Justice League Dark

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Justice League Dark
Founded 09 October 2021
Headquarters Candle, Booke, and Belle Tea Shop
Leadership: Sara Pezzini, Michael Hannigan, John Constantine
Brief Summary When things go bump in the night to portions of the extreme, these are the people you want on your side.
Members: Richard Stadler, Amy Winston, Belinda Gutierrez, Cain Marko, Daniel Ketch, Johnny Blaze, Joshua Foley, Marie-Ange Colbert, Megan Gwynn, Meggan Puceanu, Mercy Thompson, Patience Alperen, Rachel Summers, Sprite, Sunrise Aberdeen, Talia al Ghul, Shun Cruz, Zatanna Zatara
Allies: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Diana Prince, Caleb Dykstra, Jubilation Lee, Stephen Strange, Blue GhostEyes, Tom McCarthy, Tomie Kawakami

Additional Group Information

Group Assets

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Communications Devices

  • Users are allowed to opt in for a combination of the below devices.
  • Issued items only work for the person they're issued to.
  • Issued items have the ability to be used for group or individual communication based off of user's preference.
  • Precautions have been made to ensure all communications are only received by those the message is intended for.
First Generation Items
  • Requires 24 hours to recharge once a month by leaving them alone without activation
    • Mystic Comms Amulet:
      • Magic-powered communications bead
      • Tied to an item provided by the member to enchant.
      • Voice activated with the specifc key phrase 'Mahna Mahna'
    • Leather-bound Notepad:
      • A small (12" x 6") simple notepad
      • Will act like a regular notepad for non-owners
      • Sends written messages, hand drawn pictures, and even photographs, provided it can be placed into the pad before it is closed.
      • Notepad pages can be torn out and will replenish over time. If all pages are filled up, new ones will fill in.
Second Generation Items
  • These items are backwards compatible with first generation items
  • They have the ability of returning to the owner when lost
    • Orb of Secrets
      • Small orbs about the size of a large marble and can be made into a necklace, bracelet or even a keychain. They are crafted from crystal quartz and are carved in a way that lends them the appearance of a closed eye. The eye will open when the orb is used to transmit visual information.
      • Can relay both audial and visual information - both at the same time or individually.
      • Has a limited amount of obfuscation in the form of a 'look away' enchantment. Anyone with mystical senses has the chance to see through this.
      • Can float for handsfree communication and even to be sent ahead to 'scope out' a situation.
      • Activated by will, not verbal command
      • If a distress signal is sent out via these orbs - any of the others in the communication loop can be used to ascertain the most direct route to the call.
    • Shadow Quill
      • Pens that resemble old school fountain pens carved from bone and etched with obscure mystical sigils. Their tips are made from mithril. The sigils glow faintly when the pens are in use.
      • Writes on any surface, even tracing words in the air.
      • Messages will appear to those that are meant to see them via the most convenient method. If the intended is watching TV - the message will show on the screen. If the intended is starting off at nothing, the message will appear in the air like skywriting.

Headquarters and Bases

Candle, Booke, and Belle

A New-Age catchall and tea shop in New York City. Whether you're looking for a custom tea, smudging materials and apothecary herbs, resins for your inscense burner or a really cool new hooded cloak, you may be able to find it at the Candle, Booke & Belle. There are occasionally poetry readings and ritual workshops hosted here during public hours, with a secret Cursed Vault maintained for the storage of malignant items, either permanently stored or held before transfer to more secure locations. The Shoppe is supported by its own mundane services, with occasional costs covered by the trust fund set aside from the Crowe Shipping Company before Nettie's departure.

  • Primary Headquarters
House of Mystery

This ancient abode of the First Murderer exists somewhat perpendicular to spacetime. It's a repository of many formidable magical objects and relics, and there are prisons and warded cells in the basement that hold back puissant and dangerous entities. The library, as ancient as the house itself, holds secrets mere men shouldn't know. Many entities would destroy whole worlds to get their hands on the House of Mystery, but the real value of the House is this: it cannot be destroyed, it cannot be found, and it cannot be invaded by force. The House is a semi-living thing, perhaps even conscious in a way that defies human understandings of 'aware.'

  • Secondary Headquarters and Emergency Recall Location

Full Summary

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Everyone knows the Justice League; the heroes with capes, with grandeur, with Truth and Justice who take on all manner of evildoers and villains... but everyone who walks in the Light should be aware that shadows are cast and rarely thought of.

The Justice League Dark is the shadow to the heroes who walk in the light. A collection of Supernatural Beings, Occult Practitioners, witches and sorcerers and assassins, this is the part of the League that works in the background to face threats from beyond the veil of the stars, beneath the crust of the Earth, forged from the fires of the damned and echoed out into the Aether. The weird, the wonderous, the witches and wizards, vampires who have turned on their own kind and those who have gotten their hands dirty are welcome.

Based out of the Candle, Booke & Belle's sanctuary in New York City, the division was founded to fight supernatural fiends of all shapes and sizes. You may never find the glory of wrapping paper with your face on it, but you will never find others so dedicated to fighting for the world, and each other.

Notable Events

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