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Latest revision as of 05:04, 21 January 2022

BRANCHES: The Black Dog
Date of Scene: 20 January 2022
Location: Queens Giant Garden
Synopsis: A group of thugs mess with the wrong mother dog and her neighborhood!
Cast of Characters: Veira Lazarescu, Jan de Wit, Viola Fiore, Jason Blood, Martin Blackwood

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Fate has a peculiar way of making paths cross. And that happens a lot around the Queen's Giant. Today's run in of fate would be the black dog that all of them had seen today in varying degrees. Jan had gotten to see it on his way out to start his day. Martin and Viola might have had similar circumstances where they looked in their periphiry and saw the black dog that was missing it's front right paw. It was an old injury, no signs of newness in the way the dog walked or anything of that sort.

And as the night closed in there was the feeling of something not being right. For Viola and Jan they might be able to recognize that the place that they are drawn to is Alley Pond park and deeper in is the Queen's Garden.

Martin is able to get there through sheer will and being able to google the vague imagery that he's seen. It's past closing time for the park, but the guards aren't going to be keeping anyone in line given it is freezing out and there's the soft flutter of snowflakes that are starting to stick to the ground.

There is a tension in the air though, like something is upsetting the balance of the garden.

Jan de Wit has posed:
It was always something - something about the park, and particularly that massive tree. Jan had a liking for the place, even had many leisurely strolls about the paths. Still, it wasn't anything that rung out as odd to the man, just another thing that he was fond of. The dog gave him pause, however. Never one to enjoy the suffering of animals, the imagery of the wounded hound stuck with him - wedged into the back of his mind.

Something was going to happen, though - he was sure of it. Precognition was kind of his thing, however brief.

Dressed up in a warm coat and scarf, he makes his way towards the pond, hands in his pocket to shield against the biting wind. The outfit might even be familiar to Viola!

Viola Fiore has posed:
Little puffs of visible condensation form with each of Viola's breaths as she jogs along the pathway through the park. Wearing running tights and a heavy sweatshirt with the Columbia University logo, the young woman also has a thick winter headband about her head keeping her ears warm.

Her thoughts are on Mardi Gras. It's just around the corner and she wants this year's party to be far better than the last. But the jog is good for clearing her head and making room for new ideas to pop in. Maybe some kind of fountain, but with an original twist of some sort. Chocolate has been done to death of course. Champagne... would probably foam up too much. Hmm. Maybe wine?

She takes a turn onto a different hardpacked path, this one leading over towards Queen's Garden.

Jason Blood has posed:
    It had been a regular day for Jason Blood - at least, as regular as any has been of late. All manner of odd things afoot. In this case, it was an odd thing absent a foot. He had seen the black dog, and something told him there was more to this story to be discovered. A few minor incantations later, he determined that he had better make himself present at a particular time, at a particular place. And thus, Jason Blood finds himself on the approach to the Queen's Garden, his eyes sweeping the area as of curiosity over who or what may also be joining.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin had seen the dog early on his patrol with his EMT crew. There was a three car accident (the crowding of the surrounding boroughs of Manhattan since the evacuation had seen a spike in auto accidents) that required a heavy response. But his shift was over and he wasn't due back in Grand Central until late that evening. He had a moment to himself, a rarity with all that was going on.

    He is dressed for the weather, his heavy brown peacoat, a grey scarf, black jeans, and his all weather boots. The one oddity in his color sceme are the white gloves that cover his hands. The palm and back are etched with some strange geometric patterns and symbols in a light blue--almost turquoise--thread. He had been led here by the ebb and flow of energy in the area. What did the dog mean? Why had he been the only member of his crew to see it? And why, even after it fled, did it lead him to this park? These questions linger in his mind as he makes his approach to the megalithic tree of the city.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
The wind is biting, cutting through the warmth of the clothing that is worn, but it could be worse. As people start to enter into the area, there is the sound of a dog barking, to those that know dogs, there's the sound of defensiveness. Protection. There is the sound of metal 'tinging' onto something and then a sharp yelp. Male voices start to cut through the night, some laughing, some cursing.

Those that get closer to the tree that sits in the middle can catch the fresh smell of gasoline that lines the outer rim of the garden and up into the base.

What exactly was about to happen becomes a little clearer as a group of young men start to fan out from the north of the tree. One has bleach blonde hair that is in dire need of a comb...or a razer. The rest of them look to be following his lead. The look like your average everyday punks really.

A black dog melts out of the shadows from behind them, the same one that each of them had seen that day. She tries to bite at the back of the mans legs that's carrying the bat, but he knocks her away again.

Jason Blood has posed:
    Over the years, Jason Blood has seen and heard many tragedies. But the sound of an animal in pain still inspires him to action. He breaks out into a run towards the scene, a frown already residing on his face. He pauses upon reaching the periphery, taking a quick moment to assess what is going on.

Viola Fiore has posed:
The yelp cuts through Viola's thoughts, the jogger's pace slowing as she looks around into the night. She digs into a pocket of a pack around her waist beneath the sweatshirt. Withdrawing a tiny vial that she pops open with a thumb, keeping it hidden in her hand as she brings it to her lips and downs the contents.

The flakes and pebbles of metal, go down easy with the water that filled the rest of the vial. Once swallowed, she begins slowly burning the flakes of tin, her senses sharpening until she can see through the dark well enough to spot the dog and the punk youths.

"That looks like the dog I saw earlier," she murmurs to herself, and frowns as the scent of gasoline wafts on the wind, quite noticeable with her currently heightened sense of smell.

Jan de Wit has posed:
That sound. That wicked sound. There is no hesitation from Jan as he rushes towards that thug and his bat. There's no subtlety, no caution - the man simply charges forward. "Hey! You! Get out of here!" Chase them off, that's the plan. Hopefully they catch the hint, and scatter.

If not, there are other methods that can disperse the monsters.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin spots the youths and their attack on the creature that had brought so much attention to his senses. The swing of the bat on it brings acid into his veins and a tightenting of his eyes. He raises one of his gloved hands and snaps his fingers. The gloves deaden the sound of the snap, but it was to activate his own powers more than to draw attention to himself. The effect would do that just fine.

    He melts away, his form simply fading from view as if a mirage in fog... in its place stands a hulking massive canine shape from the Pleistocene era. Easily six feet at the shoulder and likely nearing 250 lbs in mass, the heavily muscled beast is charcoal black throughout with fangs that flash white in the reflective light of the snow covered ground. Its eyes burn red with terrible fury and a hunger that draws forth the terror of before humans were the apex species on the planet. When one of the greatest fears was being chased and eaten by something large and terrible in the night. The fear of being -hunted-.

    The dire wolf (what else could be so large) rushes forward to intercept and intercede on behalf of the wounded creature of its family, a bubbling snarl rising from its chest as a warning to these ruffians who dare harm other beasts of this land.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"Oh yeah what are you gonna do?" one of the men asks Jan as he rushes them, he brings the bat up, about to take a swing at the dancer, but...something stops him.

Well...Fuck That! The group of teens are not THAT brave, "Oh move it guys there's a fuckin' werewolf!" one of the young men shouts. That's definitely a Queen's accent. The others break off, leaving the dog alone, but one of them pulls a gun and takes a wild shot into area that Dire MartinWolf is coming from. It doesn't hit any of them, but it is shockingly close to almost hitting Martin. Fear and running don't mix with firing a weapon by the untrained.

Maybe they were stormtrooper cosplayers?

The mother dog for now limps her way to the other side of the Queen's Giant and takes a spot up to where she can see the chaos that is happening.

Jason Blood has posed:
A frown still on his face, Jason's run turns into a trot, and then finally a walk, as it seems that the immediate crisis has past. He looks around once more to assess the situation. He does see the large creature, and considers to himself what it might be. As he sees that one is firing shots, he immediate settles into a quick incantation designed to tie his shoelaces together while he flees.

Viola Fiore has posed:
The sight of the dire wolf is nearly as disturbing to Viola as it is to the teens! She reaches to her belt, fingers fumbling with the sudden rush of adrenaline as she tries to pull out a few metal washers, just in case.

She sound of running feet pulls her attention back up. The teens are fleeing, but unfortunately for the jogger, that is bringing them in her direction. Visions of the huge wolf making a meal of them and then having her for dessert jump to mind, but are vanished at the crack of a gunshot.

The nugget of steel that Viola swallowed from the vial flares within her stomach. She becomes conscious of all the metal in the area. The gun is easy enough to pinpoint in the teen's hand as he comes nearer. Viola braces her feet and then reaches out with her power and shoves on the gun hard. The teen yelps as his finger is dislocated or even broken by the finger guard before it yanks free. The gun goes off in the process, but flies out of his hand, bouncing across the ground and coming to a stop buried in a snow bank.

Jan de Wit has posed:
There were flashes of actions to come - the gun prominently. "Look out!" Jan called over to the ... large wolf? That was a problem for later. The shot was panicked, wild and nowhere near the mark, thankfully. Still moving towards the thug, he can only hope he's quick enough to not be in the line of the assured firing path.

He watches, somewhat confused, as the pistol is yanked with a cracking sound from the punk's hand. Huh. That wasn't expected, clearly! No matter, as Jan moves up into striking range of the would-be-marksman. With a half-sommersault, Jan all but flips and drops a savage kick to the side of the already injured man with enough force to drop him to the ground.

With a graceful recovery, he turns to face the impressive wolf - ready to react as needed. The thug is left to drool in the snow.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    The immediate crisis passed and the thugs fleeing or incapacitated the dire wolf illusions fades away like a thick fog revealing the stocky EMT (and SHIELD agent) in its place. "That was closer than I had hoped... need to remember that even street kids can get their hands on firearms..." he mutters, his accent marking him as a native to northern England.

    He tugs on his gloves a bit and looks toward where the black dog moved. "Thanks for that" he says to both Viola and Jan. "Martin Blackwood" he gives in greeting. He eyes Jason. "Don't tell me you all followed the dog here too?" he asks, once again eying its hidey hole.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
The would be thugs are scattered, broken and one is currently concussed on the ground. The sound of a far off siren can be heard. It might not be for here, but it's definitely in the area. Over worked cops still had to make runs. The other two run for the hills, leaving their friend to fend for himself. Because there was no honor among these people. They also leave a duffel bag and a gas cannister at the scene, might be good to hand over to authorities if they calll them.

With all the action that's by the entrance, it's easy to miss what else is happening back down the paths...

Veira had also seen the black dog, but the raven haired woman doesn't show up from the direction that most others do. She comes from the darkness that was the shadow of the tree for the moment, "Hello maica..." the pale woman whispers to the black dog. She tilts her head, like she's listening to it, "Show me." she tells her with a dip of her head. The dog gives a bark and then trots off with Veira on her heels.

No time for love, Doctor Jones! There's something else a foot!

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola manages to not wince as she realizes how the teen's finger got mangled. Though she's more worried about the huge wolf, especially now with the teens scattering which increases the chances it might look to her as a snack next.

And then the wolf is fading. The female jogger lets out a gasp as she sees it is a man instead. She takes a few steps back, a hand going to clutch at her heart. Just in surprise, not looking like a heart attack.

She looks to Jan as the man-behind-the-wolf... the Wolf Man... approaches and starts talking to them. "Was all him," the brunette says, motioning to Jan who took the man out. "Is everyone ok?" she asks.

And then she jumps as a pale woman seems to have used the distraction to get closer than Viola would have expected. What good is heightened senses if you're too narrow-focused on what's going on to pick up anything with it!?

Jason Blood has posed:
Still keeping to the fringe, Jason watches the exchange occur between the other interlopers. His gaze drifts over towards Veira and he considers her for a moment. He resists the urge to rely upon any magickal castings, and just simply observes for now.

Jan de Wit has posed:
No wolf and the sole defiant youth is down - likely suffering one hell of a headache. Jan gives a cautious nod to Martin, then to Viola. "Thankfully he dropped his gun." Launched, more like - but there's no looking a gift horse in the mouth. "Anyone hurt, aside from the bandit here?" He motions to the prone man. "No stray shots?"

Jan glanced over to were Jason was lurking, nodding to the other man as well. Then there's a bit of a start as Veira appears from the darkness, Jan blinking several times. "Er...?"

A glance back to Martin and Viola, nodding. "No injury here... I need to check on the dogs, though." An apologetic smile. "I... something drew me here about the wounded one." There's a pause. "Someone should call the cops... perhaps EMT for this one."

That said, he looks over to where Veira was. "Are there more?"

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin shakes his head at the mention of cops or EMT. "You already have an EMT on sight," he says, bending down to check over the young man. He peels back an eyelid and takes out a penlight from his coat pocket. "Looks like a concussion. He'll be fine on the ice." A cursory examination of the youth's hand adds more information. "Maybe a sprained finger. No need to put him in the hospitals. They're overworked as is with the situation out on the island."

    Veira's emergence from the shadows makes him smile softly. "My entrance was good" he says before pointing after the dark haired woman. "Hers was better." He starts after her. He recognized the woman, having worked with her before on operations that were labled 'Top Secret' and 'Classified' when it came to people outside of SHIELD.

    He motions for the other three to follow him. "If we're all here about the dog. Let's follow and see if we can't get some answers." He doesn't -chase- after the woman and the dog, no need to spook it further, but he does his best to keep both in visual--if not auditory--range.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
"Sorry for popping in, kinda...the day has been weird." the one eyed woman states. She gives a look to Martin and gives a wave before she's lead off by momma dog.

Veira treads carefully, just in case there are any other weirdos hanging out. Besides herself that is. She follows the black dog to where she has made a little hidey hole for her precious cargo and there's a smile from Veira, "There are more, Jan!" she calls back. "Need a hand...or two." she muses to that as she kneels down on the ground and starts to reach into the hole to start grabbing puppies. Thankfully these guys are roly-poly chunks that the mom made sure were well fed.

The black dog rushes back to Jan and the others once she realizes that Veira is helping out. She gently nips the side of Jan's jacket and tugs him towards the direction that Veira went.

Veira's fishing out the last puppy when something immediately feels wrong. "Oh no." she murmurs as she stands up, cradling the pup against her chest.

Jason Blood has posed:
Making his way closer to the gathered few, Jason picks up the pace as Veira expresses alarm. He still remains on the edge of the crowd, but close enough to hear what is being said now, and intervene if there is a value to it.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore tries to drift to the side just a little bit. The jogger not seeming to fit in with the people who can make themselves look like wolves, and what Jan did. Certainly not wanting to seem that way at the least. Though she does look over at Jan more closely, recognizing him finally now she has a few moments without the distraction of gunfire.

She lingers nearby though, watching as Veira heads over and starts retrieving puppies.

Jan de Wit has posed:
"Oh no?" He says, a sound of worry in his voice. Jan moves a bit quicker, spurred on by the mother and Veira. "How can we help?" He asks, kneeling down to offer hands to the pups or to carry any as needed.

There's a flash of anger that rolls over his face at the thought of some assholes taking pleasure in harming the tiny pups. A glance over his shoulder at the man laid out in the snow. A look to Martin, eyes on the man. "Are you versed in any sort of vetrinary care?" He wonders, looking to Veira and the pup she has.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a look to Jan as she hears him and she gives a bit of a wane smile, "Just need a minute." she tells him. "I can use my coat to kind of wrangle them all up. There's four." she tells them. "We just need to get them out of the cold and away from here. Not sure what the connections are, but no reason for them to freeze." she admits. "Martin, you want a puppy?" she calls.

"I just need a minute with this one." she murmurs to Jan and whoever else comes as she runs her fingers gently over the puppies head. She then starts to whisper to it quietly in another language. It's determined sounds though.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin has a pup in each hand but moves them to his deep side coat pockets at the uneasey feeling washes over their gathering. "Not particularly. But if it's a living being, and still clings to life... I can heal it," he says with only a moment's hesitation.

    Magic. He's a sorcerer. He has to come to grips with that sometime. Why not while assisting puppies. He's always had a soft spot for dogs. Better he accept his place as one here than elsewhere.

    At Veira's question he blinks. "I... uh... sure...?" he says, a small grin gracing his features. "I mean. Jon and I were talking about getting one..." He watches her, taking note of her actions and the effect of her words if not the literal meaning.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore sees the puppies and wanders over a bit closer, her face showing concern for the animals. Pretty easy to tell from that look that she's an animal lover, or at the least just plain soft-hearted.

"Are they ok? None were hit by the gunshots?" she asks worriedly.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Healing isn't Jan's schtick, not on the least. Still, he's got a warm coat and is willing to hug up two of the pups to keep them warm. "I can give shelter to the mother and her pups, and a home if needed." He says, after a moment - taking up a pup in each arm. Suffering licks and tail-wags! The humanity!

A look to those assembled, pausing for a moment. "Something got all our attention and got us here. For this." He decides. "Something wanted us to be here to help these puppies."

Jason Blood has posed:
"Did you all experience a vision of this dog earlier today, as well?" Jason speaks up, finally, barging into the conversation of the group.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira presses her lips to the top of the little puppies head and a few seconds later the puppy wiggles, showing signs of life finally. Veira on the other hand suddenly looks exhausted. "It's fine now, just needed to get warm." she tells them. She gives a smile to Viola, "Yeah, they'll be alright. Just probably cold and need a good home." she admits to the woman. "Sadly that one was not clinging to life anymore, but was persuaded to come back for a second chance." she tells Martin.

Jan's talk of offering a home to the pups and mother makes her give a warm smile to the man, "We were just talking about animals the other night." she teases him softly. "I think the mom will follow us. My car is parked down the way." she states.

"I'm not sure if it was a vision...or actually seeing the dog, but yes, I saw the dog as well." she nods to Jason.

Martin Blackwood has posed:
    Martin smiles as the fuzzy in Veira's hands starts to wiggle and show life again. "Glad you were able to convince it to come on back" he says to his fellow agent. "I can house one... but this many might be beyond me" he says looking to Jan. "Then to Jason. I think it was more than a vision. Something about her..." he nods to the three legged mother, "just touched on all of us."

    He reaches and plucks the pups from his cavernous pockets back into his arms, doing his best to keep them contained. "Fate? Or just a subconscious call for assistance?" he says with a slight shrug. "Whatever the case, it seems that we answered and that we should continue to keep our ears open?" he asks, looking to the other four.

    "I mean, not everything can be earth shattering disasters. Sometimes even the small gestures go a long way?" He starts as one of the pups attempts to crawl from his grasp but he corales it bck into his grip before it takes a leap of faith.

Viola Fiore has posed:
Viola Fiore can't help but look at the adorable little pups and have her heartstrings tugged. "If it's too many to manage, I could probably... find a good home for one," she says. Already wondering if she can manage to sweet talk the apartment manager into letting her have a dog. If not, she could always keep it at her parent's house.

Viola doesn't move forward though, waiting to see if they need someone to take care of any of the pups.

Jan de Wit has posed:
Wrangling the two pups he snuck into his arms, Jan blinks for a moment. There's a bit of realization at what Veira says, his eyes finding hers for a moment. "Just like that, call them back." A sly smile. "Well, I've room in my suite for now - and more so in my home once the whole... Manhattan issue gets resolved." Optimist that he is!

The dancer looks to Jason, nodding. "As they said - I saw the actual mother hound - no vision. Just... sort of a deja vu feeling. Glad I listened and followed." He says, hands scritching at the pups gently. A smile to Viola as well. "I think there's enough for all of us - I don't mind taking the mother as well." A chuckle. "Pet fees be damned."

Looking back to Veira, he nods. "I think a ride would be good - if not a bit crowded. But I think I can manage."

Jason Blood has posed:
Pondering it briefly, Jason shakes his head. "I am not sure that I would be an improvement to its safety." He does not elaborate further, but seems satisfied that the others are taking care of the dogs.

Veira Lazarescu has posed:
Veira gives a smile to Viola, "Give the lady a puppy. That means Martin gets one for him and Jonathan, she'll take one and we'll handle the rest." she gives a look to Jan and a warm smile. "I'll drive you back to your hotel and help get them wrangled up the stairs. And watch staff have strokes over them." she muses. She gives a soft smile to Jan, "We'll talk about that while we drive." she muses. "Thank you for helping all and I apologize that I was late." she admits.

With that she makes sure that everyone is situated with their puppy and then prepares to leave with Jan and their small pack.

The young man in the snow would eventually be retrieved and probably not be returning. All in all a good nights work!