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Latest revision as of 03:11, 17 July 2021

So much more to talk about...
Date of Scene: 16 July 2021
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: In the end, some things need to be talked out and they were... but Robert should probably watch himself, Mystique /is/ watching him.
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Robert Marksman, Clarice Ferguson, Scott Summers, Lydia Dietrich

Raven Darkholme has posed:
As the crowds disperse, most still having no clue what that thing was, only that it was cool and moved on it's own, Mystique leans herself lightly against the stand the podium was on, waiting for the number of people to thin out. Her amber eyes search over the faces again, settling on a few she knows from the area, but in the end they stay permanently on Clarice. She knew a good act when she saw one, and Clarice was acting up a beautiful storm.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will look over to Clarice as she moves to get her shake. "I got a drink, thanks, if you want you can have my coupon." He says offering the slip of paper in her direction. He does pull his phone out again and taps a bit on it one handed.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I've got a voucher already - thanks!" Clarice answers Robert. She re-emerges from Mootant Milkshakes a short time later with her chocolate peanut butter brown bits shake - and leans back against the facade of the shop, eating the shake with a spoon, as she had a tendency to do. The milkshakes here were just so //thick//. Her gaze flicks in the direction the golem had disappeared in, then briefly towards the dias, then back down to her shake before taking another bite of her treat. She does her best to keep her posture relaxed - though her shoulders feel a bit tense from the mental effort to keep them from hunching inwards.

Scott Summers has posed:
Scott Summers is off to the side, with his phone at the moment, both sending in reports on the giant golem back to Xavier's to make sure that the personnel who spend time in Mutant Town know about it.

And yes, maybe he's checking his steps today to make sure he's gotten his cardio in. He has to keep an eye on his fitness as part of the job.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia stands alone on the dais, now that the event is over. A few people linger because, hey, free cake and milkshakes. She's looking at her shaking hands and is filled with doubt and worry. "Oh God. What have I done?" she breathes. She takes a deep breath and clutches them to keep from shaking and to get a hold of herself, and once she's found her center, she nods, and hops off the dais.Now that the worst of it has passed, she wanders over to the cakes and grabs herself a chunk of the raspberry.

"Well," she says with a tired smile, joining Mystique and the others. "That could have gone better. Could've gone worse too. At least there weren't any torches and pitchforks." It's a lame attempt at levity but she's got to make the best of it.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Settled for the time being, Mystique lets her amber eyes move once again and this time they land on Robert. She doesn't know him, she only knows of him. That made her uneasy, that she didn't know this man who was in fact attempting to get close to her best friends and colleague. Whether he could feel her eyes on him or not didn't matter, for the moment she was going to watch him intently from a location that offered a good vantage. The cake can wait, she has other more important things on her mind.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over to Lydia, and says "It is that way with most new releases, trust me, better to get the questions and ideas out there now, and be ready to prepare for them than them happen and hit you as a surprise." He will stand and walk over towards Clarice, as he does a black circle (much like Clarice's purple ones) appears beside him, he sticks his arm in and pulls out a cardboard tube. "Hey, what you been up to?" He asks as he nears Clarice

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice looks up towards Robert as he approaches - her smile a little tight, and uncertain. "Uhhh," she starts, as her spoon digs at her shake. "It's been a complicated week. Not really sure how much of it I can really talk about. We saved some mutants from a bad situation, though, and got them safely to Genosha. And got knocked in the head a bit - but that's gotten better now." She lifts another spoonful, but before she eats it she asks, "How about you?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia stands there awkwardly, eating her cake. Mystique is silent and brooding, and Lydia can't help to feel guilty for her new found terrible mood. She shuffles uncomfortably for a bit before offering, "Can I get you a milkshake? Or some cake?" It's kind of lame as a peace offering but she's trying.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Although her eyes remain on Robert by Clarice, who is leaning against Mootant Milkshakes, Mystique speaks to Lydia quietly, "You don't have to wait on me, Lydia. If I want something, I can get it." Now she turns her eyes to Lydia and only then notes the body language. "Oh whoa, what's wrong?" She looks around for other indications of what might be troubling Lydia, for a moment the amber eyes rest on Robert again, but they move back to Lydia. "It wasn't a horrible unveiling you now, just some concerns to work out. Did someone say something else?"

Mystique can in fact work two problems at once. Lydia was clearly upset about something, and Robert was still an unknown factor. If you add in the voices talking to her in her ear pieces about positions around Bushwick, the reports about the camera and van preparation, and the fact she was in pain and not showing any indication of it, she was actually working many angles at once.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman hmms and says "Working and trying to design a new piece for a cyberarm, that will work with different size appendages. Something that could be used as a replacement or enhancement for those who need it." He does look up to her head as she mentions she took a hit "You should have called, I could have came and checked you out, make sure you were ok." He seems concerned but does add. "Did find a bit of free time, to make you something." He offers her the cardboard tube.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"I don't know what I expected," Lydia admits. "I mean, I knew there would be questions, but it felt like everybody was ready to have me deactivate it on the spot without giving it a chance." She looks down at her cake and then stuffs a spoonful into her mouth. "I want this to work. I /really/ want this to work, but nobody else does."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "The Brotherhood saw to me," Clarice replies - her expression a little embarrassed as she realizes she hadn't even //thought// to message Robert. "Admittedly, I wasn't quite myself for a little bit. But it's much better now. I, umm, have some time off for a bit - to make sure I'm back to 100%," she explains. She accepts the tube, a puzzled look on her features. She opens it, unwinding it enough to study the sketch, a surprised expression on her features. "I... gosh. I never... umm, thank you," she stammers out awkwardly.
    Yeah. Clarice is pretty horrible at this.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique lays her hand on Lydia's shoulder very gently, "I get that, it looked bad, just a lot of concerns to be considered. I wasn't going to go for deactivation, I seriously want to see what this thing can do, but it's a risk, you know?" She offers Lydia a smile, then a very slight nudge with her hip, which was a mistake, but the pain still doesn't show on her face. The only indication is a suddenly flash in her amber eyes, gone as quickly as it was there.

"It'll be alright Lydia, the Brotherhood has your back."

Even as she talks to Lydia, she watches Clarice and Robert. Lydia can probably now pick up that the uneasiness and brooding was over that, not over the golem. Every fiber of the cobalt mutant's body is screaming in numerous languages, but so far she's staying right where she is... which is very fucking difficult for her to do.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman rubs a hand over his head through his hair. "I was listening to music, while working on some diagrams, and one of the songs came on and started as a doodle, but sorta grew into a full drawing. I know we not able to get any good mementoes at the theater, so I thought you might like it." He offers with a smile "I aint found Prisicilla showing yet, but I did find a place doing a troma film fest this weekend. They are known for being cheesy and so bad they are funny if your interested, and feeling up to it.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks up at Mystique and gives her a grin at the hip-bump. "Thanks. I'm glad." She takes a breath and adds, "I'm glad I met you and Clarice. Before I was just kind of waffling my way through life, you know? But meeting you has given me a direction." She shoves more cake into her mouth, "I mean, don't get me wrong. I'm still writing, and I've got another book almost done. First of a trilogy. Maybe a quadroligy, depending on how I pace it. It's just..." her fork waves in the air as she orders her thoughts, "that I didn't have much to do other than write and look for a job." She sighs, "I still need a job before my trust fund runs out."

She, then, notices that Mystiques gaze isn't entirely centered on her, and follows it to spy where Clarice and Robert are talking. She's silent for a moment as she watches them. "Hmm," she murmurs thoughtfully. "I met him, once, at the diner. He one of the doctors at the local clinic." She continues to watch them before observing, "He's flirting with her, isn't he. Well. If he is he's barking up the wrong tree."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well - it was kind of you, thank you. I don't have anything in return, though," Clarice admits as she tucks the drawing back into the tube. A curious look crosses her features, though, as she asks without any comprehension, "Troma?" She frowns in thought for a moment before adding, "Well, I suppose I could meet you there. If you let me know where."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique stiffens slightly, arms tightening across her chest. "I'll hire you," she states plainly. "Consider yourself employed and yes, they went on a date once, but I don't think he gets it, has no clue, and I don't like it but I'm being good and not interfering because Clarice is a big girl, emphasis on girl, and can make her own decisions." In that time, as she spoke, she went from tense to almost vibrating, which is /not/ helping the muscles around the 'you were stabbed' area.

Without another word, she steps away from the place she had been leaning and starts to walk across the way to Mootant Milkshakes and where Clarice is standing, "I think I will get me a shake," she offers over her shoulder to Lydia.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, and says "It is a company they made movies in the 80s, but really low budget, and just rather odd. I figure we could try the first one and if it is to weird we could find something else to see." He offers her a smile and says "I will send ya a text, let you know when they doing it, we can try a friday or saturday showing." H taps on his phone sending her the info. "And no need to get me anything in return, drawing is one of the things I do for fun."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods, finishes her cake, and hurries after Mystique. Her offer of employment takes her by surprise, as a tendril of ectoplasm takes the empty plate and fork and disposes it into a trash can. "What? You will?" She is kind of stunned at this point and asks, "What would my job title be? And my responsibilities? Also..." She hands a voucher to Mystique, "You'll need one of these."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Still," Clarice protests, "I should think of getting something, I suppose." She just has no idea //what//. Buying gifts really isn't in her skill set. "Either day's fine, honestly. It's not like I'm doing //anything// for the rest of this week. Mystique insisted," she adds, casually casting the 'blame' for her time off at the approaching blue-skinned mutant as she nods Robert's attention towards her, and greets the woman with a smile.
    She now finds herself with a problem - she has a tube in one hand, and a milkshake in the other. How is she to use her spoon, when she can't just blink the gift to her room?
    How do people //survive// without teleporting?!
    She props the gift up against the wall beside her, so she take another bite of her shake.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique wants to stop, honest she does, she wants to stop and say many things, but she's doing her damndest not to interfere. So accepting the voucher from Lydia, she offers Clarice a nod in passing, and says to Lydia, "I was dead serious about you being PR, unless there is something else you'd prefer to do. I mean, there's hundreds of various jobs and tasks to be done on the Asteroid, off the Asteroid, around the world. Right now I have a list longer than my entire body of positions needing to be filled."

Inside her order is quick, "What you have made, which chocolate." Then she looks back to Lydia with a shrug, "What would you like to do?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and says "Well, maybe if you see something that reminds you of me you can grab it, but no need really. I like spending time with you and getting to know you. He sips his drink, and says "Seriously if you need a doctor again let me know, do know a bit about mutant physiology after all. So, what you think of the shield thing?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia sounds surprised when she asks, "PR? Gosh, I don't know." Her brows furrow as she starts thinking about it. "It's not a career path that I had originally thought about." She thinks more as she steps up to give her order: a chocolate cherry jubilee. "I mean. I've published my books under my real name and they're kind of... erotic. That may cause problems for somebody in PR. I'm not saying 'no' but it's something that we should think about."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice watches Mystique and Lydia pass - a faint frown crossing her features for a moment, before she turns her attention back to Robert once more. "Well. I'll keep my eyes open, but if I'm being honest, I don't have all that much experience with giving, or getting gifts. I mean - there's a pretty long list of things I don't have very much experience with." She takes another bite from her shake before adding, "It really is fine, Robert. The Brotherhood's doctors are very good - and they have experience with mutant physiology, certain," she promises him.
    "The shield... well. I know Lydia, and I trust her, so I know her intentions are good. I hope it works as she designed it - but I think it's important we keep an eye on it for a while."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique snerks, taking the chocolate whatever that was ready and looking to Lydia, "Seriously.... erotic novels and you think that's a problem?" She looks around before leaning in to stage whisper, "I used to murder people in broad daylight."

With shakes in hand she heads back outside, "Honestly Lydia, whatever position you'd like is yours. We can talk it out, decide what you want to do. Like I said, we're desperate to fill a lot of positions, allow for some of the regulars to actually get a break. I mean I feel for Dr. Emily, not her full name obviously, because she is the only official mutant and medical doctor we have."

/Now/ she walks up to Clarice and Robert, offering the broadest of smiles, "Hello, I'm Mystique." And her hand extends to the man. Whether he shakes it or not, she continues speaking. "Tread lightly oh man of interest, you know not where you go."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman does shake the hand giving a firm but not crushing shake "Robert Marksman." He offers in return letting her know his name." He looks to Clarice, and says "Well you know anything I can help ya with I will." He then looks to Mystique, and says "Oh really?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia stops to consider this. "You have a point, there." She hurries to catch up to Mystique after thinking about this for a moment. "Give me a day or two to let the golem thing settle down and I'll give it some serious thought."

She turns up and stands by Mystique's side. "Hi," she calls out to Robert. "It's... Robert, right? We met at the diner once."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Mystique is my boss," Clarice remarks. "And my mentor, and my friend," she clarifies with a wry expression. "It gets complicated - and she gets a little protective of her people sometimes - but the Brotherhood is changing," she remarks in a dry voice.
    Though, she has no doubts that Mystique could and would do quite a lot of damage if she honestly believed Clarice had been harmed. Great.
    "Which kind of shake did you get?" she asks, before adding, "The, umm, shield is very impressive, Lydia. I really do hope it works out like you've planned."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Looking at the shake a moment, the amber eyes lift back to look at Robert and the smile turns a touch mischievous, "I'm very protective of my people, but Clarice is right. What you may have heard about us is the past, the path forward now is completely different. In the past, I would likely have already punched you in the face and walked away, instead I'm attempting to engage you in conversation and offer up the usual 'big sister/mentor' speech of this... hurt Clarice and I will kill...no," she shakes her head and offers a soft tsk, tsk, tsk to herself. "Hurt Clarice, and I will hurt you... there, that's more accurate."

She takes a spoonful of the shake now, cold though it is, she chews and swallows, "Chocolate and strawberry, works for me."

Then her eyes shift back to Robert, "That said and done, it's nice to meet you. If you're every looking for a job, let me know, we could use a doctor of your caliber."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over to Lydia, and says "Yes, Robert, I work over at the Clinic, keeping people patched up. Try to help out around the way I can." He looks back to Mystique, and says "I don't plan on hurting her, I do want to get to know her more, and show her some of the interesting things of life, that she has not seen. Talking about going to a Troma film fest, but if it is not her cup of tea, we will find something she enjoys doing. Plus it is nice for us both a believe having someone to chat with who understands how one anothers powers work more than most." He will pull his wallet out and offers one of his cards to Mystique. "If you need me give me a call."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods and adds her two cents in. "I wouldn't be working with them, if I didn't have faith that they were changing for the better." She takes a scoop of her milkshake and closes her eyes to make happy yummy noises. "God that's good. As I was saying, I've /seen/ what Mystique is capable of doing. I've also seen her make an honest attempt at being better. I believe that the Brotherhood is trying to make good on its good intentions."

To Clarice she says, "I got chocolate cherries jubilee. I love the little chunks of cherries, and thank you for believing in me. In my project."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "The chocolate with the cherries is very good," Clarice agrees brightly, before turning a 'really, Mystique?' look on her boss.
    The look she sends towards Robert is both wry and apologetic. "Mystique was part of the team that freed the pens on Genosha. Essentially, she's known me my whole life - as far as I see things."
    She takes another bite from her shake again before she adds, "As much as we could use Robert's help - the people of Bushwick need him, as well. It would feel strange taking their doctor from them - while we're trying to protect them. Wouldn't it?" Whatever subtle signs of tension may have still been carried in Clarice's shoulders have slowly started to ease in Mystique's company - even with her giving poor Robert such a hard time.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique takes the offered card, for a single moment looking it over before it disappears into the pocket of her jeans. She already knew of it, what good was being an international spy if you couldn't gather some information on a local guy, but she wouldn't say that.

"The primary problem is that when we need someone, they are already on the Asteroid... but I will keep the number handy for patrols in Bushwick at least. As Clarice said, wouldn't do to take you away from the citizens, not even part time."

When Lydia starts talking her and the changes to the Brotherhood, Mystique falls quiet for a moment. She's not used to praise, after all she hasn't had much reason for it... unless you count from other Mutants who loathed a certain mutant hating senator she recently murdered... well a few months ago anyway. Change wasn't easy, but she had been trying. Eventually the law would once again catch up with her and she would have to make another escape, but for now they haven't managed it.

"I realize there's a long, hard road ahead for the Brotherhood," she starts with a slight shrug. "I realize our past isn't something everyone can forgive, but I figure if the X-Men and Charles Xavier himself can offer us a chance, others might be able to as well."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to the woman, and says "You are trying to help people around here, thats what counts right now, folks should be given a chance to redeem themselves. From some of the things I have heard you may as you said have a long road but if you do not take step after step you will never make it down the road. His phone beeps, and says "And it looks like I am needed to check on one of the patients at the clinic, seems Jimmy Yanson fell off his bike, and they think he may have broken his third arm." He looks to the ladies and says "If you will excuse me." He will lean in and gives Clarice a quick kiss on the cheek, and then a black portal will appear, and he steps through it and is gone. The ladies may feel coldness from the portal.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique has not felt that sensation in a very long time, and whereas most people would shudder in reaction, she merely raises a brow and nods. She's probably been at this too long, because from that alone she can determine the root of his powers, which was in fact rare. "At least I didn't drive him away with the big sister/mentor speech," she offers, looking to Clarice and Lydia, dead serious expression on her face.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods in agreement with Mystique. "Cooperation is the key here. If we all work together we can make Bushwick a safe haven." Her next spoonful of milkshake is halfway to her mouth when Robert leans in for the kiss. Immediately a hand goes to Mystique and Lydia gives her a 'please don't kill him' look.

When it's clear that she isn't she lets out a breath. "And you didn't maim him when he kissed her," she says, cracking a wry smile. "He's got no chance," she says. "Especially since...." she stops, uncertain and turns to Clarice, "Does she know about the... thing?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    A little color - along with a small smile that's a mix of pleased and embarrassed crosses Clarice's features in response to the kiss, and she calls after Robert, "I hope the boy's alright!" Third arm? How many arms did the boy have? Hrm.
    Her gaze shifts towards Mystique, and she responds with a small shrug of her shoulders. "No, I guess not," she agrees. "He really is kind. And I'm really not sure how I feel about... well. I don't know. I guess we'll see."
    The expression she directs to Lydia is puzzled when she asks, "The... thing?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Shoving another spoonful of frozen goodness into her face, Mystique stares at the place where Robert just was while she chews it. "I wanted to," she comments after swallowing, then her brow raises as Lydia speaks in code about something.

She has no idea what the thing is, doesn't matter really, "Honestly, if he doesn't have a chance, don't lead him on Clarice, that's just wrong," is all she offers, then tosses the rest of the shake in a trash can. "I'll leave you two to talk."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks a bit frustrated. "You know the..." she looks back at Mystique and figures she probably does. "The other kiss," she whispers just in case. "The one we talked about last night." When the cobalt mutant turns to go Lydia says, "Wait. You don't have to go."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "You don't have to go," Clarice repeats after Lydia - even as the color on her cheeks deepens. "I- no. I hadn't told her yet. But, I mean..." She digs her spoon around in her shake. "I don't know that he- I don't know that he doesn't have a chance. I don't know what I think yet, I told him that."
    She lets out a sigh, her gaze flicking towards Mystique for a moment, then back down at her shake one more. "All of it's confusing."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique pauses, considering for a moment, then turns slightly back toward the two. "I have no idea what you're talking about, and clearly the conversation topic makes Clarice uncomfortable. She apparently can talk to you about it, so I'll let her do that. Just remember, Lydia stands on one of side of the fence with her likes and dislikes, I stand on both sides. If you want to talk about it some time, let me know, other wise I'm not poking my nose into something that you clearly don't want to talk about."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods sympathetically. "I bet." She slides up to Clarice and gives her a one armed side hug, intending to be reassuring. "It's okay to be confused." She nods to Mystique, "Yeah. Besides, talking about it here in the middle of the street isn't probably the best idea."

Now that the crowd has completely dispersed she takes a few steps forward looking at the scene. Putting her hands on her hips she lets out a weary sigh. "I should have gotten volunteers to help me with this." She looks over her shoulder to the pair, "Want to help me clean up?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "No," Clarice answers quietly. "I, uhh... I'd rather if you stayed," she answers - her gaze flicking towards Mystique, then back down at her mostly-finished smoothie. "After I finish this off then - yeah, sure. I could help clean up," she promises.
    "Then we could go somewhere and talk, I guess. I mean, I wouldn't mind. You just know how awkward I get sometimes," she admits honestly enough, flashing her two friends an embarrassed smile.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique rolls her eyes, thankfully she is looking away from the both of them because her mask is slipping. She reaches up to tap the comm in her ear and says. >>Street clean in Bushwick<< into it.

It only a few moments later several portals open up around the area and quite a few people step through them, already moving to start picking up trash and putting it into garbage bags they brought with them.

"I told you Lydia," she says over her shoulder. "The Brotherhood has your back."

She stays facing away for a bit longer, watching the streets becoming cleaner and using that time to slip the mask back into place. They make quick work of it, considering the number available at any given time.

"Whatever you want Clarice," she finally says, still not looking back at the two. "We can go some place else or not, you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Choice is completely yours."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks surprised when Mystique orders a cleanup crew. "Oh no..." she starts in protest. "You don't have to..." by then it's too late. People are already picking up trash and packing away what's left of the cakes. One of the crew jogs up to Lydia and asks, "What would you like us to do with the leftovers?" Lydia looks at the woman feeling kind of bulldozed. "Oh. I... um. I guess take it back to the Asteroid and let anybody who wants some have some. You all get first pick since you're helping out." The woman nods and smartly turns on her heel to help with the clean up effort.

"I, uh, knew that you had my back, Mystique," Lydia says, still kind of stunned at the bustle of activity. "But I didn't realize that /this/ is what you meant." She turns and walks back to the pair. "Right," she says agreeing with Mystique. "Don't let us pressure you into anything. Go at your own pace."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Did we really need to use teleporters for a clean-up?" Clarice murmurs, still poking at her milkshake. She takes another spoonful, her gaze following Mystique and lingering there as she finishes off the rest of her treat, before tossing the cup into a rather full trashcan. She then approaches Mystique, putting a hand on her arm as she remarks quietly, "I know that, Raven. Like I said, it's not that I don't want to..."
    She lets out a sigh before adding, "Besides, honestly I still feel better with you nearby. I don't understand how any of you tolerate not being able to blink away with a thought. I feel almost... trapped like this. Is that strange?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Closing her eyes for a moment, Mystique collects herself more fully, shoving things back into their boxes where they belong. As she turns to look at Clarice her eyes open and she says, "That was two teleporters, the other two are on stand-by as always, and Ritz is on call for you." She looks past Clarice to Lydia for a moment. "This is our community, and you did something for all of us, so of course this is what I meant. Anything you need, we're there Lydia."

Her amber eyes shift slowly back to the others cleaning up. "This is how we live our lives Clarice, without the ability to just not be there. I know it's tough for you, and I wish I could just fix it... trust me, I gnashed my teeth all night trying to find a better treatment and there isn't one. That's why Ritz is on call, you need her, she's there, to get you our or in or sideways. It's not strange at all to feel the way you do." She takes a slow deep breath. "It's probably very much what I felt when collared, so I will bend over backwards to ensure you feel safe and comfortable."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"I don't think that's strange at all," Lydia says. "I have a kind of... other sense when it comes to ectoplasm," she explains. "It's like proprioception in that I just kind of /know/ where it all is. I'm aware of things entering the mists that surround me like cat whiskers. If I lost that...." she shakes her head. "It would be like going numb."

Her head bobs as Mystique talks. "I'm here for you, too, in whatever capacity I can."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Surprise, concern, and curiosity all cross Clarice's features in quick succession - all tinged with hints of anger. "When did someone //collar// you?" she asks quietly to avoid letting the question be overheard by others, with some of her outrage coloring her tone. //Mystique// should never be collared, it was just wrong.
    "It's going to get better. It just takes time. I just- I feel vulnerable without it. But I know I shouldn't just hide in my room." Even if that urge was there.
    "But maybe we could head up to the asteroid?" she suggests. "So the bar, or my room, or... something? The three of us?"

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique glances around, noting how close the others are to where she was standing, and who it was that was there, before she says quietly, "When I was in jail, they drugged and collared me," she offers quietly, before speaking up again. "We can head up to the asteroid if you'd like, I'm sure Ritz would love a chance to actually do something."

Looking to Lydia, she offers the woman a hint of smile, "That capacity is friend. I don't have any of those other than you two."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia's eyes dart to Clarice at her reaction to Mystique being collared and frowns. "That's just... /wrong/," she admits. She had always been ambivalent on the matter of the collars. She understands that people want to use them to keep criminals from escaping, but their history has more and deeper meaning than just that.

She returns Mystique's smile. "Well, okay," she concedes. "I suppose as a friend I can accept that." She turns and watches the cleanup crew finish their job. "Sure. I could go up to the asteroid for a few. I'll have to come back down in the not too distant future to put a camera on the golem."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. Never again," Clarice replies quietly. "For either of us." That last bit was particularly fervent - unsurprisingly.
    "So - what is Mister Creed if not a- you know what, maybe we don't have to answer that. We should go up," she declares, waving Ritz over to transport them all up. "Have I shared my cognac with you yet, Lydia? It's very good. You'll like it."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
As Ritz heads over, Mystique raises a brow, "Victor is an associate, a brother, but we aren't close Clarice, and we won't be."

Ritz's portals are no where near as flashy as Clarice's, in fact they are white swirling mist looking holes in reality. You couldn't see through them, and she had to stick her hand through it first to let others actually pass through.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"You haven't!" Lydia declares brightly. "I'm looking forward to giving it a try. You know, one of these days I should meet Mister Creed." She steps through the portal to find herself in the bar. Teleporting always throws her for a loop, but she's beginning to handle it better the more times it happens. "So, shall we grab a table?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Meet Mister Creed? Clarice's gaze flicks towards Mystique, then back to Lydia as she remarks, "Well, he can be a bit gruff, and slow to warm to people he doesn't know. But if Mystique and I both vouch for you then- well. That'll put you in his good graces, at least."
    She steps through the portal herself, moving through the Asteroid towards the bar. A table? She was so used to simply sitting at the bar. "Sure. A table," Clarice agrees. Once she reaches the bar - she reaches behind it for one of her fancy bottles of expensive cognac, plus two glasses.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
This particular form of portal travel is a little rougher than Clarice's as well, it feels like for one instant you are everywhere and no where at the same time. Being crushed or squeezes while also feeling like you are being pulled apart, but literally only for 3 seconds and then it's over.

Mystique has been with Ritz to be used to her portals, others maybe not so much. Walking from the landing bay to the bar, she gets herself a glass bottle of coke, rare to find those these days, then makes her way over to the chosen table. "Victor isn't gruff to mutants usually," she states matter-a-factly. "Unless you give him a reason to be. Ha can however come across with a lack of etiquette because honestly, he gives no fucks what you think about him. He's got a strong personality, but once you get to know him, he's a teddy cat." She opens the bottle of coke and takes a drink. "However, he sat up the last three nights because I couldn't, so he's in bed."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia has to steady herself once out of the portal, but manages to make it to the table, and slides into a chair. "Some well deserved rest, then." She chuckles and shake her head, "I also wasn't talking about right now. Just one day we should probably meet since I hear so much about him. He sounds like quite the character though."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "That's one way to describe him," Clarice agrees. The strange teleport had thrown her for a bit of a loop - but she'd done her best to cover for it. Now, she was pouring two glasses of cognac as if nothing had ever happened at all. "But I'd do anything for him... and the same in return. I wasn't quite myself, after I was injured, and it would have been a lot worse if not for Mister Creed, and Raven."
    She relaxes in one of the chairs, picking up her glass for a sip before remarking without much preamble, "So - umm, I was talking with one of the X-folks, and she was struggling with the need to use violence, at times, to save more lives. And then - uhhh. She kissed me."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique was just about to take a drink of her coke when she stops that, because she would have spit it out, and stares at Clarice for a moment.

"Oookay," she breathes, licking her lips. "You were talking about the need for violence to save more lives, and she kissed you... just outta no where? Bam, lip action? Was she by any chance under the age of 18?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Raven?" Lydia asks, curious. This is the first time she's heard the name. She takes the glass of cognac and takes a tentative sip. "Oooh, that's good." Mystiques question causes her to wince. "God I hope not. If she was then there's a clear course of action to take."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    At the question for Lydia, Clarice's gaze flicks to Mystique - questioning, and even apologetic as she wonders if she just goofed using the more familiar name there. But she'd just named Lydia one of her two friends!
    But the other question cause her even more consternation. How old //is// Rahne? "I- no?" She doesn't sound certain, though. "I don't think she is. I mean-" Well, hell. "I think she's older than 18. But, yeah, basically. She was- we were talking about it, and it was really bothering her. And I was trying to explain that it's not her, or them, you know? It's them, or her - and all their future victims. So if you have the shot, you have to take it. And she said she needed to leave the-" school, "she needed to leave, and she started packing up her things, and then just when she was leaving the room - she kissed me. And I shoved her and, umm, blinked her... across the room. And then she ran off." She stares down at her glass as she recounts the tale, turning the glass on the table top idly.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique clears her throat a little, she had gotten used to Clarice calling her by her actual name, but now it was out and she was trying to decide if she wanted Lydia to call her that as well. It only takes her a moment before she says, "Raven is my name. You're welcome to use it in private, but in larger setting or regarding Brotherhood business, I'm Mystique."

Looking back to Clarice, "Sounds to me like it was a heat of the moment thing, but even still, you should probably try talking to her. Especially if she was talking about leaving the school... that's a bad idea."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lyida nods at Mystique. "Good to know. I'll be careful to use it in private." Just then her phone rings. Picking it up she puts it to her ear and nods as the voice speak to her. "Okay. I'll be down there shortly." She sighs, and drains the rest of the cognac. "That was the team setting up the surveillance. They're ready for me to attach the camera to the golem."

She gets up after giving Clarice a reassuring smile. "You've got my phone number. Give me a call if you ever need to talk to somebody." She, then turns to leave and go back to Bushwick via portal.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique makes sure that a teleporter is on hand for Lydia to get back, "Call if there's a problem. The surveillance van will be outside Hope House."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice nods to Lydia, calling after her, "Goodluck with the golem!" She then takes another sip of her cognac before adding with a sigh, "I mean - I sent her a message. Haven't heard back yet. Maybe she's upset with me for blinking her like that..." She lets out a frustrated sigh. "And I'm just not sure what to think of //any// of it. It was so unexpected."
    There's a momentary pause before she adds, "I didn't mess up did I - calling you Raven there? It's just - you called her a friend too, so..."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A smile touches the cobalt mutant's face, "Nah, you didn't fuck up. I just hadn't told her yet, that's all. Now she knows, and there's a second person to call me that. I mean Rogue will always call me Raven, she just tends to snap it out with venom when she uses it." She takes a drink of her soda, then sets the bottle on the table.

Now that Lydia has departed, and it is just Clarice and Raven, the club mutant seems to let down one of the many masks. For the first time since leaving for the unveiling, Raven actually looks uncomfortable. She shifts her position slightly in the chair, which seems to help.

"I'm going to tell you something more as a mentor, mother type, than as a friend, alright? You may be what, twenty-four? but you aren't really. You never got to grow up, so all this 'adult dating crap' is going to confuse the shit out of you. You have to ask yourself, and I mean really hold a conversation with yourself, as to whether you are ready to start looking for someone to spend time with romantically, eventually leading to sex because it will, or if you aren't ready for it yet." She leans a little closer. "It's alright to be confused, it's alright to not be ready, and it's alright to be embarrassed by all of it, but the blinking people away, that has to be unnerving for them, so you might want to try and choose another way to handle it. Most kids get to start dating in their teens, start exploring their sexuality early and work into what they're comfortable with. When people look at you, they assume you're already there, so you need to lay down the boundaries and lines at the start."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'm sure I can find some excuses to inject a little venom into it if it makes you more comfortable," Clarice counters - flashing a smile at the blue skinned woman, before returning her gaze to her glass.
    And her gaze largely remains fixed on the glass for most of Mystique's little speech, other than flicking up at her briefly once or twice. She sighs before responding with, "You're not wrong. And- to behonest, I explained some of that to Robert. I mean, not my whole past, but that I didn't really know... what I wanted, if anything. He said that was okay." And so far he'd limited himsself to a few little pecks to her cheek, which she was alright with.
    "It was just - getting kissed like that, so unexpectedly, I just- I didn't think. I just reacted. It's not like I think blinking her like that was a good idea, it just- it happened."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique nods as she turns the glass bottle around in her hand a few times, "Gut instinct reaction, and honestly it was wrong of her to do that, but I don't know how much of a sexual education they get at Xavier's so she likely didn't have a clue how to let out what she was feeling either."

The sits back in the chair a little, watching Clarice's face as she talks. "This may seem like a stupid question, but I'm going to ask it all the same. What do you believe a relationship is, and is that what you're looking for, or are you looking for friends?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "What is a relationship?" Clarice repeats. She laughs a little uncomfortably. "I mean- well. It depends, doesn't it?" She stops turning her glass now - and she actually grips it tightly instead. "There's what my parents had," she voices - her volume dropping to a whisper. "They loved each other. I mean, I don't remember much - but that's what a family's supposed to be, isn't it? Closer than friends - closer even than other family, yeah? Someone that you really... enjoy. I mean, I don't know that I'm really looking for- for //that// yet, I just-"
    She closes her eyes and lets out a frustrated sigh. "I don't have many friends, and I have trouble enough figuring even that out, but I feel like I'm starting to, and- and like I would like someone who's a little... more than that. You know?" Her eyes open again as she takes another drink from her glass - all without looking directly at Mystique.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique accepts that Clarice can't look at her, even if that in and of itself speaks volumes to just how unready the purple mutant really is. "Then just make sure that you tell whom ever it is, Robert, this girl from Xaviers, the next in a long line of possible dates... What you just said. Communicate Clarice, always, always, /always/ communicate. If you do that, everything else will fall in place in time."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Yeah," Clarice agrees, nodding her head in response to Mystique's word. "I'm sure you're right about that." She flashes a brief smile at Mystique as she adds, "I'm sure I'll find my way sooner or later. I'll be alright. It's just... all a bit bewildering right now." She takes another sip of the cognac, somehow managing to keep herself from knocking the contents back. Cognac is for //sipping//.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Another shift in the chair and Mystique has pretty much had it with sitting. She stands to stretch her legs, because standing hurts less than sitting. "Of course you'll be alright," she responds with a semi-snort. "Just because something is new doesn't mean it will utterly destroy you. You just need to find a way to express those emotions, and this is not the pot calling the kettle black here... I'm /trying/ to find ways to better express things."

With bottle in hand she sort of paces around the table, knives in the back where such a pain in the... back. "You're learning to cope for the first time, and I'm relearning how to not just shut down and walk away, but in the end, we'll both be alright. Just breath through it."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's hurting?" Clarice asks with concern and sympathy, watching the woman as she begins to pace. "I'm sorry that I got us both- I should have been more careful. We knew there were mutants being controlled, and I let them get to me." Frustration and annoyance flashes briefly over her features. If she'd been more aware - she could have blinked away in time, and none of this would have happened.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique stops and lays her hand on Clarice's shoulder. "You listen here, this is not your fault. This is my own damn fault," she states a little sternly. "We both knew the risks heading in, and this falls into the category of 'shit happens'. It's not the first time I've been wounded, it won't be the last time."

Pulling the chair over so she can sit down right there by Clarice, and look into her eyes as she speaks, "You get that? You aren't responsible for anyone in a fight but yourself and your enemy. We all got cocky, and we paid for it. Enough said about it, alright?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    For this, Clarice has an easier time meeting Mystique's gaze - and responds at first with a wordless nod. "I'm glad it wasn't worse," she admits. "For either of us. At least we'll both recover." With enough time. She lets out a frustrated sigh before adding, "But when I'm better, I'd like to work on some new training scenarios. Make sure I'm more aware of people sneaking up on me, and that I'm prepared to blink away before they can get me. If I'd just- If I'd blinked away in time..." None of it would have happened.
    "I Don't want to let it happen again."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Clarice didn't have to say the parts she left out and was thinking, Mystique knew the young woman well enough to fill the blanks herself.

"Training scenarios aren't a bad idea, but you wouldn't have seen him coming all the same. He used invisibility to conceal himself and Mansa. You would of had no way to know they were coming. Victor would have, cause he could have smelled them, and someone with enhanced hearing would have... so what you really need to do it learn to work on a way to have a protective portal around yourself in a ring, to keep things from even being able to reach you, while still being able to use your javelins and other portals. Think you're up for that kind of training?" Tactics... it's what Mystique was known for.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I did see him, though - just before- Just as he reached for me. If I'd been faster-" It was still possible to get away. Wasn't it? Clarice lets out a frustrated sigh, and finishes off her first glass of cognac.
    "I can't completely surround myself with my portals," she adds with puzzlement. "And they dont'... curve. They're linear. So the more of me I try to shield, the more portals I'll have to generate, and the more concentration that would take to maintain, leaving me less aware of my surroundings, and with fewer resources to achieve other goals." Unless she's somehow misunderstanding what Mystique was suggesting?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique hmms softly, sitting up again. "Sounds to me like a challenge worth looking into, seeing just how far you can push that to know your limits." She smiles almost darkly, "And who says their always linear? Have you tried other ways? There's no need for the portal to actually go anywhere, but to have it open in a shape around you, if possible, would lead to lost limbs from just being touched. I mean, it may not be possible, but it's worth exploring right? The answer doesn't lie in you trying to be faster Clarice, because there is only so much speed if you aren't a speedster, I know that one far better than most. You can only be /so/ fast, and then you have to look at other possibilities."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "The portals //always// go somewhere," Clarice answers in a puzzled voice. Don't they? She's never made one that didn't. "I mean-" She starts to lift her hand - but is stops moving abruptly, and drops to the surface of the table with a frustrated sound.
    Yeah. For just a second there she forgot she was powerless. "Anyways. They always go somewhere - somewhere real and physical, within the boundries of Earth, or just beyond its atmosphere."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A nod is offered, "Alright, so they go some place. We'll work with it when you and I have both recovered. For now however," she stands up again. "I'm going to go and try to rest, fail at it, and end up looking through old files on the lap top while laying there."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I'll go work on my reading as well, I guess," Clarice agrees - putting the cap on her cognac. She's silent a moment before adding, "Umm... Lydia's going to help me with my studying. She was trying to give me a copy of her book to read while I was sick, so..." So she finally told her.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique smiles and a smirks at the same time, "Her books are erotic novels, might give you some pointers you'll need in the future." She doesn't go into the fact she told her, she just accepts it. "Unless you'd like me to draw you some diagrams?"