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Latest revision as of 03:17, 13 January 2022

Live At Xavier's -- HAMILTON
Date of Scene: 12 January 2022
Location: Recreation Room
Synopsis: Noriko Ashida, Emma Frost, Sam Guthrie, and Jubilation Lee enjoy a performance of Hamilton in the Xavier's recreation room, but not everything is as it seems. Kitty Pryde makes a triumphant return to the mansion by almost phasing through King George's spit puddle, but unfortunately has some difficult news to share with the group.
Cast of Characters: Jubilation Lee, Emma Frost, Noriko Ashida, Samuel Guthrie, Kitty Pryde

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    In light of recent world events, the hit musical HAMILTON had to close the doors of its longtime spot on Broadway. Rumors have been circulating, stirring, buzzing, that somehow Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters was selected as the new venue, at least for the next few weeks. The Recreation Room at the mansion is certainly smaller than the usual theater, but it's no less austere. There have been some recasts, though, and the sets have taken on an understated, intimate quality.

    The heavy wooden furniture has been moved towards the walls to make space in the center of the room, as beanbags, chairs, and couches create something similar to a theater in the round. The televisions, video game consoles, speakers -- anything that could possibly interrupt with noise -- are powered off and, if inspected closely, all suffering from shredded power cables. Nothing would distract from HAMILTON.

    A small group of students are seated for the show, including Jubilation Lee. She's dressed in an oversized hoodie and jeans, a far cry from her usual give-them-a-good-look outfits, and her hood is drawn. Her hair is brushed down to almost entirely cover up her face, as her head hangs low.

    On the 'stage,' Lin-Manuel Miranda and the rest of the usual cast have been replaced. Several Xavier's students are standing there, blankly staring forward, singing and moving half-heartedly. All of the lyrics are accurate, but lazy and imprecise. One of the student-players steps forward. He's wearing a crown made of yellow construction paper, tilted to one side. His mouth hangs open loosely, his pupils dilated. He seems vaguely at peace.

    "The price of my love's not a price that you're willing to payyyyy," he slur-sings. "...You cryyyyyy, in your tea which you hurl in the seas when you see me gooo by..."

Emma Frost has posed:
    Emma had been doing some paperwork in some of the lower lofts of the Mansion. So upon making her way up from whatever she had been working on, a thin laptop folded up and underneath an arm, Emma would catch the sound of a large gaggle of students backing up through the area.
    So that would get her attention. A quick sweep of the area mentally would confirm a strong level of itnerest, creativity, and curiousity. And then Emma would go to walk on in a few moments later. Going near the back of the room.
    On one hand, what could possibly be quite a bit of dmage to some of the electronics. On the other hand.. Well.. Scott was always going on about how the students needed to turn off their electronic devices. So the provocateur was merely doing what they had been always urged to do so.
    So, with a grin and an approving nod given over to the students up on the stage, corralled or not over into things. Jubilee is given an amused look, even as Emma Frost does not verbally interrupt nor distract. There's a very, very light nod of approval given and amusement. Rare things from the blonde by reputation, likely.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Snacks," Nori whispered when she left Jubilation's side.  The speedster has had several personal intermissions already.  She was there one second, with her chin on Jubes' shoulder, then gone the next, leaving Jubes with a light gust that follows after Nori as she darts past Emma, runs up the wall in the corridor to bypass a gaggle of girls loitering.

This time...Noriko takes time.  She doesn't just come back right away.  After about 2 minutes, she rolls in with a giant sack of...sacks of popcorn, which becomes apparent after she rolls into Jubes gently and starts passing bags to the right.

"You should have made them rehearse more."  Noriko's eyes dart back to the...encouraging Emma Frost, who gets a look kind of like a perplexed someone on the toilet.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie had not heard what was going on. He decided to come check on things. He might not stay at the mansion as much these days, but he does have a room still. He blinks a moment, when he walks in seeing whats going on. He will keep quiet as he heads over to find himself a drink and watch to see whats fully going on.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Mmm hmm. Jubilation doesn't look up, her face staying hidden by shadow and hair, but she makes a little sound acknowledging Noriko's need to go retrieve carbohydrates. She lifts her legs so she's in that girlish criss-cross-apple-sauce seating style and then sits up straight. Some of the other students tense up as Jubilee moves, but whatever tension hangs in the air does not come to fruition.

    The song continues, the student saunters forward, shambling almost, towards Emma Frost. His shoulders and hips exagerrate his movements as he approaches the White Queen. He stares forward, fear lingering in his expression. Help me, it seems to be saying.

    "Remember we made an arrangement when you went away. Now you're making me maaaaaddddd!" he slurs loudly, drool spilling from his mouth. What a performance!

    "Stage right!" Jubilee announces, not looking up. It's a command that King George was either expecting or... perhaps there's more going on here. Any capable telepath or empath would recognize something lingering in the ether. Every one of the performing students seems to want to do a good job, as though their lives depended on it. Nothing would be so horrible as doing a bad performance in this performance that is presumably just for a laugh. They are on edge.

    King George turns to the right, continuing his saucy little walk, but stumbles forward as he slips on some of his own drool from earlier. There's a collective gasp from the 'cast' and the King looks up in horror. He turns to watch Jubilation and Noriko, and then over at Emma. "I-I-I..." The tension breaks as soon as Jubilee's voice is heard. "Ugh, you're right," she scowls back at Nori. "They aren't ready."

    "Take five," Jubilee almost whispers. The cast of Hamilton, almost in unison, relax their shoulders and start milling about, talking among themselves. Some even dare to exit the stage to get something to drink. King George wipes the spit from the side of his mouth.

Emma Frost has posed:
And there's a moment from Emma as she would assess what was going on and narrow her eyes ever so slightly as she would evaluate it. And seeing the students seeming to almost be exhausted and disoriented. And the almost moment of fear (?) going through them to perform and perform properly. Emma would walk forwards. "Ms. Lee? A word please before you start the next act." The way Emm would say 'a word please' would make it clear there was nothing remotely optional about fulfilling it.
    "So please tell me what your intent was here and as to what was the inspiration to coercing them?" Emma's not the type to mince words, even as she's putting this out there quite a bit more firmly. IT's said just in the space where Noriko, Jubilee, and Sam could hear it. But Emma's tone has gone to the harsher elements on edge if need be. But still, she's waiting for an explanation here in the event that there is something that she's misreading here.
    Or that Noriko wishes to stand up and over and say something that she's not aware of. However.. Emma's own mental shields are up and reinforcing themselves as she would speak.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko is way too busy eating the remaining bags of popcorn that she keeps fishing out of her Mary Poppins sack to catch the scowl immediately, but then suddenly sensing Jubilation's shifting with no super senses, she automatically pushes into a higher velocity of existence to perceive the young vampire's displeasure in all of its glory.

Noriko shrugs.  "There's a lot of drool.  Do you have a stage manager?" she asks, her words a little quick to leave her mouth.  But when Emma confronts Jubes, Noriko simply touches her forefinger to the ground and gives herself a precise little spin as she sits with folded legs.  She reaches down to snatch up a handful of popcorn that she uses her free fingers to flip into her open mouth.  Eyes dart from Emma to Jubes, then to Sam.

"Sam.  Come watch the show.  Get some popcorn."  The 'show' obviously isn't the actual show for her.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie 's brow raises a bit higher. He looks between the ladies, with a cautious if curious gaze. "Um, should we perhaps head over to one of the corners of the room to talk?" He asks, trying to keep what ever is going on away from the students perhaps.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Scary as Emma might have been in years past, this is not the same Jubilee that the White Queen might remember. However displeased she might sound, however not-optional the conversation would need to be, Jubilee doesn't even stir. She doesn't move, doesn't look up. Instead, her hand is extended forward and gives the cast a nudge-nudge dismissive gesture. It seems to trigger even more relaxation in them. Some even leave the Recreation Room entirely.

    Perhaps it's meant to be noticed, perhaps it's a demonstration of her lack of concern for Emma's tone, but Jubilee cheerfully reacts to Noriko first. "Sounds like I do now!" she replies, giving the speedster a little nudge with her shoulder. Her face is still hidden by both shadow and hair. And then, there's Sam Guthrie, another person who isn't Emma.

    "Sam!" she calls out, still keeping her face hidden. "Better get that popcorn in your body before Noriko eats all of it!" Is she serious? Oh yeah, she's serious. Finally, Jubilee turns her body towards Emma Frost, hair hanging over her face still.

    "Well, I thought they'd do a good job, you know, with some encouragement," she answers cryptically. The real answer to Emma's question, the truth as to why Jubilee thought it was okay to vampire glamour a bunch of students to put on Hamilton for her, lingers in the silence, perfect for any telepath to just reach out and take: she felt entitled to do it.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance at Jubilee, and cross her arms, "Ms. Lee, you were pushing mentally on the entire group. Given it was choreographed that implies intent." Emma's tone is very, very flat. And she's going to do so quietly, at Sam's suggestion. She's not going to be disrupting the entire display for this. Her lips would be pursed over in display.
    "So, do explain. Was that intentional or was I misreading it?" Having picked upa t least to her what seemed to have been the veil of mental pressure that had been inflicted upon every student performing. But Emma's not reading Jubilee's mind, nor is she doing anything to make herself stand out or scan the other students. She would cross her arms, letting the others have drinks and snacks.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I think she answered.  She intentionally encouraged them,"  Noriko says with a bland level of insolence as if she could care less.  Then she pops up to her feet, shoves her bag of popcorn at Sam to take or not, and gives Jubes a little kiss on her exposed cheek before blurrily trudging to assess the drool pool.

Three seconds later there is hazard tape strung up like streamers from the ceiling, demarcating the contamination zone.  If Jubes wants it done, she'll have to deal with Nori doing it her way.  Noriko remains in this faster, more natural velocity, her thoughts racing faster, even as she ends up standing still, waiting for someone to open their mouth slowly again before she falls back into sync to listen.  The biggest tell that she isn't just standing there is the almost rotoscoped effect her small movements and adjustments create.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie does take the bag. He is frowning ever so slightly, he believes he may have a hint of whats going on, but he would much more expect the two ladies in one another's parts than the one they seem to be playing this evening. "Normal encouragment is a decent route to start. Ah, believe, you know what it is like to be a student and how you want folks to treat ya Jubes."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
One gets used to odd things happening at the mansion. Broadway musicals, well that one might be new. The mansion being shaken, burned, attacked by aliens. Hambone turning the garage into a makeshift bowling alley and charging other students for its use.

Also ghostly people.

The discussion may or may not be briefly interrupted as a body falls through the room. It's a Kitty Pryde-shaped body, and she has a box in hand as she free falls through the ceiling and continues on down through the floor and towards the X-men base below without halting.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee points her index finger at Noriko and her answer, affirming it with a little flourish. "I intentionally encouraged them," she repeats, not moving, not looking up. Her face stays hidden from view. There's a moment of conflict within her, a feeling of being unsure, that familiar line of thinking every teenager follows when confronted about their behavior. It's not fair. I didn't do anything wrong. Whatever went on here felt natural to her, like breathing, though not that she does that anymore. That moment of being a kid with a big scary adult breathing down her neck passes, washed over by that dark stirring that has been placed inside her.

    "Well, if you aren't a fan of the arts, Ms. Frost..." Jubilation begins, her tone icy and deliberate. "Then I believe you know where the /Guest/ quarters are, don't you?" Her words are stifled, precise, and almost Machiavellian. These little vampires grow up so fast, don't they!

    "Sam Guthrie, you're a sight for sore eyes!" Jubilee announces again, the precision now gone from her voice. Just normal old Jubes. "Where have you be---" And then Kitty phases in. Jubilation's head, still covered by hoodie and hair, snap-turns in the direction of the apparition.

    "Watch out for the ----!"

Emma Frost has posed:
And Emma Frost is debting whether to follow through with it. The girl's actions have her concerned.. But it's that barely there veil of pressure that the younger girl had put on the other studetns. That is over now. But.. Just to cover her bases, there's a small little flash for thsoe whom are psychically aware or that pay attention as Emma goes to block any sort of mental effects that might hit the room in the event that the girl might want to call the cast up.
    "Very well Ms. Lee, do forgive me." Kitty's arrival is given a nod as Emma would take a step back proverbially while conceding it. "Forgive me for interrupting your.. Rehearsals. This is far more engaging than something spur of the moment. Are you planning on making it more of an event?" Back to evaluatory teacher mode here.
    Hopefully her conceding the point would defuse any escalation from circumstances. Now.. Now to see where things fell that she had taken a step back.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Leave it to Nori to spot the Kitty-Pryde-Just-Dropping-Through phenomenon in the background.  A few other kids notice; one spits his drink all over some girl.  Noriko watches it all in slow motion, tracking Kitty's trajectory.  Whether Kitty gets close to the streamered off drool pool or not, Noriko breaks out of her moment like a chipmunk at a race track with a sped up, "DAMNIT!  SO CLOSE!"  She somehow has another bag of popcorn.

"Box..." she mumbles through her carbs and butter, squinting thoughtfully as she commits the box to memory.  Emma's relaxing back from the attack makes Nori's head snap to, the squint still present.  Is she up to something? the expression seems to openly court like an accusatory dramatic hamster stare.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Out in little Italy, with Alexis, but we came upstate and rented a place for us and some of her students and their families, while the whole New York thing is going on, trying to make sure keep as many folks safe as we can." He sees Kitty offering her a nod as she passes by.

Kitty Pryde has posed:
It isn't very long before Kitty appears again. Only having been gone through the floor for the time it took to pop into Henry McCoy's lab and drop off the box to him, then rise back up to the mansion above. She appears through the floor, stepping up onto the floor and looking around.

"Hey guys, what's going on?" she asks, gaze going around the room. People may or may not have noticed Kitty is around the mansion more now. One may have heard gossip she returned with a few boxes of things as if moving back into her room on a more permanent basis after having lived in the city for most of the last year and commuted to the school a day or two a week.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "It will be the event of the /season/..." Jubilation replies to Emma. Her tone has relaxed a little, but it lacks the same warmth Sam got. "If they can get their lines right..." She projects her voice in the direction of the meandering cast, who are now consumed by the glow of their smart phones and the carbonation of their sodas.

    "Kitty!" Jubilee announces, still not moving enough to reveal her face. Just... hoodie and hair. "I was /wondering/ what you were going to do!" She doesn't elaborate on the 'why'... No one needs to be told why it made sense to move out of the city right now. No one needs that. To that end, there's Sam Guthrie. "Yeah, that makes sense... it's bad out there. It's good you're back!"

    NYC is dangerous! "The whole 'devil bride' thing kinda has me hunkered down here," Jubilee explains, her hands coming up to finger-quote 'devil bride.' If there's some obvious implication why she /wouldn't/ be at Xavier's, it's unclear.

    "I don't wanna get within one mile of those things. Who /knows/ what they could do to me." Angels and vampires might make an interesting comic book, but it's not something one would want to experience firsthand.

    Vampires are known for sudden bursts of speed, but Jubilee is no speedster. She's no match for Noriko, not even close, but there's just something there, something invisible, and not at all magical or supernatural. It's this something that causes Jubilation to suddenly turn towards the speedster and lean forward for some reason...

Emma Frost has posed:
There's nothing amiss here. Jubilee is acting from what Emma Frost can tell within her standard deviation. So there's a light withdraw from Emma's presence and awareness throughout the area as she would stop subtly blanketing things for the moment. Kitty is given a slower nod. "Katherine." Emma's tone would be flat and neutral, but polite.
    As Jubilee had said but a few minutes ago, Emma resided in the guest quarters after all. Emma wouldn't add anything to the 'back here' comment whether or not she was caught up in the day to day affairs of the Mansion. This was her moment to take a proverbia step back mentally to evaluate how the others were interacting. Whether she had been overreacting to Jubilee.. Whom the others would probably -not- rally to the immediate defense of now that Emma wasn't pushing..

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Like clockwork, Noriko's coloring shifts to red as she grits her teeth at the whole 'devil bride' comment.  Noriko doesn't even turn to look at Kitty and see if she stepped in the pool on her re-entrance!  "WHO?!-" but Noriko can't get it out fast enough before Jubilation has the speedster's lips locked.  Realizing Jubes' tactics immediately, the speedster's shade gets a tad darker and her mouth remains shut when Jubilation pulls away just enough to say...

"Some asshole."  Jubilation brushes her fingers chastely against Noriko's collarbone when she straightens out the speedster's attire, retreating with a grin.

"Oh," is all Noriko can say..."Kitty are you back to stay?"  ABORT ABORT!  Noriko stuffs her face with popcorn as she tries to deal with her racing, mixed feelings.  'Devil Bride', kiss, 'Devil Bride', kiss...popcorn.  The food shoots into her mouth like it was dropped into a wood chipper.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods a bit to this and says "Will help out how ever we can, but right now, am trying to make sure those we can help are helped. And figure if we keep the students and their families together will help them bond a bit more, which is good with them being both human and mutant students." He looks over to Kitty "You should come by class sometime."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Kitty's glance around the room, noting the puddle but thankfully figuring it's just something spilled, and the retreating other students, let's her know something is up. But then, when wasn't there something up at Xavier's School.

But no one is in flames, at least who doesn't have that as a power, so she doesn't try to dig deeper there and just goes with the conversation instead. "Oh, yeah, the city," Kitty says. She's only managed to keep tabs on what is going on there so far.

The question from Noriko is what finally gets the Jewish girl's attention. The question hasn't been asked out in the open where the rumor mill could distribute it. Kitty draws a small breath. Might as well get it over with then.

"Yes, I think so. Or, pretty much. Warren and I are... we're not seeing each other anymore. At least... well, we're not," she says. Emma will sense the turmoil of emotions. Get enough to make intuitive leaps to fill in gaps. An amicable breakup, both agreed to. But not without leaving feelings that are raw its wake.

Kitty clears her throat to help push those emotions down. "So, should see me around more. I might take a break from the contract work at JVD Fashion too. I don't know. Might look for other stuff. Just... maybe I don't know. Clean start sort of," she says, eyes not quite meeting the others.

Kitty nods to Sam. "I'll definitely stop by," she agrees.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    Jubilee side-eyes towards Noriko and her newfound awkwardness. She reaches up and starts to smooth out her hair, making sure it still covers her face for whatever reason, but a slight smile might be caught. As soon as Kitty mentions Warren, Jubilation's head turns a little. There was a time when she'd leap up, throw her arms around Kitty, and insist that they stay up all night drawing mustaches and devil horns on all her pictures of Warren Worthington. But, that's not what happens this time. Instead, she remains seated, head tilting down again. Kitty's moment of ambiguity around what her next move would be, well, it draws out a suggestion.

    "You could be my familiar," Jubilation announces, not bothering to look up to catch the response. Familiar. Vampire terminology. It's pretty clear that no one in their right mind would want to be a vampire's familiar, but, can't blame a girl for trying.

    There's another conflict inside Jubilee. She falls silent for a seconds before managing to fight back whatever words would be coming, whatever action was bubbling to the surface. Instead, she finds the strength to say the /right/ thing. The mortal thing. The person thing.

    "I'm sorry, Kitty," she says softly, even turning her head to look over. Her hand searches for Noriko's.

Emma Frost has posed:
The emotions coming off Kitty don't need to be gleaned from her mind, it's evident on her face. Emma's expressio would shift to that of sympathy, sincere or not. Not openly saying anything, the owman would probably take it as insincere and as belittling.
    There's a low nod of her face after Jubilee had spoken. Emma once again erring on the side of downplaying her own presence here to give her a better position in evaluating the interactions. The back and forth dynamic of Jubilee and Noriko getting a quick smile that would vanish almostinstantly unless one was looking at her expression the very right moment.
    Pain happened. It was how one dealt with it that defined one's life. Romance, conflict, loss.. To Emma's mind, one litlte breakup wasn't the end of the world. Particularly when it was mutual. Her facial expressions would be a bit simpler to read now if one happene to be looking at her.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko doesn't happen to be paying attention to Emma.  She's so obviously occupied with her self-consciousness over looking like a cherry and the heat she can feel coming off her cheeks and-crackle goes a little bolt across her cheek...and then more as Kitty answers her question.  Noriko blinks and her electrical activity seems to subside a little after Jubilation finds her gauntlet.  She squeezes back gently, a subtle signal to Jubes that she knows Jubes' hand is there, something nearly unconsciously delivered at this point.

For the moment, Emma's slinking back, so to speak, seems to have worked, with Nori at least.  The girl's constant scrutinous looking/checking seems to cease completely and although she has no real mental guards, she does have a stubborn mind.

"If you need help unpacking..." Nori offers, trailing off somewhat lamely.  "I can make it quick."

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Emma probably isn't wrong that Kitty would be mistrustful of her sentiments. Though also, a bit too kind-hearted to not feel guilty about it later. Well, maybe just a little. Kitty still hasn't taken Emma's role in the kidnapping of herself and Noriko very well, even if she has seemed to turn over a new leaf.

"Thanks Noriko," Kitty says. "I just had a few boxes of things, already done. Rogue stopped by and... ah, there was rum," she says, a hand ruffling through her hair which is loose at the moment rather than in the ponytail it frequently is.

Kitty turns back towards Jubilee, handling the offer well enough. "I'm not really sure that would have the kind of pay and medical plans I'd normally look for. Plus the whole, enjoying playing with multi-million dollar computer systems. But it /is/ a tempting offer, I'm sure. So, thank you, Jubes," she offers back graciously enough.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Okay, well, text me if you change your mind," Jubilation replies with a shrug of one of her shoulders. There's just something so weird about settling up the gift of mortality over starkMessage. Jubilee shifts her weight a little bit so she's leaning more of herself against Noriko, now using a little bit of the speedster to keep her face as concealed as she can.

    Jubilation holds this pose for a few seconds before stirring. "Hey, I know what will cheer everyone up. The second act!"

    Jubilation tilts her head to try and get a good look at the kids that were just singing about the birth of their nation. King George is easy to find thanks to that paper crown on his head. He's over near the snacks, currently doing very kingley things to a bag of pretzels. Jubilation carefully reaches up and pulls some of her hair away from her face so the cast can get a good look at it -- and her eyes -- when she opens her mouth to speak.

    "You should start the second act now," she states simply. It's said so casually, so precisely, so naturally. A feeling of dread, fear, and hopelessness begins to fill the hearts and minds of the students caught in Jubilee's stare. They all turn to look at her, listen to her, watch her every move. But then... it fades. It fades away just as quickly as it came. The students, the former cast of Hamilton In Westchester, go back to their sodas, smartphones, and pretzels.

    Confused, deflated, perhaps even worried, Jubilee sits back down. "...Don't you want to do act two?" she wonders out loud, but no one is really paying attention anymore. Jubes repositions her hair to cover her face again, still making a point to keep herself hidden from Emma and Kitty. Nori's seen it. "Huh..."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost conceding the point has avoided n escalation. Now Emma goes tow atch for any followup. Or signs of Jubilee influencing anyone else. Emma's expression turns to more of a passive frown on that as she would finally break her general silence as Jubilee and Noriko would appreciate one another's companionship..
    And then Jubilee is going to build up to start the next scene. And this time Emma is ready for her. As Jubilee is going to start on her theatrics, Emma would go to ensure that she would maintain her veil upon the room. Maintaining her blockage to the best of her abilities while going to lock eyes with Jubilee.
    "Ms. Lee.. Please do elaborate on that." Emma's voice is firm now, but also concerned. She's hardly one to speak of ethics.. But strong, strong concern.
    "Do you have any idea what you were just attempting to do at all?" Her tone is quiet. And also there's a glance from Emma to Kitty. Seeing if Kitty had noticed it at all or not. If she hadn't.. Well, then it would be someone else over in the room that was probably going to be unleashing frustrations upon her. Emma's tone would be thoughtful and not aggressive..
    Well,a ggressive by -Emma- standards. Which normal people would disagree on.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko isn't unaware of Jubilation's position and how she's angling herself.  The speedster actually casually shifts her weight to give Jubilation a little more coverage.  

"Wait, I gotta clean up the drool puddle!"  Noriko seems to be taking this new stage manager appointment seriously, or maybe she just thinks it would be a shame to go out by puddle of drool.  "Hydroplaning hazard!"  For her at least.  She splits from Jubilation's side and somehow, unbeknownst to everyone but Nori, the speedster does clean up the hazard, but she leaves up the hazard tape hung like streamers...she got from...somewhere.

"Ready!"  But the actors are not, and Noriko looks around.  "Fucking no dedication.  That's what.  How are we ever going to sell tickets to this if the players won't play?"  She looks from one person to the other.  "What?  Proceeds go to the fund for orphans!"

Kitty Pryde has posed:
Looks from Jubilee, to the other students, and back again. Then over to Emma, an eyebrow raised slightly in a questioning way. Though as the other students seem to be either not affected, or else Kitty is just plain wrong about what went on, she doesn't make an issue of it. Though she might bring the subject up with the Professor and Jean to keep an eye on.

"Well, ok. Just, ah, have fun. And try not to... do things," Kitty says, with a little wave of her hand. "That you shouldn't. Because, guidance counselor," she says.

Lockheed comes flying into the room, carrying a bag of cherry-flavored Twizzlers. He lands on her shoulder and drops it in her hands. "Ah, afraid you'll melt the plastic on them again?" she asks him of the individually wrapped treats. "I need to get a bowl of cereal anyway," she says, raising a hand to wave goodbye to everyone before walking through the wall with the dragon, into the kitchen.

Jubilation Lee has posed:
    "Yeah, yeah, we won't," Jubes replies absently to Kitty's warning not to do anything they shouldn't. She's distracted by Emma's pull on the room. "I'm just convincing them to do the second act," Jubilee responds simply, her tone taking on that of a defensive teenager. From a certain point of view, it's the truth. To Jubilee, what she did was as natural as a person simply speaking with confidence or looking people in the eye. These are small behaviors that can affect someone else's perception. It's natural, it's part of the social experience of being a person. To Jubilee, to a vampire, glamouring people feels normal.

    Her head turns to look at Noriko, for her reaction to all this. "For the orphans, right?" she replies, as though it was one of their old, harmless schemes to make spending money together. Back when they were both alive. How many 'for the orphans' events did they put on over the last couple years?

    "Can we go?" she asks the speedster quietly, stepping a little closer, tilting her head so her cold nose leans against Noriko's cheek. Either it's a true show of vulnerability, like an animal with her tail between her legs, or it's some kind of manipulation. She lingers there for a moment until her eye catches something that pulls her attention. It's Lockheed.

    "Kitty gets a familiar..." she pouts openly.

Emma Frost has posed:
Now there's Emma Frost's light awareness of things. Jubilee, while gifted in many things to Emma's awareness.. Being an adept liar is not among them. So without actually scanning the girl's mind at the moment, Emma can only assume that the girl is being sincere. At least, without invading her mind which is not the appropriate thing to do now. So Emma would just dip her head to the two, "A good evening. I suggest that you find another time to work on the next act. Perhaps find another person to assist you wtih it? For things efficiently.." She would muse and go to cross her arms.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Yep," Noriko responds to Kitty's guiding advice.  The speedster, if she's aware of Jubes' glamouring (she totally is; she can see the light dim in their eyes as they succumb), doesn't show any signs of it.  She's acting as if this were totally natural as well!

"For the orphans!" Nori declares as if they were about to start the charge of a parade, though Jubilation's nose makes her straighten up suddenly.  "Yeah," she says softly, slightly turning her head.  She looks down to make sure she still has Jubilation's hand before she leads them out.

"Will do!"  Noriko leads the way, not letting go of Jubes hand and then can be heard saying softly just outside the door, "What did she mean by that?  Get a telepath or something?"  trying to keep the subject light.  What's lighter than mind control?