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Latest revision as of 11:33, 15 March 2020

Little Blue Lost
Date of Scene: 13 March 2020
Location: Union Square Park
Synopsis: Hope Summers, Robert Markham, Vivian Vision, Illyana Rasputina, and Singularity run into each other just in time to watch Kate Bishop take down a purse snatcher. Phones are exchanged by Kate and Robert with Singularity as the heroes ponder what to do with the small blue girl who appears to be a pocket universe who's not entirely used to things like talking yet.
Cast of Characters: Singularity, Vivian Vision, Illyana Rasputina, Kate Bishop, Robert Marksman, Hope Summers

Singularity has posed:
    Tucked away off Union Square in the heart of New York is Union Square, roughly a block of trees beginning to green with spring growth, surrounding a tall statue on a pedestal, one of many small monuments in this area, mostly hidden by the trees as paths curve through them. On a Thursday evening when the days (and nights) are a bit warmer, there's more people out and about. The clouds overhead hide the stars, but the city lights more than make up for the lack of illumination, with people walking pets, eating food, jogging, and the like as traffic runs down the nearby roads.

    There's also ogling of superpowered individuals, of course. Which is why Singularity is cheerfully petting a very happy golden retriever puppet as his owner looks on bemusedly while several people have their cellphones out, filming the oblivious blue girl.
    "Good. Boy." she says seriously to the dog as she scritches his ears, his tail going a mile a minute, the girl beaming at the dog.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian has changed out of her school uniform for the purpose of further exploring the city in her free time. Although her taste in outfits is at best unconventional. Her long coat has no sleeves, her long gloves are fingerless and her pants well they are actually pretty normal. Her skin has a simple holographic cover that makes her seem like a normal Human, except of course for the yellow jewel on her forehead, and it also makes her green hair look like the result of dye.

Thanks to clever choice of spot and some holographic cheating the teenage synthezoid lands, having invisibly flown here, and seemingly steps out from a blindspot that varies depending on which side of the holographic illusion the viewer is focused on.

Having landed she takes a not entirely discrete glance around, checking to make sure her deception has worked and that no crowds of angry locals are about to descend upon her.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The spring is still a long way off for normal people, and shockingly close by Illyana's standards. Perhaps something to do with actually seeing the sun around six in the evening counts to bestir her sense of the passage of time, seasons turning. Still, she has much to distract herself with, trailing through Union Square with a rather large latte occupying one hand. Not much here would normally bother here, and there may be a certain pleasure found by sitting on a bench. Under stars she tends to come alive, rather than fall to slumber, preferring those in-between hours. Mostly.

So she has that opportunity ahead of her to sink down and rest her feet for a while, clearly a touch fatigued and in need of the caffeine buried in a drink predominantly made from steamed milk. Ogling superpowered individuals is well and good, though little about her indicates this predisposition for anything unusual there. The blonde looks up and down the paths around her, unrushed about her preoccupied people viewing. Isn't that what normal folks get up to?

Look, ooh, a puppy! A ... patch of stars petting a dog. This lies outside the norm, even in the Rasputina girl's sense of 'normal.' She tips her head and peers past some in the crowd. She keeps tilting.

Kate Bishop has posed:
There is a different sort of commotion over from the nearby street. Someone in the distance shouts "My purse!" ... and there is some other yelling that is a lot more indistinct.

About thirty seconds later a guy carrying a purse with a ripped strap comes bursting into the park from the street trying to cut through the park to escape any pursuit.

Moments after that though an arrow goes flying at his legs , then bursts in some almost physics defying fashion into a bolo that wraps around his legs tripping him up and causing him to turf himself face first on the sidewalk.

Hawkeye, the girl one, comes running after into view another arrow already knocked.

Singularity has posed:
    "Very. Good. Boy." Singularity upgrades her opinion of the dog, before she giggles as she gets a face full of licking, ruffling the puppy before standing up. "Thank you." she says to the woman who owns the dog, who waves to her. "Uh, sure...glad you had fun?" She resumes walking just in time for the shout to come through the crowd as Singularity turns around to, looking with others for who's making the noise. Her eyes widen a bit as the thief comes charging out then gets nailed by the bolo and goes face first into the grass, floating up into the air then over towards the man in question as she peers down at him, then looks at Hawkeye as she comes running in. "Hello." she greets the heroine, perking a bit.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman is walking along the path enjoying a bit of time out in the city and yes he is wearing sunglasses at night. As he comes around the corner, and hears a commotion he turns and is raising his hand towards the guy but then there it the arrow and the thud and the sidewalk rash and the owes. He will look to see who did it, and then also noticing the star girl, he will take pause to watch for a few moments.

Hope Summers has posed:
Now that she's stocked up on vital supplies and information regarding her current timeline, Hope has some more...hands-on exploring to do. She's spent her whole life being watched and protected, with people trying to tell her what to do and where to go. Here? Here she's nobody. And right now, that's absolutely glorious.

In military surplus cargo pants, sneakers, and a t-shirt and hoodie, she could pass for any local college student. As long as no one tries to quiz her on anything other than gun maintenance, at least. But the arrows and the running call her attention from the flip phone in her hand, brows quirking curiously. Tucking the phone into a pocket, she starts toward the fallen would-be thief, an amused smile playing at the corners of her lips.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian has just about convinced herself she's in the clear when a sprinting figure comes flying past her and just as suddenly crashes to the ground. To be on the safe side she takes a few steps to the side, putting herself on the far side of the collapsed thief to the approaching Hawkeye, to stop any sudden dramatic escapes. "I believe this is the part where you resign yourself to capture after the customary making of a witty quip," she informs solemnly. "Presumably something arrow related."

A portion of her synthezoid mind casually splits off to check for unusual communications or devices. Just in case this crime was a diversion or trap for some grander scheme. Plus it's also something to keep herself busy and far more productive than searching for arrow puns. Which another, admittedly much smaller, portion of her mind is also doing. Having a computer brain is rather handy like that.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
Yes, that's a dog being petted and clearly happy. Tail a-wagging, ears aflopping, woman with an arm dappled in stars that she could nearly be jealous of. Because having your own light show is one of those monumentally impressive, satisfying things someone achieves. Illyana has a moment to tear her gaze away when someone comes careening through the park. She sets her latte down to the side out of habit, already starting to straighten up but this is utterly, completely too late. Arrow-bola engulfing the man's legs, the thief still has momentum to deal with -- a momentum that will indeed let him faceplant, with one really horrid result.

The blonde tilted sideway is within strike radius of the thief, and she gets caught before she can dodge away. And that knocks her straight down, right onto the concrete. Karma can be a --.

Kate Bishop has posed:
"I mean.. honestly he probably doesn't have anything quipy in him.. he is just a purse thief..." Kate doesn't have very high expectations for the guy really. She does wince though as Illyana is taken out by the man's fall as well. "Sorry about that"

The thief spits some blood, some of it getting on Illyana "Stupid.. wannna..be.. hawkeye.."

"See... no quips..." she slings the bow away and ready to thump him grabs his arms and yanks them back and up so she can ziptie him. It is a very practiced move. "You're just lucky that was a bolo arrow and not a broadhead in the ass..."

Singularity has posed:
    The floating girl looks vaguely disappointed there's no arrow puns! She was promised witty arrow puns! Not even a 'nock nock' joke!

    Ah well, the heroine seems to have the quivering' villain in hand. But perhaps she has a good 'point' about him not being up to the task; they can't all be on target.

    Also, the pretty blonde person fell over and Singularity promptly drops back to her feet, crouching by Illyana worriedly. "Hurt?" She offers her a hand up, though she's a little unsure if she might fall over again. This might be that 'dizzy blonde' thing the nice man in the hard hat was talking about the other day.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman starts to take a step over to offer the blonde a hand but yet again he is beat to the punch somewhat. He reaches up touching his glasses a moment, at looking at the star girls face, but looking at it seems under control. He will walk over to a vender to get a hot dog and a coke.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Huh, I thought it was the one doing the catching who did the quipping," Hope chimes in as Kate hauls the purse thief up, leaning down to retrieve the purse and offer it over. "I mean, you can't expect purse snatchers to have the spare wits for quips." There's a brief moment when she catches sight of Illyana where she stiffens, but she covers it well, making room for others to help.

Blue and starry, bow and arrow, known demon-queen...Honestly, Vivian barely moves the needle on the weird-o-meter, and Robert doesn't even seem to register.

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision tilts her head and frowns. "I thought you would be making the..." she starts to say before Hope finishes the same thought. "Something like 'Did you hear about the broken arrow? It was pointless.' Only... better. I'm not really very good at jokes so..." She gives an apologetic shrug. Virtual Vivian either did not do a very good job in searching for jokes or the internet is not a good resource for humour.

With the thug dealt with she offers her hand to Illyana to help her up. "I... did we meet before? In another park. You had a bird with you." Of course if her helping hand is accepted Illy will find herself hefted up with remarkable ease. She might also notice the girls fingers are weirdly plastic-y.

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The thief of purses at least happens to have knocked down one of the more dangerous figures in the area, because everyone knows those teenagers and their lattes or avocado stuff on toast is going to wreck the world economy. Or voting participation. Illyana takes a moment to recollect herself, feeling around blindly for whether any burning puddles made a sacrificial lamb of her beloved hot drink. No broken cup. It might be rescued after all. The world is not lost as she slowly sits up, glaring at him and blearily aware of the brunette archer apologizing. Thus her ire is mostly for the thief.

"Svolotsch'..." When he spits out blood on her, she stares at him uncomprehending for about half a second. Then, that vibrating chord of anger rears its head. "Vot eto pizdets." These are not nice things to say to anyone fluent in Russian. The tone gives it all away, universally contemptuous. She rubs her head, obviously not bloody herself but definitely bruised. "Not yet." Singularity's concerns may be addressed there. Vivian's help is taken, hand in the synthezoid's. Belated, a little, she says, "Thank you. Someone kick him for me."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate keeps a hold of his not ziptied upper arm with one hand and reaches down and yanks the bolo out from around his legs. This takes a bit of yanking and unwrapping.

"Ah well... I try to save my quips for the supervillains.. the guy is a purse snatcher." she tucks the bolo component in a pouch one handed and then looks at Illyana "I mean someone want to give him one kick no problem... just hurry before the cops get here." is she kidding, she looks like she may be kidding, a wry smile.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity beams at Illyana once she's upright again, then her brow furrows curiously as she just...looks at her. The turns her head to Hope, giving her the same curious look. She can sense the odd energy signature rising off both young women, though she's not sure how to interpret it. Not from this world? Not from this place/time. Not from this dimension? "Not. From. Here." is what she actually says though. Vocalization is not her best skill as of yet. Though a bystander may easily think she's referring to herself, for that matter...she definitely doesn't look like she's from around here.

    When Vivian draws close her head turns slightly, regarding her with a slight cock of her head. "?" She feels different too. So orderly. Not like most people she's met here. Her signature is so...precise. Fascinating! "Pretty!" she compliments said energy signature.

    And there's the gentleman nearby, getting his hotdog...he feels...different. She's not sure how to interpret the dark energy involved, but it's interesting! She has a definte curious expression now as she looks at the small group gathering, then her attention snaps back to Illyana as she speaks. "Pizdets!" she repeats curiously. That has a different sound! All 'z' sound. She is totally not fluent in Russian, of course. It's just neat to say!

    When Kate finishes ziplocking in his criminal freshness and gets her bolo back, her attention goes right back to the obvious heroine. Just like the people she she wanted to be like when she first came here, the ones she watched for so long. Well...not exactly. There's no Doom ruling all here. Or the Thors.

    She misses all the Thors, they were pretty too.

    She looks very hesistant about the idea of kicking the man, certainly, but that's partly because she doesn't seem to know who to look at with so many interesting people nearby now. Attention span, thou is short.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman 's brow will raise, but he pays for a baked pretzel, and will walk over towards the women, and holds the pretzel out to her "You wanted one of these?" He asks having miss understood what the girl said. He looks over and asks "Everyone ok? Anyone need a doctor or anything?" He will ask

Hope Summers has posed:
"Accurate," Hope answers Singularity with a faint smile, as if it's a normal thing to wonder. Which, in itself, is a sign of not being from around here. Her head tilts slightly as she carefully reaches out with her own abilities, long enough to determine that the starry blue girl isn't a mutant. It doesn't take any powers to know that she's also not from around here, though.

The invitation to kick the purse-snatcher, though... She quirks a brow at Kate, tapping the toe of her sneaker against the pavement as she gives him a speculative look. "Where does one traditionally kick purse-snatchers in Russie?" she asks. Purely hypothetically, of course.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I believe Russian prison guards are known for kicking the incarcerated anywhere they wish to," Vivian notes in a tone that was intended to be helpful but probably comes out rather bleak. "I would personally prefer it if no-one kicked the criminal. It would be very immoral and cruel. Besides prison gang culture is generally fairly misogynistic and he will likely suffer for having been caught by a female superhero who is considerably younger than him."

Her head turns towards Singularity and she offers the star-bodied girl confused smile. "Hello again. I don't know if time happens in the same order for you, but we did briefly meet on Staten Island. In a place called Happy Harbor."

Illyana Rasputina has posed:
The Russian blonde stares down at her shirt, grey and now stained with blood, torn up a bit -- in fairness before the mugger got there -- and definitely not boding well for the Captain America shield printed in black-on-grey. Her nose wrinkles sharply, fingers curling at her sides in a patent show of not being exactly happy. "For this, the pants," Illyana intones with a deathknell for any fun, giving Hope a respectful nod and catching a sidelong look to Kate. "Good aim. Admirable, to stop him."

It's clear Singularity has no idea of what she is saying, the profanity so chipper and cheery that it raises pale gold brows and leaves her rubbing her face. "Da, neither am I. But I am dirty and thirsty, and in a bad mood. No doctor needed for me, Mister Pretzel." Weariness grates away behind very real, slipping restraint suggesting she would like nothing more than to take a big, hard kick. "Good advice from her. We met in Central Park with the pigeon. Now, I am going to find a shower." And with that, Illyana stalks off. Because honestly, today she's been shot, stabbed, fell out of a tree, and now ran over by a purse snatcher. She needs luck in her favour. With her luck now, a bus is lurking around a corner to knock her out. The Magic School Bus. With a demonic Miss Frizzle.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Well since no one else seems to do it, Kate gives him a bit of a kick right in the calf as she pivots him on the non-kicked leg and starts to march him over to the nearby cops running over. She intends to hand him off to the authorities "Be back in a minute. I'd totally take a dirty water dog or pretzel..."

First though she has to talk to the cops.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity's brow furrows cutely for a moment, before her eyes widen and she points at the synthezoid. "Viv! Hello!" she says, beaming. Now she remembers where she's sensed that signature before! Luckily Kate walks her perp away before she can similarly blurt out any other names...the mask doesn't really affect how she sees and remembers people. Everyone has their own energy signature, after all.

    Luckily Hope distracts her as she smiles at her agreement. "Far. Away." Well, temporally, anyway. And then Illyana is marching off into the crowd, drawing a faint frown from the petite blue girl.

    Thought he idea of pretzels does appear to recapture her attention again as she peers at Robert. "Pretzel." she notes. "Is. Tasty.""

    She considers for a moment, then points at herself. "Singularity." Name or existence or status, it pretty much sums it up for those not already aware.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods a bit and offers the pretzel to Singularity and will not bite his hotdog waiting till Kate is back to offer it to her. "Robert Marksman, med student." He offers in introduction and why he asked if anyone needed a doctor. He looks around and studies both Singularity and Vivian a bit as both seem a bit "different" "A pleasure to meet you."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Far away," Hope agrees with Singularity. "But I'm kind of used to it. I'm Hope," she introduces herself first to the blue girl, then nods to the others to include them in the introduction, including a briefly longer look at Robert. "New York, huh?" she says, trying for casual and mostly succeeding at awkward. "Always something different going on."

Vivian Vision has posed:
Vivian Vision watches Hawkeye leave, then glances over to where the dogs are and back. She repeats this process with an increasingly baffled look on her face. "A dirty.. water.. dog? I don't think the dogs would appreciate that," she eventually states. "Perhaps someone could get her a pretzel instead? I would offer but I do not have cash to hand." And people might get a little suspicious when she makes a contactless payment using her bare hand. "Yes my name is Viv. It is nice to meet you again Singularity, I trust you are in good health?" Or whatever passes for health for whatever she might be.

Without really knowing the etiquette for the situation she waves in greeting to Robert and Hope. "I am sure there are some days when nothing of note happens. But yes if they happened frequently I would be concerned I was trapped in a time loop or other strange phenomenom."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Hawkeye chats up the cops and then shove ... hands.. the purse thief over to them. Basiclally she gave her statement, didn't need to throw the don't make me call an Avenger, and is done with the situation.

She meanders back sans crook and nods to Robert "Thanks..." accepting the offer when he makes it. "So.. what's up with the whole walking talking constellation thin?" that is said to Singularity of course. Because dang.

Viv will note that the burner phone in one of the pouches is not on, neither is the other phone, nothing to hack on the Hawkeye girl right now.

Singularity has posed:
    "Robert. Hope. Hello!" Singularity repeats as more names are given, taking the pretzel and promptly noming on it, saying through a partially full mouth. "Th'k. Oo." How that works with someone who technically doesn't really have an interior is unclear. She does nod firmly in agreement with Viv; dogs certainly would not like dirty water! Would they? Then again, she has seen dogs who like rolling in things that make their fur messy too....hmmmmm.

    As Hawkeye returns she perks again, starting to say the name she knows...then hesistates. Wasn't there a different name the other person said? "...Hawkeye." she says after a moment, recalling it. Though there's a slightly questioning tone in her voice. Is it Kate, or Hawkeye? But heroines like special names! This must be special heroine name Kate.

    She offers the returning archer part of the pretzel she was given, if she wishes as well, then to Hope and Viv too! "Pretzel?"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and will open his coke taking a sip at least he got something. "Well there is often things going on, but in a town that is famous for not sleeping, it is not surprising something is about always going on." He smiles and says "Not often you get to talk to two" he says the word as he thinks perhaps there maybe more "superheros, a real pleasure."

Hope Summers has posed:
"I wouldn't bet on it," Hope smiles faintly to Viv and the idea that there may be normal days in New York. Sometimes. As Kate returns, she accepts a piece of the pretzel from Singularity, taking a bite with that same casual air. "The only thing I know for sure is she's not a mutant," she shrugs to the question of just what the starry girl is. "But I'm also guessing extra-dimensional in some way, so there's that."

Chewing, she pauses to give the remaining pretzel a surprised look. "Huh. Those are really good," she agrees with Singularity, raising it in salute to Robert. "Thanks."

Vivian Vision has posed:
"From what I gather Singularity is not technically a superhero she is some sort of sentient proto-galaxy," Vivian tries to explain, then gives up with a shrug. "I don't really know for sure. The person who made the observation was a complete stranger and could well have been making it up."

She looks at the piece of pretzel and shakes her head. "No thank you. I'm on a strict diet."

There is something a little off about her. Close observers might just pick up that she isn't breathing anywhere as often as a normal person would do. "I wouldn't bet either. As it would be illegal under state and federal gambling laws."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate takes a bite of her hot dog studying Singularity now. "No thanks" to the pretzel offer and then comments thoughtfully. "Honestly the last time she appeared I am aware of..well she popped out of thin air and just floated around." her head tilts. "I'm surprised SHIELD or someone hasn't spoken with her..."

Her gaze drifts to Hope now. "How do you know she isn't a mutant?"

Singularity has posed:
    There's a little nod of agreement from the starry blue girl at Vivian's observation, as she considers. "Universe." she decides after a moment. Different than a galaxy! "Smaller." she adds however, to be more clear. Or as much as she can be. It's a bit difficult to put ideas into sounds yet for her. She does nod to Hope as well however. "Yes." So...extradimensional smaller universe? Apparently. That can talk.

    Singularity has embraced the short cut of 'close enough' at this point.

    She does perk up however at the mention of superheroes. "Yes! Heroines. Brave. Strong. Good. Pretty." Her brow furrows as she uses her words. "Want. Like. Them." Probalby the most she's said so far really.

    She finishes by pointing at Hawkeye as she returns. "Like. Her." she says firmly. "Heroine." The others, mind, are heros in their own right, but she hasn't yet gotten to see them in action, of course. Or she'd be pointing to the entire group. She wrinkles her nose at Kate. "Jennifer. SHIELD. Helicarrier." She holds up her hands, gesturing wildly. "Loud. Noises!" Which is how she sums up what happens when you teleport onto the bridge of a SHIELD helicarrier with an ex-con, a supposedly dead man, and a large green woman who then had to explain everything.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman hmms and nods his head he does look to Hope at the question about mutant. The large young man will look to the ladies, and says "I can buy you each a drink if you would like some, or if ya want." He does offer his own to them but doubts they will take it since he has drunk from it.

Vivian Vision has posed:
When Kate mentions being aware of Singularity something in the back of Vivians mind begins digging through information. Coincidences like that are suspicious. So it starts checking the faces of everyone present that day against Hawkeye. An even smaller portion of attention starts looking up the name Hawkingbird and her social media posts to see if there is any photographic evidence to add to her comparison pool. Of course a good hero costume can evade such checks and she isn't devoting her full attention. So who knows what it'll find!

"No drinks either," she declines as politely as she can. "I'm not thirsty. Plus my school advises all students not to accept gifts of food or drink from strangers. It's nothing personal I assure you." She scratches her head and hrms at Hope. "Perhaps you noticed that she seemed unfamiliar with local customs? And a mutant would be aware of the context of the situation even if their power made it hard for them to communicate?"

Hope Summers has posed:
"Well, she's got the 'what is a hero' thing down," Hope observes as Singularity brings up the loud noise. As to what she //is//, she can only shake her head. That much is beyong her capabilities at the moment. "If she was a mutant," she adds to Kate, "I'd feel it. But not feeling anything from her right now." Shrugging, she pops the rest of the pretzel into her mouth, taking a step back. "Speaking of which. I should get going. Good... meeting? ... all of you, though."

Kate Bishop has posed:
Kate looks after Hope with the whole I'd feel it business about mutants. Okay that is odd.

Another bite of the hot dog is taken as she waves after Hope now.

Then she turns back to Vivian. Honestly Vivian hacked Kate's hawkeye phone that day so yeah it isn't too hard to put that together for the synthoid. "That is pretty decent advice." she pauses "What school do you go to?" because yeah Kate at least recognizes Viv from the day she was scoping out Happy Harbor.

To Singularity "Thank you. I'm sure if you want to be a hero you can.. I mean you have like.. a lot of limitless potential I'd imagine if you are like a universe..."

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity waves to Hope as she makes her apologies for having to leave. "Bye!" she says cheerfully. She'll see her again, after all...no reason to be upset, even if it's a bit sad she doesn't get to find out more about her today. She looks between the others curiously, then nods to Kate. "Learning." she admits, then looks lost in thought for a moment. "Learn. At school?" she asks curiously of Viv. A bit interested now. More munching on her pretzel, which is rapidly disappearing; she definitely seems to enjoy eating at least, universe or no. She does consider the drink. "No. Thank you." she decides after a moment, smiling up at Richard.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman nods, and says "Yes, if you have not found a school, you may want to find one it may have you understand humans a bit more. " He looks over to Hawkeye and sasy "Would you know of any schools that might be able to help someone who is obviously not from around here?

Vivian Vision has posed:
"I go to Happy Harbor High School," Vivian says with another shrug. "But I don't know if it would be suitable for someone so unusual. Phasing in and out of space is quite.. a special requirement." She does at least upload a copy of the data to remote storage so she can check with the teachers. "Perhaps if she could secure the support of a famous superhero?" Her eyes flick to Hawkeye. "I worry if she simply turned up at a normal school it might cause a panic that'd result in her being a science experiment somewhere..."

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Uh.. no... I don't think a normal school would be good for her." she frowns "What is your name?" she isn't sure she got it from Singularity to be honest. "Also I am not really that famous.. I could ask the other Hawkeye though if he knows anything that could help her."

She is diving right into the problem solving even if she isnt't a famous hero yet.

"Is there any way to find or get ahold if you?" that is directed to Singularity.

Singularity has posed:
    The blue girl blinks at Vivian, digesting that, then looks to Hawkeye with everyone else! She must have the answers!

    "Singularity." she says in response to Kate's question. Her brows...well, where they'd be if she had any...raise slightly. Another Hawkeye, but a he? Interesting!

    She considers the question. "Can. Find. You. Anywhere." she offers after a moment. Definitely doesn't seem like she's got any pockets in that....well, she's not actually wearing anything. So comm gear does not appear to be a thing for her at the moment.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman hmms and looks to them and says "If there is anything I can do to help let me know, i could go grab a prepaid phone or something so you can contact her.

Vivian Vision has posed:
"Speaking of schools... I really should set off if I want to get back to Staten Island in time for my student dorms. I would not wish to get into trouble or worse still miss the ferry back and be unable to attend school tomorrow," Vivian says solemly. Not managing to sound in the slighest bit concerned about the possibility of missing school. "I'm sure you and the other Hawkeye can work something out. I have the utmost confidence of the abilities of anyone capable of making a bola work when fired from a bow."

She offers the remaining trio a wave and then turns to head out of the park.

Kate Bishop has posed:
Okay Hawkeye considers Singularity and her words. "Well the name is very fitting." she notes nodding. A bit geeky AF but fitting right.

"Um.. so... if I gave you a prepaid burner phone could I .. like call you on it.." she looks over the lack of pockets quite unsure now. "Because I should talk to the other Hawkeye and figure out how we can help you Singularity."

Singularity has posed:
    The starry girl looks between Robert and Kate, looking thoughful, then nods, holding out a hand. "Phone." she says simply. She's not entirely sure how to use such things, but if Kate and Robert know how to use it to call her, then that should work, right?

    Of course, if she's handed a phone it just...disappears into her hand. Handy! (literally)

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to the two and says "Be right back." There are lots of venders around new york, and he will go to the nearest one getting her a phone and a bag, he will put the phone number in his phone as well, and brings the phone and bag back to the ladies

Kate Bishop has posed:
"Seriously you are way ..way too helpful." she looks a little chargrined at Robert now. "Thank you though..." she fishes the phone out of the bag now and pops it out, checking the charge.. then she fishes another burner out popping the batter in so she can swap numbers.

"Okay .. call me if you need me Singularity and I'll call you in a couple days to meet okay?" she offers the phone to the blue girl.

Singularity has posed:
    Singularity smiles happily at that. "Yes. Friends. Call." she encourages. She considers, then hands the part of the phone box that has the number for it and everything so Kate and Robert have it, though she accepts the other phone as well. Phone for each friend! It also vanishes into her hand, disappearing from sight as she bounces a bit on her toes...well, if she had them. "Wait. For call." she promises, then waves cheerfully as bluish energy surrounds her. "Bye!" A wave, and then *POINK*

    She's gone.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks over, and says "Well, part of my job is helping people, and I think she fits under people, and looks like she could use some help. Besides rather see the good guys looking after her than someone who might try to exploit her.