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What, How, Why
Date of Scene: 08 September 2021
Location: Staten Island
Synopsis: Bando calls for help when things get dicey in Staten Island. Upon help's arrival, it seems that Gwen's father has been critically injured!
Cast of Characters: Bando George, Gwen Stacy, Kaida Connolly, Kamala Khan

Bando George has posed:
    It's 2pm when the shots rang out from Fort Wadsworth in Staten Island. The old fort is normally crawling with tourists, but currently, this section of the recreational center was shut down to the public as they worked on restoring the shoreline to preserve the location. No one was supposed to be here except the construction crews.

    Why was Bando there? That's a good question. Isn't he supposed to be in class? Whatever the reason, both Ms. Marvel and Ghost-Spider received an emergency text with a google location to find him. Do they have each other's number? He didn't know, but they do now, since he sent it as a group text.

-Help! Under attack, somebody's hurt!-

    For those in the area, the construction workers have backed out, the popping of guns enough to call them off from their work as they call the police. It's coming from within the fort itself, out of sight for anything that could have been seen from the rest of the area.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
It's back to college for Gwen. Yay for a new school year! If only this class she was was being *any* interesting but no, she is mostly 'droning' it away, blue eyes staring off into the horizon until....

Bzzzzz. A message? She looks at her phone, brows arching at what she sees there. Of course that the first question would be why isn't Bando in school? But that will have to wait because she has to slink off from class.

"Amanda, cover me.." she whispers to her trusty college friend as she slides out and towards the exit, step by step, making all use of those spidey senses to stay out of 'danger' (or in this case of being spotted by the teacher).

Once out she starts running towards the exit, sliding out from her clothes and stuffing them into her backpack on the way. Underneath? The Ghost Spider outfit.

She is airborne soon enough and swings up to the air, beginning her travel towards the area. And without having to worry with traffic or roads? She will be there quick enough.

<< I am almost there. Are you ok? >> the message being sent.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
There is a small area nearby in a small building that Kaida often comes to visit. She doesn't tell people why because people don't ask. Most don't know she is going there and most that are there don't see her. She smiles softly when she looks a t the spot, her eyes tearing slightly as she puts down a single flower petal before suddenly gunshots ring out.

"Uh oh, duty calls." She pushes tears out of her eyes, sniffles once and then grins before she zips off toward the gunfire. She smiles as she rushes along, occasionally blurring into little speed bursts.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    "Kamala? Kamala? Kamala Khan!"

    "Huh! What? John Wilkes Booth!" Kamala shouts as she sits up straight in her seat. A piece of white lined paper clings to her forehead, which was just resting comfortably on the surface of her desk. She blinks her eyes, trying desperately to shake the sleep from them. The other thirty students in the classroom break into a quiet laughter.

    The teacher standing at the front of the class frowns slightly. "Yes, thank you, Miss Khan, but a simple 'here' or 'present' would have worked," she replies joylessly.

    "Sorry..." Kamala mutters before resting her chin on her hand, elbow to desk. Her classmates laugh again, with discordant suggestions of 'she's so weird' easily heard above the noise. Kamala sighs softly and lids her eyes. What class is this again? Kamala lowers her gaze to a buzzing coming from her bag. She gives the teacher a quick glance and slooooowly inches the phone out of her bag. Bando. "I have to go to the bathroom!" Kamala Khan shouts, already standing from her desk. Without even waiting, she grabs her backpack and runs out of the classroom.

    Soon: It's really not easy for Ms. Marvel to get to Staten Island, but Bando George is her friend and how could she ignore him? It took a quick ride on top of a PATH train, followed by a brief ride on a bus, and then finally an EMBIGGENED jog through Sunset Park and across the bridge. Taptaptaptap. Ms. Marvel responds to the text after shrinking back down to normal size.

        <poop emoji>

    Ms. Marvel rolls her eyes and grimaces. Taptaptap.

    ~ Wrong text! Ignore that. I'm here! ~

Bando George has posed:
    There's no response to the texts, but if Bando is in a fight, it might be difficult to respond immediately anyway. A few more gunshots can be heard cracking through the old stone fort as Kaida is the first one to arrive.

    Bando appears, a teenage boy in rather ordinary clothing, a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. His backpack is over his shoulders, and from the courtyard, his alarmed expression is clear as he looks back and forth desperately. A puff of dust appears next to him on one of the columns, and he flinches from the bullet that missed him. It wasn't that close, but it was still clearly shot /at/ him. By...who? There's no one visible, but the smoke from the gunshot can be seen half way across the fort. Invisible person perhaps? Bando himself, though, hasn't seen it yet, and he ducks down, unable to locate his enemy, and then ducks back into the fort from which he came.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Another look at the location pin and it tells Gwen that she is close to the place. And then a shot. Yes, definitely so..

"What kind of trouble did you get yourself into *this* time, Bando..." she murmurs to herself, a web swing bringing her all the way up to an higher position on the fort so she can have the higher ground, to more easily be able to track and locate where Bando might be.

Or those shooting!

She squats atop an high wall, literally hanging from the wall and skimming the ground quickly with her eyes, tense and waiting for the right moment to move in.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Arriving on scene, Kaida is the complete master of stealth. Not because she was well trained but because she was just very small and had to do it a lot. She sniffs at the air, ears swiveling this way and that before she suddenly darts toward the sound of gunfire. She halts as she spots Bando running and the puffs of bullets hitting.

"Hmm, curious." She scrambles up a wall quickly to where a bullet hit, sticking a small hand in the hole briefly before angling her head to follow supposed trajectory and then she zips off in the direction, sniffing and listening.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Taptaptaptap. Ms. Marvel begins work on a quick reply to ask the group text -- Bando and two unknown numbers -- where they are, what's going on, and so on, but stops as soon as she hears the shots. Uh oh. Brown eyebrows peek up from behind Ms. Marvel's domino mask, her head on a swivel to try and spot where the shots might be coming from. Gunfire has a way of sounding like it's coming from everywhere, unfortunately, as it echoes against nearly everything. The phone gets slipped into a convenient hidden compartment in her bangle bracelets. No time.

    Ms. Marvel begins running towards the stone retention walls that have started to take on overgrowth. In a singular motion, she leaps into the air and extends both of her arms over her head. They streeeeeeeeetch until both hands grip the top of the wall. With a silent *snap*, Ms. Marvel's arms return to normal size, sending the teen hero up and over the ledge of that wall. She lands in a crouch, scarves blowing carelessly in the wind. "Ghost Spider!" she greets, reaching a level of enthusiasm that might be inappropriate for investigating gunshots. "Woah. I'm a /huge/ fan!" She smiles widely, ear to ear, but otherwise keeps her fangirling at bay. Instead of asking for autographs or selfies, Ms. Marvel instead leans over the side of the wall to try and spot the source of the gunfire, or perhaps Bando, or perhaps a hot dog vendor.

Bando George has posed:
    Inside the fort, Bando drops his phone next to a wounded police officer. "Okay, stay calm, stay calm," he encourages himself and the injured officer. Two more are dead, one with a bullet through her head, and the other looks like he was beat until his skull was crushed.

    Bando grabs the hand of the barely conscious man and presses it against the chest wound, the most critical of bleeding ports on the uniform, having struck him just above the vest. "Hold that," he says, though the officer isn't lucid enough to manage it. Bando peels off his t-shirt, and unclasps his leatherman, pulling it from its sheath. The knife is flipped out, and he cuts his shirt into strips as he creates makeshift bandages out of his clothing.

    He hits the voice text, "I'm in the fort, people are dead, one is still alive. I tried to stop them, I think they are still around somewhere but I gotta stop the bleeding." He releases the button, and the voice message hits the text chat for Ms. Marvel and Ghost Spider.

    Outside, the unseen attacker can be heard by sensitive senses as he/she moves forward toward the second floor door that Bando had gone back in through. Still there, clearly, and the person is closing on Bando who is pre-occupied with trying to rescue the survivor.

    As Ms. Marvel announces her arrival, and biproxy, Ghost Spider's presence, a voice can be heard from within one of the old windows. "We got heroes! Time to get out of here!" New snaps of gunshot fill the air, this time aiming for the two new arrivals that have less natural concealment than Kaida.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
There is something to be said about spider-tech, and the genius of Peter Parker. Specially with those enhanced AR lenses he got for Gwen. So when she gets the message from Bando? She speaks quietly and it starts translating voice to text.

< Find a safe spot with the survivor and hunker down. I will be there so-- >>

A pause at a shadow jumping above the fort, and above her. Were those giant hands for a moment there? Yet at least there was no danger sense triggering all over from it. So ..., safe for now. "Marvel?" is she surprised at seeing the other hero here?

But no time for more. Because that danger sense that hadn't triggered before? It comes up in full force. "Move!" she exclaims to Kamala just a couple of seconds before the bullets start flying. Plenty of time to react! Specially to those with spidery-senses like her. She lets herself drop from where she was, bullets hitting the spot a few moments later. A web is shot, over to a side wall and she pulls herself over, swinging in what to some may look erratic but in a pattern that is leading her towards the source of the shots.

"They are up and inside the fort!" she tells to Kamala, her trajectory bringing her closer to those windows where the shots are ringing from.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
Apparently, the second floor is where it is at. So, instead of taking the stairs like some kind of plebian, Kaida leaps up to the edge of the second floor balcony and then over, zipping along as she hears footsteps. Her hearing is interrupted, however by an explosion of gunfire.

"Always someone." She mutters about the gunfire and shakes her head, slipping along the balcony to the door being messed with. However, once she reaches the door, suddenly she can't be seen at all but she can see a jerk with a gun. Huh.

"Hey!" She calls out from below only to run up the door frame, leap off and attempt to land right on the bad person's face, pull back a tiny fist and then punch right into an eyeball.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Marvel. She's about to make a quick correction to firm up her super hero branding -- Ms. Marvel -- but there's simply no time. As soon as the gunshots start going off, the teen's brow rises again. Without super speed or super reflexes, she does the most sensible thing she can: shrink. One moment, Ms. Marvel and Ghost Spider are up on top of that wall, and then suddenly neither is! While Ghost Spider might have been able to web her way to safety, a two-inch Ms. Marvel instead huffs it on foot.

    "Wait up!" she calls out with a tiny voice that would likely be missed by all without enhanced senses. After getting a few feet from her last known location, Ms. Marvel grows back to a normal size, still running towards those windows. Incoming shots whiz past Ms. Marvel as her upper body bends in impossible ways, carried forward awkwardly by two rigid legs.

    "I'll cover you!" Ms. Marvel shouts from underneath the window. One arm is extended towards the window so she can block the opening with the giant palm of a giant hand.

Bando George has posed:
    The face that Kaida finds beneath the invisible field is surprised by the voice, stopping just short of shooting the unsuspecting Bando in the back. He looks down, and is puzzled long enough to take a surprise attack from the small mouse. He stumbles back, too late swatting at Kaida, recoiling from the punch. His gun goes off again, bullet harmlessly striking the ceiling. Crumbs of the stone fall down, and the man grabs his eye, continuing backward with his swatting until he hits the edge of the railing. And over he goes, a short scream cut short as his body thuds into the ground fifteen feet below.

    Inside, footsteps can be heard, disappearing down the steps as Ghost Spider reaches their location. A small cylinder is cast up behind them. Plink. Plink. It's a flash-


    Bando flinches, only a couple of rooms away when the deafening noise goes off. "Stay with me," he says, returning his attention to the bleeding man "Just stay awake, okay, you're fine, you're gonna be fine." He attempts to keep his voice calm for the victim, but quite frankly, he has blood covering him now as he tears open the uniform, sending buttons flying, and struggles to unzip the bulletproof vest, that stopped another three rounds. He finally strips it off, wadding part of his T-shirt and pressing it on the wound before taking another strip to dress it. His Boy Scout training is certainly coming in handy right now.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Teamwork does wonders! With Kamala keeping the opening blocked so no bullets pass through it means that Ghost Spider can make a bee-line right through another window, smashing through with an athletic roll, feet sliding across the ground as she looks about for threats. One hand keeps extended back though and she shoots a webbing out. "Hold on to that, Ms. Marvel!" she calls out.

And if she does Gwen will pull the web back in to get Ms. Marvel up onto that 2nd floor too to join her.

Of course that will be when the flashbang comes. Great! Danger sense going berserk, spatial awareness catching sight of the grenade... She just needs a second. A web shot and ---

It explodes right before she can toss it out of the window, which makes her avert her gaze and cover it with one arm, momentarily blind and she stepping to the side.

"They are escaping.." she rubs over her mask where her eyes are, "Bando, where are you?" she calls out, louder.

Kaida Connolly has posed:
"Oh crap!" Kaida rushes to the edge to watch the thud and she winces, "Well, that will leave many marks." She shakes her head and then squints for a long moment only to be distracted by an explosion and she grabs her ears.

"Ow ow ow ow!" She hisses out before looking back with a whine and looking around for the presence of bad guys, though she is now staggering a little from balance loss.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Ms. Marvel closes her eyes and grits her teeth in anticipation of the pain that would come. The danger of gunfire is less when your hand is the size of a Volkswagen, but they still hurt! "Hurryhurryhurryhurry!" she cries out. "I don't know how long I can---"

    Hold on to that. "Check!" she calls out with a grin. She grabs a hold of the web line with her normal hand and twists it around her wrist. As soon as the line gets pulled, Ms. Marvel shrinks her Shield Hand down and zips through the second floor window! "Owwww!" she grumbles, shaking her hand out after landing in a crouch. "Thanks for the ride. Where's Bando?" *FLASH*

    "Oh, come /ON/!" she exclaims, bringing her forearm up over her eyes. "Where's /everything/?" Ms. Marvel rubs her eyes. After hearing Ghost Spider call out the escape, Ms. Marvel rushes to a window and sticks her head out into the open air to get a look. Left. Right. Blinkblink.

Bando George has posed:
    "In here!" Bando announces to Ms. Marvel and Ghost Spider at the top of his lungs. "We need an ambulance! He's lost a bunch of blood!" Of course, he's yelling over the ring of a flashbang's effects as well, but he's only a couple of rooms away from Gwen, and even closer to Kaida. He looks back to his patient, "Stay awake!" he commands the man with no success as he slaps his face to try to bring him back to consciousness. Unable to do so, he takes another strip, bandaging a bleeding wound on his left bicep.

    Below and on the ground, the man doesn't move. He may or may not be alive, but he's certainly out of this fight, and maybe every other as long as he lives as he lies on his back in the dust of the fort. While the mortal threats may be retreating, there's definitely still work to be done.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
There is *someone* else in the room with them. Whoever punched that guy off the window? It's a familiar voice, but Gwen has more to worry about at the moment. Find Bando, the victim. Make sure that Ms. Marvel is okay. A lot of stuff! She blinkblinks, gaze starting to clear but she is starting to make her way through, making use of those sharp senses, along with her spatial awareness that makes her *almost* be able to act fully in the dark.

Sight is starting to come back, step by step, spots still on her vision but enough so that she can see some blurred Bando and someone on the floor. "There you are. Is that the victim?" she asks, then a glance over her shoulder.

"In here, Ms. Marvel.. and thanks for your help. You know Bando too then?"

She approaches and lowers herself down to make a check on the injured man, "I have used comms to call for an ambulance, should be here soon I am hoping.."

Kamala Khan has posed:
    In here. Lost a bunch of blood. The flash bang muffles this. Who lost all that blood? Where? When? Ms. Marvel takes off running as near to full speed as the room will allow. "Bando!" she calls out, skitding into the room on her heels. "Are you okay?!" She sounds concerned, perhaps even scared, as she slides to a halt, briefly dangling in her scarves as she abruptly stops. Oh.

    Ms. Marvel pulls a first aid kit out of her bangle bracelet's hidden compartment and holds it out for Bando to take. "Here," she offers, kneeling next ot him. Ms. Marvel's bloodied hand starts to shine, reforming back into its normal size and shape. When it does, the wounds sustained from the gunfire begin to heal.

    "Oh," Ms. Marvel begins, looking up at Ghost Spider. "Oh, yeah, we know each other." She hesitates for a moment, briefly taking stock and confirming that it's Ms. Marvel who knows Bando George and not Kamala Khan. Life is confusing! Bando. She suddenly turns her head towards Bando and scowls.

    "What were you thinking just rushing in here, Bando!" she shrieks.

Bando George has posed:
    Shirtless Bando is hunched over the victim, having surrendered the fact that the other two are beyond rescue, having already crossed over. His arms are coated in blood up to his elbows, and its on his chest, and somewhere down the line he wiped his forehead, so there's a smear there as well. He glances back as the two more experienced heroes arrive, unaware that he had a third protector that prevented him from being shot in the back.

    The injured man is familiar to Gwen. More than a little familiar. It's her father, Captain Stacy. The pool of red that surrounds him indicates that these injuries aren't minor. He is just finishing the tie on the second injury, his orange t-shirt strips now stained dark red, as is the t-shirt that the captain still wears. Bando lets out a sigh. "I've got most of the bleeding stopped," he tells the two ladies, looking drained as he keeps his eyes on Captain Stacy.

    The scolding from Kamala doesn't receive a turn to face her, he keeps looking down as he snatches the first aid bracelet from her with a touch of aggression. "I tried to stop them..." He frowns angrily, his eyes with a hint of extra water in them. "I thought I could..." He opens the bracelet, pulling out a sanitary wipe, and starts to clean a smaller graze on that same left arm where a bullet nicked the captain, but only did very minor harm.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Finally! Gwen's vision has cleared. And really, at this point she'd had wished it hadn't returned because seeing her father down on the ground is enough to make her stop in her tracks, taken aback. Yes, she knows her father is a cop, and it *can* happen. But to see it in the flesh?

Blood drains from her face, which might be a good thing that she is wearing a mask. A second passes before she is then rushing down to the ground. "Oh .., oh no.." she murmurs.

Down to her knees on a rush and she is pushing Bando out of the way. Rather rude of her, really! "How did this happen? What did you do?" is she blaming Bando? But there's a panicked voice underneath the mask, sounding a lot younger than she usually does when out fighting crime. And no quips right now either!

One hand reaches down to her mask and she lifts it all the way up, revealing Gwen's face there. Starking resemblance to the injured captain too. Tears are already starting to burst out from blue eyes and she rests her hands on the man's chest gently, trying to feel a beating heart. "Dad, I am right here. I am here." a beat, "The ambulance is coming, just hold on a little bit longer.."

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Ms. Marvel's face holds a scowl, apparently impervious to Bando George's sudden display of aggression. She's non-plussed. Still, she eases up and doesn't bother scolding him any further. Instead, her gaze travels to Ghost Spider and the captain. Ms. Marvel steps away as Bando is shoved to the side and looks like she's about to say something, anything, but no words come. Instead, Ms. Marvel lets out a quiet gasp as Ghost Spider's mask comes up and her connection to the captain becomes obvious.

    Suddenly, Ms. Marvel takes off running! She goes for the room's nearest exit and closes the door behind her. Her muffled voice can be heard on the other side. It sounds like she's calling for an ambulance again, this time making it clear that it's for a police officer. The dispatchers have a funny way of making magic happen when they know an officer is down. More noises -- doors slamming, exits checked. Ms. Marvel isn't going to be able to render aid to the captain any better than anyone else could, but Ghost Spider is not going to be seen without her mask if she has a say in this.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando is taken by surprise as he's knocked over by Gwen's urgency, and he slides himself away to make room, uncertain at first why she has taken such a panic. She's supposed to be the experienced one, the one who knows what to do the one who...is his daughter?

    "Dad?" he echoes. His eyes go wide as she pulls her mask up, and he glances back to Kamala, as if looking to her for some sort of answer of how to respond to this."I was trying to help. I heard arguing, and there was shouting, and I knew nobody was supposed to be in here-so I came to investigate- I WAS TRYING TO HELP!"

    Gwen's father knits his brow ever so slightly at the sound of his daughter's voice, his body a little pale and cool to the touch.

    Whether they were almost there already or not, as if Kamala's call conjured them itself, police sirens come pouring in, three squad cars pulling up to the fort. Bolt cutters snap the chain rather than try to find out who is responsible to unlock the courtyard, and guns are drawn. Behind it is an ambulance and a SWAT team, all ready for action that has passed. Of course, they will have protocol as they advance on the location before storming up the steps with any medical help. The scene has to be confirmed clear of hostiles.

    "Um, Ghost Spider?" Bando tries to insert himself back in, looking at the Captain. He doesn't know her name still, even if he now has seen her face. "We gotta raise his feet," he tries to tell her delicately. He moves around the pool of blood to get his backpack to use as a pillow under his feet.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Is Gwen even registering what the other people in the room are saying? Her eyes are fixed down on captain Stacy, her father, wide and panicked. "It's happening all over again.." she mumbles out.

"Not even in this universe I can escape it." Whatever she is talking about? But no explanation comes from it. Instead she just seems at a loss on what to do for a few moments, blood soaking through the white gloves of her suit. A few more moments pass, as if she wouldn't react at anything at all but eventually her head raises up, she looking at Bando and gives the young man a mute nod of thanks. She had to be practical right now.

And her father was not dead yet if that knitted brow was any indication.

"Police are coming.." faint traces of danger there. They *could* be shot after all. The mask comes back up and she slides it over her face again, covering it, bloody fingerprint on her face mask.

"I need to stay, but you might not want to be here when they arrive." she warns the other two, breathing heavily.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Ms. Marvel stands in the doorway, watching as Bando tries to justify his involvement in all of this. As his tone starts escalating, Ms. Marvel holds two palms out and pushes them through the air gently -- a universal gesture meant to communicate 'relax.' She takes a deep breath and watches Ghost Spider and her father. Moisture begins accumulating along her lower eyelid. What would she do if her Abbu was shot like this? How would she handle it? Would it be like Ghost Spider? A noise draws her attention to the window.

    "They're here," Ms. Marvel confirms, sticking her head out of the busted window. "Ambulance too. And, uh..." Ms. Marvel turns to watch Bando and Ghost Spider. "More." SWAT Team, naturally. Ms. Marvel bites her bottom lip, trying to hold back the words that would be coming next. She fails.

    "She's right, Bando, we gotta go," Ms. Marvel warns.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando frowns. "I saw it," he says in objection. "They will need to know what happened." Which means he will most likely be arrested, assuming that he keeps himself submissive enough at entry that he doesn't get shot. There's no way his parents won't learn about at least this instance of inserting himself in a dangerous situation. He glances back at both of them. "I have to stay, so they know, and so they can track them down."

    The SWAT team starts bursting into the courtyard, guns up and ready as they keep their weapons trained on the building, making their way inside.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
What Gwen really needs right now is someone contradicting her! But instead of starting to scream at Bando she counts to ten. Help is on the way. Better not get herself too exalted. And no one else has to get hurt here. She knows they'd take the kid to prison. "Get out. I will find -you- later and we can talk. But right now you will do more harm than good staying." which is true!

A glance over to Kamala, "And you too, Ms. Marvel. I will figure something out.."

She wasn't sure what. But she would. She returns back to kneeling down by her father, staying close to him.

Kamala Khan has posed:
    Ms. Marvel lets out a frustrated tuft of air. "Come /on/ Bando! You don't have a secret identity!" she protests. "Get home. Go to a pay phone. Call in an anonymous tip!" When Ghost Spider addresses her, Ms. Marvel's features soften. "I know, Ghost Spider," she replies softly. "I know. You take care, okay? We'll be in touch." And she will. Thanks to Bando, she has Ghost Spider's number, probably.

    Ms. Marvel heads to one of the windows and looks down. The coast is clear. For now. Ms. Marvel glances at her hand and shakes it in the air a few times. She tries to embiggen, struggling a little as her hand grows and shrinks a few times awkwardly. She shakes it out again. Ms. Marvel puts one leg through the window, her head looking back over one shoulder. "Come on," she pleads, eyebrows rising.

Bando George has posed:
    Bando glances again to Kamala, who seems to agree with the sentiment. "I..." he looks frustrated, outnumbered, and he clearly wants to do the right thing, despite what it would mean for him. But the urgency that Gwen gives him prevails, knowing that she'll personally want to be tracking the group, and he can't do that if he's buried in legal paperwork for the next month as they decide whether to press charges on him.

    "Okay, fine, but keep his feet elevated," he re-iterates, going to grab his bag. He holds the captain's feet until Gwen is able to replace it with her own bag, the sound of the feet can be heard storming up the steps nearby.

    Bandow disappears with a *fwump* and as he does, the elite of the police department spill into the room, weapons at the ready.