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<span style="color:#009999">'''Timeline:'''</span>
<span style="color:#009999">'''Timeline:'''</span>
<br>*1170: Bennet is born. Son of a poor knight serving a minor Parisian nobleman.<br>*1182: Mutant powers start manifesting, Bennet has visions, things levitate around him. Bennet's father and the local priests perform an exorcism and impose penance on the young mutant. Bennet learns to suppress his abilities through raw willpower, although still uses them subconsciously to become a formidable fighter.<br>*1188: Warriors are called for the Third Crusade. Having no future in France and swept by the righteous fury of the Christians, Bennet joins the army of France, swears loyalty to a nobleman, and departs for the Holy Land.<br>*1189: Bennet meets Eobar Garrington, the Black Knight of England, one of the greatest fighters of the age. When his liege lord dies, Bennet swears fealty to Eobar and becomes part of his retinue.<br>*1190-119x: Under Eobar's mentorship Bennet becomes one of the most skilled warriors among the Crusaders. He is the Black Knight's constant companion in numerous adventures against the Muslim armies, as well as monsters and bandits plaguing the Holy Land.<br>*119x: Investigating the legendary land of Akkaba, Bennet becomes separated from Eobar's group and is captured by the immortal mutant Apocalypse. Apocalypse recognizes Bennet as one of his own, and subjects him to the Horseman treatment, brainwashing him, but also awakening and altering his vast psychic powers and his body.<br>Bennet is commanded to kill the Black Knight, but in the confrontation Eobar's skill and the might of the Ebon Blade manage to carry the day. Bennet is injured and abandoned by Apocalypse. Deprived of the presence of other mutants Bennet slips into hibernation coma.<br>The Crusaders believe that Bennet is dead, but he remains almost invulnerable and the corpse won't decay. Deciding he is possessed by a demon; they entomb him in a sarcophagus.<br>*12xx: As the Crusaders withdraw from the Holy Land Bennet sarcophagus is taken to a Templar castle in Switzerland. And then it is forgotten for eight centuries.<br>*2021: Following clues and rumors about a medieval super-human that could be a mutant (although expecting to find just a skeleton and perhaps some genetic data) Magneto and some of his Acolytes enter the crypt where Bennet was buried, awakening him with their presence. Quickly understanding he was in the presence of a king, Bennet listens to Magneto.
<br>*1170: Bennet is born. Son of a poor knight serving a minor Parisian nobleman.<br>*1182: Mutant powers start manifesting, Bennet has visions, things levitate around him. Bennet's father and the local priests perform an exorcism and impose penance on the young mutant. Bennet learns to suppress his abilities through raw willpower, although still uses them subconsciously to become a formidable fighter.<br>*1188: Warriors are called for the Third Crusade. Having no future in France and swept by the righteous fury of the Christians, Bennet joins the army of France, swears loyalty to a nobleman, and departs for the Holy Land.<br>*1189: Bennet meets Eobar Garrington, the Black Knight of England, one of the greatest fighters of the age. When his liege lord dies, Bennet swears fealty to Eobar and becomes part of his retinue.<br>*1190-119x: Under Eobar's mentorship Bennet becomes one of the most skilled warriors among the Crusaders. He is the Black Knight's constant companion in numerous adventures against the Muslim armies, as well as monsters and bandits plaguing the Holy Land.<br>*119x: Investigating the legendary land of Akkaba, Bennet becomes separated from Eobar's group and is captured by the immortal mutant Apocalypse. Apocalypse recognizes Bennet as one of his own, and subjects him to the Horseman treatment, brainwashing him, but also awakening and altering his vast psychic powers and his body.<br>Bennet is commanded to kill the Black Knight, but in the confrontation Eobar's skill and the might of the Ebon Blade manage to carry the day. Bennet is injured and abandoned by Apocalypse. Deprived of the presence of other mutants Bennet slips into hibernation coma.<br>The Crusaders believe that Bennet is dead, but he remains almost invulnerable and the corpse won't decay. Deciding he is possessed by a demon; they entomb him in a sarcophagus.<br>*12xx: As the Crusaders withdraw from the Holy Land Bennet sarcophagus is taken to a Templar castle in Switzerland. And then it is forgotten for eight centuries.<br>*2021: Following clues and rumors about a medieval super-human that could be a mutant (although expecting to find just a skeleton and perhaps some genetic data) Magneto and some of his Acolytes enter the crypt where Bennet was buried, awakening him with their presence. Quickly understanding he was in the presence of a king, Bennet listens to Magneto.<br>*2016: Following clues and rumors about a medieval super-human that could be a mutant (although expecting to find just a skeleton and perhaps some genetic data) Magneto and some of his Acolytes enters the crypt where Bennet was buried, awakening him with his presence. Quickly understanding he was in the presence of a king, Bennet listens to Magneto.<br>*2017-2020: Bennet swears fealty to Magneto and becomes one of his deadliest agents. Now Paris Bennet, he learns modern English and receives training in his powers, as well as a modern education. But deep down he is still a medieval knight, extremely merciless due to Apocalypse brainwashing.<br>*2020: Genosha is destroyed while Paris is in a mission in Russia. When he returns, he is heart-broken and retires to live as a penitent hermit in the mountains. But when he hears Lorna Dane is willing to take his father's throne and rebuild the country, he decides it is his duty to help her.<br>*2021: After a time helping in the rebuilding of Genosha, Exodus accepts to serve Lorna as long as Magneto doesn't command otherwise.
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Medieval Knight:'''</span>
<span style="color:#1f75FE">'''Medieval Knight:'''</span>
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<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Enhanced Body:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Enhanced Body:'''</span>
<br>When Paris was captured by Apocalypses, the ancient mutant subjected him to the Celestial enhancement he uses on his Horsemen. In his case the changes have stuck for good. It likely altered his powers, and definitely altered his body. Exodus has minor super-human strength (can life about a ton) and slightly enhanced reflexes, speed and endurance. He is very tough; very, very tough. Bullets do little to him, and he can survive and remain conscious after being punched full force by people like Rogue. Usually. He is immortal, or at least he ages so slowly than in eight centuries he has changed very little.<br><br>
<br>When he was captured by Apocalypse, he was subjected to the full procedure of turning him into one of his Horsemen, is a process utilizing Celestial technology. This involved extensive physical upgrades, and may have modified his original powers as well. While he is not subject to Apocalypse's control anymore, the upgrades were fully incorporated into his being.<br><br>1) Minor Superhuman Strength: On his own, he can regularly lift upwards of a ton before exertion is necessary. This same upgrade also bestows him with slightly above human reflexes and agility.<br>2) Superhuman Toughness: Ordinary munitions and the like are no threat to him. He can stand tall under regular gunfire with no concern. He has taken a punch from Rogue and remained conscious, though that did hurt him.<br>3) Superhuman Stamina: Exodus can remain functional and active for indeterminate lengths without noticeable rest. In technical terms, so long as there is a mutant population within fifty miles of him and he is only moderately engaged he can operate at peak performance for up to a week without rest or sustenance. Intense activity requires that he be significantly closer or take periodic breaks and indulge regular sustenance to supplement.<br>4) Possible Immortal: It isn't clear if he doesn't age, or just ages so slowly that ordinary methods of calculation can't quantify. For example, he was at rest for eight centuries and looks no older than when he was captured by Apocalypse.<br>5) Resistances: Ordinary toxins, poisons, and illnesses do not phase him. As he has never been exposed to anything extraterrestrial, it's unclear how far this extends. He is also able to impressively withstand abnormal extremes of heat, cold, and even earthly radiation such as nuclear or microwave, though he is hardly immune to such.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Telekinesis:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Telekinesis:'''</span>
<br>Exodus is an omega-class mutant telekinetic. His main power is the telekinesis, which is second to none. He can crush buildings, lift small mountains, and at the high of his might (surrounded by tens of thousands of mutants) he was able to cast an impenetrable forcefield over a large city.<br><br>Almost all the usual telekinetic tricks are in his arsenal. He can form forcefields, throw powerful force blasts, fly at supersonic speed and augment his physical strength enough to trade punches with someone like Colossus.<br><br>Although his telekinesis seems to work at the macro scale, he can, with some effort, affect the electromagnetic spectrum and create blasts of electricity and heat. He can certainly create light, and he does constantly. His body glows in the dark.<br><br>
<br>This is his the power for which he is best known, as a Psionic of the Highest Order. As a telekinetic of this magnitude, he is capable of prodigious feats. A few applications for which he is commonly known are as follows:<br>1)Force Field: Perhaps the best known of his powers and the one that has earned him much of his reputation, he has canonically generated fields that held stoutly against multiple XMen teams at once with little effort. With a place like Genosha behind him where there are literally millions of mutants to sustain his efforts, he could even possibly defend against the power cosmic.<br>2) Object Manipulation: The next ability for which he has notoriety. He has the ability to fly at low super sonic speeds, limited mostly by his perceptions and reflexes using this aspect of his power suite. In the more typical, he is fully capable of lifting small mountains or collapsing skyscrapers. On the lower end of that spectrum, he is oft wont to braid his hair in the mornings as an example of the fine control he has achieved on his own.<br>3) Force Blasts: He is capable of casually bombarding with blasts of raw force in the tens of tons range, or he can project a sustained barrage in excess of a hundred tons of direct force. Similarly, when he is surrounded there is the option of generating an explosive burst from his person to throw off his attackers!<br>4) Augmentation: He can telekinetically simulate properties of nigh impermeability or indestructibility with his forcefield, for example to make a sword seem indestructible. Or he can use direct telekinesis to make himself seem far stronger than he truly is, in either or both cases to perhaps enjoy a melee with a superhuman.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Telepathy:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Telepathy:'''</span>
<br>Exodus is a full spectrum telepath of considerable power. He can read minds, communicate, read memories, alter memories, even personalities, project simple illusions (like making himself 'invisible'), and project his astral form. His telepathic shields are very formidable, although likely somewhat crude compared with more experienced telepaths. His main limitation seems to be he lacks the range of telepaths of similar power. A few hundred yards for his reading/talking skills, and he must touch the targets to alter memories and personalities. Likewise, he seems unable to project his astral form very far from his body, although he can enter the Astral Plane where he is, like most telepaths, a god-like force.<br><br>
<br>Exodus is a full spectrum telepath of considerable power. He can read minds, communicate, read memories, alter memories, even personalities, project simple illusions (like making himself 'invisible'), and project his astral form. His telepathic shields are very formidable, although likely somewhat crude compared with more experienced telepaths. His main limitation seems to be he lacks the range of telepaths of similar power. A few hundred yards for his reading/talking skills, and he must touch the targets to alter memories and personalities. Likewise, he seems unable to project his astral form very far from his body, although he can enter the Astral Plane where he is, like most telepaths, a god-like force.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Teleportation:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Teleportation:'''</span>
<br>Exodus, "the journeyman bridging the chasm between an ancient past and a distant, inevitable future." So sayeth the Eternal Pharaoh. Ironically, Paris sojourn into the current age was the price of his failure. But Apocalypse knew Paris would be a powerful teleporter, and he is.<br><br>He can teleport about a thousand miles with a single jump. And anything under half that is barely an effort. He can also, given a few seconds, open a large gateway in the air and allow two-way transport for large groups. He can keep the gateway open for minutes, although he needs to concentrate.<br><br>
<br>Exodus, the journeyman bridging the chasm between an ancient past and a distant, inevitable future. So sayeth the Eternal Pharaoh. Little did he suspect that it would be his failure that caused his sojourn into the distant future, though he was fully aware that he would be a powerful teleporter.<br><br>Bennet is fully capable of teleporting himself upwards of a thousand miles on his own and in a single jump. For leaps of less than half of this it takes little effort at all. Where he shines in this role is his ability to open a rift or portal allowing for small groups to step through to distant locations that he has been, or knows specific and comprehensive details about, such as with the assistance of a clairvoyant. Using his power in this method takes effort, and he can maintain a portal for minutes at a time though with concentration. He able to transport people somewhat less far than he is able to his own person due to the focus involved.<br><br>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Vampire and Healer:'''</span>
<span style="color:#8a14ff">'''Vampire and Healer:'''</span>
<br>Paris needs mutants around to keep his powers. In fact, without any mutant nearby, he will weaken and fall into hibernation (see weaknesses). His powers as described here mean he has been living in the last day or so among something like 10 to 1,000 mutants within a few miles of him. That is the typical modern city.<br><br>If there are less, he is weaker. When he faced the Black Knight in the 12th Century he was certainly weaker than he is now. If there are many more mutants, tens of thousands at least, his powers increase. At millions of mutants around him, he becomes pretty much invincible, and he was pretty much invincible while he lived in Genosha.<br><br>He can also drain mutants of their life energies to enhance his powers. The typical mutant boosts him a fair deal if he drains the victim to the point of killing him or her. An omega-class mutant will give him enormous power for about a day. If he drains just a bit of power (maybe just to knock out the target for a minute) he gets only a slight boost, unless the mutant is an omega class, in which case his powers can easily double in raw force.<br><br>He can also use his own life force (this will exhaust him quickly) or borrowed life force to heal himself or to heal other mutants. There is a story going he can even resurrect the dead. And he can sometimes, but only as long as enough mutants are donating energy and the target has been dead only a few hours at most, and not too badly mangled.<br><br>Both the draining and healing is limited to mutants only.
<br>Paris needs mutants around to keep his powers. In fact, without any mutant nearby, he will weaken and fall into hibernation (see weaknesses). His powers as described here mean he has been living in the last day or so among something like 10 to 1,000 mutants within a few miles of him. That is the typical modern city.<br><br>If there are less, he is weaker. When he faced the Black Knight in the 12th Century he was certainly weaker than he is now. If there are many more mutants, tens of thousands at least, his powers increase. At millions of mutants around him, he becomes pretty much invincible, and he was pretty much invincible while he lived in Genosha.<br><br>He can also drain mutants of their life energies to enhance his powers. The typical mutant boosts him a fair deal if he drains the victim to the point of killing him or her. An omega-class mutant will give him enormous power for about a day. If he drains just a bit of power (maybe just to knock out the target for a minute) he gets only a slight boost, unless the mutant is an omega class, in which case his powers can easily double in raw force.<br><br>He can also use his own life force (this will exhaust him quickly) or borrowed life force to heal himself or to heal other mutants. There is a story going he can even resurrect the dead. And he can sometimes, but only as long as enough mutants are donating energy and the target has been dead only a few hours at most, and not too badly mangled.<br><br>Both the draining and healing is limited to mutants only.
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Knight:'''</span>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Knight:'''</span>
<br>Bennet is a warrior of great skill in the old European traditions. He was a chivalric knight in the truest meaning, being trained in all manner of weapons and especially skilled with the sword and bare fisted fighting. He was at home riding his horse into battle bedecked in plate armor with lance or sword in hand. Bennet served for ten years in a crusader army all across the holy land during some of the most violent episodes of that fateful period, and saw many occasions to perfect his field craft living off of the land and tending his own injuries. In addition to this, he is a passable blacksmith, able to mend his own equipment or forge shoes for a horse admirably.<br><br>
<br>Paris was a knight of great skill. Besides being an excellent fighter with all kinds of medieval weapons (swords in particular) or his bare hands and he is an accomplished horseman. He is a passable smith, so he could repair his weapons and armor. And he knows how to take good care of a horse. After almost ten years in the medieval Holy Lands Paris was quite able to survive in very arid conditions, finding water, shelter and food in such terrain in the middle of a war.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Languages:'''</span>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Languages:'''</span>
<br>Paris native language is medieval French. He can also speak and read slowly passable Latin and Classic Arabic. He is fully bilingual in modern English. His telepathics allows him to learn languages quickly, although he has yet to learn the trick to just 'downloading' them.
<br>Paris' native language is medieval French. He can also speak and read slowly passable Latin and Classic Arabic. He is fully fluent in modern English. Moreover, his telepathy allows him to learn languages almost instantly, and since Genosha accepts mutants from all over the world, he is fluent (although keeps an accent) in many modern languages.<br><br>
<span style="color:#00CED1">'''Swordsman:'''</span>
<br>Bennet is a master swordsman in his own right. While not at the level of his old friend and travel companion Eobar Garrington, the Black Knight of his era, he would have easily felled a warrior of Apocalypse had his sword been equal to the task. Bennet is a champion of the French Crown, or was, as such his skill and experience are formidable especially after ten years of war in the Holy Land. He is knowledgeable in the use of a variety of swords beyond his preferred longsword, and is a proficient fencer and savvy duelist. He is also confident and competent enough to perform gymnastic feats while fighting, whether armored or not!
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Spartan:'''</span>
<span style="color:#228B22">'''Spartan:'''</span>
<br>Bennet is a man of few wants or needs. He actively shuns ostentatiousness, finding such to be vulgar and beneath him. In the ongoing repair of the nation of Genosha, this is probably a good attitude to have.<br><br>Bennet has the knightly raiment of his crusader youth, including his field plate armor and longsword of Damascus steel, and his more modern and lighter weight purple and black combat jumpsuit with white cloak. He keeps his older gear mostly to remember where he came from, and the sword to exercise with. If he ever had the time, he would also like to have a horse.
<br>Exodus has few needs and prefers to live spartanly, but as one of Genosha's champions he has a large suite in the royal palace with all the usual modern luxuries (which he barely uses) but few personal items beyond his clothes and uniform. He also has a cabin close to the mountains where he keeps his old sword and chainmail and some mementos, which he finds more comfortable, and where he goes to meditate and relax. Close to the cabin he has a barn for his horse, Artax (the name he picked from a movie he thought was okay). Riding his horse is one of his few hobbies.
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Angry Zealot:'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Angry Zealot:'''</span>
<br>Paris is not an easy guy to get along. He is a medieval knight. He has a cause, and his cause is his life. He has expectations. Most people fall short of them. (Magneto didn't: he was a true king!). So, he looks always vaguely disappointed and angry. Because usually he is, and getting him into a fight is very easy.<br><br>
<br>Paris is not an easy guy to get along. He is a medieval knight. He has a cause, and his cause is his life. He has expectations. Most people fall short of them. (Magneto didn't: he was a true king!). So, he looks always vaguely disappointed and angry. Because usually he is, and getting him into a fight is very easy.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''From Another Time:'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''From Another Time:'''</span>
<br>Paris has been only four years in the modern world. He has been learning, but he remains very ignorant of many things. Pop culture confuses him. He is vaguely aware cars are not magical but work consuming fuel and using heat to move, but computers vex him. A cellphone... yes, he can use it, very basically. He can read and write, but most 10 years old can read and write faster than him (his calligraphy is pretty fancy, though). Political and economic systems, well... no. They all sound stupid and absurdly complicated to him. He is not dumb, but he has a lot to learn.<br><br>In his mind, a man is a man. A woman is a woman. Men should not lie, behave with dishonor, disrespect their betters, be rude to women, or abusive to their lesser. Women should marry good men, raise children, support their spouses, and not live on their own or fight in wars. Kings rule, serfs toil and obey. The modern world is a mess!<br><br>
<br>Paris has been around eight years in the modern world. He has been learning, but he is reluctant to change. Pop culture still confuses him. He will use modern tools, but he is not interested in technology, and prefers to read about philosophy and theology. He dislikes modern political and economic systems. They all sound rather stupid and too complicated for most people to grasp. He firmly believes in monarchy and feudal codes of honor. Men (and women) of honor should not lie, behave with dishonor, disrespect their betters, be rude to women, or abusive to their lesser.<br><br>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Mutant Dependent:'''</span>
<span style="color:#EE204D">'''Mutant Dependent:'''</span>
<br>Paris needs to feed of the psychic presence of mutants to sustain his powers and live. With few mutants around, his powers are significatively reduced. With no mutants around, he can go on only for about a day before slipping in a coma-like hibernation.
<br>Paris needs to feed of the psychic presence of mutants to sustain his powers and live. With few mutants around, his powers are significatively reduced. With no mutants around, he can go on only for about a day before slipping in a coma-like hibernation.
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Hero name = Exodus
Hero name = Exodus
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| Theme = Marvel
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[[Category:Mutants]] [[Category:Rogues Gallery]] [[Category:Brotherhood]]

Latest revision as of 16:40, 20 April 2024

Paris Bennet (Scenesys ID: 1242)
Name: Bennet Du Paris (modernized to Paris Bennet)
Superalias: Exodus
Gender: male
Species: Mutant
Occupation: Knight
Citizenship: Genoshan (French)
Residence: Genosha
Education: Medieval Education. He learned to read!
Theme: ()
Apparent Age: 850 Actual Age: 850
Date of Birth 01 July 1170 Played By
Height: 6' Weight: 195 lbs
Hair Color: Black Eye Color: Glowing White
Theme Song:

Character Info


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Of all Magneto Acolytes no one was as feared as Paris Bennet, Exodus. A ruthless Omega Class mutant, he was Magneto's self-appointed champion and one of his most fanatical warriors.


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*1170: Bennet is born. Son of a poor knight serving a minor Parisian nobleman.
*1182: Mutant powers start manifesting, Bennet has visions, things levitate around him. Bennet's father and the local priests perform an exorcism and impose penance on the young mutant. Bennet learns to suppress his abilities through raw willpower, although still uses them subconsciously to become a formidable fighter.
*1188: Warriors are called for the Third Crusade. Having no future in France and swept by the righteous fury of the Christians, Bennet joins the army of France, swears loyalty to a nobleman, and departs for the Holy Land.
*1189: Bennet meets Eobar Garrington, the Black Knight of England, one of the greatest fighters of the age. When his liege lord dies, Bennet swears fealty to Eobar and becomes part of his retinue.
*1190-119x: Under Eobar's mentorship Bennet becomes one of the most skilled warriors among the Crusaders. He is the Black Knight's constant companion in numerous adventures against the Muslim armies, as well as monsters and bandits plaguing the Holy Land.
*119x: Investigating the legendary land of Akkaba, Bennet becomes separated from Eobar's group and is captured by the immortal mutant Apocalypse. Apocalypse recognizes Bennet as one of his own, and subjects him to the Horseman treatment, brainwashing him, but also awakening and altering his vast psychic powers and his body.
Bennet is commanded to kill the Black Knight, but in the confrontation Eobar's skill and the might of the Ebon Blade manage to carry the day. Bennet is injured and abandoned by Apocalypse. Deprived of the presence of other mutants Bennet slips into hibernation coma.
The Crusaders believe that Bennet is dead, but he remains almost invulnerable and the corpse won't decay. Deciding he is possessed by a demon; they entomb him in a sarcophagus.
*12xx: As the Crusaders withdraw from the Holy Land Bennet sarcophagus is taken to a Templar castle in Switzerland. And then it is forgotten for eight centuries.
*2021: Following clues and rumors about a medieval super-human that could be a mutant (although expecting to find just a skeleton and perhaps some genetic data) Magneto and some of his Acolytes enter the crypt where Bennet was buried, awakening him with their presence. Quickly understanding he was in the presence of a king, Bennet listens to Magneto.
*2016: Following clues and rumors about a medieval super-human that could be a mutant (although expecting to find just a skeleton and perhaps some genetic data) Magneto and some of his Acolytes enters the crypt where Bennet was buried, awakening him with his presence. Quickly understanding he was in the presence of a king, Bennet listens to Magneto.
*2017-2020: Bennet swears fealty to Magneto and becomes one of his deadliest agents. Now Paris Bennet, he learns modern English and receives training in his powers, as well as a modern education. But deep down he is still a medieval knight, extremely merciless due to Apocalypse brainwashing.
*2020: Genosha is destroyed while Paris is in a mission in Russia. When he returns, he is heart-broken and retires to live as a penitent hermit in the mountains. But when he hears Lorna Dane is willing to take his father's throne and rebuild the country, he decides it is his duty to help her.
*2021: After a time helping in the rebuilding of Genosha, Exodus accepts to serve Lorna as long as Magneto doesn't command otherwise.

IC Journal

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Medieval Knight:
To understand Paris, one need to understand he is a man out of the Dark Ages. They are not called 'dark' for nothing. Paris was born in an age where life was brutal and short, where justice was the idea of something that happened a millennia ago, when the Roman Empire existed. Most people lived in misery, ignorance and filth, slaves of brutal feudal lords and priests.

Paris aspired to become a knight, the highest position a man of his birth could aspire, and eventually succeeded in the savage battlefields of the Holy Land. As a knight he wanted to bring justice to the world, which is what they were supposed to do in the stories. Unfortunately, he quickly found out most knights are just as brutal as the lords they serve.

Then he met Eobar Garrington. And for a time, Paris was a real knight. He learned to life by the knightly virtues, and he still does. His word is his life. He never lies. He lives with temperance, on spartan conditions by modern standards. He drinks in moderation. If he fails, he does penance. To strengthen his spirit, he takes vows, he goes on quests, and fasts regularly.

Courage, generosity, he still has plenty. He is charitable with children and the elderly. As long they are mutants.

Faith? He lost the faith in the Christian god in the Crusades. For a time, he thought Apocalypse was god. Magneto's cause is his god now.

Mercy? Apocalypse erased that part of him. It is slow at returning.

And despite Eobar's teachings, he is a man of his time. He believes most people are suitable only as subjects. Ruled by their betters: nobles and kings. Modern democracy is a ridiculous idea. Men are not created equal. Women are not equal to men (he admits there are a few exceptions, but never as a rule).

Character Sheet


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Enhanced Body:
When he was captured by Apocalypse, he was subjected to the full procedure of turning him into one of his Horsemen, is a process utilizing Celestial technology. This involved extensive physical upgrades, and may have modified his original powers as well. While he is not subject to Apocalypse's control anymore, the upgrades were fully incorporated into his being.

1) Minor Superhuman Strength: On his own, he can regularly lift upwards of a ton before exertion is necessary. This same upgrade also bestows him with slightly above human reflexes and agility.
2) Superhuman Toughness: Ordinary munitions and the like are no threat to him. He can stand tall under regular gunfire with no concern. He has taken a punch from Rogue and remained conscious, though that did hurt him.
3) Superhuman Stamina: Exodus can remain functional and active for indeterminate lengths without noticeable rest. In technical terms, so long as there is a mutant population within fifty miles of him and he is only moderately engaged he can operate at peak performance for up to a week without rest or sustenance. Intense activity requires that he be significantly closer or take periodic breaks and indulge regular sustenance to supplement.
4) Possible Immortal: It isn't clear if he doesn't age, or just ages so slowly that ordinary methods of calculation can't quantify. For example, he was at rest for eight centuries and looks no older than when he was captured by Apocalypse.
5) Resistances: Ordinary toxins, poisons, and illnesses do not phase him. As he has never been exposed to anything extraterrestrial, it's unclear how far this extends. He is also able to impressively withstand abnormal extremes of heat, cold, and even earthly radiation such as nuclear or microwave, though he is hardly immune to such.

This is his the power for which he is best known, as a Psionic of the Highest Order. As a telekinetic of this magnitude, he is capable of prodigious feats. A few applications for which he is commonly known are as follows:
1)Force Field: Perhaps the best known of his powers and the one that has earned him much of his reputation, he has canonically generated fields that held stoutly against multiple XMen teams at once with little effort. With a place like Genosha behind him where there are literally millions of mutants to sustain his efforts, he could even possibly defend against the power cosmic.
2) Object Manipulation: The next ability for which he has notoriety. He has the ability to fly at low super sonic speeds, limited mostly by his perceptions and reflexes using this aspect of his power suite. In the more typical, he is fully capable of lifting small mountains or collapsing skyscrapers. On the lower end of that spectrum, he is oft wont to braid his hair in the mornings as an example of the fine control he has achieved on his own.
3) Force Blasts: He is capable of casually bombarding with blasts of raw force in the tens of tons range, or he can project a sustained barrage in excess of a hundred tons of direct force. Similarly, when he is surrounded there is the option of generating an explosive burst from his person to throw off his attackers!
4) Augmentation: He can telekinetically simulate properties of nigh impermeability or indestructibility with his forcefield, for example to make a sword seem indestructible. Or he can use direct telekinesis to make himself seem far stronger than he truly is, in either or both cases to perhaps enjoy a melee with a superhuman.

Exodus is a full spectrum telepath of considerable power. He can read minds, communicate, read memories, alter memories, even personalities, project simple illusions (like making himself 'invisible'), and project his astral form. His telepathic shields are very formidable, although likely somewhat crude compared with more experienced telepaths. His main limitation seems to be he lacks the range of telepaths of similar power. A few hundred yards for his reading/talking skills, and he must touch the targets to alter memories and personalities. Likewise, he seems unable to project his astral form very far from his body, although he can enter the Astral Plane where he is, like most telepaths, a god-like force.

Exodus, the journeyman bridging the chasm between an ancient past and a distant, inevitable future. So sayeth the Eternal Pharaoh. Little did he suspect that it would be his failure that caused his sojourn into the distant future, though he was fully aware that he would be a powerful teleporter.

Bennet is fully capable of teleporting himself upwards of a thousand miles on his own and in a single jump. For leaps of less than half of this it takes little effort at all. Where he shines in this role is his ability to open a rift or portal allowing for small groups to step through to distant locations that he has been, or knows specific and comprehensive details about, such as with the assistance of a clairvoyant. Using his power in this method takes effort, and he can maintain a portal for minutes at a time though with concentration. He able to transport people somewhat less far than he is able to his own person due to the focus involved.

Vampire and Healer:
Paris needs mutants around to keep his powers. In fact, without any mutant nearby, he will weaken and fall into hibernation (see weaknesses). His powers as described here mean he has been living in the last day or so among something like 10 to 1,000 mutants within a few miles of him. That is the typical modern city.

If there are less, he is weaker. When he faced the Black Knight in the 12th Century he was certainly weaker than he is now. If there are many more mutants, tens of thousands at least, his powers increase. At millions of mutants around him, he becomes pretty much invincible, and he was pretty much invincible while he lived in Genosha.

He can also drain mutants of their life energies to enhance his powers. The typical mutant boosts him a fair deal if he drains the victim to the point of killing him or her. An omega-class mutant will give him enormous power for about a day. If he drains just a bit of power (maybe just to knock out the target for a minute) he gets only a slight boost, unless the mutant is an omega class, in which case his powers can easily double in raw force.

He can also use his own life force (this will exhaust him quickly) or borrowed life force to heal himself or to heal other mutants. There is a story going he can even resurrect the dead. And he can sometimes, but only as long as enough mutants are donating energy and the target has been dead only a few hours at most, and not too badly mangled.

Both the draining and healing is limited to mutants only.


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Paris was a knight of great skill. Besides being an excellent fighter with all kinds of medieval weapons (swords in particular) or his bare hands and he is an accomplished horseman. He is a passable smith, so he could repair his weapons and armor. And he knows how to take good care of a horse. After almost ten years in the medieval Holy Lands Paris was quite able to survive in very arid conditions, finding water, shelter and food in such terrain in the middle of a war.

Paris' native language is medieval French. He can also speak and read slowly passable Latin and Classic Arabic. He is fully fluent in modern English. Moreover, his telepathy allows him to learn languages almost instantly, and since Genosha accepts mutants from all over the world, he is fluent (although keeps an accent) in many modern languages.

Bennet is a master swordsman in his own right. While not at the level of his old friend and travel companion Eobar Garrington, the Black Knight of his era, he would have easily felled a warrior of Apocalypse had his sword been equal to the task. Bennet is a champion of the French Crown, or was, as such his skill and experience are formidable especially after ten years of war in the Holy Land. He is knowledgeable in the use of a variety of swords beyond his preferred longsword, and is a proficient fencer and savvy duelist. He is also confident and competent enough to perform gymnastic feats while fighting, whether armored or not!


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Exodus has few needs and prefers to live spartanly, but as one of Genosha's champions he has a large suite in the royal palace with all the usual modern luxuries (which he barely uses) but few personal items beyond his clothes and uniform. He also has a cabin close to the mountains where he keeps his old sword and chainmail and some mementos, which he finds more comfortable, and where he goes to meditate and relax. Close to the cabin he has a barn for his horse, Artax (the name he picked from a movie he thought was okay). Riding his horse is one of his few hobbies.


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Angry Zealot:
Paris is not an easy guy to get along. He is a medieval knight. He has a cause, and his cause is his life. He has expectations. Most people fall short of them. (Magneto didn't: he was a true king!). So, he looks always vaguely disappointed and angry. Because usually he is, and getting him into a fight is very easy.

From Another Time:
Paris has been around eight years in the modern world. He has been learning, but he is reluctant to change. Pop culture still confuses him. He will use modern tools, but he is not interested in technology, and prefers to read about philosophy and theology. He dislikes modern political and economic systems. They all sound rather stupid and too complicated for most people to grasp. He firmly believes in monarchy and feudal codes of honor. Men (and women) of honor should not lie, behave with dishonor, disrespect their betters, be rude to women, or abusive to their lesser.

Mutant Dependent:
Paris needs to feed of the psychic presence of mutants to sustain his powers and live. With few mutants around, his powers are significatively reduced. With no mutants around, he can go on only for about a day before slipping in a coma-like hibernation.



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Paris Bennet has 25 finished logs.

Title Date Scene Summary
Removing A Threat to Mutant Kind May 31st, 2024 The strike team assaults the Friend of Humanity's secret stolen Brainiac factory, taking out the guards and two working Sentinels before the entire location is blown to kingdom come.
JUST Trouble May 18th, 2024 After a brief but vicious fight, a group of mutants manage to drive off a unit of Purifiers armed to the teeth with bizarre, high-tech weaponry seemingly tailor made to counteract them at every turn! With captives in the hands of both the X-Men and the Brotherhood, and Jaxon Blain trailing this new manifestation of his life's great shame, who will stop them before they claim more lives?
Black and White and Dead All Over January 19th, 2022 Emma and Selene renew their feud. Power Girl arrives right as innocents are devoured and Exodus realizes that he has a possible enemy as old as he is, if not older.
Meanwhile in The Hills... January 16th, 2022 Ben Grimm encounters Exodus at a Genoshan construction site. Backgrounds and introductions are exchanged.
Little Russia: No Evac No Problem January 10th, 2022 A small party in Little Russia goes swimmingly several supers make an appearance.
Marking the Land January 10th, 2022 Lorna and Paris talk over some soil samples. Lorna offers a plot of land, Paris swears fealty to Queen Dane.
Noonan's Snooze-nans January 9th, 2022 An exhausted Clarice, Victor, Lorna, and Paris enjoy drinks in a bar. Topics range from reading, to murder, to raunchy humor.
The Watch Proceeds January 7th, 2022 Michael Erickson meets and greets with a /bunch/ of people in Grand Central, as various volunteers show up to help fight the angels.
Running from Angels January 6th, 2022 Colossus escorted refugees to Genosha from Mutant Town where he met up with Exodus and Mystique. They then got the refugees processed and Colossus stayed on to help with other needs.
Discussion Amongst Debutantes January 5th, 2022 Meetings in the Hellfire Club Bar go unplanned as literal helllfire is planned and psychic mayhem is underfoot as the dark ladies plot to power.
Drinking in Public January 2nd, 2022 Paris and Victor go drinking, running into Roberto and Karla in the process. Posturing and one up'ing all around.
The First Inaugural Atlantean Embassy Gala December 28th, 2021 Atlantis makes a sweeping return to the world stage with an offer to become the de facto homeland of all mutantkind. Brows furrow.
Going Medieval December 25th, 2021 Karla Sofen and Exodus meet and Exodus brings the past to a simmer.
Making an Exodus December 16th, 2021 Paris Bennet makes his appearance and Monet is told to take a message to Xavier.
Arrival to Modernity December 15th, 2021 No description
Jedi In Spaaaaaaace! December 14th, 2021 Madison meets an ancient relic - and teaches him about the Jedi.
Drinking in Genosha... Ladies Night Out December 11th, 2021 No description
Coffee in Genosha December 9th, 2021 No description
A day in Genosha December 9th, 2021 Oroku Saki pays a visit to test the waters in Genosha. After a heated debate, he leaves having only given a sour taste in the mouths of Clarice, Paris, and Raven.
A New Old Friend December 8th, 2021 Lorna meets Paris Bennet over the buffet.
Specialis Traditio December 7th, 2021 Clarice delivers books to Bennet and they talk about the world, about some of the people on the Asteroid, about people with long lives - and some of the tragedies the world has been through in the last century or so - including the fall of Genosha.
Buffet and Bennet. December 6th, 2021 Lunch with Bennet, Clarice manages to melt his brain once again, and the man out of time gets a conchie for dessert.
A Knight Amidst The Gardens December 5th, 2021 Clarice, Pamela, and Bennet converse about troubles modern and ancient in the Asteroid Gardens.
Arrival of Exodus December 4th, 2021 Bennet was discovered in Switzerland by Magneto and Blink, who take him back to Asteroid M to begin learning this new world.
The Acolytes Return April 18th, 2020 Exodus sparks some rather heated discussion in the Genoshan royal tent.


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