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Among the New Gods in any given realm, there is always one who is at a state of greatest harmony with the demesne. They shape the dimension with their will, even as they are shaped by its energies. This individual is the Primarch. In many respects, a Primarch is a ideologue with many of the same objectives and capabilities.

Primarchs are not driven by the same motivations that afflict mortals. They are created because they are necessary, an 'anchor' for the thematic aspects of their realm. And the realm exists to give them a place to stand. Places like Asgard exist partially in the reality of space, and therefore are subject to many of the laws of physics and the 'rules' of magic that govern it. Somewhere like Limbo, on the other hand, is a chaotic mess and responds rapidly to the will and intent of the person who directs the harmony of that place.

It is possible for another New God to subdue them or even steal their power, and seize their power-- particularly if the Primarch has become so deviant they have lost harmony with the demesne. This can lead to the entire demesne changing harmony, a rare and exciting event when it happens-- or the challenger, in assuming that role, discovers they are now more ruled by the land than they expected..