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Latest revision as of 03:11, 17 July 2021

Insert Training Montage Here
Date of Scene: 16 July 2021
Location: King's Landing Scrape Yard, Brooklyn, NY
Synopsis: Spider-Man, Spider-Woman introduce new hopeful to the
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Madison Evans, Jessica Drew

Peter Parker has posed:
It's not a Game of Thrones joke, really. The owner's last name was King, and it is situated off the river with a concrete dock to load and unload scrap. And King's Landing Scrap Yard was in operation years before Game of Thrones was a thing.

However, the owner disappeared almost three years ago, along with his family, and the property is stuck in probate hell. So, no one is coming by this place except for the rare check to see if the place is still closed and nothing's collapsed.
So, for a young fledgling superhero with no mentor or combat skills, it became a necessary place to hone his skills.

It's been quite some time. And, barring some pitfalls (many you can see at Spider-Fail.com), he's learned a lot. Now...maybe he can help someone else.

He is sitting on the iron bench he rescued from a different location with a paper bag, a box of donuts, a thermos of Aunt May's coffee, and a jug of orange juice.

Madison Evans has posed:
    'The bus' is hardly the most glamorous way for a budding superhero to arrive - and yet, that was Madison's mode of transport today as she trots towards 'King's Landing Scrap Yard,' while wearing a T-Shirt that reads 'I never received my Hogwards letter, so I'm leaving the Shire to become a Jedi and claim the Iron Throne.'
    ...look. When you have a shirt like that in your dresser, why //wouldn't// you pick it?
    She jogs from the bus stop towards the scrap yard, huffing a little bit as the sedentary and nerdy teen still has a long way to go to get truly in shape. But at least she's putting in the effort, right? A bit worriedly she wonders if she'll have to scale the fence to get into the place. That would probably be less of a problem for Spider-man than it would be for her.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Spider life often has an ad hoc feel to it. Case in point, the junk store cum yard sale look to a lot of the equipment in the "official" spider training area. Of course, it began with one boy's best effort to train himself, but as he grows so does everything that surrounds him.

Jessica quite likes it. If a training area for crime fighters can be sincere then this is it. She has access to the slick SHIELD training gyms and shooting ranges but prefers things here. HYDRA training also lurks in her past.

No black tac gear for Spider-Woman today. She is in full regalia, black marked with red, masked, her dark, curling hair framing the anonymous white, oval eyes.

"What are you working on next?" she asks, hanging upside down on the wall of the office. crossing the ceiling of the room.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey slides the heavy front gate open, waving to Madison and beckoning to her to come in. "Welcome to the Unofficial Spider-Man training area. Step on in, and I'll give you the ten-cent tour."

He smiled to Jessica as she queried about the next project. "I'm actually working out the kinks on a functional lightsaber. I have a few concepts I need to test, but...it's being worked on."
Spidey looked back to Madison. "I've also lined up a trainer for the swordfighting art of kendo, the discipline that is the basis for lightsaber combat. If you are interested, I'll send her your contact info."

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison lets herself be beckoned forward - her expression going from curiously looking around - to eagerly staring at Spider-man with a distinct bounce to her step. "Yeah?" she asks. "'course! I'd, umm, love the contact info. I want to start learning! I talked to some of the kids from my school about lightsabers too - and some of them sounded like they had a lot of ideas, but one of them was being a suuuuuper bummer about how unsafe it all sounded and how she doesn't think I should have something like that," she lets out a frustrated sigh, "But what's //she// know, really?"
    Yeah. Madison is absolutely determined not to be detered.
    "Wow," she adds, as she turns full circle. "How'd you end up finding this place anyways?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica flips off the wall, landing with the bent-knee poise of a gymnast to join Peter and the young woman. "Hi, welcome to Spidey's place!" She smiles warmly with a teasing glance at Spider-Man before continuing, "Lightsaber! Very Star Wars. I've never used one. How far have you come along with it?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man says mysteriously, "...enough for my tech guy to take it seriously."
He closes the gate, then turns to the two of them. "So! I learned of this place shortly after the owner disappeared..."

*...not to mention his psychopath of a son...*

"...and found out it was going to take YEARS to process through the courts. It became a place for me to test my abilities, increase my skills, and basically found out what NOT to do. Let me show you around."

He walks over to a set of three heavy punching bags. They look similar, but are not, and Spidey explains why.

"The one on the right is a regular punching bag. With elevated strength, it becomes a skill to learn control. You might be able to stop a normal mugger with a punch, but if you send his jaw to Jersey, that's an extreme punishment and too much force to use."

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison greets Jessica with a broad smile and a readily outstretched hand. "Hi! I'm Madison," she volunteers brightly. "I don't, umm, have a super hero name yet or anything like that. We might have to start workshopping ideas." She's not entirely sure what 'workshopping' really entails - but it's a thing people say. Right?
    She follows Spider-man towards the three bags - nodding her understanding. "Yeah. I mean, I don't want to //really// hurt anyone. What about the other two?" she asks curiously.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Nice to meet you," the masked woman replies, taking her hand in a firm, dry grip. "It will come to you. It depends on what your power or powers are. Oh, call me Spider-Woman. I don't have a snazzy nickname like he does," her prim English accent a counterpoint to the American slang, pointing to Spider-Man with her thumb.

She crosses with Spidey and Madison over to the punching bags. The problems of having an over-powered punch are underrated. Spider-Woman listens with her arms crossed, nodding at intervals. "Sometimes you have no choice but to hurt someone. I agree though. Yes, what are those?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man smiled wryly. "We're going with 'Jedi' for now in lieu of anything else, but if you want a different code name, feel free."

He points to the center one, and this one has triple chains mooring it to the metal beam. "This one's like the first one, but it's filled with lead shot. If you're going to punch the heavier hotshots, anyone with martial-arts skills can train how to hit stronger, thicker opponents."

He points to the last one, which turns out to be a thick block of steel instead of a bag. "Battleship plate...for training yourself to fight the truly-monumental bad guys. As in, hitting them is like punching a monument."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well. I think if 'The Jedi' starts hitting the news, my mom would see through that pretty quick," Madison explains with a sigh. And //that// would certainly lead to more than a few arguements. "But I tuess we'll see! We'll figure it out." She gets a thoughtful look on her features before remarking, "I'm really not sure how strong I am - you know - compared to other people. I know I'm //stronger// - but like, you know, not Super Man strong, you know?"
    There's a whole lot of space there, between 'normal' and 'Super Man.'

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Training will answer that question. I think it is a life-long process, too." She gazes at Spider-Man a moment before continuing. "Jedi does seem, a bit taken though good for a code name."

She tests the metal 'bag' with the palm of her hand, pushing it hard enough to make it sway. "I can break bones like anyone else. I just pack a wallop before I get there. How are you at punching steel, Spidey?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey grins. "Smart enough not to TRY...but considering that SUPERGIRL is one of our Honorariy Spiders, it seems a little facetious to make the place SOLELY for me to use. And on that note..."

He walks over to the other side of the yard, and something can be noticed - the grounds are carefully swept, the dirt surfaces are clear of stuff like bits of glass and other detritus, and there is even a spray-painted line between the open ground and the area leading to the stacks of cars.
"Each car, even flattened, has a number denoting its weight. For people who can lift VERY heavy objects, you can tailor weightlifting to your own limits."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "...whoa," Madison remarks as she follows Spider-man, taking in the large, open space with its numbered cars. "You must have had help doing this part, yeah?" she asks uncertainly. "I mean, how did you weigh them and everything?"
    In a quiet voice she adds, "I'm pretty sure I can't lift a car. I mean, I keep trying to do it - with my mind, you know? But I haven't even come //close// yet."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Spider-Man is nothing if not thorough, Madison." Leaping effortlessly up to the top car. "Training does help. Muscles, even super muscles atrophy albeit slower than non-super." She grins down on them, "Nice collection of cars, Spidey. Did you wreak them all?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey shook his head. "No, but there is an industrial scale on the other side of the office building on the dock." He smiled. "Carrying them over and back helped with the weightlifting." He points to an area currently hidden by three stacks of cars. "That's the target-shooting range. I usually deplore weapons, but even NL...non-lethal...weaponry have to be familiarized, so that's where it's done."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Like - guns and things?" Madison says - as if that wasn't obvious enough. "I've never fired one. And - I mean - Jedi don't use them, so..." Maybe she can skip that part, she muses silently? "I guess with those stacks of cars up behind them - it stops the shots from going through? It's not too loud, though? Doesn't gun fire, you know... attract attention?" she asks - looking between the two Spiders. 5r

Jessica Drew has posed:
spider-Woman jumps down to rejoin them, silent for a moment, trying to remember when she /didn't/ handle weapons. She was much younger than Madison when she didn't and already adept with them at what she thinks is her age.

"How old are you Madison, if you don't mind my asking?" Shrugging, she looks at Spider-Man, "Depends on the target and the weapon, doesn't it? Noise suppression generally affects the range and power on most guns."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "The metal walls baffle some of the sounds, but to date I've never had any issues. We don't have any close neighbors. If there are complaints, I'll see about some sort of sound-canceling system to deal with it."
He falls silent as Spider-Woman inquires about Madison's age. PRetty sure HE couldn't do it without getting a dirty look.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Oh, umm... I'm almost sixteen!" Madison answers. "Next month, in fact. I'm going to be a Sophmore." She furrows her brow a little, looking around at their surroundings once more before asking, "So - it'd really be alright if I tried firing a gun? I mean, I'm not going to carry one or anything. But I guess there isn't any harm in learning, you know, how to use one. Safely."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Nodding, looking at the ground, Spider-Woman loses herself in a memory of her life at Madison's age. She she looks up and snorts faintly, "Are you tired of hearing that you have plenty of time? But if you are in the street already fighting. The more you know about weapons the better you'll be able to defend yourself or someone else."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man looks a little uncomfortable, but says, "There are a few projectile-type weapons that are non-lethal. Like tasers, bolos, even throwing boomerangs that are soft evough to incapacitate without killing. If you can't afford your own, I'll try to scavenge something, but you should stick with your strengths."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "I mean - I'm not in the street fighting already," Madison says hurriedly. "My mom, uhh, really doesn't think I should be putting myself in danger. But if people are in trouble, and need help, and I'm //there// - and I don't help then- I mean. That doesn't seem right either, yeah?" She talks fast when she gets started. "So I wanted to come, and practice, and learn what I can. And then- I don't know. I guess we just see where it goes after that. I mean, it's not like I want to disobey my mom or anything, but..."
    But why //shouldn't// she learn how to use her powers?

Jessica Drew has posed:
"No one is encouraging you to disobey your mother." Spider-Woman's looks away, her lips flattened into a faint grimace before she says gently, "You are a very fortunate young woman to have someone that cares about you like that. Listen to her. If I can assist with your training, then I'll be glad to help. Right, Spidey. Besides, I don't even know what you can do?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "One of the goals here is to find out what you CAN do and develop that. And we will do what we can for that. As for your sword training, I will give your contact info to Owari (Chizue Nakamura), and she can reach out to you regarding getting you started. It most likely be with practice swords until you get good enough to handle a lightsaber."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well - I'm a Jedi," Madison says - as if that should be perfectly obvious. "So - I can move stuff with my mind. And I can use the Force to make my body a little stronger and faster than other people - I mean, I haven't been able to get as fast as the stuff you see in the movies. And I can jump pretty high, too. And I can close my eyes and hit a target - 'cuz the Force guides the shot, you know?" she explains easily.
    "And - well - starting with practice swords is for the best, I'm sure. I've never even touched a sword before, so..."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Spider-Woman shoots Spider-Man a glance over Madison's head that compresses a conversation into one look: we will talk later. Her fear is that acting on that belief, the young woman could take on more than she can handle.

"Practice makes perfect!" she practically trills and sighs, wishing Madison every good thing in life yet fearing what crime fighting will bring her.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods. "In addition to self-defense, I teach different subjects. How to handle yourself in an active crime scene. How to handle basic forensics. How to control the odds in a fight, even against multiple people. The handling of acceptable force in different situations. In order to be respected by the police AND the public, we have to act in their best interests."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Spidey is one of the brightest people I know. He wants to pass on what he learned, often times, the hard way and what I had to learn later in life. I was brought up by people that knew no boundaries when it came to violence and hurting others." All said in the even voice of someone who has met, greeted and overcome her personal devils.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well. If it made perfect, then you could stop practicing," Madison points out with the logic of a pedant. "But I get what you mean," she agrees easily.
    "Gosh, I doubt I'll have to do forensics. I mean, that's what we //have// police for, right? They've got labs and everything. I don't have anything like that. But I guess learning how to stay safer when fighting multiple people would be a good idea."
    Her attention shifts back to Jessica, and her brow furrows with concern. "I just don't understand people like that... I mean, I'd really rather not hurt anyone, you know?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey nods. "Yeah, well...I keep ASKING bank robbers to just drop the cash so I don't have to actually FIGHT them and web them up, but dangit, they won't ever let me skip the Fighting Step. But if you can use your powers effectively without hurting people or putting them at risk, then that is the ideal."

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Well - if I could get the Jedi mind tricks to work, then I //could// get them to put down the bags of cash!" Madison remarks brightly, before waving her hand in the air at Spider-man. "You want to take off your mask." She pauses a moment, watching him, and noting the utter lack of success.
    "See? It never works."
    In short order, the trio end up back at the punching bags - Madison listening intently as she's shown the ropes - and they're really standing from the ground up here, Madison has never taken any self defense training before. But she's attentive, curious, and eager as she's shown how to protect her hands, and how to stand, and she's soon throwing some heavy punches at the bag.
    It's going to be a while before she's ready to take on more than a mook.