Paul Ramsey

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Paul Ramsey (Scenesys ID: 3418)
Name: Paul Ramsey
Superalias: None
Gender: Male
Species: Fallen Angel
Occupation: Detective, Gotham PD
Citizenship: UK and US
Residence: Gotham
Education: Eons of experience, London PD training
Theme: Original (OC)
Groups: Gothamites, Mystic Arts, Justice League Dark
Apparent Age: {{{PAge}}} Actual Age: n/a
Date of Birth N/A Played By Gerard Butler
Height: 6'2" Weight: 190 lb
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Blue
Theme Song: "Safe & Sound" by Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars:

Character Info


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To most, Paul Ramsey is a former London PD detective who's moved to Gotham to work in the Special Crimes division. He's aloof and a little odd, but that could just be culture shock.

In truth, Paul Ramsey was once the guardian angel Eloniel, who Fell partway from Heaven--landing on Earth, rather than Hell, because he intervened to save a life. Now he's trying to get by, to continue helping humans and keep himself from Falling any further.


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* Eons Ago: Eloniel is an angel whose closest compatriots join Lucifer's rebellion and Fall. Eloniel refuses to join them despite his own doubts.
* Over the span of human history, Eloniel is assigned to various humans as a guardian or guide. He indulges his rebellious spirit in small ways, helping them when he should not, giving them comfort where he can. He manages to keep within the bounds of his position largely because he is never assigned to anyone whose situation he takes as truly unjust.
* 2011: Eloniel finally reaches his limit when one of his charges nearly dies through no fault of his own. Eloniel saves his life, and Falls to Earth.
* 2012: Eloniel has set up a life for himself as Paul Ramsey, and joins the London PD, working in the Whitechapel district.
* 2014: Paul's work as a constable has been exemplary, and a combination of good field work and excellent test scores get him moved to Detective Constable.
* 2016: Paul solves a string of murders committed by a man in a clown costume, using only his own deductive skills and not a single bit of angelic power. His work is exemplary, and he's promoted again, to the London PD's Special Crimes Division.
* 2021: After several years of further high-profile cases, Paul decides to move to Gotham to help with the area's spate of difficult cases. He transfers to the Gotham PD's Special Crimes Division.

IC Journal

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Outwardly, Paul can seem aloof and sometimes cold. He doesn't entirely understand humans, not being one of them, and he's not always great at initial social reactions--particularly hiding his occassional bafflement at human nature behind an outwardly cold exterior.

Patient and Kind:
Paul is, as one might expect for a (former) angel, patient and kind and compassionate. He can be firm when need be, but at his core he loves humans. His true name, Eloniel, marks him out as a metaphorical oak tree--strongly rooted, wide and sheltering branches, providing nourishment and comfort to those with his shade.

Unsurprisingly for a guardian angel, Paul is protective to a fault. It's one reason he chose to become a police officer--to serve and protect. He can be overbearing at times in his protective nature, and sometimes he has to turn away from someone who won't let him help and protect them.

Character Sheet


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Angelic Physiology:
Paul's enhanced physiology is somewhere around "super soldier" status or maybe peak human condition--stronger, tougher, faster than normal humans, but not to the degree of his former angelic self. He also heals faster than a normal human, the speed of this depending on the severity of the injury. Less severe wounds will heal almost instantly; worse ones will take longer.

Another leftover of his angelic nature, Paul can sense the emotions of others. Some remnant of his original ability as a guardian angel remains intact--with strangers and acquaintances, the range of this is about fifteen feet, letting him exist in the world without a constant deluge of emotion that his almost-human mind could not handle. Those he knows well and cares about deeply he can feel at great distances, and those he /truly/ loves, in whatever fashion, he can pinpoint and even be at their side in a blink if assistance is needed. This teleportation might not work through shielding of various sorts, and requires a true and deep bond.

Paul can, with some effort, extend his healing powers to others. It takes longer than it would take to heal himself, and it requires concentration. There's no guarantee he can heal all wounds before someone will die.

Long Lived:
Paul has lived since very nearly the beginning and has been watching the human race all that time. There are many things he doesn't understand, but he does /know/ a great deal and carries that knowledge with him.

The Fall broke Paul's wings but did not remove them entirely. Most of the time they are "folded" and thus both invisible and unable to be used. When they are visible, they appear magically through clothing and the like. They are tattered and torn, but he can manage a limited amount of flight--a dozen or so city blocks, at a low altitude. They can also as a protective shield for himself and others--enough to hold off bullets or a magical flame, something like a magically-reinforced kevlar vest.


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Paul /loves/ dancing. He's good at it, he's graceful and elegant, he's taken classes and studied a variety of styles. It's one of the places where he can let go and fully enjoy himself.

Paul's experience as Detective Inspector in the London PD has given him extensive knowledge of, well, inspecting. He has the training to look over a scene and find small details, and put pieces together to solve a puzzle or a crime.

While London police don't handle firearms as often as American ones do, Paul knows the basics and will be training further. Right now he can hit center mass without a problem, but pinpoint shots are not yet his thing.

Hand To Hand:
Paul's trained himself extensively in hand-to-hand combat, specifically the kind of down-and -dirty fighting that happens on the streets. It's non-lethal, and goes along with his prior experience as a constable who had to stop problems without a gun.

Occult Knowledge:
Even beyond his years as an angel, his work helping the London PD with "weird" crimes has led Paul to seek out knowledge of magic. Even if he can't use it, he can understand it quite well.


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House In Whitechapel:
Paul is keeping his little house in Whitechapel, an old but well-maintained place that's one of the few single residency dwellings left on the block.

Identity Documents:
It's a normal thing for most people, but Paul /does/ have a fairly ironclad identity stating that he was actually born and grew up in London, there's a paper trail, the whole nine yards.

Paul thinks long-term, as might be expected, so he's lived frugally and made investments that will allow him to retire and live in obscurity when and if he's lived long enough to need to hide from the world and re-start later down the line. He's not rich, but can live comfortably.


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Halfway Down:
There is a tiny seed of rebellion down in what used to be the angel Eloniel. He would make a /very/ good demon, all that passion and love for humans turned to tempting them instead. There is every chance that a slip-up could make Paul Fall further. He avoids certain things, dealings with Heaven and Hell, major events, so that he won't be tempted to cross another line and complete his Fall. He works with the police as much to keep himself in line as to protect others.

Not Human:
However much he may love them, Paul isn't human and never will be. He feels strange and out of place, not understand how fast human society and technology changes. He's climbed the ranks through sheer ability, but always had trouble connecting socially with his fellow officers. He's odd and awkward with strangers, that sort of thing.

Other Fallen:
Eloniel was part of a group of angels who, almost to a one, joined Lucifer in the rebellion. There are old compatriots who would love to see him join them finally, or might want to seek revenge, and even just normal demons would be /thrilled/ to add another to their ranks.



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Paul Ramsey has 5 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
PoP: The Exorcist(s) October 28th, 2021 Members of the Night Brigade cleanse a church and its congregation of the evil plaguing it.
A DAY at the Laughing Magician October 27th, 2021 John and the Night Brigade gain another puppy, his name is Dex. More stuff happened, there were feelings involved, a new case John was working on ends up possibly being connected to John and Chas' past. It was just a DAY. ...and a really long scene.
Through a Looking Glass Darkly October 23rd, 2021 For once, a day ending in Y doesn't end with blood and broken bones for anyone.
Helluva First Night October 21st, 2021 John shows Paul the demon and keeps the promise he made to try and give up one of his own. The two of them make a minor breakthrough regarding the Thinnings and then spend their first night in the US together.
PoP: Care Bears Gone Wrong October 19th, 2021 Wal-Mart is bad enough, but when a Thinning brings a blast from Nettie's past to bare, it gets all kinds of weird. Who knew that Cocomelon and Barbie could be so *brutal*? The good guys get the win at the end of another day ending in Y for the Night Brigade.


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Paul Ramsey has 5 finished logs.

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Paul Ramsey has been credited in 0 shows.

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Paul Ramsey has been credited in 0 albums.

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Paul Ramsey has authored 0 books.

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