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Latest revision as of 06:34, 17 December 2021

Lunch at Folkvangr
Date of Scene: 16 December 2021
Location: Folkvangr
Synopsis: A group of folks get together at a Viking themed restaurant for a Viking themed shindig.
Cast of Characters: Dane Whitman, Koriand'r, Roland Livingston, Rahne Sinclair, June Connor, 3688

Dane Whitman has posed:
Tis midday in Happy Harbor, and there is something of an occasion at the local Scandinavian restaurant known as the Folkvangr. Modelled after the long halls of ancient northern times, the place doesn't typically get the most business as people not local tend to mistake it for something completely different.

Today is therefore unusual.

A luncheon has been put on by the local eccentric gentleman Dane Whitman. He hasn't gone all in, but he is putting on an affair! A huge table down the middle of the restaurant is laden with a couple of kegs with a roasted hog in the center. There are other items of note, and steins have been set out for anyone who happens to stroll in! Dane himself is seated at the end of the table in a wolf skin great coat over a chain shirt, the Ebon Blade strapped to his hip.

Koriand'r has posed:
Different food, different people, a different 'place' here on her adoptive home, Kori was out and about. Of course, 'different' had always been part of her charm from both her modelling career to endearing herself to her fellow Titans, so the Tamaran princess seem quite happy to be one of those people to stride in.

Of course, her attire didn't exactly match the theme, Kori's usual outfit baring plenty of her orange skin.

Even so, it wasn't like there was ever a chance of 'Starfire' passing as normal anyway, so she'd simply enter as herself and embrace it!

Roland Livingston has posed:
Roland strolls into the get together dressed to kill. He's wearing a black wool cloak over a chainmail shirt. Under the armor is a black gambeson and trousers and the outfit is completed by black gloves, boots and a swordbelt that holds up a sheathed longsword. No one can say he doesn't know how to dress for the occasion.

As he enters Folkvangr he takes a long look around, seeing who's already present there. Strolling forward he addresses the woman with orange skin, giving her a smile, "Good day, Ms. You're looking quite lovely." His walk takes him towards Dane next and he nods to the other man, "This looks like a wonderful party. Thank you for thinking of me. Your dress sense is impeccable."

Dane Whitman has posed:
At the new arrivals, Dane rises and shows that he's drinking from a horn as he cordially toasts the two, offering,"Welcome, welcome. Don't be shy, tis a friendly affair. My apologies for the lack of advanced notice, was something of an inspiration. No philanthropic nonsense, all out of my pocket and anyone may stroll in and have a drink or grab a bite."

Dane takes a swig from his horn at this...

And then adds,"The first keg is ale, the second mead. Pick your pleasure. Be warm and welcome."

Koriand'r has posed:
Kori moves in, her smile bright as she moves forwards, a nod of her head in greeting to Roland and his cloaked form. "Thank you," she offers in her own greeting returned, but those bright green eyes move over the man first addressing her and then the host before looking down to herself with a frown.

"I was not aware that people where were meant to wear the pelts of things that are slain to this place," the alien princess speaks before her attention shifts to the visible weaponry on display. "Is the dining in battle garb the purpose of this place?"

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Ale or mead? Such a difficult choice," Roland replies to Dane with a grin as he grabs a stein off of the table and goes for the second keg. "I shall have something a little sweet, I think." He gestures towards the hog at the center of the table, "Did you harvest this yourself? I'm heading out west to bag one or two some time next week."

Glancing at Kori he cracks a smile, "I think that all the strange attire is completely optional, it's just fun to wear fancy dress. And I don't get to wear this armor or carry a sword as often as I'd like. Chain mail just isn't that practical any more, unless one is fighting those human strength zombies or the like." There's a bit of a pause, "I happen to have an axe in my vehicle if you'd like something sharp and menacing."

Dane Whitman has posed:
The man in the wolf styled garb steps around the table with horn in tow, gesturing broadly,"Don't feel put out by the archaic pomp and circumstance, miss. I can tell at a glance that you are not from around here, as it were..."

Dane offers a wink at that.

The man with the horn then continues,"It's our version of pageantry. Some of us get to show off who we are, others get to fantasize, and noone is judged either way. It's don't ask, don't tell...only more honest and entertaining and less awkward."

Koriand'r has posed:
What an invitation, Koriand'r actually seems to consider it for a moment, her hand coming to her chin in thought before she shakes her head. "I think I will be okay. I am quite capable of surviving a meal without close quarters weaponry." Quite the claim from the woman, but she does however move toward the table, offering a nod of what seemed to be understanding (or at least an attempt at it).

As for her not being a 'local'? She laughs softly and nods. "I am Koriand'r of Tamaran, known to many as 'Starfire'. It is a pleasure to be here, and to try your customs where I can."

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Starfire? I'm Roland Livingston, at your service," the Englishman tells the extra terrestrial with a polite nod of his head. "The offer is still open, but I also feel that the weapons may not be necessary."

He lifts his stein and has a long drink of the mead, not shy about it, apparently. He wipes his mouth with the edge of his cloak to get excess beverage off. "Quite good," the young man says approvingly before checking out the rest of the table and trying to make some decisions. His free hand rests casually on the pommel of his sword, looking quite natural.

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane smiles magnanimously to Starfire, offering a formal,"As you will."

Now his attention shifts to Roland and he clears his throat lightly before replying to the earlier query,"I didn't personally, but I was there. Perhaps you will have occasion to meet the huntress today, I don't know to be honest. She is titled my Spear, and she is quite handy with one. Though not so capable with friendly occasions."

Dane chuckles at that and shrugs before glancing back to Starfire and admitting,"I've heard your nom de guerre in recent times, quite exciting. Again, be welcome."

Koriand'r has posed:
A reach for a horn offered, orange fingers make to claim the beverage for a taste of her own only for a sudden harsh beeping sound to draw her attention. A frown, the literal Alien beauty reaches for the belt at her waist and the small clipped silver disk that was clearly intended to remain secure despite a lack of pockets.

A mix of emotions crosses the face of the woman who probably didn't have a subtle bone in her body, disappointment, concern and then excitement quite quickly cycling through at the 'alert' before she bows her head.

"I thank you for your hospitality but I am needed elsewhere. Next time perhaps, but enjoy your meal!"

Then she's running, barely clearly the doorway before Starfire takes to the sky in a streak of glowing solar energy that matches her namesake.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Your Spear, eh? I'll have to compare notes with her. I do, in fact, intend to use a spear for the hog hunt," Roland says to Dane with a smile. "Or a knife and some dogs if I go out to Hawaii. Boar are a nasty invasive species that cause all sorts of issues in places where their numbers aren't properly controlled."

Then he looks at Starfire and says, "I've heard of you as well. You're quite popular, it seems. Take care of yourself."

His attention returns to Dane, "My family used to have an extra terrestrial in it, as a matter of fact. They're known as the Guide, though they went home some time ago, unfortunately. Used to reside in my great great grandfather. Sort of worked as a repository of magical knowledge our family collected as a study on arcane practices on Earth."

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
In the forest outside it would surprise none to find that animals live. The natural setting tends to have natural events such as this. A bush rustles and the animal within sniffs at the air. Food? Food for the human, it thinks. And pads toward the doorway.

A wolf walking up to the front door is less normal, visible in the entryway's lighting. Red fur, intelligent eyes. It stands there waiting to be seen, and then suddenly stands up onto its back paws. With a shift, a blur of light, it becomes a girl. Red hair to match the wolf, short, dressed simply. She sniffs, looking about.

Dane Whitman has posed:
The man in chain shirt and great coat sees more faces arriving as the Tamaranean departs. A salute with his mead horn is directed to the door,"Aah, good good! One leaves, but several enter. A fine lady, that one. Shame she couldn't stay, but quantity is important where such as this is concerned."

An exceptionally long wooden table dominates the longhouse style restaurant. At either end is a keg and steins made available, and the center is occupied with a roasted boar. Other items of less significance are scattered over as well!

Dane greets loudly,"Welcome, be warm and well!"

Then back to Roland,"Aye, my Spear. Sounds official, eh? So. I've never heard of the Guide, what are they like?"

Roland Livingston has posed:
The wolf appears and Roland watches it for a few seconds, thinking that this is quite abnormal. Then it turns into a person. Werewolves are more common in civilization than regular wolves. His shoulders shrug as he adjusts how his hand rests on his sword's hilt. The blade itself is inscribed with silver and he's a masterful swordsman so he doesn't appear worried. That being said, after a moment he recognizes the wolf person and starts smiling. Not a werewolf after all. "Good day, Ms. How have you been? Your transformation is quite impressive, if I may say so. None of the hideous cracking bones or stretching skin and tissue usually associated with shape shifting."

"The Guide is a sort of non-corporeal scout that's from a culture that helps shape magical growth on worlds that need it. Apparently, Earth is quite advanced magically compared to many other worlds," Roland explains to Dane. "They are quite giving with what they can offer, mostly magical protections. Unfortunately those protections failed when the Guide returned home to report in. They were in the family since the Crusades. In exchange for the magical protection, amid other things, we gathered information and artifacts for them to study." He sighs, "I was hoping one day for them to share my body so I could get to know them better. Most of what I learned about it I learned from its latest host, great squared grandpa."

June Connor has posed:
    Plenty of strange characters may have arrived. There's orange skinned superheroes, wolves, billionaires, but then something truly unique arrives! Wait, no. It's just some kid with a Fratelli's T-shirt. Her black denim jacket cover's said beige shirt, and brown army surplus pants hang low on her hips so that her underwear can be spotted in the gap of skin. She is wearing those monk sneakers that Roland got her, which stylistically clash a bit with the rest of the punker outfit.

    She glances around up at the ceiling as she comes in, something that she is known to do in a new location. Particularly if it has an eclectic decor such as this. She smacks some gum as she saunters forward, spotting Koriand'r first due to her bright skin. A mild scowl crosses her face, and she keeps scanning.

    "Holy shit, they have a wolf here?" she says as she tracks Rahne's padding across the hall. As it shifts into a girl, June glances around. "Did nobody else just see that?" she asks, concerned eyes furrowd in a frown. She looks at Roland who is next to her, and though he seems unalarmed, it doesn't make her intend to get any closer to such a beast.

Chili O'Mally (3688) has posed:
Chili O'Mally strolls in and heads straight for the food. He grabs a leg of lamb off the table and asks nobody in particular, "Is this dog?", then takes a huge bite of it.

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
The werewolf looks up at the attention she's getting, both good and bad, and lets one of her hands go up to her short hair, self-conscious. For all this she still seems a little disoriented herself, so the "Thank ye?" response to Roland is both confused and softly spoken.

She looks at the knight, her jaw dropping a little bit, but gets distracted by the scent of emotions coming off of June. Her eyes turn, looking the punk girl over, and green eyes meet green eyes. And the little werewolf seems to retreat a few steps, clearly more scared than June is!

She's salivating at the scent of food though, and lowers her eyes. "I was jus' hopin' tae eat." So scary.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Hello June! How are you?" Roland greets the young woman happily. "I don't believe there's anything to worry about. She's seems like a good person, helps run things at Hope House," he says of Rahne. Leaning a little closer he says softly to June, "I volunteer sometimes or deliver non-perishables. Try not to tell too many people, I don't want anyone thinking I'm a charitable sort."

When his attention switched back to Rahne he smiles at her, "You're most welcome. Lets get us something to eat, shall we?" He looks from June to Rahne and then to the roast pork.

The guy asking if it's dog is studied momentarily before the young Englishman shrugs, "No. It's a wild pig. Delicious, right?"

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane eyes the one who inquired of the pig's validity suspiciously, wondering if it was a serious question or a slight.

Within moments however, he is back to Rahne and genuinely aghast as he gushes,"I do have to ask, are you a werewolf or something else? Such shifting is truly unique in...well... public. You have quite the spirit to be so bold, and I mean that sincerely."

He then glances to the others and affirms verily,"Yes, tis an actual wild boar. Hunted it myself, and I wish it had been my stroke that felled it! You should have seen it run!"

He is way too steady to be drunk, though Rahne in particular would know that it is actual mead in his horn.

June Connor has posed:
    June seems to be happy to see Rahne retreat, and positions herself so that Roland is between them. She only briefly glances up at Roland when he talks about volunteering, and then shifts his look back to Rahne. It looks like the feeling is mutual. She opens her mouth as if to protest his casual demeanor about the situation, but then seems to think better of it. "So uh, yeah. Werewolves are our friends, got it." Very unconvinced. "What is this place anyway? Like some cosplay D&D nerd thing?"

Chili O'Mally (3688) has posed:
Chili O'Mally eyes the pig leg and munches thoughtfully. He asks Dane, "You mean this came from a real pig? Do you...um...have the bacon too?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
Rahne isn't sure how to react, so she says...that. "Ah dinnee know," she says,her eyes falling on June again before going to Dane. "Ah mean, no? Nobody's jus' anything." She doesn't want to say mutant, though really it's no worse than 'werewolf'.

Then she whimpers a little, soooo wanting some of that succulent boar meat. She sidles closer to Roland, the welcome more...welcome. And gives him a half-smile that is lost the instant she gets a strip of meat into her mouth.

She melts with joy, almost crying. "Soooo good," she whispers. It's actually making her cry.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Scandinavian restaurant," Roland says to June with a nod. "Just a fancy dress optional event today so I decided to go all out. Sword is too modern a style for Nordic times, but I was shooting more for historically adjacent than historically correct. I'm better with this than with a broadsword and even if I weren't I prefer a kite shield to a Viking round shield and I think that would be even more out of place." He laughs a bit before commenting on June's statement about wolves, "Werewolves are not our friends. That young lady, on the other hand, seems to be quite a good person. Werewolves that result from the curse tend to be destructive and murderous, though not all are. Some can control their changes or have enough presence of mind to lock themselves up during nights with a full moon so that they don't hurt anyone. Generally, if a werewolf is out killing people its because they like killing people and that's when I put a silver arrowhead through their heart or their skull."

"If you'd like I've got an axe in the vehicle. I can have my driver bring it in so that you've got a weapon, too," he tells June. "Or I can take you shopping later and get you properly armed and attired for events such as this. We'll get you a belt to carry a number of throwing knives, if you'd like."

Rahne is given a grin as she feeds herself, "I must try the pork now!" Her enthusiasm for the delicious is contagious, it seems. Roland carves off a couple of hunks of pig, offering some to June before grabbing himself something to eat. To Rahne he says, "It's very nice to see you again." He looks at the women, "Shall I get you ladies some ale or mead? Or perhaps some juice or water?"

Dane Whitman has posed:
Eyeing Chili again, Dane is becoming more convinced that something is off with the fellow. He does hazard a response however,"Why would you want bacon when all of this..."

He then dares to trespass against his native soil in an aside to Roland,"Some days I understand the dislike you Englishmen have for us filthy colonials."

Dane chuckles at that and smiles to Rahne and June. It isn't hostilities between the two so all is well in his mind.

June Connor has posed:
    June's alien stare back at Roland says she doesn't get it, all that just went right past her. "Uh, no, I'm good," she says to the offer of getting an axe. She already has several throwing knives on her, but doesn't feel the need to advertise that.

    When Rahne sidles closer to Roland on the other side, she moves slightly away from him in response a suspicious glance between the two of them. Is one of them a side girl? Are the BOTH a side girl? She grabs a small bunch of grapes from the table, and decides to move to Dane's comment with Chili. "Who the fuck wouldn't want bacon at any time," she asks. "Bacon is the best food ever invented." She glances to Chili with a 'I got your back' nod to his question. "I got no clue what mead is, is that like beer in ancient times?"

Rahne Sinclair has posed:
It isn't hostile, but it isn't friendship either. However, Rahne has a solution for these things. Without another word, she climbs under the table. Hiding, yes, and happy to do so. But if anyone were to look they'd find her, in a slightly furry but still humanoid form, curling up. Literally two seconds later her eyes close and she's asleep!

And then, she's apparently sleeping. Her typist wishes she could do that...that's a talent worth keeping. Ten seconds and out cold.

And damnit, she's cute like that too.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"You're right, Dane. Whatever possessed me to live among your kind I will never understand," Roland replies softly to Whitman, though he chases his statement with a grin to show that he's joking.

Looking at Chili he says, "The belly meat is where American bacon comes from. Cut off some of that and it should have a similar flavor and texture." The young man points towards a certain part of the pig.

June gets a grin, "Mead is a slightly carbonated honey wine. If you like a sweet drink you'll probably love it. I'm quite a fan of the stuff, even got a few bottles at the penthouse for when I feel like drinking from a horn." He lifts his chin at her, "No dress up for you? That's okay. There are other ways to have fun."

Dane Whitman has posed:
Dane shrugs at the friendly banter, his smile shifting to a smirk as he arches a brow and adds,"More accurately, tis fermented. It will go to your head if you aren't careful. Kicks like wine, but much better taste."

He chuckles at the antics of Rahne and adds then,"I'll make sure the staff don't bother her. Must not have had a thing all day, poor lass."

That was precisely the sort he hoped to draw!

Dane Whitman has posed:
An individual in garb better fit for a Saxon raider hustles in from the back, possibly pushing past a few in the process as he makes a beeline for Dane,"Baltin? What is it?"

Baltin replies curtly,"My liege, there is an issue requiring your presence."

Eyes wide as all doubt of his sobriety is dispelled, Dane snaps to and marches off with the stranger in actual period correct combat regalia. He offers in parting,"My apologies friends. You will have to finish up without me."

June Connor has posed:
    June nods, "Ah, a real get shitfaced drink, sign me up," she says. Yep, she's one of those obnoxious colonials. "Hey, we may suck, but we did kick your prissy asses out," she says with a teasing grin at Roland.

    She watches as Dane is called away. "My liege," she mimicks incredulously. "This is crazy, it's really like an old fantasy thing. Never seen anything like it. We got wild pigs, and look at thes cups," she points at Roland's drink. "Chandeliers and people talkin' like it's five hundred years ago."

Chili O'Mally (3688) has posed:
Chili O'Mally tells June, "Or talking like it's twenty-five years ago..." He goes back to munching dead pig.

Roland Livingston has posed:
"Yes, quite a bit tastier than wine and doesn't tend to require getting used to the flavor or any of that," Roland agrees with Dane as he adds yet more information. Then he bows at Whitman, "Excellent, my good man. I'll get right to work on the hog." He takes his first bite, just using his gloved hands to eat and tearing off a bite of pork with his teeth.

Looking over at June he smiles, "You beat our equivalent to the National Guard with the help of the French military. All our good soldiers were off in the other colonies." He nods a couple of time, "I like this a lot. I enjoy fancy dress parties like this. I'd hate to live hundreds of years ago, but it's a fun place to pretend to visit." He pours some more mead down his throat, finishing the stein. He sets the glass down and gets one for June, "Here you are." Afterwards he refills his own, "I've got a driver for today so I shan't be particularly sober."

Chili is given a look, "Twenty five years ago? The nineties were a strange time, but I don't think we've thrown out a single radical or tubular yet."

June Connor has posed:
    June pinches her tongue between her teeth. "Hey, an L is an L," she says, picking up the mead. "You roll your dice you move your mice." She tries it. "Holy shit this is like candy," she says, and chugs half the glass aggressively before looking back down at the pig. "It's lookin' at me," she says with uncertainty.

Roland Livingston has posed:
More mead gets sucked down before more meat is devoured. Roland clearly enjoys himself. Nodding at June he says, "Don't mind the pig. It'll only stare until you eat its eyeballs and brains." He has a straight face.

"I'm very excited to go hunting for one of these big guys myself. I need to get out in more temperate climes and do some old fashioned hunting and tracking. It's quite a good way to reconnect with nature."

June Connor has posed:
    June gives a quirk of a smile. "Okay, I'll be sure to do that," she says just as straight faced. She eats a few of the grapes instead that she's holding. A far more mild thing to interact with.

Roland Livingston has posed:
Roland smiles slightly at June before devouring the last of his pork and washing it away with some mead. "Such a great lunch today. I'm pleased I was able to make it here." He shifts his weight, causing his chain mail to jingle slightly, "I wish the HEMA studio was open today. All this stuff makes me want to hit people with swords." He tilts his head slightly to the side, "How do masked vigilantes find crime to fight? Maybe I can swordfight some muggers or something. I doubt they'd have swords themselves, though."