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Latest revision as of 14:29, 17 October 2021

A Piracy Ship Sails into Gotham's Museum
Date of Scene: 12 October 2021
Location: Gotham Museum
Synopsis: Gotham gets a new exhibit, Elektra, Selene, and Ka'shira come to enjoy the treasures and follow a target. Felicia shows up to enjoy a different treasure.
Cast of Characters: Felicia Hardy, Selene Corvinus, Ka'shira Raptorethi, Elektra Natchios

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    TODAY: Gotham city with the spot lights set up and aimed at the ever cloudy skies seems to be the city forgotten by time, and yet, reality is stranger than even that. The spot lights tonight are set up to pull eyes and attention in towards the Museum. With a nearly brand new exhibit on display tonight and with some of the upper crust from across the world having flown in, it's much more exciting for the curator and museum staff than they ever expected.

    The main exhibit is comprised of a multitude of interesting artifacts and trinkets thought lost to time and the sands of the ocean floor, long forgotten except a handful of mentions in manuscripts from the time period of the original sinking of the Saint Maria de Catalunya. A ship lost in a drastic maelstrom of nearly no renown or infamy. The ship itself has been risen and is now parked at Gotham Harbor with restoration work being done by an unknown benefactor.

    The museum doors are finally open and people are entering and few are having their pictures taken by the paparazzi that flock for photos of the rich and famous like the roaches grasping at the droppings of greater animals.

    One of the lesser known cases of affluence, Felicia Hardy wearing her blonde hair low and waving off her shoulders steps into the main hall and pauses at a case of doubloons and bends over at the waist with her hands on her thighs to get a closer look of the lost treasures from the past.

    6 WEEKS AGO: In a small rented facility in the warehouse district of Manhattan, Felicia with a leather jacket and blue jeans cocks her hip out and presses her hand down onto the newspaper on the table. "This is the excuse for our next pay day. The DuBois patriarch has reached out and says he wants what is rightfully his, and will be paying enough for us to all disappear onto a beach anywhere in the GALAXY. Lets do this one last job." Felicia says, her head turning to her crew and gets nods from all the men. "Lets get to work."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene and Elektra had arrived here just a bit ago, already made it through the entryway and were perusing the displays. Selene dressed in a black number that goes up under a short waist length black jacket of soft material, her dark hair down around her shoulders but well kempt in this moment. She is dressed nicely, but not overly elegant.

AS they move about, Selene looks back to Elektra. "He's over by the display." She says, glancing to the man they came here to track. "My people say he's the one that was working with Thompkins." Thompkins being the man that they 'dispatched' the other night in Gotham for his nefarious deeds dealing with kidnapping young women.

The man in question is dressed nicely in black with a shaved head, in his fifties by appearance. He has a woman on his arm and a drink in his hand. Selene and Elektra are just a few steps away from Felicia's location as a happenstance.

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     New to the socialite scene, Ka'shira makes sure she makes her entrance with style. She exits a limo, dressed exquisitely in a Fushia gown that drapes her toned figure and trails a bit in her wake. A soft touch of pale yellow accents the nether side of her train and forms the boned bodice that fits her torso snugly. With her pixie-cut hair and smokey-eyed make-up, she pauses briefly to pose for the flashing cameras. New or not, she's obviously familiar with the routine, striking professional-grade poses allowing sneaky glimpses of a shapely leg, due to the high slit in the skirt of her gown.
     Once inside, the young woman begins to make her way towards the main exhibit, following the current of other attendees. Gaze flicks about, with a slight hint of studious attention. Perhaps she seeks out other important persons to mingle with? Or maybe, just noting available exits and persons of a possible threat.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
Dressed in a long, dark-blue gown is Elektra. Shoulders bare and showing bronzed skin, hair down on an intricate braid. Smiles were given here and there at their entrance, a moment to pause for a photo or two being the socialite that she is (when not being an assassin!). Appearances must be maintained after all.

She pauses briefly to take a couple of champagne flutes from a passing servant, holding one up for Selene, dark eyes following her indication of the display...

And their prey.

"Going on with his life as if nothing had happened. Thompkins wasn't joking when he said he was one of the high and mighty." high indeed. "CEO of a major pharma company. He was indicated to be running to senator a few years back but didn't go forth with it. Powerful man, and knows a lot of people." she tells the vampiress by her arm, taking a brief sip from her flute.

Her eyes go to a few of the other gathered about, "Unfortunate that this is such a public place or we could do him right here." she murmurs under her breath.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    TODAY: The catering is out of the world with the highest levels of thought put into the presentation of the available hor'dourves and even some fish and shrimp options for those that are wanting to taste something remotely similar to what the sailors would have eaten. More or less.

    The room is buzzing with small conversations, some polite laughter, and the sounds of feet shuffling and heels or boat shoes in some cases clapping on the tile floors. So the din of the place is noticeable, but forgettable unless attention is drawn to it.

    Felicia holds a flute of champagne in a hand as she straightens herself back walk around the golden coins with barnacles covering many of them. "Shame." She says to no one, and starts to walk away, nearly bumping into Selene, but the woman in the black dress that has a few glittering lights from the knees down avoids the vampire smoothly, "Pardon me. I'm lost in my own world." She says with a hand waving a silver ring with a large diamond set in it. Felicia laughs and turns around, her heels sounding off each step as she starts to make her way towards a bathroom.

    5 WEEKS AGO: "The exhibit will be opening on the night of the sixteenth, that only gives us five weeks to not only create the weaknesses she will need, but to also come up with a means of egress." Reggie says, fingers curled into a fist as he leans over the diagram of the museums lay out. He reaches into a shirt pocket and pulls out a marker and pops the cap off and starts to quickly making marks on the map. "These are going to be the locations with the most extreme security measures. Meaning they will be the least actively monitored." Then he snaps his fingers, "Cat, you paying attention?"

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene's eyes are on their mark before she spins herself around to stand in front of Elektra then so that they are not just gawking at the man across the room. Her own drink is lifted up for a sip. "We're just going to follow him home tonight, I believe." Selene says in her Eastern European accent once her drink is lowered again.

Her eyes do notice the arrival of the woman with the smoky hued eyes and it makes her smile for a moment before Felicia passes her by and nearly collides with her.

Selene leans toward Elektra then and speaks quietly. "I think blondey there is wearing a wig." She takes her brown eyes off of Felicia then and smiles at Elektra again. "I suppose there are many secrets flowing around this place tonight... How... surprising." She states with a amused sarcastic tone.

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira makes her way around the table of many tempting hors devours. Instead, she plucks a flute of champaign and turns to survey the gathering once more. She can't help but note the smile from Selene. Dipping her head politely, Ka'shira returns the smile before the other woman's attention shifts away.
     Then, with glass in hand, Ka'shira begins her inspection of the ship. It's a fascinating window into Earth's seafaring past. For several minutes, the exhibit holds her focus, with its many little tidbits to explore.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Yes. So it shall be." Oh yes, Elektra knows all about casing marks for eventual termination. Too many years being an assassin. So she smiles patiently, dangerously, and takes another little sip from her flute. And not one to gawk it means it's time to look around. To see what others have joined the gala to watch the Santa Maria's spoils. Her eyes sweep over to the blonde Felicia, eyes going from her face and then to the diamond ring she is carrying.

That does look expensive. But also ....

A smirk, "Face it, Selene. You can't escape those secrets." she tells the woman, eyes still following blondie for a bit while longer, amused, before her eyes go to Ka'shira. "Now that one I do not know." she nods as well towards the other woman. "Nouveau rich perhaps? But mmm, she doesn't seem like those usual posers, flaunting their new found status."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia makes her way to the bathroom, leaving her flute on the floor outside the entry ways. Seems an odd place to put something like that, but she's not acting like it's weird.

    Closing the stall behind her, and taking a deep breath, Felicia shimmies out of her dress, and the heels quickly enough before she looks up to the incredibly tiny vent. "Any moment now..." Felicia tells herself. Or tells the man in her left ear. With a subtle click, the material around the vent seems to make way, and a much larger vent is seen before it swings down and Felicia's lips curl into that devious smile. "Time to work." Her thighs compress, the muscles of her legs tightening briefly and with a hand behind her back she unlocks the stall and then in a moment she leaps up into the vent and helps close the hidden hatch. Turning around she finds a hidden duffel bag and finds something much more comfortable inside.

    Costume on, Felicia flips her wrist and taps the watch.

    "Twelve minutes Lionel, time me."

    "Twelve minutes cat. Remember the path, this is going to be the easy part." Lionel says, sitting in a van a handful of blocks away, his headset on, and he's sitting in front of a bank of monitors and a pair of keyboards. "No alerts. Yet."

    4 WEEKS AGO: "Yeah, that's us." Reggie says, his sleeves rolled up to his bulging forearms, and he points at the name of the company on his shirt. "We're here to fix the plumbing in the girls bathroom. Shouldn't be more than a couple days." He nods, and then turns to motion to bring in the rest of his employees, "Mind your shoes, this isn't some dump." And then he turns to the museum manager and waits to be led to the woman's room to get to work.

    In the back of the building, Lionel is running up a fire escape and vaults over the side into the open air, and wraps his whole body around a storm drain pipe, and shimmies down a floor before pausing next to an electrical box. Using just his legs to secure himself several stories up, the man reaches into his backpack and with a pair of crimpers and a small tube like object he pauses, and takes a breath. Securing the link into the security cameras and alarm system, he shuts the box and shimmies his way up the pole. "L is secure."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene's eyes go back to Ka'shira as she walks past her on the other side of her shoulders now. Ele's comment has Selene lingering her stare for a moment before she looks back. "No clue." She quietly replies. "Pretty though. Probably here to secure a lovely wealthy husband." She grins softly then. "But maybe that is the pessimist in me speaking."

Another sip of her drink is taken as Selene glances over at their mark this evening again, but in doing so she notes that Felicia had left her drink on the ground across the room where the restrooms are accessed. "Mm. That's a good way to get visited by Bill Cosby." Selene notes, which is a ... odd joke for her to make! But hey, the pop culture you absorb in this world is weird and varied when you're as old as she is!

Her eyes dart back to Ele's own then. "What does your experience tell you of someone leaving a drink on the floor outside of the restrooms?" Selene inquires of her companion.

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira is clueless to the speculation her unfamiliar form inspires. Still, to the trained eye of the experienced Assassin and Death Dealer, one might note her movements are a bit more than the sultry grace of most socialites and gold diggers alike. Instead, she moves with intentional, practiced ease. With a confidence and awareness of surroundings that mostly those trained in combat exhibit.
     The lone glass on the floor to the bathroom does grab at her attention though. She finds herself idly moving closer. Still, at a somewhat safe distance, Ka'shira watches. Is something a-foot? She has no supernatural 'danger sense,' just the honed instincts of someone battle-trained and descendant of a line of warriors.

Elektra Natchios has posed:
"Is that your final say?" A brow arching at Elektra as her gaze again returns to Ka'shira, "Mmmm, something tells me she wouldn't have such mundane wants, besides she seems to have genuine interest in the ship. Which most other people here don't seem to have." a beat, "A breath of fresh air I would say." seems like a game they like to play apparently. Trying to guess what kind of person someone is. "And ooh, maybe even more. Notice how she moves." yes, the calm confidence and awareness is noted. Which does peak her curiosity.

As for the glass on the floor? "The socialite in me would say she was drunk enough to not have found a better place to leave it." Elektra says back to Selene with a faint grin, "But the -other- person in me would say that's a sign, to someone else in the room."

She reaches over with her flute to tip it against Selene's, "Whichever do you think is the right one?"

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    TODAY: Felicia shimmies and crawls through the vents with practiced and honed grace and speed. The suit amping up her own abilities to even greater levels. She's zooming. With a coach in her ear, the thief is taking no prisoners in her descent into debauchery.

    After three minutes, Felicia pauses next to a new vent and takes a breath. "I'm here. Hit the cameras Lionel."

    "Ha ha, clear!"

    Felicia's fingers dig into the duffel bag quickly enough and pull out a tool and pushes the bolts out of the vent causing it to fall with the hinges catching the sheet of metal dangling in the air. Twisting her body and contorting just slightly Felicia lowers herself from the vent, through the air slowly to softly pat her feet on the ground and with a quick double blink, she's scanning for a specific box.

    Deep in the storage areas of the musuem, the Black Cat is attacking an exhibit the museum has had for years, not the Saint Maria ship, as security expected. "Candy from a baby." Felicia says, as she picks up a small box with a simple font on the front. Luxemburg, 1945.

    3 WEEKS AGO: "Yeah, it's gonna be a big deal. Smash and grab. Lots of paparazzi and fame. Nothing big. Even if you don't make it out. We'll make it worth your while." Samson says, rolling his shoulders as he leans back into his chair and puts his feet up on the table with the heavily marked up map on it. "No, you got me all wrong. I'm reaching out to you first because you're my cousin. C'mon. Family first." Sam says, giving a thumbs up to the rest of the crew and then turning back to his phone call. "Yeah, the sixteenth."

    TODAY: Outside of the museum, on the street where the red carpet rests, three large SUVs stop on the curb, blocking traffic and as the cars empty a woman outside screams. "THEY HAVE GUNS!"

    Felicia smirks to herself as she hears this over the comms and then looks up to the ceiling and with an easier leap, she is back up to the vent and securing the cover back to the roof.

    "Five minutes Cat."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Another look is given to Ka'Shira in time to see the woman looking at the displays. "Historian, maybe? Lonely librarian who finally got to attend a big event after receiving a company invitation to the gala?" Selene asks back at Elektra, not really putting much effort in to that one beyond saying one that is just pure fun, right? She sips her drink again before her eyes glance back at the glass.

"I believe our wig'd friend simply had some bad sushi." Selene then grins before she's about to look back at the man they're tracking this evening as he escorts his arm candy toward another bit of memorable waste left behind by the ship wreck.

"Something is happening outside..." Selene says more darkly then to Elektra as she sweeps her stare in the direction of the entryway....

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira smiles again at the striking pair of women, unaware of their casual musings. She remains, loitering somewhat near the ladies' room, when the commotion from outside strikes. She doesn't panic, or try to flee, but instead begins to move to one of those other exits she'd noted at the start of the evening. Guns and evening gowns really seemed like a dangerous combination.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    TODAY: The gunmen outside, numbering nine, approach the front doors with guns in hand. Shotguns and larger rifles and the like. The lead steps up to the glass doors and levels his gun at them and with a pull of the trigger, a ear bleeding bang turns into the sound of rain as the glass shatters and falls to the ground.

    "No one has to get hurt!" Shouts the lead as he steps and in loads another round into the shotgun. "This is a stick up. Just behave, and empty the jewelry into the bags and you'll get out of here unharmed."

    Felicia steps out of the bathroom, a hand tugging at the dress she wears, making sure there's no wrinkles in the black fabric. Naturally she wants to look as well as she can when someone rushes past into the bathroom door. "MOVE!" Says the woman in a selfish tone as if the blonde was threatening her life.

    "What's going-- F*** me." Felicia moans to herself as she raises her hands up in surrender and mills into the crowds.

    2 WEEKS AGO: Luxemburg, 1945. A soldier from Gotham was part of the war over seas and having helped secure a town, the soldier reported to have found a gem, beautiful and meticulously crafted. Its carver and the story of the stone is unknown but even looking at it, one gets the foreboding sense of its importance.

    So says the plague the museum put up next to the exhibit, highlighting men of Gotham during the second world war.

    Felicia lowers her disposable camera from her face and smiles softly at the gem behind the glass.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Needless to say the commotion outside flooding its way in to the interior of the Event has many people bursting in to hectic chaos in response. Selene and Elektra stand their ground together though without even looking concerned or worried. IN fact the two women share glances with one another before they set their drinks aside at nearly the sametime. Neither one of them is wearing expensive jewelry either as they had business to attend to tonight, and with a glance toward their mark, he's being delayed from that himself now...

When the collectors of the jewelry reach them, Selene and Elektra both just stand there, neither wearing anything of value so Selene just raises her eyebrows at the man with the bag.

"I guess you're out of luck with us, Good sir." Selene replies in her confident and naturally smoky hued voice. "Enjoy the rest of your haul tonight though..." She tells him.

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'shira wears little in the way of adornment as well, there is one item, in particular, she won't give up. Her mini holograph generator, this evening is worn on her wrist and disguised as a decorative, diamond-encrusted ladies' watch. As the disguised Shi'ar makes her way quietly to a hopefully unguarded exit, she does her best not to alert attention to herself. Hopefully, the panicked crowd with keep the gunmen busy. Alert brown eyes flicker over Elektra and Selene, as they face their own problems. At least the distinctive pair seem capable of handling the situation.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    TODAY: The gala's invasion by common stick up artists is ... surprising. How brazen must these men be to even try something so rudimentary in the Batman's city? With the world in the state it is. Full of heroes and heroines, to be able to walk into a place of research and keeping the past near enough to be at the world's fingertips, that takes some dedication, a fearlessness, and a level of brazen foolishness that few will ever see in their life times.

    The main leader is swinging his gun around, pointing it haphazardly and with little worry for who's on the other end, but as the sirens begin to sound, he makes a motion and shouts for his team to back up and get to the cars. No time to dilly dally.

    In the hustle and madness, Felicia's diamond ring was removed, and she seems to be quite disheveled, but not harmed. In fact, no one was roughed up and the whole shake down was rather calm and peaceful. Though the door is going to need to be replaced.

    2 MONTHS AGO: "I'm not sure you're the woman for the job, but, you come highly recommended by my associates and peers. I'm going out on one hell of a limb for you, miss Cat. You'll have to go out on a limb for me too, but trust me when I say this, you've never seen a pay day like this one. Pull it off and you will be able to ask for as many zeroes as your heart desires." Felicia lifts her eyes away from the parchment and takes a breath, standing on a rooftop, wearing her costume with the clawed finger tips extended as she then uses a single claw to start slicing the paper into ribbons and then and pulling out a cigarette lighter and burning the letter. "This kitty has work to do."

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene and Elektra just stand their ground and watch....

The paler of the two women has two handguns holstered under her jacket on either sides of her body, but if she isn't pressed then she won't draw on them. This isn't her world after all, these aren't her problems... unless the men make it so.

So instead, the two just watch the men make their payments for the night and then see their mark starting to inch his way toward an exit himself. Selene nods toward this and Elektra picks up on it, the two turning in the opposite direction to go toward the back of the museum now, though Selene does glance around again, her stare going to Ka'Shira and then in turn to Felicia again on the way.

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     There is just something about the scene before her that strikes Ka'shira as false. This seemed too brazen and professionally executed heist, to get away with so little. Nine professional gunmen for a handful of trinkets, it seemed unlikely. By now she's at the back of the herd and making her way towards that back exit. She moves with slow, subtle steps, trying not to draw attention to herself.
     Nevertheless, she notes Elektra and Selene as they too make for the back of the museum. "Interesting evening." She remarks quietly.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    TODAY: Felicia is easily mingled with the heard of the upper crust who are shuffling out of the museum with much less jewelry on than they entered with. The blonde's large diamond is no where to be seen on her finger, and she never did pick up the champagne glass again either.

    Someone in the vicinity can be heard saying to her date, "That's what insurance is for." "Better than being shot." "Dreadful." Felicia's frown is real enough, as the ring was her mothers, but it is a small price to pay for a small heist that should have her set for life.

Selene Corvinus has posed:
Selene and Elektra both look to Ka'Shira as they are making for the same way out of the place tonight. Elektra shows a sweet smile to Ka'Shira too, while Selene looks to her, and then back the way they came from. "It would seem so." She says while the three of them are on their way....

It can be heard then, Selene asking Ka'Shira. "Say, you wouldn't happen to be a Librarian would you?" She has to ask, its part of she and Elektra's game after all. If she were right, by chance, she'd get another point!

Ka'shira Raptorethi has posed:
     Ka'ira first checks to make sure the door isn't alarmed. Locked? A quick little shove is enough to thrust the door open, leading to an alley behind the museum. As she slips out the door, coiling up the train of her gown, she pauses to answer Selene. "Librarian? I, no, no I'm not." and then out she darts.