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A Cold Drink After a Hot Job.
Date of Scene: 26 September 2021
Location: The Laughing Magician
Synopsis: Ty meets Phoebe and Mairin. They have discussions about magic and mutant powers.
Cast of Characters: Tynan Ireton, Phoebe Beacon, Mairin Moran

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Well, its early evening, and Ty just got back in after a particularly nasty job. Most of her injuries were take care of already, but there's still some tenderness from a few burns she got. The woman decides its best to just go to the bar, and get a cold drink. Her favorite place to drink now? The Laughing Magician. She loves the place though she does get a few look ats from time to time. She doesn't really get it, but hey, whatever.

    The woman walks into the bar, wearing her sleeveless long coat. It has some mud, blood, and burn marks on it, but it weathered the job pretty good. The back of the long coat has a picture of Shiva the Destroyer, and Bahb Cartha the battle crow resting on his shoulder. A good image for the half Irish/Half Madriporian. She walks up to the bar, nursing her arm a bit. She smiles a little bit as she puts her good arm up on the bar, waiting.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    In all honesty, a mercenary with some mud, blood and burnmarks on a coat isn't the most unusual thing that the Laughing Magician has in the bar. Chas is likely handling all cash and alcohol, but Phoebe, the barback who is *definitely* not old enough to actually be a barback is behind the counter helping with food orders and non-alcoholic beverages.

    "Good evening!" she calls out, looking a little worn down herself. The girl's wearing her hair in shortened braids, wearing a green shirt with two skeletal hands touching 'Creation of Adam' style, surrounded by butterflies and wearing jeans torn at the knees. "Can I get anything started for you?"

Mairin Moran has posed:
All sorts of people come to a place like this... In a palce like this... Or at least that's what Mairin keeps telling herself as she slides through the door and steps to one side. Lord, if her brother saw her now... Still, sometimes research requires a little field work, right? And what better way to spend your free time than doing a little side research?

Still, she is quite obviously out of her depth as she peers around. One could almost wonder if she'd even seen the inside of a bar before. Still, she seems to gin-up her courage and head's to an empty place at the bar, wide eyes taking in everything. Particularly Tynan.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Well, its not hard to pick out the young mercenary. Ty had openly admitted to being one in front of the whole bar about a month ago when John was looking for stories for something. The woman gives a small smile to Phoebe. "I guess some nachos, pizza, and a Dr. Pepper. Chas normally would be getting me a double of whiskey, but I guess you're a little young for that.", she smiles. Ty isn't surprised by Phoebe serving behind the bar.

    "It was a bit of a rough job. Some daughter of a backwater country gets kidnapped, was in some sort of ritual thing. Don't get it. They had a lot of mutants or metas who could throw fire, ice, wind, somehow make gargoyles appear out of portals attack me.", she says. The woman never really dealt with magic before, so naturally assumes it was just weird powers.

    "Either way, Lass, I'm here, daughter's back home, and crazy people were dealt with. I definitely need a stiff drink from that mess.", Ty says. The woman blinks a little bit as she side eyes a little bit towards the woman looking at her. Her natural instinct is cautious but curious.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a slight smile to Tynan as she places the order, and goes to grab the softdrink hose, selecting the good Dr. Pepper (who gave that guy a medical liscence, anyway?) and pours that into a glass with ice, bringing it over to Tynan. "Chas'll have to handle the whiskey, and he'll get you set up. I can at least get the pizza and the nachos. You want cheese or pepperoni?" she asks, grabbing out a notepad from her pocket and a pen from her hair so that she can write down other things. She gives a smile to Mairin, and gives a wave. "Hi! Mind the signs, have a seat wherever!" she calls out cheerily.

Mairin Moran has posed:
The blatant ond openly curious stare that Mairin gives the woman at her speach carries about as much menace as a deer starring into the headlights of a semi about to obliterate it. She just watches the interaction, her gaze barely registering or acknowledging poor Phoebe.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head. "Pepperoni.", the merc orders. She pops her neck a little bit, looking at the woman openly now. "Is there a semi about to crash into the bar or something? I mean, really Lass, did I say something to offend ya?", she asks. Her irish brouge coming out in full, dispite looking very asian. "I mean, sorry if I did, but its not the strangest thing that happens in this bar.", she admits.

    Ty waits for Chas to get her double, which she thanks him for. There's still a small chuckle from her thinking about when she called John a saint. "So, I see the world didn't end. Does he throw parties like that all the time?", Ty asks. "I know its been a bit though.", the merc asks.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "The party I think was a 'just in case'." Phoebe admits, "I wasn't here for it, though. Sometimes the crowd's a little much for me." she gives a friendly smile to Ty, coming back first with the nachos. Essentially tortilla chips with 'nacho cheese' and a couple slices of pickled hot pepper. Not real nachos.

    "-- really, come on in, you're fine." Phoebe gives a smile to Mairin, and thenr ubs the back of her neck "Unless you can't? I mean, there's... stuff..." she trails off a moment, not sure if 'student' allows her to explain what little she knows. Or if it would hurt anything! The normal proprieter of the bar is not at his usual seat, so his own opinion is absent.

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin blinks and even jumps a little at being so pointedly called out. "Oh.. No. I'm sorry. It was just.. A facinating story." She fumbles for a seat and sits down, her face slowly turning a darker pink. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to stare." She turns to focus on the bar... and... a menu! Yes! There has to be a menu, right? Somewhere?

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty offers a small smile. She sips her whiskey before taking a long pull from the Dr. Pepper. She chuckles at the ballpark nachos, and starts to eat them with gusto. Having to eat MRE for a few days while hiding out can make even these things taste like 5 star meals! "Either way, like I said, the world wasn't about to end. I had work to do that weekend.", she states.

    "Somebody is really new to this place. I mean, thats like the standard opening comments around here. Some meta or mutant throwing fire, or summoning an image that looks like a daemon...", she states. Again, Ty knows little of magic so she assumes its some sort of power. "I mean, magicians are like David Copperfield, right?", she asks Phoebe.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe slides over a cheap print out. There's several finger prints. That might be blood, might be grenadine. About equal chances in this place, and Phoebe tries not to think about it too hard as she opens her mouth, takes a breath, and looks off.

    "Um... yeah, something like that!" Phoebe states in reply to Tynan.

    "Can I get you something started for a drink? I can't handle alcohol, but I pour a mean soda."

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin stares at the menu but doesn't seem to really see much on it. "Yes... Um, a soda sounds fine." Then she points at something on the menu,

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin stares at the menu but doesn't seem to really see much on it. "Yes... Um, a soda sounds fine." Then she points at something on the menu, "And one of these. Please." She adds with a smile. That done, she glances back over to Ty, even turning a bit toward her. "You said you saw people using magic? From how far away?"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty looks at her long coat, and back at Mairin. "Stabbing distance? And I don't think I would say magic. I mean, copperfield stuff. THey were probably mutants or metas, claiming to know magic when it was probably just them using their powers.", she states. The woman shakes her head a little bit at Mairin. "Oy, I think she might be best getting some chips. I mean fries.", she tells Phoebe.

    "I mean, at the time, I was busy shooting them, stabbing them, trying to get a 18 year old out of a weird temple place...So, yeah, a little busy working. If I had known there were so many, I would have brought a few more toys with me."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe looks at Mairin. She then looks back at Chas, and then back to Mairin again as she absently scratches at her left wrist.

5T"So. A Coke, diet coke, ginger ale, Dr. Pepper, Sprite or Crush? I also have a limited amount of bottled rootbeer and cherry sodas and Welch's Strawberry soda in a 20-ounce, priced by the bottle." Phoebe states as she writes down the product that Mairin pointed to on the menu.

    "I work for a guy from Liverpool. I know 'chips' luv." she states, imitating John's accent purposefully awfully, and she gives a slight sound of amusement, "Which is /way/ easier than what she pointed at. Be right back with those." she states, ducking into the bag as she rips out two pages from her notebook.

    Chas looks at them, and dashes a couple of numbers down on them, though he's probably listening into the conversation best he can.

Mairin Moran has posed:
"Hmmm? Oh, a ginger ale is fine. Thank you." But her focus is zeroed in on Ty in that way that only two types of people really use. Reporters... And Academics. She even inches a little closer, though still well outside of Ty's personal space. "So you've been that close to people using magic before? How would you be able to tell the difference?" Her blue eyes narrow, then widen alternatly as she flows seemlessly from qustion to question. "Is there a certain way that it feels? Looks? There has to be some kind of manifestation difference between a simple mutation ability or illusion and actual manifested magic... Did you see any?"

She absently reaches out for her drink as it is placed in front of her, or by this time to the side of her, but doesn't actually take a drink."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty shakes her head a bit. "There's no such thing as real magic. There's always something behind it that explains everything. I mean, something here messes with me, so I can't do certain things, but...", she says. The woman looks at Mairin for a second, and starts to mimick the woman perfectly. And almost at the same time. Save...its not a mirror reaction...She's extending the same arm as Mairin. The woman takes a deep breath, then gets up, and starts to mimick Chas a bit. Her arms and body posture change slightly, mimicking his movements. "I'm just a really good actress.", she tells. But...her movements were a little too fast to be acting. Its as if her movements were about a split second behind each person...

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Things you can do in NYC at the age of 16: Work in a kitchen without handling knives, including fryalators.

    Luckily they probably have someone back there handling the hot oil in that tiny fry station. Most people don't come here for food. She's listening to the conversation between the eager Mairin and the disbeleiving Ty, and as the chips are cooking, she comes out with Ty's pizza, served on a warmed ceramic diskand sliced in six pieces.

    "Well I don't know about all that. Saying there's 'no such thing' as magic, who can say there's not?" she questions curiously to Tynan, looking to Mairin a moment. "I mean, there was that thing about those artifacts in Gotham being cursed yesterday..." she trails off conspiritially.

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin really should start paying more attention to the news. But it's just such a... pain. She squints at Ty as she demonstrates, but doesn't appear convinced. And she nods in agreement at Phoebe's words. "One could just as easily say that there is always something at work behind the various mutant abilities you mentioned, but we are still baffled scientifically by many of them. And--" She screaches to a halt as her mind catches up to the rest of what Phoebe said. "What artifacts?" she asks, turning that focussed gaze on the young lady.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    "My work in the field, most people claiming to have magic were just people who had mutant powers. If they had magic, they would have been able to melt my guns before I shot them. I mean, magic is sopposed to be all powerful and what not. Either way, all things need energy to create an effect. Magic just sounds like a catchall to cover up how somebody hides their energy to create an effect.", Ty says.

    "I mean people say I'm magical...cause I can make weapons appear and disappear. Not going to say how, but its not magic."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Oh, something about this pre-dynastic tomb they uncovered. Some things were shipped to Gotham's Museum of Antiquities. Some to the Museum of history here in NYC, some in London, some up to Cairo. There was some tweet about them being haunted or cursed or something." Phoebe gives a shrug of her shoulders, and hears the buzzer go off.

    "That'd be the the chips -- be back in a hot minute." she states to the two.

    And she refills a couple of soft drinks on her way by, sweeps up cash to hand off to Chas, and then ducks into the tiny kitchen to drain and salt the crinkle fries.

    Because the thing that Mairin would have ordered would have been a fish and chips platter for four. That's a lot of deeply fried fish fillets.

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin tucks that little tidbit away for later examination. Maybe she can get someone at the museum to let her take a peek. But all of that is pushed to the background by Ty's casual drop of making things vanish. "Wait... You make things dissapear? Actually?" Her tone drips with skepticism.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head a bit. "Kinda my thing. I don't carry weapons around on jobs cause I can just make them appear.", she tells. The merc takes a long moment to stretch her arms a bit. "I can't do it inside the bar cause something in here messes with me. Thats why I love this place.", Ty grins.

    "I can get sloshed, and not worry about getting thrown out. Last time I tried it here, my arm was on fire.", she tells. The woman winces a little bit, thinking about that night...Wasn't fun, but she's used to the burns. "Either way, it helps me through customs in a lot of places, dispite me being a merc, I never have any weapons on me, yet I have a whole arsenal ready to go at a seconds notice.", she smiles a little evilly.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It takes a few moments, but Phoebe returns with a cardboard boat, loaded with freshly salted crinkle fries draining onto a paper towel. "Well. The next time John's in, you'll have to ask him why that is." Phoebe replies to Ty and looks to Mairin a moment, then back to Ty.

    "So what, your mutant ability is... hammerspace?" she questions, her eyebrows rising in curiosity.

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin only just now seems to realize she's been holding a drink all this time and takes a long sip. Then seems to realize that she is, in fact, hungry as well. But even as she's popping dry fries into her mouth like some kind of heathen, her eyes stay glued to the conversation. Because... what in the name of Einstien is 'hammerspace'?

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty pauses a moment, and coughs a little bit. "Not quite hammerspace. More like hyperspace arsenal if you're going to use troupes. Can't really get into the details cause I don't know much about how things work. I don't exactly have the best education.", she tells. The woman smiles a little bit. "But hammerspace implies that I just pull anything out from someplace. I can't do that."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I see you are a lady of fine nerd culture as well." Phoebe gives a bright grin, "All right, so you've got hyperspace arsenal. Can you form the weapons with your mind, or do you have to purchase them elsewhere and then log them in somehow? And ah -- don't have to show me. I wouldn't want your arm to catch on fire again." she gives a smile. "I don't exactly have a lot of education, but I've met people with amazing abilities. Even some, I think, that *can* do magic." she adds as a joke.

    Chas might be rolling his eyes at the joke she cracked. Hard to tell since Phoebe can't handle alcohol, and this is, after all, a bar.

Mairin Moran has posed:
This... right here... is exactly why Mairin made the trip. The fries aren't bad... But hearing a discussion of abilities, even if there's only a chance that they are magical in nature, with someone who actually *has* them... Well that is a field-work win if she ever saw one. She only wishes she could write the entire conversation down. Or, better yet, record it. But she suspected that taking notes on people's conversation might be considered rude, and so those tools were particularly and intentionally left at home.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty cougsh a little bit more. "Purchase?", she asks. "More like if I have knowledge of what it is, and touched it, I can grab it. Like I have a bottle of $100 perfume somewhere....I just got to remember what scent it was.", she tells. The woman blushes a bit. "Don't ask, I was fighting some weird Alien thing that kept eating everything around me. I couldn't shoot it cause we were in a mall.", she tells. What does that have to do with perfume? "I just saw it, and wanted it, so yoink.", she says.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "AH! So it's a tacticle-based knowledge. Something like maybe tactile psychokinesis wher eyou can imprint on an object and then replicate it by forcing reality apart?" Phoebe asks, and seems incredibly astute for someone who isn't really old enough to be behind the bar, and she tilts her head back, considering, thinking through how it might work as she idly scritches at the white circle tattoo on her wrist as she considers, pursing her lips slightly

    "How about you?" she asks, turning to Mairin, "what brings you out to the bar tonight?"

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin jumps again as Phoebe addresses her, her own mind still working through the phrases 'tactile psychokinesis' and 'tearing reality apart'. "I'm sorry," she apologizes, in something that can only be described as a reflex action. "I'm just.." she gestures vaguely to Phoebe and Ty, then seems to realize that, at best, the gensture wouldn't be understood and, at worst, could be horribly missunderstood. "I mean I just came to..." As a matter of fact, how *does* one say they came to find someone who could use magic so they would explain in exacting detail every way that it works and might, if she was lucky, even agree to submit to some testing (or at least a demonstration) of some sort.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty shakes her head. "Not quite. I mean, its the item itself. I borrowed my dad's old code book. It had codes that I had no idea about as a demostration to my dad. He thought he lost it, and I pulled it out. Gave it to him, and all the codes were there. So, its not replicating, but actually having the exact item, and getting it.", she says. "And I don't know about forcing reality to do anything.", she says. Ty takes a second to look at Mairin a bit closer. Suspicious!

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Oh! Neat, so it's not replication but you're able to transcend distance or fold space in order to grab the exact item. That is... actually really cool. I'd like to know how your powers work on that. I mean, out of curiosity. See, I like superheroes. I've always wanted to be one, but--" she motions around her "Probably not in my line of work." she jokes, and she refills both drinks for Mairin and Ty.

Mairin Moran has posed:
Whew.. Crisis averted. Mairin relaxes visibly as the attention slips off of her. But she can't help nodding vigorously at Phoebe's expression of curiosity. After all... folding space is something she *does* know something about. It isn't in her expertise maybe, but she understand it much better than magic. And it folds perfectly well into other theories she's been kicking around. slowly, her expression starts to shift as the gears turn. The possibilities playing out in her head. "How well do you need to know the item in question?" she asks, engaged once more.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty shrugs. "Not real well. I mean, Dad never taught me IRA codes, and I had his code book. And whats folding space? I mean, what does folding sheets and towls have to do with pulling out weapons?", she asks. The woman pauses a moment as she hears her cellphone ring. She picks up. "Aye. Aye. On my way.", she states. "Sorry dears, but I have a russian frighter thats leaving port that I need to be on.", she tells. The woman gets up, finishes her drinks, and leaves a $100 on the bar. She's out the door in a hurry.