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Latest revision as of 02:44, 7 October 2021

Welcome To Your Life, There's No Turning Back
Date of Scene: 06 October 2021
Location: Gun Range: Triskelion
Synopsis: Blackagar has questions for Jemma, and Jane has Royal Dragon wontons!
Cast of Characters: Jane Foster, Blackagar Boltagon, Jemma Simmons

Jane Foster has posed:
Whither Jemma Simmons? Oh, Poppins! The gentlest of the Furiae, she of the British aspect in their trifecta, must be found somewhere in the cavernous structure claimed by SHIELD. Such a place is not one where guests or fellow agents scour floors high and low in search of their quarry. Thanks to reasonable, sensible precautions, locating a senior agent merely takes the proper credentials and pinging some kind of internal monitoring system.

Knowing Fury, it's probably called PANOPTICON or something truly dreadful. Nonetheless, sending a message via the internal chat feature on a tablet to ask <Got a few?> as so often happens during the work week is unlikely to raise any yellow or red flags. Indeed, it's not meant to. <I brought those excellent wontons that Daisy sings about.> Royal Dragon wonton soup and associated bao buns are worthy of praise.

Jane may be half-asleep on her feet, all things considered. A cup of tea helps that, though the distinct intent to lean against the nearest convenient, preferably cozy pillar keeps gnawing at her thoughts. Or Blackagar, their respectable Inhuman king, who is escorted by the brunette through and far wherever a Jemma may be. When in motion, Jane can stave off that apparent dreaminess with disconcerting ease, and so it will be that the mountain comes to Doctor Simmons, and not the other way around.

~Have everything we need?~ she signs in his direction, headed downward and off the elevator. ~I am seriously contemplating that cabin up north.~ Extended naptime is a temptation. ~If only I remembered which one I was looking at. Delightful.~

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar's hands move slowly as he walks through the halls of SHIELD by Jane. There is a proximity he keeps that sends messages through body language of both familiarity and concern. A hand is nearby regularly, reaching out to touch the woman's back or to check on a forearm in such a way that could border on the obsessive. However, the conversation requiring sign language means he is unable to do such.

~Everything we need? No. Everything we need for the moment? Yes.~ The correction is small and subtle, done with the barest of hints of smiles at the corners of his lips and lighting of his blue eyes as they continue to walk. ~Is it wise to barge in upon her in such a manner?~

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Jemma....is not in the usual environs. Sufficed to say, that is strange, in and of itself. However, the chat is responded to, albeit slower than normal. And the response...will indicate why.

<At the gun range. Testing. Can certainly be free for you.>

The gun range? That is highly unusual for the research scientist. And...while Jemma said she is testing....it is really only testing a slightly different variant on the usual ICER tech. So...nothing truly necessary. Perhaps it is an excuse to hone her skills, under the pretense of research.

When Jane walks in, with the monarch in tow, Jemma is just finishing up stowing away a familiar looking white ceramic weapon. Only...this one was smaller, easier to conceal. Yes...a petite cryo pistol. How cute. The scientist looks up as she places the pistol into its case. "Ah, looks like you found me, Jane. Oh, and hello to you, Blackagar." It is apparent she wasn't expecting visitors quite so soon.

Jane Foster has posed:
~Why do you think I bribe her with food and enlightenment?~ Jane's affection for Jemma can be perceived not in the tone of her signing but that uplifted smile, and a rattle of the wonton soup and bao buns in their Royal Dragon-stamped containers. Her paper bag weighs down on her wrist, having already gone through security and checked repeatedly that it contains no contraband or dangerous materiel. ~I have it on good authority that dining over a communal meal can soften the distraction from someone's work. Otherwise we should prepare to run.~

Who brings food to the gun range? Someone intending to pull Jemma away, for that matter. If Jemma can respond, no doubt the scientist is hopefully between bouts or completed her testing. An interruption hopefully doesn't go astray as she offers her typical enthusiastic wave. "Evening, Jems. Have you been tinkering with something to terrorize the unsuspecting with? You best know she's a frighteningly accurate shot, especially when it comes to enemies of the state." Mischief lingers behind the mask, but it's thinner than usual, a skin-deep illusion pulled taut with the transparency of a sheer white curtain catching the sun. Not for nothing are Blackagar's touches warranted, and reciprocated in the few passing moments they can be managed. Holding out the bag gives certain freedoms.

"In case you work too hard and lost track of the time. I'll let him explain his case, or translate as needed," she adds. A flick of her fingers curl in and rotate with elegant efficiency. ~I leave it to you to decide how you want to start the conversation.~

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
~Did you not also tell me to utilize food in order to entice the bear from attacking us to undesirable results?~ Blackagar signs back, eyebrow lifting just slightly in a Vulcan-esque manner of curious expression. ~I will have to investigate this method of bribery you speak of however, I have tended to rely more on the simple threat of displeasure. I suppose that may be less effective here.~
Hisrriving, Blackagar nods his head in greeting towards Jemma, signing in standard American for her; ~Hello Doctor Simmons. I trust your day is going deliciously.~ A pause, a correction, ~Tastefully.~ Nope, no better.

When Jane tells him he is to start it, blue eyes dark to her and he pauses hesitantly before starting to sign. ~If you can aid in the translation, should something become difficult to follow, please do so.~ That gaze then shifts to Jemma and he continues, ~It is imperative that we realign her body and metaphysical energies. I am to understand you have made many noble attempts. I am interested in what has been done, to add my own thoughts, and to attempt to formant a solution.~

Jemma Simmons has posed:
A blink. Then another.

Then, a glance towards Jane.

Then...back to the royalty in the room.

"Well, I see you are not one to waste time. Have you seen the body, then?" This...is to Blackagar. Jemma knows full well that Jane can't see it at all. "What you are asking for is not necessarily in the realm of known science. Though, heaven knows I have tried. I kept the physical shell alive, while tracking Jane's 'metaphysical energies', as you call it, via an energy signature tracking application more commonly used to track down highly unique traces. Jane's golden bauble is one of those highly unique energy signatures. When Daisy and I found her, and our first meeting, it was then that I attempted to show Jane her sleeping physical form. She...saw nothing. I had her attempt to touch the body. Her touch passed through as if like a ghost. Laying in the stasis chamber with the body did nothing."

Jemma sighs. Even with the promise of food, she is distraught. "I truly have little idea how to join her soul, for lack of a better term, to her body. At least someone besides Daisy and I is aware of the issue. I had thought I was going mad when Jane could not see nor interact with her own form."

Jane Foster has posed:
~I cannot convince a bear to leave off with a look alone. Do you think I can intimidate a bear through raw presence alone? You command that, whereas I rationalize why a hungry bear decides to attack us other than for sheer spite.~ The raised eyebrow brings out an immediate smile, one that blooms and banishes the cold away from Jane's alabaster features for a moment. This much she can muster with ease. ~Bribery? It is not /bribery/ with my best friend.~

"It's sharing," she adds merrily, thoroughly perking up more than she has been in the last few .. whiles, at least. Recalling time may be somewhat squidgy, a factor that leaves her frowning for a moment at nothing in particular spoken by Jemma or Blackagar. Take yon delicious food, it will make things surely better. "I have not disclosed the location or taken anyone there. You kept the chamber in your charge, it remains yours." A quick flash of sign, smoothly converted from ASL into the royal court speech and back again, flows with emphasis. ~That is four people who know, correct? I have not spoken to anyone else.~ Yes, let those who are watching from afar puzzle over it. "Daisy tried showing me a photograph and..." A shake of her head banishes the notion of that working. "I swear it is not stubbornness on my part, more a categorical inability it would seem. For someone who grounds her mind in truth, the lack of clarity is a singular discomfort, doubled knowing my friends suffer for it. You were not going mad unless I am. Shall you do the honours then? Best know what you're dealing with."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
~There is nothing wrong with madness, unless you refuse to accept that you are mad,~ Blackagar signs with a thin smile. He nods at what Jemma says however, signing slowly out of what he considers to be politeness. ~Jane shared the tale with me. That there was much frustration over the situation. I can imagine, on all accounts with all of you, it would be frustrating. But I have... a theory as it were. Simplified for I am not a scientist, but rather more of a philosopher?~ That part he looks to Jane as if for confirmation.

Eyes drift back to Jemma and he smiles at her warmly, offering a tilt of his head. ~You have tried, that is all that any would ask. Ever.~ Reaching for the bag of food, he actually opens it and pulls out from it the .. napkins? Holding them he signs slowly, ~Jane's Body is one. Jane's Metaphysical Energy is another.~ He lays the two napkins on top of one another until they are almost perfectly aligned. Just slightly skewed. Using the visual he puts the napkins back aside. ~I propose that she is out of alignment. Just enough that she cannot see both sides of herself, but not so far as to divert it from our focus.~

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"I can certainly understand the metaphor." Jemma's normal smiling self deflates somewhat. It really concerns her that she has not been able to reconnect the mind to the body and it shows. "I am not certain exactly how to realign both halves to make them whole again. However, if you are proposing that it is more a matter of finding harmony, then perhaps Daisy, with her ability to hear what she calls the 'song of creation' might be able to help. If the wavelengths of Jane's body and soul are slightly dissonant, Daisy could possibly repair that."

It is apparent that Jemma really is at her wit's end with contemplating a solution. "I will admit. I feel quite out of my element with this one. Asgardian involvement throws in an element that I have little knowledge of, since there is the possibility of magic. If you can believe in such. Even I cannot deny that there is a force there that has little bearing to known science at work here."

Jane Foster has posed:
Content to listen without piping up, by gesture or word, Jane doesn't interrupt that flow of conversation between king and biochemist. Her dark eyes move to the fluttering white ghosts conjured from the paper bag, at once locking onto the purpose of them somewhat quizzically until Blackagar begins to explain. Her slight distraction remains a persistent presence nonetheless, until some pieces slot into place. "I can only give you my permission to try whatever you need," she says, hands moving in time to punctuate statements. It's good practice to simultaneously hold a conversation in both modes. "Jemma, this isn't your fault. You more than anyone took the lead in preventing rot from setting in and making this all moot in the first place. A thought exercise puts us in the right spot, and possibly considering different scenarios from a fresh perspective will unlock something. It cannot very well hurt, can it? Soulcraft or soul healing is not where any of my experience resides, either."

Not exactly, anyway. Living simultaneously in two places, as much as living when cryostatic counts, has a special challenge. "When he started speaking of two selves being out of alignment, it brought me to the possibility of string theory. Granted this constitutes one of the stranger applications of quantum physics, but not one to be dismissed out of the box. I can boil it down or speak in high levels, but essentially the theory supports the idea of coterminal, correspondent particles that can be accurately plotted along a one-dimensional surface with surprising accuracy. If you can input the right amount of energy, the influence on the quantum mechanical operator would control the manifestation of the operator, meaning that you can shuttle things with accuracy where you want them by decreasing or increasingly the energy on it. This goes well beyond playing with gravity. The calculations would be hard, but not impossible, since we can feasibly limit ourselves to ten dimensions and wipe out the whole expression that brings us up to the point of worrying about what describes a photon versus a quark in a vibration. But there's the plausible path to interconnect me on one level and me on another. The question then becomes what generates the means to make that happen. I can write you equations all day but that hardly describes the functional means of making it happen, translating that into biological components."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
~It is the magical elements that I am uncertain of as well,~ Blackagar confesses through a sign towards Jemma. ~The Asgardian presence which could cause this is enough to make me question the feasibility of bringing in an expert of their people who may have insight into the impacts.~ His gaze drifts towards Jane then, pondering. ~A recent attack has made me believe we must be a bit hastier in our process. I believe there are elements that are focusing on feeding, for lack of a better term, on her metaphysical energy. Without a proper physical vessel, it becomes easier for them I suspect.~

As Jane begins her explanation of Quantum Mechanics, there's a slow nod from Blackagar but he motions with his hands, ~In a simple sense, yes. But I propose it may not simply be a singular misalignment but rather she could be misaligned at multiple angles or perspectives. Like the napkins being but a micron off, but being a micron off along multiple dimensional states. If that is the case it would require a substantial amount of energy to realign her along all those facets.~ He looks over at Jemma as if seeing if any of it makes feasible sense.

Jemma Simmons has posed:
Quantum theory would normally cause most people to falter....to lose track of exactly what concepts are trying to be relayed.

Fortunately, Jemma is not most people. The string theory example is given and Jemma follows along, as if it is normal everyday water cooler talk. "You are proposing that we incorporate multi-dimensional equations, taking the slight variants between the physical and metaphysical aspects of Jane's being, and find the common factor. Then, using that as our constant, somehow convert that through a bio-matrix and supply enough of a catalyst to fuse the separate entities back to one." A pause is given, as Jemma shifts to think. "There isn't equipment to perform such a feat. At least, not that I am aware of. Though....perhaps...."

The words trail off as Simmons considers. This happens at times, when the wheels in Jemma's head begin to turn. The silence is only for a few moments, but almost deafening, at least to her perspective. "It could be possible. Our power source will need to be rather significant, but also precise..." From the sounds of Jemma's musings, she might have something in mind.

Jane Foster has posed:
"Our Asgardian options have their drawbacks. Thor we can trust, but he doesn't know magic. Simply because Loki assisted in the past does not mean he will not skew the situation to his advantage now, and I regret saying that. Amora is unpredictable and won't do it freely. Of Hela, the less said the better, given what she has done. There are other sorcerers; Karnilla or Kelda have no connection to me or reason to care. The All-Father does nothing without considering his own gain in the matter, and he hasn't been considered the old trickster for centuries idly," Jane murmurs, running her hand up and down her arm. She barely notices the action, staring off above the napkin diorama used to such effect. A crease stains the bridge of her nose, the downward tug of her lips measured against the distant look. "Thor would likely petition his mother for help if asked or inspired, but putting him in such a position makes me deeply uncomfortable. That isn't right, asking him to seek a boon when they traditionally stay out of Midgard's affairs. Science rather than magic, then. We might just go ask Sam where he left the Lance last. Why not trade one realm of troubles for another?" Only partially teasing, her tone fades back into that neutral set from before, chestnut hair swaying over her shoulders when fallen free.

~The hunters singled out their quarry, excluding children, the elderly or strong and healthy people.~ The signing is more for Jemma and Blackagar's sake, and not to make SHIELD sit up and take note of what's being said or conferred. ~They took pleasure in the hunt. Of that, I'm sure. Everything else...~ Another fleeting pause stretches out, a lengthy silence stilled to permit Jemma the joys of crunching through high degrees of quantum mechanics and quantum manipulation, such as terrestrial technology has ever allowed. She recognizes the look, if not precisely where the woman is going. Holes in one's memory will do that.

"Lucky for us, Blackagar," eventually she breaks that silence with something she can focus on, "string theory accommodates the projected placement of a particle on a given surface, instead of the exact one. We plot possible locations over a given range and being off be a micron is practically negligible for the process to work. Presuming it /does/. The operator will still function with a high degree of coherency and efficiency, our main limiter being determined on the energy flows present in the system. If the string theory holds up, which every equation I could throw so far would suggest it would, the hypothetical unification between gravity and the other forces will be conveyed through the strings themselves. They'd self-correct on the sub-Fermi scale. All of this would put us in range of affirming M-theory, too, which has its advantages."

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
The science talk is much for Blackagar. He is not a fool, but the depth of the conversation is at the thresholds of what he can comprehend, thus he remains quiet and listens; letting the two with the intelligence in such fields delve into the depths. However, it is when Jemma mentions the power source being significant that he smiles in her direction, hands lifting. ~Would the power to shatter a planet be sufficient?~ Curiously the joke does not carry a joking disposition.

With Jane beginning her litany of Asgardian options, each pulls a small shake of Blackagar's head, it is a conversation they have held between them. The options less and less desirable than the last for the reasons she provides. He finally signs at the end, ~What of another source that could at least provide insight, perhaps not Asgardian? Earth based Sorcerers and Metaphyscists?~

Jemma Simmons has posed:

The power...to shatter a planet?

"Hmm...yes. Yes, I believe that would be enough quite sufficient."

Yes, Jemma did not have that in mind. However, it does give her a concept of just how powerful her circle of acquaintances truly are. She remains silent as Jane rattles through the Asgardian list. It is a list that Daisy and Jemma herself had considered before, before discovering Jane's dual existence and, like Jane herself, the reasons given were similar. It was an option that she had written off, as well.

But...bringing in others? "Earth-based sorcerers? Do you happen to know any? I am certainly not privy to any. I mean, there is a reason I am not a part of the WAND division." Though, considering the interactions with the unusual that Jemma has had, it is a surprise she is not. Though, it is more Jemma's tendency to question that is probably the reason why.

Magicians hate giving their secrets....and Jemma's whole purpose is uncovering them.

Jane Foster has posed:
~Given your ability to control that power in finessed ways, it may be necessary to sustain the energy matrix needed in the first place. We don't have much that operates at the subatomic scale.~ Jane shakes her head again, dismissing the notion. "The principle considerations will be how to plot the string vibrations with accuracy, and then the correspondences between them and particles. Third, the energy source and how we focus it. That's the part you," a nod to Blackagar, "and Daisy are probably the best suited for. Finding a conversion point for Daisy to work on a nanometer or smaller level could be the tricky part. I don't want to involve Dr. Pym but his scientific publications might give good insights for sustaining a stable energy transfer on a microscale. We might want to run the hypothetical numbers by someone if need be."

Walking in a looping oval leaves the wonton soup and bao buns behind, as she traverses an entirely different course altogether, hands practically itching to get on a digital board or projection to start the sketches outward. ~Your people. Or our most noted scientific mind in that field.~ "Doctor Richards would be a safe backup. As for metaphysicists..."

The frown is back again, for reasons unto itself. Could well be a Loki-related memory and possibly not, though she strokes her fingertips against her brow. "I do not recall their names. WAND likely has a list." A good thing none of them are so empathic they can feel the burst of frustration and fear rippling off her in realizing that particular disir-shaped hole left behind. "Mustn't have been well-acquainted with them. I'm not particularly helpful at this, am I?" That half-smile never warms her eyes, but she tries.

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar looks at Jemma and the humor is evident in his eyes as he signs towards her, ~You are asking the king of a hidden colony of Inhumans who fled this world over 100 years ago if he knows any magicians?~ There's a playfulness in his gaze despite the demeanor of the conversation, the seriousness of it. ~In other words, no, I do not. Although I imagine we could simply put out an ad? Does the Tinder have a listing for Magicians?~ He asks that towards Jane -- yes his knowledge of social media is very lacking.

When she starts talking about the minute adjustments that may be necessary, he nods slowly and then signs towards Jemma so she can be made aware. ~My power is more a blunt instrument rather a fine tool. I can provide the raw power certainly, which in itself will require some mechanism to manage. But directing it would be needed by another.~

Jane Foster has posed:
A horrified sound split with laughter choked back comes from Jane, immediately interrupting that. "A listing for... no... Fah, /no/. I refuse to ask Doom's help, even if I did beat him in singing to musical numbers. /No/."

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Well, I am sure that there is probably an consultant or two that SHIELD has on file. I just am not aware of who exactly those consultants are." There are a few, certainly. Though, seeing Jemma walk up to a certain Sorcerer Supreme to ask to rejoin a soul to a body? Yeah, she is probably not going to be doing that anytime soon. "Well, the question was really more to both of you rather than just one or the other...but yes, I would imagine that being hidden from human society for a century would put a damper on social circles." Yes, the words are serious, though the tone has that amused frivolity that Jemma dips into on occasion. That dry British humour and all.

Catching that Blackagar is not so much with the precision, Jemma speaks up. "I was initially thinking about Daisy, though, too. You know as well as I do that if we did not include her in any efforts of amalgamation she would voice her displeasure." Besides, Daisy has a way of finding things out. Always best to get her in on the ground floor. "I think that Daisy might be able to direct to the precision we need. If not, then it will take a little time, and some persuasion, to develop the proper medium to be able to channel the quantity of energy needed to align on a multi-dimensional level."

Jane Foster has posed:
The food doesn't tempt Jane the way it should, though arguably, she doesn't /need/ it. What sustains a damaged soul? Is nourishment a matter of drinking tea or eating scones in the morning, or is that a tasty additional alongside the critical sustenance acquired from elsewhere? All-Father knows she doesn't need the nutrients in the same way her body does, and that happens to be suspended for the moment. She's happier to listen right now, Jane's quiet state interrupted rarely. "I would not deny Daisy the opportunity. You two kept me safe when I was unable to take care of that, after all. Tinkering with her gauntlets is going to be a starting point, though putting together the actual machinery and algorithms to run with it will need her computer expertise too. I can give her the frameworks and develop a good amount of this with you, but you're the one who knows biosciences. Is there anyone else obvious we're missing?"

It hurts to ask that question, but a hurt best got over. The countless strings of deaths she's witnessed also hurt. ~Do you need or want to see the... uh... me?~

Blackagar Boltagon has posed:
Blackagar looks at Jane, shaking his head slowly as he signs back, ~It is not needed. I have trust in Jemma and Daisy's assessment of your physical form.~ He informs her before looking back up at Jemma, a small smile appearing. ~You may find this slightly difficult to believe, but I can be rather persuasive when I need to be. If we find the resources we need, I will do what is necessary for them to understand the importance of the endeavor.~ The blue eyed man grins very slightly but lifts his shoulders into a shrug.

~This would be my assessment. First, we determine that this is in fact the correct issue and resolution. Next, the work is done to determine the methodology to align things. If it is a matter of realigning the quantum vibrations back together, then utilizing Daisy for that task. The third would be a way to capture the power for this attempt and then finally to do it. Each step obviously containing difficulties beginning with the first and the verification of the theory.~

Jemma Simmons has posed:
"Well, then. It sounds like we have a possible solution. Now, we simply need to research and test our hypotheses. Then, the true work begins."

Reaching into a pocket, Jemma extracts the device that she must have used to respond to Jane's IMs originally....her smartphone. And, with a minute of interaction, she enters her notes and thoughts into the device, saving her work for future reference. "I believe the initial formula creation and verification does not need any additional parties involved. As much as bringing more people in would possibly help, the unfortunate task of bringing most up to speed will take longer than truly necessary. Unless we go to veritable experts in matters such as this, it just wouldn't serve our purposes to delay any longer."

Besides, are there really any experts in replacing a soul to a body? Apart from those so-called magicians? It would appear that the trio present are going to become subject matter experts relatively soon.