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Latest revision as of 21:51, 25 August 2021

Food. Trucks. Back. ALRIGHT!
Date of Scene: 25 August 2021
Location: Battery Park City
Synopsis: Beware the Gray Ghost. And overeating.
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Simon Trent, Felicity Smoak, Barry Allen

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With the year progressing and the pleasant weather set to switch to something a bit chillier it is time for one last outdoor hurrah. At least for the Food Truck Festival being hosted at Battery Park. And honestly, with the May festivities being so popular, if the August one proves to be the same. There will probably be another 'one last hurrah' and then another...

Back on topic.

Today's cause for the festival is to benefit local New York Food kitchens, and what better way to do that then to buy that calorie ladden fried oreo you've been wanting without the drive to the fair in Syracuse to acquire it? Based from the numbers attending today, and the amount in front of the very truck selling that item, a lot of people couldn't find an answer to that question either.

Simon Trent has posed:
     In one corner of the food truck circle is a little stage set up for the evening. It's a simplistic black and white city-scape that looks like it was taken out of a cardboard Gotham of the 1940's. It's simplistic in design but it gets the idea across with little rollers set up for changing scenes. The entire thing was designed to fold back up into the bed of a rig, little in the way of cleanup required with a small crowd gathering to throw coin into the donation box or just watch the 4th or was it the 5th show of the day.

     On stage gone is the man Simon Trent, in his place The Gray Ghost in all his glory. Chiseled chin like that of a greek god, a large gray fedora covering his head of slicked down gray hair to match, and a pair of mirrored aviators goggles hiding his identity. He's clad in a long flowing grey cape with dark grey gloves and his iconic under suit.

     He ducks beneath the fist of Cadaver King's minion delivering a flurry of blows before pile driving the poor minion into the ground with a puff of pyrotechnic smoke allowing the actor to roll off the back of the stage and circle around to the back of the crowd making the fight appear far bigger than it is.

     "You might have me outnumbered this time, you cantankerous killer, Cadaver King, but as long as the people of Gotham hold their hearts full of hope you can never break my spirit, the spirit of the city!" He charges forward thugs diving out of the way only to grab the stunt double dressed as Cadaver King by the mid section and twist him into a pile driver sending him down to the ground with another explosion of smoke and a loud "Aaargh" as he makes contact with the rubberized surface of the stage.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Out amongst the crowd a ponytailed man wanders along. With attire switched to the lower cost offerings of the local Goodwill and body posture pretty relaxed, Michael Hannigan is about as far from the Nick Drago stage persona as he can be. After all, it has been drilled to him many times that he is to relax at some point during his time back in the city. Considering the break in at the condo on Sunday and his having to catch a flight out really late tonight. This Food Truck festival is his own last attempt for said relaxation before the rockstar is knocking out some additional concerts.

Considering the need to sit on a plane for a few hours later on, his food choices are a bit conservative. He has forgone the fried foods and instead has opted for- a sandwich.


Judging from the way he smiles after taking a bite. It does turn out to be a really good sandwich. Walking as he chews, the performer gradually makes his way over towards the stage area. Hearing the dialogue mentioning Gotham, he looks curiously up to the demonstration. Hmm. Wonder if the same studio's doing this guys show.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity had braved leaving the Arrow cave for some personal business. Not that she still wasn't freaked out about Oliver, but, she was taking a break from it. She had found something that was glorious to distract her. FOOD! Because Felicity loved fooooood. Oh yes she did. The blonde is walking along, sneaking a peek at what the vendors have up on the table of offerings tonight. Her ponytail swishes from side to side as her heels click over the cement as she goes. She slows her stride as she finds a rather curious truck that claims to be Kosher. "This looks promising." she states cheerily as she heads for the line. Which is long. She takes the time to look over the menu while she waits.

Barry Allen has posed:
Barry Allen is excited for a food truck festival. Given how mush he needs to eat to keep going he gets to enjoy all the food he wants no matter how deliciously unhealthy it is. Barry looks at his wallet and checks his bank accountson his phone. "oof I gotta make sure i don't over spend tonight". Barry allen leaves his home and ducks into a ally to then proceed speed off to the festival. Aint no body got time or money for parking in new york.

Barry looks around taking in all the sights and smells weighing his options. he sees a adjacent trucks One selling italian style deli food and the other southern style hot chicken. "you know an italian beef dip sub and some hot chicken sound a perfect start for tonight."

Simon Trent has posed:
     The guy playing Cadaver King is dressed up like an egyptian pharaoh the whole nine yards from his head to his toe and looks to be about 6 feet tall. In a one on one fight they're sure to be an even match but again Gray Ghost is outnumbered 8 to one.

     Cadaver King rolls out of the way returning with a haymaker that sends Gray Ghost flying across the stage into the arms of a pair of his Corpse Creeps. "Your maniacal mystical machinations are mute once I'm done here."

     More of the Corpse Creeps, really just generic stuntmen dressed in cheap mummy costumes surround him on all sides closing in. Gray Ghost is pummeled on the left and right by the figures.

     Simon throws his whole weight into each blow, really trying to sell the force of the impact as the stuntmen 'assail' him on all fronts.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Watching the 'battle' on stage, Mike displays his concern by taking another bite of his sandwich. Chewing thoughtfully, he seems more interested in the manner in which the group is trying to put off the fight routine. Considering the types of people who showed up to that casting call, this could be useful stuff to take in.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity finally gets through the line, placing her order for a knish and an ice water before stepping off to the side to wait for it to be done. That gives her time to watch the entertainment on the stage with the Gray Ghost and others. She hasn't noticed Barry yet, probably because they are both pretty focused on that food thing!

Barry Allen has posed:
Barry is looking for a place to put his food and he notices Felicity. "Hey, hey Felicity! do you know of a place i can set my stuff down and eat." Barry says holding a bucket of how fried chicken and a few italian subs what looks like a bucket of 'fair style lemonade' "this places is awesome! huh is that all you're gonna get? come on now its a food festival explore treat yo self"

Simon Trent has posed:
     For his part the Gray Ghost's fighting style is a mixture of traditional boxing and wrestling more of a gentlemans fisticufs that's been highly practiced. Simon is actually the most skilled fighter out of the bunch and a few tells here and there show that there's a good chance were it an actual fight it might be going a little bit differently than is on display, but thus is the magic of acting.

     "Now Gray Ghost," Cadaver King speaks in an over the top voice holding his hands together in front of himself as he glides closer through the crowd of Corpse Creeps. "You may have escaped my vat of venomous cobra but it looks as if you'll meet your end all the same!"

     "You can do it Gray Ghost!" A lone voice calls from the crowd, a little boy only about ten years old standing in the crowd. He seems to be one of the few truly fascinated by the show, as his mother enjoys a lovely kebab and talks on the phone with her friends.

     The Gray Ghost struggles in the grasp of the Corpse Creeps shifting from one side to the other. Finally he manages to break one hand free from the Corpse Creeps grasp and sends a devastating blow to the Cadaver King, sending him sliding across the stage. It's definitely not the hook on his back attached to a very thin rope being pulled by a group of stagehands off to stage right yanking at the moment just before impact of the strike that does all the heavy lifting in that moment.

     Their leader unconscious the Corpse Creeps begin to scatter leaving behind Gray Ghost to adjust his goggles back into place and monologue on the value of justice and citizens working together to build a brighter tomorrow standing in the face of injustice.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing the child's voice over the audience, Mike's eyes look in the direction of the kid. He gives a closed mouth smile, not wishing to demonstrate the chunk of sandwich in his mouth for those who just happene to be looking his way.

He glances back to the stage, watching the finishing moves on display before the closing words are being uttered.

Mike swallows the bite of food, holding off on biting off a bit more as the signs of the show coming to an end are near. Pretty nice show considering it's being done in front of a live audience.

When the audience members with free hands give polite applause and a few others give whistles due to their full hands, Mike ends up being part of the third group, "Good show!" It's only two words, but combined with the rest of the audience, it's sufficient to show support.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity receives her food with a murmur of thanks and a smile to the vendor before she starts to head off. That's when she hears her name and she turns to spot Barry, "Hey there! Fancy seeing you here." she greets him with a smile. "And yes, all I'm getting for now. Don't want to eat too much before heading back to Starling." she admits. That makes her ponder for a minute, "You in town for business?" she asks him as she moves towards a seat. "How are things going on your side of things?" she adds a question.

Barry Allen has posed:
"nope i just love eating eating food out of trucks." Barry chuckles. "but yeah things are good. still getting back into the swing of things. I was 'away' for a while so i need to re adjust to my life again. And i've been connecting with new family members" those family members of course are a niece and Grandchild that time traveled from the future but thats too heavy for small talk and not easy to explain in casual settings.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With the performance over with , Mike slowly turns, wandering down the path with his sandwich. He's only got so much time left before he has to head out, so best get in the sights and smells while he still can.

Felicity Smoak has posed:
Felicity takes a drink of her water as she listens to Barry and there's a smile, "I'm glad I made the trip now. We don't run into each other often enough and I'm working a lot of over time for Mister Queen at the moment." she admits. She sits with Barry and makes small talk and catching up with him while she can.

Barry Allen has posed:
Barry manages to sit still long enough to enjoy a conversation with felicity, catching up on what each other have missed out on since the last time they spent time together. Barry only speeds off ocasionally to get more food and come back.

By the end of the evening Barry is starting to lose control over his feelings. The world moves so slow to him, it take so much effort to stay still and listen, his body want to run, his boy wants to exist at super speeds its the slowing that takes the effort.

When he can't sit anymore he gives a friendly polite but hurried farewell and his gone, off to do something else. perhaps to save some people.