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(Satana, Ree, Saeko, and Nick Drago end up becoming the after show for Don Giovanni)
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Latest revision as of 07:21, 11 January 2022

Guess Who Is Coming For Dinner
Date of Scene: 10 January 2022
Location: Metro City Music Hall
Synopsis: Satana, Ree, Saeko, and Nick Drago end up becoming the after show for Don Giovanni
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Satana Hellstrom, Ree, Saeko

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Despite whatever news may be going on in some other state, the Metro City Music Hall decides that the show must go on. Considering their performance tonight is Don Giovanni it could be considered a bit ballsy, perhaps in more ways than one. The audience is a bit thinner than expected but the hall was by no means empty. Part of the opera proceeds were going towards shelters in the local area which may very well be the deciding factor for some of the more nervous attendees.

In the concert area, the area lights are starting to become brighter as the performers are stepping out for their curtain call.

Situated in seats typically set aside for Shaw Studios guests, one reasonably well dressed man claps politely. To those who follow the music scene beyond that of opera, they may even recognize him to be on Nick Drago. Rockstar, occasionally actor, and -what the HELL is he doing at the opera? Either way he cleans up nice. The 20s something looking musician's attire is simple, but pristine. Long hair pulled back to a neat pony tail, the red color of the dress shirt pops in contrast to the black of the suit jacket.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
Nick's phone rings.

He undoubtedly turned it off, probably even before the ushers' behest to the audience.

Yet it rings. Displaying 'UNKNOWN NUMBER' as the caller ID.

At the same time a statuesque redhead on the opposite side of the audience, dressed in a stripperific version of what a very lonely comic book artist would view as a "sexy tuxedo" outfit, waves to him.

A chillingly familiar statuesque redhead. Right down to the twin cowlicks giving her an infernal air.

A statuesque redhead with a phone to her ear.

She mimes picking up a phone and answering.

And the phone keeps ringing.

Ree has posed:
"Opera. Always comes back to this. I wonder if it's a coincidence." She decided to wear pants, to be nice, and is in the seat back and to one side of Satana.

She doubts anyone's listening to her jabber. "It's not like there's anything fun going on on the stage even. I flashed the main singer and he didn't bat an eye."

She probably did, though really, not a lot to flash with. Having her feet up on the upholstery isn't kosher though. She'd been brought along. Isn't that enough? Apparently not.

Class isn't one of her deadly sins, apparently.

Saeko has posed:
Saeko was here too! Although, admittedly, she wasn't quite in full foxy glory. Tails and ears hidden, the tenko in disguise was still bordering on unnervingly beautiful as she sat between her literal demonic company, hair down and form wrapped in a figure-hugging red dress.

"This is...very different to the Opera I last saw..." she muses aloud as things come to an end, the Tenko glancing up at Satana's call and then over to Ree's comments.

Granted, the last 'Opera' she saw was centuries ago and half a world away.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
What a great show that Nick did NOT have to take part in whatsoever! As the cast walks out and it gets progressively further along to introduce the more notable of the characters, the applause grows louder too. This ends up being fortunate for the rock star as the sounds of the phone starting to ring is NOT loud enough to interrupt the entire proceedings but those in a four seat radius do seem to feel the need to give him the stink eye.

Nick's eyes widen a bit before he reaches into his pocket. How in the he- HE TURNED IT OFF! IT SHOULD NOT BE - It's ringing. Fumbling with the device he ends up answering the call instead of hanging up.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
As soon as Nick answers, an arm reaches through the phone and grabs him by his shoulder.

This is likely frighteningly familiar to him.

What is not familiar is ... that he's not turning to spaghetti and then electron streams. Instead the arm continues flowing out and forming a shoulder, part of a head and chest. The rest of the head and chest. The waist and another arm. Hips. Legs. Feet.

And then the clothing comes through.

"Mich... Nick! How the Hell are you?" Yes. That word is capitalized, even though spoken. "I never expected to see you of all people in an opera! Though an opera as saucy as this one? It gives me oh so many wicked ideas!"

The demoness is there and already her hands are resting on Nick's chest. In motion. While the rest of her practically melds itself against him.

The stink eye given now has a far larger contingent. Paired with no small amount of shock and fear.

"Nice to smell you again," she adds, her face buried in Nick's shoulder.

Ree has posed:
"Can you do that?" Ree thumbs at Satana's form, the telephonic speed being impressive. She speaks to Saeko of course. Because that really was quite the trick. Illusion or otherwise.

She also leans on her elbows, answering Saeko's comment. "You have the benefit of hearing it all for the first time, now. That's got to be special. Kind of a new innocence of sorts."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Do you know that moment when it registers that you have made a mistake? A really big one? Like. Not 'I left the stove on' level but 'I left the stove on with some oil soaked rags and a canister of gasoline sitting on top' level? Well. Here you go.

As the phone beeps on and the screen changes, the look upon Nick's face goes from one brand of horror to another. He's already dropping the phone and backing away but considering the proximity he is to other people and the narrowness of the aisles, the retreat is a short lived one. He ends up tripping over the legs of a male attendee, flipping on his back as the momentarily naked then dressed succubus forms in front and then on top of him. Wide blue eyes look up to the woman in shock.

It's likely a good thing Satana had all the dialogue because Nick's having trouble with his lines at the moment.

Saeko has posed:
"I can do similar," Saeko muses, shruggingn her bare shoulders as she looks over towards the box Satana and Nick now occupy. "But almost certainly through different means."

A tilt of her head, Saeko offers a little chuckle, nodding and shrugging once more. "Oh, certainly. But then innocence doesn't tend to last long around Satana."

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Ooh! 'Nick!'..." Yes, you can hear the quotes around his name. "So glad to see me you had to take me right here on the floor of the opera!"

Satana's mouth opens into a wide grin. The wide grin that has in the past heralded trouble. The wide grin that makes most of her imps quail when seen.

"And you have me on top. Funny. Not what I'd expected, but ... I'm game, top or bottom."

Her teeth clack dangerously close to Nick's nose.

"But I'm not giving a floor show for free." She looks up straight at the person with the camera taking the footage from where he thought he might be unobserved. "You want the whole floor show, it's www.satana.com. Free samples available, but sorry, the whole show is pay-per-view only."

She winks and turns her attention back on the rock star, straddling him... at the belly. Maybe a hair below.

"So what do you think? Did this opera give you any ideas? I have a regular spot in the cloakroom if you want to make any of them real."

Ree has posed:
Given the situation, Ree can't argue with Saeko's comment. "True. I think I need to deal with something now. Be right back." She then hops down from her seat, and ambles toward the one that Satana has singled out. The one with the camera. She points, minions take action.

La, lee la...

Given how attention-grabbing Satana is (and Mike at the moment) she assumes she can pull this off. Because all she has to do is ...this!

She slaps a wad of gum over the guy's camera lens (phone or otherwise) and welds it in place. Then she turns, and makes for the shadows!

IT'S MAGIC! No, it's using a sexy distraction to do her job.

A moment later she's with Saeko again, and shedding her outfit for a different one. "Hey, did you bring a spare shirt?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Nick blinks to the Satana on top, now words following suit with what he did with his body earlier. "Satana- hi." The musician stumbles out, pausing as she nips towards his nose. "Ah-"

As she addresses the man with the camera, he turns his head, looking away from the filming while she talks. Shoulders lifting slightly, he braces the palms of his hands against the floor. Maybe if he were to just pu-OOF. Nick bites his lip as Satana shifts on top of him. Right. Pressing his palms against the floor he tries to slide himself out from under the succubus.

Saeko has posed:
It's in that thud, that impact with his back, that the world changes again...

Or at least, the number of people in the booth does. A shift in the air and Saeko was leaning nearby as if she'd always been there.

Hands clasped at her bust, the woman gives a soft giggle, watching the pair in their compromised position.

"Satana...are you going to introduce me to your friend?"

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
It seems even demons can show mercy.

Of a sorts.

Without visibly straining, Satana stands, picking up Nick as if he were a Barbie doll, setting him on his feet.

"You're right. We should save this for the cloakroom." The salacious wink while her eyes are lowered leave no room for the paps to have to make stuff up. She's pretty much telling them what they want to hear.

Is it what Nick wants to hear? Probably mixed.

"Saeko, this is Mi... ah ... Nick Drago. A friend of Thomas'." The next words have a peculiar stress to them, as if saying, look closer. "I'm sure you've met him before."

Eye contact is made too, again as if trying to communicate something.

Then Satana's back to her sensual, mischievous, ever so slightly malevolent self.

"So, Nick, why the opera? Learning how to sing?"

Ugh. She's the kind that giggles at her own jokes.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Hearing a familiar giggle followed by a voice inquiring to he is, Nick pauses, tilting his head back to look at the celestial spirit in human guise. His head tilts, looking to her upside down, "...SaekoOOH?!"

Nick's attempts to say the name properly are thrown off by Satana lifting him off the ground rather easily. Arms flail, just contributing to the display of grace and balance he has shown off for the entirety of this encounter. Upon his feet hitting the ground, his arms bend palms held up in a bit of a halting gesture as he looks to Satana. Eyes glancing down for a moment to follow where Satana was looking before looking up again.

As the topic shifts over to his reasons for attending and less worrisome material, he lowers his hands. Looking over to Saeko again, giving her a wave before looking back to Satana. This is not at ALL an attempt to gather his thoughts. Really! "I like music in a lot of forms." Nick replies, "Also the ticket proceeds for tonight's show are going towards shelters in the area."

Saeko has posed:
Did she not recognize him? Was she playing dumb for her own guise? It was really probably hard to tell. Kitsune were strange like that, that much was very true.

"A pleasure," she greets, no hand extended or nod given, only a draw of her lips to a smile before she offers a soft 'oh' at the explaination. "How wonderful. Things have been difficult for everyone of late with all the...events unfolding."

Mass evacuations and divine games that they were held back from wasn't exactly going over well with the Tenko who'd come to Earth specifically to be more involved.

Satana Hellstrom has posed:
"Yes," Satana agrees with enthusiasm. "Good intentions are the best intentions."

They pave the road to her home, afterward. The Good Intentions Paving Company was one of the best builders of highways to Hell.

Sensing, however, that her time to play this gag on Nick was reaching its end before it became too boorish even for her, she releases Nick.

"Nick, you simply must drop by for a visit. We all miss you over at the Griffin," she says, exchanging a grip on Saeko, arm snugged around her waist, hand resting slightly below the hip for the pull in. "Rasputin misses you. I miss you. Saeko misses you."

Then ... let's just say the devil made her do it and leave it at that.

Her voice drops into the lowest part of a thrilling contralto's range.

"The swing ... misses us all."

She winks and releases Nick from continued embarrassment, turning away with Saeko. "So what did you think? Different from your kind of opera isn't it?" she asks as she guides her foxy friend to the ...

... cloak room.