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Latest revision as of 23:27, 28 June 2021

A Very Jessica Interruption
Date of Scene: 28 June 2021
Location: Rockefeller Center
Synopsis: As June and Elektra work a mark, Jessica interrupts in a most Jessica fashion.
Cast of Characters: June Connor, Jessica Jones, Elektra Natchios

June Connor has posed:
    The evening events are extravagent. Rockefeller's annual Feed the Hungry gala has drawn high level attendees at rather significant plate costs. Black ties and fancy dresses cover the floor. Politicians, celebrities, Wall Street tycoons and philanthropists speckle the courtyard below the giant tree that would be lit up for Christmas in another half year. Among them is Charles Drenton, FBI. He's less known than some of the others present, but the need to keep an eye on security has a man like him present tonight.
    However, Charles doesn't know that HE is the target tonight. Arriving with her arranged invite, June walks in. Her hair isn't red at the moment as it normally might be. Instead, it's been bleached a brilliant platinum blonde, and she wears a dress that is more than a little revealing. She's likely the youngest person attending, which of course causes mild notice, not to mention her no-back dress which shimmers a pearl color, and makeup covers the tattoos that would normally be decorating her body with so much revealed. She plucks a little sausage and olive off a plate, and bites it off. "Shit, this is the best kind of mission," she mutters into her ear piece. All in all, she doesn't look like her, really. Instead of a grungy thrash metal girl, she looks like a million bucks.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica Jones, principle PI of Alias Investigations (nobody point out she's the only PI), happens to be on scene with her most prized possession, her Nikon D90 DSLR camera. Why? Because a lot of hypocrites flood these events, and she's grabbing all the photo ops they aren't even aware of for all that sweet wheeling and dealing that future cases bring to her door.

It's not hard to do, she has a great zoom, and she looks like any ol' schmoe in the crowd nobody gives a fuck about. Lots of reporters covering the event, what's another idiot with a camera...

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Attending such an event is none other than Elektra Natchios, daughter of the former Greek Ambassador and socialite extreme. She is dressed in an elegant black gown, all the way to the floor, shoulders bare and her hair pinned up in a bun. Still, lots of places to hide a weapon or three, a smile given to some sleep-inducing talk being offered to her by a CEO that always approaches her in these events. She is imagining the best ways of strangling the man until she hears the talk on comms. "If you will excuse me." a smile, cutting off the man in-between conversation and stepping away briefly.

"No cursing. You are supposed to be high society." a roll of her eyes. Clearly there's a lot to sharpen about the girl still.

"Do you notice the target?" She then asks. Poor Charles is indeed the target. But he deserves it, he has been on Hand's pocket for years. Not that June needs to know it. What she needed to know was that there was a specific keycard she needed retrieved tonight..

June Connor has posed:
    "You know they still curse," June contests, "But okay." Truth be told, she already knew how she should be acting, but that doesn't keep her from breaking character a little. She glances around, grabbing a second little toothpick to carry with her as she wanders the event. Of course, her garb gets her a little attention from a few of the middle aged millionaires attending who might fancy the younger girls, though of course they all keep it to a merely passing glance when she doesn't return any affection. She spots Charles, completely unaware of Jessica's presence. Indeed, there are a lot of photographers around, and makes her way near him. She stops to stand in front of him, as if looking for something, giving him opportunity to look her over without her visually being able to see him. She seems to have learned this part of the job pretty well, unfortunately.

Jessica Jones has posed:
When Jessica spots Elektra in her viewfinder, she grabs a few pictures, she'd like to think it's for Matt, but honestly, guy is freakin' blind. So that's not fooling anyone. Mistrust...? Nah, obviously she trusts Elektra, everything is in the past. Including the death trap ambush which wasn't a death trap ambush. She knows better these days. Still, she goes about gathering her evidence, good thing nothing untoward is happening. You'd hate to get that caught on Jess' camera.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
There were reasons for this approach. First because Elektra knew Charles was an hedonist. And he did like young women. Just like June. Yes, it's a messed up world out there, but Elektra was set to take the best advantage out of it she could. Including using others where it benefited her. "Good." She says, watching from afar as June moves about Charles. "You almost look like a natural..." a natural what?!

Charles certainly isn't indifferent to June. A faint smile reaching his expression. He turns to look more openly at June, studying her. It does seem his interest was being peaked.

As for Elektra? She notes the cameras on her. A small frown and then ... Is that... Well, damn it. "Keep at it, I will try to keep a certain friend out of your scent..." she picks up an extra glass of champagne and starts walking right towards Jessica, hips swaying.

June Connor has posed:
    Before she turns around toward Charles, she murmurs still facing away, "Yeah, a natural." She knows the rest of the implied statement. There's a neutrality to the response, though, as if she doesn't seem to take it either as praise or critique. She suddenly spins around, as if to turn and walk the other way, and almost steps into Charles. "Oh! Shit-I mean darn," she gives a blush at the slipped language. "Sorry, I just was looking for my parents," she excuses herself. She gives a quick glance over Charles, and looks back up at his face. "I totally almost got this all over you," she laughs awkwardly, holding the toothpick. She takes the little sausage in her teeth, dragging it off before eating it. "Now I gotta find a place to put this," she says, showing a little element that she doesn't quite fit with the rest, like the rebelious daughter that came along to the event and is willing to break the formality a little. "The food is really good here, but they need more trash cans."

Elektra Natchios has posed:
The man smiles faintly and then shakes his head a touch. "It's fine, it's fine. And you know ..." he leans in to whisper. ".. I almost wish you had. Would had given me an excuse to leave this party. It's starting to drag don't you think?" he tells the young woman. The look he gives her though? Well, it's telling on what he may imagine on what he could be doing..

Elektra certainly wasn't joking when she debriefed June about the mission, and what her assessment on the target was. Curious on how she seems to know quite a few things out of this supposedly ordinary fbi agent.

But maybe that's why she is one of the top operatives in the Hand.

Elektra continues her approach to JJ.

June Connor has posed:
    June's face betrays a sympathetic smile to the sentiment. "Yeah, that's why I was tryin' to spot them," she says. "To see if I could ditch this place." She laughs, "I'd rather be doing almost anything else than..." she waves with the tooth pick, "This. No offense, but the whole 'wealthy scene' kinda make me wanna puke." She gives a slightly disdainful response to his look. "So yeah," she apologizes, as if trying to be polite about the rejection. "More of a cop kinda girl," she admits.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"I get that.." Charles chuckles a little. Ah, youth! Yes, he gets it very well. "Do you really need your parents to give you the say so for you to get out of here though?" he asks, almost as if suggesting she should indeed get a bit rebellious. Another smile and he takes a drink from his glass, his other hand inside his pocket, eyes on June.

"I am Charles. But everyone just calls me Charlie." He says, introducing himself. "And a cop kind of girl? Why for? The uniforms?"

But then he slides his hand inside his jacket, bringing out his wallet and opening to show his FBI badge. Clearly showing off.

June Connor has posed:
    "Only if they see me," June comments on whether she needs her parents permission. "I dunno," she says with a shrug of her bare shoulders, "Guess it's just the strong protector thing," she says. "Though...I mean, uniforms." She gives a wink and an 'OK' sign with her fingers. "Charlie, huh?" She echoes, "I'm Carly." The alias for the night's activities. "Hey, Charlie-Carly, kinda rhymes." She follows his hand as she pulls his wallet, which was exactly what she was hoping for. Now she knows where it's kept.
    She laughs like a rather oblivious high school girl. "Whaaat?" she reaches out to hold his hand around the wallet, giving it a good look. "Is that real? FBI?" She giggles, "I guess I shoulda kept the cop comment to myself," she says. "Now you know my secret." Her eye catches Elektra's passing, and gives her a once over. "Damn, I'm so jealous," she says, indicating a wish for a body like the other. An obvious fishing for a compliment if ever there was one.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica lets the camera hang from the strap about her neck when she notes Elektra approaching her, a smirk on her lips, as she quips, "I thought young, hot, socialites weren't supposed to be seen with common riff-raff, no?" Your typical every day Jessica Jones styled version of a 'hello'.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Oh, don't worry.." Elektra says back to Jessica with a smirk gracing her lips, ".. it just makes me look generous and magnanimous." she even lifts her chin up a touch. One of the two glasses she was carrying is extended to the other woman. An offer of peace? It's a good peace. Champagne. Expensive most likely.

"I am quite surprised to find you here, Jessica. Looking for any juicy tidbits in particular tonight?" she asks, taking a sip out of her own champagne flute.

As for Charles, or Charlie for his friends, he seems rather taken by the young woman in the form of June, "Carly-Charlie indeed." he lets out a laugh before looking amused (and maybe proud) at the way the girl seems to like his badge. Yes, such a sleazeball. "Don't worry, I will keep it a secret." and then the look towards Elektra. It has Charles look the way of Elektra and JJ and indeed he falls for it. "Oh, you are nothing short of her, Carly." a beat, "You don't mind if I call you Carly, do you?"

Jessica Jones has posed:
"Ah...of course, gotta make the crowds see your heart of gold and nobility, giving the commoners the time of day, you're smarter than you look, Elektra." Oh man, Jess is on a roll, must be Monday. She does smirk at the small talk, "I may or may not have been hired to fish for some dirt on one rich asshole or another."

Taking a quick glance at Charles, she asks Elektra, "is that a mark you're working, or a target?"

June Connor has posed:
    June grins, "Of course, not!" she says, "Good, I like people who can keep secrets," she suggests with just a hint of innuendo. "So any idea how we would get out of this place? Maybe grab ice cream or something?" she suggests, as if she had some more innocent plan of leaving together than he might have. Her attention has left Elektra and Jessica completely, though, now back to buttering up her target.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Me? Working on targets?" Elektra arches a brow almost as if she'd be scandalized by the prospect of doing such. She's such a pure soul! Not that she goes and outright lies. She knows Jessica is cunning enough to suspect her. So instead she diverts the topic to something else. But perhaps related to this.

"Have you heard about the dojo?" Another sip from her flute. Does she mean Colleen's dojo? "It's been burned down to the ground. Seems the truce is off." with the Hand. She does keep that low enough so as to not be picked up by the comms.

Charlie looks all too happy about leaving this place with June. Really. He is all eager. And when June talks about ice cream? "Sure. If we can find a place that's still open." if he has his way they won't. But then again he will most likely be unconscious soon enough.

June Connor has posed:
    June glances back over her shoulder. "I think we have ten minutes, there is a place next to the Radisson," she suggests. It's no mistake that the Radisson is the hotel he's been given a hotel room. "And you gotta tell me some cool cop stories," she stipulates. "Like, have you ever had to shoot somebody?" She starts to head in the direction of the ice cream place, expecting of course that he'll follow her as she starts to walk up the steps from the lower section of the courtyard.

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica grins at Elektra, "don't tell me you never do that..." Jessica, for all she picks up, is sometimes so stupid drunk that she doesn't even notice what's going on in her own neighborhood. So this ploy to shift subject works like a charm, "dojo? What dojo...? You know I don't do karate stuff."

"Wait...Colleen?" Jessica asks, the burned to the ground sure narrows the field of potential Senseis. "What the fuck!? Is she okay? I need to go check on her..." Jessica, for all her flaws, can be a good friend. She's quite concerned about Colleen now that she's heard the news.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Yea, she is fine." Elektra assures JJ, even going as far as smiling faintly to the other woman. "She's staying with me for a bit until she figures out what to do. Her livelihood was that dojo." she tells the other. Not that it's a surprise to anyone. "But yea, reach out to her. I am sure she will like to talk with you. It also means the rest will need to be staying sharp. Most likely won't be the end of hostilities but instead only the beginning."

Charlie just smiles, "Hey, the Radisson is the hotel where I am staying." his tone casual. All so convenient! He does feel lucky tonight indeed. So he sets to walk along with June. As they go close to where Elektra and JJ are he tells her. "I have had to shoot people in the line of the duty of course. But it's all classified. I couldn't go around telling just anyone you know ..?" that hint that he could be convinced. Ugh...

Elektra casts a brief look at June and Charles as they move past but says nothing, attention soon back on JJ.

June Connor has posed:
    It might not be too terribly unusual to see someone with a girl young enough to be his daughter at this sort of thing, but June knows full well there's no 'parents' to worry about. "Really?" she asks, looking enamoured with the mysterious 'classified' talk. She moves in closer, and takes his arm, "You gotta tell me!" she begs, as if it were some juicy gossip. "Remember, I can keep secrets!" Who knows, maybe she'll get more info than just the card. But the closer she can get to the wallet, the easier it is to lift the card.

Jessica Jones has posed:
While Jessica was moving away regardless of whether Elektra joins her or not, because she truly is concerned about Colleen, her ears are still open. She absolutely picks on what charlie is telling Carlie, and it makes her skin shiver with disgust.

The beauty of Jessica, is that she doesn't need to know a person to chime in. Regardless of the fact she doesn't know Charlie or Carlie in this case, she still turns to completely face June, and snaps out, "I hope his bullshit isn't making you think you wanna drop your panties for him, because the bullshit detector is off the chart, and about to explode. 'I killed a man in the line of duty' is what someone who never did so would say, besides, killing a guy isn't a measure for how badass you are...it's a sign you're a fucking killer, who doesn't give a damn about another's life..." yeah she sounds pissed, and sounds like she's not at all impressed with Charlie. Luckily, she continues on her way rather than linger and exchange further pleasantries with Charlie.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Elektra is indeed moving along with Jessica for the moment. Not that she will follow the woman fully out! She has a party to tend to. And a mission to accomplish as well. But JJ's worry with Colleen does seem to warm the assassin a little at least. Or at least until she goes and starts dropping bombs to her MARK.

Damn it, JJ!

But Elektra simply lets out a brief sigh. It will just be a minor scandal. And hopefully June can twist it around for her advantage. Hopefully.


Charles looks affronted when JJ says those things, even going as far as puffing out his chest (does he resemble a peacock? Yes.) "Hmph, they let anyone in these now." he says with a shake of his head. "Low lives should mind their own business.." he says it with an high enough tone to be heard by the departing Jessica. But then he seems to be starting on his way out, even going as far as attempting to wrap one arm about June. It's all to protect her from the nasty woman, of course.

June Connor has posed:
    That...wasn't supposed to happen. Who just yells that out in public? In her years of seducing pervs, she's never had someone call them out in public. Though it throws a complete wrench in the plan, June's sudden spin to Jessica isn't one in anger, it's just...shock. The shock of someone who's never had someone step up on her behalf before.

    "...the fuck?" she says, nearly inaudible. Charles didn't likely hear it, but surely there's no mistaking the words that are lipped facing Elektra and Jessica. Here eyes shift ever so briefly to Elektra, and then back to Jessica, green eyes like those of a deer in headlights.

    The tug of Charlie snaps her out of it, as he tugs her up against him. The job. Her focus regains, and she places her arm around him, the back of her knuckles feeling the wallet she needs to lift, and she looks back at him, and laughs nervously. "We're just talking," she defends him to Jessica. "He's like, old enough to be my dad."

Jessica Jones has posed:
Jessica was just about to leave when Charlie made it a point to call her a 'low life' in the precise volume for her to notice. She stops walking, remains still for a moment, and if Elektra is attentive to her she may almost note the fire erupting that Jessica is trying to contain. Did anyone ever suggest Jessica should attend Anger Management classes? If they did, they're probably at the bottom of the East River now. JESSICA DOESN'T HAVE ANGER ISSUES, OKAY!? YOU HAVE ISSUES!

Surprisingly, she doesn't just turns around and knocks out Charlie, even though she's probably capable of killing the guy if she really wanted to. Instead she takes some heavy breathes, her entire body appearing to shake, before she pushes away from Elektra and snaps, "I'll see Colleen later, I got somewhere I gotta be..."

Naturally, that somewhere is more than likely the nearest bar. Jessica's answer to everything.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Migraines. That's what Elektra gets from dealing with the likes of Jessica Jones. She holds a couple of fingers up to her forehead, taking in a breath, yet her dark eyes settle on June and they seem rather firm. Focus. The job. She knows the girl is young though, but there isn't much she can do right now without it just seeming suspicious. So she lets the situation unfold. Truthfully, if JJ just punches the man out it may even make things easier for them .. But then she starts on her way out. Or rather, STOMPING her way out. And she has known her long enough to know where she will find her. Most likely Josie's Bar.

Maybe Elektra will just have to go there later on too. Hopefully Jessica won't be talking to her imaginary friends. "I will catch you later on the usual spot." this to JJ. And when did Elektra start getting attached to people? Ugh... She just drinks the rest of her champagne and nods at June. It was time to get the mission done.


Charlie does his best to ignore Jessica before he has to actually do something about her! Maybe arrest her or something. Beware the power of a corrupt badge! But no, he has other things in mind. Like a certain young woman. So there he goes with June! He's also close enough that she may also just get that wallet out of him if she wants.

June Connor has posed:
    June lets herself be tugged along with Charlie, "Can you believe her?" she asks. "By the way...THAT was not my mom," she says, as if making sure that he knows he's not in danger from a parent. "But she sure was a bitch, I'm sure they'd get along." She's still a little rattled by the event internally, though, whatever she shows on the outside. Her index and middle finger slide indo the pocket to retrieve the wallet. "Don't worry, I know you're someone I can trust," she says, "I have really good intuition," she offers with a smile.