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Best Hot Dogs In New York
Date of Scene: 26 December 2021
Location: Downtown Manhattan
Synopsis: Sara takes Cael and Jon to the best hot dog stand in NYC. Johnny shows up, Bear gets /two/ hot dogs because he is a Good Boy, and they talk about sports and New Year's, not the impending angelic war.
Cast of Characters: Sara Pezzini, Cael Becker, Jonathan Sims, Johnny Blaze

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The address was given. It was really just a corner in downtown Manhattan, a large cart parked in the middle of the hustle and bustle that seems to always have a line. Two young men and a young lady, most likely siblings from the look of them, work the cart together with smiles on their faces. This cart has been there long enough that a few tables and chairs have popped up around it, almost like a food truck that gets to keep the lease on a parking spot. The lunch rush was the worst, as the cart nearly gets over run by people every day, but Sara choose a time well after that to meet up.

Standing out by the cart, her motorcycle parked somewhere near by most likely, she was wearing her heavier pea coat and boots because it was cold. A stocking cap covered her head and ears and she even had gloves on. She has already told the siblings what was happening, to expect critic, and unknown to her their father is already on his way. If you want the real New York hot dog, dad was going to serve it up.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael has not arrived by motorcycle. No, the one inconvenience about her rather large dog was the inability to fit him on a bike. Rather than travel within the city on her Corvette, she'd opted for public transit, and so she's on foot as she approaches the corner - bundled up in a puffy, stuffed jacket, with gloves on and a knit cap pulled down over most of her hair. A mess of blonde and rainbow-hued hair peeking out from the lower edge. She nods to Sara, giving a brief smile of greeting before she comes to a halt, Bear sitting by her side.
    The large pup has his vest on as he lolls out his tongue, cheerfully waiting to see what'll happen next,

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    It's the last day of normalcy in Manhattan. If Jon's information is right, tomorrow there will be news reports going out about mandatory evacuations in the city ahead of... well, that part he's not certain about. Evidently between his warnings to Peggy Carter and research on the new 'star' hanging over Manhattan, the government listened, but decided to wait until Monday to issue the warnings. How nice of them.

    Jon's in a suit when he shows up, his Sunday best--neat black blazer and slacks, a crisp white shirt, shiny shoes, no tie. He's got a peacoat on over that, an emerald green scarf, and one of those cabbie hats with flaps over the ears. It may not be cold enough to snow, but it /is/ cold.

    He's trying not to trail his mood from the day's earlier activities along with him, but he can't help frowning slightly as he joins Sara and Cael. "Hey," he says, forcing some measure of cheer into his voice. "Boxing Day's the one thing I /truly/ miss about English Christmas. It's lovely to have the extra day off."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara offers Cael a wave as she sees her approaching, then another is offered to Jon as he arrives.

"I never understood what Boxing Day even is, Jon," she comments with a smile, a nicely forced smile, a smile that reads I am shoving everything down and enjoying this moment.

Turning back toward the cart she says, "A real New York dog is not bought at some cafe or restaurant, no, no, no... for it to be /real/ and authentic, it must come from a cart." She gestures to the cart as she says this. "Allow me to introduce Tim, Tyler and Tammy, they... oohh..."

She pauses there as a taller, older gentlemen walks up to the cart and starts speaking to the three in Italian. "And that would be papa," she then adds. "His father started this cart so long ago I can't even remember the dates my dad told me."

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael offers a nod of greeting to Jon - a smile breaking across her features for a moment, though this quickly turns into a skeptical look at the clothes he wears. "A bit overdressed for a hotdog, aren't you?" she asks, before offering the man a brief, one armed hug in greeting. Bear, for his part, greets both of them with a few thumps of his cheerful tail.
    "See, I'm used to having hotdogs stirred into mac 'n cheese. Classic dinner, there. With a side of soggy, over-steamed, frozen broccoli."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "That was the idea," Jon says to Sara with a grin. "I've lived here long enough to know you get hot dogs from the carts. And Boxing Day is the day after Christmas. Feast of Saint Stephen. There's some debate on whether it's about opening the alms box or giving the postman a box of gifts or returning your Christmas boxes, but it's mostly a day off and an excuse for sales in England, now." He shrugs.

    He glances aside to Cael. "You wouldn't like my answer. How about we say I have an appointment at the Themysciran embassy later and leave it at that?" He was at church again, wasn't he?

    He turns to smile to the family that run the stand, tilting his head. The Archive provides some measure of translation but he doesn't really /want/ to listen in and overhear. "So, ahh... what'd you tell them to bring the patriarch out, then, Sara?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara blinks a few times. "Huh, I thought it was about switching places with the 'staff' downstairs or something, learn something new every day."

She glances back to the cart just about the papa steps over and offers his hand. Timing was perfect really, and without pause she shakes the man's hand. "Good to see you Thomaso," she offers, then looks to Jon and Cael for a moment. "This is Thomaso De Luca, owner and primary operator of the best hot dog cart in New York. Thomaso, these are my friend Jon Sims and Cael Becker, and the large furry one is Bear."

Behind him the triplets are already making up four hot dogs, one for each person and one for Bear. Thomaso knows they've got it, so he'll stick to socializing. "The Pezzini family has been coming to this cart since I was a boy," the man states, his Italitn accent as thick as mud. "Three generations of officers, we are so proud to have their business."

As each is introduced, he offers his hand, though seeing the vest on Bear he does not immediately acknowledge the dog. Working dogs aren't meant to be petted and messed with when they are working.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael groans quietly. "//Really// Jon?" she asks, rolling her eyes widely. After letting out another sigh, she adds under her breath, "If I were visiting a church, it'd be to set it on fire." But that would be arson, and she's supposed to frown on that sort of thing.
    When the man offers his hand over, she accepts it with a polite smile, before shoving her hands back into her pockets.
    "What'd the plan at the Themysciran embassy?"

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon takes the hand and shakes it with a bright smile. "Glad to be here," he says. "I've had a bit of a hard time of late, so I asked Sara to show me the best hot dog in the city. I'm sure you won't disappoint." He glances behind the man to the siblings, then looks over at Cael.

    "I was making an offering to the poor, and... scouting things a bit. As for the Themysciran embassy? I need to let the Titans know about a... problem." He doesn't want to air things in front of Thomaso, after all.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
The Italian man seems to know more than he would normally let on, but he also knows how to pretend that he heard nothing. Fifty plus years in the business you learn when you hear something worth remembering, and when you hear something that you don't. This was a don't. Sure, like most New Yorkers he knew about the Titans, Avengers, the Justice League, but he also knew anything relating to them that wasn't things like, 'Hey did you see Superman fly over yesterday?' or 'Thor was in Manhattan with Tony Stark!', you just let go right on by.

"The hot dogs are my great-grandfather's recipe, the rest," he waggles his hand. "A little here, a little there among the family." And with that, he steps back to give them space to talk, and to check on the outcome of the hot dogs.

The hot dogs that are presented by the triplets, each nestled in their own white paper dish that is also in a slightly larger paper dish, are hefty beef hot dogs topped with spicy brown mustard, and onions that have been sauteed in a homemade tomato paste. The other choice for these would be sauerkraut, but Sara went for the true blue version that always won hearts and souls.

Each person is offered a hot dog, though Cael is offered a second hot dog that just has the bun and some mustard for Bear.

"Table over there," Sara points. "Go get sat down and I'll bring the sodas, yes... they are required as well. Coke, Sprite or Root Beer, take your pick."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Root beer for me," Cael replies, as she accepts both dogs with a nod of thanks. She leads the way to the empty table, settling into a seat, and reaching down to scratch at Bear's head for a moment. "You know - there are plenty of //other// charities that help the poor," she points out in a dry voice.
    The second hotdog is set on the floor near Bear, who looks at it, then looks at Cael, then looks at the hotdog one more time - tail thumping and ears cocked hopefully. After making the dog wait for a few moments, Cael relents with a cheerful, "Okay, Bear."
    That's all it takes for the dog to start scarfing down his hotdog.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "Root beer," Jon says after a moment's consideration, taking his hot dog and going to sit down. He stares at the hot dog after he sits, frowning.

    "Look, Cael, I said you wouldn't like my answer. It's... it's not /their/ fault that Michael chose New York to invade, or their parish church to arrive at. I just..." He frowns for a moment, reflexively.

    Finally, "I think it's a mistake, to start seeing people as enemies because of what they believe." He looks up at Cael. "I'm not going to fall into that kind of thinking. I'll defend New York, but... I don't want to see this turn into a holy war." Might be too late for that though, hmm?

    He shakes his head and picks up the hot dog and takes a bite. Makes a noise of affirmation--it /is/ good.

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara gathers up the cans of soda, and her hot dog, then makes her way over to the table. Each get's their can as she sits, her Coke set in front of her as she settles in. She caught part of what was said, not all, but enough as she came over.

"Belief in a thing doesn't make the one believing the enemy," she says with a shrug, setting her hot dog down to pull a wad of napkins from her pocket and lay them on the table as well. "So what did I miss this time that Cael wants to burn down a church and Jon here is talking about holy wars?"

Cael Becker has posed:
    "I don't hate them," Cael answers immediately, a frown pulling at her lips that Jon would believe that. "I just- hell, how many of them do you think we're going to convince that their angels would do something like... //this// until they see it for themselves? So you're just pounding your head against a wall for no damned good reason," she point out.
    "And I just... the thought of even setting foot in a church turns my stomach. It's not about the people. It's about the place, and what it represents." She says all this while frowning down at the hot dog in front of her - though she looks up to offer Sara a small smile, and accept her root beer. "Not much - nothing that needs repeating, anyways."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I'm worried they're going to fight for him." Jon stares down at the table, holding his hot dog. "That's... why I need to talk to the Titans. I'm terribly worried about Caitlin Fairchild. She... I just... I'm worried." He shakes his head.

    "Look, I wanted... I want to just... enjoy ourselves. Things are about to go to shit, I just..." He looks up at the two women, blinking back tears. He really /must/ be worried about Caitlin. "I wish we could just pretend none of this is happening. Talk about... nothing to do with angels and invasions. Don't know if that's possible, though."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
"Pretty much impossible, that."

Comes the voice of Johnny Blaze offscreen in response to Jonathan Sims. "Everything is going to shit. No use in avoiding it by not thinking about it. But sometimes, all we got is what we got. Nothin' wrong with enjoyhing some hot dogs and reminiscing about good old days. And you've done more than enough for all of us, Jon." Blaze tells him.

"Enjoy what might be our last days. Honestly though, I haven't met this 'Caitlin' but she sounds like a nice girl. She get herself into trouble?" Johnny questions the table. Though he clears his throat. "Sorry if I came in a little too grim. Expect the worst and you won't be surprised when or if the worst happens. I know, I'm a master of morale." That last bit was total sarcasm, though he looks between the trio.

"Holy wars?"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Sara opens her soda for a sip as she listens to Cael and Jon, clearly they've been on this topic for more than a few minutes but she wasn't going to press it. This was hot dog time, and though there was no forgetting what comes tomorrow and the day after, this was meant to be a fun time.

"Okay, I'm only going to say this once," she looks between Johnny, Cael and Jon, one brow raised. "All of this here topic is for tomorrow. You think it's not digging at my brain constantly? You think I'm not worried about all the 'what ifs'? You think I didn't have a 'come to gods' moment in the Silver City? But we're not talking about /any/ of that, any more."

She picks up her hot dog, just holding it for a moment. "There is more to life than the danger that lurks around the corner, we all know its there but living in that moment, all the time, you're both screwing your heads up. LIVE for a moment, just sit back, breath, enjoy the hot dog and LIVE." A pause, another look to each of them. "So, how about those Mets? The Yankees? Would you rather talk football, New York Giants, New York Jets?"

Lifting her head she calls over, "Thomaso, could I get one more dog for my friend here? And a Coke? Thanks!"

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Thomaso nods and sets the triplets to work with a gesture, even though there are other people in line... seems Sara gets preferential treatment.

Cael Becker has posed:
    Cael looks chagrinned at Jon's words, looking down at her food for a moment, then back to her friend once more. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to- look, all I'm gonna say is, if you think it'd help to have someone there who's, uhh, had a personal experience in this mess then... Well, then I'll come." To the Themysciran Embassy, at least.
    "Look, if the sports don't involve wheels, I don't know much of anything about them," Cael answers. "I- hell, I don't know ever know what to talk about outside of work. Uhh... Haven't even seen any particularly good movies lately. Though isn't there some new Boba Fett thing coming out soon?"
    That said, she finally digs into her hot dog, letting out an appreciative sound - and hardly seeming to acknowledge Johnny's arrival.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    "I'm certain Martin's listening to the Manchester/Leicester game right now. Typical full slate for Boxing Day," Jon says with a sad smile. "Last I saw Manchester was winning, so I'm sure I'll come home to a very happy, if /very/ tired husband."

    He nods to Johnny as he comes over. "I don't want it to come to that, is all. But it might." He sighs. "So... what's everyone's plan for New Year's then?" There really isn't much to talk about if not what's hanging over them, though surely they can try.

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny looks at Sara as she calls for the talks of holy wars to cease, along with other sensitive matters that - generally - make matters worse. Johnny agrees with a soft nod. "You got it." He hums then. "So then, what will we discuss?" Jonathon bringing up plans for New Years makes him smirk.

"Try and be better than who I was the year before. See if I can't make some use of all of this chaos." He takes a breath. "Maybe even go home for a few days...if its even a home to go back to anymore." He rubs the back of his neck as he takes a seat.

"But who knows." He turns his eyes to Cael, who seems to barely acknowledge him. Yeah, Johnny doesn't greet her. Best not to agitate her again. But he manages to get himself a hot dog. He looks at Sara. "Giants. The yankees are a great time, but I prefer football." Johnny smiles at her. "But you're right. Lets keep things light today. Tomororw has enough danger and trouble on its own."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
When Tammy brings Johnny his hot dog and coke, she also brings another one for Cael to give to Bear. Let's face it, Bear is the cutest thing at the table.

Sara finally takes a bite of her hot dog, savoring the flavors as they mingle in her mouth, and adds a small sip of coke after a certain amount of chewing. Tradition and ritual in eating her dog apparently taken care of, she takes a moment to look between Johnny and Cael. The world was crashing down around them, but apparently it was still important to dislike each other, most likely over something that was either a misunderstanding, or... more likely, Cael being Cael.

"Giants all the way," she agrees with Johnny, before looking to Jon. "What is Martin watching? Something from England, right? Sorry, uneducated New Yorker American here, pretty clueless."

Now her eyes shift back to Cael, "You're talking about the new Boba Fett TV series, right? Yeah, world has to stick around for that. As for the New Year, I'll be doing what I do every New Year, working. I'm pretty sure my boyfriend will be busy."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "Manchester's a soccer thing," Cael offers by way of explination. "Wait - sorry. //Football//. One of the other trainees at the FBI Academy would talk non-stop about 'British Football.' ...I just tuned it all out, honestly," she remarks in a dry tone, before giving Tammy a grateful smile for the extra hot dog. Bear, meanwhile, is practically wiggling in place as he's fairly sure some of this food is for him. It has to be. Right?! "We're spoiling you today, huh?" she remarks, reaching down to scratch at her dog. Probably best to spoil him now. She'd have to move him to the Triskelion for safety, soon enough.
    "Honestly, I haven't gotten anything planned beyond riding my motorcycle around some winding country roads." She glances aside at Jon before she asks, "Don't suppose you ride?"
    Setting the fresh hot dog down on the ground, Cael makes Bear wait for it for a few moments, once again, before finally giving him the go-ahead. "Okay, Bear. Enjoy. You've earned 'em."

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon nods at Cael. "Football, yes. Martin's listening to it on his phone, I'm sure... he's pulling back-to-back doubles. He's Jewish, so he doesn't celebrate Christmas, and this is the /worst/ time of year for ambulance crews. He's a paramedic. And Manchester's his team in the way I'm sure the Giants are your team." He smiles. "We went to a few Yankees games when our daughter was alive. I like baseball well enough, and it seemed the thing to do."

    He focuses on his hot dog again. "I don't ride, but... I could, I suppose. I enjoy a lot of that sort of thing. I've been thinking of learning to fly, I could create wings, but it'll be... mmm. It'll be some work and effort, to understand aerodynamics well enough, to maintain the wings /and/ actually fly." He shrugs.

    "New Year's is important, though. The new year was important to the ancient Egyptians--of course, they marked it at the flooding of the Nile in May or so--but, well, it's sort of a universal thing, right? Marking time, ticking over from one thing to another. Hopefully by that time I'll have some personal business out of the way and we can celebrate together. I, ahh... well, maybe I'll see about inviting people out for drinks? We used to go down the pub and ring in the New Year with everyone, it was... nice."

Johnny Blaze has posed:
Johnny smirks at Sara. "Giants all the way." He takes a bite of some good ole classic New York hot dogs, and he smiles happily at the taste of it. "Mmmm...this was a good idea." He mutters largely to himself. "Sometimes I forget how delicious the food is here." He chuckles. "Boba Fett show? That's star wars, right? Heard it was going to be pretty rad." Does anybody even -say- the word 'rad' anymore?

Johnny looks at Cael then a moment. "Manchester. Yeha, that's soccer. Honestly, I don't watch soccer too much, but hey." He shrugs.

The question to Jon gets a quirk of a brow. "If you don't know, plenty of us are willing to teach you. Riding a motorcycle is a pretty popular hobby looks like." he jokes a bit. "Flying? Always sounded like fun. I know how to fall, if that helps." Some good humor.

"If you want, I could see about hosting drinks. I know my way around abandoned places where the supernatural can hangout. Team building."

Sara Pezzini has posed:
Another bite of Sara's hot dog disappears as she watches Bear devour his. She loved that dog, everything about him, just a derp in how he looks, but clearly not.

"Every once in a while, you just gotta spoil a dog," she comments after swallowing, then looks back to those at the table.

"I never really got into soccer, was more a American football fan and player, at last neighborhood games. Never could get on the team in high school," she smirks at that.

"So pub and drinks for New Years, or riding on winding roads, or both? Hit this winding roads then come back into the city for drinks?" She maps it out in her head. "Would be the first New Year I took off from work, but it'd be worth it."

Cael Becker has posed:
    "All I'm saying is 'don't call it soccer' unless you wanna get lynched by the... hooligans?" Cael glances over towards Jon for a confirmation, then gives a shrug of her shoulders. She slowly nibbling at her hot dog, in between scitches at Bear's shoulders. Even with things remarkably better than they had been just a few days ago, it was such a relief to have Bear at her side, as well.
    "I'd love to go for a ride, and then drinks. Hell, Martin can come too, if he's not working. Why not?" Honestly, she'd prefer Martin's company, she thinks, rather than... some of the alternatives.

Jonathan Sims has posed:
    Jon focuses on his hot dog as they talk. It's nice, to try to... forget everything. To pretend it's all fine. "Hooligans, yes," he says to Cael, smiling slightly. "That's what they're called."

    He doesn't say much as the others make small talk, discussing sports and making plans for driving some nice winding roads and then having drinks on New Year's. Just sitting there listening, smiling, trying to enjoy the moment and forget what's coming. As they all are.