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Latest revision as of 16:11, 28 January 2022

Hey! You!
Date of Scene: 27 January 2022
Location: The Coffee Bean
Synopsis: April interviews Ted Kord and Booster Gold about Booster's plans for a new super hero app!
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Peter Parker, April O'Neil, Booster Gold

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord enters the Coffee Bean speaking over his shoulder to a young man he holds the door for. He is garbed in the more beetle-tastic costume yet. "Anyway... I phoned the coffee oder in and we just need to wait for it a bit and have some ourselves. Deuce, it's cold. So your Aunt rented a houseboat? I never would have expected it. Go get a table, Peter, I'll get our coffee." He enters and pulls his goggles up as they fog... that's something to correct. He sings off key as he waits. "Beetle-Man, Beetle-Man, does whatever a beetle can, Catches crooks, betcha life, with a gun, that shoots light..." Hmmm. Might need a songwriter.

Peter Parker has posed:
The one in the baqgy clothes (great for hiding a difficult-to-explain physique) nods and looks for a good table. One opens up that looks promising: wide view, little to no obstructions, the opportunity to sit against the wall, and still having a relaxed, open vibe to keep it from looking like the guy sitting with his back to the wall doesn't look like a Don Corleone holding court.

Too many nights surveilling criminals, he figured.
He pulled out the chairs and sat to Ted's right, waiting patiently. Even his normal, talkative self seems subdued.

April O'Neil has posed:
April sits alone in a corner of the coffee shop. She has her tablet computer out, her yellow leather jacket draped over the chair behind her, a white and yellow striped hoodie on half zipped up over a Different Strokes tshirt beneath it. She's tapping away on the tablet, and huffing quietly at something she doesn't like displayed upon its screen.

She stares at it for a moment before letting it settle on the table. Her left hand reaches over to her coffee as her right props her head up in her hand. She grumbles something before sipping her drink...

April's blue eyed gaze goes up, noting the two men across the shop from her. As she drinks she stares... and her mind pieces together who Kord is. Her cup is lowered, and she turns around to dig a pen and paper pad out of her jacket! Uh oh

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord finishes the song, heading back with two coffees. "Bwa-haaaaaaaAaaaa Blue Beetle is the man!"

He slides into the seat opposite Peter. "What's the matter? Aunt May is fine and baking her heart out. The new Bug is nearly completed. The bots have developed self awareness. I haven't blown anything up in... two days. C'mon, this is Ted, speak. You're as quiet as a Wednesday morning Mass." A couple of heads turn and stare.

"Do you people think if we're quiet tenants, those bogus angels will spare us? Hah!"

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter smiles slightly. "Sorry, Ted. Just...I got asked to help with a project involving these bogus angels. And they ARE bogus. I have no doubt of that."
He paused. "...I was asked to develop code. Code designed specifically on the analysis and influencing belief. As not just as subject, but as a measurable, quantifiable force. Something that could be used against those fakers."

April O'Neil has posed:
And then APRIL O'NEIL!

She slides in from out of seemingly nowhere. Her auburn hair pushed back over her shoulders, her striped hoodie nice and recently sorted about her hips. Her hands holding a pen and paper pad too!

"Hi..." April says to them both, with a big smile. "I'm not interrupting anything, am I?" She inquires, before speaking again without waiting for an answer, this time looking directly at Ted.

"You're... Ted Kord, right? I... Well. I'm April O'Neil. You may have seen me on Channel Six news? Usually in the mornings? Sometimes covering fluff pieces in the evenings, but yeah... anyway. Uh. So, yeah. I recently heard, well, on my podcast actually." Ugh, everyone has podcasts these days!

"I heard that you were involved in a thing with Booster Gold? A new super hero 'uber' app? Is this true?"


April glances at Peter and just smiles to him before looking back to ted!

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord sips his coffee and nods sagely. "I have seen a lot, built a lot. All that. there was a time I used to believe in miracles. Now, I depend on them. I've landed wrecks that should have disintegrated around me. Ditto with so called super heroics. So, I don't buy angels... or even an Almighty who is a dour white haired old man. Belief is the fifth force after gravity, E-Mm and the nuclear twins... oh. Uhm hello. Yes. I'm Ted Kord. Friend to Booster Gold. He's doing a new app to help worthy altruists develop-generate revenue streams. We can't all by billionaires. But if you saw the ad, it isn't an affiliate of Kord Co. more like a friend. This is my associate, Peter."

He is running into a lot of pretty young women... bad Ted. Journalist. Ted tries to imagine J.J.J. sitting next to him. To April's credit, the ploy fails utterly.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks up to April and smiles pleasantly. "Hello. We haven't met, but I'm familiar with your work. I'm more involved in print journalism, though. I freelance as a photographer for the DAILY BUGLE." He chuckles. "Just about any pic of Spider-Man in that paper is mine."

April O'Neil has posed:
April isn't impolite, by any means, so when Peter is introduced, she looks to him and offers a grin at what he says. "Oh really?" She asks. "I'm a huge Spider-man fan. I'm actually supposed to have one of his associates on my podcast... Uh, Shadow Spider, I think? He was really really nice. Helped keep my bike from getting stollen right out from under me." She smirks then. "The Daily Bugle owns Channel Six too, so I guess we're co-workers then..." She adds that last part in with a bubbly tone to her voice.

Her eyes dance back to Ted though, and she taps the pen against the paper pad. "So you're just kinda offering moral support to this Gold venture?" She asks then. "My podcast heavily revolves around super hero culture. Their effects on our world, both positive, and negative. This app could be kinda huge, too, if it actually takes flight. So I'm interested in anything you can give me on it... Either of you, actually." April says, with a noted look back to Peter too... because maybe he's involved!

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord nods. "I'm stepping back and letting Booster do his thing. He's a rare personality for sure. I'm kind of the cheering section on this. I wish him the best... I bought the CapeNewzz streaming service on super news. It's kind of super fluff. I try to support my community. there are some who want to worship us, have us do the heavy lifting. Some want us registered and regulated as a bunch of nutcases. Truth is, by and large, we're just people. I'm no different from you or Peter. That goes for the metahumans, Mutants, and non-humans. Being bulletproof doesn't help you when you get your heart broken, or you can't make rent."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter is about to speak when his phone beeps. He glances at it, then looks to Ted, then says, "Ted, I'm sorry, but I have to go. Remember that project I told you about? It involves that." He looks instantly apologetic. "I'll tell you all about it later, I promise."

April O'Neil has posed:
April stands next to the Blue Beetle at his table, as Peter gets up and leaves. "Was it something I said?" She asks with a smirk before she looks back to Ted and shakes it off.

"Well. Yeah. Heroes, and villains for that matter, come in all forms. Both quality, and less than ... so." She notes as she writes something down on her paper pad.

"So we don't have a time table on when we might see this app hit the various online stores?" She asks next.

"I get a lot of up and coming super hero wannabes call in to my show." She says with a grin. "So I might be a hell of an advertising option for this app." She says that last part with a small grin.

Booster Gold has posed:
A small golden robot flutters into the cafe. Perhaps surprisingly, at least to Ted, is that it is not playing any music this time. It just kind of floats around for a moment, as if doing a quick survey of the scene.

About a minute later, Booster Gold strides in. A slow, measured, polite walk, and with an addition to his uniform - a jacket. Not like a super hero jacket, but a bona fide blazer. Complete with a pocket square. It looks moderately ridiculous on top of a bold blue and gold power suit, but it is cut fairly well, at least, for the shoulders of the suit.

And perhaps most surprisingly, there is no loud boisterous announcement of his arrival. Booster Gold simply walks in and takes a moment or so to look around the cafe, before "spotting" Ted and April. "Ah, Mr. Kord. How are you today?" He approaches the table, offering a polite smile and nod to April.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord wonders for a moment who died? Then shakes it off. "Uhm April this is the man in question who can certainly provide more answers than me. Booster Gold. Why don't we all have a seat? I'll go get some more coffee and donuts. Oh, this is Skeets." He go to give the robot a pat then thinks better. "Ms. O'Neill is full of questions, Booster." He does pat Booster on the shoulder and for a second, despite normal human strength, Booster can feel him through his supersuit squeezing his shoulder blade.

Ted Kord indulges in the astronaut's prayer silently, "Please Lord, don't let him f--- up."

April O'Neil has posed:
April is slipping in to Peter's abandoned chair when Booster arrives. She looks to the flying robot thing first, then to the man of the hour. "Well. This is a lovely happenstance." She notes with a grin, before nodding to the robot. "Nice Snitch." She says, referencing Harry Potter, of course!

As Ted gets up to go gather more things, April watches him, then looks to Booster once more.

"Hi." She says with a smile. "I'm April O'Neil. I work for Channel Six News... though I'm here mostly on my own accord at the present. I was just... harrassing the fine Mister Kord about your business venture, as luck would have it. The super hero app idea?" She asks of the man himself.

Booster Gold has posed:
"Skeets, ma'am," replies the golden robot, hovering about in front of April before it putters off.

Turning his gaze towards April, Booster offers a warm, charming smile before he himself slips into a seat. "Ah, yes, Miss O'Neil. I hear you are quite the prominent expert on the impact of super heroes on the civilian populace." There is some sort of accent there - some sort of combination of the generic Midwest news anchor and how British guys are poorly done in tv shows when trying to sound sophisticated. He inclines his head to her politely. "Mr. Kord is quite used to harassment, so I wouldn't worry about that." Booster glances towards Ted, before returning his gaze to April. "I am not sure how much I can really disclose at this stage of the project - Mr. Kord has given very strict counsel that I should..."

Booster trails off, as if a thought is popping into his head. He looks intently at April, and then says, "You know. I feel like I can trust you, Miss O'Neil - as someone who truly looks out for the best interests of my people." He spreads his hands before her. "Please, ask me any question you would like. I'll grant you the exclusive of a lifetime."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord suddenly yells from the counter, "A round for the house! Courtesy of Kord Co. What I can't spend it if these putzes with wings have their way and if they don't we have to celebrate!" He starts a cheer of "Screw the angels that begins to gain in volume and popularity.

April O'Neil has posed:
April shows a quick smile to the bravado-rich man across fromher now. She is about to reply when the cheer from Ted takes her attention for a moment. She looks back to Booster then and holds a light smile. "Well." She starts to say then. "Firstly, I know app design is complicated, but a tentative launch date would be a nice thing to break to the public. As would planned launch features, the main ones, the kind of thing you want the world to know you're striving to get out there for people with powers to benefit from."

She bites her bottom lip for a second as her eyes go to the window on her right, then she looks back at him again.

"Really, I just have a lot of people interested to know when they can get in on the ground floor of this. People want to use the ... 'powers' that they've been gifted to help others. But... they also want to use them to pay rent, as Mister Kord noted."

Booster Gold has posed:
A slow nod from Booster to April's questions. "See, that's exactly is, Miss O'Neil." Booster leans back in his seat. "Not everyone can be born into a wealthy family like Mr. Kord, able to parlay that into a life of superheroing without having to worry about a day job." Booster seems to have not read Ted's biography, but he's on a roll. "How well do you think a superhero can hold down a regular job, when he or she has to dash off at the drop of a hat to rescue a school bus of children?" He leans forward. "Or show up to work with a black eye on multiple times per week because they don't have super human healing?" Booster shrugs. "I don't want to live in a world where heroes need to choose between doing the things that need to be done, and being able to eat."

He reclines again. "Let me tell you a story, about a young Booster Gold." He closes his eyes for a moment. "When I was growing up - my father had abandoned us. I had to take care of my sister, who while the same age as me, simply lacked my maturity. I was successful - I had a bright career ahead of me, actually, thousands chanting my name." He puts his hands together as he mock chants, "Booster! Booster! Booster!" He sighs. "I could have had it all, and used my abilities to set myself up for life. But I just didn't have the time to get that recognition. My mother got sick." His voice goes quiet. "Real sick." He pauses for a moment, and reaches up to squeeze the bridge of his nose. When he looks back to April, his eyes are slightly watery. "I had to do some things I wasn't proud of - in order to get the money to help her. And it cost me everything." He sighs deeply. "I don't want my fellow heroes to have to go through what I went through. And so I thought to myself - self, what would it be like if you could super hero, and get paid for it? And I realized that not every superhero has my level of talent and can get major corporate sponsorships. But what if - " Booster pauses for dramatic effect. "What IF - we could crowd source, in a way, the funding a hero? And then it hit me - let the people who love super heroes find a way to contribute. They can support the heroes good works, by getting a little something back for themselves." He slaps the table. "And thus, the idea was born."

April O'Neil has posed:
April listens, and of course, goes through a myriad of facial expressions at what the man across from her says throughout his tale. She tilts her head curiously at the part about cheering his name, but then just proceeds to nod softly to what he says. She shows a frown at the bit about his mother. "My mother grew ill from cancer and passed away a decade ago. My father died in a fire in his lab, a few years later. So I understand, to some degree, anyway." She says softly before clearing her throat a little.

She draws in a breath then, and nods her head to him. "Well, I think you have a good idea there. But from what I have heard, it is still very very early. As in... production on the software itself, let alone the infra-structure on how it will operate hasn't been started on?" She asks then, tilting her head curiously again.

"Are you just now searching for funding? Do you... have an idea for a name chosen for it...? Like... "Cape Caller' or... 'Super Suits'?" She asks with a growing grin upon her lips.

Ted Kord has posed:
... and Ted is back with the coffee. The talkative and cocky hero is gone. He sits quietly and gives Booster a pat on the back. Words are so little right now. "You never told me... sorry."

"Ms. O'Neill... I want to announce a change in policy. I'm no longer cheering this man on. I'd like to be his investor... partner if he'll have me. I know we are known for our shenanigans... some bad business deals... that Kooie Kooie fiasco... You know, the man who never fails is the man who does nothing. ... and why not have fun with what we do? It turns deadly serious far too often. I'll take any laughs I can get. This man has a good heart. He'd never let money get in the way of him doing the right thing. Whatever he did before... it was for the right reasons. So Booster, if you'll have me, I'll be your partner." Ted slips his arm over Booster's shoulders.

Booster Gold has posed:
"I am sorry to hear about your parents, Miss O'Neil," replies Booster, a serious and empathetic tone to his voice. "Mysterious lab fires are a surprisingly high frequency killer these days." There seems to be a thought in Booster's head, but it fails to find a place to roost and so flutters out his ear.

A shift of his weight, as Booster leans forward in the chair towards April. "We have made some good progress on the technology, yes. We actually have a demo that I could arrange to send you, that will let you see how we plan to operate. Some of the infrastructure we are still working out. You know, the work work, honestly." A little bit of Booster starts cracking through, and then he coughs a bit. The accent of the day comes back a bit stronger than it was at the start. "For now, my mission is to reach out to the heroes who would be interested in being our first partners, gauge interest, and really get from them what they would want this to be. Early in the process, because at the end of the day - this is all for the heroes. Not for me." He pauses. "Although I am a hero, but not the hero. That would be using it."

Booster closes his eyes, as if keeping straight for so long is a taxing burden. Then Ted arrives, and he nods slowly. "I just...never wanted to burden anyone with my pain."

Finally, Booster opens his eyes and turns his expression back toward April. "And there you go. Another exclusive. Ted Kord to partner on - Hashtag for Heroes." He leans forward and slides a business card over towards April, with a stylized logo on it - #4H

April O'Neil has posed:
April just gently nods her head to Booster's words, listening intently before Ted arrives and makes his declaration of assisting with funds. This causes her to look between the two of them, sharing a smile before she sees the offered card. "I would absolutely love a pre-release version of it." She says before she too presents a business card from the back pocket of her jeans. She slides it over in exchange. "You can send me the file, or download link to my e-mail there. Its secure, so don't worry." She says with a little grin.

"And... once you have settled on a name, I'd be more than happy to pitch it to my audience. In the past two years, I've gained quite an internet following. My job at Channel Six pays like shit, but it gets my face and personality out there, which seems to have done enough to help me get a growing fan base online." She shows a grin there-in.

"Whatever gets us where we wanna go, right?" She states then before slipping the card he gave her in to her pocket.

"But yeah. I got lots of up and coming heroes as listeners. So... ad time on my show is your way to go!" The young reporter says, selling herself a bit there too. As one does!

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord smiles and says, "Maybe you could do an unboxing of some of my private sector technology and review it. Kord Co is mainly known for solar generators and aviation, but I have a bunch of things I put together like phones and communication gear. I'm working on a tablet now. Not to mention out First Responder Bots... they're going on the market soon." Yes if they'll stop playing with Legos.

Booster Gold has posed:
Nodding slowly as April talks through the various stages of a release, Booster offers a smile. "Yes, I will have my people talk to you about that. It all sounds very good."

Booster reclines again. "So, part of the process involves figuring out what they want, and what they are capable of. I mean, you've got your big name heroes, Booster Gold, Batman, Wonder Woman. And then you've got some of the lower tier folks, and then you've got the guys or gals who just kind of throw on a mask and punch things." He leans forward. "What will great about this app, though, is that the heroes can set their own values - like, Batman isn't going to come down from the Ivory Tower to rescue a cat from a tree, but maybe you can get that Spider-man guy to do it." He shrugs.

"There is an opportunity for other things - maybe product placement, potentially. I could see companies reaching out, maybe behind the scenes. The key thing here is trust, and that are the brokers for them - because, again, you can't just walk into a bank with a check made out to "Hulk" and hope that they will cash it for you. So since we are handling all of that, we can allow heroes to get a revenue stream without foregoing their secret identity."

April O'Neil has posed:
April, of course, looks to Ted who offers those insights in to his own company plans which has her nodding softly to it. "Any and all news that needs to hit the air waves, I'm here to make it happen. Be it my personal platforms, or the cameras of Channel Six. Of course... C6 comes with a lot of red tape, you know, and can run some risks of having your words spliced up, edited to fit a station mandated narrative... or what not. My boss has quite a idea of the kind of news people want, and don't want." JJJ being her top most boss after all!

She purses her lips then as she nods to what Booster says next. "I would consider a level rating system too, for the calls that people put out. I mean... ikf they're needing something in a pinch, they may not be able to do such a thing. But the onlookers at a crime scene might be better able to send out a need-for help, and get the proper level of super hero to respond. But really... you're going to have to push the highest rated heroes to the top.. I mean... if our house is on fire, we don't want a fat slob showing up who stinks like booze, and has pizza stains on his poorly made costume." She snorts at herself before she glances between the two of them.

"I'm sure between the both of you, you've already thought of all of this. So you don't need my input." She states next with a little grin before she glances down at her note pad, then back up at them. "Well. I guess I got what I needed. I can leave you two to it." She adds while reaching out for a donut...

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord stands up as April leaves. "Well thanks for your time. If you need anymore information please give us a call." He moves across from Booster and silently mouths 'Wow." Then he glares at Booster. "You need to talk, you come to me anytime. Understand? You have a sister? How do I not know this? Is she cute? Single?" He segues quickly into a smirk.

Booster Gold has posed:
A slow and careful nod from Booster Gold as he listens to April's suggestions. "There will be some element of that, yes - part of the concierge process means that each hero will be given a full interview and evaluation by our team, so that way we can ensure that each hero is properly situated. We want to encourage success, not failure." Booster glances over towards Ted and nods, before looking back to April.

"I appreciate your time, and if you want either or both of us to appear on your podcast as a guest, we would be happy to do so!"

April O'Neil has posed:
Once standing, April holds the donut and coffee cup, while she tucks her notepad away. "I appreciate that, and maybe when the app is ready to go we can setup a corresponding podcast appearance? Really get the hype generating." She says with a grin for Booster. Ted gets a light nod from her too. "Thank you both for your time, I really appreciate it." She tells them. "I look forward to the e-mails about this, it is an exciting project, I think."

The auburn haired young woman will raise the donut up then and take a bite before waving to the two of them as she heads back toward her stuff at her table to pack it up...

Booster Gold has posed:
A brief wave is given to April by Booster. "I think that is a grand idea - we will let you know." Then he looks over to Ted, a grin breaking out onto his face, as he waits expectantly for ...something.