle between the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom, and is inspired to model his life after both Reed Richards and Doctor Doom.
1996: Lex is accepted to MiT at 16 with a full scholarship, though before he leaves for school his parents suffer a fatal car crash and he becomes the beneficiary of a large life insurance policy taken out in their name. Lex successfully emancipates himself and is granted guardianship of Lena.
2000: Graduates with a masters in programming and engineering. Joins a business venture with some classmates using a new investment algorithm. It is successful and they each make their first millions, though Lex uses legal trickery to gain the patent on the algorithm and outst his classmates from the company that becomes LexCorp.
2000-2008: Under Lex's leadership LexCorp acquires tech, petrochemical, manufacturing and media companies exponentially expanding the company's reach. Most of these businesses are moved to Metropolis to the delight of city politicians. Additionally Lex, now a billionaire at 23, founds the Luthor Foundation which does charity work worldwide; the foundation along with his lawyers and PR people keep the ruthlessness of the expansion out of the press and courts.
2008: The engines fail on Lex's flagship sub-orbital plane the Constitution and he and the other passengers are saved by Superman in front of a massive crowd at Metropolis' 350th Anniversary celebration. LexAir fails as a result of the near crash and LexCorp stock dips for the first time since its incorporation, Lex revolted and intrigued by this alien superman and it becomes an obsession.
2009-2010: Lex is forced dabble in criminal enterprise to cover losses due to the Constitution disaster, and his shady dealings begin the longtime cat and mouse game between himself and reporters Lois Lane and Clark Kent of the Daily Planet. Lex is never fully able to silence them and they are never fully able to prove he had knowledge of the dealings they uncovered. At the same time Lex begins schemes to test the abilities of Superman and determine his secret identity, none of them succeed but neither is there enough evidence to convict Lex of any wrongdoing.
2011-2013: LexCorp bounces back due to Lex capitalizing on first the tidal wave caused by the battle with Zod and Annihilus and then again a few years later with the attack by the Dominators. LexCorp leads the redevelopment of the damaged areas (save for Gotham's No Man's Land) gaining mountains of good will from the public (and buying up the land for fire sale prices), simultaneously he heaps millions in aid on the survivors of the attacks through the Luthor Foundation.
2014-2018: Lex's schemes move from testing Superman to destroying him including the creation of Metallo from shards of Kryptonite recovered after the Zod incident. None of the schemes succeed nor are they definitively linked to Lex. However LexCorp continues to thrive, moving more heavily into arms manufacture when Stark Industries unexpectedly stops arms production leaving a void to be filled. LexCorp focuses on anti-superhuman weaponry in both the lethal and non-lethal variety donating millions in the latter to the State of New York following the Mutant Felon Resettlement Act. In 2018 Lex donates funds to erect the Superman memorial in Metropolis and attends the ceremony.
2019-2020: Lex gives an infamous TED Talk about how the world is better off without Superman, hailing it as an opportunity for all those born without god like abilities to stand up and be counted and make a difference in the world. He follows the 2019 talk a book "Building Tomorow" which lays out his thoughts about a world without Superman. Starts 'Tomorrow Grants' to educational and athletics programs across the US, while the Luthor Foundation's 'Lex Cares' programs help provide healthcare to America's poorest citizens.
IC Journal
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Lex Luthor has
13 finished logs.
The New Vice President |
April 3rd, 2023 |
A new Vice President is announced and he makes waves reorganising the way Superheroes operate under the law with proposed new legislation.
HYDRA and the Fall of New York |
March 26th, 2023 |
HYDRA attacks New York City with giant teleporting super sentinel robots. The heroes are ready and they respond in kind.
State of Alarm |
January 8th, 2023 |
A historic moment. The villains plot is almost entirely uncovered and the heroes are ahead of the curve. The POTUS brought together as many of the biggest heroic names he could muster to take on this challenge before HYDRA has a chance to attack.
Hellfire Club Inner Circle - December 2022 Meeting |
December 8th, 2022 |
New Members are Promoted, and the White King drops a wad of cash for the Head(s) of HYDRA.
The Prototype Sentinel |
November 30th, 2022 |
Shaw calls Lex asking why the heck there's a Sentinel at a US Military base. When they go to investigate, Lex makes the decision to have it shut down and shipped to Shaw Industries --- when the thing turns on and attacc. Luckily, the X-Men and allies also came to investigate or else there might not have been any survivors, President Luthor included.
The Vehicle of The Future, Today |
November 29th, 2022 |
Batman and Donna investigate a tech startup that is supposed to be making electric cars. Instead they're making death satellites using Brainiac technology. This fully operation HYDRA base is no match for the dynamic duo though. Hostages are rescued and West Virginia has a new hole in the ground.
The Rededication of Lady Liberty |
November 17th, 2022 |
The Statue of Liberty is reopened and the journalists take an opportunity to throw poignant questions at the President who is, characteristically, ready for them. Are the Chinese right, is Lex Luthor actually putting weapons in to space?
Disaster on Space LeX 17 |
November 13th, 2022 |
The crew of Space LeX 17 are saved thanks to Four Amazons, Burning Man, and Jean. The strange cargo that caused the catastrophe has been quelled. The shuttle itself is going to need some TLC from the ground crew.
The Inner Circle Meets |
August 12th, 2020 |
The Inner Circle gathers and plots.
Inner Circle: Court Has Been Called |
June 11th, 2020 |
A Inner Circle meeting, discussion presidential ambitions, the kidnap and return of their own, and further plans for the teen club.
Hellfire Club Genosha Spring Benefit Charity Gala |
March 24th, 2020 |
Schmoozing, boozing, donations and more. The Hellfire Spring Charity Gala is a huge success, benefitting Genosha.
A Meeting of the Court |
March 17th, 2020 |
The Kings of the Hellfire Court plot, with the White Queen and Black Bishop. Plans for a charity ball and Genoshan assistance are made.
E Pluribus Unum: Building Tomorrow |
February 27th, 2020 |
Lex Luthor makes a not-so-shocking announcement. #Lex2020
Entertainment Credits
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