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Making a Scene
Date of Scene: 09 March 2020
Location: Greenwich Village
Synopsis: Shuri, Spidey, and the Earthbender converge on a TV film scene and give new meaning to the term
Cast of Characters: Heather Danielson, Peter Parker, Andrew Rivers, Shuri

Heather Danielson has posed:
    So, the irony is.. this is a scene where the witness to a murder is supposed to be rebelling and going out because she is feeling stuck and you know.. youthful and stupid. Heather is that little bit role, the blonde teenager filling it because of course, NYPD SVU doesn't have unattractive cast members, even for guest star roles.
    Either way, she is walking out of a bagel shop, and the scene calls for screeching tires and a potential drive-by shooting setup. So nobody reacts when a hijacked armored car turns the corner... tires screeching as it does so. And it is barreling right towards the crew, lights, cameras, and action.
    So it is that the crew and folks don't react in time. They're gonna get smooshed... yes indeed. They are EXPECTING the sounds they hear, but one set of eyes sees the truck approaching and a scream makes everyone stare like deer in headlights.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man was closing in on the TV crew. And singing. Badly.

"If everybody had Brinks truuuucks...across the U-S-Ayyyyyy..."

He was standing on the roof of an armored Brinks truck, whose prior occupants were getting medical attention. Four bank robbers had taken their spots and were now driving hellbent for leather.

"...then everybody'd be surrfinnn'...like Cal-i-for-nigh-ayyyyyy..."

The robbers were aware of him, but there were downslides to driving an armored car - the windows didn't roll down, and they didn't want to risk opening the rear doors. So they were trying to shake him loose.

"They'd be bringin' their cosss-tumess...and their web-shooters, tooooo..."

The truck barreled around a corner at speed, but the center of gravity was too low to flip the vehicle.
The driver looked up, then to the guy in the shotgun seat. "Did we lose 'im?"

"...then everybody'd be SUUUR-FINNN...SURFIN' U.S.Ayyyyy!"

The passenger-seat robber grimaced. "NO, WE DIDN'T! IDEAS?"
The driver spotted the collection of people and grinned. "Yeah. COLLATERAL DAMAGE!"

Andrew Rivers has posed:
A man wearing an emerald green jacket, black steel tipped boots, and black trousers runs in, his eyes darting from side to side. Seeing the car about to ram into the people, a rock directly behind the speeding vehicle turns into a large knife, and in a momant, it's divided into 30 small, sharp dangerous stone knives which fly towards the tires of the vehicle.

Shuri has posed:
Shuri had just gotten a rather hard bit of information. She really didn't expect it and in a way wonders if her brother wasn't playing a game with her. Did he set this whole thing up knowing she'd defy him? She knows he is smarter than she usually gives him credit for but this kind of thing isn't usually his style. Of course, that has led her to walking alone toward this spot only to blink when she hears the incoming truck and then spots Spider-Man atop it and then looks at the blades going for the tires.

A moment later, she's literaly throwing what appears to be sand right into the path of the truck and then shaking her head, "What is with this city?" She asks and frowns even as the sand gets sucked into the intake and will immediately start shutting down all the electronics.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Scared people frozen in shock. Well, Heather is scared too, but only for the others. She heals from nearly anything and so -death- isn't a real threat to her these days. Also, it's not that she puts out billboards advertising that fact, but she manifested her powers when she got shot on a photo shoot, so she couldn't even start the idea of a secret identity.
    Either way, she is surging forward, breaking character as she runs towards the oncoming truck. On her way, she spots the truck-surfing spidey... and that gives her a little shock. That's.. Spider-Man? And then the tires on the right side blow out... now, a little word of caution when blowing out tires during a high speed crash. Tires have far more control than rims.
    Electronics dying off kills the power brakes and the engine itself. SO while it cuts out, the truck ends up turning to the right... far too fast than it should, and it tips over onto one side, sliding towards the crowd.
    Heather lowers her shoulder to ram into it, hoping to stop it before it hits. But she won't be able to do that by herself. She might need some super strong webbing, or any help anyone else can give.
    But as it slams into her, keen ears can hear her bones pop and break and immediately begin to heal. Stupid healing factors.

Peter Parker has posed:
Three years ago, everything would have happened too fast to keep track of. But that was then, and this is now.
The knives come first, shredding the steel-reinforced tires, but only on one side. He feels the weght shift and leaps upward.

On the way up, he sees the sand flood into the front of the vehicle, killing the thrust of the vehicle. Immediately, inertia begins fighting a losing battle with friction. But it's not losing fast enough...

...and there's a girl standing in the way. She's not moving!

"*NO!*" Instantly he is firing multiple webs in front of the sliding truck as he lands on the side now facing up, firing others to attach the truck to the buildings on each side...
And then it hits her and he feels and hears the crunch and snap. The sounds go through his entire body. A litany of names run through his head - Ben, Gwen, Leah, Patrick...and now he was going to add another to this hellish list...

Andrew Rivers has posed:
Several unbroken knives head for the vehicle's left tire, or at least, where Vorlego thinks it is. He doesn't look too happy, probably because he cannot see it.

Shuri has posed:
Watching the events unfold, Shuri shakes her head, she did all she could. She was watching the thing happening, all the equations going through her mind as she watched it. She saw how the woman stepped into the path of the vehicle, thinking maybe that was more on purpose or otherwise. She then looks over at the odd things happening with the walls and like. She looks to Spider-Man as she approaches the situation, moving at a jog but not really running. She looks over to the front of the vehicle toward where the girl is and then blinks a little at the sight. She didn't exactly expect to see what she saw but she at least knows the girl isn't dead.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Sure, Heather pops and breaks, but she doesn't falter. She wobbles, but she doesn't fall down. However, when the vehicle finally sops, due to more blade slashing in. One skipping off of the pavement to slice along Heather's calf. But that's like trying to find one drop of water in a rainstorm. There's so much other damage that a cut on her calf is nothing.
    She ends up embedded into an impact crate on the top of the truck.. since the top was pushing towards her. With the help from the webbing, and from the wall.. the truck stops before it reaches the crowd.
    But once that happens, everything goes dead silent aside from the creaking metal of the truck. And then a half-sob comes from between the truck and the new earthen wall. "Um... little help?" comes the teen's voice, crushed between truck and wall but still alive.

Peter Parker has posed:
For a minute, his stomach seems like it is somewhere in the subway below them. And then the girl...holy Toledo, she's still...!

Spider-Man jumps down to land on the ground. For a moment, he debates pulling the truck. Which is a fool's errand, being 27 tons.
The hastily-made wall, however...
He looks around and spots Shuri, recognizing her from the church. He doesn't know what she can do, and this girl who is between a truck and a hard place...
He begins punching the wall to each side of where the girl is, hitting it at different heights on the left and right side. Then he grabs the top edge of the wall, bearing down as hard as he can, then pulls as much as ten tons of pulling force can muster...

Andrew Rivers has posed:
Vorlego focuses, and with a grinding noise, the wall slowly lowers in size. three feet. a foot. then it cracks into the rock that it was once before.

Shuri has posed:
Staring in a bit of surprise at the situation, she considers the situation. She really expected that the girl was just gonna catch the truck or something. Not...ya know, get squished by it. She looks at the wall that shrinks away and then tilts her head before she considers, "That was certainly nothing I expected." She states as she steps up quickly to see how the girl is doing first, "Are you alright?" She asks of the girl.

Heather Danielson has posed:
    When the wall is pounded on, there are grunts of pain from the other side. But then Spider-Man pulls on the wall, and part of it topples before it shrinks down on its own. This lets Heather topple over backwards at the knees, her lower legs still a bit pinned. She falls flat onto her back, her clothing pretty shredded, but still decent.
    She lies there for a moment, chest heaving as bones knit and cuts heal before the eyes, so fast that it could be scary. "Ow." she mutters as she lies there. "Where.... where'd that wall come from? I thought I was further away from the building." And then her eyes go wide and she whips her head about, "The crew!" she exclaims.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man pulls at the wall before it shrinks away, and then crouches down to look at her...wow. Something that would have waylaid him for a week, and she gets healed up in seconds. There's even some muscle and bone memory because the bones straighten out and align before healing instead of healing crooked.
"Relax, miss...the crew's fine. No one else got hurt." He looks up to Shuri, then said, "Hello, miss," because of course Spider-Man wouldn't recognize her. "I dunno where the wall came from. I'm just glad you're okay." He looks to the armored truck, then said, "Uhm, I gotta go take care of something. Give me a minute? I'm sure this lady can help you." He nods to Shuri, then hops back over the truck. He still has some bank robbers to deal with...

Andrew Rivers has posed:
Vorlego just stands there, as still as a statue save for a grin on his face.

Shuri has posed:
Kneeling down, Shuri looks Heather over and then shakes her head, "That is amazing. You are healing at an accelerated rate." She then looks to Heather, "That is fairly impressive. Though, just becuase you can heal does not mean you should step in front of multi-ton vehicles." She smiles and then slowly stands up only to have a buzz cause her to seemingly touch her ear, "Oh..." She says softly and steps back, "Also seems like I must go."

Heather Danielson has posed:
    Lying back down when she hears the crew is safe, Heather seems to deflate... more like relieved. She lifts a hand and gives a thumbsup, "Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man hasta go be friendly. I gotcha. Maybe next time I can get an autograph." she adds as Shuri is also looked to, "Oh hey. You have incredible bone structure.." the fashion model says, seeing the beauty in everyone. "Well, whatever doesn't kill me, you know?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man jumps over the rear of the truck. A few THWIPPS! later, the truck has been converted into the world's richest jail cell (until the cops show up). He comes back to check on Heather, then apologizes for the mess and gives her a phone number. "I'd like to chat with you later about this recovery ability of yours. But you have the right not to call."
As the cops pull up, Spider-Man swings off. One of the grips asks, "I wonder if we can get HIM for a scene..."

Ah, how fickle is fame.