Nellie Graves

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Nellie Graves (Scenesys ID: 3458)
Name: Annabelle "Nellie" Graves
Superalias: None
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Aspiring Shoppe Owner
Citizenship: Dual UK/US
Residence: Currently: Mobile
Education: Certified Herbalist & BA Fine Arts
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Justice League Dark
Apparent Age: 33 Actual Age: 33
Date of Birth 26 Oct 1988 Played By Emma Eliza Regan
Height: 5'9" Weight: 140 lb
Hair Color: Brunette Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Above and beyond anything else Nellie's a survivor and typically tends to think she has it 'all together'. She may sometimes be considered eccentric, given her choice of professions and interests, and fields of study. Nellie is nobody's fool, and still waters run only so deep. But give her a chance, treat her right and you might have a loyal friend for life.


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* 1988: Annabelle & twin brother Lee born to Edgar and Helene Graves, UK
* 1995: The Twins discover that they have some 'unnatural' abilities. Both excelled in school, and managed to keep it a secret.
* 2000: Anna & Leo have top marks in school. This is the year their parents disappear, and due to a 'family agreement' are now wards of their Paternal Aunt, Eliza
* 2001: After an accident with Leo falling out of a tree, Anna manages to partially heal his broken wrist to a serious sprain, but their aunt is suspicious; the twins turn 13 this year
* 2006: The last 5 years pass with little incident, the twins practicing in secret- Eliza always seemed to be sequestered in the office
* 2008: The search for their parents is officially called off- devastated, the twins are left to arrange the memorial ceremony; they move into a small detached farmhouse in Wiltshire, leaving the family manse to Eliza
* As attached as they are, the twins have difficulties maintaining friends and even romantic-potential partners; one night while at work, authorities would only describe as arson shattered Anna completely
* 2014: Alone, completely, Annabelle does not have a memorial, as the house they would have had goes to her aunt- instead, she asks for some ashes from her brother's room and in-urns them.
* 2014: Taking what was left to her, she fled... becoming a traveling nomad, calling herself merely 'Nellie' out of respect to her brother, seeking to learn, curate, study mysteries of all shapes and sizes- magic included, of course.
*2014-2021: 7 years of traveling, and on a hunch, Nellie stops to consider her future. Fall of that year she finds herself somewhere in (America?) on a lark...curiosity overtakes her, renewed.
* 2021: Her birth month certainly proved to be an intriguing thing indeed.

IC Journal

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Nellie seems collected, calm and casual most of the time, sometime drifting off into a dreamy state. A bit sardonic with a quick smirk and an arched brow, oft times quick to laugh. Laughing one moment, amused and stoic the next. She is a caring soul and quite congenial most of the time, though she can become frostily polite rather quick. Curious, eager and inquisitive, she's one of those you can't quite put a label on. Though for the most part she is not quick to anger, still waters run only so deep.

Character Sheet


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Anti Ward:
This prevents all but the most skilled to aggressively enter her shop or home. The intrusion will vibrate the small jade coin around her neck and set off a horrific tornado-siren like sound on location.

Normally able to heal relatively minor injuries with a gesture and some soft spoken words, such as broken noses or a split lip, perhaps even a gash that might require stitches but she is currently merely adept.

A two part ability that does two things- with a gesture and mental incantation with determination, she cast a spell to compel some people to look away from something she doesn't want them to see, acting as a basic distraction. This sticks to where she sets it. It can be fore-set as an innocuous bookshelf perhaps.

A combination mental incantation and gesture, the latter most subtle; an item or person will take on the exact color and texture of the environment, becoming effectively non-noticeable; lasts up to one hour, and a person is able to move freely. The effects vary from person to person.

With strong concentration on the look she wants and an unspoken incantation, Nellie can adjust her features ever so slightly, making up new looks; a simple glamour. She can adjust her hair, skin tone and general features to a certain degree, but little else for now. It's usually subtle. Each glamor lasts about an hour, and could easily be seen through by those more skilled.

This is what it says on the tin; she can set items to clean a place of her own, and also use a similar gestured and thought based control to wash, pack or do whatever might needs be to conserve something personal in a pinch. It's an easy solution to doing dishes, for one. She can sort books, knit, or queue books to find entries she's interested in.

She has always been of a sensitive and mental nature to things beyond the mortal world, empathic at times, and sometimes a bit more tender to the occult. Not quite a medium of sorts, typically, but it has happened.

This requires a focused mental thought and slight of hand, (currently only works on objects up to 10 lbs, within a half-mile)- line of sight not necessary if she knows where it is. It will manifest into her right hand when prepared.


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It's always been about survival. She's never considered using her magical abilities as anything but a fallback in a tight spot, if she can't take care of it in melee. She has trained primarily in some more MMA lite, self-defense, and the woman can be dangerous with smaller bladed weapons if she has one ready or near, on hand. Also, she maintains a daily workout whether cardio or otherwise.

Having been raised in 'social circles' once, Nellie has long studied and constrained being able to disguise, arrange and compose her reactions, judging and adjusting them as needs be depending on the situation and her level of comfort. A social situation? Likely to pull off with a breeze. Higher stakes in a terror level incident? She's nowhere near perfect, and it could be a serious struggle to not 'shoot' first and ask questions later.

A certified herbalist, her extensive study has given her an eye and a taste for what's poisounous and what's not, to a degree. She can harvest some herbs or plants for healing properties, at their basest forms, but for more extensive things she needs a place to 'brew'. This is something she continously studies and continues to research on the regular.

Partial Eidetic:
Nellie has around an 87 percent average of remembering something, moreso if it's in academia or literature; she does not have what can be known as 'total recall'. At times, it seems as if it's 'what is needed' and varies against time, sometimes placement and and/or sensations of an event. This is far from fail proof but has usually served her somewhat well.

She has developed and researched enough to utilize plants and other various herbs to create concotions meant to help and stabilise; currently, her tinctures include a calming draught, one of easy, dreamless sleep and one for sobering one up and/or giving one a boost of energy, and a simple burn paste for up to level 2 natural burn afflictions. There is nothing about anything she creates or ever would that would negate free will.

Years of traveling did not always take her to well established cities, and there were many times she had to learn to fend for herself in whatever wilds she was exposed to. From most to least, she can survive in forests and obscure and/or wooded areas, to a lesser degree in deserts and wastelands with minimal detection if any. The urban landscape should be easy enough? She's also a runner- theoretically, able to sprint unheeded for at least a mile within 4 minutes. She knows how to survive and hide in various ways.


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Since she was a teenager, Nellie has accrued a number of contacts both questionable and above board that she -might- be able to contact for information, ingredient or furthering certain magical abilities. Her solicitor back home, Reginald, a aging and former MI5 keeps her up to date on the goings on with her aunt and extended family as much as possible.

She was able, in the nick of time with a crack Solicitor to ensure she would take the excess of her own trust fund to witdraw her and Lee's value into something she could use for travel, research, and living expenses; she's by no means rich yet semi-comfortable, her aunt holds the majority, for now. That woman holds the grounds and lands and has a quarterly stipend of funds and the manse. Neliie squirrels any extra into a secret bank account only she can access.


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Anyone stronger than her would probably be able to overpower her, at least physically; her mental shields are strong as her convictions, her stubbornness to live and will to fight. But, even this is no shield against one truly skilled and strong. Perhaps some day she can overcome that, but for now it is what it is.

She suffers from sometimes crippling anxiety attacks. Deep rooted beneath the woman she's become is still a scared girl who has suffered great loss in her life. A voice in her head sometimes chimes in that she's not worth anything, she's a failure, she should have died with her brother. Trying to balance this with everything else... one tip in the wrong direction and she could be a step away from a severe panic attack in a corner, paralysed, or worse... incapable of doing little but breathe.

Her sense of loyalty directly ties in to her stubbornness and determination, and drive. Corner a lioness in a cave and she will lash out; things in her childhood have left her scarred in more ways than one, but her wounds and obedience /could/ be manipulated with the right triggers.

Her main weakness is to any and all that Nellie comes into contact with that she ends up with some form of familiarity, probably partially in due to her empathic (or so called bleeding) heart. Acquaintances, friends, and Found Family might be those primarily she could be targeted to protect or defend, if the target is not herself. Losing touch of herself in an extremely situation could be - bad- if she's not talked down.



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Nellie Graves has 2 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
A New Case November 27th, 2021 The Laughing Magician is quiet on a Friday, the normal patrons spooked by a serial killer in Hell's Kitchen. Sara, Jon, and Nellie talk to Chas about the Demon Constantine and the bizzare murders in the area--which is the new case that just happened to land on Sara's desk that very morning.
A Familiar Face. November 5th, 2021 A familiar face shows up at the Laughing Magician and, of course, John's moving Nellie in next door. ... rent free.


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Nellie Graves has been credited in 0 shows.

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Nellie Graves has been credited in 0 albums.

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Nellie Graves has authored 0 books.

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