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Latest revision as of 05:15, 18 March 2020

Amazon Primed and ready to meet people.
Date of Scene: 17 March 2020
Location: Chinatown
Synopsis: Dinner with two ladies Almost.
Cast of Characters: Robert Marksman, Atlin, Beatriz da Costa

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman is out and about this evening. He was walking along and had decided he wanted Chinese which brings him to Chinatown. He walks along looking about as he is headed for a small place he has had pretty good food. He looks a bit out of place but nods in greeting to folks as he sees them.

Atlin has posed:
Much to the stress of her 'oversight', Atlin was out and about again. Still wearing the ovesized hoodie that hung past her hips and concealed the light but unmistakeable armor, the tanned Amazon had been roaming the streets of New York for hours now.

It was...strange to say the least. If all of 'Man's World' was ment to be like this? It was going to be more than a little confusing!

Still eventually even she had grown hungry, the sights and the smells drawing her towards Chinatown as curiousity alighted her features. Language was one thing, but she'd never known culture outside that of her own after all!

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    There are those who appreciate Chinese food, and there are those who only like "Chinese" food. Bea is firmly in the latter camp. Give her egg rolls, chop suey, General Tso's chicken, sweet and sour chicken balls and the whole panalopy of the faux-Chinese food that is the speciality of New York City over the real stuff any day!
    That being said, even in the realm of fake Chinese, Chinatown does it best, so when Bea gets a hankering for her preference for fakery she's off to Chinatown to get it.
    Like this evening, as she browses restaurant fronts looking for a place that doesn't look too authentic.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman will look over and blinks a bit at seeing Beatriz. He is tempted to do the whole guess who but out on the streets of New York. so instead he walks over tapping her on the shoulder "Hey there sexy lady." He will tell her and opens his arms to a hug for her.

Atlin has posed:
Thus far? Atlin didn't know the difference between Chinese and 'Chinese'. If the food claimed to be authentic, she'd take it at its word. Probably why she'd been puzzled by all the 'Number One Pizza' places on the streets heading through the city. Making her way down, she too had been staring perhaps unnervingly into windows and examining all she could, but her path is suddenly stopped by the meeting of Robert and Beatriz. As greetings go? That was a bit of a strange one.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "Oh, hey, Robby!" Bea says, stepping into the hug, returning it, before stepping a half-step back. "What brings you to this part of town?" As if it wasn't obvious, given the surrounding restaurant-dominated street.
    People nattering at each other in high-speed Cantonese intersperse with people speaking English, sometimes without the heavy "Engrish" accent. And, naturally, there's that young hipster that seems to always be in any surroundings pretending for his impressed date to be speaking a foreign language while the Chinese speakers patiently speak English back at him to see if they've decoded his terrible attempts at communication correctly.
    But hey, the girl is impressed, and that's what counts, right?
    "I'm trying to figure who has the best fake stuff here. Got any suggestions?"
    Hey, at least she's honest about it.

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman chuckles a bit and says "Well, I am not sure, but I would suggest finding one that has fortune cookies." He will joke after the hug. He will keep a hand on her arm, an says "Want to try one together, was hoping for some good food." He looks over noticing the woman in the hoodie "Oh are we in your way miss?"

Atlin has posed:
Addressed directly, Atlin blinks...but it was fairly clear that she was listening in almost immediately. Arms folded against the baggy garment that pretty much hid her form entirely, the woman had a frown on her features. "I do not understand, why would you seek 'fake' food? Why would someone prepare false food amoungst real food? Is it intended to be some sort of puzzle or trick?" Yep, it was a good thing that Atlin wasn't a spy, because the Amazon didn't exactly blend in.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea looks at the woman a little confused. Then it registers. She's probably an immigrant and unfamiliar with idiom. A warm smile get directed Atlin's way, paired with the least threatening body language she can muster. (Which is very non-threatening.) "Oh, it's more a question of adaptation. People have tastes that sometimes clash with the tastes of foreign cultures, so the things from that culture often get adapted to suit the tastes of locals. So real Chinese food, as in the food you would actually find in China is very different than the "Chinese" food you find in America in most places because the smart restauranteurs have modified things to suit local tastes."
    She shrugs her shoulders with a devil-may-care expression. "I'm unabashedly fonder of the American-Chinese food over Chinese food from China. So I look for that instead of 'authentic' cuisine."
    She looks across at Robert a moment and then back. "It's like the 'Brazilian' barbeque places here. They all serve food you'd never find in my homeland because they want to make money and sell what people want to buy."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to Bea, and Atlin and nods a bit "Like the item I was mentioning Fortune Cookies, they were invented here, and if you go to what we consider a chinese place they are given after diner, but in China unless they have got the idea from us and are a tourist spot, you won't find them." He hmmms and says "I'm Robert, and this is Bea, I was just inviting Bea here to join me, would you care to join us, and maybe we can show you some of the differences?"

Atlin has posed:
Well, that made a little more sense. Of course, it raised all sorts of other questions about culture and adaption, but Atlin could at least hold that back for now as she gives a greatful nod. "I see, so you find this version more appealing?" More a confirmation than a question, if anything Atlin's features looked a little brighter with self-satisfaction. She might -just- get the hang of this place yet, one step at a time!
     Hands folded in front of her, the woman probably cut a strange figure between the hoodie and the knee-high boots, but the invitation to dine had her blinking and tilting her head to the side. She didn't wish to intrude after all, but perhaps the culture found it rude to refuse such a thing? Being a warrior was so much easier than being an Emissary! "I am Atlin of Bana-Mighdall," she offers in introduction returned, yet another layer of 'not from round here' added. "And I would be happy to dine with you."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "I must confess I'm not very good at geography." Bea's being a natural diplomat. "So I'm terribly sorry to say I don't actually know where Bana-Mighdall is. Is it somewhere in Africa?" Being pretty certain it's not in the Americas, and probably not in Europe, Bea reaches for the two remaining continents it's plausible for her to believe the nation to be. "And I'm glad you're joining us, then, because I always like hearing about places I've never heard of before. It reminds me of my jet-setting days."
    As a model. Or a spy. Or a superhero. Pick your choice.
    "But I will definitely be sticking with the fake side. I know my limits!"

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and will offer each lady an arm, and says "Then to the food we shall go." If the ladies take his arm or not he will lead them to the place, and will pull a chair out for each lady again if allowed before taking his own seat. "So, how long have you been here in New York?"

Atlin has posed:
"It is a small nation," Atlin offers, a decidely vague little answer to Bea's question before she she moves to follow alongside Robert. The arm isn't taken, but the puzzled expression suggests she didn't really understand the gesture.
     How long had she been in New York? "About...twenty-seven hours."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Slightly over a day? That explains a few things. "Well, I'm sure I'm not the first, but let me say 'Welcome to New York', then, anyway. It's a lot to take in. I remember my first month here. Lots of times I felt like curling up in a ball on my bed and wishing I was home. It's so overwhelming."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman smiles and says "I don't remember my first day here but I was less than a day old, so guess it makes sense." He joked a bit. He will order a few different things and a cola to drink. He lets the ladies add to the order so they have plenty of stuff to try.

Atlin has posed:
"It is...something," Atlin nods, frowning a little. Seemed she did that when faced with something she didn't understand, and there was plenty of that around at the moment! Sitting down, there's a deliberate pulling of the hoodie back into place, after all she'd been quick to discover armor made folks a little uncomfortable, but she seems to hesitate at the ordering for a moment.

"Perhaps you should recommend the best 'Fake food' to me?" she questions of Bea...right in front of the waiter.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea laughs at that request and turns to the server. Deciding that perhaps this is time for a broad sampler, she rattles off a bunch of very fake Chinese dishes, including all the ones she mentioned earlier plus things like chow main, lo main, and other specialities of American Chinese food.
    "That should give you a taste of pretty much every major grouping of the fake stuff," she says to Atlin, eyes twinkling in amusement. "I'll let Robby order the authentic stuff if he likes. I'll just not be partaking of most of it."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman does order a bit but not to much of the real stuff, "I eat the Americanized most of the time too, but there are some nice dishes I have found." He offers them both a smile and his phone will beep he look s down to it "I need to get this, if you will excuse me."

Robert Marksman has posed:
Robert Marksman looks to the ladies after checking in "I am so sorry, I am needed at the hospital one of the other residents had an accident, and I need to go fill in for him, I got this, have fun, and again sorry. He will lean down and kiss Beatriz quickly and head out after making sure the bill and tip is covered,

Atlin has posed:
And thus, the two women were left alone. Atlin's frown had melted to an expression of relief with ordering having been done for her, now? She'd be left to indulge and explore the wonders of chinese food and Chinese food alike.

As first days in New York go? She could have done worse!