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The Book of Akuma
Date of Scene: 01 December 2021
Location: American Museum of Natural History
Synopsis: Giglamesh and Leo stop the Foot from stealing an artifact from the Natural Museum of Hisotry.
Cast of Characters: Shredder, Gilgamesh, Leonardo

Shredder has posed:
    Wednesday morning is a quiet time usually at the Museum of Natural History. During the winter it's largely populated by senior citizens getting in their daily walking routine, and a few young parents who might have the morning off, taking their child to see the exhibits. It's not crowded, it's warm, and it's a peaceful thing.

    Last week a new exhibit came from Japan. A history of mythology from Japan. Swords that are claimed to be magic, robes belonging to ancient deities, paintings of mythological events, and a book that is said to be the Book of Akuma. Book of the Devil. The chamber that holds this exhibit isn't the largest, but as it's new it does have the most people there. The book is said to hold the resting place of many heinous artifacts of power, not to mention spells that could secure victory against a weilder's foes.

Gilgamesh has posed:
Having been talking about museums only the night before, Gil has decided to check one out today before his shift at the diner. It's a good day for exploring the past, it seems like, and the Eternal is ready to see what he might be able to learn. At least about what people think is important.

Amidst the various folks here the grill cook strolls along wearing a pea coat over his apron and clothing, a scarf wrapped around his neck. He's found himself to the busier of the exhibits, looking over the ancient Japanese artifacts. Special attention is paid to the weaponry, almost as though Gil is looking for something in particular. "No Grass Cutter," he mutters. "Was hoping to see it again." He's not unimpressed, however, as there's a lot to look over. Eventually he'll make his way to the Book of Akuma, just not yet.

Shredder has posed:
    Most of the fabled magical weapons...well, they aren't magical. Not every legend is based in truth. Sometimes it's based in folklore and superstition. This isn't to say that they aren't of historical value. Japanese warlords have held some of them. One of them is the Ashi no ichizoku. The leader of the Foot Clan once held this, Takeshi Tatsuo, possibly the greatest warrior to ever live. It tells of his ascension to leadership when he slaughtered over a thousand men sent by his master because he feared that Takeshi would overtake them with his strength. Enraged, he destroyed all of them and took the leadership for himself. While some stories are embellished, those who were there at that time in history might know that this one is true.

    In the lobby, a young woman of Japanese descent passes through the ticket gate. Following behind her, though, are two far more significant figures. A giant anthropomorphic warthog and rhino. They laugh and chuckle, looking carelessly at the exhibits as they make their way back to the Japanese exhibit.

Gilgamesh has posed:
"That one's got some bodies on it, though," Gilgamesh says to himself, admiring Ashi no ichizoku. "Using proper cutting techniques to kill a thousand warriors without twisting or breaking the blade takes incredible skill and discipline," he explains to someone who overheard him talking to himself. "Japanese swords, while possessing wonderful blade geometry and cutting edges, are prone to being damaged if used incorrectly. I wish I could test it out." He sighs wistfully.

The three newcomers catch his attention. It's hard not to notice giant monster people walking through a mostly quiet museum, after all. Gil watches the trio quietly until they get closer, then he lifts his chin at them in a greeting.

Shredder has posed:
    "Hah! Look at this, Bop!" Rocksteady pulls a Kitsune mask off the wall, drawing attention of more people. Naturally no one is supposed to touch any of the displays, let along an 8 foot Rhino treating it like a toy. He puts it in front of his face. "Remind us of anyone we know?" he asks.

    The Warthog snorts, "Oh, I wouldn't do that to her face, though!" the Warthog answers, picking up a sculpture of a humanoid mammoth. "Maybe I shoulda gone with a elephant," he says. "Think of how big we'd be!" He waggles the delicate display without care, the damaging of the ancient relics is almost imminent.

    Meanwhile, the woman distances herself, not chastising them, but begins to ignore them, walking about the exhibit. First to the sword that caught Gilgamesh's attention. She's small, perhaps 5'2" in height, and can't be older than high school age, but carries herself with a certain definitiveness of a disciplined warrior.

Gilgamesh has posed:
"Hey guys!" Gilgamesh calls out towards the animal hybrids. "I don't think you're supposed to touch any of the displays. You might break something." They're strange beasts, that's for certain.

The young woman? The Eternal notices her as well, "You have an eye for weapons. Don't meet a lot of people nowadays who know a katana from a tachi. Anyway, is that pig man about to drop a priceless statue..." Gil starts moving, hoping to catch the item in question before it gets damaged.

Shredder has posed:
    The young woman looks up at Gil, but doesn't answer him, only turning her direction to follow his indication of the priceless artifacts in danger.

    Bebop laughs, "We got security over here sayin' we shouldn't handle the stuff," he says to Rocksteady, and both of them train their attention on Gilgamesh. Bebop tosses the statue in the air, and again, as if to intentionally disregard the caution that Gil gave him. "What're ya gonna do about it?" he asks with a sneer.

    "Maybe he'll tell us what they cost next if they break it," Rocksteady answers, hanging the kitsune mask from his horn. "Look, now he can't tell what my face looks like," he nudges Bebop in the elbow at his joke, since the mask covers only the tip of his snout. The nudging does cause the warthog to fumble the statue!

Gilgamesh has posed:
When the statue starts to go Gilgamesh darts towards it, arms outstretched, "Be careful!" He really doesn't want to see anything get broken. "Guys, I don't work here or anything, but if you don't chill out there's going to be trouble." Looking around he searches for security cameras, then returns to speaking with the big guys, "I really don't want anyone to get hurt."

Gil's a little reluctant to just start a punch up in the museum, especially without knowing the capabilities of the animal mutates. Still, he's not about to let them wreck the joint. "How about I buy you each a pizza or something and you stop messing with the antiques?"

Shredder has posed:
    The statue is caught, and Bebop laughs, "Look at your face," he laughs his snort. "Thought you were gonna pee yourself! We ain't hurtin' nobody."

    "Yet," Rocksteady adds, a certain more menacing tone added to his voice. "What's it to you? You got a lot of cajones, steppin up to us, little man," he says.

    Naturally, most of the older people have started to clear out, no doubt going to get security, or else watching on in horror. Meanwhile, the young woman moves to the case with the book, and produces a small blade to slide it under the edge of the case. A twist, and the class top pops free.

Gilgamesh has posed:
Very gently, Gil sets the statue back where it belongs and lets out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. Once the artifact is back where it belongs he turns towards the two hulking figures and says, "History is important to a lot of people. Stuff like this..." He gestures towards his surroundings, "Is a part of history. It's there to be learned from and studied by everyone so that they can learn from the past, take what worked and leave behind what didn't, or what was morally wrong."

He may not be getting through to the pair, but he's making the attempt. "If you did want to fight, however, I ask that we take it outside. I don't want anyone or anything getting hurt if we can avoid it."

Shredder has posed:
    A hot snort moves the mask on Rocksteady's face. "You wanna fight?" he asks. "Not alot of people willin' to say that to us. Tryin' to oppress a girl?" he asks.

    "Impress," Bebop corrects.

    "Yeah, same thing," Rocksteady says.

    Behind the action, the Japanese girl, wearing a red scarve and black pea coat, lifts the glass that's been loosened, and reaches in, closing the book, and sliding it out of the case. Surely she's seen by cameras, but most likely the attention at the moment from security is on the two loud and boisterous mutants.

Gilgamesh has posed:
Gilgamesh says, "I don't need to impress anyone with my fighting abilities, I am a master chef," Gil says to the two big dudes, puffing out his chest a little bit. "I just don't want to see anyone or anything undeserving of destruction fall victim to you." He glances around, seeing the young woman swiping the book and lets out an, "Oh shit! Book of Akuma!" He starts towards her, "You really don't want to have anything to do with what's in that book, Ms. Even if it's still accurate whatever it leads you to will only cause pain and suffering." A glance is given to the animal people, "Let me guess, you two are the distraction?""

Shredder has posed:
    "I'll take my chances," the Japanese woman says dryly, tucking the book into her coat. She doesn't waste any more words, but instead starts briskly walking, not running, toward the door. Rocksteady simultaneously reaches out with his large rough arms, trying to bear hug Gilgamesh to prevent a pursuit.

    "That's right, chef man, we're a pretty good distraction, huh?" he asks with a laugh.

Gilgamesh has posed:
"You're not bad, guys," Gil says as he starts stepping backwards to avoid being caught by Rocksteady. Of course, he's reasonably certain he's stronger than the mutant, but there's no reason to let people know that when he's not in costume. He ducks low to go under the massive arms and starts striking towards nerve clusters in the hybrid's body. At least where they'd be on a normal human. Each blow is moderated so as not to land much harder than a physically fit human could manage, not wanting to permanently damage the man or reveal the Eternal's superhuman strength yet. Might as well keep his secret identity a secret as long as he can and let folks think he's merely a martial arts master. Merely.

"Please bring the book back, Ms. I don't want to have to stop you," the cook says rather loudly, to speak over the noise the fight is inevitably going to make.

Shredder has posed:
    Bebop moves to the doorway as the Japanese woman continues to retreat. She doesn't even give Gil the respect of an answer to his plea. "I like this guy Rock!" he declares. "He's not a wimp like most people. Hey where do you cook, anyway?" the warthog asks, as if it's perfectly natural to have a casual conversation during a fight in the middle of the museum.

    Rocksteady takes the blows to the nerve clusters, but without striking harder than a normal human, it's clear that only a couple of them are effective. The muscles are thick, the skin is like rawhide, the beastly mutant is his own armor. While the blow makes him wince, it's clear that the rhino is no stranger to pain, and he bears his teeth, a large foot coming up to kick forward to try to clear the Eternal backward.

Gilgamesh has posed:
Step inside the kick to prevent getting booted, lash out with a side kick to the rhino's knee, "I work at a diner. I like the diversity of foods I get to cook there." This blow's got a bit of oomph behind it, mostly to get the big guy out of the way to free Gil to go for the book. He's quick on his feet as he dashes towards the young woman, "Please return that book, Ms."

Of course, the other mutant is still present and Gil doesn't need to get snagged by him, "Stay out of my way, please." So polite.

Shredder has posed:
    Rocksteady is set off balance as he takes the kick to the knee, and collapses to the ground. Not too injured, but it effectively enables him to get to the door where Bebop is waiting. Polite doesn't seem to be something that the two mutants recognize as a valid strategy. Bebop keeps himself between Gilgamesh and the woman, blocking the path to follow her out to the rest of the museum.

    "How come you bein' so nice?" he asks. "We look like nice guys?" he asks, taking a ready horse stance, though more like a football player than like a martial artist. "People don't usually say please to us."

Gilgamesh has posed:
"No reason to be a jerk if I don't need to be," Gil sizes up Bebop quickly, then rushes towards him. When he gets close he slides along the floor, aiming to glide between the big being's legs. "You could be nice guys, I try not to judge based on appearances." Should he make it he'll pursue the young lady at a run, "How about that book, Ms? I really don't think it should leave the museum."

"I mean, you don't really need the Book of Akuma, do you?" asks Gil. "It's bad news. People will get hurt even if you manage to use it successfully. Just put it back and there won't be any need for violence."

Shredder has posed:
    "Bop, he's a nice guy, what do you think?" Rocksteady asks, taking off the mask.

    "I think he's gonna need a lesson. Don't be too nice, people take advantage!" Bebop's hands graze Gil as he slides between his legs, and he turns to try to dive after him. "Oops, this is why Karai says we shouldn't talk while fightin', y'know," he tells Rocksteady as they both take off after him.

    "Who cares what she says!" Rocksteady answers. "I like talkin'! It's more sociable!"

    Meanwhile the Japanese girl reaches the loft of the second floor. "I'm not the one going to use it," she says defiantly as she sees Gil incoming. She vaults over the edge, dropping a good fifteen feet to the main floor below, rolling forward as she strikes the ground and bursting into her own sprint.

Gilgamesh has posed:
For a guy as thick as he is Gil can run. The super strength may help a little, but he's really trying not to look superhuman while he pursues and is pursued. The darn museum cameras mean he can't just start showing his powers without ruining his secret identity so he's got to play it cool.

"I'll be glad to talk with you two after I get this damn book back. I mean, I'm sure you two got stories worth telling." He continues tirelessly chasing the young woman, "Museum security really sucks. I would figure they'd lock this place down if something got lifted. Or did you sort that out ahead of time?"

Shredder has posed:
    As if on cue, there is museum security. "Help!" the girl cries out. "They are trying to get me!" They? She points at Gil as he lands behind her. Behind him, there's a cracking thud, and another, as Bebop and Rocksteady land behind him, the tile beneath their feet unable to handle the heavy impact of their boots.

    The Japanese girl seems to be declaring Gil and the two mutants as on the same side? She runs straight toward the security officers, who are taken in by the ruse, shifting their attention to Gil. "Hey, what are you up..." their eyes go wide as they see the landing of the two huge mutants. They aren't prepared to stop that, clearly.

Gilgamesh has posed:
"She's got the Book of Akuma!" Gil yells at the security guards as he runs towards them. A glance over his shoulder at the mutants, "You guys are persistent." Then it's back to dealing with the security personnel, "Get to safety, these big guys aren't messing around!"

Should they stay in his way Gil will leap into the air in a front flip and attempt to bypass them all together by taking the high road. "All this would've been over in thirty seconds if I could just cut loose," he mutters to himself.

Shredder has posed:
    The leap takes everyone by surprise. The security, who are just processing what Gil said, are shoved between by the girl, while she herself catches a glimpse of his ascent. While he's in the air, she plants her right foot, making a hard right turn, and vaults up to the grand entrance's display of the T-Rex statue, and between it's legs. nimbly. She slides to the other side of it, and reaches into her pocket.

    Meanwhile, Bebop and Rocksteady come like bulls in a china shop straight for the security guards, chasing Gilgamesh without any regard for the nearby mortals.

Gilgamesh has posed:
Damn! The big guys are going for the security guards! Gil doesn't have much choice but to make sure the security personnel are as safe as they can be. Rather gently, at least for the impossibly strong warrior, he begins to toss the guards aside, using their own body weight to move them to a safer space. Then he goes for the large mutants, weaving his body between the two of them while letting out strikes here and there. Mostly his goal is to keep them busy while security gets to safety, but he's also looking for the opportunity to turn one guy's blows against the other.

Leonardo has posed:
The mutant rhino and warthog stand out. Their presence was noticed and they developed a tail... other than their 'natural' ones.

("Of course it would be the museum,") Leo thinks to himself as they approach the building. ("I haven't had a chance to check out the exhibit yet but I guess I do now.")

He watches from a skylight as Karai takes possession of the book and is engaged by a big guy he doesn't recognize and the gruesome duo begin to chase him from behind, opening the window and slipping onto a framework supporting overhead lighting as he does. Using a grappling hook Leo swings in behind the action and, as he silently lands on the ground behind them he tosses a handful of ballbearings out so that they land and scatter in front of Bebop and Rocksteady with a soft metal-on-stone clatter as they apread out into a field that would be difficult for them to avoid stepping into.

At the first sign of noise Leo dashes to the left between a pair of columns to become lost in the shadows of a display behind the Foot and their Eternal opponent.

Shredder has posed:
    The onlookers and security have plenty to draw their attention, so stealthfully dropping in from the skylight is a remarkably easy task at the moment, nobody sees Leo's descent.

    Bebop and Rocksteady both reach out, taking the blows without hesitation as they try to bear hug Gilgamesh. While they are on target, the ball bearings are caught beneath their feet, and indeed they find themselves slipping forward, the bear hug turning into a clumsy tackle as they both scream out with surprise, their roars echoing through the museum main hall.

    The security guards now of course are on the radio, calling for a police response, and glancing around for the Japanese girl, who Leo would recognize as Karai in a red scarf and black peacoat. She's making a beeline for the exit, hoping to use the confusion as her final escape with the prize.

Gilgamesh has posed:
Thanks to those mysterious ball bearings Gilgamesh is better able to avoid the big mutants' attempts to grab him. He jumps into the air, planting a foot on Rocksteady's back to push off and cartwheel over Bebop. "Where'd she go?" He asks as he gets his footing on the ground and searches for the girl. Seeing her making her break for the exit the grill cook enters pursuit again, turning on as much speed as he dares to without exposing himself too much.

"Damn it, Ms! It belongs in a museum!" Gil calls out towards the thief.

Leonardo has posed:
("Mikey would call that guy out for stealing Indy's line there,") Leo thinks to himself in amusement as he dashes around a column and flings a kunai. The trajectory of the leaf bladed tool could easily be mistaken as having been thrown at Karai - in which case the observer would erroneously think that this was a miss - but it travels true and swiftly to its intended target: the door, specifically a spot just above the upper hing.

With a solid thunk the weapon lodges itself tightly in the miniscule gap, causing extremely minor damage to the door but making it impossible to quickly and easily open the door. One escape route cut off and minimal effort to do so.

With a satisfied grunt, Leo turns to face the known threats: mutant on mutant... two to one. The odds aren't that bad, especially with the big guy behind him. But just in case he keeps a keen awareness on the location of the open skylight and a few options for reaching it.

Shredder has posed:
    Bebop and Rocksteady slip and fall, and start batting away the ball bearings. "Who's the chump with the marbles?" Rocksteady growls. "Kind of a cheap trick." The two start to get to their feet as Gil makes his way after Karai.

    She would have escaped, though, if not for a kunai plunging into the door hinge that she was going to open. While there are other doors she could choose, the strike lands just as she's pulling on the door, and the unexpected resistance causes her to unexpectedly pull herself face first into the door. She growls, looking up at the kunai, and turns to see that Gil is directly upon her, and she has little opportunity to evade.

Gilgamesh has posed:
"Give me that book, Ms," Gil says as he closes on the young woman. He reaches towards her in an attempt to grab her and spin her around so that he can hopefully retrieve the item in question. "No way this thing is leaving the museum if I have anything to say about it." Despite his large frame he's fast and the way he uses his body shows that he can certainly handle himself. "So just give it up and run off and nobody gets hurt."

Leonardo has posed:
As the pair of mammalian mutants begin to get to their feet, Leonardo reaches over his shoulder and grasps the hilt of one of his swords. Putting on a slight Eastwood-esque tone to his voice, he says to them, "You two could just stay down and save yourselves the embarassment of going down again," trying to keep the tone set by the big guy ("Let's call it as it is, he's /massive/," Leo thinks to himself).

Shredder has posed:
    Bebop looks up. "Haha, Rock, look what we got here, a stray turtle!" They get to their feet. "Where's your little buddies? The towering presence of them is impressive, and even unarmed as they are right now, they are certainly not a force to be ignored, and one turtle by himself is not enough to intimidate them.

    Karai reaches in her pocket, looking up at Gilgamesh, but it's not the book that comes out. It's a small pellet.

    "You don't," she answers him, and simultaneously kicks a foot out at his knee while slamming an open palm containing the smoke pellet forward toward his chest in an attempt to burst it between them. She's quite fast herself, and her form is remarkably good for someone so young. But certainly she has no advanced strength beyond someone of her size.

Gilgamesh has posed:
Gil tries to roll with the blow to his knee, wanting to make sure the young woman doesn't hurt herself against him and to make it look like the attack had some effect. She's too quick and too good to make besting her with martial arts alone an easy achievement. When the smoke pellet goes off against his chest the Eternal moves to snag Karai's arm with the intent of gaining wrist control so she doesn't get away and to allow him to use a pain compliance technique to force her to give up the book. "Ouch!" He exclaims, remembering to pretend to feel pain when struck.

Leonardo has posed:
In the movies there's always a metal on metal sound as a sword is drawn. In reality it is nearly if not actually silent. Even at the speed that Leonardo draws forth his ninjaken.

The rapid motion however does make an awesome cover for doing something else with his other hand. Similar to the Japanese girl behind him - perhaps due to similarity in training? - he pulls a smoke bomb out of a pouch on his belt and slams it to the ground between himself and his two opponents.

Using the cover of the billowing smoke and remembering their positions, Leo jumps into the air towards the pair. A slash of the blade connects with the keratin of Rocksteady's horn with a thunk while his two-toed feet connect with Bebop's nose and he lauches himself off the warthog mutant's face to flip in the air and land facing them again, a bit closer to his potential ally Gilgamesh.

"Hey," he says over his shoulder to the Eternal as he draws the second sword and focuses towards the Foot Mutants as he takes a ready stance, preparing for their expected charge.

Shredder has posed:
    Karai seems to have been fooled by the feigning of injury, and as her arm is snagged, her other hand comes up in the smoke to punch where she expects Gilgamesh's face to be.

    Smoke now billowing through the main hall, most of the people have scattered. A few local police burst through the entrance, and draw their weapons. "Police! Everyone on the ground now!" the two officers announce, a siren wailing in the distance can be heard as the door is opened, they have more on the way.

    Rocksteady's horn takes the blow, as the two large goons seem unable to find Leo in the smoke. Bebop stumbles back, "Ow!" he grunts, rubbing his nose. It smarted, but hardly enough to take down the 8 foot monstrosity. He stumbles out of the smoke, and glances around for a weapon, seddling on one of the dividing posts used to for helping guide tourists through the line. He unhooks it from the felt rope, and tilts it up like a baseball bat. "Where you at, turtle!" he calls out. "I got a present for ya!"

Gilgamesh has posed:
Once he's got the girl's arm Gil starts applying pressure on her wrist, trying to force her forward so he can hopefully grab the book. Oh, and he definitely gets struck in the face, but since there's a bunch of smoke filling the air around him he won't need to worry about police or security noticing he's not rocked by the blow. "I'm not letting go until the book in is in my hands, Ms. The cops will be on you in a few seconds at this rate."

Leonardo has posed:
Under the fading cover of the smoke, Leonardo dashes between the pair of mutants slashing at their belts with his swords and ducking beneath the swing that Bebop totally telegraphed... hopefully having that swing end up connecting the disk-like base of the pole into Rocksteady's nearby belly as he does a mid-move release of the swords only to cacth them in a reverse grip with the blades laying back along his arms; edge away from the skin of his forearms.

Shredder has posed:
    Karai grits her teeth as she's unable to free herself from the superhuman grip. She's stubborn, though, and instead of relinquishing the book, she snaps her hand to her side and produces a kunai, jabbing for Gilgamesh's ribs. She is definitely playing for keeps. "Get. Off."

    As Leo slashes the belts, Bebop's blow strikes Rocksteady. Though not in the belly. The rhino ducked to catch his pants, and instead takes the post to the face, knocking him straight to the ground. "Bebop, what was that for!?" he growls.

    "He was movin'!" Bebop answers as his own pants fall to his knees. He hikes them back up, and bursts out of the smoke, a hammer strike coming down at Leonardo with anger. "Stop moving!" he commands, as if that would incentivize the ninja.

Gilgamesh has posed:
As the kunai comes at him Gil twists his body to ensure the young woman misses, then proceeds to twist her other wrist in an attempt to get her into position where she can't keep striking at him. "If you stab me I'm going to be so angry," the cook tells her as he applies pressure to try driving her to the floor. "Your big guys are fighting some kind of turtle guy, I've got enough leverage building to break your wrist, snap your radius and rip your shoulder out of the socket and the cops are going to taser the hell out of us in a matter of moments. You've got maybe half a chance of getting away if you give me the book right now."

Leonardo has posed:
"I don't think so!" Leonardo quips as he side steps the hammer strike from Bebop. This puts him closer to but behind Rocksteady whose pants are slashed up the rear to further complicate the entanglement of the loosened garment before he dances back and away from the pair.

"Looks like the authorities are going to be here soon and your companion is in a pinch," the sword wielding terrapin says, "Perhaps it is time for you to retreat," as he leaps upward and spings off a column only to land in a crouch on a shelf leaving his feet at eye level for Bebpo who would now need to look up to see his opponent.

Shredder has posed:
    A tazer zaps Bebop, and the warthog winces. "Hey!" he roars, pulling the shocking device out. Clearly it's not nearly enough to stop him. He throws the post, striking one of the cops in the chest and knocking him to the ground. The other trades out for his pistol. "On the ground now!" Leo is ignored by the cops for the moment, but outside, a squad car arrives, a second incoming.

    Rocksteady is getting to his feet. "Gotta help Karai!" he declares, and tucking his horn down, he starts to charge toward Gilgamesh.

    Karai is not strong enough to get free, and instead goes for a cheap nut shot to Gil's grip. She couldnt' even grab the book if she tried at this point. Of course, it means she can't do much to escape either, given Gil's superior strength.

Gilgamesh has posed:
"Hey!" Gil twists so that hopefully he doesn't get struck in the junk, preferring to take the blow on the thigh. He grabs for Karai's coat, intent on opening it by ripping the buttons on it and letting the book fall to the floor. Unfortunately, Rocksteady is on the way, so the cook does not have much time for his plan. Rather than risk the young woman getting crushed by the behemoth he shoves her towards the nearest group of security personnel and calls to them, "Get the book!"

As the rhino charges Gil braces himself, going low and attempting to grab him around the head, roll backwards, press his feet against the titan's chest and kick out with his legs in an attempt to send them flying. All while trying to make it look like he's using the beast's mass and momentum against him. "C'mon, big guy!"

Leonardo has posed:
With the arrival of the authorities, Leonardo's trained habbit of keeping out of sight takes the fore. After sheathing his swords, he jumps from the shelf to the still dangling rope with its end more than a dozen feet above the floor and begins to free climb it to the skylight. Once there he coils it as he pulls its length to him and then steps out onto the roof, closing and re-securing the window behind him.

"Between that giant and the authorities this should be wrapped up," Leo says to himself before pondering, "We really need to find out more about that girl that's working with the Foot now," as he takes to a concealed spot on the roof to wait and see if anyone follows or seeks him out.

Shredder has posed:
    Karai's coat pops open, and indeed the book falls to the ground without so much ceremony, landing face down and open.

    The second cop unloads a few rounds at Bebop as he charges, seeming to shrug off the small caliber without trouble. He grabs the cop by the arm with the gun, flinging him up against the wall as even more cop cars start to arrive.

    Rocksteady's impact is strong. The force of a creature that can lift the weight that he can doesn't come without somewhat of a challenge when it comes to rolling him. As Gil's feet come up to flip him, Rocksteady just lifts his head, picking him up off the ground. Of course it means that he has a Gilgamesh attached to his face, and he continues forward at the door to smash Gilgamesh against it.

    The current attention has caused Karai, however, to abort. "We need to leave," she orders Rocksteady. She pivots to the next door over, opening it and fleeing into the open air, posing as yet another bystander who is trying to avoid the chaos. But she didn't notice that she dropped the book, making her mission a failure.

Gilgamesh has posed:
"Shit!" exclaims Gil as he's rushed towards the door, still attached to rhino face. He attempts to get off but doesn't make it in time to avoid slamming through the door, which will inevitably open when the superpowered mutant drives the indestructible Eternal through it. "Ouch! My ribs!" Yes, he remembered to fake the pain. Soon, however, he flings himself away from his enemy and hits the ground, rolling along for a few feet before stopping. He takes a deep breath and lays on his back on the concrete outside of the museum, looking up at the sky for a moment. "I can't believe that guy was too big for judo."

Shredder has posed:
    Rocksteady looks very satisfied at having finally landed something on Gilgamesh after all this time. and he laughs. "You can take a hit, little guy!" he declares, "But I'm Rock-" Bebop's hand appears on his shoulder, having come out. "We uh, gotta go Rock," he tells him, and points at the several squad cars with cops pouring out of them.

    "Oh yeah, like stealthy," Rocksteady says. He points at Gilgamesh. "You owe us a pizza later, though!" he reminds Gilgamesh, clearly the most important thing at the moment. The two start running across the lawn, naturally inspiring a chase from several officers.

Gilgamesh has posed:
Taking his time, Gil pushes himself to his feet and wraps his arms around his midsection as if nursing injured ribs. "Ugh." But he saw the book hit the floor and can't help but smirk slightly. Nobody seems to have gotten seriously hurt, the book is safe and museum is still in one piece. "Alright. Do I need to talk to someone or should I just go? I've only got an hour before work and I don't want to be late." He begins kind of limping away. It's not the first time he's had to pretend to be injured.