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Mojave Meteorite Mayhem
Date of Scene: 16 October 2021
Location: The Mojave Desert
Synopsis: Peter Parker and Andi Benton track a meteorite to the Mojave, but find its cargo has already found a new home in Keith Brooks.
Cast of Characters: Keith Brooks, Peter Parker, Andi Benton

Keith Brooks has posed:
Meteors hitting earth's atmosphere isn't that odd. It happens all the time and there's whole government and military agencies dedicated to tracking the most dangerous ones. Occasionally some of them will manage to not burn up entirely on entry into the atmosphere and will actually impact the planet. Most come down over the ocean, but not this one.

One of them, quite sizable in fact, has managed to come down into an extremely secluded part of the Mojave desert, on the Nevada side. Several tracking groups have managed to pinpoint where it came down, within reason, but it's secluded to the point where one would need a helicopter, off road vehicle, or perhaps superpowers, in order to be able to get to it. It's an extremely hostile environment, even in October.

Peter Parker has posed:
Boy was this EVER going to cost him.

Peter Parker looked around the cabin of the Gulfstream jet. The legroom WAS spacious, the air wasn't so processed, and the food WAS better.

It just wasn't HIS.
He had asked Harry. The Hubble had picked up the object, and Peter had figured out its path, as well as its impact point. He had told Harry about the scientific value of the meteorite, and Harry had been, "Say no more, Petesky."

Well, the jet HAD belonged to Harry Osborn, and he used it for various jaunts around the world. He felt a little guilty about even coming to Harry about it, but Harry had been EAGER to help out.

He looked over to the other passenger, who had been practically shanghaied.

"We'll be landing soon, Andi. Might want to finish your...Chilean sea bass."

Andi Benton has posed:
"Seriously, what the fuck, Peter? You have pals that have their own private jets? And this food? Tell me you went all the way and got us a few nights at the Bellagio or something, along with some free play." Nevermind the fact neither of them are old enough to gamble, and both would probably get carded before they had the chance to play a thing.

Andi /is/ putting away that piece of fish, for what it's worth. Mania has been..hard to read, not being all that visible under the pretense of keeping a low profile, but Andi's shared a couple details. There is excitement, anticipation, but also concern and uncertainty in there. "You know the odds of there being anything here are pretty low, right? It's not like every meteor that lands on the planet has a symbiote hitch-hiking along. If that was the case, they'd be everywhere. We've only seen, like, two others."

There's the usual Benton skepticism, but hey. Free trip, cross-country, fancy food, and..it'll probably end with a dud, with nothing to show for it.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter sighs. "Harry is an old friend. Since we were kids, really. Yes, he's rich...but I've almost never asked him for anything. Not even a loan, or bummed money from him. He told me once that he'd give me anything I asked for, because I never did. Because I am his friend, without any strings or price tags. So if I do need help, and it's for a good reason, he does this."

He pauses. "And yes, he sprung for two rooms at the Bellagio, but JUST the hotel."

Keith Brooks has posed:
Cross country travel on a private jet would probably make the trip worth it regardless of what they find. One has to wonder if Harry also will have a helicopter waiting for them at the airport.

Meanwhile out in the desert, there in fact was a hitch hiker along for the ride. One that had, upon finding itself on the surface, immediately realized there wasn't anything big enough for it to fully bond with. So it had done the only thing it could, it bonded with a crow that had managed to get close to the impact point, and tried to fly out of the desert.

The problem was it had no idea which direction was the RIGHT direction, and the small host wouldn't last very long at all, forcing it to swap frequently. This left a trail of dead birds running in a south-western direction from the impact point. Something for the intrepid metor hunters to discover once they were out there.

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton grows quiet for a spell, then mumbles, "Well, tell him thanks for us sometime. We don't know him, and that's probably not gonna change." It leaves her realizing she has no old friends she can think of that are anywhere nearby. No childhood pals to trust with anything, and do anything for.

While she's mulling over this, the mention of the rooms at the hotel at least get a glance but only a muted "Cool," and Mania takes that moment to sneakily form a disembodied little head that sees its jaws spread as wide as a snake's so it can take an entire piece of fish that Andi's yet to do anything with. "Hey..! You little thief!"

How the whole 'feeding' thing works for them, she's never really described.

Peter Parker has posed:
The rental turned out to be a Jeep Rubicon. Harry had thought of everything.

As Peter drove, he talked.
"The Hubble tracked it, and when it hit the atmosphere, NASA was about to get a solid full-spectrum scan as it lit up in the atmosphere. I was able to get the spectrometer scan from Mania's chunk of rock...and when it turned out to be the EXACT SAME as the new one, meaning it came from the same place, then it was red-flag-on-the-field time. So, let's see if we can locate it before anyone else does?"

Andi Benton has posed:
They've landed. Private airfield and all that, being a private jet. The little incident with Mania stealing food might have been good for a chuckle or two in order to break a little tension, but as they roll out in the Jeep and he describes what he found with his comparisons, Andi doesn't exactly look reassured. "What do you mean, it came from the same place? Like maybe it broke off from a larger chunk of..whatever?"

Now that it's just the two of them, Mania gets a little more vocal, that head reappearing just over a shoulder as it stares directly at Peter. "The Spider might be right. Our species is many, in many different places. We would not be surprised if another landed, but if it finds a host who cannot handle the bond, that will be very bad for the host. The host will not survive for long."

Keith Brooks has posed:
Really the chances of it finding a host as far out into the desert as it is are slim to none. Hopefully the two of them brought something to contain it in, though.

It's a rather long drive out to the impact point. Coming from the direction the two are, it takes over an hour of driving over rocky terrain after leaving the road before they can see the smoke from the impact in the distance. At least they know they're on the right track

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter pulled up to the impact crater, stepping out with a metal box. He looked to Andi, then peered down into the crater. "Bad news. It's hit, but it's cracked open. Better start looking for signs of the occupant while I collect the pieces."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton has gone through periods of silence along the way, and as they follow the GPS tracking that tells them how long it should take to get there, she pulls out her phone. It's a little beat up, with a skull motif on the back of the protective case, and she grumbles. "Figures. Roaming, if we're lucky." No high-speed connection for gaming right now, unless the Jeep itself has its own satellite service. Come to think of it, that wouldn't surprise her.

Regardless, by the time they're reaching the impact site, she remarks, "Did you /have/ to hit every pothole in the desert?" Even Mania, who's been hovering over her shoulder to watch the phone's screen and look around, as if it couldn't already see through her eyes, snickers. At least, that's what it sounds like.

"That was a funny joke, Andi. This place is full of bumps," Mania notes.

Andi, however, grows more serious once they've stopped and left the vehicle. "Shit. This doesn't look right."

At that point, the symbiote flows and Mania makes a more complete appearance, the 'costumed' look Peter is more familiar with. "Dead flying thing," is mentioned and pointed to, looking like some kind of shriveled, spent body. "That's a bird," is more Andi saying it this time, and the bonded pair starts in that direction after picking out a second one not far off.

Keith Brooks has posed:
Yeah, multiple dead birds in the same direction is definitely not a great sign. Ocassionally as Mania and Andi track the dead birds, they come across a sign of struggle here and there, like something was fighting back before getting taken over and then the flight begins again.

Off in the distance, as it's starting to get darker, the shining beacon of light from the Luxor stikes into the sky. It's obvious where this thing is headed: Towards Las Vegas.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter climbs out of the pit, stuffing the box in the rear compartment. "You think it's...using them up, then jumping to the next one? These small animals are probably getting used up and burned out." He grabs another container, this one designed for containing a protean symbiote. He gets back in the Jeep and follows Andi, soon catching up to her and picking her up. "You point, I'll drive..."

Peter speeds up, looking at the spear of light lancing upward. "Might as well be a lighthouse...or a waypoint. We better catch up to it before we star in the symbiote remake of ARMY OF THE DEAD..."

Andi Benton has posed:
"Go slower. Not too fast," Mania says, and the form of being picked up turns out to be the symbiote and host clinging to the rooftop, rather than remaining inside. They can see the beam from the Luxor far in the distance, like a calling card of some kind.

"That one tried to resist," is noted as they pass what looks more like a pile of bloody offal and feathers. "But not a meal. Too much left behind."

She peers over the edge of the driver's side door, head upside down with those solid white eyes seeming to bore into Peter as he drives. "It is going toward the city. Do we need to tell you that would be bad if it is uncontrolled by a suitable host?"

Keith Brooks has posed:
Flashback to two days prior. Keith Brooks has just won a fight at an underground fight club in Vegas. One he was SUPPOSED to lose. He had refused to throw a fight after saying he was going to, and after betting on himself to win. This had made certain people very unhappy with him.

That's how he found himself naked in the desert. He had been trying to get back to cvilization, but it was a long way to walk and he had no supplies or anything. He figured he was as good as dead, but he wasn't going to give up trying.

A day later, he had been moving at night when the heat had gone, though the cold made even that harder to do, when he had spotted a bird struggling to fly. It had crashed hard into the sand, and Keith had gone to figure out what had happened..Maybe he could at least eat it. He wasn't expecting to find the black goo leaping from the bird onto him.

With both the host and symbiote having managed to barely stay alive, they soon found themselves forced to work together in order to try to get out of the desert. At the moment, there was a campfire burning, Mania and Peter could see the smoke as they drove towards it. It was definitely in the same direction their symbitoe was headed, though.

Peter Parker has posed:
"Andi, I love how you started with 'Don't Go So Fast' and ended saying 'Go Faster,' and...hold up. I see a campfire. And it looks like someone's sitting next to it. And that fire is DIRECTLY in the path of the symbiote's passing. So, either it passed AFTER he set up camp...or BEFORE...or DURING." Peter slowed the Jeep to about 5 MPH, looking up. "How do you think we should play this?"

Andi Benton has posed:
"We do not care about your details," Mania states as Peter singles out the contradiction. "Besides, we needed to see more before we knew more. Now we know more. It has been bonding to birds, but the birds cannot handle the bond." Neither host nor symbiote elaborate on what that means. Peter has eyes, too.

When the Jeep slows, he's rejoined by his traveling companion in the passenger seat, and Mania flows back within. "My..ah, Mania doesn't like fire very much, so maybe that's just someone who happened to be around. But it's also getting cold out here." Nights are dipping into the 50s, down into the 40s in some places. "We probably shouldn't give anything away first. See what we're dealing with. Mania will tell me if something's not right, unless it's like obvious as hell."

Keith Brooks has posed:
The jeep pulling up is heard, but the guy sitting near the fire doesn't move. There is some meat cooking on the flames, and eventually he looks up from the fire towards the Jeep, raising a hand in greeting, "They can get us a ride out of here." He says, though it's in a hushed tone as if he's talking to himself. <Agreed. Kill them and take their vehicle.> "What? No. Look they're clearly not government agents. They look like kids. Probably trying to find a place to take dad's jeep for a fun time."

Keith stands up, and steers clear enough of the fire as he takes a few steps towards the pair, "Hey there! You kids ain't lost are you?"

Peter Parker has posed:
The Jeep slows to a stop about thirty feet from the fire and its lone attendant. Peter shut off the engine, then stepped, wearing baggy clothes (t-shirt and jeans) and a disarming, almost sheepish smile. "Hey there...no, we're not lost. I'm Peter, and this is Andi. We're from New York."
His feet land lightly in the desert sand.
"I go to Empire State University. I'm doing a study on Near-Earth Objects, and a meteorite landed near here. We're checking around to find any other debris from the impact."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton is dressed in her usual, meaning black colors and a little bit of purple or pink. Goth. Punk. Rebel. That sort of presentation.

While Peter tries the direct approach with his explanation, she remains quiet for the most part except to say, "What's someone like you doing out here in the middle of nowhere without a ride or a backpack or anything else?" Observant, that one.

Mania is also in that mode, studying Keith closely while hidden away. If anyone would notice the telltale signs of a fresh bond, it would be a symbiote. Maybe they can even smell it on each other.

Keith Brooks has posed:
"Meteors, huh? I think I saw one come down a while back, but it was back in the direction you came from." He says, as he takes a look over the two of them, shifting his weight a little bit. When Andi asks him why he's out here without any supplies, he is honestly impressed how quick she noticed, "So funny story. I actually am kind of stranded." He replies, "Been walking back towards Vegas at night, drinking water from inside cacti, trying not to starve to death." <That one knows too much.> Boy Keith is never going to get used to having that voice in his head. Especially one that seems to distrust everybody, "I actually am really glad you found me. I could use a ride back into town.."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looked at him with that same helpful smile and wondered why the guy was lying.

Drinking water from cacti? The only kind of cactus that could provide water was the fishhook barrel cactus...and the nearest one was a few hundred miles away, in ARIZONA. Whatever he had gained sustenance from, it wasn't from any cactus.
"We should be able to take you back to town. I think we've found all we are going to find out here, anyway."
He glanced to Andi. No earbuds. Oh, well. He hoped that she could sense what he was thinking.

As any AMONG US fan would say, he was acting kinda sus.

Andi Benton has posed:
//Andi, he is--//
<<Yeah, I know. Remember, I can sense the same things.>>

As Mania alerts Andi to its suspicions, a hint of something dark runs over the whites of her eyes. If Keith is aware enough to pick up on that yet, it is a clue.

She makes eye contact with Peter and squints at what he's saying, whether she's picking up on it or not. What she says to the man at the campfire is, "Yeah, we saw it. You sure you haven't seen anything weird out here?" Give him a chance. He didn't just wildly attack right away, and that could be a good sign. "We know a little about weird shit."

Keith Brooks has posed:
<She is one of us.> "What?" Keith turns his attention to Andi as the voice in his head gives him the warning, "I would definitely appreciate a ride back into town." Keith responds, though he's responding to Peter, he keeps an eye on Andi.

"Weird shit? I mean, what kind of weird shit? It's Vegas weird shit is pretty common..You mean like aliens or ghosts or something?" Does she know? If Lesion can sense that she is 'one of them' can she sense that Lesion and by extension Keith is? If so are they hostile? She hasn't attacked him..

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter suppressed a smirk.

Jeez, how to answer THAT question...

"Well, it's not Vegas out here. It's the Nevada desert. And since we are talking about a NEO, yeah, we're not exactly ruling out the Alien concept. Something that might have hitched a ride on the alien rock. You see, the mineral composition if that rock isn't unique. One's landed before, in New York. Same kind of rock."

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton gets an idea. A way to do a little test.

<<I'm going to need you to trust me on this. You're not going to like it, but stay put.>>
//Why, Andi? What are you doing?//

While Peter goes into the details about the meteor and the fact it's not the first time one like it has struck Earth, she says, "I dunno. You've probably seen some stuff." Approaching the small fire, Andi picks out a relatively safe piece of wood, burning at one end, but not too close to the end she grabs. Inside, Mania recoils but does as she's asked, giving her the chance to approach Keith with the flames flickering. "Just want to get a better look at you," she says.

It's no conflagration, but she's betting on there being a reaction of some kind.

<<Be ready in case it gets active.>>

Keith Brooks has posed:
Yeah, that's going to get exactly the reaction out of Andi that she was expecting, as Keith immediately jerks backwards when she approaches him with the makeshift torch, "Hey now, wait a minute. I don't think we need to be turning this into an interrogation.." He says, holding his hands up a bit defensively, just in case she comes at him with the fire directly. He looks at Peter, "You're not a cop right?" He asks, "Or a fed or anything?" His eyes dart back to Andi and he takes another step back, "C'mon, there's no need for all that."

Meanwhile, Lesion is trying to escape, pulling Keith away from the flames, as Keith tries to fight it in order to maintain what little cover he still has at this point. It looks very awkward...And obvious, at least to the pair in front of him.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter holds up his hands. "No...not a cop. Nor am I a federal agent. I don't work for any government agency. And Andi is as far from any kind of government agent as you can get."

He takes a breath. "Look...if I'm right, you did see something out of the ordinary. You can tell us. You're not in any trouble."

Andi Benton has posed:
That was all Andi needed. Without looking, she casts the chunk of wood back into the fire, where it lands perfectly and starts to burn further as a few sparks fly up. "It's not an interrogation. We were confirming something, and you're going to need some help. We know what you're dealing with, and we saw the trail of birds."

She decides it's time to ask the more direct question. "So do you want to show us first, or should we show you?"

Keith Brooks has posed:
"Oh huh. You saw all that huh?" Keith asks, as he looks between the two, "And you know? That explains a lot I suppose.." Keith does look back at Peter, "Yeah I found a dead bird. Or at least I thought it was a bird.." He says, "It like...Turned into this black goo and got absorbed into my skin and now has been talking to me." He looks down at himself for a second, "I think maybe you go first?" He says to Andi, "I'm not entirely sure how to, uh. Show you yet. Still sorting that out."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods, but stands back. He figures that Andi can handle this a lot better than he could. He realizes, and not for the first time, how capable Andi has become...or just that she's just had the opportunity to show how capable she's always been.

Andi Benton has posed:
Andi Benton rolls her neck a bit. This is now second nature to her, but she says, "Yeah, we saw. That's how we followed it out here." She stares in Peter's direction at the comment about the black goo and the bird, and the rest. He didn't get the chance to see the symbiote bond with Andi back then, and she never told him all the details about it. But, she did act strange for a while. Strange is relative.

"We'll show you. We know what it's like. It didn't reject you, so that's a good start. Otherwise...yeah. You're going to have to learn how to control it, or it's gonna control you. The stronger side will be the one that leads," she says, and that inky black thing passes over her eyes again.

//We are ready, Andi.//
<<Yeah. Let's show him.>>

From everywhere, tendrils of black goo form and wrap around Andi, so rapid that it's over in little more than a moment or two. Now, a solid black figure stands there, signs of spiky 'hair' in place of her own, a featureless mask of a face with just those eyes prominently seen, and there are other spiky elements to the appearance. Completing it, a large spider symbol in front and back.

"We are Mania. We have been together for over a year. Focus, and let it out. We can help," the creature says, very little sign of movement where the mouth ought to be. There is anticipation in what they will see.

Keith Brooks has posed:
Okay, well. Just let it happen? That should be easy enough one would think. Keith is a pretty big dude, so once he actually lets it happen, and Lesion is able to take control, the black goo moves outward, quickly engulfing him quickly. The symbiote does maintain a mostly human shape, though a bit taller than Keith normally, and with a decidedly avian looking head, though still with those large eyes that the symbiotes always seem to maintain.

He stays still once he has fully taken over, before looking at Mania, "We are Lesion. We were not aware there were others on this world."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter takes a step back. "Holy Toledo..." he whispers under his breath. He feels suddenly very small and skinny. Lesion looks like the Pro-Wrestler From Planet X.

"Uhm...wow. Okay." He looks to Andi, but says nothing more. Andi's handling this well, no sense kibitzing on her.

Andi Benton has posed:
Mania is still short, not much over five feet tall. This guy is more in the area of Venom in terms of height, if not necessarily size. A hand extends, tipped with claws, as the symbiote piles out of Keith's body and begins to engulf him. "It's going to be strong in your head! Don't forget who you are!"

Are they witnessing the first change? The first time Lesion has manifested in a human, beyond just being inside? Just how long has the bond existed? The newer it is, the more dangerous it is. It must be talking to him, poking, prodding, trying to test him to see which side is more fit to lead. "It's..like a bird," she says to Peter. "It's retaining something from what it was bonded to before." Even this seems a little new to her. Mania has not been very forthcoming about telling her all about itself from past adventures, if it even had any.

"What are you feeling..Lesion?" she asks, carefully in fact. Mania is /quite/ attentive to this, seen especially in the sharp look to the eyes.

Keith Brooks has posed:
There's a bit of pause while Lesion, and also Keith somewhere in there, gather their thoughts. Don't forget who he is, right. He's still himself, he has to make sure that he maintains control. Lesion holds up a hand, "Just need a minute." He says, before looking down at Mania, "Hungry." Comes the reply as to how they feel, "Been constantly hungry."

He was going to ask them if they had any food but Keith didn't know if they could trust the pair, or rather trio, up until this point. Nobody's attacking him, so Keith and Lesion seem to be willing to trust for the time being.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter held up a finger. "Ah! Hang on!"
Peter hustled back to the rear of the Jeep, taking out a beat-up-looking suitcase and unlatching it.

Inside the case are four MREs, ten granola bars and ten share-size chocolate bars.

He brings the case over to Lesion, then puts it down in front of Lesion. He heads back to the Jeep to get the liter bottle of water.

Andi Benton has posed:
"Yeah, you're gonna want some.." Mania starts to say, before Peter takes care of things and heads to the supplies. She reaches in for two of the chocolate bars, opening both up. Something else that opens up is her mouth, a line forming before it parts to display teeth that are too many in number, and far too sharp, along with a lengthy tongue.

"Chocolate!" follows, though that side of the exclamation is the rougher, more alien-sounding tone of voice that is Mania itself. The bars are all but shoved into that menacing maw and consumed swiftly, the eyes taking on more of a look of contentedness. "Now you," she says, gesturing to some of them. "Trust us. When you are hungry, and we mean /hungry/, always have chocolate nearby. The other way is..more dangerous."

The symbiote itself may have already fed on bird brains, so it might have a clue.

Keith Brooks has posed:
There's something about the chocolate, Keith can't quite put his finger on what it is, but Lesion sure seems to know, as one of those taloned hands snatches up one of the bars of chocolate and scarfs it down in just a moment or two. It's like he hasn't eaten in weeks. Or at least a couple of days.

"Why chocolate?" The voice, at least the way it sounds, is definitely Keith asking and not Lesion, who seems to be a bit too into the delicious cocoa product to worry about why at the moment. And yeah, bird brains may have been an okay substitute...For a brief period of time at least.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter hmms. "I dunno. I was hoping you would react the same way Andi's symbiote did to chocolate." He puts the water jug near the case. "Anyway, a fully-fed symbiote is one much more amenable to interact, so I felt food was a good thing to pack."

Andi Benton has posed:
Mania places herself closer to Peter, watching Lesion with great interest. There is a sense of readiness in case anything unexpected comes up, but so far this is going all right. No sense that an attack or fight is about to happen.

//Do you think we can trust Lesion, Andi? It is like a brother, maybe.//
<<I don't know. We have to see if he's going to be good or bad. Remember Venom? We're still not sure about him. He likes that other side..a lot.>>

"Because eating chocolate is safer for everyone than eating brains," Mania points out, matter-of-fact. "And when you're /that/ kind of hungry, it's only going to get worse until you have something that works. It's something in there that we haven't figured out yet. We just know that's how it is. So that should be your first rule if you don't want a lot of trouble coming after you."

Speaking of fully-fed, a couple of those energy bars are reached for next, courtesy of a hand extending, the arm stretching. Oh, that's just a little showing off. The toothy mouth remains.

Keith Brooks has posed:
Symbiote? Is that what they're calling them? Okay. Lesion scarfs up a bit more of the chocolate, as Keith considers their options, "You said you're from New York?" He asks, as he looks between the two of them, "Not having trouble is good." That was the rougher voice of Lesion, rather than Keith's, "We do not wish to draw the attention of the authorities." They might have been bonded for a short period of time, but apparently Keith has already imparted a distrust of cops and feds to Lesion.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter takes a slow breath, exhaling just as slowly.
Whew...no hostility, no donnybrook in the desert. So far, so good.

"Keith, do you call Las Vegas home, or are you open to moving? Andi/Mania is very good at this, and I think she could be a big help adapting to life on Earth. At the very least, life in a big city that doesn't lead to you finding yourself in the middle of the desert."

Andi Benton has posed:
"We're from Philadelphia, but we live around New York City now," Mania says. Unless Lesion and Keith already understand what's meant by the collective 'we,' they might be prone to thinking she means herself and Peter.

"And that was gonna be the next question, if you were from here or if you were a tourist that got in some trouble. We'll be honest. It's not a good idea to be going through this without some help. He didn't know much about us at first, but he helped us in other ways," she explains, jerking a thumb Peter's way.

Then she adds, "It is in our best interest to see you stay in control. Mania likes to have fun, but we have to remember that can be dangerous."

Keith Brooks has posed:
"Yeah." Keith seems to be replying to Peter, "We're from...Well I'm from Los Angeles but living in Vegas..I'm not attached." In fact if anything else he needs to get his winnings from the fight that wound him out in the desert in the first place, then he can bail on Vegas, "Lesion definitely is trying to take over..But it seems to operate mostly on instinct.." He takes a good long look at Mania, "Guessing after a while the control becomes easier?"

Andi Benton has posed:
Mania shares a glance with Peter, again. He's seen cases of this himself. "Easier is not the right word. We are..partners. When we work as one, there is less conflict. But there are always..urges. We learned how to control them. You will have to learn too, or you might not like what you become." There is a little mental nudge only she feels, and she corrects herself, "Or you might like it, and you would have to live with what that means."

She crosses her arms in front, the mouth fading back away to the more faceless visage, but the eyes always look like they're staring intently. One is slightly larger than the other, signifying what would be a raised brow as she awaits an answer after adding, "We are staying in the city for a couple days or so." Suggestion: there is time to get some affairs in order and make a decision.

Keith Brooks has posed:
It seems that Lesion has gotten the gist of what they're saying. Lesion and Keith know they'll have to work together, if it's for the best, "Guess we should...Have Lesion go back into hiding for now? Is there a term for it?" He wonders, as he focuses and with some effort gets Lesion to retreat back in, leaving Keith in just his clothes...Which were technically made for him by Lesion, but they didn't need to know that currently. He stretches a little once he manages to put the symbiote away, as it were, "I can give you a place to drop me off? You guys can tell me what hotel you're at, I can probably meet you there.."