Marc Slayton
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Marc Slayton (Scenesys ID: 5095) | |||
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Profile | |||
Name: | Marc Slayton | ||
Superalias: | Backlash | ||
Gender: | Male | ||
Species: | Kheran/Atlantean | ||
Occupation: | U.N. Peacekeeper | ||
Citizenship: | United States of America; Kherubim Royalty | ||
Residence: | New York, New York | ||
Education: | PhD in Kinesiology/Astrophysics, Harvard. Graduate of the USAF Academy. | ||
Theme: | DC (FC) | ||
Groups: | |||
Details | |||
Apparent Age: | Thirties | Actual Age: | 3000 |
Date of Birth | Unknown (3000+ Years Old) | Played By | Eric Dane |
Height: | 6'3" | Weight: | 185 lb |
Hair Color: | Silver | Eye Color: | Blue |
Twitter: | |||
Theme Song: |
Character Info
Marc Slayton is a son of a Kherubim High Lord and an Atlantean princess. Born 15000 years ago in Atlantis before the fall, he was trained to be a warrior. He has been a student, a philosopher, a soldier, a knight, an assassin, a teacher and mentor, and a spy.
Pre-1000BC - Born in Poseidonus, the son of Kherubim Lord S'ylton and a human mother, a Princess of Atlantis. Raised by Ferrian, Warmaster of Atlantis, and trusted friend to Marc's Father, Marc studied warcraft and the mystic arts. Marc's father and mother had sacrificed themselves to save Earth from a race of hostile aliens, the Kree, in a previous battle.
1000 BC to 1938 AD- Over the course of 3000 years, Marc travelled the globe, encountering other Immortals such as Vandal Savage, Dracula, and many others - heroes and villains. During these travels, Marc continued honing his craft as a warrior - a Greek hero, a Ninja, a medieval Knight of the Round Table, a samurai.
1938 to 1960 - In the 1930s Marc is recruited as an intelligence specialist in World War II by the United States of America - OSS and SSR.
1960 A.D. - Marc is now a graduate of the USAF Academy as a Colonel and the IC of Team One, an expert against extraterrestrial threats.
1990 A.D. - Now a member of Team 7, he was a part of the whole "Gen-Factor" debacle as a consultant.
1990 A.D. - Marc is recruited into Stormwatch as the Field Leader, Trainer, and Drill Instructor.
Present - Marc has been a part of Stormwatch, OSS, SSR, Team 1, Team 7, knows the Howling Commandos and is a consultant for the CIA, NSA, MI5, etc. Marc was even there at the dawn of SHIELD.
IC Journal
Marc has led thousands of men...and women...into battle. He has watched countless soldiers die in battle. In every way conceivable. He always leads from the front, by example, and takes more than his fair share of hits. This has garnered him a reputation amongst the soldiers he has commanded, and they would follow him to Hell and back. He is quick with a quip...and a word of support. A man of few words, this garners respect, admiration, and unswerving loyalty.
Marc has been in a "dark mood" for the last 100 years. He sees the never ending countless battles as a challenge...but feels that it is still never ending. He is still a warrior, and will never give up, but 3000 years...takes its toll on any person. Even Backlash.
Marc has killed, and strangely enough "been killed" thousands of times. This changes a man. He approaches life as though he was about to die. Always prepared, always ready, his personality was utilitarian and aimed at the future. If he has to sacrifice for those under his command, he will. Even if it means his true death. If it means ordering others to their deaths to save countless more - he will. He is a samurai at heart. Noble, honourable, but not above stabbing someone in the back to save others. Let's call him Chaotic Good for starters.
Irritating at times, Marc has a knack for spouting wisdom at the most opportune and inopportune times. Having lived for over 3000 years, Marc has absorbed the wisdom of countless civilizations and people, and tends to be pensive, quiet, and as serene as an Elder Kherubim, spouting wisdom like he was Sun Tzu, Socrates, or Buddhu even in the middle of a firefight.
Character Sheet
Backlash can turn himself into a "mist" like form, able to become intangible for a short period of time. At this time, he can maintain this for 10-15 minutes with little strain. This allows him to pass through objects, and even enter the body of another, causing them massive damage from the inside out. He has to concentrate to the exclusion of all else to use this power.
Enhanced Abilities:
Backlash has an enhanced physiology because of his High Lord Kherubim genetics.
Marc has superhuman levels of strength, able to life up to 5 tons. Using his psionic powers he can lift 10-20 times that, under certain conditions.
Marc's durability is superhuman, able to withstand small arms fire and minor energy weapons with minor levels of pain and no penetration. He has a superhuman tolerance for pain as well. Of course, enhanced with his telekinesis he could withstand massive energy weapons, heat vision, and a blow from a battleship barage with immense strain.
Marc's Agility is where he shines. Having developed this ability to upper High Lord Kherubim levels, he is a blur. Coordination. Dexterity. Flexibility. Balance. Ambidextrous. He is fast. Quick. Supernaturally accurate.
Marc's stamina is also superhuman. He can literally fight for days without tiring. Although he will tire and falter, it would take a long time for this to happen, perhaps weeks.
Marc is, quite literally, a superhuman-genius level intellect. However, he squanders it by concentrating more on martial skills than learning. Where he shines is his strategic thinking, tactical acumen, mathematical calculations, estimates, and by utilizing his incredible superhuman agility, can calculate targets with unbelievable accuracy. His memory is nigh-photographicm which is a blessing and a curse.
Healing Factor:
Marc is a Kherubim noble. As such, he has an enhanced healing factor that is effective in keeping him alive when he has been through a massive battle. He has regenerated from massive tissue damage, and will heal even the most severe wounds in a matter of days - even a headshot. He has not been shown to be able to regenerate lost limbs, as this regeneration would take years to accomplish.
Kherubim Physiology:
Marc Slayton was born over 3000 years ago, the son of a Kherubim High Lord. Therefore, as a Kherubim Noble, Marc has superior enhanced abilities. He is virtually immortal, having a lifespan of eons. He has the potential to evolve into a High Lord, which is Majestros levels of power sets. He is far from that, however, and although the potential is there, it is highly unlikely he would attain that level of power.
Matter Reconstruction:
A strange use of his psionic powers, Backlash can change his clothes and armour in small ways, from appearance and use. From armor, to clothes, to none at all. This is the limits he has used to date.
Mystic Arts:
Marc was a early student of the mystic arts in Poseidonis. He knows slightly more than the basics. How to cast minor spells, read mystic tomes, and understand magic. However, he hasn't practiced these powers in a very, very, very long time, and as such, he is very rusty.
Psionic Whips:
Utilizing his telekinesis in a unique way, he can form psychic tendrils of energy in the form of "whips" or tendrils from his left and right hands, surrounded by an psionic-electric "fire". As grandmaster-level expert in the use of whips, he can utilize these whips in devastating ways, from contriction, slashing, cutting and rending.
ThePsionic Whips can produce a psionic "shock" that can stun even the most powerful beings, including Daemonites, Kherubim High Lords, and super humans of Superman/Majestros levels. The more powerful the being, the less effective they are, however, and at that level, they could shrug off the stunning and constricting effect quickly.
These Psionic Whips can be cut or damaged, however, and will cause severe psionic "backlash" to Marc that can be debilitating.
Psychic Backlash:
Backlash has a unique ability, whether it is his genetic background combined with his training, or something else, it is formidable. He is nearly immune to telepathic attacks. Even the most powerful telepathic minds in the Universe have extreme difficulties penetrating his defenses. In fact, if a telepath attempts this, fails or even somehow penetrates Marc's outer mental defenses and tries to enter Marc's mind, the psionic Backlash that they encounter happens to be extremely painful and debilitating.
Marc has a more developed set of "six" senses than humans. His sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste are superhuman, perhaps 10X the levels of a normal human, and on par with some mutants and superhumans.
Sixth Sense:
Marc has a more developed "six" sense than humans, and is superhuman. All of his mental abilities are connected. They can wax and wane depending on his current mental state. Some days they are on par with some of the greatest mental minds on the planet, and others, they are in a weakened state. Which shows up depends on a lot of factors, and seem to be how he is "feeling" that day. 3000 years is a long time to go at full strength all the time, and his powers are always on. One of the things that make him such a great combatant, is his instincts. He has an uncanny sense of movement, what someone is going to do next, etc. and can almost feel when danger is there. A "sixth" sense.
Due to his heritage, Backlash can use his mind to move objects, including himself. This causes tremendous strain and is exhausting, directly proportional to the weight, power and force he is stopping/moving. He can lift and toss a small car, up to a ton.
Marc can use his powers to enable him to levitate, and even fly for short periods of time (10-15 minutes at most), at speeds up to 150 MPH.
Marc can also use his telekinesis to also create minor telekinetic shields that can stop the force of a blow, projectile fire, and even, with strain, energy weapons, although this will cause a severe headach if held for long.
Backlash has minor telepathic abilities. He has never really developed these powers, as he finds them...distasteful. He can read surface thoughts, and predict actions of another, which makes his martial arts skills even more effective.
Marc's vocal chords are more advanced than a human. He can sing baritone better than the greatest opera singers. His range is incredible, and is way beyond a human voice.
Backlash has an Phd in Astrophysics at Harvard. This is the scientific study of the methods and principles of physics and chemistry in the study of astronomical objects and phenomena. In others words, space.
Marc Slayton is an expert blade fighter, especially knives. Swords and other bladed weapons he is a master. Knives he is in the top percentile on the planet. Slayton likes it in close and personal, and will even forgo using his powers to get in close with a knife.
Covert Ops:
Marc Slayton has lived a long time. His life has been immersed in Covert Operations and Espionage. He has advanced training, experience, and knowledge from centuries in the field as a soldier, as a Government Agent, as an assassin, and a shadow. Marc has been taught, fought beside, and learned from quite literally the best of the best in this field over centuries. That makes him one of the most dangerous spies in the World. He is only seen when he wants to be seen. He makes Ninjas look like a solar flare.
Marc Slayton was born when the earth's history was young. He also has a near photographic memory. This is not a good thing. He remembers history, from bafter the fall of Atlantis, to the early stories of the great Kheran Empire, the Daemonite War, and on and on. Slayton remembers Earth history from the last 3000 years.
Backlash has an Phd in Kinesiology at Harvard. This is the scientific study of bodies and how they move. This deals with physiology, anatomy, biomechanics, pathology, neuropsychology and mechanism of movement. Perfect for a master of the martial arts.
Marc Slayton has lived a long time. He can read and write several dozen languages. Kherubim. Daemonite. Many Terran languages, such as Atlantean (Ancient and Modern), Chinese, Japanese, Russian, French, Spanish, Italian, German, Indian, and Arabic. Several alien languages, such as Kree, Interlac, Shi'ar, Gordanian, Khund, and a few other minor languages.
Marc Slayton is, strangely enough, a natural leader. He speaks with wisdom. Restraint. Practicality. Few words. When he talks, immortals listen. He is courageous, and willing to lead by example. This trait makes him an above average leader and manager. He also speaks to both sides of the spectrum...the "white knights" and the "black knights", which makes him the perfect go between. Absolutely honor is the right way to go...while holding a knife in the shadows to stab a miscreant in the back.
Marc Slayton is in the top 1 percent when it comes to using Firearms and Projectile Weapons. Small arms. Small bore and large bore firearms. Rifles, machine guns, automatic and assault weapons. Even bows, arrows, slings, and crossbows. After all, after a few hundred years, you learn everything about the things that can keep you alive.
Martial Arts:
Marc Slayton is one of the premier martial artists in the galaxy. He has fought and studied under some of the greatest fighters of the last 3000 years. He knows techniques that grand masters have never seen. Marc also will fight dirty if he has to, and will fight to win. This is always a last resort, but it is something he has learned over time. It is awesome to fight like a gentleman, but whoever walks away from the fight writes the history books. It should be noted that he is the best hand to hand fighter in the Wildstorm Universe, having defeated most of the premier fighters easily, and even Zealot twice, once with very little effort.
Marc Slayton has lived around Mysticism for 3000 years. He has known Sorceror Supremes. Lords of Order, and Chaos. Masters of the Mystic Arts. Shamen. Wiccans. Druids, and Spellcasters. Even knows a few spells and mystic lore himself. Enough to get himself into trouble. His knowldge is more Initiate level, and he has basic knowldge of occultism, learning, and mysticism. He may also have a mystical artifact or two hidden away for emergencies. After all, he is a child of Poseidonis.
Marc Slayton comes from an adavnced culture that has interstellar space travel. He can operate space craft, normal terrestrial vehicles, and aircraft. He is not a master pilot, far from it, but if you are desperate, he can take the reigns.
The art of being a spy. He knows his way around the world of Black Ops. Assassins. Organizations. Structure. Administration. Money Flow. How things work. Traditions, lore, even the movers and shakers in that world. The technology. Where to go, who to see, what to say. His very arrival opens doors, even to the most powerful organizations in the World. He was there at the dawn of SHIELD. And other darker organizations.
Strategy & Tactics:
Marc Slayton has lived for centuries. He is a master of strategy and tactics in ancient warfare and now, in modern warfare. He loves chess. He is a "big picture" thinker, and if you are planning a war, Slayton is the man to help you see the little picture...and big picture. His expertise really shines in dealing with the things that go wrong, and using assets to manipulate a situation towards a favourable outcome...such as assassination and "shadow" tactics".
The Whip:
Marc Slayton is the best fighter in the world, perhaps the Universe, when it comes to whips. His powers are perfectly in tune with his skill set when it comes to using these kinds of weapons. There is a reason he is called "Backlash". The lash, the whip, and similar weapons are a part of him. Literally. Even without his Psionic Whips, he has an intimate knowledge on how these unpredictable weapons work, react, block, disarm, stun, riposte, slash, constrict, grapple, penetrate, and cut. He has a precognitive psionic ability to know how they will react to any offensive and defensive situation. He has a surgical ability to deal damage to the nearest millimeter.
3000 Years:
Marc Slayton has lived for over 3000 years. He has artifacts, relics, money, investments, gold, silver, precious metals, gemstones, art, etc that is priceless - spread out in secure facilities from Switzerland, the United States, Canada, etc. He cares not for money.
Marc Slayton was born in the former capital city of Atlantis, Poseidonus, after Atlantis sank beneath the waves. Although a member of Kherubim Royalty, he is also an Atlantean citizen. Although he has never called upon his homeland, he can always call to them for aid if necessary and he proves who he says he is to this recent generation. He may also have an ancient Atlantean artifact or two hidden away for emergencies, just in case.
Kherubim Royalty:
Marc Slayton is a member of Kherubim Royalty. He was born the firstborn son of Lord S'ylton, an enhanced Kherubim High Lord and a metahuman Princess of Atlantis.
Marc Slayton has lived a very, very long time and is a Kherubim Lord. His costume is Kherubim armour. His weapons are all of advanced Kherubim design. They are nigh-indestrucible and able to withstand impacts of superhuman levels, including ballistic and energy weapons.
Marc was a member of the U.S. OSS (Office of Strategic Services), and indirectly the SSR, during the WWII when he was an intelligence operative. After the War, he continued working within intelligence, and even went to the USAF Academy where he received "higher" education. He can call upon survivors of those teams for help when necessary, and still maintains several contacts from his decades of intelligence work.
Marc Slayton has been a part of Stormwatch since the beginning. He has been the Field Leader, Drill Instructor and Commanding Officer of the august group. He knows the org. inside and out. He prefers to be the Instructor, Trainer, and Mentor of the Organization, not the boss. He can call upon all of the resources of the unit when necessary.
Marc Slayton's powers are primarily mental. They can be overloaded, and the psionic backlash can be excrutiating and debilitating.
Marc Slayton in an immortal. He has lived for over 3000 years. However, very few people in existence know that he is that old. Most that even know who he is, think that, due to his powers, he is just long lived, having been part of the United States military since at least the 1960s. After all, his hair is silver-white, so he must be old? It may become dangerous for him if the wrong people discovered that he has been around for over 3 millennium.
Marc Slayton's powers have waxed and waned over the centuries. Due to the unique genetic manipulation he has undergone to strengthen his powers, most of this has actually been more a detriment than an advantage. At times he can be nigh-unstoppable with his powers, a combat machine able to fight at Superman or Thor levels for brief periods of time. At others, he has to rely on his combat and physical prowess because he powers are weak and ineffective. Even at his weakest he is still a expert who has been in constant battle for 3000 years, so he is not to be underestimated. After all, it is hard to maintain 100 percent efficiency when your powers are "always on" - for 3000 years. Even immortals have bad days.
Marc Slayton is old. He has won a lot more battles than he has lost. That gives him an almost smug overconfidence that can be exploited. If you can catch him by surprise, or slip past his ego, you can beat him. Good luck!
Marc Slayton has lived over 3000 years. He also has a near photographic memory. This is not a good thing. He remembers history, from before Egypt, to the great Kherubim Empire, the Daemonite War, and on and on. This leaves him with a permanent state of PTSD, but he deals with it. Flashbacks happen. Nightmares happen. He remembers.
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Marc Slayton has
4 finished logs.
Title | Date | Scene Summary |
SHIELDs and Sentinels | April 22nd, 2024 | SHIELD members talk about the seizure of the Starport and what to do about it. |
Hydra vs SHIELD: Counterstrike | April 10th, 2024 | Hydra attacked the United Nations and made many people suffer. Now it's payback, and SHIELD is putting the blast back in them. Time to remind the serpent that SHIELD has bite and claws and vengeance. |
Two Kheran Meet...again | March 29th, 2024 | A cafeteria reunion, talking about parents, the war, and the future. |
Heroes Assemble 4th Anniversary: The Watchers | February 24th, 2024 | For the four year anniversary of Heroes Assemble Mush, Uatu the Watcher again hosts some of his colleagues to share what he has witnessed over the last two years of events on a small blue planet called Earth. |
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Marc Slayton has been credited in
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Marc Slayton has authored
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Group Memberships
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