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Date of Scene: 08 July 2021
Location: Mostly on a Quinjet
Synopsis: Bucky ... pulls a Bucky and breaks Zemo out of prison right under Sam's nose without the Falcon having a clue until it was actually happening. The flight to Madripoor is a tense one.
Cast of Characters: James Barnes, Sam Wilson, Helmut Zemo, Cael Becker, Jethro Glass

James Barnes has posed:
    Probably much to everyone else's ire, Bucky went in to see Zemo alone. Why the fuck were they even here if they weren't going to be present for the actual speaking to the target? Well, moral support when it's over, of course, was Buck's answer.

    Now he's sitting there, a wall of glass separating him from one of his ... what? It didn't matter. "You say a word, one word," he begins... even ONE WORD, "...this visit's over, got it?"

    He doesn't wait for an answer, instead he slams a piece of paper against the glass, one he had Sam print earlier that day. Project R.A.B.I.D. is written in red letters at the top. Beneath it - Rapid Acute Biochemical-Induced Deindividuation.

    "They're at it again, I need your help." It's a bait and switch, truly, because would Zemo really agree to help Steve?

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Ire is maybe not a strong enough word for how Sam reacts to Bucky going in on his own. He doesn't straight up start an argument about it, because they're on a mission and it wouldn't be appropriate (not in front of the kids!) but he makes a few pointed comments about Bucky and plans before he settles in to wait for however long this is going to take. With no way to track how the conversation inside the prison is going, Sam instead stares at the guards. He's got nothing on Bucky's staring ability but he hangs out with the man enough to channel some small fraction of it. Kind of more like being stared at by your not upset, just disappointed dad than anything, though.

    Not that he's settled, at all. He doesn't pace because Sam's not the kind of guy who announces his internal struggles that way, but it's there in the tightness of his shoulders as he crosses his arms over his chest, the way his expression falls into something that's probably more concerned than he means it to be.

    Definitely some irritation showing there too, though.

    If the way Sam says the word "HYDRA" sounds like he's dropping an f-bomb, "Zemo" is the equivalent of calling someone a piece of shit. Would've ended up with Sam getting his mouth washed out with soap if he was still a kid.

Helmut Zemo has posed:
     The Maximum security prison in Stuttgart was one of Germany's most secure units. And it showed, though a stark difference between the American corrections system, the prison was made to be a place of rehabilitation. There was no orange uniform, the lack of freedom was the punishment.

  Zemo's brown hair was combed and styled correctly, just how he liked. And with the Winter Soldier's right hand, he sees the Project RABID printout.

  Where there had been a calmed man behind plate glass, was now a man bent on eliminating Super Soldiers from the global war board.

  In his grey chinos and grey hoodie, Zemo looked to Bucky on the other side.

  By all means, Baron Zemo was going to help, if only because this was the lesser of two evil, as it were.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael, honestly, has so little idea of what is going on that it's a little maddening. Little of that shows on her calm, bland features, however, as she leans her rump back on the hood of the car they arrived in, arms crossed over her chest. She watches Sam silently for a few moments before remarking simply, "You really look like a man who needs a beer."
    If they weren't On The Job she'd be happy to provide - but alas, it would be a while yet before they could relax. "Do you have any other vices you could substitute in instead? Do you... smoke? Chew gum? ...sing showtunes?" Was that a friendly jibe at Bucky in his absence?
    Almost certainly.

Jethro Glass has posed:
     Jethro closed his eyes firmly listening to every eb and flow of the building itself feeling his surroundings and becoming one with them as he seems to blend one with the background. His rifle was at the ready, held firmly in his grasp as he looked across the compound through modern optics.

     It was the latest and greatest optics money could buy mounted on a rifle straight out of the 1800's, a bizarre combination but one that the sniper appreciated for its accuracy and utility.

     "Got shot on the guards." He offers, over their local coms, from his perch high in a nearby tree watching down towards the facility on the off chance they're called into action. His eyes slowly open back wide as he looks through the scope with one eye focusing right onto the heart of the guard to the right of Sam.

     This may have been an amicable visit so far but right here and now deep in the pits of his stomach Jethro had a feeling it could turn south at any moment.

     His breathing was slow and steady, collecting each and every breath of fresh air as if it could and very likely would be the last one that he ever would take. He blends in with the tree barely even anything more than a spec having climbed to the top with the speed and grace of a squirrel clamouring to the midsts of the branches and vanishing from view in short order.

James Barnes has posed:
    Now he knows he has the man's attention. Bucky doesn't smile though, he isn't going to show his cards like that. He just stands up, like he's ready to leave. For someone that the Baron has put through so much hell, Bucky seems completely unaffected by it all. Seems... key word. Man has a poker face for sure.

    He nods his head, indicating something behind Zemo. "What book are you reading there?"

    Book? Was Zemo reading a book?

    Bucky waits for the answer, waits for the man to pick up said book and open it, before he just turns and walks for the door. He dangles that piece of paper over his shoulder like a man leading a dog with a bone. ... if you wanna know more, better not run.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Sam doesn't immediately engage with Cael's attempts to start a conversation, but after a little bit he sighs. "Kind of a waste," he says. "Since we're in Germany." Maybe they can hit up a beer garden after Bucky has what he needs from Zemo.

    Actually, that's maybe not a great idea. The optics on an Avenger and the former Winter Soldier getting into a bar brawl in some German pub aren't great.

    "I'm fine," Sam tells Cael, which is maybe not exactly the truth but is close enough for now that he sounds it. And then he turns his head, tucking his chin down so he can mutter, <<We're not shooting the guards,>> into comms.

    One of the guards eyes him. Sam stares back.

    <<Barnes gets what we need from the prisoner and then we can get the hell out of here.>>

Helmut Zemo has posed:
     Zemo steps to the book, on the chair in the visitation room. 'The Count of Monte Cristo', there was a wry smile on his face as he picked up the paperback. "Dumas was a visionary, he knew the pain of a man imprisoned with a want for revenge. Tell me, James." The man steps to the glass one last time. "When all is said and done, will you ever find peace?"

  He doesn't expect he will get an answer, that was not even his point, he wanted to plant those seeds of uncertainty in the Winter Soldier. "Or will you always remain the attack dog you now see me as? To be kept on a leash and only let go when your handlers deign it necessary?" His voice is husky, cold, but well educated. "Gefängniswarter, ich will jetzt zurück." He harks, and the gauard lets him pass through, back to his cell. "You better be on time, Soldat." He mutters, walking back to the cell block.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael nods to Sam - and clicks to activate her comms for a moment. "<<Damn straight>> it's a waste," she remarks, agreeing with Sam on multiple fronts. You can say a lot with just five words. "Maybe we plan a trip back out here sometime - when we all get a little time off. That's a thing that could... happen. Someday. Right?" Her tone shows just how likely she finds that possibility, as her gaze idly scans their surroundings.
    "It's a shame we come all this way - and this is all we get to see." She pauses a beat. "...you know, this is my first time leaving the US." She mentions this //now//?

Jethro Glass has posed:
     Jethro doesn't hop down from the tree. Instead he stays firmly in position looking down towards the squad. The soft breeze catching through his hair as he looks over through the branches down towards the other two with interest from on high.

     He's jammed in there pretty good for the time being, lying completely prone between several branches, then again he doesn't speak a word of german so he wouldn't be very much help on the ground level with the other two.

     He takes in a low slow breath at the comment before muttering into his coms. <Not like I'm going to kill them.>

James Barnes has posed:
    "I'm here, aren't I?" Bucky replies. Given what's in that book, it's unlikely his actions are condoned by any 'handler'.

    "Peace is overrated."

    Then he's out the door and making his way to his friends. He's only about halfway to his destination when a note is placed in front of an inmate in the cafeteria by another inmate, the domino effect that follows is nothing but chaos.

    He's walking down the alley with his hands shoved in his pockets, head down when his comm finally goes live. <<Sam, speaking hypothetically, if you were to stage a breakout in a maximum security prison...>>

    Before he even finishes, alarms are sounding from inside, guards on the outside answer the calls, leaving the little band of buddies all alone in the alley outside the prison.

    "So... little chilly tonight, huh?" he says once he's close enough. He turns to watch the door he just came out of expectantly.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    <<Last thing we need is a diplomatic incident. Just sit tight.>> Sam looks away, breaking eye contact with the most recent guard he's been holding a staring contest with.

    Well, alright, it doesn't really count when Sam's the only one staring.

    The half-smile he shoots Cael's way is wry. "You have a lot of vacation days banked, or something?" he asks. Does Sam? Do the Avengers have official vacation days? Is there an Avengers HR department that tracks that sort of thing? Either way, Sam shakes his head. He doesn't seem the type to take a lot of time off.

    His expression drops when Bucky's comm unit comes back online. The unamused downward turn of his mouth deepens into an actual grimace when the alarms start to sound before Bucky's even done talking. <<What did you do?>>

    He squares up to Bucky as soon as the other man emerges from the door and comes over. "This is why I didn't want you going in alone," he says. Which is only half a lie! The possibility of Bucky doing something dangerous is always a lurking concern, it just took a backseat to all the *other* ways this could have gone wrong because of Zemo.

Helmut Zemo has posed:
     On the way back to his cell, the alarm starts to wail, there was a fight breaking out, and they needed to respond accordingly, locking down all prisoners and getting control of the situation. Quickly, Zemo takes the position against the wall, as ordered. The amount of chaos in the prison was gaining at an alarming pace. Such fights were a rarity here, most had managed to work peacefully towards changing their ways, or at least feigned it enough for them to receive the good privileges in the corrections center. As the guard opens the door, Zemo reaches up and slams the guard in to it, where the guard falls down, unconscious, of course, Zemo had no reason to kill this man. Changing into the guard's clothes, Zemo locks the guard inside.

  Maintaining a level of calm, where other guards perform their duties, and the riot guards had already mobilized.

  using the keycard in the book, Zemo manages to get past multiple doors, evading guards who would recognize him as a prisoner in a guard uniform, instead of a guard.

  It wasn't until a little later, when the alarm had subsided, that a man in a Justiz uniform stepped out of the expecting door, wearing the hat of the prison guards. You blend in by acting like you are completely expected to be where you are, remain calm and collected, and while there was a brisk pace to his walk, Zemo definitely looked the part of a guard off duty, exactly where he was supposed to be.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Not a lot. I haven't been with the Bureau that long," Cael admits. She still appears the picture of calm - until Bucky's voice breaks through onto the comms. Oh for the love of- "...I did not sign up for this," she mutters.
    And yet, she's pushing away from the hood of the car and moving quickly to open the door, and get behind the driver's seat without a moment's hesitation. She reaches behind her, and across from her, quickly popping open car doors in preparationg, before getting the vehicle turned on, and snapping her seat belt into place. "'A little chilly,'" she mutters under her breath. "What an //ass//."

Jethro Glass has posed:
     Jethro drops like a stone from the tree falling down and down before kicking his way off the lower portion and using his redirection of momentum to send him tumbling down the small hill into the alleyway instead of breaking anything like he might have been expected to otherwise.

     He's quick on his feet for being 202 years old but manages to make his way over towards the car as he holsters the rifle onto his back slinging it round into place with relative ease sliding it without a care in the world as he hops to it.

James Barnes has posed:
    "We need him, Sam. It's fucking *Steve* and we need him," Bucky replies before Zemo is within earshot.

    He stands there, looking impassive, hands shoved in his pockets still, as Zemo approaches. "Get in," he jerks his head toward the car.

    "This reprieve will be *really* temporary if you step out of line," he adds as the recent jailbird passes by him.

    Since he doesn't trust Sam to not just outright strangle Zemo on the ride, Bucky gets in back with the Baron. Besides, he has business to discuss.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Sam's still staring Bucky down when the door opens, and his eyes shift thataway for a moment before returning, only to immediately jump back to the face of the guard that's just arrived again. Yeah, Bucky gets front row tickets to the literal double-take Sam just did.

    "Whoa whoa whoa," he starts off with, hand coming up, but then immediately he jabs a finger against Bucky's chest. "What did you do!" Except he knows! He knows what Bucky did! There's a moment where it honestly looks like Sam's about to straight up punch Bucky in the face.

    And then Zemo is within arm's reach, which means he's in punching distance, and that look passes to the Baron instead. "You're going back to prison," he hisses out, but he's talking quietly enough not to be overheard, which means to some degree he's already bought into this plan.

    Dumb as it may be.

    "Beck, you drive," he says, because if Bucky's taking up the spot on Zemo's left in the backseat, Sam goes around to the other side of the car and takes the right.

Helmut Zemo has posed:
     Zemo takes off the cap before getting in the back seat of the conveyance, as everyone starts to scramble to get inside. "You do not need to wave your saber at me, James." He says, before looking directly at the Falcon in the room. "And your friend. Sam, how are you? You look, healthy."

  "Yes, please, go right back in and tell them what happened and what exactly happened James?" Zemo says, still so very calm and cool. It makes it just that much more angering. And it is just a little more enjoyable for the Baron. "So?" He holds his hands out, ready to be cuffed. "Which is it?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael glances aside at Sam as the man passes by the windshield - a look that reads as 'why do we do this?' She was already in place at the wheel, as it was hard to keep the woman away from the driver's seat when there was a vehicle to be driven at all.
    Unless it's sexist fuckin' 1943, but let's not go there.
    She takes a moment to study Zemo - waiting for everyone to be settled into place before she puts the car into drive, pulling away from the prison at a relaxed and perfectly legal speed - headed for the autobahn where speed limits are not an actual thing. Why has she never come to Germany before?
    She's silent for the moment - simply listening intently, trying to gleen every detail she can and piece together what exactly she's gotten herself into. But right now... she's starting to wonder if //owing Bucky// is going to lead to her becoming an international criminal and losing her job at the FBI.
    I mean, technically the first half of that sentence has already happened. It's just a matter of waiting to see if the second half comes to pass or not. Fuck.

Jethro Glass has posed:
     "I'm the one with the sabre." Jethro comments quietly as he shoves a hand rolled cigarette into the corner of his mouth, sticking it firmly into place as he adjusts the officer's sabre on his hip to fit into place as he sets himself down in the passenger's seat of the car.

     He looks down to himself as he pats about for a few seconds looking for something before pulling out a little matchbook, while he adjusts the positioning of the black powder sniper rifle on his back so that he can use this seat belt contraption which still seems to confuse him somewhat as he locks it into place.

     "Never get used to these horseless carriages." He mutters to himself, bounding that cigarette from one side of his mouth to the other as he plays with a coin from his pocket in his off hand. He adjusts himself on the seat again looking back over his shoulder to check that everything is going to be fine with the three sitting in the back row.

James Barnes has posed:
    "Don't think I won't," he calls Zemo's damned bluff and this IS Bucky Barnes, the man's batshit.

    Bucky waits until they're well away from the prison before he starts talking. "So," he takes the paper he'd show Zemo in the prison and hands it over. There's nothing on it but the project name and something about it resulting in the subject being fifteen percent stronger, faster, more durable and with a faster healing rate than the Winter Soldier based on prior testing of THAT subject.

    "You wanna put the brakes on this, stop that shit before it gets started? Then you help me with something else first. Zola injected a friend of mine with a virus, same one was used on me back in the 70's. But my friend is reacting to it differently. We need the cure."

    There is no question, no doubt that he knows that Zemo will be able to deliver. He also knows the Baron will immediately know who the 'friend' is really. He's also well aware that Zemo probably even knows about the Winter Soldier's infection in the 70's and his subsequent recovery.

    "You save my friend, I give you all the information we have on all the HYDRA facilities dedicated to this new project. ...and we go our separate ways."

    Oooooh, Sam doesn't look like Bucky plans on sending him back!"

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Sam's pretty sure that Zemo's trying to get a rise out of him, and on the inside, it's working. Mostly because he's already pissed off, and crammed into the backseat of this car sitting shoulder to shoulder with the criminal he's just become an accomplice to breaking out of jail is doing nothing for his calm.

    But he doesn't say anything. The back of Jethro's head is pointedly stared at when the sabre comment keeps getting passed around, but Sam just blows out a breath.

    He leans forward to give Cael directions back to where they've landed the quinjet, hidden somewhere in the nearby Swabian Jura mountain range.

    And then he settles back in his seat. Still not giving Zemo the time of day, and since Bucky is ignoring him, Sam's returning the favor. Until Bucky unsubtly implies that Zemo might get to walk away from all this.

    "Your way is back to prison, to clarify," Sam adds. "With an official statement from the Avengers saying that you provided crucial intel after we recaptured you, and you were on your *best* behavior. And maybe I'll forward you the mission debriefs after we take care of those HYDRA facilities so you have some reading material to keep you occupied."

    When they get back to the quinjet, he motions for Bucky to take Zemo inside, but then he holds up a hand for Cael and Jethro to stay back. "Look. Neither of you had any idea what you were getting into with this," and neither did Sam, but... well, that's not important. "So you both have an out, right now. Take the car, head back into Stuttgart, enjoy a few days of vacation on the Avengers' dime. I'll send a 'jet over to pick you up in a few days."

    Whatever they decide, Sam's climbing up the cargo ramp into the quinjet a few moments later. "So," he says to Zemo, and to his credit Sam's posture doesn't even read openly hostile any more. Mostly just resigned. "Where are we headed?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael remains silent for the drive - her jaw tight, her gaze on the road. She might take a little pent up frustration out through her driving - by weaving a little more aggressively through traffic on the autobahn than is strictly necessary. But no crashes result, so it's fine, right? ... sure.
    As they stand outside the quinjet, she holds up her hand to stall Sam for a moment before he boards the ramp. "I would really prefer not to get fired," she remarks under her breath. "...how did you change your face?" she asks.
    Whether or not he's willing to answer the question, she lingers outside the ship for only a few moments - before making her way up the ramp. God... damnit.

Helmut Zemo has posed:
     "That must be very useful when not on a horse. I always preferred the longsword." Zemo adds, ahh yes. Swords, in the 21st century. So practical.

  Zemo takes ahold of the paper and looks it over, crumpling it in his hand as Bucky dangles the carrot in front of him. "So, Zola has infected Captain America? How saddening. Alexa, play Despacito." 'Okay' There it was, the guitar notes playing before someone turns it off. "This is how this conversation would pass. I say why exactly would I want to help the exact thing I have worked to rid the world of. James yells out because he is in danger of losing his security blanket. Sam punches me when I say just one word."

  "So let us dispense with pretense. I will not be going back to prison, Sam. You want Steve Rogers to live, you will give me that much, and I will take out the HYDRA facilities how I deem fit."

  As the others get to the quinjet, Zemo steps in, and takes a seat. "Where else can the scum of the earth go to lay low than Madripoor? That is where we will find your cure. And I want my equipment." The one from Bucky and his last encounter, Zemo had a penchant for purple.

Jethro Glass has posed:
     "How'd you do that" Jethro asks Zemo looking about for a moment as the voice starts playing music. He practically jumps out of his skin from surprise looking about as he gets out of the car. The group makes their way towards the ramp, and Jethro just calmly follows along.

     "Sorry, can't do that." He shakes his head one side to the other. "Y'all brought me so far I'm stuck the rest the way." He looks up at the air calling to no one. "Uh.. Alexa.. Play No, I Ain't Never Gonna Cry, No More" He tries to get the magic music machine to play his song as well because why not?

     He moves to set down on a spot on the quinjet finding himself a comfortable place to pretend that he's not going to be hurtling through the air at hundreds of miles per hour in sheer terror.

James Barnes has posed:
    Once again, it'll be Bucky behind the controls of the jet. ...by default. One day he's going to teach Sam some proper piloting. How can a man fly his own damned self around in that suit and never learned to PILOT?

    "Because you want to stop them from making more," Bucky points out. "And that won't happen if you don't help me first. Sure, we'll stop them, the Avengers, SHIELD, but that won't be the same to you, will it Helmut?" Bucky knows a little something about retribution and he knows it's not the same if someone else is dishing it out for you.

    He drops into the pilot seat and gets things online and ready to go. "What you think I carry your pretty purple suit around in my back pocket?!" he calls back.

    "Don't worry, Sam, he'll fuck up and give me a reason to hunt him down again in due time, but for now... this is Steve, he helps... he goes free... *for now*."

    The security blanket comment? It doesn't get a rise at all from Bucky. He's man enough to admit to himself that it's true. Spend seventy years being tortured by HYDRA, Zemo, you'd need a security blanket after only three years free too.

    ...and finally, "Because Steve is the anomaly, the exception to the rule, the best of the best of us, despite the serum and you *know* that Zemo. You're one crazy, obsessed mother fucker, but you know Steve doesn't deserve your vengeance.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    It's Sam that starts fumbling when Alexa queues up the song, because it's coming from his phone. He swears underneath his breath and glares at Zemo, but still--not engaging! Not while they're all stuck in a car together. Let Zemo think he's going free after this, whatever. Sam stares straight ahead.

    "With tech we don't have access to right now," Sam tells Cael once they've arrived to the quinjet's landing point, head tipped in mute apology. This is why he's giving them both an out, and though he's not particularly surprised to watch Cael and Jethro head aboard the quinjet, he's maybe a little disappointed. Mostly in himself, for dragging people into this.

    Okay, no. Mostly with Bucky. This is Bucky's fault!

    Alexa does not respond to Jethro. Sam had the good sense to mute his phone after that first time in the car.

    He takes the seat across from Zemo, obviously so he can continue to watch the man. Once they're up in the air, Sam sighs. "Madripoor," he repeats, like he's not familiar with the name. "Look, we didn't break you out to debate the ethical implications of super soldiers." Oh, it's *we* now, apparently. "I don't want to hear it. Just tell us what we need to know about Madripoor."

Helmut Zemo has posed:
     "It is pretty isn't it? And functional too." Zemo adds in, looking to Bucky with just a little smile. He reaches out, putting a hand gently on Bucky's shoulder. "There is nothing wrong with a security blanket, James."

  There, he was settled, and ready to go. "You are right. I am not myopic or a Nazi like my father was." He says, patting that shoulder before taking a seat again, looking right at Sam. "How are you an Avenger and completely unaware of Madripoor? Madripoor is...like your Mos Isley from Star Wars. Congratulations, Sam, you're on the wrong side of the law now."

  "Ethical implications aside. The one we are looking for in Madripoor would be Selby. She is an information broker I still have pull with. And you, Sam, are going to need a disguise."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Great," Cael mutters under her breath about Sam's comment on the tech. Is he telling the truth? Does it matter? Sure would be nice to not be herself for this, though.
    At Jethro's failed attempt to get music to play, though, she let's out a quiet chuckle. "Aww, com'on, Sam. Have pity. Play the song for the man. I'm cuing up Overland Blues after that." What? Overland Blues is just a //good song//. She's allowed to have depths, too, damnit.
    As the conversation turns back to the job, however, she falls silent - standing where the hold of the quinjet joins with the cockpit so she can listen to the answer - while watching how Bucky flies the thing. She doesn't go so far as to ask for a lesson - but her gaze is intent on every movement.

Jethro Glass has posed:
     "Uh Alexa?" He looks up towards the ceiling as if Alexa is still listening. He pauses for a few moments before just buckling himself in and pulling the banjo off from beside the seat where he'd left it just in case, and sets it on his lap. It must have been some modern thing he's not clued in on. He thinks to himself while tuning the musical device on his lap.

     Jethro begins to softly play around with the overly ornate banjo strumming with a great deal of speed and accuracy that one might not expect fully just looking at him. He's got every intention of playing the full ride to madripoor as he looks down to himself bobbing his head in time with the music muttering the lyrics in that low gravel filled voice of his.

     The lyrics are in a low southern draw filled with slang and eccentricities localized to the 19th century south almost impenetrable in nature but in spite of the speed of the music tell a sad song of loss and death, with an upbeat tune.

James Barnes has posed:
    If Bucky is put off by Zemo actually touching him, he doesn't show it. He'll just take twenty bazillion showers when they get home is all. "Zemo, you still have that hot-air ballon of yours? Don't really think setting down on Madripoor in this thing is the best of ideas. Might be best to detour and pick up a new ride."

    Face it, generally quinjets scream - here comes the LAW. - Especially when they have a big old circled A on the outside of them?

    "He's my best friend, Zemo. Not something *you* would understand... you know, having friends." Ohhh, that was a little low.

    As far as the show Cael is getting from Bucky, the guy could do this in his sleep and it shows. Most of the time he's not even looking when he moves this to change that or touches this bit of screen to adjust something else.

    He doesn't ask what his disguise is or... if he'll need one. It's built in.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Neither Cael's imploring or Jethro's sad, sad lack of modern understanding makes Sam buckle. "This is not a party and I am not the hired DJ," he says as he sits there, arms over his chest, eyes on Zemo.

    "Most of my missions with the Avengers have to deal with the Big Three," and no, Sam isn't going to clarify what that is. He's not in the mood for the typical debate it kicks off. "There are other people more suited to handling the criminal element." Does he shoot a glare up towards Bucky in the cockpit? Yes. Because somehow here Sam is, handling the criminal element.

    He stands up and actually walks up there, but it's not actually to express his displeasure. "Just take us there. We can activate the retro-reflective panels and have it sit in hover mode off the coast. I can link Redwing into the system so we can call it in once we're ready to evac." His voice drops. "I don't trust any vehicle Zemo might have access to at this point, and I sure as hell don't trust him to run if he sees an opportunity."

    Then Sam looks back at Zemo. "What? Look, I'm not a spy, and people are going to recognize my face no matter what." He does PR with the Avengers! But then, as he looks beyond Zemo to Cael, he remembers their first meeting. And then he sighs. "Yeah, okay. Let me guess, you have an idea."

    Sam already knows he's not going to like it, whatever it may be.

Helmut Zemo has posed:
     "I was royalty until the Sentinels destroyed my country, James. My family along with it." Zemo mentions, before talking back to Sam. "You say criminal, I say political activist. Semantics aside.

  "That is exactly why we cannot go right up in Madripoor in a Ze-"

Sam Wilson has posed:
    What was that? Zemo doesn't even get to the second syllable of that word because Sam pivots on his heel to sock the Baron right on the jaw.

Cael Becker has posed:
     'Retro-reflective panels'? Did Sam just- is she flying in a ship with a //cloak//? A surprised look crosses her features for a moment, as Cael continues to watch Bucky's work as a pilot. She can appreciate when someone knows what they're doing - and knows it well. She'd be clumsy as hell at the task - it looks so deeply and intensely different than what she's used to doing as a driver.
    She bets she could get a handle on it, though.
    She allows the conversation to continue as she listens on in silence. That is - until Sam abruptly punches Zemo for no reason she can discern. "What the fuck, even?" she asks. Why does she hang around with these boys? Looking to Jethro she adds, "Is it saying something that you and I are the sanest people here?"

Helmut Zemo has posed:
     Zemo's head turns sharply from the punch, taking it like a champion. After a quick moment, he shakes it off and stands, to get a towel for his now busted lip. "A dirigible."

  "So jumpy Sam. You'll need those reflexes in Madripoor. For now, we prepare." He pulls out the paperback book that Bucky had slipped him, and starts to read. "You will need new clothes."

James Barnes has posed:
    "If it gets jacked..." Because Madripoor. "It's not on me," Bucky points out. But really, it'll get'm there quicker right? So they can ditch Zemo and get back to Steve quicker, right?

    When Sam decks Zemo, Bucky tries, and fails, to hold back a bark of a laugh. It still lingers in his voice when he says, "Damn, that went sideways real fast. I think he was gonna say, Zeppelin, Sam."

    "You might wanna ice that," to Zemo.

Sam Wilson has posed:
    Was that an overreaction? Yes. Does it look like Sam cares? No.

    "Was he?" Sam asks, leaning his hip against the back of the pilot seat. At his side, his left hand flexes, and it has nothing to do with the sting to his knuckles. There's a first aid kit on the wall that'll have gauze and an instant cold pack for Zemo, and Sam glances at it, but makes no move towards it.

    Whatever prompted the punch in the first place is left unexplained. Sam just shakes his head once at Cael and lets her think what she wants to think about his mental stability.

    It's about 10,000 kilometers to Madripoor, an island off the coast of Sumatra. The quinjet is fast, but it still takes a few hours to cross that distance. Sam keeps up a watch on Zemo for the trip, though the Baron is allowed the (closely monitored) use of a burner phone to make necessary preparations before they arrive.

    A few dozen or so out, they drop down low over the South China Sea and the retro-reflective panels engage.

    Above them, the quinjet is nothing more than the soft whisper of its engines running stealth mode as the team disembarks onto an empty stretch of highway just beyond a bridge, the glittering lights of Madripoor on the horizon. There's a car waiting for them, its trunk already open to reveal a new set of gear to match the cover stories they'll be running tonight.

    Sam unzips the garment bag meant for him and glares at what it reveals. That's it. Zemo's dead.