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Latest revision as of 03:44, 14 October 2021

Bloody Mary
Date of Scene: 13 October 2021
Location: Dilapidated House
Synopsis: The Archivist and Moon Knight come to investigate a recent killing. They run into two folks that like blood. Nothing else dies in the end!
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Marc Spector, Jonathan Sims

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Upstate New York is a mix of places really. There's the good, the bad and the really ugly. Old houses were getting renovated regularly and that is what had happened at this old location. A contractor had been called in to give a new owner an estimate on electrical repairs and that was his last stop for the day. The man, Denny Samuels, had not returned home that night and in the morning a concerned relative reported the man missing when they couldn't reach his cell phone or work phone.

His van was found still sitting in front of the home he'd stopped at last, a massive looking fixer upper in an ugly shade of yellow. The renovations couldn't start fast enough really. Denny had been found dead at the bottom of the stairs in the home as soon as the owner had come to check in on him. The cops stated that he probably got tangled up on his own feet and fell down the stairs. But they found old blood in the room where his equipment was. It was an odd situation.

The police have had plenty of time to clear out a few days after this. The house sits empty except for the wind that picks up every so often. The sun is still up for at least an hour, it should give whoever came this way enough time to look around.

OOC: House - [[1]]

Marc Spector has posed:
    There is little in the way of announcement for the device that swoops in low from the clouds. It resembles nothing more than a crescent moon and makes almost no sound as it lowers itself to the ground admitting it's two passengers access to the building.

    The first off is its pilot, Moon Knight. In his usual crime fighting outfit. Polyfiber kevalr, carbonium, adamantium armor in bright white, metal bracers, utility belt, white mask, and billowing white cape he doesn't seem concerned about stealth despite the silence of his glider.

    He surveys the house and turns to the other passenger. "I hope the Angel Wing wasn't too much of a scare for you. I wanted to get There fast and without too much notice. The Mooncopter is a bit conspicuous to air traffic control towers. Need to figure out how to modify the black hole effect with radar."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jonathan Sims was /terrified/ for all of ten seconds before sheer exuberant adrenaline kicked in. As he comes off the glider, he's grinning a little manically. "No, no, that was... /brilliant/." His eyes are shining. Introducing this man to Actual Superhero Stuff may have been a really bad idea.

    He's wearing his own armor provided by Moon Knight, green and black and just a breastplate and bracers, carrying a staff topped with an ankh. At least he'll be able to bonk something over the head if they run into anything truly bad. Assuming it's corporeal.

    He stares at the house as they arrive. "You say there was a man found dead here?" He hesitates, then says, "I... if it works the way I think it does, I /might/ be able to pull his Story out. I cannot guarantee there would be details, however. It's... emotional impressions, it seems. Useful except when it isn't."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
The house is sitting there and it's quiet. There was no one reported in the house this evening, so when the front door pops open, creaking as it stops halfway it might give the others a startle. Or they might take it as an invitation to enter.

The yellow police tape has been ripped down and flaps in the breeze when it does kick up. The crime scene is right on the inside of the door, should be an easy in and out sort of deal with this. There are pieces of old furniture that are in the hallway. The mirrors that are on the walls are covered in black fabric.

All except one that's veil looks to have slide off the frame. That one is at the top of the stairs.

Marc Spector has posed:
     Moon Knight peers at the door swinging open and nods. "Yes. A contractor who was tasked with renovating the residence." He moves forward with confidence. "The police thought it open and shut. The man trips. Falls down the stairs. Dies."

    At the entryway, he stops and peers in, hesitating only a moment before crossing the threshold. "But, as with most things, I have my own suspicions and so... I look into it." He looks around the abandoned house and addresses his companion.

    "One thing you must understand, as a vigilante we have to exercise our suspicions. Anything could be more than it seems from a mundane point of view." He eyes the covered mirrors. "If you are going to start helping people like Constantine, you have to learn that some facets of the law have be... ignored at times." Finally, his eyes fall on the single uncovered looking glass at the top of the stairs.

    "Am I only one who finds that slightly ominous?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon follows Moon Knight on into the house. "As I keep having to remind people of late, none of you know what I've actually done in my day-to-day. I'm well aware of the, ahh... need to skirt the law in some cases." He makes a face, but doesn't comment further.

    Instead, his eyes are tracking up to the uncovered mirror. "No," he says in a soft tone. "You are not." He's not afraid. Not yet. But he's getting there. Why did he think this was a good idea, again?

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"The law and John Constantine don't tend to get along anyways." An amused voice with an Irish accent states from the second floor. There's a tall redhead wearing sunglasses looking down at them. Morrigan's leaning over the rail though, "His body was right where you're standing." she motions with her hand. "And there is fresh blood somewhere..." she sniffs a bit and frowns, "I just can't figure out where it's coming from." she shakes her head. "I won't bother you though. Just doing a sweep and I'll be on my way." she gives them a thumbs up and then straightens up before the sound of her heels click over the wood floors further down the hall.

This place is definitely creepy!

Jonathan and Moon Knight do get the impression that something is watching them, but it is not the redhead up stairs.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight's featureless mask jerks up at the woman's words. "Unexpected..." he says softly as she wanders away. "Someone you know?" he asks his protege. Jon's silence answers him and he turns to look at the man. "Archivist?" he says, a thin line of concern coming into his words. "Archivist!" he says a bit harsher, reaching out to shake at the man's shoulder.

    "Wonderful time to get a tap on the shoulder..." he mutters. "Unknown woman--who apparently can smell faint hints of blood--in the house... and this..." He looks around trying to pinpoint the source of the watching. "Unease in the air."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon can't entirely control the Archivist trances, not yet. It just sort of... happens, partway through all this greeting of redheads. His faces goes slack, his eyes go vacant, and when he speaks his voice is somehow not his own. There's a tinge to it, a softening of the normally overly-posh accent, a change of cadence.

    "It was a normal day, y'know? Not the kinda day that'd lead to me breakin' my neck on the stairs. Did I break my neck? I dunno, that's not my thing. I'm dead, and that's all there is to it."

    "Damn I wish I'd told Jenny I loved her when we got off the phone. Stupid argument anyway."

    "Anyway, it was a normal day. I had a few calls, this one guy wanted an estimate on renovating his house, I'm gonna give him a good price. People think we shaft our customers but 'round here everyone knows everyone, you can't be cheatin' people and expect to get a good reference. So I head out to this place to check it out and... damn, it's creepy right off. Like, yeah, it's October, but I'm too old for trick-or-treatin', y'know?"

    "Felt like someone was watchin' me the second I came in the door. Couldn't figure out what. Squatters, maybe? I'd a mind to tell 'em off, but then I noticed the one mirror... uncovered. Spooky, and okay, look, I'm not superstitious or nothin', but I'm not stupid. Leavin' a mirror uncovered in an old house? Jenny'd say it's bad vibes. So I reached up and I covered the mirror. Or I tried to."

    The Archivist's voice suddenly starts to shake with terror. "That's when /she/ came out. This wild-lookin' brunette, slashed mouth and long claws and... you ever see that horror movie, The Ring? Like that, but /real/ and right in my fuckin' /face/. I'm not ashamed to say I screamed, /anybody/ woulda screamed with that bitch comin' right at 'em."

    "And then I stumbled, and I fell backward and... and... am I dead? I think I'm dead. Somebody tell Jenny I love her? Fuck, I don't want to be dead. Who's gonna pick up all my contracts?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan had wandered back towards the stairs when interesting conversations had started, "Is he a medium of sorts?" she asks as she looks down the stairs to Moon Knight and his protege. There is a look to the mirror that had been left uncovered and there's a frown as she reaches out to gather up the black cloth and rehang it. "The mirrors were covered so that spirits, ghosts...and other things couldn't travel through them in some cultures and lore. Sounds like he let something out by accident." she frowns to that as her pale fingers tug the cloth over the mirror.

They are all alerted to the sound of rushing, someone coming down the stairs from the third floor at a fast pace. Morrigan gives a look back and then skitters her way down to the first floor with Jonathan and Moon Knight, "I didn't bring anyone, did you all?" she looks to the two of them as she brings her hands up to ready in case something rounds the corner of the stairs.

And something DOES. There is a gnarled and clawed hand that grips the rail and slowly starts to pull themselves around the corner. There is old blood splattered up the arms and flakes off to hit the ground. The eyes are black, much like a sharks. The bottom part of the face looks like something sharp and jagged ripped through the skin. It's a ghastly look. She stands at the top of the stairs, eyes flicking from person to person.

Marc Spector has posed:
    "Something like that..." Moon Knight answers as his expression goes slack, even with the mask it's clear he was not expecting the creature at the landing.

    "Looks like we have found our murderer." He says stepping forward, attempting to place himself as the focal point of the creature. He peers over one shoulder at Jon (desperately hoping he's out of his trance) and then over the other at the red-haired woman. "You have a name?" he asks, as he takes a small object from his belt. It looks to be no larger than a cocktail shaker, but he gives it a shake and it telescopes out into a full sized staff of metal.

    "I like to know who I am working with in times like these..." Another quick motion and the staff splits into two truncheons. "I'm Moon Knight." It's clear he intends to fight the being at the top of the stairs, if he can.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon snaps out of the trance just in time for the... woman? to show up. "I'm Jonathan Sims. T-the Archivist," Jon babbles. "I, ahh... I gather and store... Stories... for... Thoth... oh good /lord/ and sun and moon and all the gods." He's /terrified/. As much that he might get /her/ Story, too, as anything else.

    He shifts the staff in his grip and takes a step back and to the side so that Moon Knight is between him and the thing at the top of the stairs. Armor or no, he knows he's not much of a fighter, not yet. Maybe not ever. "What," he asks, voice tense, "is /that/?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan looks up the stairs and there's a shake of her head, "Ma'am, I don't know how or why you were stuck it that mirror, but I'm guessing it's for a good reason." she states. Then she looks to Moon Knight, "I'm Morrigan." she dips her head to him. "Nice to meet the two of you...sucks that the circumstances are not better." she admits as she turns to place her gaze back on the mirror woman.

"We just had a run in with a bunch of the gods. Some pretty crazy stuff, so I'm glad they are doing better now." she offers to Jonathan. Then there is a neon violet energy that starts to wind around her fingers, "I really don't want to fight, but I've got a vacation day I'm willing to take. Kids will understand." she states to the entity.

The woman at the top of the stairs starts down them slowly, her fingers starting to drip fresh blood from them. "Get out." she hisses at them before there is a gust of wind that whips through the hallway, slamming the door shut behind them. What...mixed signals here!

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight was templorarily spooked by the creature but the necessity to protect his allies quickly overrides the fear. Recklessness is in his nature so he moves forard, almost eager to intercept the being. "Either she tends to render us victims as she did Mr. Samuels or there are more than one entity in this house..."

    Moon Knight is not slow and he engages the creature in little time, his batons sweeping and striking with practiced precision. "A miscalculation on its part, as we are not easy prey. I suggest you and The Archivist look for an alternative exit."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "That's it, that's her," Jon says. "Th-that's what Samuels saw." He takes another step away from the conflict, his back banging into the door behind him, gripping the staff firmly in front of him, defensively.

    "Will killing her here fix the problem? Don't exorcisms usually require... magic?" He looks to Morrigan. It's a hell of a time to be asking questions but that's what he /does./

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Don't have to tell me twice on that." Morrigan gives a little salute to Moon Knight. "She might not be the only thing, but she's the only thing we're going to worry about right now." she states. "She's not really a ghost so an exorcism is not really going to work on her sadly." she admits to Jon.

Then she winds her arm back much like she's going to deliver a fast ball off the pitchers mound and throws a ball of neon violet energy at the door behind Jonathan. The door blows outwards, not causing a threat to those inside, "After you, Archivist." she nods her head towards the other that came with Moon Knight as the exit is opened.

It's as the last rays of sun stretch through the windows of the house that Moon Knight delivers a rather aggravated blow to the creature inside and it dissipates into a cloud of anger and hissing. Gone for the moment and out of sight from them. The house settles, the wind outside dying down and there is an immediate alone feeling that settles inside.

Bloody Mary was indeed gone for now. But she might be back!

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight swings another swing at empty air and frowns. "Dammit. She's going to need more than that to keep her down." He eyes the mirror at the top of the stairs and crosses the rest of the way to it. "I wonder if she is tied to this mirror..." He reaches out to run a gloved hand along the frame.

    "If so, perhaps warding it might be beneficial to all parties involved." He turns to see that Morrigan and Jon are outside, just in case, before reaching to remove the mirror from the wall. "And I know a few who are rather good at that sort of thing."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon ducks as a blow of energy is thrown at the door behind him and stays crouched that way for a moment before he peers up at Morrigan with his glasses askew. He looks /very/ new to this whole business. He clears his throat, face suddenly flushing darker, and straightens.

    He backs out of the house rapidly. "Not Constantine," he says in a /firm/ voice. He can't speak for the others, but he /can/ say that much. "Warding seems like a generally good idea given what I know of the matter, though."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Constantine has had a lot on his plate the last few months, he probably doesn't need to worry on this." Morrigan states when Moon Knight returns from dealing with the feral entity. She wasn't really going to rob folks of their beating time. "If you would like I can ward it or I can transport it to a place where if she is bound to the mirror she won't be troubling anyone." she offers. "But yes, warding and a nice calm place to store the mirror might be the best place to start. She reminds me of a bloody mary type, but most don't jump from mirror to mirror when summoned." she frowns.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight emerges carrying the mirror. It doesn't look as if it's inconveniencing him any by its weight. "I wasn't going to give it to John" he says in answer to both of them. He gives Morrigan a considering glance and nods. "I'm going to go out on a limb and ask: Is your condition by accident or by choice?"

    He quickly adds. "It's not that I do not doubt your strength or skill, but... handing such a creature to what I believe you are, may not sit well with my conscience. Khonshu guards the Night Walkers, and that includes those who seek the smell and taste of blood. I simply wish to know if your condition--should my suspicions be correct--is managed well."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon looks between the two of them. "Wait... what? Condi--oh. /Oh/." He frowns. "...And yet she's not even the first vampire I've met. Well. Pleased to meet my second, I suppose."

    He frowns slightly. "I did a paper on the Bloody Mary phenomenon. Of course, at the time I thought it was a thing of Troxler's fading and apophenia." He ponders. "Perhaps being let out of the first mirror let her jump between them?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a look to Moon Knight, "My condition?" the woman asks. She then crosses her arms over her chest, "Do you assume /everyone/ that you meet that can smell blood is a vampire? Jesus fucking christ." she shakes her head. "And it's not a condition for some. No one would agree to be a vampire. Whether it's half or anything else." she points out,

Then she looks between him and Jonathan, "Assumptions...aren't good things to make to people you just met." she adds. "You guys do whatever you like with the mirror. I'm going home. I came to see if there was anything still lurking and you've handled it pretty great." she nods to them. "Have a good night Moon Knight and Archivist." she salutes to them and then heads down the walk way and into the dark, disappearing after a few moments.

The mirror feels a bit heavier in Moon Knights hands, but maybe it's just because it's an old antique...and not full of rabid killer entities.

Marc Spector has posed:
    Moon Knight sighs. "Maybe she was, maybe she wasn't... either way." He hefts the mirror a bit differently, settling the weight a bit better. "Perhaps Zatanna can deal with this..." he muses. "In the meantime it should be safe in the Mission. I have a place for this sort of thing."

    He looks to Jon. "So that's how it is, huh? You just... become the person, even if they're dead? That has a lot of problems associated with it, you know." He starts toward the Angel Wing still sitting placidly where they had left it.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon frowns after the woman. "Sorry...!" He calls after her, and sighs. "Christ, I'm just... on a roll today, aren't I?"

    He follows along after Moon Knight, and nods. "I do. It does. The Archivist power buffers some of it, but... I'll have another dream for the collection." He sighs.