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Latest revision as of 17:10, 29 August 2021

Sometimes You Just Need A Little Information
Date of Scene: 28 August 2021
Location: Saints and Sinners Club
Synopsis: Business conducted between Mystique and one Tessa Fox, some poor business man from Texas is about top have his entire life revealed.
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Clarice Ferguson, Tessa, Mortimer Toynbee

Raven Darkholme has posed:
It's still early in the evening so the club is mostly empty. Peek hours are always when the sun goes down to when the sun goes up. The staff are finishing up the last round of cleaning everything in sight in preparation for the Saturday night crowd. Numerous waitstaff are getting their things in order, the bartenders are preparing the bottles and glasses, generally it is the lull before the party.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    A tear in reality, surrounded in purple energy, opens not far from Saints and Sinners, linking the Asteroid to Bushwick - a telltale signal of Clarice's arrival in the neighborhood. She steps through, dressed in a pair of black pants and boots, with a green blouse contrasting starkly against her magenta skin. At her left wrist dangles a bracelet of silver, and green catseye gem stones, catching in the failing light of the day as she glances around the neighborhood but spots nothing other than the usual activity of Bushwick - a couple teens laughing togeether as they walk, a mother holding her child's hand, while carrying a bag of groceries... A car blasting really terrible music far too loudly.
    Not for the first time, Clarice wonders if she can figure out a way to blink away car stereos... Probably best not to try.

Tessa has posed:
Tessa is sitting at a table in the back under some moody red lights---a noir atmosphere waffles around her. A small little glass of something reddish sits in front of her, and she taps it with her nails idly but she hasn't yet had a drink of it from the looks of the glass. She has arranged a quiet meeting with some others and she awaits their arrival, looking up as she hears the others come in, looking at Clarice with a gaze that's cool and somber.

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee comes in through the portal behind Clarice. HE's wearing a bright red jumpsuit today, trimmed in yellow, with a canary colored baseball cap turned backwards. He's barefoot, his hands and feet coated in his trademark slime. His tongue lolls out of his mouth, leaving a trail of drool in his wake as he's hunched forward a bit, not quite on all fours, but springing forward nonetheless like the proverbial namesake, the Toad quite toadlike as he lands just in front of Clarice, cocking his head to and fro.

"Oi, I think dat's the li'l lady right there, mumsy," he says back over his shoulder at Mystique. "Fits the descrip wot I got anywhos," he says, his tongue lashing out and snatching a bottle of beer, popping off the top and catching the foaming neck of it in his mouth, tilting his head back to slurp it down hands free before spitting it out with a burp.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Slipping through the large purple portal, Mystique is dressed in her usual white body suit with white thigh high boots, a white belt, and not much else. Her flame red hair hangs freely down her back and around her face, the wind picking it up and moving it as she looks around. The car with the stereo gets glared at, and she also wonders if Clarice can remove the stereo and nothing else.

Without further pause, she turns her attention to the club and heads inside. Her strides are long and yet graceful, movements lithe. Nodding to Mortimer she offers a quick, "Alright, you two come with but don't crowd the poor woman out. We aren't here to freak her out." Too much, she adds in her thoughts.

Walking over to the table Tessa has claimed, she offers her a smile as the once over is given. "Evening."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Sure thing, Mystique," Clarice agrees - following at Mystique's right and just half a step or so behind. She offers Tessa a nod, and a brief but friendly enough smile, before she puts her hands on one of the chairs, pulling it out. "I'd order us a fresh round, but it seems you're already covered," she remarks to Tessa, as she sits.

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee scampers ahead, herald to the Dark Matriarch of the mutant species, skidding to a stop just in front of Tessa's table, "You sought the Brotherhood, m'lady?" he asks, tilting his head as Clarice gives a casual greeting, "You have no sense of drama, me girl. How's I to build up a proper respect on Mystique's name if ye jus' sit down like we're the local Girl Scouts troupe?"

He sweeps a strange bow, "Toad, at your service, missy," he says, sweeping a strange bow and then flopping low, squatting bow-legged and almost underneath the table. He doesn't seem to have much use for a chair.

Tessa has posed:
The ice queen looks from Clarice, to Toad, then lingers on Mystique as she says, "Hello," she tells her calmly, "Join me," she adds, motioning to the table. She is wearing a fairly conservative leather outfit synched with red for just the right touch of color but not too much.

She slides her cool eyes over to Clarice once again and seems to melt a little as her mouth curls up and smiles slightly. Maybe it's just an act or part of her .... mystique. "I surveyed the wine and procured the best port," she tells her, "Would you like some?" she asks. She pays no attention to Toad at the moment but doesn't give away any feelings about him under the table.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
That is what Mystique was waiting for, the invite. Pulling the chair out she settles herself into it, arms folding lightly across her chest as she crosses one leg over the other. The expression on her face is neutral, her eyes flat so as to reveal nothing of what the cobalt mutant is thinking or feeling. The mask was in place, much like the one Tessa wore.

Getting comfortable, she doesn't miss how Tessa keeps looking at Clarice, the slight twitch of her lips, there was something there and she wasn't sure she liked it.

"I'm afraid I don't drink while conducting business," she offers plainly. "Perhaps when business is concluded we can share a drink of celebration."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Port's not usually my thing," Clarice replies easily. "Though I've developed a fondness for cognac." She turns an expression of amusement on Mortimer as she adds, "You're right - my mistake. I'll let you play... 'hypeman' first next time." That's what they called it, right?
    As one of the employees approaches, she turns away for a moment, quietly ordering herself the expected glass of cognac - but adding another beer for Toad, and a seltzer with grenadine for Mystique - so she can drink but not imbibe.

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee flips his cap in the air and lets it land back on his head, "Word to yo' mother," he says with a snicker, then makes a few beatbox noises, his raspberry mouth a bit more moist than average. He grabs a napkin off a nearby table and quickly mops up the puddle he made.

He tries not to look too hard at Tessa because she's a very attractive woman and he'll end up staring and staring and frightening her and then whatever Mystique needs her for will end up ruined and he'll have to punish himself for damaging the cause and he'll end ups itting in his room with a bucket on his head. Again. Nope. Not going to do that. Not going to look at the stranger, just going to watch the club and make sure they're secure and have their privacy.

Toad points a finger at a nearby table, "Oi! You, with the cheese fries! Move your arse, you're too close! And give me those!" he says, tongue darting out to gank said fries.

Tessa has posed:
Looking back at the boss mutant, the ice queen says evenly, "I like to be prepared. I am sure you know this," she says, alluding to some familiarity that goes unexplained. She doesn't turn to look at Clarice ordering up her booze but does pause a little as she rattles off her instruction, maybe taking note of it or what she's saying. Instead, she looks at Mystique the whole time she's explaining the situation.

"I need some information about a business man we are dealing with. I need to know everything," she explains, summarizing in a small way the plan to get information about this man she's dealing with. She tells Mystique the man's name and business, describing him instead of writing it and giving her a note.

Finally, she snaps her fingers before Clarice's waitress leaves and tells her to add what Toad wants as well, probably tryinig to calm the situation, so he doesn't get everybody kicked out.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Amber eyes slowly shift from Tessa to Toad for a moment, watching just as he steals the cheese fries from another customer, then slowly lets out a sigh. Mystique knows the bartender will take care of the customer, free drinks, another order of cheese fries, promises that will be kept. You don't keep a business running by letting the customer's get insulted, she would remind Toad of this later... no bucket though.

She looks back to Tessa as the woman speaks, the same flat expression on her face as she explains what she is seeking. Pulling her phone out of the top of her boot, she types in the information shared then asks bluntly, "Human or Mutant?" Now she could be asking about the man, or Tessa, or perhaps even both. "I'm not against gathering information on a mutant for a mutant, I'm merely curious you see. I like to have a general idea of what I should be looking for and why."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice lets out a faint huff of air as Toad goes stealing someone's fries, turning her attention to the server, and nodding her head towards the table whose evening as just interrupted. She gets a nod in response before the woman moves over to the table, speaking to the pair in a placating manner and gesturing them towards new seats further away. It wouldn't be long before those free drinks and fresh fries appeared on the table for them to enjoy.
    Her attention has already wandered off, however, to study Tessa instead, and listen to her and Mystique as they discussed the business at hand, her hands resting easily in her lap.

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee gobbles the fries with a rather shameless, almost feral glee. He lays the plate on the floor and uses both hands, scooping handfuls of cheddar-parmesan soaked potatoes into his mouth, sucking his fingers clean in the wake of each handful to m ake sure none of the cheese goes to waste.

"Want some?" he asks Tessa, "Wouldn't wanna be rude," he says, holding up a handful of crinkle-cut cheese potato goop while continuing to eat with his other hand, "The chef here does 'em up real tasty!"

Tessa has posed:
"Or perhaps you want to see my reaction to the question," Tessa answers slyly, though gives no sign she's either amused or offended. Either way, she does answer eventually after a short pause, "He's a human male," she tells Mystique, "He's from Texas but has been in the city doing business," she adds plainly.

"Now, do you agree? The whole thing is at your discretion. I have no further requirements," Tessa explains to her. She looks down at Toad making a mess on the floor and on himself but doesnt seem offended as she says, "I've already eaten," she explains. She looks back at Mystique for her answer.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
There is a long pause before Mystique finally says, "I have just one further requirement. Your name, or at least something to call you by. 'Hey you' is such a rude way to call attention of someone, and since you know who I am..."

She picks up the none alcoholic beverage to take a sip, she doesn't seem to mind Toad making a mess at all, in fact a small part of her loves that he's always himself and doesn't let things stop him from it. Reaching into her boot she pulls out a business card that she slides across the table, the only thing on it is a phone number, no name, no emblem. "After I get your name, I will find out what I can about this Texas man. Shouldn't take too long, since he's a human."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Mystique may enjoy it - but for just a moment Clarice looks revolted as the man holds out a goopy handful of fries towards Tessa. Ugh. The woman refuses the 'offer' with more diplomacy and grace than she would have managed, she bets. Picking up her cognac, she takes a sip - hoping to cover for her reaction to Toad's behavior, while Mystique and her unknown companion continue to hash over the business arrangement.

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee is a strange mixture of shame and shamelessness. He might cower and retreat from harsh words or threatened violence, but it didn't really make him any less himself. He just couldn't help but be what he was. Trauma and freakishness can be a rather potent mixture.

"Lemme know ye change yer mind, luv," he says to Tessa, sitting cross legged and finally finishing off the fries, licking the plate with his massive, oversized tongue and then casually sliding it along the floor to the bar. For all his sloppy behavior, he's still definitely keeping an eye on the perimeter, ready to jump to the defense of the others if anyone tried to make a move.

Tessa has posed:
"I am Tessa Fox," Tessa answers, and describes her business cover for the Hellfire Club. She takes Mystique's little card and adds, "I work for Sebastian Shaw."

Tessa then looks down at the card and nods, as if committing the number to eternal memory. She then tears the little card in half, placing the two halfs down neatly with her napkin, as if to throw them away. She gracefully moves her hand to the cute little glass of port laying in wait for her on the table and lifts it to her lips to have a sippy sip. She doesn't comment on Toad's antics.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Now that was interesting information. It changed the entire angle of the request being made, but thankfully it was just some human, she really didn't care about what happened to this Texas businessmen.

Mystique's face still shows no reaction. Years of 'playing the part', of not revealing a single part of her thoughts or emotions, over a hundred of those years actually.

"A pleasure to meet you Miss Fox," she then says and extends her hand to be shook. "Give me three days and I'll have ever piece of information there is about this man, from his size at birth, to which hookers he frequents, to whose he's screwed over in his climb to riches."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Toad licking the plate clean seems to affect Clarice much less than when he'd offered over that goopy handful of fries. I mean - that's how he //always// eats. Some things you just come to expect.
    As Tessa introduces herself, Clarice offers a nod of greeting, along with a simple, "I'm Blink. And of course this is Toad," she nods towards the floor-sitting companion with a dubious grasp on social expectations.

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee pushes up a bit and rests his chin on the edge of the table, his slightly oversized eyes staring at Tessa wholeheartedly now. He's been introduced, it's allowed, he's not doing anything wrong.

"Pleasure t'make yer acquaintance, luv. Right jolly, if I'm bein' honest. You're a proper bird an' all, ain't ya? Fancy as a Christmas cracker at Westminster, you are."

Tessa has posed:
"Of course," Tessa tells Clarice as she observes this curious Toad fellow, "My propriety is practiced," she tells Toad after a short pause, with some sort of meaning left unspoken. "Do you all work together?" she asks. She looks back at Clarice and asks her, "You are the travel service?" she asks, asking with a curious connotation, perhaps to judge her reaction like Mystique tried to do to her earlier. She has another sippy sip of her port.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique sits back in the chair, holding the beverage in her hand before taking a small sip. This entire time she has been watching Tessa, and in fact was reading her, but anyone who was anyone did the same thing to those they didn't know, at least in this business.

"Oh that's adorable," she finally offers, sitting forward slightly and setting the glass down. "She's pretending not to know who we are."

With her cell phone still in her hand, she tippity taps out a message while looking at Tessa, quite amused, and that showed.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice smiles in amusement at Mystique's reaction, as she offers a shrug of her shoulders. "Sure. I'm the travel service," she agrees.
    Anyone who honestly believes her to be little more than a 'travel service' would be quickly disabused of that notion if trouble struck. But Clarice doesn't believe anyone of note in mutant society would honestly believe that of her.
    "And Toad works in Public Relations," she adds helpfully.

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee snorts, "Yeah, I'm Mr. Personality. The belle of the friggin' ball. All the reporters wanna talk t'me. Gotta beat the paparazzi off wit' a stick, I do. WEll, I don't have to, but I do because it's fun and I like to hear 'em squeal," he snickers, stamping his oversized foot on the ground in appreciation of his own joke.

Tessa has posed:
Pursing her lips a bit at Mystique's verbal attack, Tessa answers, "The personal perspective is not in databases," she comments dryly, as if justifying her questions. She honestly doesn't really give away what she believes about these three mutants, if anything but Mystique is probably right, the ice queen database probably knows important info about a lot of people.

Tessa finishes her little glass of port and puts it down on the table, "Another drink? Or are we finished?" she asks.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A smile spreads across Mystique's face as she once again sits back in the chair, her eyes are just sparkling with mischief now. "Of course the personal perspective isn't in the database," she comments, glancing to Clarice first, then to Toad before her eyes return to Tessa. "Those databases can only hold so much information after all."

It wasn't meant to be an attack, it was meant to show that Mystique caught on quickly to Tessa's little act. The game only needed to go so far as she was concerned, but when the attention shifted off business and started to be played toward her associates, it was time to put a large wall up and stop that from happening.

"I'm more than willing to share a drink with you Miss Fox, but I wouldn't want to keep you from more pressing matters, if you have them. I can head back to begin this search any time. The club will be opening in about fifteen minutes however, and it's a popular spot in Bushwick, what with being mutant only."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Toad, why do you never invite me along to help you deal with the Paparazzi?" Clarice asks in an amused tone. "I'm insulted," she teases with a grin.
    Shifting her attention back to Tessa, she adds, "If you haven't enjoyed Saints and Sinner's before, Miss Fox, you should absolutely stay for a while to get it's true atmosphere - and enjoy a drink on the house." She lifts her cognac again, taking another small sip - though the drink looked to be barely touched, so far.

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee grins at Clarice, "I'll invite ye next time, luv. You, me, twenty four photographers and some cricket bats. We'll knock their wee stinky skulls around until they can only take photographs o' the inside o' their 'ospital beds," he says, grinning widely and then suddenly going stoic when he glances at Mystique.

"That is, if it's okay with you, mum, wouldn't want to get us in no trouble you don't want, after all."

Tessa has posed:
Tessa lifts her little glass to Clarice as if honored by that comment, and smiles a little. "No, Mystique is correct. The Club is opening now. And so is mine. I should get back," she tells Clarice, and glances at Toad and Mystique, "Thank you for meeting with me," she tells Mystique.

Shifting up to her feet, Tessa adds, "Since we have a new arrangement, I think it would be fine if you would like to see my Club. I could show you around," she offers so very helpfully, "Perhaps when you're free," she adds. She then nods her head and says goodbye to everyone, glancing between them before she leaves.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Mystique's eyes shift to Toad, "You're more than welcome to practice your cricket batting on photographers, just remember to destroy all the pictures."

Now she stands, as Tessa does and offers her hand to the woman once more. Proper business after all, required this, "It was nice to meet you Miss Fox, I'll get back to you within three days, no longer."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice rises when Mystique does - nodding to Tessa as the woman prepares to leave. "Miss Fox," she says politely. "Visiting your club certainly sounds intriguing," she agrees - waiting until the woman is starting to move off before she picks up her cognac to take a deeper drink from it.
    "Back home, boss?" she asks casually, glancing down at where Toad is crouched. "Unless we'd rather go look for some photographers."

Mortimer Toynbee has posed:
Mortimer Toynbee hops a bit, landing on one of the chairs, "Mmmmmmmmmm, well, I thinks it ain't quite paparazzi season yet. More like wabbit season," he winks, "Ain't never Toad season, though. WHich is weird, cause folks keep takin' shots at me. Though I usually make 'em regret it," he says.

He tips his cap in Tessa's direction, "Nice meetin' ya, lovely lady. Don't worry, I didn't even get your shoes sticky!"

Tessa has posed:
Tessa shakes Mystique's hand politely before she goes, and pauses to watch them all take off before leaving herself. She silently observes Clarice's magic.