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Latest revision as of 03:22, 21 August 2021

One Evening In Harlem
Date of Scene: 18 August 2021
Location: Harlem
Synopsis: Three heroes meet on a rooftop.
Cast of Characters: Miles Morales, Virgil Hawkins, Kainashi

Miles Morales has posed:
It's a dark night in Harlem. Or at least, as close to a dark night as a busy population center in New York can get. Lights from streetlamps, residences and businesses that are still open keep the streets themselves pretty bright. Alleys and rooftops are darker, better places for those that want to blend in. And of course, there's the ever present fact of life in this city: Superhumans. Whether causing trouble or out on patrol to try and prevent it. Miles, aka Shadow-Spider, falls into the latter catagory. He's currently both taking a swing through his home neighborhood and practicing his endurance when using his camoflauge abilities, silently leaping from rooftop to rooftop, feet creating only the barest whisper on stone and sometimes tile or metal. Nothing has happenned so far. Landing on a gargoyle atop one building, he considers, then gets comfortable in a crouch, pulling around a small satchel he'd brought with him and taking out a sketchpad and pencil. He begins to idly sketch while he waits for any sounds of activity, the city skyline around him quickly starting ot emerge. The style is slightly abstract, like from a drug trip or maybe old cartoon.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Static isn't stealthy at all. He's flying through the city at around 100 miles an hour, kneeling down to grab the disc that he's riding. The entire thing glows white with jagged electric discharge reaching into the vicinity of the circle. He zooms by Shadow-Spider fast enough for him to feel the wind, and then a few minutes later zooms by again--but this time it comes with a loud, whooping "Whoo-hooooooooo!" as he glides between the buildings with a backflip, his short dreadlocks whipping through the air behind him. He stops this time around a hundred feet from Shadow-Spider, looking out over a block party with a grin that rips his face from ear to ear.

Kainashi has posed:
    Dark nights in the city are the best. When you can better move around undetected, able to explore and resolve crime and run your patrols. Two blocks down, a pair of guys who were following a lady home had been suddenly wrapped by chains and then pulled into an alleyway, and soon disappeared, unconcious, beneath piles of trashbags for someone to find in the morning -- hopefully with better intentions.

    Kainashi had then ascended a building, and then hopped to the steep roof of a church when she heard the sound of someone 'woohoooing' a couple blocks out. Her ears rise up, her scarred face catching the light a moment as she alights with near-silence.

    "... I didn't know you drew."

Miles Morales has posed:
Yeah, Static isn't particularly hard to spot. Miles tilts his head as he considers the flying electric superhero zipping around. His camo, and general blending-in-iness kept him from being spotted by Static, but not by the canine ninja. The nose knows, apparently. When he hears the familiar voice behind him, he's so startled he jumps. Though a little hop for a spider ends up being about ten feet in the air. Landing quietly on his feet again, he turns around to peer towards Kainashi. "Wow you're quiet." He smiles behind the mask, the expression shown in the shape of his masks big white eyes. "Hi Kai. Good to see you again." He jerks a thumb towards Static a building or so over. "You know him? There's so many metas running around town it's hard to keep track. Flashy, though. Thinking about going to say hi."

Kainashi has posed:
    "No I'm not. I can still be heard by the leader. He was able to pick me up outta the dark." Kainashi states with a moment's grimmness to her, and then she gives a little smile, and hops down closer. She narrows her eyes at the figure ont he next building, and then raises her nose, ears pointing backwards as she sniffs the air.

    "... doesn't smell familiar." she comments, rubbing the back of her head "... but... I don't... know many humans."

Miles Morales has posed:
     "Your leader must be pretty sharp then. Hope I get to meet them sometime." Miles peers down at Static again, then shrugs a shoulder. "Well, I'll head down first. If he doesn't attack me or anything he's probably an okay guy. Then you can join me." He leans over, reaching out and briefly rubbing the ears atop the canine ninjas head. Then he leaps off of the gargoyle, arching though the air over towards where Virgil is currently standing. Landing lightly on his feet a distance behind him. "Heyah. Nice night for a patrol, isn't it?" His voice cheerful as he calls out to the other superhero, crouching on the rooftop in that seemingly double-jointed manner that spiders do.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Virgil didn't even notice t he spider when he flung himself across the street behind him, but he turns from his perch atop that flying disc when he's called to in a smooth spin. "Whoah, is that Spiderman?!" he says, floating much more slowly toward Miles, still with no clue whatsoever about Kainashi's presence, to stand just a few feet from the building that Shadow-Spider is atop. "Oh, wait! No way! Shadow-Spider! I've heard all about you!" he says, even more excited, somehow, than he was before. "Everybody back in Dakota City loves you! Sometimes it felt like they liked you better than me!" he chuckles, totally fanboying, all but pumping his fists in excitement.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi saw that there was no fighting, and no need to interceed on Shadow-Spider's behalf, so she slides the rest of the way down the steeple where she was sitting, and then launches herself over as well, coming to a skid.

    A mutant pitbull, with a scarred up face and amber eyes, wearing a hoodie with I <heart> NY on it. With a bite taken out of the heart.

Miles Morales has posed:
    Siiigh. Miles shakes his head when Static first speaks. "No, I'm not Spider-Man. I'm-" Oh hey, hea ctually got it right this time. "Yep! That's me!" He grins over at the younger boy. Wow, he doesn't even look like he could drive. The enthusiasm was kind of infectious. "Dakota City? Hmm... electric powers... OH! Static? Oh wow. I heard about that big explosion of supers in that town. Kind of sucks it seems like most of them didn't turn out like you. Nice to meet you, man." He raises to his feet, walking closer to Virgil, reaching out a covered hand to shake. "What're you doing in New York? Follow somebody here?" Then the ninja appears! Okay, that wasn't so stealthy. Well, she does seem more brawler than sneaker. He waves over towards her. "Kai, this is Static. He's another hero from Dakota City. Static, this is Kainashi. She's a ninja. She's cool. Not that great with humans, but I'm trying to domesticate her." He gives her a grin in turn to show he's teasing.

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Static looks like he's seeing Mount Rushmore for the first time in his life. "You've.. you've heard of me? No way!" it takes him a second to process anything else. When he finally does shake his hand he tilts that board he's on to ride the invisible static waves right up to that outstretched hand. "Dakota was a pretty rough town before the Big Bang. That was just the spark that lit the fire." He rubs the back of his neck at the next question, looking a bit embarrassed. How do you tell your hero that you had to move because your dad said so? "I guess things just got a little hot in Dakota, so I'm operating out of Harlem for a while." The puppers is a welcome topic change. "Oh hey little girl," he says, floating her way now, reaching out to scritch behind the ears without permission. "Aren't you the cutest. A ninja huh?"

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi's tail actually curls in a little bit at the idea of having to be 'domesticated'. She shoots Shadow Spider A Look that plainly states she didn't appreciate the sentiment, ears flattening and expression drooping a moment but -- she gives a warning, the fur on the back of her neck rising up as Static approaches.

    Her shoulders rise up, her eyes narrow, and the ninja in the sweatshirt and jeans gives an audiable growl as the hackles remain up.

    "What /is/ it with strangers wanting to pet my ears?! Do you do that to humans that you meet on the street?" she asks of Static in a mildly exasperated tone.

Miles Morales has posed:
     Miles nods to Virgil. "Yeah.... New York has never exactly been perfect in that regard either. 'specially Harlem. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else though." He can't help laughign when Virgil goes right for the ears. Yeah, he did the same thing. He coughs at the look that Kai gives him though. "Sorry." He glancs between the two of them. "Uh, anyway. Yeah. Welcome to New York. We got more than our fair share of problems, so I'm sure you'll feel right at home. Don't know if it'll be any cooler than back in Dakota City though." He settles back down into a crouch. "It's just a natural reaction to cute dogs. Our first instinct is to go for the ears. Which I guess is pretty rude when you, you know. Actually can talk and stuff."

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
Static peels back a few feet when the dog starts talking to him, his eyes going wide and his lips hanging slightly open. "Whoah! Will Smith called, you're due back on set for Men In Black 4: Static Heart Attack!" He grasps his heart jokingly with a grin. "Sorry, I guess I never thought about it. I'm Static." He holds out his hand toward Kai. "Uh... shake?" Awkward.

"Hey, Harlem can't be that bad! It's the home of Tupac, Immortal Technique, like every single A$AP that got a record deal..." he says with a goofy grin. "All we ever got was Stringer."

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi gives a huff, but backs up a step and crouches down as well.

    "... humans are /weird/." she states quietly, mostly to herself, reaching up and rubbing the back of her neck a moment to smooth the hackles back down.

    She notably, does *not* shake Static's hand, but does give him a flat look. She doesn't seem impressed.

Miles Morales has posed:
     Shadow-Spider nods to Static. "I never said this neighborhood was bad! Just that it has its problems." The interaction between Kainashi and Virgil was kind of awkward, but vaguely amusing. Well, other than it seemingly annoying the dog kunoichi. He clears his throat. "Anyway! Kai fights crime too. She's cool. She doesn't interact with humans a lot. From what I've heard you seem like a good guy, so I figured why not. Plus you were right here."

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
When Kainashi shifts her position, Static seems to grasp for the first time that he's not looking at an actual dog. He lifts up his goggles, the light reflecting off of them to show that they are cracked, and his cheeks turn to a reddish hue like a red velvet latte. "I thought.." he starts, but then thanks better than to finish that thought out loud. "I'm really sorry. Yeah, I'm Static," he says, agreeing with Shadow-Spider.

"Well I'm really glad you said hi. Man, when Ri--" he gulps. "When the guys back home hear about this, they are gonna trip!

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi is indeed a humaniod figure with a dog head and tail. A bunch of scars criss-cross her face -- looks like she led a pretty violent life. She draws her shoulders up a little bit, and breathes out.

    "... I'm sorry I growled. I'm not... humans still are kind of..." she trails off, and then breathes out in a huff.

    "Kainashi. You can call me Kai." she states, unsure on navigating social situations and feeling like she messed up somehow.

Miles Morales has posed:
Miles notes the near slip by Statis. Man, they'd all been there at some point or another. He nods his head to him. "I'm sure we'll run into each other again while you're in town." He grins. "You're pretty easy to spot." He glances over at Kai. He's pretty empathic, even if he's not literally empathic. He reaches out and rests his hand briefly on her shoulder. "It's okay. You didn't do anything wrong. He made a mistake and you reacted. We're all cool now, right?" He straightens up. "But anyway. I should probably get back to my patrol... it was good to see both of you. Glad we could meet, Static." He holsd out a fist to the younger guy, then says to Kai, "You stay safe, okay?"

Virgil Hawkins has posed:
"Same," Static says, crashing his fist into Shadow-Spider's fist, a white electric spider exploding out between their fists for flair. It'll feel like a cool but warm tingle against his fist. "Definitely. And if you run into static, just call Static. That is.. if you'd want to work with a small towner like me," he says with that signature apologetic smile.

"And nah, it was definitely my bad. I hope we're cool!" he says still wearing that same splattered countenance. "Kai, right? Good to clear the air."

Kainashi has posed:
    "Static." Kainashi then gives a little smile. "If I see you on patrol, I'll say hi." the canine's ears pick up, one plain, the other tatooed with some kind of symbol on the inside. And then she turns, and hops to the edge of the building.

Miles Morales has posed:
     Shadow-Spider grins at the electric spider. "Nice." He waves to both. "You two take care. I'll see you around." Then he just... disappears. Camo Spider! Leaping from the rooftop to another one, he starts to resume his patrol of Harlem. Well, with three of them at the least patroling he's sure the night will go smoothly.And who knows who else is out there.