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(Male bonding and Mo!)
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Latest revision as of 01:02, 21 June 2021

Ayup. Settled.
Date of Scene: 20 June 2021
Location: Malta Safehouse Rooftop
Synopsis: Male bonding and Mo!
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Hellboy, Damian Wayne, Hank Pym, Morrigan MacIntyre

Michael Hannigan has posed:
So it turns out the Malta safehouse does have a pretty nice perk to it. With flat rooftops reasonably common a lot of buildings come with rooftop terraces, and this building is no different. While it's not the fanciest. It does have a particular advantage to being positioned to where other terraces can't see up onto it.

Perhaps that is why Mike is lingering up there. Still sitting on the roof, head tilted downward, and eyes closed it would be easy to mistake the rockstar for nodding off. If it wasn't for him occasionally turning his head. Eyes still closed. Instead. He's just being weird.

Hellboy has posed:
Well, Cap and Bucky and 'the guys' all snuck out for some boys night out, and apparently the broadcast TV downstairs SERIOUSLY sucks...so that means Mike only has a few minutes undisturbed before the very unsubtle grunts of Big Red can be heard as he bounds himself up onto the roof, landing with a soft grunt of effort. There's a low, "Smashwolf. Wondered where you got to," before lumbering towards his end of the roof, "Nothin blowin up yet? Figured them guys going out, someone was gonna piss someone off..."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Robin had stayed mainly to the safety of the safe house. He didn't bring anything but his uniform and his gear, and certainly never took off his mask.

  The terrace was beautiful, and there was not much reason to deprive himself of the view. For safety's sake, he removed the cape and tunic that was his trademark, opting for the armored undersuit and the green mask that concealed his identity.

  "Phantasm." He says in greeting, before looking to the rockstar. "It suits you." He nods to Hellboy, not having anything against Big Red.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing the friendly but gruff voice, Mike gives a slight smile. "I'm not looking for explosions." Mike replies, "Didn't hear any either. But I know where the nearest hospital is in case things go awry." He opens his eyes, looking over to the large figure. "I kind of figure wandering around would be ill advised being that I did a tour in the general area not too long ago. No idea how much advertising's still out there. Plus... getting my bearings."

He looks away, turning his head to look to the smallest, but not less capable member of this rescue group. He gives a nod as Damian practices out the new name. He looks over to Hellboy. "Robin and I had a brief discussion on call signs." He explains, "Going with Phantasm for mine."

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy glances back behind him when another is heard, grunting a soft greeting as he lumbers closer to Mike's perch, bobbing his head in agreement with the 'not going out', "Kinda hard for me not to get noticed, and I figure if a TV station gets a picture, the whole jig is up, so...guess Im stuck here with you guys." He trails off at the explanation of call signs, which of course leads him to raising one brow and looking back to Robin, "So whatchu going with then? I mean 'hey you' s'probably too generic for tomorrow, and thats usually what they call ME, anyway...
Maybe a couple of arm's lengths away from Mike, he finally slows to a stop and crouches down on his haunches, which allows his jacket to pool around him like a cloak for the time being, even doing a good job of concealing that tail.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Could have been worse. Hey Stupid is a favorite of mine to give people." Chuckles Robin before he goes and rests against the balcony. "Hey you! I like your ordinance." Says the Robin, tapping at his side, right about where The Samaritan rests next to Hellboy's body.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym speaks from the entrance softly. "One of the "boys' has told me stay away from him. I don't KNOW one of the boys and the third told me to leave the first 'Boy' alone. I was never one of the 'Boys'. College frat games? I graduated under age to drink. I learned jujutsu to convince the thinking impaired to leave me alone. Also I can't drink. I take meds." He looks around and conspiratorialy presents a large zip loc back full of gummies. "However, I will be glad to share my CBD with you men."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike watches as Hellboy settles into his spot. "...I wouldn't really say 'stuck here'. That's more something I'd use if I couldn't stand one of you guys. But, of those here. You guys are alright." He pauses, "Now, if we go back the time you took Mo with you through that portal- it'd have been another matter. But that got settled."

Hearing Hank return, the musician glances towards the entrance to the terrace. The smile fades as Hank mentions his interaction with the boys. "I didn't do the college thing." Mike murmurs, "Couldn't even get through high school. But I joined a band and made money so there's that." He looks to the bag and then glances away. "I'll pass for now, Hank."

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy grunts softly in greeting at Hank when the man pipes up, "Can't help ya there. I didn't exactly...go ta public school. And I got one of mine for later..." He takes a moment to show Hank the cuban he has stored away in one of the multitude of pockets of that infernal jacket (well, okay, it could really BE infernal with him, who knows?). He offers Damian and Mike a lower chuckle as he listens to them and rolls a shoulder, "Aw, I got nuthin on the company. Just don't like bein confined in a space, is all." Lets completely ignore the fact that he has a perfectly good lair at home overrun with all of his cats that he will spend days holed up in, "S'only for another day though, then the fun starts." A pause, then a more amused comment directed at Mike, "We gotta stop hooking up like this, right? I owe ya a drink or somethin after that last one, anyway."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Speak of relevant science, CBD was well used in the League to help aid things. "There were some that took the 'assassin' thing to its extreme in the League. Mother said that was not for me." But fuck it, Damian would dip in if nobody stopped him.

  "Take that Talia." Totally no love spared there. "Anyway."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym doesn't stop him. "Young man, Batman trusts you. You haven't strangled my little girl yet. You must have self control. Anyway, this stuff makes you sleepy if you overdo it." Kid goes swinging thirty stories up, you bet your ass he gets treated like an adult. Hank sets the bag down and pulls his pipe out. "Big Red, it'd be a pleasure to share one of my rare smokes with you. Sorry I tried to flatten you. Mo and Mike told me the whole story and thanks for looking out for Mo. Oh, hey... happy Father's Day." He starts prepping the pipe using an earthy smelling mixture he adds to maple.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"I do seem to have a knack for finding weird situations when I'm not even trying to." Mike admits with a chuckle, "Although that could just be from living in New York. A lot of weird stuff happens there. Odds of weirdness are definitely in my favor." He nods, chuckles, "Alright. After we get back, pick a place in New York and we'll go." He looks over to Hank and Damian, "...Make it one that serves up good food and could be the four of us, also Mo and J'onn. I'll get the food."

At the mention of Father's Day, Mike's glance settles on Hank. "What's the time difference between here and the US?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had went out on her own when the quin jet landed. Personal business. But she'd returned to the safe house with a coffee and looking like she'd seen a ghost. Which...maybe she had? They had more pressing matters though and keeping her head on straight was the main focus. She doens't bother just popping into existence upstairs to the roof, she uses the same way other folks had gotten up there. So they could hear that they had company coming.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy tilts his head a little to give Damian a more critical once-over after he mentions Mother, then rolls a shoulder, clearly discarding the thought, because his attention's drawn back to Hank when the man's talking about being sorry for trying to pancake him. He gives Mike more of a curious 'whatchu been talkin bout, Willis?' look, but finally grunts at Hank and guestures with that big red hand dismissively, "Didnt do no damage. All good," though the mention of the pipe draws a lower rumble, "Professor smoked one a those for a long time. Said he preferred em to my cigars. Cant say I agree, but hey, you got yer thing, right?"
     He finally just sits down on his little patch of roof, ignoring the warning creak that the rafters give, protesting the lard butt that just landed on them. Taking that cigar out again and considering it, he nods up at Mike, "Sure. We can do that. Nunna that frou frou stuff though. Some place with steak and potatoes. Good steak, and whiskey or bourbon and Im a happy guy. New York's got plenty o places like that, I think." When the sounds of yet another coming reaches his ears, he turns his head a bit to look, leaning a little in the process, with the cigar still in his hands.

Damian Wayne has posed:
     "Batman. Ha." Damian comments, crossing his legs as he relaxes. "I was tutored by experts in many fields. No other students. So I went partying with myself. The partying involved swords, and blood."

  "Cigars were never a favorite. I had to smoke them for an undercover op. Grandfather let me smoke hookah a couple times."

  Mo had started to come by, which was about where he stood up straight. "Doctor."

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym follows Robin's example, getting to his feet. "I was going to make you some dinner but couldn't find you. I can share some gummies that... really take the edge off, or a puff of my pipe if you wish. Oh... I may shatter your notions of me Morrigan." He sits back down and looks at Mike "New York is seven hours behind us. Doesn't matter. She might be in the Microverse or past Pluto and... doesn't matter. Having my fucking fortieth pass without a word... that was what riled me." Hank gets up again, puffing n his pipe and now agitated despite his snack and pipe. "I tell ya... the funny thing is... I actually like kids. Don't like people in general but I like kids and mine is always off somewhere with friends or her adopted mother! As soon as my damned house got leveled and I stopped being a bed and breakfast and laundry service she was out." He holds his hand out palm up and skips the other off it mimicking someone leaving. "Unless it's superhero nonsense I don't see her. Now I have to fuck over some assholes say they're from N.O.W.H.E.R.E." He goes over to an edge of the roof and sits in a huff.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike glances towards Hank and then back to Hellboy. Giving a nod of confirmation to the questioning look. Yeah. He can do that. "Sounds good, I'll ask Wade the name of that steak place he keeps going to is. Keeps asking me to come along. But things always seem to happen to keep me from doing that."

Hearing the creak, Mike's eyes look to the area of floor Hellboy sat on. "So, how old do you think this building is?" His glance follow's the red one's over to the entrance way but diverts over to Hank. Now. He KNOWS that all of this is not really directed at him but he can't help to slant back from the the wall of words coming out. A brief glimpse is given to Robin before looking back to the scientist now moving towards the edge of a roof. Uh. Mike looks over to Morrigan, "Hey Mo!"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile as she pops her head up, "Big Red." she pats him on the shoulder as she gets up with them. Then there's a head motion of 'sit down' to Robin and Hank, "You guys don't need to get up for me. There's nothing to fanfare about." she tells them. She does give a worried look to Robin though, "I know this is your thing...but please be careful." she states. Then she looks around, "That means everyone." she points out.

Then she looks to Hank and there's a bit of a smile, "Ah, thank you for the thought...just not hungry, but I found a little hole in the wall coffee place that was still opened." she tells him. "And no drugs...or anything like that for me." she states. "I forgot it was father's day coming up...as well as the solstice." she frowns. "We shouldn't get into too much trouble tomorrow. Hopefully." she muses.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy grunts softly at the pat on his shoulder, finally snipping the end of his cigar and lighting it up, wedging it in between the first two fingers of that huge red hand while he gets comfortable right where he's sitting, "We'll be fine. Just gotta get those kids out before someone stupid starts shooting everything that moves. These guys sound like pricks who dont want their prizes taken from them." A moment to suck down a bit of cancer from the cigar and blow it out over his head like an infernal chimney, before he eyes Hank while he talks about father's day problem, opening his mouth a moment, then closing it, apparently changing his mind on offering commentary. INSTEAD, he addresses Mike's comment about how old the building is, looking down at it before rumbling, "Dunno. I fall through it and we cn'ask. That happens a lot with me."

Damian Wayne has posed:
     Damian takes his seat again, before letting out a bit of a sigh. "Yes this is what I do. I will be. Plus." He thumps at his chest, the undersuit armor clacking against his fist. "We make sure to be armored."

  "Do not mistake me. I say we can do this because we can. My -former- idol doesn't know how much he was wrong about me." Yes, that was at Bucky. And he is utterly devastated about someone he held in high regard treating him like he was some punk kid with nothing but a mouth.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym takes another puff on his pipe. He nods assent at Mo, just glad she didn't come back injured. "Never meet your heroes! You'll be disappointed. Sound advice." Nadia did and she was he's pretty sure. Long drag. This would be a lousy time for J'Onn to show upbetween a pipe and a cigar being present.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike nods to Hellboy before glancing over towards the sitting scientist. "...That's got to be annoying." Mike comments regarding Hellboy's comments about falling through. He starts to push himself up off the roof, looking over to Mo. "I know you have the triage thing. But if there's a case where they can't be treated right there, I did find some general landmarks to where we can bring someone close to the hospital in that direction." He lifts an arm up, gesturing to the direction of the building in question. "...just in case."

He glances back over to Hank, lowering his arm. "Excuse me."

Turning, Mike starts to walk over towards where Hank has opted to sit. He shifts around, sitting down next to the scientist. He brings his legs up, resting his arms upon the knees as he looks over to Hank and then ahead. Giving a bit of a sigh. "The thing about that is people tend to hold them up to impossible standards. Heroes are not perfect. Probably would make things easier if the fan and hero realizes that."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan is quiet as she looks over those that are there, but largely she remains quiet. Before Robin gets her attention, "I don't have any doubts about you." she tells him. "And just show him how wrong he was." she offers. "It seems that if we meet our heroes we think less of them, so Doctor Pym's advice is sound." she nods to that. "Most of our heroes are human, not gods at the end of the day. Also, stories and legends help to lend to their already lofty personas." she states.

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy grunts softly at Damian when the young man demonstrates the armor he has on, "Good man. Them spandex suits dont look like the protect you for crap. Dont matter how good ya look if ya dead." That SEEMS to sound like an approval. Maybe. He falls quiet and puffs on his cigar as he listens to the two other conversations going on at the same time, cocking his head a little to the side as he might be listening more to Morrigan than Mike and Hank, but its hard to tell.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym looks up and calls to Morrigan with fiegned naiveté, "What about Hercules?" He dips his head down to take another smoke. That was uncalled for but... had to be said or his mouth would explode.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Isn't he only half of one?" Mike asks, curiously, "I think that statement still applies. Also she said 'Most'."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Hank, "What about him? He wasn't my hero and I only met him the once." she tells him. "I don't have armor, but...I don't think I'm going to get shot at or anything else being on the jet." she states with a little bit of a shrug. "I don't have any heroes." she points out. "Either way, I'll leave you all to talking. I'm going to get some sleep." she gives a bit of a half smile and then turns to head back downstairs.

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym says, "I meant some heroes are not human. And I was being pedantic and teasing because... I think I'm just going to finish my pipe in silence." He seems to have settled down at least. The wheels are still turning. They're always turning.

Golf clap.

Hank looks up to see Yellowjacket. Of course no one else sees him. This particular ghost is in his mind.

"Wow, Hank, I got nothing to add to that. What could I add? But do keep smoking that and eating the gummies. I haven't had a night off in some time. Regards to Mike."

Hellboy has posed:
Hellboy rumbles softly and lumbers to his feet, working his jaw for a moment, "Yeah, well, and...I think that means imma go finish my pizza and grab a drink. Cap and Bucky and the rest better be back soon anyway if we're all headin out at the crack of hell no tomorrow. Maybe I'll get some shut-eye, eh?" He lightly thumps Michael's shoulder with his normal fist and adds, "Be downstairs. Will leave summa the booze for ya."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike tilts his head, looking to Hank for a few moments, frowning slightly. The head as his shoulder shifts down from the tap to his shoulder from Hellboy, looking up to the large teammate. "Alright. Probably will save it til after the rescue." Well, unless someone else finds it first.

He glances to the scenery and to the waning group on the roof. "...It is about time to get sleep." He admits, starting to push himself up yet again. He looks over to Hank, "Don't stay up too late, ok?"

Hank Pym has posed:
Hank Pym nods and puffs on the pipe. Insomnia... comes in useful at times.