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Latest revision as of 12:59, 4 October 2021

oct 3 13:00/Introduction to the Occult
Date of Scene: 27 September 2021
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: Mairin Moran and Tynan Ireton stop into the Candle, Booke & Belle for an introduction to the Occult, and leave after signing a blood contract with a Witch. At least they were fed and tea'd? Nettie Crow gains two apprentices.
Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Mairin Moran, Tynan Ireton

Nettie Crowe has posed:

    When walking into the shop itself, one might feel an overly warm and inviting sense, come in, have a cup of tea, discuss your issues, have a scone. It's almost matronly, like a warm hug.

    The shop today was set up a bit differently. Someone had moved a whiteboard in front of an open space, and there were floor pillows all around, strewn about the floor in colorful damask and calico patterns. The purveryer of the shop, Nettie Crowe, was sitting on the bar itself, finagling with a new phone a little bit as her nose wrinkles. Her gray hair was tied back in a braid, and there were a couple of pump carafes for hot water, with teas marked. Warm orange annd apple cinnamon scones are set out under clean dishtowels.

    "No, no I'm decently sure it's the same password I've been using since the 70's--" she trails off.

    There is a crow, sitting on a twisted bit of branch that's been bolted to the wall.

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin slides through the front door of the shop the same way she enters any location she's unsure about... a step in, and a step to her left. She stands there by the door for a moment, just taking in the room and everything in it before moving any further. She wears a satchel strung across her body, that bulges with what are undeniably books by the shape, and clutches a notebook to her cheast. As if she were a college student arriving for her first lecture on Artificial Interligence and Machine Logic.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Well, Ty heard a little something at the Laughing Magician, and figured why not. She signed up for the class using the name her mother gave her, Laili Ireton. You know, it case of background checks, and possibly police forces deciding to have a scone...The woman is dressed like a normal youth...She's got on a back tank top and some cargo pants. The young woman has some sandels on. One wouldn't even begin to think of her as a mercenary if they saw her like this.

    Ty walks into the building and freezes for a moment, and rubs her arm a little bit. She's not used to tranquil areas. Its creepy! The woman takes a deep breath before settling her mind down, and moves off to the side to make sure she can keep everyone in sight, as well as a clean line for the door. A habit long learned it seems.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Only the two...?" The gray-haired young woman -- she LOOKED hardly into her twenties -- states quietly, and she pulls out a pocket watch from her skirt pocket, and then gives a nod.

    "All right." she states, hopping off the counter and approaching the two laides.

    "My name is Nettie, and I'm the instructor for Occult 101. May I have your names, dears?" she asks, drawing up a clipboard from behind the counter, and a fancy, purple pen. It writes in gel ink and is sparkly!

    "Sorry if the palce gives a start -- been fiddling a little bit with wards following some trouble."

Mairin Moran has posed:
"Mairin Moran," the lecture student says, then spells it out, likely a force of habit. "Where... Where should we sit?" Because what kind of lecture is this without any desks or even proper chairs?? How is she supposed to take notes?

Mairin spots Ty enter and her expression becomes at once both instantly more curious and a little hopeful. At least there's someone here that she knows. That makes any class better.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty looks around a long moment as she settles her breathing. "I am fine.", she says. Ty's normal brouge is replaced with a more...oriental tone. "Laili Ireton.", the woman tells as she moves over to the pillows, and gently sits down on one. She closes her eyes, and focuses a moment to get her breathing into something of a rhythem. No different then being a sniper. Just more meditative, and non shooty things way.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Have a seat on the floor cushions, poppet. Make yourself comfortable. Don't know if there'll be much note-taking. Pleasure to meet your aquaintences. First lesson: Anything magical asks for your name, don't give it. Especially if you think it might be Fae." she jokes, coming over to the whiteboard and carefully writing 'OCCULT 101'

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin sits downawkwardly on one of the cushions, pulls out a pen, and writes that down. Because you never know when you might need to know the precautions to take around fae. She does give Ty a little wave with a smile, but doesn't say anything to the woman. She seems to be pretty focussed and Mairin can respect that. Instead, as Nettie writes on the board, Mairin raises her hand.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty opens her eyes, and they're focused. For the moment, her mind is clear, and geared up as if this was an actual mission briefing. Most of her education was like this. This'll be a good chance for her to learn what how those other people think, and their motives, so in case of future incidents. Ty smiles a little bit. "May I ask for some Jasmine Tea to help me focus on the lessons?", she asks.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "... a question, already?" Nettie asks. She turns to regard Mairin with a small grin. "I'm not a Fae, if that's what you're going to ask. But there are many who work magic who don't use their real name. Some choose one they like, others use hereditary titles. Mine's a dimunitive of my name -- but what's your question, poppet?" she questions.

    The crow that was on the branch gives a cough, and then with a flap of his wings, he comes to a different perch, eyeballing Tynan especially.

    "Of course, dear -- help yourself to a cup. Jasmine teabags are in the teal crock." she states with a wry smile.

Mairin Moran has posed:
"Oh, I..." Mairin's hand slides down as soon as Nettie explains that she is not actually a fae. Then shoots up again. "What happens if you do give a fae your real name?" She eyes the crow, obviously wondering *it* might be a fae, or perhaps something else that would use her name for nefarious purposes. What kind of purposes, she can only guess at. After all, the only things she can think of that she could use someone's real name for is may to find where they live.

Oh! "Can they steal your identity?"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty moves over to make the tea. She thinks a long moment on this before she focuses on the tea for a moment. The woman can feel something watching her. Its like an itch between the shoulder blades. The woman rolls her neck a little bit as she quietly makes her tea. After a few seconds of thought. "Names have meanings. Meanings are anchors. I guess. A meaning gives something power. I mean, old myths and stories talk about that.", Ty says. The woman moves back over to the pillow, and gently kneels on it instead of sitting. She sips the tea, trying to figure out whats watching her. No cameras around so...

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I've never given my name to a fae who would use it in such a way... but Names have power. I could whisper a couple of names to the wind, and they'd come running." Nettie gives a smile, almost fond, almost feral, and she sits down on a particularly uncolorful floor pillow.

    "Fae magic works in a different way than humans manage, most of the time. You have to riffle through everything said like a lawyer. Contract negotiations -- but that's getting a bit ahead of ourselves, isn't it dears?" she smiles.

    The crow continues to watch Tynan, and hops closer to her. Red eyes are set on her.

    "The first rule of magic is -- anyone can do it. It is the application of will on the world around you, through conduits -- words, gestures --" she brings one hand up, and from it, with a flick, a tarot card is drawn. The Magician, of all things. Quite theatrical.

    "The second rule -- anything involving the occult will at times be messy. You don't have to get into the reading of pig's entrails or feeding familiars on a hanged man's flesh--"

    Corvax gives a caw, quite close to Tynan, as if trying to scare the lady!

    "-- but every once in a while you end up having to channel through blood. Yours, or someone else's."

Mairin Moran has posed:
More notes are scribbled in the notebook. Mairin takes note of the crow, even edging away from it a bit, but her attention is rapt on Nattie. She squints, and tilts her head slightly, "So you're saying that if anyone wants something bad enough they can make it happen?" A healthy dose of scepticism in that. "Or is there specific learning, specific rules that must be followed and adhered to that govern the use and application of power and force?"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    A part of Ty is thinking the card showing up is a bit of slight of hand. However, she's here to learn. The crow caws at her, giving Ty a little bit of a start. Not enough to spill her tea, but enough that Ty has to make a concentrated effort not to say several irish swears at the bird. She's thinking about what Mom would have done to her if she found out she spilled tea.

    "Is this similiar to what Mister Constantine was invocating at the Laughing Magician a month ago? A basic spell?", she asks. "Only on a much larger scale as he was gathering blood for many instead of himself?", Tynan asks carefully. The bird gets the Irish stink eye for a moment. Can't break focus! Must learn!

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Yes and no. Prayer can be a form of magic -- applying for intervention of some higher being. These days, they don't pay much attention -- interruption of life with death gods going missing can do that to a body, I s'pose --" Nettie trails off, and she gives a soft hum. "BUt you can make certaint hings happen. Use of ritual magic is one way, follow the directions a bit like baking a cake, and you get either what you want at the end -- or something very, very bad happens if you try to reach beyond your capabilities." Nettie explains, and then she leaaans back, adn gives a smile.

    "What my friend was doing at the Laughing Magician that night, collecting blood, was for a very particular spell that he used to try and save the world. And as we're all here, I would wager it worked." she gives a small grin. "And what that mad lad does is fairly advanced magic that he's spent his life honing, dear heart. We're not there yet." she gives a slight smile. She takes a deep breath, and purses her lips.

    "So, now that I've said a little about me -- Mairin, Laili, why do you want to learn more about the occult?"

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin clears her throat, glances at Laili, then back to Nettie. "I'm a research scientist. I'm simply trying to track down the string of a thought I had during my grad school research. Namely that magic could be used in conjunction with technology to facilitate more advanced reactions and effects by the mutual support and coordination or acomidation of the various strenghts and weaknesses of each. I'm certain this is already being donein both small and large scale applications, perhaps not by anyone in the public eye but done nonetheless, and I want to study ways to do it better and with predictable and sustainable results that could be utilized in multiple environments."

Her tone lapses into her own lecture voice for a few sentances and she seems about to continue, but catches herself and shrinks a little in her seat.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty decides that going to war with a Crow is likely not a good idea. She settles with her tea a moment before thinking on her answer. "Understanding. The world is a big place with many beliefs and ideas going around. In my work, understanding the motives and thought patterns of all involved gives me a better idea of how to plan.", she tells.

    "If one lacks understanding of those around them, they lose focus of themselves. Then the accomplishment is lost. I think the best phrase for what I'm trying to find is that magic is my want for a nail."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Magic and Science are half-siblings. Both are used to affect and understand the world around us. Their parent is Reason." Nettie replies, "Combining magic and science is possible, but Magic is far less... mm... predictable in some ways than Science is, and is measured in different ways." she gives a slight smile to Mairin. "What you're looking for is probably not what I'm able to teach." she smiles, and then she takes a breath, and looks to Tynan a moment.

    "Corvax, leave the lady alone." she scolds the crow.

    "Alright, Nettie, but if this one starts trouble, fireball!" the crow replies, cackling, and then with a flap of his wings he flies up to a handy rafter to overlook the class.

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin listens intently, then shrugs just barely. "Even the smallest bits of information can be important later in research. And all research has to start somewhere, and that somewhere is with the simplest forms, proofs, and data." She takes a few notes, then shifts again to get more comfortable. She's obviously not used to sitting on the floor.

When Corvax talks, however, her attention is immediatly snapped back up, and she looks up at the bird with a mixture of awe and facination. Perhaps wondering what it would be like to interview a bird...

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ok...Talking bird...Different story the cawing bird. "What in the bloody 7 seas is that thing? Better not be a bahb cartha or I'm shooting it!", Ty says with her irish brouge. And her tea spills..."Oh hell. And that was damn good tea. Damn you bird! Damn you to the deepest pits!", she hisses. And then there's a pause..."If it helps...My mother is asian...", she states.

    Ty gives something of a small weak smile. "But I still stand by my statements."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Aye, been down there, how'd you think I preferred bein' a bird? I'm the word, luv!" the bird caws back, and laughs a bit as Nettie makes a mildly upset face.

    "Well. Now I've got to swear the both of you to a degree of secrecy. Yes. Corvax up there has been through Hell. He was, in fact, a pirate in a past life." she states. "Corvax, be nice to my students."

    And she gives a soft 'hum' of a word, and she states: "Corvax is my familiar spirit. I've had him since I was nine. So..." she considers a moment "A little over a hundred-and-fifty some odd years."

    she cracks her knuckles a moment, and begins to write on the board.

    1. Secrecy is your friend.
    2. Magic is messy.
    3. It's OK to quit/vomit

Mairin Moran has posed:
There is just so much about that exchange that Mairin finds bizzare, facinating, and vaguly troubling, that she doesn't even know where to start. So, like a good student, she just takes notes. Notes about talking pirate birds that have been to hell, and notes about young women who claim to be over a hundred, and (of course) exactly what is written on the board.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty just watches Corvax for a little bit. More like evil girl glaring! "Be glad that wasn't whiskey or rum, bird. Though, my mother finds out I spilt tea...I think I'd be safer in Hell.", she says. Ty is so thinking she wants to learn how to do fireballs right now, just to get that bird. Then she pauses a moment. "Can dimensional holes be open here?", she asks. "Wait, don't answer that...Better for everyone, including the KFC.", she says. Ty's temper is fairly flaring up a little bit. She worked so hard on being on her best behavior...

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Technically yes, dimensional rifts can be opened. I'd really rather you not do them outside of a circle without someone well-versed in controlling and closing them nearby -- and I'd really rather you not do them in my shop. I have sensitive equipment. Like my water boilers." she states, and Nettie motions to her tea bar.

    "Also please don't hurt Corvax. I would be very cross and might kill you in the process. Magic /is/ messy business." she states with absolute calm.

    "So, let's start with something easy. Circles! Who knows what a magic circle is used for, class?"

Mairin Moran has posed:
It's almost a compulsion for Mairin to raise her hand to a question. I mean, even if she doesn't know the answer, just the act of finding out her answer is wrong is still learning after all. And she has a vague notion of what this answer might actually be. And it isn't only because she's seen some pictures in some of her books and may or may not have read a few novels that included the very notion on her mind. Because Nettie just said what circles could be used for...


Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks a little bit. "They're really that hard to do? I mean, I've been doing them for...errr, I mean, right. Ok.", she says. The woman doesn't want to talk about her mutant power, given its mystique gives her a slight edge on the field. "Protection? I mean, don't you throw salt in a circle to scare away things?", she asks. But in the back of Ty's mind, she's wondering about her mutant power, and is it based on magic, or is it a genetic thing...Of course, she knows if she starts thinking about it, she's going to run around in circles mentally.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "If you're doing them through an ability you were born with, that's different than someone like me trying to open one. I /can/, and it /hurts/ to do so." Nettie states.

    "Correct. Summoning, protection, there are about ten thousand different magical circles. Some you'll see common on the street, some even as jewelery --" Nettie states, and she draws a circle, and places a five-pointed star, point up in it.

    "For instance, this is a simple magical circle that some people wear for protection, but in its basicness, it can be used for so much more advanced magics."

Mairin Moran has posed:
Interesting. Mairin draws the symbol in her notebook with the practiced ease of someone who has free-handed molecular and atomic structures as well as gimbaled armatures and mobile support systems. "Like the force equation," she says, as much to herself as to Nettie. "A basic building block to construct more elaborate and complex equations and... Well I suppose effects, in this case."

She bites on the end of her pen, her eyes narrowed in concentration. "That would make the effect very obvious though..."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nods her head as she listens. She focuses on whats being said instead of the bird. The woman takes a moment to think about things. "So...Thats like what a stick is when learning how to use a sword? Something anyone can use, but refined into something bigger later?", she asks. The woman is trying to translate something into an action over thought, but given her nature, action is usually easier to understand.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "It's a pentagram, love. I sell these as necklaces made from cheap pewter and order them by the hundred pack from China." Nettie gives a grim grin. "Though I tend to spell mine a bit so that they are protective. Don't like leading people on." she gives a soft hum.

    "Well, yes and no. Circles can be used to call and bind, they can be used to protect. Some magicians have built their own -- I'm sure you've heard of King Solomon and his seals, yes?" she states, and she draws, from perfect memory, the Seal of Solomon on the whiteboard. And then she draws another. And another. Variations. Some have more than one ring. One has a Latin inscription. Another Old English.

    "From... each.. circle... comes... a focus... of..."

    She flips the board over, and draws another. This one was very intricately constructed. It was geometric lines, transportation lines. Indicators in different squiggles.

    "... your will!" she states, and then motions to the one she just drew.

    "Who wants to take a stab at this one."

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin blinks and squints at the same time, confusion rolling off of her. "Just... drawing it?" She scootches forward, flips to a new page in her notebook and starts to copy the complex circle onto a page. An artist she may not be... She's never been able to get the hang of faces and bodies or even landscapes. But this is a two dimentional line drawing and it reminds her very much of geometry or trigonmetry. There is something intrinsicly familiar about the flow of lines and curves as she places them on the paper. It is science... but something else. Like a distant cousin or a long lost friend.

"It feels like it has something to do with motion or... Or movement?"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty blinks a few times, and rubs her eyes a bit. "That one just hurts my head looking at it.", she tells. The woman shakes her head. "Do we really have to draw a circle? I mean, can't we form one with our hands?", she asks. "I mean, if its an extension of our wills, do we have to draw something that complicated?", Ty asks.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "... you might have to make a circle at some point. Depending on if you can project your will with your hands, but that's not my particular school. Eh. Some Tibetan schools can, but they're a bit hard to get into and have some specialized hardware." the gray-haired woman states, and she gives a smile.

    "And you've got the right of it, Mairin. This is a Teleportation Circle. One of mine, actually. Right before you arrived, I'd placed an order."

    And she turns the board with the circle facing up.

     And then she brings out a little knife from her pocket, pricks her thumb, and pushes it to the circle. A black flame lights in the shape of the symbols, and then, in a puff of smoke --

    "... show off." croaks the bird.

    There are several styrofoam take-out containers, marked "ANNIE C" and receipts stapled to them.

    "See, I willed myself to order something from my favorite little shop in Boston." she states, and she takes a couple of the To-Go containers. "I hope neither of you are vegetarians."

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin jumps back a little at the flame, and the slack-jawed shock on her face at the results is all the confirmation anyone needs that she has never once in her life witnessed take-out from Boston transported to a little shop in New York. Or from... or too... anywhere else for that matter. Or basically any kind of anything that might remotely resemble anything like this. Her mind is trying to piece together the scientific explaination, running through quantum theory calculations and positing theories on the possibilities and every single one shows in her blank face.

It isn't until she reaches out, takes a container, and opens it, that she even starts to reach the boundries of what her science can explain and stretch into something.... more.

"You used a precisely drawn and designed circle as a base... and your own blood as a... Catalyst?"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty pauses a moment, and watches for a moment. She thinks a little bit. The woman now understands why people freak out over her own ability. Ty nods her head in thanks as she accepts the food. "I was just questioning cause most of the time, I don't have time to really draw. And I've seen people who control elements without a circle.", she comments. The woman sits down a little bit, and takes a deep breath.

    Ty gathers a tiny bit of energy to her fingers, but then stops. "You said not in your shop. Right. Got to get used to that.", she tells. The woman shakes her fingers. There's still a bit of a burn there. "Is there a way...I guess like the stories of taoists, to premake circles on paper?", she asks.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    The food? Empanadas, chicharrones, delicious little rolls with cheese baked into them. Hot sausages.

    Nettie picks up a chicharrone, and bites into it as she considers.

    "The circle is the focus of Will. The blood was the catalyst for my will tow ork on it. Most people *should* probably chant, because once someone has your blood it's a little tricky to try and avoid what they may have in store for you." The woman states as she considers a moment, pursing out.

    "That was really just an example to show off some level of power in a harmless way. I'm certain my friend who owns the bar accross town would be making rather grumpy faces at me right now."

    "Same idea. Circle is the focus, flame is the catalyst for the magic to work." Nettie confirms, and she gives a small smile as she looks between the two, and tilts her head a moment.

    "The methods of how you produce magic may be different. It's not like a mutant power, where it's something ingrained in your DNA, a quirk of your body. There are certain bloodlines of magus that have certain abilities -- which I'm not going to cover, because I shouldn't speak of the dead so poorly," she states, with her eyes drawing up.

    "But, yes. Please don't try to use any powers in my shop. It's warded against others, mostly for my protection." she gives a wry grin "Every once in a while someone tries to rob the apothecary. I don't want a rogue fireball going awry."

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin sets the container down in front of her but, as is so often the case with her, doesn't seem to remember it's their for longer than a few seconds as her mind keeps churning on. Food is just another one of those inconsequential things that interupt her work. And the idea that it might be rude *not* to eat it doesn't even come into the base levels of her thought processes.

"So then, if the circle is acting as focus for your... your will. Then there must be something more to it, or to drawing it, then simply the lines. There must be some way of imprinting that will *into* the lines. WHere it lies dormant, waiting for the catalyst... Right?"

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty digs in pretty fast. Its something that pretty much all mercs and soldiers have in common is that food disappears faster then it appears. You never know when your next meal or your last meal is going to happen. For now she listens in, even though everything at this point is going right over her head. She understands the basics, but a lot of it right now is a bit more advanced then she thought it was.

    "Doc, I think you're getting into the 102 materials. The more you try to advance it, the more likely you're going to do something like summon like giant nightmare squids looking to chew on your brainyness.", she says. Mostly in a joke. "That is a joke, right? There isn't anything out there like that, right?", she asks Nettie...

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Little deep for an introduction to the occult class, Mairin," Nettie gives a small smile, and then she reaches up to wipe away the ashey remains of the ink.

    "There are worse things out there than mind-flayers. Nachtmares breathe chlorine into your veins as they gallop through you. Soldier demons that take possession of your body and begin to eat you from the inside out to take your physical form for a demon. Hunger spirits made from thousands and thousands of little insects that crawl into your mouth and ears and force you to gorge on whatever edible material -- or flesh -- is available. Which leads us, I suppose to the greatest rule." she states and she draws up.

    "From experience. Never. EVER. Think you are capable of sommoning something, or performing a spell if you are not one thousand percent sure. Because it will go wrong. And when it does go wrong, people will die. And if you're very lucky, it'll be you."

    She looks to the two women in the classroom.

    "Now I understand if after that statement you no longer want to continue. I know there are demons and magicians out there that will gladly take a contract or your money and your servitude for lessons." she states quietly. "... I'm not that sort of magician. I've lived too long apart. I've only recently, in fact --" she hold sup the smartphone "Gotten a cellphone that does not clam-shell. I use it to send may-mays to people.

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin does look a bit disapointed at not getting her question answered. But that is quickly replaced by surprise. "You mean..." She looks to Ty and back. "You can teach us more? You're offering to teach more? That would be perfect!" She looks around, perhaps for a palce to sign up.

Really... you didn't expect to *not* answer her question and her just walk away from that did you? You might as well have told a child exactly where you hid the Christmas presents and expected them *not* to go peak at them.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty pauses, and thinks things out a little bit. The doctor going all crazy makes the Merc sigh a little bit. "Doctor, think about what she's saying. Do you not know of Oppenheimer? She's offering to teach her methods, yes. And the results can be great, if you follow the rules. But the failures or stepping outside those boundries carry a huge risk.", she points out.

    Ty sits there thinking things out. "Its like making a bomb. Even the best can make a small mistake, and it carries a fatal result nine times out of ten. There's a lot of risk, and little that I understand. I'm not a scholar, but I think I do need to learn more so I know more about what I may see. Or if there are those who I may hire in my company who use such skills.", she tells.

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin turns to Ty, waving her pen around animatedly as she speaks. "Of course! But all it takes is following those rules and those formulas as they're taught. I've been in labs where a slight miscalculation of ingrediant in a reaction could release deadly gas, fire, or even explosive force. I've worked with motors that could tear the arm from your body if you handled it just wrong. Trust me, I know the consequences of mistakes. But I also know how to exactingly and painstakingly follow diresctions. And this is an opportunity to learn..." She gestures wildly... "Things I never thought possible!"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I like your spirit." Nettie points to Mairin, And she points to Ty "And I like your practicality." she states, "But I don't like the idea of you bringing this into any certain activities. I spent too long killing facists in the 40's to have a taste for that sort of business in large scale." she states.

    "It's true; Corvax states, and he hops to a different perch. "She has the skulls to prove it."

    "... they don't need to know about that, Corvax." Nettie states, and then she forces a smile on her lips.

    "So then, if you would like to continue to learn, there is a little business of a contract. Magically binding, of course."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Mostly so that you can enter and leave without the wards bothering you. Useless to study magic and not be able to cast anything." Nettie adds in a hurry.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty takes a moment to think on things. "As I have said, the world is becoming a much bigger place, and I need more skills to survive in it. Every little piece I can learn now, benefits me later. I'm not Deathstroke or Taskmaster. Hell, I'm not even in the same room as Deadpool. I have only a few friends, and even less allies to ask for help from.", she says.

    "What I mean is that if something gives me even 1 percent chance of surviving that I didn't have before, I should take it. It comes with risks. Then again, you already heard all this stuff before, havn't ya?", she asks Nettie. "Its more of a matter how you think I would use said skills.", she tells. The woman stretches a little bit. "But I have to see the contract. As a Mercenary, contracts are like sacred texts."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Nettie gives a flattened expression "From what I've heard, no one wants to be in the same room as Deadpool." Nettie comments.

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin listens to both women carefully and nods at the last of what Ty says. "Obviously everything depends on the details. How much is this going to cost?" Of course she's thinking money. I mean... it's school right. She's been in school almost all her life. She knows how it works.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    And at the mention of contracts, Nettie reaches beneath a table and she brings out a Very, Very Old looking book. Its wooden boards creak as she turns it to the back, and Mairin and Ty would both be able to see that there are parchment pages there. Each page has a fingerprint in brownish, rust red.

    She removes two pieces of parchment.

    "I, Anette Crow of Lincolnshire, born of Raven's Tor, release the bindings and wards on the following signers with the conditions following:

    She brings out her little knife again, adn dashes her finger.

    "They do not divulge any lesson that I shall impart to them. They work for the Greater Good so long as they are my students. So as I train them in the traditions imparted to me by Harrison and Amabel Crowe and Johnathan Brone, they are unbound from the wards protecting the spaces and domains belonging to me."

    The words appear on the parchment in very delicate script.

    And she slides two little knives over, one for Ty and one for Mairin.

Mairin Moran has posed:
The look of caution and suspicion on Mairin's face can't be missed. She take the knife and looks at it, then at Nettie. "That's it? What do you get out of this?" There is no accusation in her tone, mearly curiosity mixed with a healthy doubt. She may not know much about the world, but she knows that things don't come without a price. And the more valuable the thing, the greater the price.

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty twirls the knife a little bit in her fingers, reading the parchment. "A few seconds ago, Lass, you were about to sell your soul for magic it seemed. The biggest thing is that I may have a lot of nights where I may not eat. I'm still young, and I have weapons that cost quite a bit to use. And greater good very rarely pays good. ", she tells. Ty stretches a little bit. "But yeah, I do have my code that I do want to work on the good side of things.", she says.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Someone to pass my family tradition onto. I am the last. And at my age, it's rather unhealthy to have children." she jokes, one side of her mouth drawing up in amusement at Mairin's questions. Her aquamarine eyes go very sad then. "I've been alone for a time. I figured, perhaps, it would be Good to start somewhere. And besides!" she holds up the smart phone. "I'll have someone I can contact if I need help with this."

Mairin Moran has posed:
This seems to molify Mairin a little, but she still shakes her head a bit as she nips her finger and signs the contract with a bloody thumb print. "I've just had my own experiances with the 'sounds to good to be true' scam. But..." She hands the contract out to Nettie. "I have no problem with trying to make the world a better place. That is what science is for."

Tynan Ireton has posed:
    Ty nips her thumb. "I'm a merc, everyone makes things sound too good. Its part of the tagline before they send you on a suicide job.", she says. THe woman presses her thumb to the parchment. "This is going to be an interesting class.", she states as she stretches out. "I think its close to last call at the Magician.", she tells.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Well, if Chas is working tonight, give him my love." Nettie states.

    As the two sign with blood on the magical contract, their names -- as they've given them -- appear, in their handwriting. The parchment is collected, and added to the sheaf of papers as she looks to the two. "I don't expect you keep the same schedules. Please let me know when you would like your next lesson." she states.

    They would both feel, incidentally, that 'warm, protected' feeling fade as the wards are released on them. Ty would be able to summon her weapons, though it's still probably unwise to do so.

Mairin Moran has posed:
Mairin nods and stands, stretching as she gathers up her satchel and slipping her notebook into it. "I'll be back as soon as I can manage." She turns to Ty, "It will be nice to learn with you. I hope you have a... good time at the bar." She stumbles over her well-wishes then ducks a nod of fairlwell to each before hustling out the door. Her food still sitting open and untouched where she had been sitting.