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Latest revision as of 04:20, 28 July 2021

Dollhouse: Sunil Bakshi
Date of Scene: 17 July 2021
Location: Orlando, Florida
Synopsis: Team B enters the warehouse and encounters Carl Creel, Sylvia, and Hayward.. the battle gets tactical and they find themselves facing off against Dr. List's second in command, Po, who Clint chest-explodes. Many Inhumans recovered, though they may be brainwashed, and many HYDRA agents captured. They did not find Bakshi though. May be Team M will have more luck there.
Cast of Characters: Bobbi Morse, Lance Hunter, Sara Pezzini, Clint Barton, Cael Becker

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The four quinjets fly smoothly through the air. Off in the distance is an amusement park, a big amusement park. So big its surrounding areas include a small town and industrial areas. One old industrial area has been forgotten and there HYDRA has taken root. 'The Orlando Operation' as Dr. List described it when he gave control of it to Sunil Bakshi.

    One large warehouse is where all the action has been taking place. Parked outside of it is a slightly differently designed quinjet to the ones that SHIELD uses. The same design that attacked Afterlife. There is a pilot in its seat though the engines are off and two more HYDRA agents in black armor carrying a stretcher with a person on it in to the quinjet. The person is strapped down and hooked up to an IV.

    Bobbi's voice cuts through as the quinjets circle and come in for a landing just out of earshot. "We don't know what's inside. There's something in there jamming electrical signals. But we have a fair idea from satellite surveillance that this is the place they're making a HYDRA Inhuman army - brainwashed. If we can help these people we will."

    "But keep in mind, even our Agent House turned on us and had no control over her actions. This new breed of mind control is deadlier, more complete, harder to detect. Defend yourselves."

    "Our target today is Sunit Bakshi. He has made the Inhuman weapons HYDRA intends to use to attack New York City. We need him alive and we need to know what he knows or else our job next week will be even harder. But most of all - we need to shut this operation down. For good."

    "Team B, for Bobbi, will take the east entrance. Team M for May will take the west entrance. If we fork vertically - Team M will go up. Team B will go down. This is a joint STRIKE/SPOT/Operations mission. Consider this our trial by fire for next weeks operation to stop HYDRA from quite literally taking over the entire country. Good hunting."

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter is prepped and ready by Bobbi's side, tac vest on, MP-5 hung on a strap over his shoulder, ICER on his hip. Giving team B a grin, he says, "What she means is 'no pressure'," he jokes, before adding. "But let's get this done and not get our brains scrambled."

Then to Bobs, he taps his chest where his ring is out of the line of fire on its chain, "Don't die," he tells her, it's their pre-mission thing.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
It made sense not to waste a set of clothing, so while enroute, Sara stripped down to just a shirt and shorts. Seconds later the metal tendrils sprung out from the bracelet to form the gauntlet, then they continue around her body, shredding what clothing remained to form the armor that covered her entire body. Last it wrapped up and over her head, forming a helmet and mask to conceal her face, leaving just her lips and shin visible. When complete the armor has a matte finish, deliberately lacking the usual glowing shine that came with it... stealth mode.

Reaching to her side the armor formed a holster for her to slip the ICER into, her comm was already in her ear and now protected from being removed or destroyed. It was a process, but it was done.

"Any special instructions for me, Agent Morse?"

Clint Barton has posed:
Today Clint is in his ninja costume again, but with a new twist. On one wrist he's got a bracer with a small self-loading crossbow mounted on it, quarrels held in the bracer around his wrist. The hilt of his katana stands above his shoulder and he's got an ICER holstered on his belt.

Looking over at Cael, he says "Bet you're not used to this kind of thing in the FBI. You guys are usually a bit more like police than soldiers."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael listens intently to the brief, her expression serious, and determined. She's already geared up - having put on the tactical armor with a practiced hand, and the comm slipped into her ear. The ICER was inspected minutely - it was the second time she's been handed one of these and she still wonders why the tech can't be shared more widely. It'd save likes. Wouldn't it? She holsters it, though, and checks that her replacement cartridges are all clipped into place for easy access.
    "It's a little different," she admits. "But I've been doing enough of this sort of thing with Barnes and Cap and Falcon now that it feels - honestly, more familiar than you'd think."
    It doesn't stop her heart from thudding in her chest, though.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi tugs the belt about her waist tighter, the shiny M buckle in place. The split cloak hanging from her shoulders buzzes with purple energy for a moment as it activates. She checks her stun baton charge, checks her ICER on side, checks her heart rate monitor. Finally, she pulls her yellow tinted tactical goggles in place - a gift from Daisy.

    Almost ready, she places a hand on Lance's chest and says, "Don't die," then gives him a small kiss on the cheek. The ritual is complete, now she's ready. She nods to Cael, "This is Agent Becker from the FBI. She's joining us today and doesn't know our cues. I hear good things. Agent Pezzini, please partner up with Cael."

    She smiles to Sara and then says with less of an edge on her voice. She's not in the framework anymore, "Kick butt. Have compassion in your heart but don't take chances you don't need to."

    She taps a hand on Clint's shoulder. She has the two (living) field operatives she trusts the most in the world by her side on this one. Well, Phil counts too. But Hunter and Barton have always been her go to for operations like this.

    "Move out." She makes a motion with her arm as the hanger door comes down. A short jog across the open. Four more SHIELD agents join their flanks. One moves up to the door and places a decoder on it. With a beep, the door opens and Bobbi points and motions, <Move in>.

Lance Hunter has posed:
Lance's eyes widen as Sara's armour wraps around her like that. "Bloody hell, where'd you get one of those?" he asks the woman before it's time to get moving. As he cues up by the door with Bobbi and Clint he nods at Clint's gear. "Nice new kit," he remarks with a hint of a grin. "Got any ranged stuff on that, or want me to lay down cover until can get in close?" which is a weird thing to be asking Clint Barton of all people but their whole 'on the run' thing made for a lot of strange changes in SHIELD.

When the ramp comes down Hunter moves with the rest of the team covering Bobbi as she cracks the door and then slipping inside taking up a position by the door to cover the rest of the team.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Offering Bobbi a nod, she takes a quick look around at the others, then moves over by Cael. "Don't worry Becker," she comments quietly. "I got your back. Remember, I'm bullet proof and can use the armor to block shots meant for you. You can use me for cover as easily as anything else, and I won't leave your side unless I absolutely have to. I know you've been through things much like this, but I don't shirk my duty or my partner."

That said, she glances to Lance, "I didn't get this, it got me. Witchblade is his name, and if you'd like the still story, ask me later." She offers a smiel to him then she steps toward the exit.

At the exit she pauses to ensure Becker is moving with her, then actually lets Becker determine the direction they will go, but stays ready to drop a shield, an honest to goodness medievil looking shield, in front of Becker if needed.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint nods to Bobbi as she gives the go order, then heads for the door, keeping his eyes open for any threats including a scan of the roofline above them. When the door opens, he goes in and to the left, clearing the doorway for the next agent coming in. He's got his katana drawn in case there's anyone right there when they enter.

First thing he looks for is any enemies, then places to take cover before they move deeper into the building. <<Barton in.>>

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael doesn't seem at all surprised by Sara's armor - and nods a confirmation as the woman reminds her of its capabilities. "Got it," she agrees. "Let's get this done." As they come in for the assault, she rises to her feet, pulling her ICER out one more and holding it ready. Clint does left, and she nods Sara to the right as the pair of them head that direction, moving in a quick and practiced crouch, and trying to stay to any cover she can find as she approach and breach the door.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    A large open room expands out before them. Wooden struts and plastic sheets obscure shapes moving inside. People are talking. The sound of boots on the ground. It's like someone starting building something here a long time ago but never finished. The plastic sheets are old and browned making them especially hard to see through.

    One of the SHIELD agents hold up a fist as he spots a laser trip in their way. He points to it and takes a step over it.

    The sound of crackling is what makes this room particularly strange. The murmured conversation from a HYDRA agent reaches their ears, "I don't like how you can't tell where she's looking..."

    Crackling like sparks from electricity A glow moves around through all those sheets. Bobbi would have deployed a dwarf to get recon but they're not going to have a chance with all the jamming going on. Of the blurry shadows, she motions to the group for a coordinated strike and she lifts up an ICER picking one of the targets. She holds up fingers.. 3.. 2.. 1.. and takes a shot.

Lance Hunter has posed:
"Sounds good, beers' on me then," Hunter says to Sara, got to be a helluva story and definitely worth a couple of beers to hear it told.

Then it's time for action.

As they crouch near the sheets with that strange glow going about he takes aim at one of the figures and when Bobbi shoots he lets a round fly too.

Clint Barton has posed:
Clint steps over the laser and quietly moves closer to the area the people are in. Almost as stealthy as his outfit advertises, he tries to get to a position where he can see more that just vague figures. Hitting a button on his bracer, a quarrel loads into the wrist crossbow and when Bobbi counts down, raises his arm and shoots a tranq round into one of the HYDRA agents.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael likewise moves with care - over the laser tripwire, and after a cautious look around to spot anything that might make noise as the moves, she once again keeps to the right, ICER kept ready in case of trouble. She keeps the silent count-down in the corner of her eyes as she brings her weapon up to bear on one of the targets, quickly trying to guage who was going after which of the figures by their trajectory - and as they hit zero, she fires off an immediate shot.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Despite the armor appearing to look heavy and thick, Sara can move quite easily in it, almost as if it add nothing more then a normal layer of clothing. Stepping over the laser, she makes sure Cael spots it as well.

How many there may be past the sheets she's not certain, but her ICER is removed from the make shift holster as she presents herself as a shield for Cael to take cover behind, then levels the ICER on a target.

Once the count reaches 1, she fires at a target, and though she looks all medievil, she is part of the NYPD and has practice and skill with a gun.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The volley of shots through the plastic hit many targets. Several drop right on the spot. However, one makes an odd little 'tink' sound and the shadow turns. "SHIELD," says a man whose voice has been known to them for a while now. Carl Creel. It had been a mystery what happened to him after Whitehall died. Now they know.

    "SHIELD," replies a female voice, tinged with excitement. Accompanying this voice is the aforementioned glow. That glow intensifies in one moment and then bolts of lightning shoot through the plastic and hit two of the SHIELD agents in armor. They're knocked to the ground and begin to convulse from the electric shock.

    "Take cover!," Bobbi yells and starts to move behind a filing cabinet.. thinks better of it, and spies a desk. Two arms smash through the wall and grab her from behind and yank her through the broken plaster.

    "Morse," says Brian Hayward. "Hayward," she says with bitterness in her voice. A team mate in the framework, a false ally in real life when she was undercover in HYDRA. On both his arms, centipede, amber braces pumping him full of super strength. Bobbi rolls back up and then tackles him in the gut, crashing them through another wall.

    The room she tumbles in to has a woman strapped to a chair. She's shivering and sweating from the exertion of watching a big screen of brainwashing images - death, war, 'HAIL HYDRA', and the sounds of wind rustling trees.

    Carl starts to knock the plastic out of the way as he picks up the pace running toward SHIELD, his skin shiny metal right now. A cackle comes from Sylvia Prell as she begins to charge up another blast, but this time she shoots Carl and the lightning dances off him like a halo in all directions.

Lance Hunter has posed:
It all happens so quick, Bobbi was right there and the she's not, Hunter's tempted to follow her through the wall, but the lightning infused Creel stops him short, instead he levels his ICER at Prell and fires away trying to take out the Inhuman with the electric powers.

"Someone go help, Bobbi," he calls out before firing off more rounds at Prell.

Clint Barton has posed:
    Clint drops his target as the countdown ends, and then all hell breaks loose. When Creel charges, he mutters "That's not good" and presses a button on his bracer, loading a quarrel into the wrist crossbow.
    He aims at Creel's feet and fires the bolt, encasing the man's feet in a hard, expanding glue, trying to bring the man down before he reaches any of the SHIELD agents.

Cael Becker has posed:
    A quick shot at Creel shows the ineffectiveness of an ICER round against the man's armored form - and after a quickly muttered, "Shit," Cael re-aims her attention towards Prell, adding a second shot to augment what Lance had already done. She starts backing towards the destroyed wall, glancing through to get a glance of the brawl between Bobbi and the seeming super-soldier. Between the two broken walls that seperate them, and the brawl the two are engaged in...
    "I can't get a clear shot," she grits out in frustration.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Witchblade acts on instinct, thickening and forming a dampening layer against electricity, the changes taking only seconds. With this adaption complete, she steps in front of Cael and any other agent she can and spreads her arms out to accept as much of the energy as possible.

<I got Creel. He can't micmic the metal of the Witchblade and the electricity doesn't effect me.>

Words spoken, she leaps into action by quite literally throwing herself at Creel. As she does, wings sprout from her back and a thick long sword appears in her hand. Either he's going to focus his attention on her or he's going to get impaled, there aren't many options for the man.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi and Hayward are right in to it. But he is outmatched and doesn't even realise it yet. Bobbi catches his punch and the cloak on her back snaps in to the shape of wings. She lifts up and slams the two of them in to the ceiling, then lets go of his hand and flies down to punch him as he drops to the ground, slamming him doubly hard in to the floor.

    Dazed, he rolls back and stumbles up on to his feet.

    "I got this, help Creel!," she calls out to her team. Carl is known to SHIELD, known to have wanted to defect and get out - yet those damn faustian protocols kept him on a leash.

    She approaches Hayward like a banshee ready for violence and he's already seeing double. She throws a few punches that he blocks, but her side kick sends him crashing through the wall in to another room with another captive Inhuman being brainwashed.

    Creel stumbles as the arrow catches his feet in the gunk. He scowls and the electricity around him dances about wildly before dissipating. His legs begin to change material in to a non-stick plastic and he steps free of the gunk. Then Sara crashes in to him and he grips her ... and begins to change.

    Sylvia laughs as the bullets swish through her form. The electromagnetism inside her so great the metal in the projectives deviates on its path. 'Eyes', not really a thing for her any more. But as the other agents shoot she concentrates and the bullets begin to swirl around her like electrons about an atom. She thrusts out her hands and shoots the bullets back at super speed, electromagnetically accelerated.

    Carl's skin shivers and reshapes, looking like armor, but lacking the imbued nature of the witch blade, what he becomes is a strange alien composite that looks like witch blade armor but certainly isn't alive. He says in shock, "What .. is .. this .." Almost like he's coming out of a trance he shakes his head and stares in to the eyes of Sara, "I don't.. who.. what?"

Lance Hunter has posed:
Hunter curses as the bullets zip through Prell to no effect before being pulled into her orbit. He looks to Clint and Cael. "Any ideas on how we stop someone like that? I've tried shooting and I'm all out of ideas."

Clint Barton has posed:
Watching the bullets pass through Sylvia without doing damage, Clint looks around the warehouse for something to use against her. Looking up, he hits another button on his bracer and loads the crossbow again. Taking aim at his target, he lets fly.

At a sprinkler head.

The incendiary quarrel hits and starts a fire, melting the sprinkler head and hopefully setting it off. Let's see how the electrical woman likes taking a shower.

Cael Becker has posed:
    "...shit," Cael murmurs as she spots the bullets zipping around the strange woman - and then flying towards them. She dives under one of the desks for cover - her gaze desperately searching the room for something else to attack her with. She has the same thought as Clint - water. Her eyes scan the walls for some sort of fire hose, but no such luck there.
    It's a good thing Clint has a way to set off the sprinklers. Or at least, she hopes it is.
    After his arrow goes off, she rises back to her feet, grabbing a plastic desk chair. Coming around one of the sheets, she swings wildly with it, putting her upper body strength behind it as she tries to bludgeon the woman with the chair. Hardly the most graceful solution in the book - but hey, whatever works, right?

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara heard Bobbi's words... Help Creel. She didn't know for certain why, but clearly killing him was no longer an option. Holding onto him, watching the bastardized, alien version of the Witchblade's metal form around him, one brow lifts behind the mask. That was something very odd.

"I'm Witchblade," she states to the man, holding onto him, in fact she wraps the metal wings around him so that she stays in contact with him. The contact seems to have cleared his head. "Part of SHIELD, you got your head back?"

She turns her head away slightly, knowing full well the others are still engaged, still fighting but she has to ask, <Help him how Agent Morse? Keep up the bear hug or something else?>

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    A most spectacular light show erupts as the sprinkler system is hit. Lightning dances across the floors and walls. Sylvia lets out pained screams and for brief moments it seems like there is a real person in there. Flesh and blood - not all electricity and energy. The chair thwacks her goodly in the side and she tumbles across the floor and skids to a stop.

    Meanwhile Bobbi approaches Hayward who draws his weapon. Borrowing a play from Falcon's book, she turns and thrusts out the wing in his direction, knocking the gun from his hand. She does a running flying kick and he slams against a cement wall. Bobbi reaches down and rips off the centipede bracers. Hayward slumps unconscious.

    Carl shakes his head and the big bulky man says quite gently to Sara, letting go of her. "It feels.. so good." He lifts a hand up and licks the strange arm. Turning his hands over he laughs and then runs his armored hands over his armored head.

    Carl's eyes focus on the others, then over to Sylvia and says, "SHIELD.. about time." He pats Sara's shoulder, "I'm good. Thank you. Thank you so much."

Clint Barton has posed:
Since she appears to be solid now, Clint draws his ICER and hits Sylvia with a round from it to try and ensure she doesn't get back up, then looks around the area for further targets.

<<Creel seem to be free, lightning girl is down. Bobbi, status? Do you need help?>>

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I recommend you stay where we can keep an eye on your movements and activities, sir," Cael says bluntly, in a cool tone, nodding for him to proceed them through the broken walls to where they find Inhumans strapped into machines, being brainwashed. "Hell. What is even-"
    She moves quickly to the machine, searching for a way to shut it down.
    <<Do we free these people - or leave them restrained?" she asks into the comm. <<Maybe ICE them and sort out their loyalties later?>>
    Yeah. She's pretty fond of the possibilities presented by ICERs.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Unwrapping the wings, Sara steps back from Creel, not certain if she can trust him not to try something or not, so she stays attentive to the man.

"Just doing my job," she offers to him in response." A few blinks follow his licking his arm, but whatever makes the man happy. She doesn't turn her back to him at any point, but does take one more step back.

<Where to next boss?>

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    The comms are suddenly back! with Sylvia unconscious it seems she was responsible for the jamming. <<I hear you Ronin, good here.>> A small puff to Bobbi's voice she checks Hayward's neck, then shoots him with an ICER for good measure. She jogs back through the several holes she made and rejoins the team to see a woman on the ground and Carl Creel. "Mr. Creel..," she says watching him admire the new alien metal he's interacting with. "Welcome back."

    Carl looks at Bobbi and says, "Agent Morse. Where is Agent Coulson."

    "Not on this mission Creel. Head to the quinjet, you can talk to him when we're done. We have questions and you have answers. This is your chance to show you meant what you said when you wanted to leave HYDRA."

    Bobbi adjusts her uniform with the Picard tug and asks the team, "Is everyone okay? Agent Becker are you alright?" She frowns as she realises the other agents are down. She checks pulses. They're alive - only stunned by the electricity.

    A nod from Bobbi to Cael, "ICER them, disconnect them, we will get a secondary team in here now we have comms back." She taps her comms, <<This is Morse, send in the sweeper team. There's a lot of Inhumans here. I recognise many of them from Afterlife. We're moving in deeper now.>> She motions to the team, "Let's move."

    Down. They said they were going down if they had to diverge. Down it is. Below this facility is a large train station. One for moving freight. It was part of the theme parks industrial complex at one point. Designed in the 80s nothing about it is aesthetically pleasing any more. There is one train there and several HYDRA agents loading people on to it. And the man directing them? Edison Po, Agent of HYDRA.

    The man looks over at the SHIELD agents as they come down to the platform and he smirks. His goatee twitches and he says, "That's far enough SHIELD. One more step and we kill every single one of these Inhumans. They're what you really care about aren't they.. saving lives. One by one, they fall because you ... are ... too ... WEAK."

Clint Barton has posed:
<<Everyone pick a target, we need them all down at once.>>

Clint shrugs, then the hand not holding the ICER comes up to point at the train, "Yeah, we want to save them, but you know what?"

His arm shifts to point at Agent Po, and the crossbow fires, sending an explosive quarrel flying towards the man's chest. "Right now, I'm more worried about taking out HYDRA scum."

<Take them down!>

Cael Becker has posed:
    After shutting down the brainwashing equipment and ICEing the poor Inhumans trapped in them - Cael joins the others as they make their way down to the train station. "I'm doing fine. Let's get this done," she answers simply, and quietly.
    She keeps her thoughts to herself about the bright neon decore with all its geometric shapes. //Ugh//. How was that ever in fashion?
    Her weapon stays in her hand, held low as she stands behind and just to Sara's left - allowing the woman to provide cover thanks to her armor. She sees no reason to ignore sound tactics. She makes no move to fire yet - allowing the man to speak his threats, allowing the team leaders to decide how this was going to go down - though she remains tense, and ready.
    The moment the order to fire is given, however, she ICER comes up - quick, precision shots fired off at Hydra targets before she'll aim in at another to squeeze off another shot. How many of them can they get down? Will it be enough to save the prisonners? She hopes so.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Planting herself like a large metal wall, letting her wings shift to allow more cover for Cael or anyone else that could position themselves behind her, Sara has no issues whipping the ICER out and taking quick, precision shots at the Hydra agents. She ensured that her chosen location allowed others to move past her if they wanted, but also placed herself so that those wings could protect them all if needed.

For the longest time she had no idea who or what Hydra was, she heard the word and knew 'bad' and nothing more. Now that she knew the full truth, a part of her brain really liked the idea of using real bullets against Hydra agents, but she knew that wasn't justice, that was revenge and was was grateful for ICER's.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi narrows her eyes at Edison Po. He talks too much. Her second in command calls the play and she lifts her weapon up even as she extends out her other hand. The backup ICER jumps from her hip to her hand and she fires twice. Magnetic recall, a glorious tech that May added to her suit when she was Blackbird.

    The HYDRA goons drop easily but it's Edison Po who truly has a moment to contemplate his bad choices in life as that quarrel hits him in the chest. He looks down at it and then looks back to Clint with a look of 'but thats not how this is meant to go down'.

    The explosive quarrel rips open his chest and he drops to his knees, then to the ground dead.

    Bobbi approaches and checks there are no other HYDRA guys around. She taps her comms <<This is B-Team, we're under the warehouse, train station, no sign of Bakshi>>

Clint Barton has posed:
The wrist crossbow reloads immediately, ready for another shot if any of the HYDRA agents are still up after the first round of fire. If they are, another shot is taken, this time a tranq quarrel. If not, he starts moving forward carefully, keeping an eye out for any HYDRA agents who might pop out of the train.

<<Move in, secure the HYDRA agents, and let's work on getting the Inhumans out of here.>>

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Everyone - keep your hands where we can see them and make no threatening moves, please," Cael calls in a firm, commanding voice between shots at Hydra agents. "And we will have all of you out here safely in no time. Keep your hands where we can see them! Open and empty," she repeats. It would be best if they didn't mistake innocent victims for culprits here.
    But of course it was perfectly possible to have an agent mixed in with the innocents. Or- well. They were brain washing people here, right? Had these people already been brain washed?
    The paranoia gets to you pretty fast, doesn't it?

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara pulls the wings in tight against her back, making room for others to pass her, then heads toward the train. Hydra agents are zip-tied at the wrists and ankles. She knows nothing about Inhumans, in fact she's not even certain of the term other than meaning powers of some sort, but the name just plain sucked.

<We have a planned out for the Inhumans?> She asks, moving carefully in case there was an agent of Hydra only pretending to be down and out. There was no telling what would happen next, but honestly her worry was more for the others than herself, so she moves back to place herself near Cael.

Bobbi Morse has posed:
    Bobbi holsters her ICERs as Clint secures the Inhumans. Cael and Sara are moving amongst them. She says, "That's going to be complicated. If they've been brainwashed, we need to help them get over that. But there's also Blackagar to consider, he is the king of the Inhumans after all. And Jiaying will no doubt have an opinion. We're going to get them to help us with these people."

    Some more Agents of SHIELD enters the underground train station - the sweeper crew - they've arrived. She turns and looks to the team and rests a hand on Lance's shoulder, "Good job team. May's team have eyes on Bakshi. Let's move these people back to our quinjets and sweep the rest of the rooms."

Clint Barton has posed:
With the area clear of enemies, Clint grabs two of the SHIELD agents to help him take HYDRA prisoners to one of the Quinjets. Once they are secured, he leaves the two agents to guard them before coming back in to help with the Inhumans.

<<Yeah, let's get them someplace safe and contact Blackagar and Jiaying, they can come collect their people and get them to where they belong.>>

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael helps to bind the unconscious Hydra agents, and even move them up to the jets, her expression remaining a serious and determined mask - aside from one or two brief smiles directed to Sara and Clint, relieved that the job seemed to be over.
    She wouldn't really trust it and relax until they were back in the air, though, as she remains alert with her hand always within easy reach of the ICER at her side.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara starts helping the Inhumans toward the line leading out to the quinjets. <I think before we call in their people, we need to figure out if any of them are already brain washed. Would not look good to send them home and have them pull a House on their leaders.>