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Latest revision as of 22:06, 1 September 2021

School Is Supposed To Be Lame
Date of Scene: 29 June 2021
Location: Central Plaza - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Greg Rollins, Madison Evans, Morrigan MacIntyre

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg, currently in his powered suit, seated indian style on the edge of some cement near the library. Sure he might get some looks, but he's at least remembered to stick his clothes in a backpack. The odd part is that he has his traditional cowboy hat on his head. It looks a bit odd, but really he's an alien in a high-tech suit! Said suit's currently got a cord from the side of his helmet, one of those long as hell cords that you can buy at a gas station except the end looks modified to plug into the side of his neck area.

And he seems to be fiddling with it connected to a tablet. "Okay, Mirage. Begin link up to this tablet for display." The tablet blinks, makes odd noises, then settles it seems before apparently working. Greg himself has an odd expression, and a few others cross his face. "That was weird. Right... show me what you have on those heroes?"

Oh, looks like Greg had an encounter outside of school! He seems to be really hard looking at that tablet. At least that suit of his falls under super powers, right?

Madison Evans has posed:
    Madison has been down at the stables - grooming and feeding some of the horses. And, yes, mucking stalls. Not the most glamorous task around - but a necessary one. She has a real bounce to her step as she makes her way into the central plaza - though her steps slow, and then stop as she takes in Greg, tilting her head slightly as she takes in his suit, and his tablet, and his serious expression. What she says instead is, "Nice hat!" in a bright voice.
    I mean - what else could you possibly say when faced with a sight like that?

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
It's Summer Break, so there's not a ton of people around. But some of the students that stay here and those that caretakers that look after them as well come and go. Morrigan's been staying at the hospital with the children that got recovered, so the Doctor is looking a bit like death warmed over when she passes through the Central Plaza of the school. She reappears minutes later with a box from her office.

That's when she notices that there's teens in the central plaza. She makes her way that way for the moment, giving a nod of greeting to them, "Madison, good to see you." she states. Then she looks to Greg, "And good to see you, Greg. Is everything alright?" she asks him.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks up at the comment on his hat, "Huh? Oh, thank you."

He looks between Madison and Morrigan. And seems to consider for a moment or two, "Well... mostly? I... uh... stopped a robbery while I was flying around sight seeing in New York. I had a few heroes helping, and one was... well..."

He scratches the side of his chin, causing a squeaky sound. Seriously. Metal suits. You can't scratch a thing in them. "I think she was our age, so I was going to try to find information on all of them with the Drifter Mirage. The girl's my concern. She seemed... distracted easy? Overenthusiastic... uh... asked about some sort of signature move or something..."

Yep, he's searching for a term to describe it. Then the tablet beeps. Greg looks at it, "Fangirl?" He looks at the two, trying to see if that is the right term.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "Hello!" Madison greets Morrigan, a bright grin on her features - that quickly fades into a more concerned expression. Before she can voice whatver's on her mind, though, her attention shifts back to Greg. "People fangirl over superheroes?" she asks. ...maybe that shouldn't be surprising.
    Turning back to Morrigan, she steps closer, speaking in her stage-whisper voice, "He still likes dinosaurs... right?" It was the only way she knows to 'subtly' ask about the outcome of that meeting she accidentally attended. "I met someone who said things with very wrong in Malta and I've been worried ever since!"
    Okay. So much for being subtle.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Fangirling might be the good term for that. Where did you find her?" Morrigan asks Greg. Then there's a tired smile to Madison, "I hope everyone is having a good break so far." she states. Then she looks a bit amused at the stage whisper, "Tyler is still asleep. We've not woken him up yet due to....well...he's having some issues with his thoughts not being right and I need to work on those before we wake him. Just so he doesn't hurt himself or others." she admits.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg gives a small shrug, "Manhattan. My ship is having trouble finding her, however, with those terms even with the news clippings and a brief image from my personal view."

He looks annoyed, then blinks before he looks at the two. "Who is Tyler? And is there some trouble I can be of assistance with?"

The tablet chimes this time, and Greg looks at it, "Huh. The name she gave is someone else's?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    Excitement shows on Madison's features - though she quickly tempers it with a more serious expression. "But you found him! And you have him now. And you can help him. That's great! I've been worried." She then, quite abruptly, expresses her excitement in the way she knows best - by hugging Morrigan abruptly. "I'm sure Tyler will be fine! If I can help, I will. I like helping."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Are we trying to find her for any particular reason? Do you want to take her to coffee?" Morrigan tries not to smile, but...she does. "Sorry, that was a bit of a joke. Did she do something that you want to find her for?" she asks. "Tyler is a former student that was taken by a group. We had to go to Malta to get him back. No one died thankfully." she tells them. "And yes, fake names are generally something you'll come across." she admits to Greg. "Hopefully she'll be alright if you do find her real name." she adds.

Madison's enthusiasm is what catches her off guard though and she juggles the box that she had. She doesn't know how to act for a moment, "Thank you, Madison." she tells her as she gives the girl a one armed hug in return. "I promised I wasn't going to get all teary eyed today." she adds with a chuckle. "And if there is anything that you guys can do we'll let you know. I think everyone has been doing wonderfully so far with helping around here." she tells them.

Greg Rollins has posed:
"Uh, just to see if she needs help? I mean... most do not just appear out of no where and go 'Sorry I'm late!' for example." Greg says. He seems to consider, then looks at the tablet, "Well, I don't plan on finding out her real identity or anything. Just offering to help. I mean, she is a teenager like most of us here? I wanted to tell her about the school, but she ran off before I could."

Greg looks thoughtful, then shrugs, "I'm sure I'll run into her again, I guess. Just... strange that she thought I had whatever a signature move is.." He looks to Madison, then to Morrigan, "Where is Malta? I am not familiar with that term."

Madison Evans has posed:
    The hug only lingers for a few moments - then Madison lets go, and beams at the Headmistress, and her fellow student. "I'm glad everyone was alright. Alls well that ends well - isn't that what people say? He'll be alright."
    She offers a shrug towards Greg as she adds, "Well - I'm not very good at geography, really. Is Malta a city? Or a country?" she looks genuinely uncertain. "But I do know what a signature move is! That's when, like, you have a fight move that you use a lot. Like how General Grievous can use his mechanial wrists to spin his stolen lightsabers really fast."
    Of course she relates it back to Star Wars.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a thoughtful look to that, "Well...do you know what she looks like?" she asks him. "I'm guessing you do. But seeing a picture of her might help on my end...especially if she's a teen superhero of some sorts." she states. "Malta is a European country that's down near the end of Italy." Morrigan tells Greg. "I'll show you on a map." she adds.

Madison is given a gentle pat on the back and then gives a smile, "Thank you and yes, all is well that ends well." she agrees. Then she gives an amused look at the mention of Star Wars, "That is an apt comparison, Madison." she tells her. "That also gives me an idea." she states.

Greg Rollins has posed:
"A bit. I did get a good image of her in my head, but this blonde Ms. Marvel is not her, I can tell that much. News reports are not matching up." Greg says with a sigh. He reaches up to unplug the cord from his suit, a small panel sliding over the port before he rolls it up and sticks it into his backpack, along with the tablet.

"I would rather have a few more interactions before saying anything else about her. She did seem to have her head mostly in the right place. And well, she thought my firing a force beam at someone was my signature." Then he blinks a few times and looks at Madison. "What is a lightsaber?"

Madison Evans has posed:
    "A Star Wars idea?" Madison asks eagerly. Because //of course// that excites her!
    "The lightsaber is the weapon of the Jedi. Not as clumsy or random as a blaster; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age," Madeline recites immediately. Because, //of course// she does. She can be painfully predictable in some ways.
    "...you haven't seen Star Wars yet, huh? You should come to my house! Movie night!" she encourages brightly.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"I'll leave that to you to find out through interactions then. If you need any help from me or anyone else, just let us know." Morrigan tells Greg. "Have you been acclimating to life down here alright so far? I apologize for not checking in better." she tells the young man. "And I will let Miss Madison explain what a lightsaber is." she gives a grin to that.

"Yep. I was going to say there could be a Star Wars night to let folks see it. Maybe students putting it together off campus would get people together better." she nods to this. "We could give funds for snacks and stuff though if you like." she adds.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg looks thoughtful, then shakes his head, "I have not, really. I think it is mostly because I am too... quiet, I guess? I am also unsure if I would be suited for some of the extracurricular activities. I tried looking at a car one time, and well... gas powered vehicles are not something I wish to make use of." He looks thoughtful. "The horses seemed more scared of me, perhaps because of the cybernetics, and... well... I worry any 'inventions' I might make will be used wrong?"

Greg looks down, sighing. "Much as I hate to say it, Madison is the only friendly one I have so far."

Madison Evans has posed:
    Money for snacks? Madison's features just light up at that notion - but her attention is quickly drawn back to Greg, and her expression grows more serious. "What- really? Well- that isn't right! What if-! How about if you came with me to Melodrama for board game day! And you could learn how to play board games! You meet all sorts of people, and it's easier, though, because you have the board game there. So it's not like- you have to find something to talk about, or common interests, or whatever, or common life experiences because there's, umm, the board game. You know. Right there, helping out. It's fun!"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan frowns softly for a moment, "I think we need to work on having more social stuff at the school during break so that people can meet eachother and get to know folks." she states. "Or Madison and others could show you what teens do around here for fun as well." she smiles to that. "And hey, the science fair is coming up and MIT wanted to see what folks were doing. If you've got some sort of invention we could see it here. I wouldn't let anyone take the students ideas or try to steal them. You guys work too hard to make things." she points out.

Then there is a look to Madison, "I'll get founds allocated for you and the movie night. If you guys want to do something else we can and will help however you like." she smiles. "I sadly need to get back to the hospital though. I was taking a break for a bit before going back to check on things. Do either of you need anything before I head out?" she asks them.

Greg Rollins has posed:
Greg is looking between Madison and Morrigan. Then he blinks a few times and shrugs, "What is a... board game?"

Greg looks thoughtful, then turns to Morrigan, "Can we use the theater for it? Or would there be a more appropriate place for such?"

Greg's definitely looking very thoughtful of things. Movies must have been explained to him at least.

Madison Evans has posed:
    "The theater would probably be better than my place. Fit more people. I wonder if anyone has a laser disk of the original edition?" Madison murmurs thoughtfully. Her VHS copy wouldn't look so great on such a large screen.
    Her attention focuses fully on Morrigan before she adds, "I could use world peace. And my very own pony." She grins at the woman - obviously expecting neither of these things - before she redirects her attention to Greg.
    "I can show you! There's a lot of different kinds of board games. But they often involve a game board, with pieces you move around on it - but not always. And there's usually cards - but not always. And you're usually competing against the other players to get the most points, or be the last survivor or something - but not always! Some board games are co-op, and you all work together as a team to try to beat the game. And //some// are co-op with a secret traitor. And //some// are all against one. Or teams. There's sooooo many board games!"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"The theater would be a good idea, yeah." Morrigan tells the teens. "I'll get Duncan and them on top of it. You just let me know what day you want and we can set it up." she smiles to them. "And a pony and world peace would be fantastic. I sadly don't think we can get either so easily." she frowns. "But, we'll work on it." she smiles.

"But, have a good evening. If you guys need anything please reach out to us. I'll see you over the next few days." she offers to them before she turns to head out.

Greg Rollins has posed:
If this was an anime, Greg would at least wave to Morrigan before getting all swirly eyed at the explanation of board games. "What? But... then how do... what? Oh, this is going to be interesting! I will have to find a way to restrain from reading other's thoughts and see what this is like."

Then comes the idea of using the theater, and it's approved apparently. Yay! Meet more people, have fun! Finally find out what the devil a ligthsaber, jedi, and all that is beyond Madison's explanations!

And then back to the board game thing. He looks confused. So very, very confused. "I think I will have to see one of these." He picks up his backpack, looking at Madison, "Let me go change?"

He floats/speeds off to go do that, almost knocking another student over as he heads for the nearest safe place to change clothes and such. Namely a public restroom.