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Latest revision as of 22:16, 28 November 2021

Flash Mob
Date of Scene: 28 November 2021
Location: Apartment 4B (Bart's Apartment)
Synopsis: The Three Amigos (Kian, Beast Boy and Vorpal) Show up to Bart's apartment for an impromptu housewarming.
Cast of Characters: Terry O'Neil, Kian, Gar Logan, Bart Allen

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"-Wait 'til you see the place," Vorpal says to Kian and Gar, "Over at the tower, Vic was thinking about making robot furniture for him. Donna didn't think it was such a good idea," the cat says, walking down the hallway towards apartment 4B. In his right hand, he carries a cooler with assorted (non-alcoholic) beverages, having foisted the rest of the party stuff to his other companions.

Because he brought the portals. At least, that was his excuse.

"I'm pretty sure here's home, sooo..." he reaches over and gives the door a couple of knocks. Then steps back.

Kian has posed:
    "Allowin' Vic to make robots does not seem an obviously sensible thing," Kian says, ever the voice of reason.  "If the roombas are an example of his work, I am not certain robot furniture iss a good idea.  An' I am not sure what use robot furniture would be anyway.  I can go to a chair, I do not need it to come to me."
    He pauses, and thinks a moment.  "I can think of a few times it would haf been nice to haf my bed come get me rather than me goin' to it.  But even so, that iss not a frequent need.  I think furniture should jus' be furniture."
    He pauses again, and adds, "An' Vic's robots worry me."

Gar Logan has posed:
"You just haven't seen him make anything that really worked right," Gar points out, in the midst of munching on some sushi in a container he balances on one hand, licking his fingers after plucking a roll and dipping in in some soy sauce he's managing not to spill with another couple bags of snacks and burgers and things tucked in close.

"Then again, neither have I." This may be true. It may not be. "I'd take a robotic chair that adjusts to me and gives me a full body massage when I take a seat. And has a built-in snack drawer and soda cooler. And a gaming system. And surround sound. And.."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will come to look out the peep hole when he hears someone knock. Seeing he has company a moment, is taken and any mess that was in his place is cleaned up. One of the benefits of superspeed, no one really knows if your a slob or not, if you have even a moment's notice. So just moments after the door. Bart opens the door, dressed in jeans and a t-shirt "Hey guys." He says as he sees them.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Bart! It's the welcome wagon! Or the housewarming wagon." He glances over his shoulder. "Or the padded wagon. Any of them fits, anyways. We've come over with housewarming snacks and drinks and to be nosy and look at your new place! Is that crash?"

He pauses, and then lifts a finger, "Did I use that properly?"

Kian has posed:
    Kian blinks at Terry.  "Crashin' is never a good thing.  Please do not ask how I know."
    After the briefest of hesitations, he adds, "An' since when haf you worry about doin' thin's properly?"
    He bows slightly to Bart, so as to neither whack his companions nor upset the things he's been made to carry.  "/Kie/, friend Bart!" he says cheerily, smiling broadly and lifting the bags of food he's been made to carry.  "We bring sustenance!  An' I know you speeders need that.  Even more than Gar."

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan scoffs at Kian, "Lies." His appetite is legendary. It is known. "So you got a place of your own, Bart? I guess I could ask, "What's up, Doc?" as he turns into a quite good copy of Bugs Bunny himself, just in a more realistic-looking way, complete with a carrot he's pulled out of one of the bags to crunch on. "We almost took a wrong turn in Albuquerque."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen chuckles and says "Yea, you got it right, very sway." He will step aside, and let the guys in "Yea, I figured if I was going to be going to college and have a real job, having a place for Bart would be a good thing. It gives me a place, I can have folks over. Like you guys, come on in." He will wave to the house to show them in.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Ah, the days of secret identities..." Vorpal says with a wistful tone to his voice as he enters the apartment after Bart, "Was I ever that young?"

He lifts the cooler and points to it, "So, we've got fizzy drink, fruit-infused fizzy drink, fizzy drink-infused drink, and everythigng in between. Also, tacos-" he gestures towards Kian. "No poultry" he adds. Because that's obligatory.

And then he glances at Gar, and grins, "We also brought hare. I hope you like it extra rare. Or was it that we brought Welsh rarebit?"

Kian has posed:
    "I sometimes wish I knew what Terry was talking about," Kian remarks to the universe at large, "an' then the rest of the time I wish I did not understan' what he was talkin' about because understandin' never helps."
    He slips into the apartment and sets his load down.  "If you understan' Terry, Bart... I am so sorry for you."
    And he favors Terry with a perfect smirk.

Gar Logan has posed:
A bunny ear twitches in Terry's direction before Gar takes his normal appearance again. "Not as many tacos as we left the place with," he points out. "Or sushi, for that matter. And we're down a few drinks, and some snacks, too."

He shrugs, setting the rest of what he's got down on the nearest open area. "Decent little place here. Hope it doesn't run you too much." He grins far too widely at this.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen shakes his head a bit and says "Na, got a good deal on it, mind you I am not 100% sure who my landlord is now." He ponders that for a moment, but shakes his head, and says "Food and drinks are always good, have a seat, I will get some plates and glasses. He motions towards the living room area,

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Setting the drinks down, Vorpal says "Don't worry about the downed food soldiers. It was a calculated loss, you always have to pencil those in when traveling with Gar."

"Welsh Rarebit, Kian, is a delicious little snack: melted cheese on toast with mustard on top depending on your tastes. It's also called Welsh Rabbit because of how close the two words sound, and a few other reasons we needn't go into right at this moment."

He makes himself comfortable as indicated, "I thought you were renting from the Brit with the magic and the life on fire. Is he no longer the proprietor?"

Kian has posed:
    Kian shakes his head.  "I still do not understan' havin' to find your own home.  My home on my world was assign to me from the clan holdin's.  Because one shoul' always haf a home, yis?"
    He favors Terry with more of a smile than a smirk this time.  "I haf definitely come to like cheese.  There are more varieties here than on my worl'.  Or at leas' more than I knew about."
    He hops up to perch on the armrest of the couch.  "But then, I never really thought of food as more than somethin' to eat."

Gar Logan has posed:
"Yeah, that's not how it works here, unfortunately," Gar says to Kian. "For the most part, nobody is promised any kind of home. Or even food, or clothes. You've seen homeless people." It sobers him up enough that the joking mannerisms are put on hold for the time being. "Sometimes there's more going on than I think we can help with, and we can't help everybody. There's always more."

It leaves the other three to converse for a few moments, whether about that or other topics.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over to Terry, and says "Yes, and no, it seems it was not really him, but the real him is about so I am not 100% sure how it is going to end up, but enough folks around here, figure if we need to the neighbors and I can figure something out. " He nods a bit to what Gar says and says "We help where we can, it is part of why Grandpa and Wally taught me after big fights we always help with the repairs." He admits. "Oh Gar, can I ask something been meaning to ask?"

Kian has posed:
    Kian nods once at Gar.  "Well, I haf already said that way of doin' thin's does not make sense to me, but you knew that an' I haf decided this iss my world for now, so I shoul' jus' accep' it as somethin' your worl' does differen' from mine."
    And then he turns a sort of weary smile at Bart.  "Yis, bein' able to help people who need help... helps."  He blinks once.  "That sounded better in my head than it did out loud."

Gar Logan has posed:
"Hmm?" Gar responds to Bart as the conversation, or at least some of it, stalls on the topic of those in need. "What's up?" Kian gets a partially distracted nod as he continues laying out food.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen says, "I was wondering, when you change into an animal, can you talk to others animals of that species?" He asks the other man, and will get paper towels to go with the plates and glasses. He nods to Kian and says "We have to get used to it, a lot of us are from somewhere or somewhen else. " Then back to Gar. "I got to wondering that while we were doing the videos.""

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"I want to know as well!" Vorpal says after helping himself to a can of sparkly water, "Especially since people usually don't understand anything he says when he's /not/ an animal half of the time!" he gives Gar a teasing wink, and then something seems to pop up in his mind.

"Kian- what happens if you happen to not like the home you've been assigned by your clan?"

Kian has posed:
    Kian nods somewhat ruefully at Bart.  "Yis, if you are from this worl's future, it iss probably almos' as strange to you as it iss to me.  Or maybe as strange as the future woul' be to us if we ended up there somehow."
    He blinks at Terry in genuine incomprehension.  "What do you mean, not like it?  You can make it over in any way that the replicator can handle, and it iss near the rest of your family, what iss there not to like?"
    Spoken like someone with an un-Earthly -- literally -- way of looking at things.

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan gives Vorpal quite the look, for a few seconds, then he rolls his eyes and opts to go with just answering Bart. "Pretty much, yeah. I mean, I /am/ whatever I become, and even though I can still talk like usual, I can do all that too. And I'm still vexed that you got Aquaman to help you get down there to see the Yeti Crabs." He thought for sure that was one Bart would struggle to do anything with when the follow-up video was made.

He turns a curious glance Kian's way, given the question of making home feel more acceptable.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a bit and says "I tracked him down and carried something to Star labs for him and he agreed to do the camera work. I didn't get to see them myself, but figured that was the next best thing." He admits. He hmms and says "With my work at the zoo, and studies, I may ask you for some help sometime. See if we can help the animals in ways we might miss. Being able to talk to them is so sway." He grins and munches some of the sushi.

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Gar's just jealous that he didn't get to show off his Atlantean form again. It's a great form, I won't lie, though. I'd love to be able to just walk underwater without drowning."

The Cheshire grins as Kian, "But what if you don't like where it's located? Or... the people who live near you? Can you request a re-assignment?"

Kian has posed:
    "Speakin' of animals," Kian says to Bart, raiding the sushi before Gar inhales it all, "You tol' me there iss a place call the... savage lan'?  Somethin' like that.  That has animals that are not like the ones we usually see on this worl'.  I still think I woul' like to see that some time.  Unless the animals want to eat me.  Then maybe only from a great distance."
    Terry's question earns him an even more quizzical look than before.  "Why woul' I not like my family, or the people I grew up near?  You haf met them, an' you know I haf choose to live on Eart', but not because I want away from them."  There's that smirk again.  "An' Aela does not count, she does not live all that near me."

Gar Logan has posed:
"It was useful, and I saw how you were looking at me, like a cat that wanted to play with a fish," Gar points out, turning his nose up slightly. "Anyway, those were some fun videos to shoot, but I got a couple of dumb haters at the end. You ever hear of some dudes calling themselves Bebop and Rocksteady? They could hardly even spell."

Giving Bart another nod, he adds, "Just give me a yell sometime. I'm sure I can pitch in one way or another." The questions between Vorpal and Kian see him watching them somewhat thoughtfully as he selects a couple tacos and pops open a soda. "They all seemed to think I was a pretty green bird," he offers, a helpful reminder.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "On Earth sometimes, folks don't want to live near their family or want a bigger place, or one with a different view or such." He does stand wsh his hands and goes over to feet his pets a little before coming back to eat

Terry O'Neil has posed:
"Yeeees.... but what /if/ Aela /did/ live near you? What if /five/ Aelas lived near you? What then?" the Cheshire grin and sips his can, "And Gar, you make a very pretty fish. Can you blame me?"

He sits up, "SO! How are the little guys doing, Bart? Are they wheeking at you in indignation if their lettuce is too wilted? Guinea Pigs can get pretty ballsy about their food." He glances over at Gar, and doesn't say anything. But.'

Kian has posed:
    "But she does not," Kian says simply.
"An' there iss only one of her, not five."  Captain Common Sense strikes again.  "An' besides, I am here an' she iss not.  An' even if I was not here an' on my worl', all I woul' haf to do iss gif my home systems the order that she iss not allow on my estate, an' she woul' not be."  Says the birdman from the world where people actually would respect a notification to stay away from his estate without complaint.  "You are askin' questions that do not make sense on my worl', Terry /tenar'h/."  He grins, and *beep*s Terry's nose.  "But of course, we are all use to you not makin' sense."
    Gar also gets a nose beep.  "I think that was specific'ly Kala who said you were a pretty green bird.  Which you are.  She wants you back for an intraclan match, but I tol' her that iss up to Terry because it iss his /rhy'thar/ that lets us go there.  But I think he will want to go back anyway for his wingset.  Maybe he can play too."
    He grins at Bart.  "Maybe you could come visit my worl' some time too!"

Gar Logan has posed:
"Of course she wants me back. I was already almost as good as any of the others there. I'm a natural!" Gar spreads his arms wide as if they're wings, just after the touch to his nose is made. "Everywhere I go, I'm a fan favorite!" The boasting, from many others, would be egotistical, narcissistic. With him, it's usually so overdone, nobody could actually take him seriously.

Sticking his tongue out at Vorpal, he reminds, "I could be just about anything and you'd think I was good to look at. Now, what was this about the Savage Land? I don't think I've been there."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods, and says "I would love to, I want to work on some books about animals from other planets and dimensions. As for the Salvage land, we will have to watch out for some animals that want to eat you, but it is worth it, and they can't catch us if I am running."

Terry O'Neil has posed:
Vorpal wrinkles his nose at the booping, and then does it to Gar, because. "Yeah, yeah, I am biased, so sue me. BART! I sense road trips here. So the deal is you take us to the Savage Land, and we take you to Kian's world. Man, Kian, can you imagine what they would make of his r- his power?"

He grins at Bart, "You'll like it there. But Kian's people have a habit of stating the obvious frequently. Like that I am fuzzy. Or that Gar is green. They will point out you are very fast at least seven times in the first minute upon meeting you." And there goes a wink at Kian.

Kian has posed:
    "They probably will," Kian agrees, "but as far as I know there has never been a speed /rhy'thar/ on either of our worl's.  Or if there was, it was a very long time ago.  I think he would like our food.  But then, I think Bart likes all food."
    He grins broadly at Gar.  "Of course, since the only Akiar form you knew was mine, I think maybe you are good at /qihar/ iss because you are copyin' someone who iss good at /qihar/, yis?"

Gar Logan has posed:
Gar Logan sniffs at Kian, and now he gives back the nose booping. "Like I always say, take from the best, forget about all the rest!" They've never heard him say that before.

"If we're taking anyone anywhere, won't you take me to Funkytown?" He begins to strut like he's a peacock or something like that, plopping down in a comfy seat before dragging a little more food his way. "Guys, I dunno about being chased around by other things trying to eat me, but right now I'm just fine doing the chowing down. Now why don't you guys kick back and do the same. Forget about all that other stuff."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen grins and will fill them in a bit on the pets, names and personalities, it seems Bart truly loves his animals. " He nods a bit to the traveling and says "I am always up for traveling and seeing stuff."