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Two Spiders and a Sorceress walk into a bar
Date of Scene: 16 March 2020
Location: Forest Hills -- Queens
Synopsis: Gwen and Zatanna stop by to chat with Peter... Supergirl shows up. Everybody DATIN'
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Gwen Stacy, Zatanna Zatara, Kara Danvers

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter and Aunt May watch from the front lawn as the powered armor soars into the sky.
"She was a nice young lady, Peter."
"Yeah. Smart, too. Smarter than me."
"Oh, hush, Peter Benjamin Parker, no one is smarter than you."
"Thanks for the ego boost, Aunt May. But that's major-league smarts currently flying away."
"Your time will come, I'm sure." Aunt May heads back to the house. "You coming?"
"I'll sit on the swing for a bit. I figure that's the strangest thing I'll see all day."

If you listen carefully, you can actually HEAR the universe cracking its knuckles.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwendolyne Maxine Stacy, you were born April 18th 2001 in the city that Never Sleeps. At 14 you were bit by a genetically altered spider that gave you extraordinary powers and transformed you into the one and only Spider-Woman, or Girl, but most of the time Ghost Spider. Never Spider-Gwen. That is a terrible codename.

A month and a half ago, you lost your best friend in an accident while preventing him from escaping OsCorp with a interdimensional wormhole generator. This led to you being thrust across the multiverse and crash landing into a world where you died in December of 2019.

Present day

"Statistically speaking the average mutation rate for a cell in nature is astronomically lower further from a given source of mutagenic element. Which is basically a working theory I'm coming up with for the sudden spread of mutants-" Quote unquote, "- across the world right now... But honestly, they really aren't a classic example of mutation at all. See, they would be more classically described as evolutionary gene shift. Mutants would be like..."

She waves around, turning in a small circle. She's wearing a Lydia Deez t-shirt over a skull and crossbones fishnet shirt, plad capre pants, and hightop silver sneakers. Her blonde hair, with the frosted pink tips, is pulled up into a messy ponytail, long tressles of hair hanging to frame her unmade up face.

"Well... me..." She points at herself, both hands, "Because it wasn't steady shift away from the normal, but a sudden leap away.. we're talking seven meter dash vs triathalon."

She's rambling. About Genetics. To Zatanna Zatara. Whose hand she reaches out for.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
On Gwendolyn's home Earth, Giovanni 'John' Zatara never joined the so-called All-Star Squadron. He never travelled to Turkey to battle King Inferno where he was injured in a rockslide. Therefore, he was never nursed back to health by Sindella, the homo-magi that would become the wife of John and then mother to... Zatanna Zatara.

On Gwen's world, John Zatara was a stage magician in Atlantic City who died childless after an automobile accident. The Zatara family died with him -- and Shadowcrest was never found.

None of that matters on this Earth.

"You're discussing statistics with someone that can easily warp reality to what it is that she wants." Zatanna points out with a laugh as she moves in front of Gwen. Unlike her, Zatanna's dressed in a simple poet's blouse of bright spring colors, jeggings and a pair of kitten heels. And to point out what she means, she reaches up behind the shaved part of Gwen's head and hmms. "Seems you got something stuck back there."

And with that, she pulls out a Liberty Dollar, rolling it between her knuckles before she presents the coin to the blonde. "Could grow corn back there." she teases, before moving back beside the other woman.

Unlike Gwen, she's made up, a tasteful application of makeup, light and only accenuating of her natural features as she notices Gwen's hand reaching for her, and Zatanna's own catches it, threading their fingers together lightly. "Is this where you grew up?" she asks curiously.

On her world.

Peter Parker has posed:
He had dreamed about Gwen last night. His Gwen.
She was dead...but it was all right.
He knew she was dead, but there had been no look of regret or accusing hate, or even sad disappointment. She had been smiling. The same way she had smiled to him before the Goblin had kidnapped her. Before he dropped her.
"You can't save everyone, Petey. You couldn't save me. And it's okay. Death is not the end."
*I miss you so much,* he had moaned in his sleep. His pillow had been wet with tears when he woke up that morning.
"You'll see me again, Petey. I'm with your Uncle now. We're both so proud of you. The other Gwen...she's not me. But can you look after her? It would mean a lot..."
*I'll try.*
"That's all I would ever ask of you..."

And like that, she had faded with the dawn.

He opened his eyes from where he sat on the swing, looking to his left at the sound of Gwen's voice. And there she was, with a raven-haired lady...holding her hand.

*...I'll try.*
He raises a hand and waves to Gwen from the front porch.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"In certain circles, they call that cheating." Gwen says to Zee, still grinning as she takes the liberty dollar. Before it dips into her pocket, she gives it a little kiss and then takes the Sorceresses hand and turns to look around Forest Hill... nodding. "Yeah. My dad lives...lived.. right over there." Pointing across the street, several houses down. "He moved a couple years ago, though. Uptown I think, I-..." Her mouth works side to side, chin wiggling, "-I didn't want to dig too much." It was her dad, but not really her dad.

Then there's Peter, standing the porch with Aunt May... Her eyes go a little wide seeing them, but she still holds up her hand to wave in his direction, "This is... okay so this is my friend Peter." Gwen's friend Peter, her friend? It's complicated. She smiles up at Zee, squinting into the light peeking through the tree out front of the neighbors house, "And Aunt May. On my... I'll tell you later, remind me."

Looking over to Pete, "Hey Pete." Still not really sure how much May knows and certainly not wanting to compremise anything with her for Peter. There's enough differences between her and this Universes Gwen that most people would have to double, or triple, take on her, but Aunt May knew Gwen..

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Cheating? Oh come now, only sore losers call it cheating." Zatanna says with a grin. "Call it..." she waves her hand in the air with a little lassiez faire flourish. "...hacking the grid of reality?" Okay, that may show the slight age difference between the two women as Zatanna looks around. "It's quaint. But it's very lovely. I could see why you'd put down roots here." she admits with a laugh.

"Shadowcrest can be intimidating, I know. But it's my focus. And it's best where I can work on making sure you have the best chance..." To get home is left unsaid, because Gwen's motioning to greet someone.

And she can feel the sudden tenseness in Gwen's hand as it eminates up her hand and her arm and Zatanna's hand tightens in gentle reassurance. It's weird, but it's fine. They'll figure this out. "I'll look forward to the tour later."

With that, Gwen's making a greeting, and Zatanna quiets. She's smiling though, patient through it all.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter stands up. The remnants of the dream cling to him, but he is smiling as he steps off the porch to approach Gwen.
"Hey, Gwen. Aunt May's inside, but she'll be awhile." He looks to Zatanna, then Gwen, and a wry look comes over his face. "So...are you going to introduce me to your girlfriend?"

Gwen Stacy has posed:
The squeeze to her knuckles actually is reassuring and Gwen smiles up at Zatanna with a little nod, thanks, mouthed up to her as they pass into the yard and near the porch. Then:

Leave it to Peter, no beating around the bush here.

Gwen squints one eye at him, wrinkling her nose in that way she does when she's embarassed, but doesn't want to show it. Or thinks somethings so amusing she's trying not to laugh. Or she's got gas. Really, it's a multi-purpose expression.

"Hey Pete... I, yeah.. We'll get out of here before Aunt May comes back out, I don't want to.." Motions at herself more than Zatanna. Aunt May would absolutely love her. "My girlfriend-" Yeah, she said it, "-Is Zatanna Zatara. Zee, this is Peter Parker." Motioning back and forth, back and forth, back and to the left. May have watched JFK last night.

"Petey Pie is my oldest friend.. I've known him since were like this big-" Holding thumb and forefinger | | far apart.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Do you need an antacid?" Zatanna's tone is playful, but when Gwen is making the introductions, the young sorceress taking an accounting of the situation. In the pink corner, we have Gwendolyn Maxine Stacy, not of this Earth, being awkward because she's introducing her girlfriend to the guy that's had a crush on her since they were both knee-high to grasshoppers.

But that Gwen is dead. And this Gwen shaves the side of her head, dresses in fishnets. And likes girls.

And in the blue corner, we have Peter Benjamin Parker, of this Earth, dreaming of a Gwennie of a long blonde hair. And apparently has an Aunt. An Aunt that knows who Gwen is. Or rather. Was. She knows that Gwen is dead, and Gwen being here is one of those paradoxes that simply put is... damned if you do, damned if you don't.

But thankfully, boys and girls, Zatanna Zatara is your em-cee tonight, and she looks between the two. "I got this." she says, turning to Gwen, sizing her up. And then she raises her hands. "Hey Peter, is that your Aunt on the porch?" she asks in distraction. And if Peter turns her head, Zatanna leans in, plants a kiss on Gwen's cheek and whispers.

"Malg reh pu. Egnahc reh riah."

And like a pretty Sailor Sensei transformation, Gwen's whole appearance is changed. The clothes remain, but her hair darkens, taking on a lighter brown hue. And her eye color goes frome blue to a light hazel. Just enough, she hopes. For Peter and Zatanna, she still looks like Gwen. For anyone else, there's a new girl in town.

Once that's done, the raven-haired sorceress knows she at least set off Gwen's own spider sense -- and she's blissfully unaware of Peter's own version of the spider-sense as she turns to greet Peter. "Nice to meet you, Peter." she offers warmly.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter jerks and looks behind him, blinking. He hadn't heard the creak of the boards, the metallic whine of the spring on the screen door.
For a few moments, he looks at the house's front door. Nothing.
He looks back, still puzzled as nothing has changed for him. Only the vague feeling that someone's playing a childish prank on him...

Peter shook his head. Carl was gone, pulled up stakes, put on his boogie shoes. And nobody was punching his arm hard enough to bruise it.

So why couldn't he dispel that sense he was being made fun of?

"Uhm...nice to meet you, too, Miss Zatara."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen knows magic was preformed. Even if she weren't getting that familiar tingle in her neck whenever the mystical arts were at play, she heard the whispered words spoken close to her ear and smiles for a plethora of reasons... While she's not sure what it is Zatanna said, she doesn't hear backwards, she knows it was meant to put her mind at ease.

Call it a hunch.

With the kiss on her cheek, Gwen squeezes the sorceresses fingers and nods to Pete when he snaps back around. Likewise recognizing that du wut m8 look in his eyes, "Petey Pie, you're the first person I've told..." Leaning her blonde/brown head towards Zee... blushing just a little. Happy blush, not embarassing.

"It's kind of new." Very. It's also kind of serious?

Also very.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
She looks between the two, and Zatanna is slowly putting two and two together and making three, and when Peter looks between the pair of women, the sorceress considers, and Zatanna uses her free hand to feather through her dark locks. "I'm also helping Gwen with her other issue." That whole displacement thing. Now Zee may be beautiful. She's a looker, that's for sure.

But what could she do to help with Gwen's diplacement issue. "But there's no rush?" she offers to Peter.

Because she knows that blush on Gwen's cheeks, and her own may be a faint impression of it.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods carefully. Yeah. THAT issue. Well, as long as she knows, then at least they are being honest with each other.
But he's not going to assume Zatanna knows EVERYTHING, so let's keep the whole Ghost Spider thing on the DL, shall we?

"Well...I'm glad you're able to help her. Because *I'm* certainly having no luck." He smiles sadly. "But I'm glad that you've got someone who'll be there for you, Gwennie."
He can't help but feel a little twinge at that. But only a little.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Gwen glances up at Zee, clearly having not expected her to be so candid. See, she's very careful about peoples identities, even if she has no such luck with her own. Hell, every person that's met her since she got here knows she's Ghost Spider, but she's got the benefit of not being from around here too.. It helps, it's one of the only way it helps.

That said.

She looks a little sad, suddenly sad, at the notion of Zee helping her. Not because... well it's hard to say why, she just does. "Yeah." Rubbing at her neck, fingers curling in the little shaved part near the nape of her neck. "Me too. Zee's great... she's going to let me crash on her couch." She's not stressing anything, she's not sending any messages here, but Peter knows where she was living. And how that might complicate /his/ situation.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Let's be honest here. Zatanna did not guess Gwen's identity as Ghost Spider. She chose to remove her mask. It may have been after some taunting about her being a mutated spider-fase under her mask, but she made that decision! But then she can see the sadness on Gwen's face. "We have time." she reminds her. That's going to be a theme here, right? Time?

"She makes it sound like a couch. I have plenty of extra room at my place. And no parents and all of that. Least I can do since I'm helping with the other thing. But if you have ideas... I'd like to hear them?" she asks suddenly. She doesn't mind Peter's help. And she can use the different perspective.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter shrugs. "I have to stay here. I'm doing some work in the lab. But I have some theories I could put together and share with you, Zatanna. Probably be easier to e-mail them to you anyway...there's a lot of notes." Because Peter himself has not been idle. "But I'm sure that as long as Gwen's happy with upgrading her living arrangements, I'm happy. I can respect boundaries."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
They're both so damn adorable, wanting to help her get home, but it's hitting her in the feels pretty hard. She has to go, she knows that, but part of her really wishes she didn't have to. She's gotten to know Peter here and they've become friends. As close as here Peter ever was and he's never trying to kill her! Then there's Zee... Gwen's shoulders slump forward, retreating inwardly into her head. A terribly safe place for all the dangers of overthinking exist.

At least until...

Blush. Plenty of room. No parents. "Outlander and Ben and Jerry's too." She points out, pointing upwards as she do so. The silliness of her grin, however, settles upon Peter with a raised brow... "So.. now you know about /my/ love life, it's time for me to ask you about /yours/." Squeezing Zee's hand, she slips hers free, but only to lay her palms flat on Peter's shoulders. Leaning down to get all eye level with him so she can see them big ol blue eyes when she asks, "Supergirl? You must.. tell us... everything.."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
When Gwen releases her hand, Zatanna folds her hands in front of her, demuring. This isn't her place, is it? Gwen and Peter are really old friends in some form or another. She shouldn't be prodding on dating lives and all of that.

So when Gwen starts to press Peter, she steps back to let them talk amongst themselves, obstently to take a phone call, but really -- she doesn't want to horn in on the pair of them as she takes down some information.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter BLINKS. "Wait...what are you talking about? Supergirl and ME?" He continues in a parody of a Mexican bandito. "You make thee joke, ahhh theenk, seen-yo-wree-tah." He continues in a normal voice, "Supergirl's...jeez, Gwen, and I thought *you* were out of my league. We've met a couple of times, yes, but I don't know if she thinks of me that way."

Peter's blushing quite deeply now. At any moment, a seam will pop and steam will issue from his ears.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
That confirms it in Gwen's book.

"Dude....DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE..." Gwen swoons at Peter, playing at being weak in the knees at his blushing, bumbling, attempts not to draw attention to the Red and Blue elephant in the tabloids.

"I was just busting your balls, Petey, but..." Squint, "Okay, I'll stop, no embarassing you." Super wide grin for Peter, Gwen stepping back towards Zatanna, turning so her wide eyed stare at the Sorceress and silly called it grin is /mostly/ hidden from view.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
"Just because it's Springtime, and you're in luuuuv, Gwen. Not everyone else is!" Zatanna chides playfully as she shakes her head, looking utterly amused in all of this, though she gives Peter an apologetic smile. "I apologize for the little garden spider of happiness here, she's just bouncing around sharing her happy with everyone."

As for herself, though, Zatanna is looking pensive. She's in the same boat as Gwen. Knowing she's going to have to go home sooner or later. And worse, that she may be the catalyst for that same way home.

And surely, the fact that Zatanna used the word spider to describe Gwen was purely coincidental, right?

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter is still blushing. "Now, if she asked me out on a date, I'd accept in a heartbeat. She's...well, she's EPIC. She's not just a pretty face. She's conscientious, hopeful, helpful...and I have to admit, when she smiles, she's just...just..."

Peter sighs. To dream the impossible dream...

Gwen Stacy has posed:
"Super?" Gwen wonders of Peter, side eyeing Zee... It isn't overt the way her cheeks darken. They go from the slightly pale to the almost blood red over the course of a few seconds. Someone putting their hand too close to the stove top. In loooooooove?


Her knuckles wrap against Zee's side playfully, grinning and looking back to Peter. Do not acknowledge, nobody heard clearly, it's all good here. "She's just super? A very super, girl?" That's right, that's where the joke train is going people.

Toot toot.


She turns to Zatanna Zatara, stepping up close and going on her toes to kiss her cheek, "Hashtag maybe."

Two can play the blushing game.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl was't /too/ far off, but when she hears her name, even in casual conversation, and even from miles away, she knows it. In fact, nothing gets her attention faster than hearing her name. This time, it doesn't seem to be a distress call. But she can hear a familiar voice in the mix.

Familiar? Why? Why isn't it that she hears...So and so's voice? Supergirl puzzles for a long moment. She has perfect memory. Is it slipping? No...no, she decides. She knows exactly whose voice it is. She heard it last on the water tower. And in the little Mexican food place late that night. Of course, it's Spider-Man. She smiles, and she's turned to fly in the direction of the voice, as someone calls him Petey. She stops, high above the house, and she hovers stock still, before slowly descending onto the front lawn, red cape, sunny golden hair and little blue skirt aflutter in the breeze. Lightly, red boots touch down, and she surveys the scene with confusion racing in her head. Until...maybe it isn't, anymore. "Someone say my name?" she asks, blue eyes glinting as she squints at the trio.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Victory, Zatanna Zatara.


Gwen poking her in the side can't keep Zatanna from smiling though, especially at the kiss on her cheek which yes, lets Gwen the small victory there as she feels the fluttering of wind, and the arrival of the cape and costume, and Zatanna shields her eyes to look up at the blonde as she descends.

And the magician smiles warmly. "Hello, Supergirl." No using real names, even if she's in the Justice League database.

After all, Zee's the only publically known hero here. Mainly because it's impossible for her to hide, even if she wanted to.

And she never wanted to.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looked up as an angel descended. Well, angels didn't REALLY have wings. But he did know her.
"Uhm...hi, Supergirl." He is still blushing a little. "Uhm...sorry. Did I take you away from something?" He looks to Zatanna and Gwen, and suddenly remembers that they are there. "Uhm, hi! This is...Miss Zatara, and this is a friend of mine, Gwen Stacy. They came by because Gwen wanted to introduce me to her."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Whelp, that just happened.

Gwen doesn't spot Supergirl until she's already descending, but as soon as she does her hand is reaching out for Zatanna's. Tugging slightly to get the Sorceresses attention, one part excitement, one part kind of shell shocked. Peter hadn't said a word about her coming by or even known where he lived... He's clearly holding out on her.

He should be so glad she does not have a waterballoon right now. He would rue the day.

Then Zee is just greeting Supergirl like they're old chums meeting up for lunch between third and fourth period. "Well, if it isn't Supergirl, gosh, I haven't seen you since... I mean how long /has/ it been? You look good, flying around, hearing stuff... totally just chillaxin', in space probably, doing super hero stuff... no bigs. No bigs."

Totally rambling. "ANYWAYS... I suppose we should goooo..."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Oh, don't be silly," Supergirl replies with a knowing smile and a dismissive wave. "I wasn't busy...I just heard my name. And a familiar voice," she says with a playful smile at Peter. "I thought I'd drop in and say hello. That's all." She is walking toward the others in a slow and easy saunter that juxtaposes itself with the flutter of her red cape behind her. "Fantastic to meet you...and glad to see you again, Peter." Her smile is one of hiding a little bubble of excitement. The soft curve of pink lip twitching slightly to keep her from breaking into a broader smile. "How's everyone today?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Oh no, Gwen Stacy. You made this bed, you get to sleep in it.

When she hears that Gwen brought her here for the express purpose of introducing her to Peter, Zatanna cuts a look at the other woman. "And here I thought you just wanted me to see where you grew up." she says, brows arching in that 'oh, you are totally might going to be sleeping on that couch you mentioned earlier' way as she turns her attention to Supergirl. "I haven't had the chance to meet Supergirl that much myself... but I was friends with her cousin, and part of..."

Zee did what she could with the other mages to try to stop Doomsday. But he shrugged off even the most powerful spells. In the end, Zatanna had to turn from defense to evacuation, trying to get as many people out of the path of destruction as she could.

And it exhausted her until she had nothing left to give. And now here she is, looking towards his cousin, young and beautiful and possibly dating her girlfriend's best friend.

Or rather, this world's best friend of the girl who died that Peter had a crush on and then this Gwen showed up but instead of being like the Gwen he remembered, she was into girls and apparently she's decided to date a sorceress who is trying to help her get back home...

Seriously, someone write this down, it could be a whole season on Netflix. But now that Peter's upped the anty, Zatanna doubles down... and by double down, we mean.

"We should all hang out sometime. Catch that new Avengers play or go out to eat. I bet it would be fun."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter's heart actually stops for a moment. For a moment, he is Puny Peter in the 8th grade and the pretty girl is telling him Patsy Kleiner, the most popular girl in school, really liked him.

That was also the day he got taped to a wall for three hours.

But there is a moment of quiet, and in that quiet, he can hear someone who had counseled him for many years, had kept him from lashing out, or directing the pain inward.
<Faint heart ne'er won fair lady.>

What had that been from? Robin Hood the cartoon, right? He had seen it with Uncle Ben when he had been younger and weaker. All brain, no brawn.

Peter Parker took courage, suspecting even now that Supergirl might have some inkling as to what he is wearing underneath his clothes. Because, like the girl in THE BREAKFAST CLUB once said, you never knew when you had to jam.
Different concept, similar message.

He turned to face Kara directly, took a deep breath, and said, "Supergirl...would you like to go out with me?"

As the kid goes for broke.

Gwen Stacy has posed:
Zatanna grabs hold of Gwen's attention with both hands and has her blinking rapidly, had she said something? Did she miss something? Why is there suddenly an image in her own head about her laying on a couch watching Outlander by herself?!

"Huh?" Up, kind, not sure what's going on, looking suddenly dumbfounded, "Wait, what'd I do? I /did/ bring you to show you where I grew up, I didn't even... but.." Motion, motion, cross her arms to motion in two different directions. "Seriously, what did I dooooo wuuut mate?"

Peter drops a bombshell of a question and Gwen spins around towards him with her eyes big enough to land a plane in... She's suddenly clinging to Zatanna, holding onto the other woman's oposite shoulder to where she's leaning, watching her best friend ask out Supergirl?

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Well, I suppose that depends, Mr. Parker. I try to keep my friends close, and my enemies closer." Supergirl folds her hands together behind her back, under her cape, as she approaches Peter and the question lingering between them. She leans in toward Peter with a playful smirk, her hands still folded behind her. "How close to you wanna get?"

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
If what Supergirl said is true, then Gwen and Zatanna are mortal enemies, embroiled in an epic war that has waged for centuries and eons they way the pair are pushed together.

She laughs lightly and nudges Gwen. "Wanting to show me off, hmm?" she teases, a little flash in her sapphire eyes that says Gwen may have to make it up later.

But then again, even Zatanna, who is like... exposition extraordinaire can take the hint. "I think that they have a little to talk about, Gwen. Perhaps we should continue our walk?" she asks.

And leave Gwen hanging on what the answer will be.

Now who's being terrible?

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looked into those playful sky-blue eyes, and for a moment, all of the old fears come crowding in on him. Every emasculating comment. Every derisive jibe.

But God hates a coward.

Peter leans a little closer.

"Challenge Accepted."

Gwen Stacy has posed:
But Zeeeeeeeeeeeeee...

Gwen's desire for the conclusion to this story, will she, wont she, is deep... she'd totally bing watch this show okay?

There's a resigned little sigh, sliding off the Sorceress with a hand brushing back into her half shaved hair to push the frosty pink tipped blonde bangs out of her face, "Ooookaaaay... You two have fun..." To Peter and Supergirl. She really wants to know what the answer is, guys.

Sneak it in there Kara.

Stepping back, she hesitantly holds out her hand for Zatanna, looking over at her, then back over her shoulder, then back to Zee.. "Okay, maybe I did.. Maybe I wanted you to meet my best friend and for him to see what amazing taste I have and how lucky I am and... and.. Listen." Rambling, leading them out of the yard, still leaning backwards waiting for that ever so delicious que of yes or no as she digs herself out of a hole she hadn't even realized she'd gotten in!

"I didn't bring you here /specifically/ for that, but.. but.. You're gorgeous and you where the one who totally said you wanted to go out in public and let people see us holding hands... and.. I think we've done that..." Hopeful.

Not gonna Lie, she's still listening.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Taking Gwen's hand, Zatanna is pulled away, but she's noticing something, and she frowns. "Sweetheart." she says in a quiet tone to Gwen, gripping her hand as she looks from Kara to Gwen and back again. And to Gwen she sighs quietly.

"Blue eyed. Blonde. About the same measurements. Just as attractive. Feels she's out of his league. And perhaps putting on a front... because some things are unresolved."

It's said with a note of apology. One that says she's reading more than tea leaves here, and taking in what Gwen had said 'Pete had a crush on this worlds's me'.

She can see and feel the salt in the wound of Gwen showing up with new girlfriend, and well.. then Kara was there. And yeah.

Mages don't buy into coincidences.

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl is lingering close to Peter with a playful dance of light in her eyes, when Zatanna drops the bomb. The light leaves her eyes, as she glances sidelong, unable to see the girls behind her. Then she focuses her eyes on Peter again and presses her lips together in a forced smile. "I don't see why not. We see each other everywhere else anyway, don't we?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter doesn't hear Zatanna drop the bombshell. If he did, he would have told them everything, even the dream he had the previous night.

But he didn't. All he can see is the effect.
The forced smile looks almost plastic on Supergirl's face. He's seen when she is truly happy. This is NOT it.

What happened? There was something going on, and suddenly she goes from "Interested" to "Asking Because I Lost a Bet." And he knows THAT look all too well.

In the old days, he would have just slunk away, defeated. Lick his wounds and realize that happiness is not for him. But DAMMIT...

"Okay...I missed something," Peter says carefully.

Kara Danvers has posed:
"No, I'm the one who missed something. A lot of somethings, it seems." Supergirl tilts her head, looking at once confused and a little abashed. "Do you want to tell me who's blonde, blue-eyed, with about the same measurements, and 'just as attractive' as I am?" Keeping in mind that neither of the two who just departed fit that description.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looked honestly confused. It was a look that you have to work very hard to fake, but the reaction time for an honest reaction was correct, the facial expressions impacted the correct tics and jerks, and he stood up straighter quickly. "Uhm. No. The only one that's..."
Then the color seemed to drain from his face. "GWEN? Ah, JEEZ LOUISE..." He looked in the direction that Zatanna and Gwen had fled to, suddenly realizing what had happened.

He had a choice. He could size up Zatanna for the BEYOND BITCH t-shirt...or he could start digging up the past...and be as gentle as he could.
So he asked Supergirl to sit with him on the porch swing, and then he told her about Gwen Stacy. HIS Gwen Stacy. The girl he had fallen in love with. Then he told her that the Gwen Kara had just met was from another universe...

And then he told her about the death of Gwen Stacy. How he had blamed himself for months. How this other Gwen had re-appeared in this universe, and how he had wrestled with the thought of Gwen being back...and of realizing that this Gwen was not HIS Gwen. His Gwen was dead. And that he had to move on, and he had to accept this current Gwen as someone completely different...

"...and Gwen was here because she was telling me that she and Zatanna were in a relationship. That was what was going on before the talk turned to me and you."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"But...she wasn't even...she didn't have..." Supergirl looks after where the two have moved along. Then, what she knows of Zatanna's powers sinks into the equation.

"I'm sorry, Peter." It's all she can muster to say, just yet. She moves to enfold Peter in a hug.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter hugs Supergirl, unaware that someone is across the street, snapping pictures with a cell phone. "It's all right...I dreamed about her last night, you know. She told me to look after 'the other Gwen,' but just to keep her safe. I'll see her again, just like I'll see my Uncle Ben someday. But she would want me to live."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl draws back slowly and tilts her head. "So...yeah. I think we have some new territory to tread. Definitely. But at least we know neither of us will be treading it alone, right?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Is it too soon to ask if you have a proper name I can call you? 'Supergirl' seems a bit too formal if we are going to go out to eat."

Kara Danvers has posed:
"Well, I suppose that does put you at a disadvantage, doesn't it?" Supergirl's genuine smile has returned, along with a mischievous little twinkle in her eye. She notes the photographer briefly, and she leans in and whispers into his ear. "You can call me Kara, if Spidey doesn't mind if I call you Peter."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles. "I'm sure he wouldn't mind if I BUH."
The last word came out as his mind put it all together. Apparently a derailed train of thought makes a BUH sound as it crashes.

After a long moment, he smiles sheepishly. "I guess I should think about a voice-changer that works with the mouth and nose are exposed, shouldn't I...?"

Kara Danvers has posed:
Supergirl laughs. "You might consider it. Or...possibly be more careful who's around when you feel the urge to burrito." She winks. "Not everyone will know. Or even notice. But I think my physiology would never forgive me if I didn't."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "Kara. That's a pretty name," he says quietly. "Well...believe me. No baggage being brought along on THIS trip."

Kara Danvers has posed:
Smiling, Supergirl holds out her hands to Peter. "We've all got baggage, Peter. There's nobody out there without it. I'm just...looking for baggage that goes with mine." Great...she couldn't resist, but now that song's in her head for the rest of the day.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter grasps Kara's hands. "All right." He tilts his head. "Do you have some kind of...dress costume?"