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Latest revision as of 12:17, 7 August 2021

Outsider Saturday
Date of Scene: 31 July 2021
Location: Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost
Synopsis: It is Saturday morning at the Roost. And M'gann cooked ALL the food. She was bored.
Cast of Characters: Conner Kent, M'gann M'orzz, Bart Allen

Conner Kent has posed:
It was fairly late Friday (or early Saturday, rather) when Conner flew to the Roost. The plan was to check with Tim and review the new info on N.O.W.H.E.R.E. but Tim wasn't around. So, he did some reading and slept a couple hours.

Now he is awake, and it is still too early to do much (such is Gotham) but he is heading for the kitchen to forage something tasty and... well, he will think something. It is a slow summer for him, given how little he has to do at the ESU. Who would have thunk a couple years ago Conner would be eager for a college semester to start? Life is strange.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann is in the kitchen and if the smells are anything to go by she is cooking breakfast, for everyone, or at least everyone that gets up and the rest will just get reheated eventually. It's not just something she picked up from sitcoms but one of the ways she keeps busy, Martians don't actually require much rest so it is a good way to fill the wee hours of the morning when everyone else is doing the sleep thing.

"Conner!" M'gann waves from the kitchen, where she stands in a white frilly apron. "Good morning! Would you like some eggs ..and pancakes ..and toast ..and waffles ..and sausages ..and bacon? I uh kind of made everything." The green skinned redhead gives a little nervous laugh.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner blinks slowly. "Oh, hey..." there is food for a dozen? "That is a lot of breakfast," he comments, smiling. "Is all the gang sleeping here? I mean, lately it was just one or two, except some weekend days," he has not checked because it is not his business.

He also doesn't get why bored people resorts to cooking. But he is not going to complain! "This all looks great," he offers, "we have been relying on Ahab lately... well, no, Phoebe also cooks sometimes. And she is probably sleeping upstairs right now. Unless she is back with her mom."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"I just thought eggs but bacon goes great with eggs and toast is good with bacon and sometimes syrup is good on bacon, which is also good on pancakes and well one thing lead to another..." M'gann babbles a bit as she is prone to doing sometimes, particularly when she realizes she may have inadvertently gone a bit too far. Though push come to shove she can probably ensure there isn't much waste, shapeshifting burns a lot of energy after all. She just kind of shrugs at the question of who is sleeping here tonight, there is a pretty good chance she didn't even check herself.

"Help yourself!" She beems, filling a plate with a mountain of breakfast for Conner. She's not a bad cook either, it's all pretty tasty.

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner nods distractedly until the point M'gann mentions syrup being good with bacon which makes him blink slowly and look dubious at the table. Really? Well, he has eaten weirder things occasionally. It is not as if it will poison him or anything.

So, he picks up a chair and sits by the table. "We can have breakfast together. Maybe someone else will wake up early and join us," like 0.001% chance of that. The bats don't believe in mornings, and the rest are not very morning people either. "What have you been up to lately? I mean, besides this."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann piles herself another mountain of breakfast delights, you wouldn't know it by looking at her but the martians can apparently really eat. It's not like she'll ever gain weight either, sometimes the advantages of shapeshifting seem almost criminal.

"Oh you know, this and that." M'gann flops into a chair and starts eating. "There was that weird bar where it seemed like Phoebe died, interrogating that prisoner, rescuing Tim from that ship." She gives a little shrug, recent events have been kind of busy, though not in a good way. She seems to be enjoying herself in the moment though, cooking a big breakfast is something nice she can do for others that doesn't involve anyone getting hurt.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Are you going to shapeshift all those pancakes away?" Jokes Conner. He is going to assume Martians have something like a Kryptonian metabolism, because otherwise... "wait, Phoebe did what?"

He sounds vaguely alarmed just as he was reaching for the pancakes himself. "I didn't heard? What happened?"

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann makes a face 'shapeshift those pancakes away' "Martian cells require a lot of energy!" She protests. Though she still shoves a fork full of pancake into her face, apparently one of the Earthly mannerisms she's picked up is a mild if comical reaction to accusations of overeating. After all she literally could just shapeshift them away, Martian bodies don't even process energy or fat the same way humans do But it's those little mannerisms that can help one seem a touch more natural and she is a pretty good actress.

"It was at some bar she wanted to go to in order to see some guy named John Constantinople or something. Apparently he has lots of enemies and a demon queen, or something like that, sent a demon girl after him that turned everything into an old black and white movie and Phoebe got murdered, but not really because it was all that John guy's weird dream." She pauses for a beat. "It doesn't really make sense to me either and I was there."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen comes into the base at super speed, to keep others from seeing him. He stops at the kitchen and waves a moment, he is in his work uniform, but then he is gone and back again, in jeans, a t-shirt and fuzzy slippers on his big feat. He seems ever so slightly damp "Hey guys, what you cooking?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Ugh, magic. Conner is not a fan of most magical things. Not even Harry Potter. It is a Kryptonian thing. But you would understand it perfectly if you get caught in a black-and-wait murder story as the murdered one, he is sure. "So, she is okay now? I mean, in the head too."

Then there is a blur. "Hi, Bart..." gone. Beat. "Hey Bart. M'gann cooked everything. I guess we will have to order more breakfast things this afternoon." He has faith in the team ability to eat everything, you see. He will help.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"I think so?" M'gann considers Conner's question thoughtfully. "I didn't detect anything unusual other than exhaustion and she seemed okay after she, what's the expression? Slept it off?" She nods to herself because she thinks that's right.

She takes some more sausages and bacon, because salty Earth meats are just so darn yummy. Martian food tended to be a bit more nutrient focused, like Kale, so much Kale.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and as Conner mentions going to the store, thats all it takes. He is off again, and with a blur in the kitchen for a few moments, the kitchen is restocked, and Bart it sitting at the table, with more food than either of the other two maybe even combined. "Talking about Phoebe? He asks having caught part of the conversation. She said she is learning magic, so guess she will be the team specialist there. " He looks over to Conner, and says "Maybe when she understands it she can make you an anti magic ring, like in DnD."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner is going through the pancakes, but taking more time than the other two. It is not as if this time it will be possible for food to run out. Probably. He glances to the table. Maybe he should eat faster.

"Well, okay. But did this have to be with the headless demon-dog that keep harassing her?" Because that is another pending business. "Bart, don't do that, man. I have seen what happens when you break the sound barrier inside Walmart."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann blinks several times at Conner as she makes a plate of scrambled eggs disappear. "Headless demon dog? That doesn't sound very friendly at all." And judging by the expression on her face this is the first time she has heard of it. "I don't think so, I mean I'm not sure what you're talking about. Maybe it is? It seemed connected to that odd John Constantinople guy and his bar. Phoebe seemed to know who he was."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "She mentioned having the demon dog bothering her to me, and that it was not a real dog but some monstrocity thing. I promised her any help I could give her to just let me know. It is good to remind her were here for her. Sometimes, I forget she has only been doing this like a year."

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner nods to Bart. They are veterans, you see? They have doing this super-hero thing for -four- years. "I am going to check who is this Constantinople guy in the databanks," and of course he will find nothing. Constantinople indeed! "So, how are you, Bart? I finally met your cousin at Nadia's birthday, but only for about three seconds. She had to... run." It must be a family thing.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Conner, and nods. He starts to say something and his phone beeps, and he looks at it and blinks "Ok, gotta go, seems someone left the door open on the lemur exhibit, and they are all running amuck in the staff areas. It is all hands on deck. Glad lemurs were not my job last night." And with that and a quick change he is gone, then realizes he needs to wait 5 or ten minutes before showing up to help.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
And then Bart is out the door again, only serving to reinforce Conner's point. "Okay have fun!" M'gann waves in the wake of the already gone speedster. She nods in agreement when Conner says he'll check the database. "His bar was called The Laughing Magician." Well at least she got that part right. "Seemed kind of shady, I think the word is dive bar? But Phoebe was very intent on going there." She shrugs. "Oh! My friend Meggan was there, too. She seemed pretty friendly with him, maybe I can ask her..."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Ah, well. I am worried for Phoebe," comments Conner as Bart vanishes. "She keeps doing all these things that... uh," the kind of dumb things they did when they started? Except they still do them most of the time! "Well, getting kidnapped and stuff." Conner grumbles at the lack of convincing arguments, and the sausages pay for it, as they become his next target.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann stops and considers something for a moment but ultimately just shrugs, "You can't lock her in a glass box Conner." Whatever that is supposed to mean, weird analogy. "I will try to look out for her where I can, but she's going to do what she's going to do. She has a communicator right? Hopefully if she gets into trouble she'll call." Yes, just like the other times right? But in the end what can you do short of taking away her freedom, M'gann certainly doesn't seem to have an answer.

Conner Kent has posed:
"It is not that, just give her backup," explains Conner. Or he tries to. After all Phoebe is like two years younger than Tim, which is also -maybe- two WHOLE years younger than Conner. Maybe. Depends on clone years.

He scratches his head and chomps down more food. "We should think something to do this afternoon. Something fun, since I don't think we have finished the research on the N.O.W.H.E.R.E. operations. And Tim won't be around." Which means fun will not be limited by common sense, too.

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
M'gann finishes eating and begins clearing the table, though a healthy preserve of food has been left for anyone sleeping it. It can just be lunch if not consumed before then, or so goes M'gann's thinking.

"Like what?" She asks as she begins doing the dishes, washing, drying, and putting them away at the same time having grown two extra pairs of arms for the task, one set of which appears to stretch far enough to get things where they need to go. "Bowling? Infiltrating a secret hideout full of cool things? Flying around the city?" Her list may need some work.

Conner Kent has posed:
"I don't know, bowling might be good," muses Conner, hurrying up at putting more food in his plate before M'gann decides it is for later. "We could go to the beach, or visit theme park, or to concert." It also depends how much people shows up. Bart should be finished with the lemmings, or was it lemurs? In less than fifteen minutes. "Maybe I should check out who is still sleeping upstairs and ask."

M'gann M'orzz has posed:
"Okay, you do that and I'll just finish up these dishes and clean the kitchen." M'gann smiles. It is only fair after all since she is the one who turned it into a complete mess cooking anything and everything that qualifies as breakfast. "It shouldn't take too long." Most things don't when you can grow extra limbs to multi-task and have Martian speed.