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Change is Coming
Date of Scene: 20 September 2021
Location: Avengers Mansion - First Floor
Synopsis: T'Challa and Diana discuss developments that will impact both of their homelands, with Pepper and Tony involved in the conversation. Some plans are made.
Cast of Characters: T'Challa, Diana Prince, Pepper Potts, Tony Stark

T'Challa has posed:
Following the dinner hour, T'Challa mills about the Avengers Mansion. While he often dines on his own, occasionally bread is broken with other members of the team. This time around, he is on his way in from elsewhere, dressed in traditional Wakandan garb, primarily in black with elaborate stitching along one side of the neck down the front of his suit jacket, more along the arms and down a pantleg.

There is a bottle of water in hand that he sips from, and he pauses to take in the sights of the room. They are things he has seen frequently, but there is always a detail to focus on, always something to think about. He is alone this time, no attendants, no Dora Milaje.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had arrived just a little bit ago. She'd come in her silver sports car which was parked outside near the garage area of the mansion. She made her way in through one of the side doors and was moving through the halls with a casual stride. Dressed in a pair of black leather pants, a light jacket of red denim and a white top on underneath it, the tall Amazon woman looks this way and that as she makes her way toward the main foyer area, her dark hair tied back in to a loose pony tail behind her shoulders.

She spies T'Challa up ahead and instantly has a smile grace her red hued lips. She raises a hand to wave to him should he look to her down the hallway on approach.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Tony Stark hasn't been completely locked away in his Tower of red and gold, steel and glass. He's actually been sighted once or twice in the Avenger's Mansion in the last couple of months, not unlike a wraith. But to what end?

An upgrade here, a test there. The Mansion doesn't stay secure without a hand in it all, however unseen.

Of course, there is still JARVIS.

A tell-tale hint of the genius millionaire's presence, then, is the presence of one Ms Pepper Potts, his PA and should the rumors be true, his girlfriend of indeterminate time. She's exiting the kitchen, two cups in hand, both of coffee. One black, one lighter and one could almost presume, sweeter. She's dressed in business attire; skirt suit without a jacket, stockings, practical pumps, and as a concession to the hour and day, her red hair is down, falling to her shoulders.

As the door closes behind her, and she makes her way down the corridor, she slows to see the personnages before her in the hall. A breath is taken before she inclines her head in a nod of greeting, followed by a quick, apologetic wave to show her hands full, all set with a smile upon her face.

"Oh, good evening."

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa's senses, enhanced by Bast herself through the Heart-Shaped Herb, turns in the Themysciran's direction by the time she's waving toward him. A warm and friendly smile is offered her way, along with a brief dip of his head. "Ah, Princess Diana. A pleasure to see you again. Basketball season is fast approaching, and I have renewed my Knicks tickets. I may even secure some for the Nets." Who have been better lately, but that's probably just coincidental.

He starts with the small talk, leading into adding, "I trust you are well? I heard there have been a few developments in your part of the world."

Pepper's voice sees him raising his free hand toward her as well. "Miss Potts, a good evening to you as well. Are you burning both ends of the candle, as they say?" He has certainly noticed her double-handing it with the drinks.

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana slows as she reaches to where both T'Challa and Pepper now are. She first looks to the King of Wakanda and offers him another light smile along with a single nod. "That sounds like it would be wonderful." She says to him in her naturally husky toned voice. "I have missed the going to such things. It has been awhile." She says of their basketball nights out together.

Her eyes drift then to Pepper who gets a wide smile and a look to what she carries. "Hello, Miss Potts. It has been also awhile since... well yes. You look like you're expected somewhere. Someone is waiting for their drink?" She asks with a playful grin before she looks between the two of them and back to TC ultimately.

"And yes, I sent out a message to the Avengers... about our developments toward ushering friends and more to the shores of my homeland. I was.... checking in here to see if such a thing would interest anyone." She says with a held little smile for them both.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper looks down at her hands, a natural reaction when attention is called to them, and when she lifts her head again, there is a touch of dry humor in her tones in reply, "I don't think there is a candle anymore, much less a wick." She presses her lips together, the humor evident in green eyes, "I'm still searching for the light switch."

Diana's approach and appearance with them does gain a smile in greeting, and she falls silent as the friends greet each other and talk 'sports'.

Mention of checking interest, however, at visiting Diana's homeland has her lifting her brows, and a half-step forward is taken in unconscious exhibition of interest in the idea. "Oh, I'm certain it would interest some," Pepper underscores her expression. "If the invitation is open, that is." To 'some'. "I'd love to see it."

That's not to say, however, "And your Majesty.." She's never quite sure how to address T'Challa. It's a toss-up, really.. and she's usually so good about it! "I was hoping to bring Mr Stark back to Wakanda. Just to.," she glances at Diana, then back to T'Challa. "..visit." Very, very few know about the work done to the arc reactor housing, and she won't be the one to tell stories.

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa's hands come together behind him, a formal stance even as he acts more casual. "I have been occupied lately with a project in the Bronx which you may have heard of, and it is causing me to further evaluate certain..things." He doesn't say anything one way or another about being called one thing or another. Formality is not asked for here, considering some of them are royalty, some of them are exceedingly wealthy, possess brilliant minds, are experts on the battlefield, and more than a few share similar traits as well.

"Responsibilities are often great, no matter how big or small they seem. I did hear of the change in your policies, and while I may be curious to see your lands, who you invite there is up to you. It is not my place to demand it." One might gather he feels much the same when it comes to who is allowed on Wakandan soil, and he exhales quietly before telling Pepper, "That is something that has been on my mind again lately. Not regarding you and Tony, but.." His hands separate to spread apart a foot or so from his sides. "..overall."

Diana Prince has posed:
The Princess shifts her stare from one to the other, but regards Pepper first with a growing grin upon her lips. "You would be more than welcome to come, Miss Potts." She states before looking to T'Challa as well. "And you too, of course. As of now we're offering invitations to close friends and members of our teams, such as the Justice League and Avengers... plus allowing them to bring along a 'plus one' so to speak." She explains in a happy sort of way expressing that this is a big deal to her.

"Over the course of the past many years, my sisters and I have been diligently 'breaking down' our Queen's walls about visitors." She says with that little grin still playing across her red lips. "IT's been working, to say the very least."

She nods two quick times to them both. "So yes.... if it is of interest, by all means... choose someone who you'd like to visit the island with and just contact me to know when you would like to go. It comes with a ride on our jet too... which... well... many consider to be quite an experience all in itself." She then smirks for a second or so. "But yes, we're striving to make Themyscira a more open place... we have a long way to go, of course, but this should be a good step in that direction, I believe."

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper knows the stance quite well; casual and formal all rolled into one, and T'Challa knows how to pull it off with great dignity and style. "Point taken," is answered with a smile and a half-nod of her head. It's the thought of opening up Wakanda, however, that has her lowering the coffee, the warm mugs almost forgotten but for the hold on their handles. She has her own ideas on the matter, apparently, and it doesn't appear to be too terribly encouraging for opening. "I see. I can always make sure Tony is available if you want to talk with him. Perhaps he may have some insight, or.. something." Maybe?

She does recover well, however, (it's her job!) and she looks to Diana, the pleasure and excitement rising as a light pink coloring upon a naturally pale complexion. It's the freckles that truly give it away. "Oh, I'm certain I can open the calendar for a trip like that. And I'd love to learn about it's history, where it's going.."

T'Challa has posed:
"It is something I wish to speak to people here about before anything further happens," T'Challa explains, his hands resuming their place behind him as he says this. "Much like Themyscira becoming more known, the world will be surprised to know what secrets Wakanda has been harboring for so long and that will be a very delicate matter to reveal. Most of the world does not know much beyond their typical beliefs of African nations."

Giving Diana a brief nod, he says, "Shuri, of course, will want to see it, if she has not already. Now that I think of it, /has/ she? I am trying to remember whether or not she has said something like, 'Dear Brother, I have been to a place you will never be able to see!'" He can look at things with an appropriate level of humor, give him that much. "It must have taken quite the reasons for your Queen to allow this, Diana."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana had arrived just a bit ago and entered through the garage where she walked through the halls to the foyer where she bumped in to T'Challa and Pepper all crossing paths. This is where the three reside now, and in the midsts of a little conversation.

Diana looks to T'Challa who gets a light nod of her head. "Shuri has not yet been, but I would love to see her come and explore the island." She states in response. "Vivian Vision has gone, however, and all of the Titans... or many of them. They have gotten the chance to immerse themselves amongst my people and vice versa... it's been... just... very enjoyable, for us all."

Her eyes return to Pepper then who gets another little grin. "You would be more than welcome within our libraries, our sciences are similar in a lot of ways but very different in many others. Isolation from the mortal world had caused my people to ... somewhat ... go our own way... with what resources we had available to us on our island. Things not available in the rest of the world, as well." She looks to The Wakandan then. "Something we have in common." She says to him with a light smile.

"But yes. Steps toward a more united world is what helped sway the Queen's opinion. The... events near Metropolis last year, the events that seem to be happening more and more. Even a very dangerous situation that broke out on our island itself... that which the Titans were present to help deal with. It is time to ease in to being a more open society."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Would I be your plus one, Pep?" Tony's clear, amused tone breaks into the foyer at the same time as his physical arrival. He strolls across the hallway to intercept where his coffee was still occupying space, to waylay it from Pepper's ward, and relax against part of a table to one side of the entry foyer. He's one shift away from actually sitting on it, but not quite. The energy level isn't there for that amount of hijinx.

Tony's in a version of his heavy-invention attire - meaning, he's just in a beaten up long-sleeved shirt, the sleeves currently shorted to elbow with a lazy roll, jeans, sneakers. The pure mechanist, not the suit and tie version of the man, though he is he show in either form.

"Sounds new and exciting. Usually it's me that's bringing others. I'm willing to take the nap this time on responsibility." As if he generally is responsible for trip planning at all...

"Also, hi." Also that. Cheerful, forced energy, but not burned out. A pleasant tired, in Tony's tone, and to the greeting.

Pepper Potts has posed:
T'Challa is given a look of supportive sympathy. It is a difficult decision, and the nuances are something that //has// to be right. Navigating the political waters is only one part in a million different little things. That doesn't include the little things, the small unintended consequences. "No matter what is decided, it won't be easy." She'd reach out to put a hand on T'Challa's arm in support, but.. those mugs of rapidly cooling coffee.

It's the idea of the arts, however, that Diana dangles. The libraries. Sciences, well.. that's someone else's bailiwick, but still! And then there's art. Pepper is nothing if not a fan and connoisseur of fine art. Her collection alone is.. remarkable. Rather, her curated collection that is. "I'd love it."

If there is a little lightbulb that resides behind green eyes, it does turn on when Tony enters the room.. or rather, in his case, makes his entrance. The smile that ghosts, the slight pulling of cheekbones that highlight her expressive face. She hands over his coffee, without warning regarding its temperature, and her tones are soft and amused, "I don't know. It really depends." She's teasing!

T'Challa has posed:
"Ah, Tony," T'Challa says by way of greeting when the man Pepper has been talking about turns up. "Were your ears burning?" he wonders.

Then he's giving Diana more of his attention once more, resting a hand against a nearby tabletop. "The Titans? It is good they were able to help and present a good enough impression that it has swayed some minds, then. I know as well as anyone that once a decision that carries such weight has been made, it is impossible to pull the curtain shut again and pretend everyone will forget what they have learned and seen."

As he taps the Kimoyo beads at a wrist, a general schematic of a neighborhood in the Bronx forms in the air just above his hand. "Shuri and I are at work on a project to give something to the people here, something they can own and grow themselves, something to give them hope where they have not had it. This is not something I can easily explain Wakanda being able to do without exposing some of our secrets, but we were nearly in the middle of a matter of gang violence and we saw the desperation in the eyes of many, the ways in which they clung to what little they could claim as their own. We wish to break this ugly cycle, and if it can only begin in one place, it is still a beginning."

In this sense, yes, T'Challa and Diana must understand what things like this mean for their respective homelands. "No, it will not be easy, but that is why they say nothing worth doing comes without the hard work and harder decisions behind it. I have my people to consider as well. Some will not like this. Many will fear what it could lead to."

Diana Prince has posed:
Diana's eyes go from Pepper to Tony upon his arrival. She shows him a soft and warm smile as she hadn't seen him in quite some time, and he still seems to be... very much himself. "Oh but you could nap on our sandy beach now, Tony." The Princess says to him. "Long stretches of golden hued sand beside sparkling waters untouched by any ill environmental travesties." She lets her smile turn in to another little grin then. "And hello. It is good to see you again."

Her gaze then goes back to T'Challa as he brings up that display of the project he's working on. She listens closely to him before her eyes go up to his to which she just gently dips her chin to what he's saying. "Mm, yes. Many of our island's people are still yet reluctant to allow others to come to it, but we have worked upon them to ease their concerns." A look between the display and back to TC and Diana adds quickly. "I would be happy to help with the Bronx, as well, if there is anyw way that I could."

Tony Stark has posed:
"Not really, I hunted a bite from the kitchen while in search of the missing coffee: I overheard. No burning required," Tony smiles back to T'Challa as he teases about his ears, and shows the evidence of said hunting trip for snacks from one pocket - probably chocolate almonds or a similar treat. Tony's very prone to having nibbles on hand while working. The food now visible, he eats a few, while looking on at the schematic that T'Challa provides.

"The burden of cutting through the red tape to properly do charity without being questioned on motives or political gain is definitely a major frustration of a hero here in America," Tony comments, rueful. "We've a team of specially trained lawyers to deal with it that I can lend, if it does come up to bite at your best intentions," Tony offers to T'Challa. The look is mostly at Pepper -- since it'd be her that would help set up such an outreach.

"Diana, your beach heroic nap plan sounds perfect. I promise not to bring any environmnetal travesties with me, either, although I may have to set up a Stark wifi," Tony teases, "Temporary, though, not a travesty." Tony is playful, and has his tech preferences, but not to where he'd be rude or impolite about it.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Once Tony has his coffee, Pepper's about to run an arm through his own, but he's pulling out his ill-gotten goods... forever the nibbler! Instead, then, Pepper just takes up a spot beside him; closeness is enough. She falls momentarily silent as he runs through some of the issues that no-doubt have to be considered. Navigating the US is difficult; navigating NYC, doubly so.

Pepper watches the holographic schematic as it rises in the air; she's no stranger to such images. Her expression turns grave, decidedly more serious as she murmurs, "You could always come to us. There are always ways out." The Foundation, after all, has ways; it has programs, scholarships, and opportunities.

Diana's offer of large, sandy beaches, however, gets an appreciative 'Mmmm' from Pepper, and she can't help a smirk as she glances back to Tony, then to Diana. "He wouldn't know what to do with himself for an hour on a beach."

T'Challa has posed:
"It is true there are things money cannot simply be thrown at as a solution. Do you know anything of that, Tony?" T'Challa wonders, a mildly teasing tone to his question. "But, yes, I am trying to do a good thing for people who have nearly nothing, and I want them to see that they have a hand in forging a new path for themselves that does not need to include drugs, crime, and murder. If there are resources through the Avengers that will help with the details, I will utilize them, but I made these people a promise I intend to keep one way or another. They will expect fast progress if they are to have better jobs, schools, homes, and safer places to go. Seeing any of you around to assist might help their morale as well."

That established, he raises a brow toward Diana, then Tony. "You are tempting me with the idea of relaxing on a beach. I am sure I could find ways to relax for an hour, even with Shuri bothering me or trying to embarrass me."

Diana Prince has posed:
The talk of the beach and the need to setup a link to the outside world has Diana showing both Pepper and Tony a big smile, a knowing smile... almost like this is something she's gone through already. "Yes, well... The Jet has a connection to wi-fi. A 'hot spot' as it were. So we go out of our way to bring all of these young ones to the island, only to find them all huddled back around the Jet staring at their little devices..." She dramatically sighs and rolls her eyes mockingly before smiling again. "I am sure you could boost the signal to reach the shorelines however." She says to Tony specifically then, following that with a look to Pepper. "So at least he would be on the beach with you, and not huddled under the wing of a jet?"

When she looks back to T'Challa she offers him another soft smile. "Just let me know when and where and I will be there to help." She tells them then of his project in the Bronx.

When the Wakandan speaks of the beach also she grins a little at him, her eyes dart from him to the other two. "Of course there is much more to do on the island as well. You could... horseback through the foothills, or take the path that winds through the Enchanted Forest... though I would recommend an escort to go along with that one... Or, simply come to the Amazon warrior training sessions. Maybe even an Arena event, if times line up properly. You will be hard pressed to find more intense fighting than at one of the Arena events... There's also the theater in the city, and ... well, yes, I could ramble endlessly. It's funny how you grow bored of your home, until you're away from it for so long. Then you get the chance to show it to others, and you find yourself giddy at the thought of them experieincing the things that you perhaps were taking for granted..."

Diana gives a quick look around their surroundings then. "But, I hope the others here are all well and good and that the invite reaches them as well."

Tony Stark has posed:
Tony gives Pepper a side-eye, that then turns innocent. "Hardly need tech on a beach, honestly, when it features Amazons and, I'm sure, exotic drinks and entertainment," Tony floats, with a clear intent to be admonished for his comment. "I mean, how scantily clad of warrior training sessions /are/ we talking?" Tony wonders, then flashes a wink aside at Pepper. He's not really serious, and is fearlessly broadcasting the nature of the tease.

Tony drinks his coffee, eyes up and aside, as if his imagination were more than enough to pull in some good vacation ideas. "Though kidding aside, I'd like to do a flyby around the island. Any issue with the armor coming along?" Tony wonders. Sometimes a pleasure flight can be just that - pleasure. And Tony's good with pleasuring himself.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"Money does open a great number of doors, however. It presents a great deal more opportunities. It's why the Foundation can do a great deal of good, and does. We're in schools across the city, helping with STEM. In art programs. In.. many endeavors." Pepper is nothing if not a touch passionate about the philanthropic side. She spends a great deal of time managing it, along with a small team as well as going to look, first hand, at the results. "So, please.. tell me or Tony what it is you need."

It's the beach side, however, that lures her back, and easily. She could go down the rabbithole of work, but now isn't really the time to delve too deeply. Instead, the images that are conjured of the waifs huddled under the wing of an invisible jet? That does bring a laugh out, but when Tony continues?

Pepper looks at him, that smirk playing, green eyes dancing, and she aims an elbow to his ribs. "That's enough, you..". It's a dance they've danced before, and she's taking it all in stride. "Those Amazons are pretty rough. Perhaps I could learn a thing or three to bring back and finally beat Happy?"

T'Challa has posed:
T'Challa offers a nod to Diana. "I will take you up on that offer, though Shuri might be jealous when she finds she is not the only role model some of the girls there might get to look up to." Even he has to slightly look up to her depending on the lift in her heels.

"I would also be happy to view whatever you wish to show me there. I imagine your sisters will have questions of us along the way as well. Once Wakanda is ready to..entertain visitors, there are a great many wonders to share as well." He can only give Tony an exaggerated rolling of the eyes at his question of training sessions, remarking, "Be careful they do not include you in those, unless this is simply a ploy to result in just that, in which case I might wish you all the luck you will need." Har har.

As for Pepper, he notes, "I can certainly provide you more information very soon about what we are trying to accomplish in the Bronx. For now, I suspect we all have things to be thinking about."

Diana Prince has posed:
At the talk of 'scantily clad', Diana looks back to Tony who promptly gets a big smirk from the Princess. But she does answer him with the raise of her left hand, followed by a wobble-wobble gesture. So take that as you will! When she lowers her hand she smiles a little again. "The suit will be fine, I am sure. Perhaps you would be up for putting on display some of its capabilities in the Arena yourself? It could be quite a show for my people." She leaves that up to him to decide though!

Pepper's reply has Diana grinning mischievously toward her. "If you would like to, and be up for it, you would be welcomed to join in on as much training as you feel you're up for." She knows who Happy is, she spent quite a bit of time here from 2017 to 2020 after all.

Twoard T'Challa, Diana reaches out to touch the side of his left arm with her right hand. "Shuri is a woman we should all look up to." The Princess responds before dropping her hand back to her side. "And yes, I look forward to seeing Wakanda some day... but no pressure!" She says to the King before grinning toward him. Her eyes dart between everyone then. "I suppose I should get back though, I just wanted to check in while I was passing by... When you are ready, please do just contact me at the Embassy and let me know. The flight over is quite swift within the Jet."

Tony Stark has posed:
"She's asking me to show off, Pepper. Let it be put down in the minutes of this meeting that it was per request," Tony says 'gravely' to Pepper, as Diana actively suggests he put on a show for them. One finger is raised -- two, technically, until he eats the chocolate almond in the fingers, and then adjusts it to a finger-gun. Now unarmed finger-gun, lacking almond.

"I'm sure I can cook something up, Di'," Tony says grandly and more directly to Diana, then, with a cocky smile that leans safely into confidant. If he knows he might be being 'managed,' he isn't arguing. Being managed is fine when it's something he enjoys doing!

"Yep, all of us back to our duties, and all that.... tests to be run, explosions to direct robots to clean up..." Tony looks towards the elevator, as if that were relevant. Maybe it is. He gives Pepper his mostly empty coffee cup, then. "Until our beach vacation, then, eh....?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
The thought of Tony zipping through the air while on 'vacation' does gain something of a sigh; and finally allowing the fact she has a coffee mug with coffee now tepid, she raises it to her lips to swallow half of it, at the very least. "I thought I heard a 'perhaps'." Even if she didn't, Pepper's putting it out there anyway!

"And that would be wonderful, thank you. I may actually take you up on that.. the training. I do dabble in self-defense." She's not bad, particularly with a board.. but she's certainly no superhero! Or trained beyond the 'hey Pep, let's go a round'.. and then promptly get made fun of. Good naturedly, of course. She laughs, too.

Brows rise at Tony's proclamation, and taking his mostly empty mug as it's passed, rocks her head back a little, mouthing, "Go," before she tight-smiles at the pair that are also taking their leave.

"It was so good to see the two of you again, and please.. don't be strangers."

Allowing the others to take their leave, Pepper does turn around to go back to the kitchen and do a couple of dishes before going downstairs to make sure there really aren't any explosions..