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Latest revision as of 15:31, 26 January 2022

The Kryptonian Comes to Stay
Date of Scene: 26 January 2022
Location: Xavier's School Front Yard
Synopsis: Divine is welcomed to the X-Mansion and the staff look for ways to help her settle in.
Cast of Characters: Logan Howlett, Divine, Emma Frost, Noriko Ashida, Charles Xavier

Logan Howlett has posed:
Early evening, students are running around being kids, doing kid things, and Logan is preparing for another night of patrolling the school. Security was important to him, especially with everything that was going on, but even before the current situation in Manhattan, he had taken to patrolling the school at night.

In spite of being a teacher, what he wore was extremely casual. Pair of work pants with a white t-shirt tucked in to the belted waist. Over that a flannel of blue and greens, and work boots on his feet. The only way it could be more casual is if he removed the flannel, and that wasn't likely to happen.

Paused in the foyer, he is checking his phone for messages, a few from contacts helping him keep track of what is going on out there, other wise nothing else seemed to catch his attention.

Divine has posed:
The subject of this visit, or is it 'drop-off', is walking with Emma. She's a lot taller than the psychic, so her pace just seems slower, though she's keeping up. She's dressed in a black hoodie, leggings and combat boots.

It's like there's a theme.

Her gaze sweeps the grounds as she goes. Not quite awe, more like 'Well, this is new.'

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is walking along with Divine, giving her a smile, "This is Xavier's Institute. So long as you are.. Comfortable here you will be staying awhile. This is a safe place. So long as you are here and obey the rules, you should be fine. You can as well perhaps get some.. Training in your abilities." As Logan would approach the two she would give a light nod at him, "Logan."

Her tone would be neutral; nothing of her normal bite in it. She was focused on the young girl that she wast rying to help and make sure that nothing would catch Divine by surprise.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
There's a polite blur into view of Noriko's form as the speedster slows down from her slide down the bannister in a near instant.  The electric blue haired Asian girl just glances toward Logan before watching Emma and Divine with an unfortunate resting face, if one was looking for something warm and friendly.  "Who are you?-Who's that?"  She spits out fast, looking to Logan on the second question as she kicks out her thumb toward Divine.  She's wearing some dark gray cargo pants and a raglan tshirt, short sleeve, as well as some high tops...and last but so obvious, metal gauntlets that encase her from fingertips to just up past her elbows.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan slides his phone back into his pocket, looking over the two. Emma he knew of course, her scent hit him long before she even got near him, the other... was new. He had no choice in memorizing her scent, it just happened because she was there. The finest details just laid out for his nose to find and never, ever forget, which was partly annoying and partly acceptable. For him, it was just another day.

He was about to say something when Noriko whizzed in, so his eyes shift to her. "Emma Frost," he offers first, indicating Emma. "And her guest," he then adds followed by, "Don't be rude."

Divine has posed:
For the uninitiated, Divine is, on a physical level, a doppelganger of Power Girl. She stands around six-foot three, you never ask a lady what her weight is, and everyone knows the defining ... attribute. The difference is that her hair, instead of brilliant golden, is black as night. Otherwise, she's a dead ringer.

To Logan's highly attuned senses, Divine smells like some faintly floral soap and apprehension. Not fear, but definitely not surity.

The tall woman peers down at both Logan and Noriko, her expression fairly blank. "It's fine," she replies to THE WOLVERINE'S comment about rudeness. "I'm not offended." She stuffs her hands in her hoodie pocket. A nervous gesture more than anything about the cold. "I'm Divine."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Noriko, good to see you. This is.." she would glance at Divine. "Divine, for now." Emma would say. "She will be staying at the school for awihle. Noriko is one of the.. Students here. The majority of the teaching staff and the students here have enhanced abilities like you do." Though likely not remotely to the extent of the Kryptonian clone. Emma would give a nod, "And you can if you feel comfortable with it learn to use your abilities here." There's a protective sense from Emma - at least that could be gauged from her body language towards the girl.

She would tap the side of her head and then look at Logan, an indication from her to request to send him a telepathic message.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan is a teacher, that's why he reminded Noriko not to be rude, but that really was all the further he intended to go with it. If personalities were going to clash, they would clash no matter who said what, but he did his part.

Folding his arms across his chest, he notes Emma's request and immediately stiffens. His eyes narrow very slightly but he nods once, just once... his answer that yes she could, once.

"Nice to meet you Divine, welcome to Xavier's," and now he's done his other teacherly duty.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"You're not my dad," Noriko quips back to Logan as if she were relating the weather.  "You look familiar."  Noriko is not as well versed in the heroes as other people.  "I'm Noriko.  I'd shake your hand but I'd crush it," which is a total lie, "on account of my Terminator Power Gloves.  So are you staying in the dorms?  In the residence hall?  The college apartments?"  she rattles off.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Logan at his permission and then go <<She's.. Only a few months old, as near as I can tell. She's a clone and managed to escape whatever facility that was making her. She's only been on her own a short time and has little experience.>> Emma's merely passing along to Logan what she can tell at base.

She's not asking for him to help the girl, but just assuming that he might not have read Emma's request.. Hopefully that small bit would get his attention and her sympathy. "And how are you doing, Noriko?"

Divine has posed:
Divine laughs at Noriko's assertion. "Not sure if anyone here could crush my hand, honestly," she says. She isn't boasting, she just knows what she's capable of. As to the other question, she just shrugs. "I ... don't think I'm going to count as a student. I'm not a Mutant. I guess I'll be wherever you shove guests."

She's glad she's not a telepath, because she finds her whole situation to be embarassing.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Canting his head, Logan studies Divine a little more closely as Emma explains things. He had read about it, but in passing and forgotten names, just wasn't something he thought he'd be involved in. With none of the other teachers around however, it fell right in his lap and that may not have been the best place for it to be.

One more nod to Emma, to let her know he understood, then he looks back to Noriko. "No, not your dad, wouldn't want to be either," he retorts. "But I am a teacher, and I expect you to show me that respect."

Now his attention goes back to Divine. "Feel free to ignore the bombardment of questions," he comments. "You'll likely end up in a guest room for the time being."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Crushing hands is not one of my powers anyways," Nori says, lifting the veil of her ruse rather quickly, which is probably as friendly as either Emma or Logan have seen her save for her interactions with younger kids.  "Oh I was just wondering where you were crashing, not what you were.  You seem like a person to me," she says with a shrug, as if she could care less about Divine's status in the pecking order or classification.

Nori glances to Emma and shrugs.  "Bored."  Such an over-sharer that one.  "With him," she adds to her standard progress report, tilting her head toward Logan.  "You can expect all you want.  I won't stop you," she shrugs to Logan.

"Wait, are you seriously telling her to feel free to just ignore me?  I'm a person too you know," Noriko mutters the last bit.

Emma Frost has posed:
For better or ill to Emma Frost's judgement, this was something that Logan had perspective on from experience. So he would be if one had to ask ehr more.. Pragmatic in it, which could help some. At least from the minutely shifting expressions on her face sorting through things.

A light, light shade of amusement on her face. "Have you any questions about here so far while you're getting settled in?" then glancing at Noriko with a hint of amusement. "And yes, she's right, you are a person." To Divine. A light show of support.

Logan Howlett has posed:
For all the years that Logan had been at Xavier's, he has never been so happy to see Charles as he was right now. This sort of thing was over his paygrade. He taught a class and patrolled the school, that's it, that was what Logan did. Protected and taught students.

"Evening, Charles," he offered in the same calm, dry tone he always used with everything he said... no grump however, that was the difference.

Divine has posed:
"Maybe I'll--," she starts, trailing off and not finishing the statement. Maybe she'll believe that someday. "I'll behave. Promise." She looks at Noriko dead on. "You're more of a person than I am, plus I'm a guest, so I won't ignore you."

This might be the dumbest thing she's ever done.

Charles Xavier has posed:
From the doors leading to Charles' office and classroom, the founder himself arrives. With Storm at his side, they part ways, Ororo walking down the eastern hallway on her own path, while Charles takes note of who is in the foyer from his place on his chair.

"Logan." Charles says with a soft smile as he wheels further out via the controls on his arm rest. "And who might we have here?" He asks of the guest, with a glance toward the others in the foyer with them.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
Noriko looks back to her erstwhile guardian as she splits off and then back to Charles.  Her attention seems to weave in and out of order as she looks back to Divine.  "Doubtful, but I'll take your word for it," and Noriko files that interaction under the flag 'odd,' given she has no other reason to suspect Divine is anything but a person.  She smirks at the Divine's provided logic of why she wouldn't ignore the speedster.

"Hey Professor.  This is Divine.  She's a new guest.  Emma brought her.  I don't know why.  Logan is glad he's not my father," she provides Charles with the rapid-fire update.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would take a moment over to intercede, going to turn over, "Charles." She would glance, "This si.. Divine. I sent a memo about her. Thank you for giving her permission to stay for awhile." Emma would be a bit more reserved than she had been. This was Charles' school after all. What bit of Emma's minor expressiveness that might have been evident would be gone now as her full attention would be given to Charles as Emma would shift her gaze lightly.. While also making sure to half turn to still face Divine.

A very, very sublte showing of protectiveness towards the young girl.

"And Noriko gives a succint summary of the last five minutes."

Logan Howlett has posed:
With Charles here, Logan begins the process of making his way toward the front door. It's not an obvious straight walk over, no that would be rude, instead he is inching his way there slowly. A little step here, pause, listen, pay attention to what is happening, then another small step.

He makes it as far as Charles before he stops and just stays there. This was one of those situations where he wanted to be better than what people expect of him, but it was difficult with so much going on, and all the scents flying around the room at the same time. Noriko alone was a plethora of scents, given how fast she moves it changes the scents she picks up and that form who she is.

"Figured she'd be in one of the guest rooms," he offers to Charles, indeed trying to be involved, to be more than just the animalistic person most see him as.

Divine has posed:
When the man who's name is on the building arrives, well. Divine has no idea who he is. All she knows is that Logan and even Emma are showing deference. Her first instinct is to stretch to her full height and, well, go full Karen (Starr). Put on that confident posture and act invincible.

Just because she's mostly invincible has nothing to do with it.

Instead, she just looks at him and nods once. That's really about it. "Uh. Thanks for letting me crash here," she almost mumbles, feeling awkward.

Charles Xavier has posed:
Charles looks to Noriko and then to Emma before he nods softly to what they say. A glance is given to Logan, as the tall man makes his way closer to his side. Finally he looks back to Divine, offering her a warm smile. "Yes, of course. If Miss Frost believes you're in need of our help, well then, the help you shall have."

He glances to Logan again. "Actually, with classes still in session until May, I believe it best that we show our Guest here to a place out in the boat house. It's quite a lovely place to stay, in fact, and generally is reserved for parents of our students. But a few of the rooms are unoccupied, and I believe ready for an occupant."

Charles nods toward Nori then. "Noriko, would you be so kind as to show Divine to the lake house, and perhaps a tour of the grounds as well? Ah, at normal speeds, too." He says to the Senior with a faint smirk.

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"Oh yeah.  The boat house is the best," Noriko confides to Divine.  "I can make double sure its set before we go in," the speedster gives the Professor an up nod.  "Sure.  I guess I can slow down for her," she says with a grin, arms folded across her chest.  "I'll have to show you where the kitchens are.  That's important," she asides to Divine.  Noriko isn't the teachers' usual first choice.  "And I'll show you where I live in case you ever need anything.  Maybe Jubes will be awake."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Charles, "Thank you, Charles, it's.. Appreciated." As she would give a low nod at Divine, indicating that it was all right for her to go along with it, then elaborating to Charles <<I've not been able to find much if any information based on who.. Made her. I've gotten in touch with.. Power Girl who said that she would pass it along to Superman and they would follow up on it. She's.. Only a few months old since her activation and has been living on her own. She.. Is very much figuring out everything in the world. She seems very willing to act upon guidance and seeks some approval. Here.. Here she can be safe and treated well and tutored. I can think of no other place that could keep her so well."

Appreciation from Emma. Another rare thing, perhaps. And then glancing over at Logan quietly with no particular readable expression on her face or her body language. Charles likely picking up from her mind just the faintest degree trackable of a degree of worriedness over the girl.

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan has his concerns regarding Divine and /for/ Divine, but he's not about to voice them just yet. A month old, perhaps she should be a student and learning about the world at the same time, but that also wasn't his say.

"I patrol the grounds at night," he offers to Divine. "So I'll check on you, make sure you got what you need, while I'm out that way." There he goes again, not being what people expected. Divine may look like an adult, but in his mind... she's just another kid.

Divine has posed:
Luckily for everyone involved, Divine isn't a mind reader, which means she doesn't pick up that they're treating her like a child. Which means she's not getting angry and lashing out in a, well, half-Kryptonian child's fit. Everyone can be relieved at that.

"Alright. That sounds nice."

She's at least somewhat polite, which is probably a bonus. She glances at Logan and shakes her head a bit. "You don't need to worry about me. I don't need much. My physiology is ... well, weird. I barely need to eat or sleep. As long as I get plenty of sun, anyway."

Charles Xavier has posed:
Charles listens to what everyone says, and tracks some surface level thoughts where he's able to, mostly sensing emotions and such from those gathered here. He draws in a breath then, before his eyes settle on Divine alone. "Well. Miss Divine... we are here to help you, as I've indicated. It seems, like so many here before you, you have a bit of a mystery associated with you. If this is something we're to help unravel, then by all means, I'm willing, and eager to do just so... But. We will only do what you ask of us. If you simply need a place to rest your head, then that is all we shall provide, for the time being."

Another smile is offered, before Charles looks to Emma then. "Emma, you might wish to reach out to our contacts at the Justice League, to inform them of all of this. Power Girl, may be a member of the League, but obviously it might be best to check-in anyway. Just to be sure."

He gives a quick nod to Logan too. "If you should need anything, Miss Divine. Our fine ... man of the house, Logan here, is quite capable of helping you around the extensive grounds, and property. He knows the area better than anyone."

Noriko Ashida has posed:
"I just take little naps compared to most people time wise...so if you need company so you don't feel weird about the old dude patrolling the grounds at night?"  Noriko shrugs.  "Respect!" Noriko salutes to Logan.  "Well, if you want to find me, you need to know where the kitchens are," she explains further to Divine.  Clearly Nori just wants to show her the kitchens, but she'd never admit it.  "That's pretty cool though.  I'm more for electricity myself...and food."

"I'll make sure to show you Logan's cabin and the spot I scorched nearby," which was close enough to skunk up the area last year.  "You don't have to see everything all at once either.  It might be fun to just explore together tomorrow if you're up for it," Nori offers.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod at Divine, "Of course. Do you want me tcome with you or would you rather explore here on your own with her?" She would give a nod in indication of Noriko and then over at Logan, "Of course. Logan is.. Very, very good at keeing the area secure and safe. He's very skilled and nothingw ill come to harm you without them having go through him." And they won't survive it at all. <<She is extremely strong and powerful and has little experience with it and can be aggressive. Anyone working with her will have to take that into account.>>

Then as Charles would go on Emma would give a nod, "Of course. I'll try and find one of them available as soon as possible to pass along an explanation and be sure that the League's aware."

Divine has posed:
Divine is only ... a ... lot aggressive sometimes. She, honestly, has a lot of the same personality traits that her 'donor' does, only minus that filter made of experience and, you know, human decency. She's arrogant and ruthless with a blistering temper and ego to match. She just lacks the focus, the direction, to use her gifts in a completely prosocial manner.

She's not evil, she's just more like a teenager that can hurl a tank.

"Yeah, sure," she replies to Noriko. A glance to Emma. "I think.. Maybe I should just try and go with the people I'll be spending a lot of time with."

Logan Howlett has posed:
Logan offers a nod to Divine, curt and quick. "Not just about what you might need," he comments. "Also about making sure you're comfortable and alright. Important to make myself known so you don't go rampaging against myself or others who might come through. New place, new restrictions, going to take you time to adjust. Thought I might help is all."

He glances to Charles now, never certain if the man is reading thoughts or not, but his own are clearly all about the concern of having someone like Divine anywhere near the students. It was risky, maybe too risky, but if Divine mostly kept to herself and the students were mostly warned away from the boat house, maybe none of them would tick off the walking time bomb of Kryptonian blood and thus no students would be killed.