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Latest revision as of 07:39, 19 December 2021

This Is Not The Buffet I Was Hoping For
Date of Scene: 19 December 2021
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: While things could have been much worse without the efforts of Blake, Monet and Invincible the appearing/disappearing talking dinosaurs still managed to make a meal of a few New Yorkers while making a mess of Midtown Manhatten.
Cast of Characters: Mark Grayson, Monet St. Croix, Blake Riviere

Mark Grayson has posed:
Ahhh, the holiday season. Everything just feels a little more festive, a little more merry. It is not the loveliest of days of course. The skies are overcast and a light, wet snow is falling over the city, making something of a mess of the busy Manhatten streets. But that is not enough to keep folks inside of course. Not with so few shopping days left to Christmas. The sidewalks are thick with pedestrians and the streets hum with traffic. Just another weekend afternoon in the city.

Until it isn't.

There is no real explanation for where the flash of light comes from. It is bright, almost blindinglym about fifteen feet above Times Square, forcing everyone to look away. People blink their eyes furiously, trying to clear their vision, but there is nothing wrong with most people's hearing. Which is why the sudden roar is so ominous.

The sound of metal crunching, of razor sharp claws ripping through the rooftops of cars is more then a little alarming. Probably not as alarming as the sight of a huge lizard that is unmistakably a T-Rex standing in amongst the ruins of cars, right in the center of the Square. A dozen or so of what are unmistakably dinosaurs of a various assortment also roam the streets, looking around in apparent confusion. Understandable really. There's a lot of confusion on all sides.

Of course then the T-Rex speaks.

"Meat. So much meat," it bellows, it's voice so loud as to almost be painful. Then that hulking jaw snaps down, literally plucking a car from the ground, mighty jaws chewing at the metal as if trying to get at the tasty, fleshy treat inside as the panicked occupant's cries for help are lost in the din.

Around them the smaller dinosaurs' heads begin to swivvel about, eyes disturbingly hungry. "Meat. Meat," they chant softly, beginning to spread out across the street.

A few blocks away, busy with Christmas shopping of his own, Mark Grayson hears the disturbance, craning his head as he tries to find the source. "Well that doesn't sound good," the teenaged hero mutters, ducking down a nearby alleyway. Seconds later the blue and yellow clad form of Invincible shoots out in his place, rising up into the air.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Saturday, here in the park, wish it was the fourth of July.. Monet St. Croix has already finished her purchases and is out.. Well, if she actually shared the reasoning she's here to enjoy those whom have not been so efficient on their holiday preparations and are panicking. Something that the Moroccan mutant finds immensely amusing on a personal level. So she's out sitting in a warm cafe where she's got a large table entirely to herself despite how crowded the place is.

Amazing what displaying money can do. Then there's a flash of light and..

Narrowed eyes, "You have to be kidding me.." She goes to get up from her seat, hand crushing the mug she had in her hand by accident. Quickly going to sweep the remains of it to the floor hopefully before it was noticed she would just gaze up at the Tyrannosaurus Rex..

And the people in that car have her attention. Monet is immediately going to her best possible flight speed. Going to aim over towards the car held up in the jaws of it and if possible trying to fly up to give an attempted thwack of a powerful (relatively so) fist not to the jaw of the T-Rex..

But if possible over to the eye. A quick jab that would hopefully blind it, with her intent being to hopefully have the T-Rex roar in pain.. Which would hopefully have it's jaw open enough to release the car and for her to grab the car if so and get it back to earth!

Blake Riviere has posed:
Being a vampire did tend to come with an acceptable threshold of 'strange' about it. When you could turn into mist, needed to feed on blood and lived for centuries you'd often find yourself dealing with a little oddity.

A sudden invasion of talking dinosaurs however? That did tend to 'move the needle' a little more than usual.

Recently Blake had decided to indulge the offers and pleading of a certain superhero group, just nights ago agreeing to try actually partaking in this 'superhero' thing rather than simply intervening on things that crossed her path when the mood crossed her. This was not how she expected her first day to go.

Moments before Blake had simply been out and about, sitting in the outdoor dining of a small cafe wrapped in her usual black and red dress, hair ribbons and all giving the dark-haired beauty more than a little of the 'goth' vibe about her as she sipped her beverage.

Now? Her form burst into a swarm of screeching bats, fluttering their way at high-speed towards the disturbance only to reform atop one of the nearby cars and...blink in suprise.

"Is that an actual T-Rex?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
It takes seconds for the busy street to dissolve into absolute chaos, screams of panic and sheer disbelief errupting from all corners. No surprise that. Even those used to seeing all manner of things in a city like this are likely to find a bunch of giant lizards pretty unsettling. A fear hardwired right into the hindbrain. The only thing that differs is how the crowd react with some fleeing headlong the street, some unfortunates practically stampeded by the fleeing crowd while others are rooted, still not quite believing what they're seeing.

And some don't really have the option to do either. Like the family in the car that is being violently shaken by a T-Rex even larger then the bones at any museum would indicate. But then nothing in those displays at the Museum of Natural History would have ever suggested that dinosaurs could talk either, but there you are. The giant, terrible lizard chews at the vehicle in it's mouth, teeth puncturing the roof, crushing the entire car inward but still not quite getting to it's fleshy prize. It's roar is muffled -- it really shouldn't talk with it's mouth full -- and then that roar abruptly rises into a higher-pitched note filled with pain and surprise.

Yup, Monet's blow has stuck home and one of the eyes of the mighty T-Rex is closed as it hastily spits the car out, letting it fall fifteen feet or so to the pavement below, crashing loudly and spinning for a moment. It meanwhile rears it's head about, searching for the source of it's pain and when it spots the flying woman those jaws open wide, teeth longer then her arm very much on display. "Food! Food does not fight! Food dies!" it bellows, it's breath hot and disturbingly... wet as it snaps at Monet angrily.

Yes, it really is a T-Rex. Or something that looks an awfully lot like one. Except it can talk.

Even without considering the T-Rex there is no shortage of other threats. A half dozen much smaller beats move nimbly around an over the cars, jumping with ease, strides never broken. Razor sharp fangs clink over the metal of cars and pavement as they begin to stalk some of those who don't immediately flee, dividing up into two groups as they surround their quarry. And then pounce. The sudden, piercing screams and spray of blood give testement to just how effective hunters they truly are. A pair of larger lizards with heavy ridged hide and massive spiked tails rumble down the street in the opposite direction, those flailing tails casually brutalizing cars, sending them flying, leaving deep rending slashes in doors when those spikes easily slice through metal.

At the other end of the square a hulking armored dinosaur with a massive ridge plate and huge horns charges after a fleeing vehicle, quickly gainihng on it and goring it's backside, litterally lifting it off the ground.

A pair of flying dinosaurs swoop over the street, letting out loud screeches that very much sound like the louder, deeper chants from below, chants for food, and meat and blood. And then they swoop down towards where Blake has manifested, deadly talons leading the way.

Of all the things he expected as he rounds the corner, dinosaurs might have been amongst the last. But there you are. The young hero freezes for just a moment, looking out over the scene with eyes wide behind his mask. "Holy Shi--" he begins, watching one unfortunate observer turned into dinosaur chow before he dives towards one of those packs of hunting raptors, falling amongst them to snatch up the tail of one and use it as a weapon, swinging him towards the second lizard. The third however leaps at him, landing on his back and knocking him off his feet as Invincible lands on the ground, the raptor ripping at his back with those deadly claws.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Dinosaurs. Dinosaurs. Monet St. Croix can only get those in the van out and away while yelling at them, "Get out of here!" Then going to as they would hopefully get up and out of the car move to then go to lift the car up and over into the air, going to try and slam the metal over into the jaw of the T-Rex, going to try and get it firmly lodged in there if at all possible, trying to slam it up and get it stuck in the teeth.

Then going to charge down to the ground, moving to yank free a set of power lines, going to immediately fly back up with them, going to throw them up and into the mouth of the T-Rex if she could while she could hopefully line them up with the engine..

It all coming together right as fuel would hopefully finish the combo and the head of the T-Rex would if everything worked explode and catch on fire, hopefully filling the area iwth shrieks.. And then Monet would yell out telepathically to everyone in the area <<GET OUT OF HERE!>> On maximum band - which would hopefully be picked up by anyone that hadn't gotten cued in to the latest Discovery Special; When Dinosaurs Attack!

Blake Riviere has posed:
Okay, so there was more than one. There were very much going to be questions starting with -how- and followed by -why-, but the sharp sting of blood reaching senses that were evolved especially to track that vital vitae has Blake's attention shifting. Time to try this superhero thing on properly.

With the mystery flying woman doing battle with the T-Rex her gaze adjusts to the sight of the slaughtered civillian and Mark's pinned form before she rushes forward with inhuman speed, seizing the creature by its throat and flinging it away with a strength that could easily lift one of the cars around them.

Still, she was glad it was the smaller lizard!

Mark Grayson has posed:
Those in the half-crushed car do not have to be asked twice and they begin to crawl through the remains of the windows -- the doors far too bent and distorted to give any sort of exit now -- and in moments they are scampering aware, the parents scooping up younger children as they flee. They don't look back and there are definitely no thank you's, but the rudeness can probably be forgiven under the circumstances. Either way, they do vacate the vehicle so that it can be put to good use at least.

The T-Rex snaps at Monet again, those great, sharp teeth coming alarmingly close to catching her -- and possibly more objectionably, tearing her outfit. The horror. But it comes up just short again, letting out another bellowing roar. "FOOD GOES IN MY MOUTH HOLE!" it shrieks. Right before the remains of the vehicle are jammed in there instead. Hastily applied powerlines a moment later are indeed enough to get the fire started and the scent of cooking dinosaur flesh mingles with the screams of the T-Rex that rise like a disturbing symphony over Times Square.

One down, many more to go?

It would appear that Blake's speed was decidedly unexpected and much more then that flying dinosaurs with their great leathery wings can match as they swoop past where she had been standing, whirling to purse as that swoop low over the street. One gets distracted, swooping down on a young man who cowers behind a deserted carm only hearing the beating wings at the last moment, whirling and screaming as those talons snatch him up. The second one continues to streak after Blake.

Frantically trying to roll over as the small but powerful dino on his back rips his uniform to shreads, Mark feels that burden abruptly lifts and manages to roll-over in time to watch it go flying. Coupled with the two he battered about that is at least one pack of the raptors taken care of. But about fifteen feet away the second trio look up from their meal and hiss in the direction of the two superpowered figures. "You hurt the pack. Food hurt the pack!" They don't sound happy.

Before Invincible can deal with them though he glances towards his rescuer -- he might have to leave that part out when he gives his report. "Uhhh, thanks," he says, the rear of his costume hanging together in shreads, though the flesh beneath is not pouring blood so that's something. "I --" he begins before the flying dinosaurs dives towards them. Leaping into the air, the teenaged hero connects with an uppercut, snapping the avian dino's head back as it goes careening across the street to crash and slide along the pavement.

Of course that still leaves the trio of dinos roaming away from Time's Square as well with what appears to be a pair of stegosaures leaving an absolute trail of distruction, dozens of cars smashed, trampled and flipped on their sides by those deadly tails. Meanwhile in the other direction the tricerotops advances on a pair of police officers who uselessly fire their sidearms at the heavily armored dino as it begins to charge, horns lowered.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Too many for Monet to remotely try and wrangle telepathically. And far too many to fight. She would go to send a telepathic message over towards Blake and Invincible, not bothering particularly to be 'quiet' as it would come off if they felt it like the equivalent of someone screaming into their ear a few feet away.

<<We have to get them clustered so that the civilians can escape>> Not bothering to either try and establish who she was and what she was doing with the rest of the crowd either. Of course that may not go well. One dinosaur down, a whole mess to go.

Flying dinosaurs, wrecking dinosaurs, charging dinosaurs.. Monet would quickly try and get an idea going in her head, working on establishing the positions of the monsters in the area and the positioning of buildings, civilians.. Working along the geometry.

Then gonig to try and charge in towards the triceratops if at all possible, trying to if she could grab it from behind by the tail! She wasn't strong enough to stop it but she could slow it.. And her intent is more to redirect! If at all possible, trying to yank it around to have the thing twist and hopefully redirect it towards some of the other dinosaurs! Or at least to have it attack her instead of the police officers.

<<If you're not eaten yet, the highest priorities are the larger ones. We need to have them going towards the center of the area. And chasing one another>>

Blake Riviere has posed:
A screaming teen pulled into the air near where she had been, Blake's eyes do indeed lift towards the flying dinosaurs and a little noise of frustration comes from her lips. She'd learned in the past that feeding on aliens could have...interesting and unexpected results in the past and the vampire wasn't quite willing to guess that the -talking- pre-historic monsters weren't just that, so her own limitations on arial combat were noteably lacking.

"Can you get that one?" she asks, lifting a finger to point upwards before the voice 'speaking' has her blinking at the unexpected Telepathy. Well that was a thing. Of course, she had no idea what the kid in the bright costume she'd rescued could do, but with that leap and the fact there were angry Raptors headed her way? The 'Draculina' figured she could focus on what was in front of her.

Eyes drift to red, fangs extend and her painted nails seem to take a sharpened edge to them as she turns to face the critters. "Come on then!"

Mark Grayson has posed:
"On it," the blue and yellow clad teen agrees at once, never once questioning Blake as instead Invincible leaps into the air. Hey, she yanked a raptor off his back and flung it away as if it were nothing. If she thinks she can take on the rest of them he's not going to stand around and argue. And besides, the young man being carted away above screams again, clearly needing help. It's not a question of catching up to the flying lizard, Invincible has been practicing his flying, building his speed. It is the angle of approach. Which this time he tails dead on, one fist striking the dino along the side of its head. It's eyes glaze over and it begins to drop -- but not before the teen hero reaches out and snags the young man in his other hand.

And sees just how soaked in blood his jacket is, the screams having gone silent. eyes wide and panic-filled. "Just hold on," he urges the teen, sweeping low to the ground and laying him out in front of a small crowd of people that have taken shelter in one of the storefronts. "Call for an ambulance!" he urges. Then he's skybound again, racing towards the other end of the square to try and corral the other two stegosauruses back into the heart of the area as that insistant telepathic voice demands.

The T-Rex continues to scream in the center of Times Square, flailing about as the fiery car continues to fill the area with the smell of burning dinosaur, and while it continues to cross cars underfoot, no one remains nearby, having quite sensibly -- or in reponse to the almost painful mental command of Monet -- abandonned the area. Which leaves her free to deal with the tricerotops before in crosses the police officers underfoot with it's charge.

While the mutant might be quite strong enough to bring the charging dino to an immediate stop, she does slow it, giving the pair of officers a chance to hurl themselves to side just in time, their guns empty as the horned dino stomps through the place they stood only moments before. Lifting it's head, the lizard finds no victims gored on it's powerful horns, no victims underfoot. It turns it's head ponderously, spotting the woman clutching at his tail. And then he begins to flail it too and fro, trying to hurl her off!

The raptors start to advance on Blake, snapping and hissing angrily in the direction of the vampire, sniffing at the air as if not quite understanding what they're smelling. "Food? Or Predator?" they hiss, still advancing. One leaps up on the hood of a car to try and distract her, another racing head long towards her, those dangerous teeth snapping. The third hesitates, just a moment. And then it rushes in too from the side, head held low, those jaws not going for the heart of her but instead for the back of the leg, looking to rip hamstring and bone.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
The telepathic call would get most people out of the area. That was the priority. They had slowed down the dinosaurs enough to let most of the civilians get out of there. Monet is struggling over on top of the Triceratops, popularly portrayed in fiction as engaging T-Rexes in combat.. but she's not nearly strong enough nor does she have the leverage on it! She would be flung off of it and then one of the horns would go to slam into her. It hammering into her side, chipping off some from the impact rather than goring her, but sending her flying and away!

Hand on her side from bruised ribs, her outfit shredded and falling off her. "That was a personally tailored ?Louis Vuitton blouse. I will be making a replacement out of your hide." The Moroccan mutant's words would have the sting of fire to them and building rage.

Don't. Mess. With. The. Hair.

Why exactly the dinosaurs were able to talk, plan and operate together tatically would have to be something to work on later. Then evaluating the location of Blake, the incoming position of Invincible.. Invincible whom seems to be much, much stronger than she is.. Monet starts to do math.

<<Hurl this thing over towards them!>> Meaning the Triceratops over towards the group of raptors that were engaging Blake. Then to Blake <<Try and keep them clustered together for a more effective target>>. Hopefully if the other two liked her plan (which they may not remotely) setting up a pinball spike!

Blake Riviere has posed:
Predator or Food? Even in the midst of that Blake couldn't quite be sure if she should find that amusing. She'd been one, then the other, but that was a hell of a long time ago.

Despite the red and black attire bordering on a 'Gothic Lolita' look, Blake didn't have a costume or even a mask on her, her inhuman fangs and glowing red eyes were fully on display as she watched the circling creatures, the leaping one attempting to distract her...then she's moving. The teeth that aimed for her leg instead catching her skirt and tearing fabric before over fifty tons of force concentracted into the surface area of those nails slashes into its face. Physics could be terrifying where it matches with magic after all!

Of course, numbers and being momentarily slowed by her choice of attire has one of those vicious claws from the other 'pack' members tearing across her back, opening red rents of blood across her shoulder blade and bringing a pained cry from Blake's lips...until she turns to glare over her shoulder with a hiss of rage, the injury already knitting itself back together.

Well, she was keeping them clustered alright, swarmed and trying to eat the vampiress herself!

Mark Grayson has posed:
For a moment it does not seem as if Invincible has gotten the message as he is flying in the exact opposite way, away from Monet and her sudden bad hair day and Blake with her gathering of pack-hunting raptors. In seconds he is blocks away -- he really can fly pretty damn fast when he wants to -- but it quickly becomes apparent that he has not abandonned them, instead roaring back down the street at incredible speeds, arms outstretched in front of him as he hurls himself into the pair of charging stegosaurus. Man meets dinosaur... and man wins! The pair of dino's find their momentum brought to an abrupt and unceremonious stop before they are hurled back into the center of the square, right into the raging, half blinded and burning T-Rex, those spikey tails doing more damage as they flail at the king of the dinos.

The roar of rage from the T-Rex shatters windows, both car and storefront as it finally shakes the remains of that car free from it's burning visage, one side of it's face a mass of black and red burns. It stomps down on one of the stegosauruses, drawing a loud squeal from it as the T-Rex crushes it underfoot. "CURSE YOUR SUDDEN YET INEVITABLE BETRAYAL," it shrieks.

The battle between raptor pack and vampire appears to be a bit of a stalemate. One of them lies lifeless on the pavement, the deep gouges from where it has been scratched across the face clearly having penetrated deep indeed. But the other two continue to circle Blake, flanking her on either side and attack with a series of feints and attacks, darting in and other swiftly, those deadly claws seeking to draw more blood where they can, but finding her a tough nugget to crack.

The Tricerotops does not seem to feel the least bit guilty about running Monet's outfit or her hair style. instead it pads towards her, the Square increasingly devoid of other targets thanks to her psychic orders. It snorts and paws and the ground and then it lunges forward, seeking to impale her entirely...

... and it stopped short, just inches from her as Invincible grabs hold of it's tail, teeth gritted as he hauls it back. "Sorry, sorry," he says to the Moroccan mutant. "This one's a little beefy isn't it?" he manages, twisting hands, getting a better grip as he yanks it off the ground, spins it and releases at the last moment... the huge, armored beast hurtling through the air right towards Blake and the raptors. "Head's up Lady!"

Monet St. Croix has posed:
It's like some child's dream come true, or a paleontologist's nightmare. Monet is busy being slashed by the triceratops, taking another horn to the chest as she would go back further. The two stegosaurus are working their thagomizers over the T-Rex, which seems to be getting th worst of it. Monet can only curse as the building roar would deafen her. Going to evaluate the presence of the pack fighting Blake.. Then letting Invincible take over, and wincing.. But remembering to add, "Thank you."


Then Monet is going to try and charge in and over towards the tyrannosaurus even as she would let Invincible go to hopefully take out the raptors.. And then hopefully for Blake to be freed up as well! Now she was going towards the T-Rex.. Things are on fire. Monet would go over to grab out a large upended light post, moving to rapidly crush the bottom of it to a jagged edge in her fist. Then she's going to put it over on one of the numerous fires burning.. Intent on getting it as hot as possible as she would watch the position of the T-Rex meleeing wiht the stegosauruses. Working on letting it get ready for roasting..

Blake Riviere has posed:
Only when the warning from Mark comes does Blake finally stop moving, twisting, weaving and dancing around the clawed strikes headed her way. Her dress was torn, she was almost certainly going to be -hungry- after this fight and two creatures that were ment to be extinct were trying to eat -her-!

That stillness likely gives the raptors a moment of that they thing is victory, a chance to try and close jaws around her throat and drag her down for a feeding frenzy...but then, mist doesn't really taste like much. A moment of confusion for the creatures, then the purpose of her sudden shifting became far more obvious when the massive bulk of the creature came landing heavily where she had been standing moments ago and where the two deprived creatures are left.

The mist sweeps, but the moment it hits the sunlight proper Blake reforms, stumbling out from beside the impact with a light gasp and then turning to look back at the impact as if awaiting the great beast pile to get up.

Spotting Monet's little preparation with the post there's a moment of consideration before she rushes over in another burst of speed. "Is the big one the last of them?" she questions, a gesture towards the would-be spear Monet was working on before she looks up at Invincible, her french-accented tones carrying a little hint of amusement. "Hey, do you know what 'jousting' is? With a lance?"

Mark Grayson has posed:
The T-Rex is mostly raging now, snapping at anything that comes too blose -- mostly his 'subjects' as it flails about, that one side of it's ruined face a nightmare of burnt fleshm teeth cracked and blackened. "I'M GOING TO EAT YOU, AND EAT YOUR CHILDREN, AND YOUR CHILDREN'S CHILDREN. I WILL DEVOUR YOUR WORLD," it screams, the sheer volume still rather painful, intermixed with the sound of falling glass from nearby buildings. Apparently this thing doesn't come with an indoor voice.

The two remaining raptors give a hiss of satisfaction, converging on Blake and those deadly claws and teeth snap at her -- finding nothing at all. They hardly have time to look confused however as a looming shadow becomes increasingly large and the two dinos look up just in time to see the hurled bulk of the tricerotops fill their sight. The last thing they see as they are crushed under that heavy, armoed bulk, the big dino giving out a pained, wheezing gasp, struggling to right itself -- and failing as it collapses on the remains of the raptors.

Incredible blinks in surprise at the way that vampire woman just reforms close by, glancing between her and Monet before his expression steels. His uniform might be in tatters, but he is no more phased then the other two. "Let's end it," he agrees, more than willing to play Knight-Errant. They might have helped save hundreds of lives here today but there are enough bloody smears on the sidewalks, on that otherwise pristine, freshly fallen snow to give grim reminder of those who weren't so lucky.

It seems like the T-Rex might happily play joust as well, turning towards the trio that has decimated the other dinos, it's one good eye glaring at them as it paws at the ground, leaving a trio of deep rends in the pavement. That good eye is filled with rage, rage and hatred but before it can charge that eye suddenly widens in surprise. "NO. IT IS TOO SOON!" it growls out.

An instant later that bright light suddenly bursts through the square again, blotting out sight, forcing people -- what's left of them 00 to turn away. And when the light fades? There is no sign of the dinos, only the ruins that they have left behind.

"What. The. Hell." Invincible stands there, looking around, a mix of anger and disbelief on the young man's expression. It might not be terribly articulate sentiments. But it's definitely heartfelt.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
This alien abomination, whatever monstrocity it is is falling back even as Monet St. Croix is getting ready to backup the other two, hovering several meters in the air and being in a position where she can help flank or pincer the dinosaur when the other two went at it. One hand is holding against her ribs where she's been pierced. Rage building out and over on her face..

Then the -thing- is being called back and she would hiss, "No! No you don't run away from me! I WILL NOT PERMIT IT!" Then ove rin rage as she would go to charge over towards it, fist upturned as the aliens would call the retreat.. But then there's that bright light and flash and she would be blinded..

"ARGH!" Her fist going to stomp the ground and leave a brutal impact crater. Hand holding at her chest and her broken ribs as adrenaline faded. Taking a breath..

Then glancing at Blake, "You can take passengers with you when you shift to mist? We'll need to assist the authorities with sweeping the area for the injured. You can go to aid those pinned or buried. I'll telepathically sweep. You.." She would gesture at Invincible, "Can help move the big things. Our priority now is saving whatever lives we can."

Blake Riviere has posed:
And now the talking dinosaurs were disappearing. What a day...

Blake shakes her head, her fangs retracting and her eyes fading from that practically glowing red to normal blue light before the vampiress looks back at her blood-spattered and torn dress, pale skin beneath having regenerated beneath but still managing to remain decent for now.

The question of the mist however? That has her shaking her head lightly. "I cannot, not while the sun is still high in the sky," Blake answers Monet, "But I can move, and I am stronger than you might think. I will do what I can."

Mark Grayson has posed:
There is no telling how the sentinet dinosaurs appeared and there is really no telling just what happened to them either. That doesn't keep Invincible from peering about, looking down nearby alleyways as if expecting to find the giant T-Rex hiding behind a dumpster or something. Maybe that's just easier then dealing with the scenes of devestation around them. There is no real telling just how much damage a dozen or so dinosaurs could have done in the heart of Manhatten if not stopped. But what they managed was enough.

Glancing back at the other two, expression solemn, Invincible just nods his head. He doesn't know who either of them are but Monet at least seems to have a firm notion of what they should be doing and it all sounds reasonable enough to the teen hero. "I can do that," he agrees simply, unconsciously trying to keep his gaze away from some of the bloodier sights dotting the Square here and there, turning away and moving towards the nearest crushed and upended cars, checking them for survivors before clearing them to the side to open up a path for emergency vehicles.

With the roar of the T-Rex gone, it is indeed possible to hear the sound of approaching sirens. It will not be long until the emergency responders are on the scene.

Monet St. Croix has posed:
Monet St. Croix would give a nod to Blake and then to Invincible, "Sweep in a perimeter. We'll scan one area and then move on to another. We help first responders with damage.." And triage. Which is what it may come down to. Monet's hand finally would go away from her broken ribs as she's sweeping the area psionically, starting to feel out places where those injured or buried might be so that she could help coordinate with the other two.