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Latest revision as of 03:54, 30 December 2021

Old Ft. Booksmore
Date of Scene: 29 December 2021
Location: Level 4 - Recreation - The Roost
Synopsis: A Blanket Fort in the Rec Room of the Roost becomes a forward camp for belated holiday gifts, party planning, and war planning. Phoebe openly invites everyone to the End of the World, Tim plans to rent out a trampoline/laser tag place for a party. The only thing that was agreed on?


Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Tim Drake, Conner Kent, Laura Kinney, Gabby Kinney

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    THE REC AT THE ROOST: Ordinarily a spot for watching movies, shenanigans, chicannery. Today?

    Today it is the advance camp of Ft. Booksmore. Temporary tables have been set up and clamped to chairs. Pushbrooms were carefully adjusted and being used for bracing and poles. A variety of second-hand sheets have been commandeered and are being used as tent canvas. The 'tent' of the advance camp is tall enough that the taller members of the Outsiders might have to duck their heads.

    Inside the fort? Cushions. Beanbags. Pillows. Blankets. Endless comfort, and a pile of old books that smell like leather and vanilla. A rechargable lantern is providing the light inside the blanket fort, blankets otherwise being used to cover the windows to render it dark.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Let's see, given the date and time, Tim's NPC pathing routine would put him... ah, yes. He's just exiting the elevator, wearing a tank top and sweats, definitely about to head down for a training session. Only one problem:

    His mug. It's empty. It's also a Batburger (tm) branded "I'm Batman" mug, which someone definitely bought for him. He pours himself a fresh cup in the kitchen area adjacent to the rec room and then stands there contemplating Phoebe's sick blanket fort setup. While sipping at his scalding hot coffee.

    Seriously, is Tim's tongue made of adamantium?

    He ducks down underneath the sheet canvas to inspect the layout inside. "Very nice," he says, giving a few studiously impressed nods here and there, until he spots a bean bag. Somehow he manages to sit himself down in said bean bag gracefully, which is already impossible enough, right? But he also does it *without* spilling his coffee.

    He settles in, or rather gets half-swallowed up by the bean bag's... beans, and then takes a contented sip.

Conner Kent has posed:
The nerds have taken over again! Or would physical books classify Phoebe as something else. Vintage nerd? But no. Conner is not going to poke fun at her give the current stress level of the team healer (now with magical fireballs).

"Hey guys, how are things going?" Beat, "once again I am in dire need to pick up someone's else brain for ideas for presents for Superman. Maybe I can get away with an ugly Christmas sweater, but I am saving that as last resort for a year I am utterly lost."

Laura Kinney has posed:
You'd think the elevator would have no more visitors to bring. It sure seems empty after Tim has exited. And then, a minute after it stopped on this floor, there's a muffled thud and a clunk. As X-23 lands on the roof of the cabin and lets herself in.

Could she have ridden it down normally? Yes. Does it surprise anyone that she'd take the most deliberately awkward option for getting between floors? No.

At least this year she isn't crawling around in the vents just on the off chance she has to re-enact the plot of Die Hard...

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebs identifies as a 'geek', but accepts the classification of 'nerd' as a term of affection. As Tim enters the tent, there is a soft 'hey, nerd.' as she hears Tim's voice, and Phoebe sticks her head out from under a blanket. Her hair is a massive, coily mess. She's taken out her braids, and it's so fluffy. She wrinkles her nose, and reaches up to rub at her scalp.

    Then, Idu, with his red and white fur and still deep Desert Sky Blue eyes leaps out from beneath the blankets and attempts to take a bite out of Tim's sweatpants. Grr! He's entering into the velociraptor stage of puppyhood.

    "Hey Conner." Phoebe greets, giving a slight grin as she pushes herself up from where she was half buried beneath a couple of couch cushions after falling asleep after returning from Where She Was Meant To Be.

    "Have you considered corny socks?" she inquires, giving a little "Hey, Laura!"

Tim Drake has posed:
    The only response Tim gives to Idu's terrifying attack is to pat the pupper's head and gently pry his lil puppy teefs out of his sweatpants. "Sup," is how he responds to Phoebe's greeting.

    He mulls over his mug for a long moment as he blinks up at Conner. Then he takes a sip. "Okay," he says as he balances his precious caffeine on his knee, freeing up one hand for gesturing. "You have two categories of gifts that people want. Useful Gifts, and Sentimental Gifts. Aim for one of those two circles, and if you can manage something that lands in the overlap on this venn diagram, even better."

    His head snaps up sharply when he hears someone land on the elevator from above, but it turns out to only be Laura. Tim settles back down, after that.

    "Maybe get him something he could use in his--" And then Tim's forced to just kind of grimace at Conner, because he can't be specific here. "His civilian life?"

Conner Kent has posed:
Conner hmms at the suggestions. Truth is he has not yet seen Clark's 'civilian place' and the Kryptonian crystal fortress in the pole is rather overwhelming. He is not sure anything from IKEA would work there.

Laura unusual arrival draws his attention briefly. But really, the Roost has so many crazy ninjas that one was almost normal. "I will aim for sentimental, I guess. I wonder if I can make it socks... nah," he finds a place to settle. "What are you doing here, Pheebs?"

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney glances at her hands, which seem to have a slight dusting of climbing chalk on them, and then wipes them clean on her t-shirt. She loiters near the elevator door for a moment, then shrugs. "Do what I do and buy cigars. You can get them every year and because they're consumable you don't have to worry about the gift remaining. Several bottles of a good quality imported beer also works if you're unable to locate anyone smuggling cigars."

Phoebe gets a little nod of acknowledgement. The clone former assassin remains a little way back for now. Slipping into a few cool down exercises. "Admittedly I am unsure if smoking fits with his public image. There is almost certainly an analogue you could use."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I honestly can't see Superman smoking or drinking." Phoebe comments, and she rolls onto her back so that her hair hangs down. She's still mostly under the blanket. She wrinkles her nose a moment, and she reaches to scratch at her chest -- and then gives a side-eye to Tim, and rubs at her cheek instead.

    "What kind of hobbies does Superman even have, aside from saving the day?" she inquires, and then she opens one of her books.

    "Studying." she answers Conner back. "I thought about what was brought up last time, with summoning water within the lungs. I was thinking it might be easier to imitate some sorta hydrokenisis and move the water from elsewhere, but that would require getting close enough to slap a circle on someone. Easier to just throw a fireball." she explains, "... and I'm exhausted. Ex. Hausted. I haven't felt like this in like, a yeeeaaar."

    Idu is shoo'd off Tim's pants. He spins around, and then begins sniffing at Tim's mug o' coffee. Probably not healthy for dogs, magical or not.

Tim Drake has posed:
    "Does Superman drink?" Tim wonders idly as he lifts his mug out of reach of snooping puppo noses. Even if it *were* okay for dogs to consume, this is probably the one thing Tim would never share. He's still contemplating what is an admittedly wacky mental image (Superman hanging out at a bar) as he leans back... and then leans back further... and then ends up mostly laying down.

    Bean bags do not have backs upon which to rest, not really.

    He folds his legs up. "This time of year is always stressful." Briefly, he side-eyes the books Phoebe is looking at, eyebrows lifting at the explanation she gives, but then Tim just shakes his head and looks away. Over to Laura, actually. "Does the school do a big holiday thing?" he asks. Tim himself certainly did no kind of big holiday thing; in fact if not for Bart, there probably wouldn't even have been decorations up at the Roost.

Conner Kent has posed:
"He is Superman, not Lobo," Conner explains Laura, smirking at the girl. "Now you mention it, I think he likes coffee." And if nothing else, he can use it for Lois, who seems to be a Tim-level addict. "I think that would work. Thanks, guys."

He could spend an afternoon getting coffee bags from several countries and add up a couple Super-themed mugs. Another year saved.

"I am not stressed at all," adds for Tim. "If you need some moral support or anything, I can be around the Roost more often. I am just going to a couple Christmas parties this year. Maybe we should have one."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney nods. "They do a lot of what I am told are seasonal traditions," she replies to Tim. "Roaming the streets singing at strangers. Hot cocoa. Gift exchanges. It's not uncommon for the students who remain during winter to have had tough home lives, so I would assume they do such things to make them feel welcome."

Of course the way she talks about it suggests she doesn't really participate.

"I was going to get Gabby some halo jump skydiving lessons but I think she may already know how. And while scuba diving might work as a replacement it's not really the same without a nefarious group to shoot spear guns at."

Tim Drake has posed:
    Tim snorts into his mug a little bit at Conner's joke. He shakes his head as he progressively moves his mug further and further up his body and away from Idu's sniffing, until he's practically lifting it up into the air. "Coffee's a great gift," he says, lacking any bias whatsoever.

    Nope. None at all.

    "That sounds..." Tim begins, trying to find a word that will be suitably positive and also not a lie, after Laura answers him. "...nice?" He bites the inside of his cheek and then takes a guilty sip of coffee. He hums noncommittally at the party suggestion, though he tips his head to the side.

    After a moment, he offers up "Maybe a New Years Eve party? We could exchange gifts there, if you'd like. Might give you a bit more time to decide on what to get for Gabby."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Could always set up dummies underwater to shoot spears at." Phoebe offers up. "... could even set up some robotic sharks or something. Shoot lasers. Pew, pew."

    Idu continues to attempt to get at the coffee. The red and white sight hound puppy wriggles his way up onto the beanbag, and then slowly up onto Tim's stomach. And then continues to sniff at the mug. It MUST be good, if he's guarding it so closely. Phoebe is tiredly watching Idu.

Conner Kent has posed:
"Scuba diving is fine without underwater shooting ranges, try chasing octopi or playing with dolphins instead," offers Conner. "You keep trying to turn everything into training, Laura. That is not healthy. You found spicy food to enjoy this year. I dare you to find a hobby for the next one," beat, "a hobby that is unrelated to sneaking, stabbing or blowing up stuff."

It shouldn't be that hard, since most everyone does it. "Even Tim has Legos," he points out.

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Well that presents no challenge," Laura points out to Conner. "You forgot to exclude shooting. I could simply spend time at a gun range.." Or just fire a gun on the street. It /is/ Gotham after all. She hrms at Phoebe and then adds "And sadly I am sure my sister would prefer to receive the robotic sharks for pets.."

Then the mutant turns her focus back to Tim. "A team party might be a good way for the newer recruits to get to know everyone in a more relaxed setting?" Perhaps X-23 is finally learning the benefits of social time? Or maybe she's just thinking about operational efficiency.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Well of *course* I would. Laser sharks go right up there with laser cats," Gabby chimes in from the doorway where she'd at leaest caught the tail end of the conversation. Coming in with a box of Cheez-Its she's munching on she points out, "Conner's right though, you need some non-training related hobbies. I decorate clothes and collect posters for instance. There's TONS of things to do that aren't just 'work' or whatever." A solemn nod is given and she leans aginst the wall.

"So how's everyone doing anyway? I saw a great movie the other night, Die Hard!"

Tim Drake has posed:
    Well, this is fine. Tim only has to hold his coffee up in the air when he's *not* drinking it, and Idu looks comfortable. Totally reasonable.

    "I have more hobbies than just Lego!" he points out from beneath the dog. "I read just as much for personal enjoyment as I do research. And I play video games!" Apparently he also collects novelty coffee mugs.

    He drinks the last of his coffee so that Idu can stick his nose into the Official Batburger(tm)-branded "I'm Batman" mug, which also means Tim is no longer obligated to keep one arm raised above his head. Not exactly the kind of training he was planning on doing before he was derailed by the blanket fort.

    "We were talking about planning a New Years Eve party for the team, Gabby," he says, rather than reveal that they'd been discussing her present. "Stay up late, watch some movies, maybe exchange gifts and stream the ball dropping in NYC?" He smiles at Laura. Even if her reasoning for backing the suggestion is all to do with operational efficiency, Tim'll take it.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Idu snuffs at the empty mug, and licks at Tim's fingers which are far, far less bitter than the coffee, and then curls up, then flops to his back on Tim's lap, wagging his tail and trying to nip at an elbow. He's so adorable when he's being velocipup. All teeth and lebows and kneebaps.

    Phoebe, from where she was laying, face-up in the blanketfort gives a call of 'Welcome to the Forward Camp of Fort Booksmore, Gabs." and lowers one of the stack of old books to her stomach as she gives a yawn. "Don't mind me. Patrol. Then had to see a guy." she rolls her shoulder, giving a slight grin over to Tim.

    "... I might need a new hobby. Everything I do is training related these days..." she frowns.

Conner Kent has posed:
"New Years Eve party sounds like a plan," comments Conner. "No shooting, Laura," as an aside. "I am going to get a soda can and we can make a list of stuff we need. Oh... with a side trip to my laptop to find coffee mugs. Back in five," he flies upstairs.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney doesn't quite point at Phoebe but she certainly looks like she wants to. "See it's not just me. If anything we're the normal ones for taking training seriously."

She does look back at Conner, then frowns then adds "Do sports count as training? We could all sign up for one... Perhaps..." Laura blinks a few times while considering her options. "Roller Derby?"

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney creeps lower to clamber into the blanket fort. Because of course she's gonna do that. Phoebe gets a grin, and her gaze slides over to Tim and the puppy with big wide eyes. Oh yeah, she wanted to pet the puppy, but Tim was currently entertaining him. She can wait. Another few crackers are crunched on and she nods to Conner as he passes.

"Grab me one too?" She asks hopefully in regards to soda. Either way she's quickly distracted again. "I did Roller Derby for awhile with Illyana. She gets vicious out there. It was fun though," she has to admit. "And it's not training related. You'd be good at it, Laura."

Tim Drake has posed:
    Oh, Gabby wants to pet the puppy? Then Gabby gets to pet the puppy. Tim stands up, one wriggling Idu in his arms, and now that Gabby is under the blanket fort he deposits the pup right in her lap. "And *I* am late for my training sesh, but get started on the party planning, and I'll come back in after."

    And with that, he gathers up his novelty mug and ducks his way out of the Forward Camp of Fort Booksmore.

    From near the elevator, he calls out "Roller derby would be fun!"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives another sidelong look to Tim. She tilts her head back and regards Laura.

    "I'm not sure how much time I'll have between updated training in both supernatural and combat. I've gotta catch up on five months of physical conditioning, which although I would totally be down for Roller Derby..." she motions to Tim. "Look at Tim. Do you think Tim would survive a roller derby?" she asks as Tim flees.

    Idu is confused by the sudden change of laps, but the white and red sighthound with the floppity ears and blue eyes tail wags -- and attempts to nip at Gabby's fingers.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney does indeed give Tim a very appraising look. "Not playing against us no," she admits. "If you need to boost your physical condition in a short space of time I can help you with personal training." Probably safer not to accept such an offer.

Given what Laura considers to be casual training trying to match her idea of a demanding workout could be a death sentence.

"I am unsure what we'll need for a party," she admits. "I could make dips but people might find them a little too spicy. Are we selecting a theme? That could be a way to narrow down the movies and food options."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gasps as the puppy is deposited in her lap. And soon her Cheez-It coated fingers are nipped which she totally allows. While the puppy is distracted with that hand however she gets to assault it with scritches from her opposite hand. The box of crackers gets set down on the floor beside her. "Tim's fast. He wouldn't be a smasher, but he could be good at another position."

Her attention shifts over to Phoebe with a bit of curiosity. "You're doing supernatural stuff? Our other sister is some kind of demon hunter, and I've been to Limbo a few times to rescue a friend. I want to see if I can put some magic stuff on my claws so they'll glow on command. Rien said she would but she's been busy and I haven't seen her in ages," she explains with one hand lifting to indicate her fist before it resumes puppy adoration.

"Did you ever meet Rien yet, Laura? She's way older than us and French. Apparently a witch and she's got claws like us." Ah, but there was talk of party planning so she considers thoughtfully. "A theme could be fun. Maybe we could just blow up a bunch of balloons with like, wacky dares written on them, and we can all just randomly pick them up off the floor and do them. Like a giant ball pit. Only balloons."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I know, I've met Rien. I've... ah... well. I am supernatural, Gabby. Since I joined the team?" Phoebe replies, blinking, and she sits up, turning in the nest of blankets that she's passed out in. "All of my healing powers were magic in origin. An' then my cousin, who was a necromancer, tried to kill me, and A Lot Of Stuff Happened." Phoebe explains, breathing out as she rubs the back of her head, looking to her Stack O'Tomes, and then back to Gabby. "I know nothing impresses you guys from Xavier's but dang, I was gone for five months."

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney shakes her head. "Plenty of things impress us," she assures Balm. "Although typically the bar is rather high with all the alien invasions, alternate realities and time travel."

"I don't believe I've had chance to speak with Rien yet. You did tell me about her in the past though Gabby." She leans against the wall. "It's often hard to find time to run into our relatives. Especially with how many hostile operates I usually have after me."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney pauses in her puppy petting at Phoebe's remarks to regard her with pursed lips as she thinks, hard, about how to respond. "I'm sorry," she finally offers out. "I didn't really ever ask the origin of your healing powers. I mean, I know a lot of people that can do that. And I've been splitting my attention like three different ways lately," she adds with a frown cast down to the top of Idu's head. Another little scritch.

"I know it doesn't really excuse it, but I've only really started to focus on the team more. I... I had some personal stuff to deal with. But still I've been a crappy friend to all of you here during that time."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Eh. I found out my adopted dad and mentor was actually a demon-powered shambling pile of spare parts from a graveyard and the real John Constantine had no idea who I was. I got over it." Phoebe gives a half smile. "Don't worry about it, either of you. It's not like there's a guardian beast that literally crawled out of the sands of Egypt on Gabby's lap right now." she comments breezily.

    Idu finishes nipping at Gabby's Cheese-it hands, and happily wags his tail.

    "I've also been fighting a vampire cult and my other adopted dad is currently guarding the gates of the Silver City with St. Michael the Archangel swearing the destruction of reality."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Sports do count as hobbies," belated response from Conner, as he comes back with two cans of soda, tossing one to Gabby along the way. "Even roller derby. They are entertainment, not battles. Sure, there is some overlap of skills, but that is fine. I wish I could play some team sports myself, but unless it is a video game, well..." he shrugs.

Also shutting up because what Phoebe is saying is pretty crazy. Well, average crazy for the business. Mostly he knew was she was getting real magic lessons from some (in)famous British wizard. And magic adventures. He doesn't particularly like magic adventures.

Laura Kinney has posed:
X-23 puts her hand on her hip and looks at Gabby. "And that's precisely why I never skip my training," she states. "You never know when a mythological figure will try destroy reality and need taking care of." She nods to herself. "If you need any assistance I have plenty of heavy duty weapons intended for greater than Gotham level threats. Ground to air missiles, depleted uranium sniper rifle rounds and I think I put together some silver bullets for a fifty cal magnum a few months ago."

"You have my number anyway. Give me a call and I'll be there if I'm in the country." Because alas hunting evil corporate genetics labs does require quite a lot of international travel.

"Then providing sports count I already /have/ hobbies. I was free climbing earlier." In the elevator shaft but that still counts right?

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gasps softly at the description of what Idu is. Her hands cup the side of the doggos face and she smooshes down to coo at him, "Whossa good guardian beastie? You are! Yes! Bestest ever!" The happy puppy is released in time for her to snag the tossed soda out of the air with a grin. "Thanks, Conner. Salty snacks are great but kind of thirsty snacking."

The pull tab is plucked causing that tell-tale 'SHKKSHH' of released carbon dioxide while she glances to Laura again. "I've already gone to Limbo and given up a part of my soul to create a false soul that we could use to trick The Kingmaker into giving Julian's soul for trade, and then had to fight our way back to this world. Then there were the eldritch creatures that came ashore in Maine when an underwater Earthquake disrupted the trench that the Atlanteans had forced them into." A sip of the soda is taken with a sigh of relief.

"Oh, and the demon portal in the basement of the house I house-sat for my friend because his girlfriend is part succubus..."

"I've managed pretty well for not training *all* the time. Though I do want to learn a bit more against such things."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Idu tailwags happily in Gabby's lap, heedless of the conversation going on around them.

    "Like I said, hard to impress." Phoebe points out, and she gives a shrug of her shoulders, and looks back at her book.

    "If you want to come, we could use all the help we can. I spoke to Jubilee, she might try to help during the night hours, but basically from what I was told, it's The End. Revelations type biblical proportions, magic users are being called up from everywhere, coming out of the woodwork--" Phoebe states, and she reaches for a pencil that she's had hidden in her coily hair, and wrinkles her nose as she reaches for another notebook and makes a couple of notes.

    "At least one Titan thinks I'm insane."

Conner Kent has posed:
"It is not as different as the Frost Giant invasion," points out Conner. "Norse Ragnarok is pretty much the same as the Christian Apocalypse," and unsurprisingly, Conner leans towards atheism. Maybe because Kryptonians are far more powerful than most deities.

"Maybe those aliens pretending to be divine are getting nervous because many humans are now just as powerful," he suggests. "We might be seeing more invasions."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"They live in a building shaped like a giant letter T," Laura notes solemnly. As if that's everything you might need to know about the Titans. "So I am not entirely sure they are qualified to be making mental health assessments." Then again neither is she. "I'll move a supply of suitableweapons to cache number seven." Which means nothing to anyone but Gabby. But is close enough to the Roost that either of the clone siblings could stock up on LAWs before riding to war.

"I find it hard to trust any book which states that two of every living thing was kept on a single boat. If it was really true we'd have had inbreeding problems centurys ago. Still, that doesn't mean the entity isn't dangerous enough to cause serious harm."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"If it's 'end of the world' I think everyone that can should be involved?" Gabby hazards with a glance to Conner, and Laura, before looking back to Phoebe with a shrug. "You're our friend and our teammate. If you say something is true, I believe you. Of course I'll help if I can." The mention of That Book earns another shrug from her. Idu gets more lovins with rough but gentle scritches along his back.

"I could see if it were a clone situation but yeah it'd need a greater genetic sample regardless. Plus there's dinosaurs and I *know* they were real. I was turned into one for awhile. ... Kind of miss the feathers sometimes."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Except I was helping with the exorcism of Chas Chandler when Michael made his appearance known. He looks like David Bowie, and feels like getting hit with a billion jolts of electricity at high voltage. I feel partially responsible for it all." Phoebe admits, and she holds a paper up, frowning, and scribbling a couple of notes.

    "Besides. The Bible was assembled by a bunch of Roman Asshats trying to get control of the latest death cult out of Judah that was getting weirdly popular in spite of being fed to lions -- but Michael was able to see into me and see what I Am."

    She frowns.

    "Speaking of which, how do you explain to someone that you may be a magical time-bomb and have equal chances of aneyurism or violent explosion? I feel like there should be a guide for that."

Conner Kent has posed:
    Conner nods, sipping his soda and finding again a seat in the periphery of the 'fortress', "sure, they are dangerous. I mean, if Thor decides to destroy the world, it won't be fun and games, but all those end of the world books assume gods and demons are all-powerful and all we can do is pray and beg. Well, they aren't that tough. They can be punched, shoot, beaten and throw into jail. Just like any of us 'lowly mortals'."
    He snickers a the Roman Asshats and death cult from Judah bits. "Yeah, that is when you get mythology being stupid. And hey, maybe with magic you can solve the problem of genetic diversity with magic like you could with genetic engineering. I don't know. I am certainly not going to follow a god that supposedly exterminated all humankind but one family of worshippers. That is genocide."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Are you sure it isn't actually the ghost of David Bowie?" Laura wonders. Stranger things have happened. "If mythology is to be belived gods can die. So why should their servants be any different?" A shrug. "Anyway it doesn't really matter to me. If my team-mates need my help I'll stand against anything the universe has to offer."

"Personally I would say something along the lines of... The good news is you might have a sudden and unexpected death. The bad news is you could explode killing or injuring those around you."

There is probably a reason no-one asks her to give anyone bad news.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney takes another drink off her soda while listening to the others with a nod here and there to show she was indeed paying attention. Phoebe earns a wan smile at the question. "Given the type of world we live in, there's probably a card for that somewhere. I know at least two other people that could use that same card." She pauses, then lifts a hand to start ticking off fingers. "Maybe more."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Idu looks up at Gabby in protest at the lack of scritches, and gives a low 'urrwooooooo...' sound, and paws at her fingers.

    "Idu, be polite." Phoebe warns, and then looks to Laura.

    "I would think if it was the ghost of Actual David Bowie, he'd feel more like riding a tiger made of lightning." Phoebe gives a wry smile back to Laura.

    "Either way, there's a girl in England who's missing her dad, so I've got an obligation to get him back or... y'know. Not die trying."

Conner Kent has posed:
"Not allowed to die, Pheebs," states Conner, finishing his drink. "And now, before you can escape or keep talking about the troubles coming, I have a tablet to take notes and I have ideas. Because we are doing this party thing even if there is no next year. Particularly if there is no next year. Where is Tim? He snuck out when I was in the kitchen? For shame."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"Tim officially delegated party planning to us," Laura points out with a brief smile. It's technically sort of correct. If slightly expanding the scope of what Tim actually said... "So I think we're good to pick the theme and what things we'd like. I propose tacos of some sort. Plenty of options and ways to build them so everyone can have something they enjoy."

And of course it means she can have food spicy enough to melt steel.

"And because I have made a suggestion for food this means someone else can decide on the entertainment..." The old express an opinion regarding something easy and leave the tricky bits to someone else trick.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Has it been long enough for Tim's workout to have finished? Uh, doesn't look like it, judging by the way he's not either a sweaty mess or showered and in a new set of clothes. "Hi," he says as he pokes his head down into the blanket fort. "I had to deal with a few minor emergencies. Has the party been planned, then?"

    If only. He settles down somewhere in the general vicinity of Gabby, though mostly because of Idu, because Tim immediately begins rubbing his hands through the pup's fur. Is it for the dog's benefit, or Tim's own? Hard to tell. He does a good job of not outwardly showing stress, so you really have to track the amount of coffee he's drinking to tell.

    And he's without a mug right now, which might be a good sign.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney gives a little ear scritch idly to Idu at the whining. It leaves plenty of room for Idu to be petted by Tim when he returns. Lightly shifting her weight toward him she bumps his arm with her own as a means of a silent greeting. No chasing him off or asking why he's stressed. Nope. "Not yet, but I did suggest balloons. Like a ball pit of them. OR. Maybe an actual ball pit?" Oh, the hope in her voice.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe is sitting up at least, and has a pencil in her mouth as she distractedly reads something over, replies around the pencil, pauses. Looks at Tim. Looks at Laura and Gabby and Conner, and then sloooowly removes her pencil.

    And leans over to poke the eraser into Tim's knee.

    "Decided on Tacos for New Year's and you're definitely invited to join our End Of The World Roller Derby." she grins at him.

    Idu wriggles in Gabby's lab again, and then rolls off her lap and pads over to Phoebe, and wriggles his way into her lap, and attempts to wriggle into her sweatshirt pocket.

    "... I also second the ball pit."

Tim Drake has posed:
    "Tacos," Tim echoes, with a nod and a distracted nudge against Gabby to acknowledge her own nudge of greeting to him. He frowns over at Phoebe, but it's mostly a thoughtful look. "My derby name would be Lord of the Rink."

    And then they're talking about a ball pit. What are they, eight years old? Tim's eyes go wide. "So what you're saying is I should just rent out one of those big party complexes."

    Yes. Yes, they are eight years old and so is he.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "I am totally down for renting out one of those things after-hours and just having a bunch of us just... have fun. No training. No pressure. Just... you know. Being young adults with moderate responsibilities." Phoebe replies in thought.

    "I approve your dirby name."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Party complex? I vote yes but I don't know what it is." The only party complex she knew was the mini-golf/arcade she'd had for her birthday. Still! She was game for it and was already becoming more excited as time went on. "Oh! Right. Lord of... Right." Here she pauses, eyes narrowing thoughtfully. She hadn't SEEN the movies. Or read the books. But memes, memes she knew well. "... Slam-Wide Damage?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Slam-Wise Daaayum-G." Phoebe volunteers with a brilliant smile to Gabby as she leans back.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney snap-points at Phoebe. "What she said." She nods emphatically with a wide grin. "Hobbits are short, right?"

Tim Drake has posed:
    Tim looks at Gabby for a long moment, his eyes focused in that laser-honed way he has. Though whatever he might be trying to deduce from her is left unsaid. "And Brodo Swaggins, for Laura," he offers.

    Then he cups his chin in his palm, free hand still rubbing along Idu's back meditatively. "I'm thinking one of those all-in-one complexes, you know. Trampolines, laser tag, arcades, ball pit for the little kids. No reason why we couldn't have tacos there and then spend the day having fun."