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Drunken Utterances
Date of Scene: 05 July 2021
Location: Central Nexus
Synopsis: Clarice admits more than she would like, to try to steer drunken conversation away from the topic of Mister Creed's bod. It certainly doesn't help with Victor shows up.
Cast of Characters: Clarice Ferguson, Lorna Dane, Raven Darkholme, Victor Creed

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    After destroying a bunch of children at a water balloon fight (what? It was educational) - Clarice is more than willing to retreat from being social with the Xavier crowd, and provide Lorna a ride to the Asteroid instead. A portal opens just outside the bar, and the pair steps through before is seals itself with a quiet 'bliiink' - the purple energy quickly fading from view. Clarice is currently dressed in a bathing suit - and draped in a towel she may have just pilfered from the school. But really - who cares about these things? "It's so much cooler up here," she remarks with an involuntary shiver.
    In space? No kidding.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles wryly at her friend as she moves through the portal as well. A deep breath is drawn in to take in the recycled air in the station. It was a vast difference from the fresh air at the school, but not entirely bad. Less moisture on a hot day. "Well, yes, I imagine that it is. No atmosphere after all," she points out with a chuckle. "Are you certain you don't want to go get changed? You must be freezing," she points out even as she starts to head for the bar herself. A drink wouldn't be a bad idea. She's been rather busy lately coming and going to Genosha to help with the restoration efforts. A break would do her good.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I probably should. Help yourself to my cognac supply," Clarice suggests.
    She'd brought a bottle of it down to Lorna's room at the Mansion - a rather pricy bottle of liquor. She had an entire case of it, curtesy of Emma Frost. "Just give me a second," she adds - before blinking out. Why //walk// to your room, when you don't have to? Lazy ass teleporters.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles a bit at the offer of the cognac. "I may," she agrees as she lets her gaze run over the offerings. Really she wasn't one to drink often. But she could appreciate a good drink when she did. For now she opts to go with something a bit fruity and mixes up a screwdriver. It was quick, easy, and she knew she couldn't mess up the recipe to it.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice returns - yes, via portal - with long sleeves on, and a pair of black pants. But her hair still hangs wet around her shoulders. It'll dry eventually, right? She drops onto one of the stools, reaching over and down to where she's got one of her bottles stashed - and comes up with her cognac, before pouring an (un)healthy amount into a glass. She takes a sip, and lets out a satisfied sound before she says anything else.
    "Dyani's at the school now," she volunteers. "You'll... keep an eye out for her, won't you? Let me know if she's running into any sort of trouble - fitting in or adjusting? I really want her to... you know. To have a chance at a normal life."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane comes around the bar to the front so she can sink into a seat as well. Reaching out in passing she pats the back of Clarice's shoulder. "Of course I will. Everyone will look out for her, I assure you," she promises as she gets comfortable. A sip of her own drink is taken along with a tired sigh. "As normal a life as any of us can hope to expect, but she'll get the chance to be a child for awhile more."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice gives a nod of her head, staring down at her glass of cognac. "She doesn't seem to want that chance. At least - she keeps asking me when she can join 'the fight.'" She sighs, and shakes her head. Was it hypocritical of her - to try to keep the girl out of the life she'd thrown herself into? "I want to try to keep her out of it for a few years. Give her a chance to heal, and decide if that really is what she wants."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"That... Ultimately that will be her choice, Clarice," Lorna offers with a sad expression. "And unfortunately she is different than others her age. I see it a fair deal among the Xavier students that have had their childhoods ripped from them. I don't necessarily agree with trying to keep them out of things. I mean," she gazes into the distance a moment. "I know that's what we want ideally, but they weren't raised in a normal manner. They don't know how to return to that. Dismissing every experience they've had as 'not enough' to help out is ingenuine. I think there should be a balance. Introduce them to more wholesome things, but still respect what they're capable of." Here she pauses with a wry grin. "Unfortunately I'm not staff at the school. Just imagine though if you were suddenly told that you couldn't help the fight and must attend classes and not use your abilities to help others for several years."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "She only lost two years," Clarice protests. "She knows what a normal life is like. She- she has a chance to have that. But if we let her throw herself into the fight... She'll never have the chance to get clear of it." She lets out a frustrated sigh. "It wasn't the same for me. It's all I knew. It was the only thing I could do. And I was too old for school..." Practically. Especially by the time she was fit company to be around //children//.
    She frowns down at her drink. "I mean... I agree it doesn't feel right, really, trying to keep her out of the fight for now. But... I don't think it would feel right making her a part of it, either."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane smiles in understanding only to nod again. "Then lets make her a part of the resolution. Perhaps we could have her come and help with rebuilding in Genosha some?" She suggests as she takes another slow sip of her drink. The sour orange juice was perfect to make her lips smack together as the vodka worked it's way down her throat. "At least she'll feel useful. Perhaps it might be theraputic as well getting to pick up the peices. It doesn't have to be *all* the time, either. If she's enrolled in the school she'll still have a schedule to keep. But a weekend here and there."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah - definitely," Clarice agrees - flashing Lorna a smile. "I've told her about Genosha already. She feels like... there'll never be a place in this world for people who look like her. People who are so obviously mutant. But I told her she could be anything she wants in Genosha." She takes another sip of her cognac, savoring the flavor.
    "She's a real good kid. Cheerful, despite everything. //Loves// hugs. My God." Hugs are not really Clarice's favorite thing - so that probably paints a picture in and of itself. "She'll be happy at Xavier's."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane glances down at her drink realizing she was already halfway through the screwdriver. It wasn't like her to drink this quickly. It was just going down very easily. Hm. "There we go. It'll be a happy medium, she'll get to meet others like herself and you who are obviously mutant, and still get a chance to unwind from her ordeal." Another smile is offered. "Hugs can be good. I know there's one student at the school that is overly fond of them as well. Perhaps they'll get on well together."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Hugs are over-rated," Clarice protests. Even though she's been known to accept the occasional brief-hug from Lorna. "And she's //very// excited to meet other mutants who look rather exotic. She kept petting Hank's arm," she supplies with amusement. "And was fascinated by Talia's tail. She's less impressed by my ears."
    She sits beside Lorna at the bar - Lorna with a screwdriver, and Clarice with a cognac. And her hair's all wet, even though she's dressed in normal, dry clothes.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
There is something different about Mystique today, and that something different is very obvious. She's wearing a pair of jeans and a tank top, with a leather jacket over the top. She's even wearing shoes, a pair of combat style boots with two inch square heels. What makes it even more odd, it is obvious that these things are /not/ a part of her. These are actual clothing. Her bright red hair is still down and hanging free, but it may or may not have been styled a little, and O.M.G. is that make up?

She walks in from the landing bay and heads straight to the bar, pausing when she sees faces she recognizes. "Evening," she offers, almost sociably.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane hears the sound of footsteps approaching. Curious about who it may be she glances over her shoulder only to stare at Mystique openly. "Well. This is a different look." There's a pause as some part of her that had been loosened by the liquor tries to pipe up and she decides if she will say it or not. "Got a hot date?" Not something she would usually say to Mystique, at all.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    It's probably only by virtue of the fact that Clarice seems to gape for a moment that Lorna gets to the question first. Leaving Clarice to hastily add, "You look good," for lack of anything else to say. Reaching over the bar - she snags another glass, and pours out some of the cognac, sliding it over towards Mystique.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique leans against the bar, the tender already making her usual drink. "Not exactly a hot date, more like an attempt to see if I was even pulled toward the idea of a date." She offers the tender a nod as she takes her drink, whiskey with grenadine cherry sauce in it, and takes a drink, large drink, very large drink. "What the hell happened to the world? I thought Millennials were bad."

Lorna Dane has posed:
"Ah. Yes, been there," Lorna has to admit with a littel grimace of distaste. "There's a reason I haven't really dated anyone since Alex. And even that had it's issues," she has to admit with a sigh. The drink is tipped back for another gulp, and she slides the glass over to the bartender. "Another please," she requests only to clear her throat softly. "Should I ask who it was?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice sips her cognac again, before offering simply in a voice just a few decibels lower than her usual speaking voice, "I went on a date."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique snorts, rolling her eyes before taking another large drink. "It was one of those speed date things, talk to people for a certain amount of time then move to a new table." She sighs, shaking her head. "I was asked to leave."

Now she looks at Clarice, "Oh? When was this? How did it go?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane nearly chokes on her drink at that. Speed dating. Mystique? That was quite a thought and she tries so very hard not to laugh. At least she coughs a few times with a quick pounding of a fist on her chest to clear up her lungs again. More interesting was Clarice's remark. "Oh? Who? How did it go? Do I need to break someone's leg?" She offers in a friendly manner.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "He did //nothing// to warrent violence!" Clarice protests - amusement pulling at the corners of her lips. She takes a sip of her cognac again, while glancing aside at Mystique. She's seen a few short comedy sketches about speed dating. Why would Mystique do something like //that//?
    "It was... a week ago or so. It was nice. He took me to see Rocky Horror Picture Show - which is a //weird// movie. And we got dinner."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique actually starts laughing. Lorna's reaction was exactly what she was expecting, though she had expected some sort of comment added onto the end. Reaching over she gives Lorna a couple of light pats on the back, trying to help clear out the lungs she just inhaled alcohol into. "Yeah, that seems about right."

Glancing back to Clarice, she grins, "Who is he? I did ask who, or are you trying to avoid answering that question?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane gives a nod of thanks at the pats to her back though she clears her throat a time or two more to help chase the lingering effects away. "Ah, sounds like a boring date then," she teases with a grin. "I figured Victor wasn't here to offer so I had to fill in," she jokes in an attempt to be more... accepting... of Clarice's connection with the man. She was trying.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Man - if you think //breaking his leg// is the offer he'd make..." Clarice shakes her head, seemingly completely unbothered by the violent nature of the man who she considered her only family.
    "Robert," she supplies. "Robert Marksman. He's a doctor at the clinic in Bushwick. And... yeah. He seems nice enough. I guess... maybe we'll go out again sometime, I suppose." She stares down at her glass of cognac as the talks - clearly not entirely comfortable with the conversation. Even if she //had// been the one to volunteer the information.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Collecting her drink, Mystique sits herself on one of the stools now. "Well good for you Clarice, you're finally taking my advice to stop working all the time." She looks over to Lorna, choosing a topic change for Clarice's sake. "Victor isn't has horrible as you might think Lorna. I know he has some rough edges, but if you get to know him, and look past what his father's actions caused in him, he's a good guy."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane takes a slow, deep breath at that only to incline her head in a nod toward both the other women. "I'm trying. For Clarice's sake," she adds with an apologetic smile to her friend. "I did see how he calmed down with her there during that incident." Though she'd also seen how he just went berzerk. It was quite a frightening thing to see close up. The thought is dismissed for now as she nods thoughtfully. "If you like him, and he likes you, then it should be all right. We do work you so very much."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Fuck that guy," Clarice interjects immediately, under her breath.
    She has strong opinions about Creed Sr, apparently.
    "I prefer to stay busy," Clarice asserts immediately. "But I do- I mean. I take some time to myself. No matter what Mystique may claim - maybe just not quite so much as most other people." She gives a shrug of her shoulders before adding quietly, "Mister Creed probably wouldn't ever say it - but it bothers him that almost everyone sees him as //just// a monster, and nothing more. 'cuz it isn't true."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique takes another drink, before setting the glass down to be refilled. "There is a monster inside Victor, that much is true, but that isn't all he is. I realize Clarice, that you've been doing better about taking time, better than me. I took time and got thrown out of a speed date, might just decide to start reading Lydia's books instead, probably safer."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane blanches a bit at that, only to hang her head in a guilty manner. She was perhaps guilty of seeing him as such herself. "... I have seen him act differently around you, Clarice. I suppose I've been overly judgemental, though I have had friends that had dealings with him. I've heard so many things about the man." Letting out a sigh she adds, "Pity, he's at least got a nice body to look at."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "He gets... angry," Clarice supplies. "And he doesn't see much need to restrain himself when he does," she admits. She shrugs her shoulders as she adds, "And he needs to blow of steam sometimes. Hell, I do too. So- well. I mean, it's just a matter of making sure it's with the right targets. He even jokes about how he's a good guy now, and should sign up with the X-Men." She smirks with amusement. That'll be the day.
    "So what'd you say that got you thrown out of the speed date?" she asks with puzzlement.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique nods quite a few times, "Oh Lorna, that is /so/ true. I could stare at Victor for hours, walking toward me, walking away." She will not go into anything more than that, or what may have happened in the past because there are some things you just don't talk about.

"We were supposed to have ten minutes at each table, and the guy at the third table apparently had some kind of a thing for red heads, and thought it would be okay to try and do things with his foot... so I broke it. Just a few toes, but still. Since there was no proof he'd done anything, they asked me to leave."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane turns a rather obvious shade of red when it becomes obvious her remark was said OUT LOUD. Oh god. A hand raises to run over her face a single time and she clears her throat again. "Let's just forget I said that," she utters with a weak laugh before her attention turns toward Mystique's current story. An eyebrow lifts a bit though. "Well I would think the fact that his foot was within reach to *be* broken ought to be enough of an indication," she puts forth actually on the woman's side for once in this case.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm forgetting either of you said anything," Clarice mutters under her breath. It's just... gross, to have two of the most important people in her life, both objectifying the father-figure in her life. Ew. No. No thank you.
    She finishes off her cognac.
    "Sounds like he was lucky it wasn't his face. His foot'll heal," she says simply, and dismissively.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique shrugs, "Yeah, well, humans..." She picks up her new drink and downs half of it. She tried, it failed, moving on. "I knew it was stupid, but thought 'hey, why not?' well now I know why not. It was just a waste of time and energy, and not a mistake I will make again."

Now she looks to Lorna, leaning a little closer, to stay clearly, not loudly but clearly, "Victor has a hot body, you should hit that."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane makes a noise that was a bit like gurgling. Did she choke? She may have choked and is now drowning on her drink the way she slams that drink back while her face is beet red. Mystique gets a side eye that was threatening violence as much as she could. It wasn't as if she had a very intimidating persona after all. "Yes, well, sorry Clarice," she offers clearing her throat lightly again. "Sorry to hear your dating went poorly, Mystique."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Mystique... I hate you," Clarice complains without any real malice - as she covers her rather sizeable ears with her hands. This is //not// something she needs to hear. Nope. No. Not ever.
    "I, uhh- I might have figured out a new way to use my powers? If I can make it work," she suggests abruptly.
    Yes. Even //that// conversation is better than Mystique and Lorna lusting after Creed.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique accepts the venom offered by Lorna with a laugh, sitting back and raising a hand, "Alright, alright, so don't hit that... I will, since my attempt to date failed." She takes another drink of the mixture in her glass then looks to Clarice, "A new possible use huh? Do share, but don't think that changes my mind about Victor or stops Lorna from lusting after him, it just halts the talk for the moment."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane holds up her hands defiantly. "I was merely admitting he has a nice body that's all and nothing more! I can admire from afar. Safely afar." Lightly clearing her throat again she grins again. "What idea is that, Clarice? You're already very skilled with your abilities. A new method of using it is always good though." She assumes. Has she heard? Has she?

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice's features look so beet red - she could be comic book Clarice, as she tries desperately to change the topic of conversation. "So. ... I mean. It needs to be practiced. Safely, somehow. But - umm. I already learned," while under the control of the Magistrates, "how to remove the contents from something without disturbing the outside. And I can teleport things... into things. So. Teleporting drugs out of vials, or syringes - into people, without having to... dart them. Or inject them. It's just- well. It's a matter of learning how not to damage the tissue to much, when I do it. And... and how to target the right area, when the person could very much be in motion," she explains, looking between the two women that sit on either side of her at the bar.

Victor Creed has posed:
Victor wanders out of the living section of the station, stretching a little as he makes his way towards the bar. He's in fairly standard clothing for him... tank top, camo pants and a scuffed up pair of boots. Spotting the group sitting together, he heads over that way.

"Hey there, how's things goin?" is offered as a greeting as he pulls out a chair and settles into it. He gestures to the bartender, "Beer." When the bottle is delivered, he takes a drink, then looks around the table, "So, what are we talking about, anything fun?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique busts up laughing, the minute Victor asks what's being talked about, she falls against the bar laughing so hard... if her face could turn red from lack of oxygen, it would, as it is she goes a deeper blue. Her drink has to get set back on the bar as she laughs, and tries to breath and then she sees the look on Clarice's face and oh gods...

"Can't... breath..." she manages to laugh out, looking away from Clarice to Lorna to see if that gets any safer. Every part of her wants to answer Victor's questions, in fact it would be exceedingly rude /not/ to answer.

Slowly she manages to get in some air and says, "Clarice has a new trick, and you have a hot body, these are the conversation topics!" Yes, that's right, she went there... no one knows how many drinks she had before coming back to the Asteroid to start drinking again, she may in fact be a little drunk, or a lot drunk.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane lets out a tired sigh as she leans her elbow heavily against the bar. Her free hand lifts to wave the bartender toward her empty drink in a clear sigh to keep them coming. After the conversation, and teasing of Mystique, she was going to need one. "That could be quite useful," she begins to respond to Clarice's ideas when she hears the voice of the man in question that they had previously been chatting about. Wide eyed her gaze snaps toward Creed to stare... Until she becomes aware of Clarice right there. Promply she lays her head down on the bartop with a groan of pure embarassment. Creed's question gets a mumbled, "Clarice's new trick!" Yes that was totally the conversation. Except Mystique spills the beans. Blindly reaching out with one free hand she tries to grasp Mystqiue's throat with another grumbling groan as her face remains buried in her pillowed arm. Her green nails clicky clack together with a clear 'kill yoooou' gesture.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Mister Creed!" is all Clarice manages to get out - before she's promptly giving both Mystique and Lorna don't-you-fucking-dare looks.
    But then Mystique dares. Oh, God. She didn't.
    Clarice looks like she wants to melt throught the floor. Instead, she settles on a little revenge, and reaches down with one foot to tap the foot of Mystique's barstool, teleportting the last inch or so of the stool away, and making it unsteady. Fuck you, Mystique.
    If it'd been anyone other than- well, Mystique, Lorna, or Magneto, really - the revenge would have been so, so much worse.

Victor Creed has posed:
Victor raises an eyebrow and then grins, "Well, that's never a bad thing to hear a bunch of good looking women talking about. Don't let me interrupt, I can take it." He takes another swig from the bottle, then looks over at Clarice, "That's an interesting color for you, kid. Having a bit of trouble with the current conversation? I wouldn't have pegged you for a blusher, honestly."

He sits back in his chair and looks from Mystique to Lorna with a little smirk, "In addition to working out, I like long walks on the beach and action movies. Occasional acts of gratuitous violence make me smile, Blink can attest to that, but we try to aim those at assholes, not friends."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The stool becomes unstable, so Mystique becomes unstable, and falls sideways, stool and all. This is clear indication of the level of intoxication that Mystique has achieved, she is actually unstable and falling. She never gets drunk, in fact there are very few a live who has ever seen her drunk, yet here she is three sheets to the wind.

Thankfully Victor is right there, he had stepped up to the bar in just the right place, and she latches on tightly so she doesn't fall down. Standing herself up a little, almost climbing him really, and thus she finds herself hanging off Victor. "Well, this is a good place to end up," she chimes, looking right up at his chin. "I like beaches and gratuitous violence too!"

Lorna Dane has posed:
The arm fumbling across to try and choke Mystique misses given the woman's chair goes down. Just before she starts to right herself using Creed as a climbing post, her arm manages to grasp ahold of something solid. Too solid. Her hand ends up grasping his bicep until she realizes just what that must be, and her head snaps up just in time to snag her hand away. Only to be replaced by the clambering Mystique righting herself. "Ohgod I didn't mean..." And he's talking about walks on beaches and movies. Her attention snaps to Clarice and she mouths 'Iamsosorry!'

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I don't- we're practically- You're the only damned family I got, and I don't need..." Clarice starts - and then Mystique is just tumbling is over. She hadn't expected that. She hadn't expected the woman to actually //fall//. Part of her is glad she managed to catch herself on Creed, rather than getting hurt.
    The rest of her... Oh god.
    She caps her cognac. "Whiskey please," she requests, gesturing for the bottle to be left on the counter when the bartender tries to put it away. She down the first glass, and pours another.
    At this point, Clarice is willing to take //any// change in conversation.
    "So - did you hear about those girls in Africa - who'd been kidnapped then rescued?" she asks Lorna. It's only //after// she says it that realizes how poorly this could go.
    ....just how graphic is Mister Creed going to get in this conversation? Damnit.

Victor Creed has posed:
After getting fallen onto, climbed, and felt up by Mystique and Lorna, the smirk widens into a full smile, "Hell, and here I thought I was gonna have a boring night. Ladies, please, there's enough of me to go around." Mystique is unstable enough that one arm goes around her to keep her steady so she doesn't actually fall over, and he reaches over to pat Lorna's shoulder.

"It's ok, I know all about those sudden impulses, it can be tough to deny them sometimes. I'll have you know I don't put out on the first date though, I'm not that kind of boy." He looks from Lorna to Mystique with that smile still on his lips and adds, "And I expect to go somewhere nice. Dining hall doesn't count."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique is perfectly drunk... er, happy to stay right there, in fact she crawls up into Victor's lap to sit because it's steady, very steady. "The things I would do to you Victor," she states, only a few slurred parts in there. "I mean, some of them you might know already, but they'd be so much fun to repeat."

From his lap she tries to get to her drink on the bar, but it's out of reach, that is so depressing, oh well, staying in the lap.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane scrubs her hands over her face trying to at once chase away the blush and wake herself up more from her happy little buzz she had going. Perhaps three screwdrivers was a bit much for her for the night. Dropping her hands away to her lap she keeps them forcefully IN her lap so as to avoid doing anything else accidentally. "I think I've had enough to drink for tonight. I don't normally act this way." She couldn't say the same for Mystique who was getting so very comfy. Lightly clearing her throat she mumbles, "Good to know you have standards," she hazards as a bit of a joke.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "...I hate you all," Clarice murmurs. Even talking about //violence// doesn't change this fucking channel? She takes another swig from her glass, then lets out a loud sigh. She is never going to be able to unhear what she just heard. I mean - yeah. They both... //old//. They've known each other for a long time. But- Did Mystique really just say that-?
    Nope. Nope, she's going to focus on the whiskey in front of her.

Victor Creed has posed:
With a laugh, Victor takes another drink from his beer, then winks at Clarice, "Sorry kid, this is grownup stuff. Killing is one thing, sex is entirely something else. You'll get there eventually. For now though..."

He looks down at Mystique, eyes narrowing a little, then sighs and shakes his head, "Dammit. You're blitzed, that's no good." He puts both hands around the blue woman's waist and actually picks her up, settling her onto an even-legged barstool beside him. He does, however, keep an arm lightly around her to make sure she stays on the barstool.

Glancing over at Clarice, he says a bit plaintively, "What the hell's wrong with me? Got a chance here and I'm not just going for it.. this is somehow your fault, you know." He points at the young woman, "We're going to talk about this."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique looks over at Lorna for a moment, then slowly over to Clarice, "What?! You can't tell me he's not good looking!" It's not a complaint really, sort of, but not really. "I'm drunk, what the hell do you expect from me?"

She looks back to Victor and smiles, "I'll take you to a really nice dinner, maybe a little dancing, then we'll find a gang selling Kick and kill every one of them... how's that for a first date?" She grins broadly, and then she is being moved to her own stool again. It's depressing, but probably a damn good idea cause she's still not all that steady. "I don't get out much, I shouldn't have drank so much... guess it gives me a loose tongue, and everything else loose... oops there I go again."

Tommorrow, when she remembers all this, she will bash her own head into a wall.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane reaches out to pat Clarice on the shoulder a time or two at this point trying to offer comfort to her friend as much as she can. She was part of the problem at this point it seems. "Oh, give her a break, Creed. She went on a date the other night at least." Unfortunately her attempts to defend her friend might not go over well either. "And I ought to get myself to bed. Alone. With a bottle of Gatorade, maybe," she reasons as she runs a hand back through her hair. "I haven't had this much to drink in awhile myself..." A glance is cast toward Mystique. "Though clearly not as much as she's had."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Look, if you get yourself some... some willing tail, then great, but I don't want to //hear// about it!" Clarice complains. "It's... you're... he's..." she fumbles awkwardly, letting out a frustrated sigh. "He's basically my father, and I do not need the details!" Wait. Did she just say that outloud?
    Crap. Looks like she's been having too much to drink, too. Of course she follows that admission up with another swig from her glass. This is not where she saw this evening going.
    She blinks at Lorna - flashing her a momentarily grateful smile for her attempt to help - before her expression grows a little more serious. "You have to sleep on the Asteroid. I can't take you home," Clarice points out - seeming to temporarily forget that - yes. There //are// other teleporters, Clarice. Geeze.
    Then she adds, "No killing in Bushwick, Raven. We have to go to Africa and Central America for that shit."

Victor Creed has posed:
Victor looks at Clarice, "Oh, way to go kiddo, hope it went ok." He looks to Lorna and grins, "Nice to see you a little more relaxed than normal. Feel free to drop by and feel me up anytime" he teases. He's not one to worry about things like royalty, after all.

Tilting his head, he reaches over and ruffles Clarice's hair, "Hey kiddo, it's not that bad. We were just playing.. well, mostly." He glances at Mystique, "Promise, if anything ever happens, I will not share the details with you, ok?"

"Mysti, you gonna be ok? And that sounds like a pretty good first date to me, if ya still want to once you're sober."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane slides off her stool to her feet, thankfully balancing well enough. Tipsy was one thing. Drunk as hell was another. "I'm not going to make you portal with as much as you've been drinking," she assures Clarice. "I'll head over to one of the guest rooms to crash." Sure, there were other teleporters, but they weren't all on friendly terms with the school. Plus Clarice would worry. "You both have a good night," she starts to offer only to get teased again by Creed earning another blush. "Yes, well, perhaps," she mumbles clearing her throat. "Good night." And off she goes to find somewhere to bury her head under some pillows so no one can hear her scream.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Sitting herself up a little more, Mystique takes a few deep breaths and almost centers herself, almost gets back into the 'mask' state she exists in... almost.

"I'm fine, and I'll be fine. We can talk dates when I'm sober," she looks over at Clarice, "I was thinking dinner in New York, dancing in California, maiming in Iran."

Now she looks to Lorna, "The guest room is fixed up, pretty darn nice too, very comfortable bed or so I'm told. You're obviously welcome there any time Lorna."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    As Creed's hand goes to her still-damp hair, Clarice tilts her head into the contact - almost instinctively. Yup, it's this 'monster' who's the only person she's completely comfortable about physical contact with. "Good," she agrees, that simple moment of contact seeming to ease a lot of the tension out of her form. "Because I don't want to hear a damned thing about it." Or maybe it was the promise to keep his exploits to himself. Who knows?
    "You have to find another transport," Clarice points out flatly. She is not entirely sure what murder-as-flirtation looks like. She's pretty sure she doesn't want to know.
    "Night, Lorna. I'll bring your back down tomorrow - promise," she calls after the woman - before sipping her whiskey again. At least she's slowed down.

Victor Creed has posed:
Shaking his head as he watches Lorna walk away, he looks back to Clarice and Mystique, taking a swig from his bottle, "Well, this was unexpected. And no worries, if we do go on a date I'll get one of the other teleporters so we don't break your 'no detail' policy."

"I should maybe hang out a little more, this was kind of amusing. And I still don't believe you can blush that much, kiddo. I did not expect that at all. Kill a buncha guys without blinking an eye, but a little flirting makes ya go all red."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique leaves the alcohol on the bar, opting now for some water with lemon in it. "If you look at it logically Victor, Clarice hasn't seen much flirting in her life. Perhaps it's time to give her the talk, or make her sit and watch every porno out there... okay, not all of them, just the ones that might get the motor running." She says all of this as casually as one might say something about taking their child to their first fancy dinner or on their first vacation, only for Clarice, it's her first porno.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You're my //dad,//" Clarice repeats - even more bluntly than she had before. "Besides, it was killing I was taught since as far back as I can remember, not..." Yup. A little more of that color returns to her cheeks. "Anyways. I mean, you wouldn't want to hear about-" But then she cuts off to simply stare at Mystique.
    "...nope. No. Nope. We're doing none of that," she insists abruptly.

Victor Creed has posed:
Victor Creed shakes his head, "Kiddo, if I'm your dad, I gotta tell you.. you are pretty screwed. I mean, I guess you didn't really have much chance of a normal life anyway, but I don't think I can do much dad stuff. And it's not like you need me to deal with boys if they get fresh, you can just teleport their junk off. But if you want to think of me that way, I'm good with it." He grins at her, "After all, you've got a vicious streak after my own heart, at least, proved that lately."

He looks to Mystique, "Nah, she wants to learn that stuff she can go on the internet. Kids these days have it easy for that kinda thing."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique rolls her eyes, "Half the shit on the internet is lies and trickery, trust me I post lies and trickery all the time!" She suddenly grins broadly. "Fine, I'll give her a list of sites to check out, then test her on the material later." Two... three... four... "Holy shit that is not what I meant at all!" She starts laughing again, which causes her to lean against the bar again.

"I meant a /written/ test!"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice gives a shrug of her shoulders. "I've been pretty screwed for years," she points out. "It isn't your fault." She hesitates for a moment before adding, "Besides, I thought you already knew that I... I mean... It's not like I've got anyone else."
    Her attention is pulled from Creed as she //stares// at Mystique for several seconds in silence, before looking back to Victor once more. "I think... I'm just going to ignore her tonight." That's the safest bet.

Victor Creed has posed:
Victor just stares at Mystique for a minute, then bursts into full laughter, shaking his head. When he can talk again, he just comments, "You are just not doing well tonight." He reaches out and actually boops Mystique on the nose, "Go to bed, you're going to have one hell of a headache in the morning."

He looks over at Clarice, "I mean, yeah, I kinda knew, ya just never out and said it like that before." He shrugs a little, "I don't think I could do better than you for a kid, we kinda get each other and shit, you know?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The laughter continues, not as boisterous, but Mystique continues to chuckle. "Man, talk about horrible wording. One minute I'm hitting on Victor, the next apparently I'm hitting on Clarice. Don't get me wrong," she looks Clarice up and down, like she is really considering the woman in 'that' way. "... you're an attractive woman, I like your personality and there're things I could teach you, but there's just something really wrong about wanting to do you and your father at the same time."

This time the comment almost goes by unnoticed, she takes a drink of her water, trying to sober herself up a little and then it hits her. "Oh fucking hell... not at the same same time, I mean thinking... you know what, Clarice do that... just ignore what I'm saying tonight."

Blink... blink... "Did you just boop me?" Blink. And she's laughing again.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice stares at Mystique again. For a moment - she looks like she's considering hyperventilating. Or teleporting away. ...but damnit, no teleporting drunk. Okay. Nope. No. Ignoring Mystique.
    She fixes her gaze on Creed instead. What had he just said? ...right. "Well, 'course we do," she agrees. "And I've got your back - always. Anytime. No matter what."

Victor Creed has posed:
Slipping his arm around Clarice's shoulders in a friendly way, Victor drops into 'dad-lecture' voice, pointing at Mystique. "You see Clarice, this is why you don't want to drink to excess. You just end up embarrassing yourself and saying things you really didn't mean to say. The only thing you can really hope for is that you're so drunk you don't remember what you did in the morning."

He grins at Mystique, dropping the serious pose and says, "Yes, I booped you. You are amusingly drunk, and I kind of like this side of you. But you really do need to getr some sleep."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique switches to coffee, that might help more than water because the water did shit all. "The problem with going to bed is that once you sleep, you have to wake up, and I'm not looking forward to that part. Hangovers, if I remember them correctly suck huge donkey di..." she takes a drink of her coffee since it arrived and just leaves the rest of that word to the imagination.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Hangovers are the worst," Clarice agrees, apparently not ignoring //everything// Mystique says. She leans into Creed when his arm goes around her shoulder, breathing in his scent for a moment. She's never voiced it - but there's nowhere she feels safer.
    "You couldn't drink to excess if you tried. That stupid metabolism of yours runs too hot," she points out. "It's an unfair advantage - and your loss. Both at the same time."

Victor Creed has posed:
Victor shrugs a little, "Eh, what can I say. Probably best I can't get drunk, given the kinds of things I tend to do when I get out of control. I'm bad enough when I know what I'm doing, can you imagine me as drink as Mysti here is?

He finishes the beer he's holding and tosses the bottle to the bartender. "Personally, I think I'm gonna go get some sleep. Clarice, can you make sure Mystique gets home ok? It'd just be wrong to let our fearless leader sleep one off facedown on the bar."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique adds some ice to the coffee to cool it down so she can down it quickly. "It'll be the last time I drink for a very long time," she comments after a moment, then looks to Victor. "You like this side of me? What side is that really, and I'm asking seriously here, because I didn't know I had sides. I know I have faces, many faces, many bodies, many ways to screw up and screw things up for myself, so I'm dead serious about what side, so I can latch onto it and not let go."

She gets herself another cup of coffee, this one to take with her. "Never mind... I'm going to bed."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I mean. Normally I'd agree, but she deserves it tonight," Clarice mutters - taking another drink from her whiskey. But it looks like she doesn't have to worry about that responsibility after all. She gives Creed a one-armed hug, and flashes him one of her smiles before suggesting, "I'll see you in the training room tomorrow. Yeah?" Nothing quite like a good spar. And hopefully she won't be too hung over.
    "Mystique... you're the worst drunk," she adds. "The //worst//." This is followed by a more chipper, "Goodnight."