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On Black Holes and Black Coffee
Date of Scene: 08 July 2021
Location: Starbucks, Metropolis
Synopsis: Cole, Ayanna and Jovian talk at a Coffee house. Ayanna resolves to have a normal life despite living near Gotham and Metropilis and having a Black hole inside her. Maybe.
Cast of Characters: Jovian Anderson, Ayanna Dreyfus, Cole Cash

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson is a bit sore after another training regimine and just decides to settle for coffee today. He has a lot of nonsense to catch up on reading, most books on the occult having about as much to do with the real thing as Harry Potter. Hell, that actually has more to do with it than some of the drivel he's regretted buying in a library full of crap with some actual utility. He orders a single coffee, black and waits for his order. He notices Ayanna and nods, trying to remember where he has seen her before. "Jovian" he introduces himself. "Nice to meet you" still trying to place her. He is wearing a white tshirt and jeans, nothing formal since he just changed.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Sitting at a corner table, the girl in the small black cocktail dress looks up from her phone and offers a smile (polite?) and a nod in return. "Hi", she says and brushes a lock of her hair behind her ear, narrowing her violet eyes a little, "umm, did we meet before? Are you from the sciense faculty at the university? I'm so sorry, I meet so many people and I keep confusing names and faces, umm, I'm Ayanna", she indroduces herself with what would be best described as an outrageous French accent.

Cole Cash has posed:
Bursting in just after Jovian, the tall blond usually known as Cole Cash steps into the cafe looking perhaps a little out of place. Cargo pants, white t-shirt and army boots. He carries a backpack, too. And needs a shave, which is all normal for Cole.

A brief glance around him, before asking for a latte. Then he hears Jovian talk, and peers cautiously. "Oh, I know you," he grins. "Well, heard about you. Fun times, yeah?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "That can mean a lot of things yes, but in context you're not wrong on any of them." He smiles to Cole, "Cole, Ayanna, Ayanna, Cole. I thought I recognized her but I must admit I'm not in a science program." He picks up his large straight black coffee and sips it, "'Fun' is definitely a word to use whether its the jet pack or the scavenger hunt of stupidity." He looks at Ayanna, "are you from France?""

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus nods, pulling her cappuccino and muffin closer to her so she doesn't hog the space on the table and make it seem like there's still space for others to join. "Yes, I studied at the, umm, you'd probably call it Marseille polytechnic, it's like the MIT of France I suppose and I moved here to continue my studies for masters", she exaplains. "W-would you like to sit?", she asks Jovian with a glance at Cole, offering a timid smile and a nod, extending the invitation.

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole was back to the coffee. And pouring... a generous quantity of something on it from a metallic flask. Really, he didn't have much else to say to Jovian. He is quite sure they will at some point coincide in their business. Probably at gun point. It just happens.

But then Ayanna offers him a seat, he glances at her and smiles. "For sure," it is not as if he has anything better to do for the next 23, no, 22 minutes. Assuming punctuality on his next 'business partner'. "Jet packs are great," he needs to point out, nodding at Jovian.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson smiles at the medicinal enhancement. He has done that on stakeouts before. He also takes her up on the offer to sit, "Jet packs in general are great. Jet packs with a renegade AI that goes berserk while flying with it," he chuckles and shakes his head, "Physics is impressive though. Are you in an applied study program or still wading through humanities and English 101?" He is relaxed and curious.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus can't help a hint of a frown as the men speak so casually about jetpacks but shakes the thought out of her head as she takes a sip from her coffee. "I'm on a scholarship, I help with research into superconductios, lasers and other deep cooled projects", she says casually, yet with that foreign cinema air about her. It's the accent. "You guys really have jetpacks? Doesn't it require like, tons of paperwork and training, especially to operate one in an urban area?", she can't help but bite.

Cole Cash has posed:
"Yeah, permits and stuff..." handwaves Cole. "Such a hassle," beat, "and putting an A.I. on one sound like great idea, if one has a death wish." He sips his coffee. Irish coffee, now.

Then he looks at Ayanna with some curiosity. "That doesn't sound like a freshman thing to do. Are you post-grad or something?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "The guy that made that jetpack was mad as a march hare." He looks at Ayanna, "I recently got an..expansion of resources after a major fiasco, and so in looking to upgrade my hardware, I was trying short cuts. There are indeed permits but the circles that Cole and I run in dont always...use permits. I'm a bounty hunter and Cole..." he looks at Cole, "Does that sometimes from what I understand." Granted, he's more than a bounty hunter at this point but one does not emberrass ones self in front of peers and scientists by mention missions to strange places for guys in bathrobes. "And it doesnt sound like first year indeed. I know just enough science to know that is very very difficult stuff. The scholarship sounds like its applied which is cool. They give you a lab or it shared?"

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Still trying to figure out a correct answer for Cole's question, Jovian's question nearly startles her and she shakes her head a few times, "I'm just a graduate, I received my first degree in France and I came here to do my masters. Assuming everything goes well, I could apply for PhD in another university, maybe even umm, ivy league one. I think I might get my own lab when I start working on my PhD thesis"... She reaches for her muffin and takes a small bite, trying to, well, make a good impression, but somehow that small bite devoured the whole cake, go figure. It's like she could eat a steak through a straw of something. A sip of coffee and, everything's normal, right?

Cole Cash has posed:
"I am just a regular guy trying to pay the rent, doing odd jobs," protests Cole, shrugging innocent-like. He sips from his mug and looks at the young woman with curiosity. He never finished high school, so his science knowledge is horribly practical. Mostly about how to make explosives out of household products and similar. "Sounds like you have a good head, to me," he offers.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson does not smirk but does raise a corner of his mouth at Cole's self depreciation. Jovian knows his reputation. "I think I would agree with that assessment if only because you cant exactly be a light weight and be discussing a solo lab based on super conductivity." He considers a moment and then takes out a card. "I'm dealing with some ...weird stuff. Like really weird stuff and if at some point you DO get that solo lab and are looking for interesting materials, I am sure I can arrange for you to have resources to study it." He sips his coffee.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
"Oh?", Ayanna exclaims with surprise, "So you are connected to the university? Or is it private sector?", she asks before glancing to Cola and saying "while I am considered a bit of a prodigy, they care very little for my mind at the university, they just want me to cool things down quickly and cheaply. I save them time and budget and they allow me to advance my studies and take part in cutting edge stuff"

Cole Cash has posed:
Cole looks at Jovian almost rolling his eyes. The things we say to pretty women. But hey, he wouldn't ruin his chances. "Sounds like you just got offered a job, girl. This guy got rich recently," he points a thumb to Jovian. "As for me," he finishes his mug. "I also kind of have a, er... job interview," he checks his watch. "In five minutes, right around the corner." So, he stands up, "great to meet you, we will see each other again, I am sure."

Just don't pay attention to the sounds of gunfire coming from the alleyway a couple minutes from now. It is probably just fireworks.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson chuckles. He can't exactly lie to Cole about that but he doesnt like encouraging the rumors either so he simply says, "I have more resources than I did, run by insane people, but I do have some discretionary funds and any attempt to find a logical explanation for physics that decide to take a side trip into wacky land is not a chance I'll pass up." He smirks at Cole's mention of an 'interview' and salutes. He has no idea if he will end up fighting Cole or with him but he is sure they'll run int he same circles.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus flashes a smile at Cole, saying "good luck with the job interview" as her eyes follow him standing up. She gives him a moment to leave before turning her attention back to Jovian, saying "right now I'm on a student visa, so I don't think I'd be allowed to do any kind of work, paid or not outside the university, but if and when my status changes, who knows?", she smiles, trying not to close a potential door.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson resists the urge to dash out and check out said 'audition' whether for or against since, while he is more 'superheroy' than he was he has not gone full on phonebooth. That and he is very sore from the training regimine. "I understand about the work. If that changes, definitely let me know." He sips coffee.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus purses her lips, narrowing her violet eyes at Jovian and then chews on her lip for a moment, pausing. "So what crazy tech are you working on, other than life risking combustibles for your jet pack?" she asks. She contemplates finishing her coffee but it has obviously cooled down quite a bit already. Still, she finishes it, placing the cup down and still fixing Jovian with her gaze, expecting an answer.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "Its not so much that I'm working on crazy tech," he sighs leaning back and says,"as that I'm the object of fascination for a bunch of insane cthulu cultists who have technology from an alternate dimension that makes no sense and induces madness on people that stare at it too much its more a matter of, realizing I'm out of my depth and trying to figure out any way I can to understand what I'm dealing with" he smiles."

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus 's eyes widen a bit and then she frowns at Jovian, "look, if you'd rather not tell me about it, it's fair, no need to go Gi Eye Joe on me and tell me stories about cobra headquartess", she says with a bit of a pout.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson looks around and turns his hand into a shadow briefly, moving it through the cup before anyone notices,"Trust me. I wish it was fiction.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
"You're a mutant!", Ayanna exclaims a bit loudly at Jovian. It's not like she doesn't interact with a few daily, but it's still not that common and Jovian just demonstrated something she haven't seen before. Still, remembering some of the states are kind of racist towards mutants, she lowers her voice apologizingly, "oops, sorry..."

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "No." he smiles, "Not so cool, more like the victim of illegal experimentation.." a lot of people are staring and one guy on a keyboard begins adding to a conspiracy theory reddit chat. "But I emapthize with their nonsense because they cant turn it off."

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus tilts her head inquisitively at Jovian, asking "what do you mean by can't turn it off? If they look a certain way, then yes, you're mostly right, but say, that fellow that cools off things to make his own ice cream, I bet he can shake your hand without freezing you. He has quite a degree of control over his talent, other wise his ice cream would crystalize and turn bad".

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson nods, "well true, but what I mean is that Mutants..." he shrugs, "Mutants puts a fear into people, the other, the grim evolutionary reaper that makes people feel like they're being replaced...I have a lot of family in government, some in bad parts of government and there are dark illegal techologies that look at a mutant just for what they are...who they are. THAT you cant turn off, people hating you just for being born. I just have weird hair and a family tree that causes insane people to....well frankly I still dont know what they want with me. But your point is a good one.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus lowers her gaze and frowns, asking "so if I looked weird or couldn't precisely control the cooling effect, I wouldn't be so welcome in the states?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson shakes his head, "depends on who and where. You'll notice noone but the weirdo in the corner batted an eye. So for the most part, most people are mostly positive on them. But the assholes blend in. Other states, other cities its different but...people can stare. The very existance of mutant town, for example is..." he sighs and shakes his head, "Europe is not perfect but its better.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus nods slowly, "so.. you mean that if I travel around the states, out of New York city, it's best if people don't know what I do or what I'm called like in the university? Just pretend to be a normal physics geek and not give out too much information?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "Until we get to full on banjo country, universities are fine. French will be scowled on by other idiots, but I think if you just smile and say you love America you'll be fine. And I find having to hide your mind under a cloak of normality is...you shouldn have to do that. New York, Gotham and Metroplis should be fine. You wanna go somewhere and talk?"

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus double taps her phone screen to wake it up so she can check the time and says "I don't have class for another hour, what did you have in mind?" Having paid for her coffee and muffin in advance, she's apparently ready to move quite immediately.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "Something to eat mainly. There's a cafe near here and I suddenly developed an appettite." He stands and stretches, "So what makes you most worried about people hating you?"

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus stands up, getting her phone from the table and slipping it in her purse. "Well, some people are violent. I can probably find my way out of a bad crowd, but a violent one is... tricky", she says softly with a shrug.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson nods and throws away his cup and moves slowly out, holding the door. "Given the sheer insanity that happens in the city on a daily basis with super heroes I completely understand that. I was just curious if you could do things like move your hand through cups," he smiles,"There are more people like me in the three cities than anywhere else in the world. But the violent crowds is more of a danger from random cultists or mind controllers than racist idiots...except around friends of humanity demonstrations in brunswick

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
"Oh", Ayanna giggles softly, moving to follow Jovian and nod as she passes through the open door. "I can't move my hand through much anything harder than water, but remember that fellow making ice cream? I could probably drive him out of business"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson nods, "Cyro control? Thats one I havent run into before but it is a safer power than some as long as you learn to control it." That and it likely doesnt cause memory blackouts for evil personalities to take control. He walks down the street casually, "I'm assuming given your question earlier you didnt get the power from birth?

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
"It... what is the word you use, mmm... manifested? Sort of gradual I guess. But umm, it's not like your superheroes shooting ice and the like. How to explain... You know the notion that black is not color, so in the same sense I have no power, at all. I can not produce anything or hurl it kinetically further than my arm strength would allow. All I can do is soak the thermal energy from something, all the way down to absolute zero", she explains while walking alongside Jovian.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson blinks, "Trust me," he smiles,"Thats a super power. I recommend figuring out how to use it in stressful situations. I work with these guys, the Nazca brotherhood and they believe all about coicidence and fate....all I mean," he pulls in to a cafe opening the door. The smells of the kitchen waft through the air.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus giggles and rolls her eyes at Jovian before stepping through, asking "what am I supposed to do, drain their car battery or try to lower the temperature around so much that their nipples become erect? I mean, if I win a fight, it's most likely because I caused irrepairable damage, in less tehcnical terms, it's maim or murder

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson Blinks at the very...interesting ...reference. Then he smiles and sits. Offering her a chair, "Absolute zero could make metal brittle, distract thugs or even freeze a lake to run across. Though I do understand about damage. Murder is generally....not good

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
"Cooling down things take time, I... I did flash freeze at times of emergency or need, but very localized. I've never gone, how you Americans call, full retard in the open. You understand that if I drain all the thermal energy around me, it's not like a vat or a machine I touch with my hand, it's all of me through the air. I might well aim for just the alley but in a fraction of a second freeze to death the buildings on either side, or the whole block, or if I keep at it for too long, a city? I never checked how far I can go, but I know I've taken a large sized superconductor to near absolute zero is a very short amount of time", Ayanna tries to stretch how volatile her so called power might be in an uncontrolled environment.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "thats....some scale. There are people who can help you train that. People who are a lot more skilled than me but I completely understand your hesitation. I have have memory blackouts where I do odd things when I use mine too much. Still, I also know sometimes you cant help using them, he shrugs. He gets a sandwich from the menu. "Order anything you like."

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus glances at Jovian sideways, murmuring "anything is... dangerous. I could have a three pound steak with a side dish and a nice bottle of wine while still leaving enough space for dessert". She might sound like she's teasing, but then again, French, what do you know?

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "I can afford more than most college students Sounds like your power uses a lot of energy, which is interesting since it assumes conservation of mass. Mine doesnt follow normal rules but its NOT magic. Its just...wierd." He shrugs, "Seriously if I am going to have loons hunting me for a treasure I 'won' I can afford lunch. Though wine before class might not be advised," he smiles."

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus blinks at Jovian and stares at him wide eyed for a long moment. "You really didn't get what I was saying", she says and nearly flutters her eyelashes in a serie of blinks. "It's not a power and thus it doesn't cost. It's a bottomless pit, ever hungry for energy. I don't know why it doesn't consume me, but as long as I keep it well fed, I get to", she shrugs, "have it? pretend to control it? There's no price, there's no spending energy, there's no producing anything, just absorbing", the last words being said slowly so maybe this time they sink in.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "...my...power..." he sighs, "My evil doppleganger linked up with some...thing from the negative zone...a mythosian monster that likes me. They all 'like' me so believe me I might not have one with me 24/7 but I can understand the darkness within. But yeah OK, I do admit I dont want to buy the restaurant." He smiles."

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
"I'll just have what you're having as long as it's not too spicy", Ayanna says with a soft giggle. Then adding "well, at least I don't have any voices in my head or other other sentience trying to control me. Not that I'm aware at least"... She loses her smile after saying that, quite the disturbing notion.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "I know right? The little things," he smirks and orders a second chicken (non spicy) sandwich."

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus scouts around for a vacant table and walks over to claim it, sitting down and placing her phone down on the table. She does attract some glances which she ignores by checking her phone for messages and glancing in Jovian's direction to see when he's coming her way with the food.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson brings the food, and sits down. He doesnt check his phone and is curious at the people glancing at her but then says, "Anything fascinating?" He smiles not wanting to check his phone in case guys in bathrobes need another favor.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus shakes her head and smiles at Jovian, turning her phone face down. She inspects the sandwich, saying 'hmm, looks nice and juicy" with a bright smile. "Bon Appetitt?", she says/asks, waiting for Jovian before sinking her teeth in the sandwich.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson smiles, appreciating the manners and bites his own sandwich. "Bon Appetite. So how many languages do you know?

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus raises two fingers in a V motion, meaning two rather than victory before finishing to chew the moderate sized bite she took from the sandwich and saying "two, French and some English". She seems to enjoy the sandwitch quite a bit, though one might wonder how exactly that size of bread, chicken and all the goodies is going to fit in that miniature of a girl.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson arches a brow, "I assure you, you're better than a lot of native speakers I know." Jovian MIGHT have wondered but he has the annoying habity of believing people when they say they could consume several times their body weight, though he is enjoying watching it. "I speak none except English, so that's more than me." He beams.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus smiles and takes another healthy mouth filling bite. She does have the decorum to pretend(?) to chew it before swallowing and a brief pause, deciding whether to take yet another bite and leave the conversation hanging or postpone devouring the sandwitch for the sake of social behavior. "Well, we have a joke about Americans standing at a bus stop somewhere in the middle of the desert", she starts. "A car with an open top stops in front of them and a Swiss tourist asks, parlez vous Francais? The Americans stare blankly at each other, back at him and shrug. Sprache zu Deutsch? He tries, but gets the same blank stare. Parlo Italiano?Hable Espanol? Paruski Gavarite? Still, they stare blankly at him, shake their heads and shrug. Eventually he loses hope and drives on". She takes another bite.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
"After he leaves, one American guy says to the other, you know Joe, maybe we ought to learn another language, duncha thing so? Don't be stupid Gilbert, see that guy? He speaks what, ten languages? Still can't find his way around", Ayanna finishes the story after finishing another bite.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson chuckles and shakes his head, "Its a good one. I'll rember it." He atomizes a bit of his sandwich and sips the water. "Eventually the bathrobes will make me learn ancient sumerian or atlantean or something. Like I'm going to be able to use that. I'm still learning things like what Vampire stuff is real and what is just movies. Doctor STrange I will never be.

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
Ayanna Dreyfus frowns and tries to remember something while munching on. Then she remembers and means to speak, but her mouth is full so, wait. Swallowing, she asks, "isn't that black and white movie with the pink panther? Peter Sellers?"

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "He's a wizard. I read about it in a book. Like 'the' wizard after Merlin. I think the movie you're thinking of might be Doctor STrangelove?" He smiles."

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
"I guess, so it's another movie?", Ayanna asks, looking a bit confused but then there's the sandwich and sandwiches are simple, they just need to be tasty and easy to devour. This sandwich is a good sandwich, it's tasty and easy to devour so Ayanna does the courtesy of fulfilling this sandwich proper destiny.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "Not exactly. Magic is real. There is also a lot of fake things that are movies that arent real. I think that it is going to matter eventually but so far I've been just winging it on magical stuff. You'll definitely see if if you are around here long enough."

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
"My university mates said I should keep my nose clean, stay out of trouble and stick with sciense and technology if I want to have a good life. Anything else is out of control, plays against the rules and utterly volatile. I think they might be right and believe what they're saying, but then what does it mean about my special trait and theirs? Are they secretly afraid?", Ayanna wonders out loud behind her empty plate.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "Most people are secretly afraid so it definitely is, but it works better if you believe in their best selves until they cross the line into full on hate monger. Science can be just as much a path of adventure and strangeness methlinks, just not quite as quick as magic."

Ayanna Dreyfus has posed:
"Well, that's what they promise, slow and steady, fully documented, explained, tested and proven. Minimising surprises and thus risks", Ayanna says like a good teacher's pet.

Jovian Anderson has posed:
Jovian Anderson says, "I sincerely hope you get your wish Ayanna. There are people who have powers and dont end up going to alternate dimensions or fighting monsters or saving the world. Here's hoping."