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Latest revision as of 17:51, 25 November 2021

We've Been Trying To Reach You
Date of Scene: 22 November 2021
Location: Jelloway, Ohio
Synopsis: The Avengers (and Black Cat) attack a filing company in Ohio based on the insane ramblings of Internet conspiracy theories and spam calls.
Cast of Characters: Scott Lang, Karen Starr, Steve Rogers, Felicia Hardy

Scott Lang has posed:
No roadtrip. Vetoed on the grounds of they have Quinjets. No they didn't have a carbon footprint. No they didn't produce noise pollution. Get in the damn jet Scott, you're lucky you're getting this much. Only slightly pouty he wouldn't have a chance to stop at the Antiques Mall in Turkey City, PA, it had taken a lot of cajoling, begging, and maybe a white lie or two to convince anyone to come check out this 'emergency'. Now they were stuck with him thankfully for only a 30 minute flight instead of an 8 hour plus drive. Unfortunately he'd brought a whiteboard, the board covered in pictures, phone logs, scribbled drawings, wiki printouts, and clipped newspaper stories.

     "So of course all this got me thinking you see, every time there's a global menace there's always something terrible behind it. And these spam calls they just keep coming, day after day, the same messages to nearly everyone on Earth. There's gotta be something to that right? So I started digging and next thing I know I'm finding connections all over! There's just one company into another and they seem to come from everywhere and nowhere, BUT here in the US almost all of them get routed through this building here in Ohio. And as soon as I found that out you know what happened?" Scott pauses in his speech for dramatic effect, his hands raised and eyes wide as he looks around to be sure he has the rapt attention of everyone involved. "The calls STOPPED. They KNEW I was onto them and they wanted me to quit digging. This is big. I'm telling you, whatever is there, they don't want it found. I don't know what's waiting for us in there but, hooboy, this might make Hydra look like a social club."

Karen Starr has posed:
    Sitting in the back of the Quinjet is one of the people that Scott can, to her chagrin, depend on the most. Most people, most... Sane people, at least, would probably not have answered the call regarding the menace that is a robocalling empire. Karen... Sincerely didn't /want/ to, but Scott is her friend as long as nobody says it out loud. The last thing she needed to read is that Ant-Man was tackled and detained by several rent-a-cops as he infiltrated some small office building in Ohio.

    Briefly, before she'd zoomed off with Felicia to this meeting, she'd explained a few things: Scott is an Avenger. He's dependable- again, as long as you don't say it out loud. It's /probably/, almost /certainly/ nothing, but his hunches have been correct before. At the very least, a lot of robocalls stop. Anyone can get behind that. She's made sure the other woman is briefed before they show up. That's the best she can do.

    "Scott. I really, really wish you'd left the Pepe Silvia board at home." she states, her face finding the palm of her hand for a time. "Just... Please be okay with there not being anything there. This really shouldn't turn into A Thing if we don't wander into some sort of weird AIM or Hydra internationl robocalling operation. Can you do that for me?"

    A short pause.

    "And please tell me that Cassie is safe at home?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
Earlier, when he'd heard about this potential ... mess, Steve decided that Scott needed a chapero--friend to tag along, just in case it was actually something and not just some zany enterprise. This is why he's suited up in the jet, listening to the indomitable ANT-MAN rattle on like a conspiracy theorist.

"I'm sure this is nothing world shattering, Scott. Still, I came along just in case it is actually something bad, and if we kick in a door to something innocent, I can probably smooth things over."

He glances at Karen, suddenly feeling awful that he forgot about Cassie. He decides that he will bail Scott out of jail if this goes sour.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "I know I've been bothering you for a shot at the big girl table, for a while... but this..." Black Cat says, one hand on her hip and a motion towards the Ant-Man, with a glance towards Power Girl afterwards, "If you have faith and trust, it seems no reason for me not to." Felicia says with a smile towards Karen and then she turns towards Scott.

    Hand moving up to brush against the frame of the Quinjet as if that was enough to balance her within the confines of the space, and she walks easily to her fellow thief, who she might have heard word of in the thieve's guild, but she is smart enough and honorable enough to not mention that.

    "Scott... you have a real name huh?" Felicia says, looking down onto the board, and making some quick mental notes, before whispering, "I'll give you a pile of money if you're right and these calls stop." Black Cat notes before looking at him with bright eyes behind her domino mask and she turns back to the blondes and smiles before taking her seat.

    "Captain. It's a pleasure to finally meet and work with such a legend." Bit of a kiss ass, but hey, it's Captain FREAKING America.

Scott Lang has posed:
     "Who, who's Pepe Silvia? I'll put it on the board, we can check him out later," Scott informs Karen as he scribbles on the name with a marker down in the corner, his back still turned as he assures, "And Cassie is fine, I dropped her off with my parents and they're not doppelgangers. Or, well if she is she still makes a really good pecan pie. But I think she's fine." Scott is truly an anomalous hero, one with two living parents and neither of them anything more than normal retirees without even a hint of super secrets or dark pasts in their lives. A line is drawn from Pepe to a nearby Wiki article printed out that reads 'Alien Sightings By Year' seemingly with nothing more to go on than that before he straightens up and looks to the other two seriously.

     "Cap I'm telling you, these calls. Governments have tried to stop them and failed. It's all electronic and nobody can get a firm trace on their origin. This is only a ROUTING point. I annoyed three different SHIELD techs into helping me and they couldn't figure it out before they all told me it wasn't worth their time but still, SHIELD couldn't find them. Doesn't that sound bad?"

     The pilot calls back, "Landing now. It's uh...not a hot landing," they add as the Quinjet touches down in an empty field next to a 2 lane road. Grass and the occasional excitement of a bush dot the landscape. The only thing of note is a small, two story building so plain it makes one want to yawn just looking at it. A small parking lot holds 4 mid-priced vehicles all several years old at least.

     "You better have that money ready, uh, Cat." Not everyone so freely shares their 'secret' identity, Scott's not having been secret whatsoever for a long time by now as he starts to disembark, and even puts up his Ant-Man helmet as if still expecting trouble from the KIA in the parking lot.

Karen Starr has posed:
    "Scott no," she begins, "Scott it's a thing from a TV show-" but, there he is, already drawing some sort of connection between Charlie Day imploding in the mailroom to... Aliens. "Oh my God." Her head rocks back, resting on the back of the seat while both hands calmly wipe at her face, the kind of thing you'd do if you'd not slept in months. "At least you didn't bring Cassie into a possible combat situation. Again."

    It sounds worse than it is.

    "Honestly, I'm surprised you were able to get them to try. Listen, just- humor me here. What if, just what -if-, we go down there and, you know, don't find anything? Or, if we just find a bunch of really, really exhasperated people who were desperate enough to get hired for pennies by a bunch of people taking advantage of them?" Offering a sigh, Power Girl rests her arms on the back of her chair like one would a couch. "I just feel like it would be really dumb for us to bust up a basically legitimate, if annoying, operation."

    That said, the Quinjet touches down, and Karen makes her way out of the back, walking into the field for the moment and looking over at the parking lot and accompanying building. "Oh, look, a Prius. Definitely a sign of malicious intent and covert operatives. Lead the way, Ant-Man. Let's... Just get this over with."

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve is quiet for the descent. Not pensive, just quiet. Scott's brain is wired ... different. Sometimes you have to humor people in their wacky ideas, or they just get pent up and then the world explodes.

The Black Cat gets a nod, but his eyes aren't on her any longer than they need to be. Because he's Polite.

The jet touches down, and Cap makes his way out with the others. He can't help himself as he checks the building's overt security measures: Cameras and anything else weird that might be visible. Regardless, he moves towards the main entrance, because there's no stealthing the fact that a Quinjet just landed in the vacant lot next door.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia claims a seat, not too close to Power Girl, not wanting to infringe on any HR rules that the avengers might have.

    What? She doesn't know the rules. This is her first real 'Hero' gig.

    The former thief turned heroine looks up from her phone when the wheels touch down and then slides the device back away into one of the several hidden pockets on her costume and starts to walk past Scott as the doors open. Behind Power Girl and lifting her arms up to pop her elbows and shoulders, Felicia turns to look at the building and actually yawns. Deep and lazy.

    "God, this looks like the kind of place HR reps go to have vanilla orgies in." She says, wrinkling her nose with a snort of air. "I'm ready to scare a pencil pusher or a phone jockey." And she pauses, "What's the play? I'm not ... usually the team up type."

Scott Lang has posed:
     "I never BROUGHT her to one. They just, happen in my vicinity. Which is an excellent example of why another might be about to happen, the odds are in my favor!" Scott points out. It was true, though hardly compelling evidence. Maybe even Scott was starting to get a bit anxious about finding something as he stands at the bottom of the ramp a moment and chews his lower lip a moment before visibly shaking his shoulders and straightening up. "If it's a bunch of office drones we just apologize and say we got the wrong address. It happens!" Scott assures Power-Girl.

     Steve is probably having bigger doubts than ever as his expert eye finds nothing more than a single lone security camera pointed at the parking lot that looks like it was installed sometime in the 80's and a sticker on the door for some local security firm that is faded to the point of being nearly unreadable. Other than the address the only other thing on the doors are the name of the company, "Jelloway Filing Services."

     "We go in loud, right? Catch 'em off guard. We're the Avengers, we got this!" Scott tells Black Cat, giving his shoulders one more roll before he marches straight for the front door, nearly stepping on a small lizard that scurries across the cracked pavement, and swings it open with a bang.

     "Everybody stay calm! The Avengers are here and we need answers. NOW!" Inside is more less The Office, it almost looks like a half-sized version of Dunder Mifflin that had also been aged a couple decades with carpet stains and peeling paint. A half dozen workers look up from their desks in obvious shock as all noise stops save for the sound of the building's heating unit and a few flies.

     Scott starts to sweat as one grey-haired man in his 60's wearing a button-up clears his throat and asks, "Uhh, answer what?"

Steve Rogers has posed:
Scott bursts ahead of Steve, and he reaches out in futile slow motion to try and catch him.

It does not work.

Steve mutters under his breath. It might be a swear. Maybe. ... Nah. He follows Scott into the building and sighs as he takes it in. "I ... Oh man."

What else can he say, really? 'This dunderhead thinks you're some kind of world quaking conspiracy?'

Karen Starr has posed:
    "Scott..." Karen replies, shaking her head for a moment before continuing on alongside the others. "Correlation isn't- Eh, whatever. Just... Good she stayed home regardless. Hope she's having some peach pie." Having noted this, Power Girl lets Scott take the lead for the most part.

    "Wait. No. We don't go in loud. Loud means violence, we're not doing violence." This has to be delivered at a rapid pace, as Karen catches up to Scott, just as he shoves open the door and starts screaming at people. A quiet, muttered, "Oh for fuck's sake," is the best she can manage.

    "Yes. Everyone stay calm. We just have a few questions about one of the tenants of the building, please pardon the enthusiasm of our... Ant-Man. I'm sure all of you have received a call regarding your car's 'extended warranty' and we're helping figure that out. I... I realize that sounds really, really mundane. Just... Go with it."

    Hopefully that's enough to balance Scott's... Scott.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia walks in behind the dynamic trio, and her eyes look up to the drop tile ceiling and gives a low whistle to the decade stained carpet that has long been stepped into flatness and could no longer be classified as 'carpet'. She's not exactly one to quip, she's more than comfortable allowing the others to do that, as she steps past Steve and gives him a glance. Seems he's not exactly the man with the plan that she's heard so much about.

    Felicia pulls out a pair of lenses that she places into hidden groves on the face of her mask, covering her eyes in the clear plastic and she smirks, as she flicks her thumb against the knuckle of her finger.

    The view given to her is rather boring as she wants to see if she can see any heat radiating from beneath or below them. Maybe a bank of computers, or switchers, or something that might be able to spoof thousands of phone calls a minute. Turning towards Karen, Felicia asks in a casual voice, "See anything out of the ordinary?"

    This 'heroic team up' seems to be a lot more difficult than working as a solo act. Certainly things are even more difficult and out of control when Iron Man or Hulk or Bat-Man are around. This is ... Felicia's cheeks are flushing with embarrasment, and yet she knows she's not going to be allowed to take the reigns even if she tries.

Scott Lang has posed:
     There was...nothing. Nothing? No. Scott clenches his jaw and looks side to side at the other three heroes who had tagged along with him on this. No he HAD to be right.

     The elderly manager looks between the four of them though and starts to laugh. "We, we're a world conspiracy? With, extended warranty policies? What are, are the four of you OK? There's no, I mean, I can't...WHY?" he finally gets out while the other workers also begin to laugh at the incredulous scene of four costumed superheroes standing in their doorway calling them a threat to world peace.

     This wasn't going well, Scott desperately looking between Felicia and Power-Girl. High-tech scanners, super senses, surely they'd detect something. But there was nothing to detect save for the fact the office was uncomfortably warm, but no sign of massive phone banks or even auto-dialers.

     Warm. Scott's eyes narrow behind the helmet. It was November, in Ohio. The lizard outside. His eyes cut around the room. The flies they had heard buzzing when the noise stopped were numerous, and yet no sign of any flytraps, while flowery plants dotted a few desks that seemed to attract them. He thinks back to his whiteboard, the conspiracies, and then his eyes pop open wide.

     "The Lizard people," he almost whispers under his breath. Before the other heroes can even ask what the hell he's asking about the laughter in the room ceases in an instant, the half dozen office drones staring at them silently. Had any of them blinked since they walked in. And then...a phone rings. The manager reaches over and picks it up and answers. Even with super hearing all one can hear is an electronic hiss, but he seems to understand it. "Yes...yes. We'll take care of it," he flatly replies before hanging up.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Cap does not feel embarassed at being laughed at. He's been laughed at a lot in his life, and that's not on him, it's on who is laughing at him.

Despite how patently ridiculous this is.

Scott mentions the lizard people, and Steve just stares at him. Until the laughter stops dead. That's odd. He glances at the six office drones in here, suddenly seeming to take in their body language and the ... lack of blinking. He sighs.

"Are you legal representitives of the Lizard People? I'm going to need some documentation. Treaties and all."

Is ... Is any of that real?!

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia begins to reach up to take the goggles off when a bead of sweat moves down her temple and she looks around the room, with a hint of surprise, fear, realization behind her eyes. She recently got into a BAD fight with some werewolves, and now she's sworn to understand most anything is possible, even likely. She's dating a super-woman. Things aren't normal. The real understanding is realizing they never were.

    Turning towards Karen and Steve more than Scott, "We're going to get out of this, yeah?" Cat asks, not exactly a fighter on par with the two red white and blues, but no slouch either like, The Amazing Shrinky Dink here.

    She wants to bluff, she wants to flair her haunchs, appear bigger than she really is, something. Felicia bites her tongue and lets the leaders do the talking, she's at least that smart.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Almost immediately, Karen's hand is on Scott's shoulder. She knows that look, the I HAVE to make something out of this it CAN'T have been for NOTHING expression that despite only being visible in his eyes, is readable enough by Power Girl. "Hey, it's okay. I'm sure there are just some server banks here somewhere that they don't know about. It's not a big deal."

    Sure, she hasn't scanned the room with x-ray vision or actually started paying much attention to her super hearing- after all, it does take a smidge of effort to discern certain things, and she's already always listening to Metropolis at any one time. She's taking this as seriously as she figures is appropriate. If Scott is onto something, if there's real evidence, she can do a lot- but until that surfaces, she's just here to make sure that he paradoxically doesn't do anything reckless and invite the attention of the police, while also not getting in over his head.

    At first, the accusation causes her to respond. "Scott..." though, trailing off at first- she suddenly realizes that a group of people just started getting Serious at the accusation of Lizard People.

    "Oh, you /can't/ be serious." she responds, the hiss over the phone not exactly sounding as much electrical as it is somehow parodical. It all feels exactly how this would play out if Scott were Rowdy Roddy Piper.

    "I need -all- of you to tell me right now that you're not Lizard People, and that this isn't happening. It's very important, because of the things I signed up for today, this particular internet meme wasn't on the list."

Scott Lang has posed:
     It should be terrifying. In a way it was terrifying the way all six employees are staring at them. And for a moment Scott tenses up, very very tense. And then Power-Girl can feel it with her hand on his shoulder. He's shaking. With GLEE. "I was RIGHT! I TOLD you!" Like a child he is fairly bouncing on his toes, the grin on his face under the helmet so big it hurts. "This is great! I'm gonna go rub it in SOOOOOOO many faces, you guys have no idea, you should have heard what some of those SHIELD agents said, I..."

     "Excuse me. EXCUSE ME!" hollers the manager whose voice has grown distorted. Not to mention his face. Especially his teeth which are looking far, pointier than a minute ago. The fact he looks angry at Scott's outburst isn't helping any as Scott calms down with a slight cough and waves a hand as if to say 'proceed.' The quite literal Lizardman looks all the more annoyed at the casual nature, letting out an honest hiss before he turns his eyes on Captain America. The pupils are no longer round but slitted, and a forked tongue briefly flicks between lips that are getting steadily smaller. Though the rest of him is not. In fact all the employees are getting noticeably larger, their clothes beginning to tear ala the Hulk revealing, what else, smooth scales beneath as their features blur more and more lizard.
          "If you want documentation we will provide what we can. YAARGH!" at this last opening his mouth wide, too wide, WAY too wide for a human as a stream of green liquid jets forth. The other lizard people all do the same as the spray of debilitating venom fires towards the heroes. Followed very quickly by a wave of office furniture as the transforming lizard people begin to charge immediately after, desks and chairs flying every which way. Tails. There were tails out now.

Steve Rogers has posed:
There are benefits to being Captain America. One of them is, well, being an incredible physical combatant. His body language starts to shift as they actually turn into lizard people, his right arm slipping ever so slightly towards his back.

Time seems to slow for Steve as the 'Office Manager' bellows. The shield is brought to bear, and he throws himself at Felicia, covering her with his body and the indestructible shield. Granted, this means he gets tagged in the leg with the (presumably) acidic venom, which makes him hiss in pain, but he can take it.

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    Felicia sees the attack coming in, and slides her arm behind her as she starts to wind up an attack using the grapple cable hidden in the line of fur on her arm as a whip. The metal cable begins to extend out when she's being tackled by Captain America.

    Oh lordy she's a vulnerability for the team. Or he thinks of her as one. Damnit. He's going to get hurt trying to protect her...

    Felicia lands on her back and grits her teeth looking up into Steve's helmet.

    "Clench." She growls up into him. Both of them being prone will be a horrible position to fight from so she puts all her enhanced strength, and the further boost from her suit into shoving him up, hopefully hard enough to get him to the ceiling so he can strike back from there. "Don't worry about me." She barks before springing onto her feet to fight.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Scott gets a Look from Karen. Glee is not the emotion one has when a strange conspiracy is uncovered, and there are a number of alien or Otherwise Different populations just trying to get by in the world, using disguises to get by without being hassled. There's still no evidence yet that this whole thing isn't above board. After all, there was a Prius in the parking lot.

    "Oh, dammit." she remarks, as soon as the Manager's features begin to turn. That the others are shifting too is starting to become alarming. "Listen, okay, so I admit, things are not at all what they seemed, but it is not inherently illegal to be a lizard person. There is no reason that any of this needs to get violent. You /do not want this to get violent./ I throw /cars./" The best effort at defusing she can manage, followed mere moments later by projectile venom from the Manager. She isn't at super speed at the moment, and even if she were, there are squishy, non-invulnerable, non-immune to toxins humans present.

    The venom splashes over her and for a moment there is silence. The green gunk drips from her body, staining her uniform and altogether, in that moment, a quiet fury enters Power Girl.

    "Okay. That's it. That is /it./"

    Without any hesitation, Karen takes a few strides towards one of the lizard people, chairs and desks breaking over her form like thrown snowballs. Part of her really, really hopes this first lizard person is tough, because the punch she delivers in response to their charge is enough to shatter steel and obliterate concrete.

    Maybe don't vomit anything on Power Girl. That's probably the lesson here.

Scott Lang has posed:
     "Oh geeze no!" comes Scott's own battlecry, doing the one thing he reflexively always does when presented with danger, hits the 'get tiny' button on his glove. The venom sails past overhead while his teammates become titans of the not teen variety and the lizard people become a swarm of Godzillas. He looks out across the dirty floor where crumbs have become boulders and dead flies are slain alien beasts. And crashing furniture is a veritable apocalyptic meteor shower. He was so happy. "But I was RIIIIIIIIIGHT!" he squeals in glee as he leaps into the fray and delivers his first miniaturized punch to a lizard jaw as he bounds off flying debris. Three of course have charged Power Girl...well two are facing her now while a vaguely lizard-shaped hole takes shape in the back wall, both remaining somehow emoting looks of concern despite their faces having become far more rigid than they were a minute ago. Perhaps that's why they stop charging, and instead reach under two more desks near them, pulling out odd-looking devices that look like a Nerf gun designed by someone on LSD. Leaving one apiece for Scott, Steve, and Felicia still going hand to hand. They were only human after all, why pull out the big guns?

Steve Rogers has posed:
The scuffle begins! Steve heaves back up to his feet, taking a moment to test his injured leg. Seems like it will hold weight. He shifts aside before throwing himself forward at an encroaching LIZARD MAN. He leads with the shield, thrusting it forward and up to keep the ... person(?) at bay, ducking down to throw a brutal left at the thing's midsection.

"I didn't expect this. Maybe I should have," he says, shaking his head. "That's on me."

Karen Starr has posed:
    As the other two lizards spend little time mourning their friend and decide to change tactics, Karen takes a pause in her stride. They pull out a pair of fancy looking guns, and Power Girl holds her stance.

    "No." she responds, her eyes turning a glowing red before she fires a series of searing red lines, not aimed at the fleshy targets of the lizards themselves, but at the weapons themselves: In hopes of rendering them very much useless before a shot can even be fired.

    "I am not dealing with lizard person hi-tech weaponry today."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    "Whoa!" Felicia says, springing her feet with such force that she goes up on her hand. The skills she learned as a ballerina on display briefly as she spins and ends with her feet on the ground and an improvised whip dangling from her suit. She snaps that arm forward to bring the metal wire heavily down against one of the lizardman's heads. "I DON'T KNOW YOU!" She shouts as if she was going through her YMCA self defence class.

Scott Lang has posed:
     It was the Avengers vs The Lizard Men. No matter how tough the green brutes were the battle was only going to end one way. With a badly smashed office complex, one lizard man hanging from the ceiling, several more holes in the walls, one face down unconscious on a copier which kept spitting out an endless cycle of bruised lizard cranium. All with Scott standing on Power Girl's shoulder where she can feel him radiating enough ego that if harnessed could power a small city.

     "I was riiiiiiiight," he sing-songs again. By now Black Cat has gone outside to get some Sun and recover from the life or death situation, not having taken to it quite so well as the actual Avengers. On the ground the office manager lizard is the only one still conscious as he lets out a slurred groan, weakly gripping a stapler.

     "We, we surrender. Please. We had to, we. We had no choice," his voice more hisses than anything.

Steve Rogers has posed:
There's nothing like a scrap with LIZARD MEN to gets the blood flowing. Steve, being Steve, barely seems winded as he throws his shield onto his back again. He kneels down by the office manager. "No choice? Why? Who made you do this? We can stop them."

He's got that tone again. You know the one. Righteous and confident that the right and good thing will be done.

Which it will, because he's Captain America.

Karen Starr has posed:
    By the time it's all said and done, Karen has thrown exactly two punches, and despite the difference in stature, chokeslammed a lizardman into a copy machine.

    As Scott sings his celebration statement, Power Girl raises one arm up and over her chest, aiming a single, threatening middle finger held back just barely by her thumb. "I'll do it. It'll break every bone in your body, and I'll do it." she whispers, as the two of them square off on the surrendering manager.

    Louder, she responds to his admission of defeat. "We've got a few questions that you're going to have to answer."

Felicia Hardy has posed:
    After watching Steve continue to really protect her, and even Karen to an extent, Felicia saw the best opening for her, and that, was to go outside. She's able to fight, but she's never learned how to do so as a team. She was a liability. Not an asset. Not in this situation. She has to help those around her, by simply removing herself from the danger. And their minds.

    Felicia slowly truged her way back to the jet after getting back out and sighing a bit. She wanted to impress, and to prove herself, but she feels like she did worse than that. But there will be time to debrief later. Now she's simply doing her best.

Scott Lang has posed:
     Scott stares at the threatening finger in silence for a long moment, clearly holding back at least a dozen different quips, puns, and gloats, and even then just barely as there's a sort of whine coming from him as he bites on his tongue. Finally though his shoulders slump in apparent defeat. "I'll be good," he mutters, only to perk up again as the interrogation begins. Answers would be revealed, the web unraveled.

     "Yeah, who made you do this? What's with the phone calls? It it a Lizard King? A Lizard Emperor? Some sort of giant snake god? Was it Pepe Silvia?" Scott asks with a worrying amount of actual earnestness.

     On the ground the beaten Lizardman grunts and shakes his head before lifting a clawed finger and pointing to a still standing wall. Upon it a number of motivational office posters hang, but it's one in particular his claw seems to single out. It reads 'I want to believe...IN YOU!' An obvious take on the much more famous version, as over the words hangs a blurry image of what else, a flying saucer.

     The moment hangs before Scott quietly in hushed awe says, "It was ALIENS."

     A beat following before the Lizardman asks, "How do you know Pepe?"