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Latest revision as of 12:29, 29 January 2022

Drinking in Genosha... Ladies Night Out
Date of Scene: 11 December 2021
Location: Hammer Bay
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Lydia Dietrich, Lorna Dane, Clarice Ferguson, Paris Bennet

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The sun had set over Genosha, leaving the street lights to flicker on and illuminate the night. Numerous businesses have already opened their doors, and the Genoshan people were starting to get back to normal lives in the city of Hammer Bay.

For no reason other than they could, Raven has suggested a night out in Genosha to Clarice and Lydia, and then Lorna when she was spotted. A ladies night most would call it, but Raven hadn't really been involved in many of those.

Whether it was coffee or alcohol, the plan was to just go out and not think about work for at last one night.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia has been scarce since last night. She always makes sure that she's around for when Raven goes to bed and when she wakes up, but has only mentioned that she's working on something for the newly christened Justice League: Dark. Tonight, however, she desperately needed a break. When Raven asked her to go out for a ladies night in Genosha, she gladly agreed. So she set aside her project, ported up to the Asteroid, gave her girlfriend a nice long kiss, and escorted her down to Genosha.

"I really needed this break," she says. She looks a little frazzled, with her hair an unkempt mess that she's desperately trying to tame into a bun. "Thank you for suggesting it."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane had dressed as casually as she might for this little outing. It didn't take long, after all. Mention of a girls night sounded amazing. Jeans, and a t-shirt along with flip flops of all things. It was warm in Genosha after all. A little cool breeze on some exposed footsies was a great way to cool down. The length of her own hair is swept up into a simple ponytail to finish her 'Off Duty' look. "I think we could all use a break. It's a good time for it at least. And the holidays are..." here she hesitates before finishing, "Always as much trouble as they are enjoyable."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice teleports them all in - dressed in a green top with a keyhole cut below the collar, and showing a large swath of the magenta-hued skin at her back. Jeans and a simple pair of boots finish the ensemble, as the group make their way into the city. "It's nice to see it finally coming to life again," she remarks in quiet voice, her gaze looking around at the traffic on the street, the sound of music coming from bars, clubs, and restaurants...
    It had been hard to believe, for a while, that it ever would.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Letting Lydia decide what she would wear, Raven sported a white crop top that revealed her stomach and lower abs, with a pair of light blue jeans. Instead of her usual boots, she had on a pair of white tennis shoes with white ankle socks. Totally not her usual look at all, but she didn't care, she even put on some make-up, though that was a challenge given her skin color.

Hooking her arm around Lydia's waist, she places a quick kiss on the woman's cheek. "We all need this," she admits with a smile. "So whether we go drinking, have coffee, get something to eat from any one of the restaurants, tonight is about NOT thinking."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Huzzah!" Lydia says, raising a fist in the air. "I'll let you all decide on what to do," she says. "I've already fed today and will just sip or nibble on anything you guys get." She gets a wicked gleam in her eyes, "But first I'm gonna get a little nibble on my girlfriend." She leans over and gently scrapes her fangs across Raven's neck making over the top 'om nom nom' sounds.

For tonight, Lydia has forgone her usually conservative wear, and has donned a pair of skinny jeans that hugs her hips, and a blouse with a plunging neckline. Around her neck is a pendant of an ankh with a moonstone scarab inset into it.

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane glances over at Clarice's remark with a nod of silent agreement. For a moment she allows her gaze to sweep over the street enjoying the sight of life returning. There was no 'normal' for it to return to, but this was progress none the less and a vast improvement over what had been here a year ago. "It is nice," she agrees before trailing off. Her attention shifts to Lydia mock-biting Raven only to crack a grin. "I'm not certain if I should tell you two to get a room, or hire an exorcist," she jokes. A lame joke but she tried. "It's good to see everyone in good spirits though." Her head tilts toward Clarice. "Will your girlfriend be joining us, too?"

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    Clarice shakes her head with a look of regret on her features. "Between Hope House, and her college courses, and her training... I'm afraid Rahne's pretty busy," she admits. "I suppose that's my own fault." She was the one that asked Rahen to help out with the charity. "I'll have to spend some time with her later." In private which - honestly, wasn't necessarily a bad deal.
    "Where should we go? Honestly, I'm game for anywhere."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
A shiver runs up Raven's spine at the mock biting and her eyes flicker over at Lydia with all kinds of wicked thoughts already forming. Later, she tells herself then grins broadly, then she swats Lydia on the butt.

"The last of the heavy contractors moved to Carrion Cove yesterday," she announces, watching a group of early twenty people playfully chasing each other down the sidewalks and into a bar. "Still have numerous small businesses being constructed, but other wise... ta dah! Hammer Bay."

She seems rather proud, not that she did any of the work, but she was in charge of keeping contractors coming and going from location to location, and over seeing the delivery of materials to the constructions sites. She would have come down and offered assistance physically, every one knows that, but maintaining the constant flow of people from Asteroid, materials from around the world, and of course keeping Erik informed of everything happening had to be enough.

"I think we should have dinner first," she offers then, looking up and down the strip of businesses. "Then a bar with music for dancing. Sound good?"

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia squeaks in surprise at the spank, and then giggles. "Later," she says in a low, husky voice. "It's really coming together," she says. "I wasn't here for when it was in rubbles, but I can see all the hard work that's been put into it."

"Dinner and dancing sounds /divine/," she says, snaking an arm around Raven's waist. "What kind of dinner would you guys like?"

Lorna Dane has posed:
"I could kill a cheesesteak," Lorna bemoans at the first thought of a food dish pops into her mind. She wasn't sure if such a thing could be found around here though. "Or anything else. I think I could also be convinced to dance some. So long as no one records me doing so. Modern dance isn't really my area of expertise." Clarice gets a smiling nod of understanding. "It sounds like she's doing a wonderful job at it all though. I'm glad things are going well for you both." A glance is cast back toward the couple, then away again with a shake of her head. "I feel out numbered by you coupled sorts lately."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I would never //dreeeeeam// of filming you while you're dancing, Your Majesty," Clarice remarks with amusement and mischief sparkling in her eyes. She flashes Lorna a broad grin, before continuing with, "Well - it's not like I exactly planned on this. Rahne more or less... fell in my lap." She hadn't expected to be kissed, was all! It had been... shocking. And confusing, but she was glad for it, now.
    "For cheese steak - we'd need an American themed restaurant, wouldn't we?" Not an impossible prospect. "I suppose there could be one around here somewhere... There are enough Americans lingering about Genosha."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Arm still around Lydia, Raven starts walking down the strip of entertainment and food businesses. "There's a place at the end of the next block, should have cheesesteak. Entirely new business," she offers, watching a couple with their kids, all five of them, heading into the Japanese fusion restaurant. "A really adorable mutant couple opened this place up the minute they could, Phily style everything, along with random American dishes."

She glances over to Lydia for a moment, then looks back to Lorna. "I promise I will not film you dancing," she grins. "Not even a little, I won't even take any pictures, but Lorna... you are going to be noticed soon enough."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane gives Clarice a sidelong glance at the mention of not filming her which sounded very suspiciously like a fib. At least the talk of food has her interest once again. "Philly style? Yes, please. If it's all right with everyone else I say we try it out." With that she reaches into her pocket to pull out a pair of sunglasses which she flips open with a flick of her wrist. They're slid on in all their gawdy rhinestoned glory. "Noticed? Why would anyone notice lil ol' me?" She queries in her best mimicry of a Southern accent. She'd been around Rogue long enough she could mostly fake one.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia looks thoughtful. "I don't know what else is around here. Maybe sushi? Is that a thing in Genosha?" She shakes her head. "Regular food just isn't appetizing anymore, you know? So it's hard for me to have an opinion." She nods when Raven mentions that there is, in fact, a cheesesteak place. "Good. We'll go there, then. I won't order anything, but I'll steal bits and pieces from Raven's."

She chuckles at Lorna. "Nobody would believe that the Queen of Genosha would be slumming it down here with the common people. Especially not eating cheesesteaks."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It's not that big a nation," anymore. "Honestly, I think people would believe it," Clarice remarks in a dry, amused tone. But fine - the Queen wants to play incognito? If anyone seems to recognize her, she'll try to wave them off. And they'll wait and see if it lasts.
    "What does 'Philly style' include other than the cheesesteaks?" Clarice asks in a puzzled tone, as they stroll towards the nearby restaurant.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
"Hey, I'm all for a cheesesteak," Raven comments as they walks. "It's why I suggested it. I'm not picky about food usually, so long as I can get a soda and fries, I'm good."

The 'Little Phily' restaurant is doing good business. Not over crowded or anything, there are a few open tables inside and out on the deck that overlooks the garden of the place next door. The servers are all dressed in matching uniforms; blue polo shirts, khaki pants, black apron and smiles. A sign at the door door reads 'Please wait to be seated, unless you want to sit on the deck then please do'. Given the lovely night, that's where Raven heads.

Most people are distracted by the night and their own activities, but a few /think/ Lorna looks familiar, but... that can't really be the Queen, right?

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia nods and slides into the seat next to Raven's, her hand resting on her girlfriend's thigh. "I was never really a cheesesteak kind of person," she admits. "Maybe I had never had a good one since I've lived in Brooklyn all my life. Mostly we've got bagels and seafood. And Italian. /Lots/ of Italian."

She looks around watching the people as they walk by, taking in all the shapes and colors that they come in. People with obvious mutations wander around with the rest of the people, and nobody even bats an eye. This makes her grin. "This place is wonderful."

Lorna Dane has posed:
Lorna Dane starts to take a seat when her phone goes off earning a small frown. It's pulled from her back pocket to regard a moment with a sigh. "I need to take this. Get me a classic cheese steak and an iced tea," she requests of the group. Only to pause and clarify, "Not sweet tea. Just tea. Sorry to bail," she utters. Lifting the phone she fires off a quick greeting while walking to a less public area of the patio.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Well. I guess I'll get a cheesesteak too, since that seems to be all Philly is famous for," Clarice remarks in an amused tone, slipping into one of the seats. She looks up at Lorna as she rises, offering a confirming nod to the request. "Sure thing, Lorna," she agrees.
    She shifts in her seat, positioning herself so that Lorna is always in her gaze, even as she talks to Lydia and Raven. What? ...it's her //job// to be paranoid.
    "It seems silly to be going to Genosha for a cheesesteak, though." See - that's the teleporter in her, talking.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven snorts softly as she settles in, picking up a menu to look over.

"We got you covered Lorna," she offers looking over the top of the menu, then shifts her eyes to looking at the choices. "You should be able to get any kind of food no matter where you go, but leave the specialty items to where they come from. Cheese steak is too popular for one place, and just like pizza, where ever you go they have their own version."

She hmms softly, then orders herself a classic cheesesteak, steak fries, a small salad and a Coke... not Pepsi, Coke.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"We'll keep your seat warm for you," Lydia calls out to Lorna. She nods. "Like Chicago style pizza versus New York style pizza, though Chicago style pizza isn't /really/ a pizza." She's firm on this one. Growing up in New York gives you Opinions on the matter.

When the waiter comes around she declines politely, ordering only a glass of water that she'll never touch. He gives her a funny look and she just kind of shrugs at him helplessly.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "I've had Chicago pizza - it's good!" Clarice says in a bright voice, before placing her own order for a cheesesteak with fries, and Lorna's order as well. She gets a glass of Sprite, and then asks if there's any hot sauce available - which, of course there is.
    She waits until the waiter is gone before finally remarking, "It's a bit strange being here. I keep thinking about what was here before, and what was here after..." Nothing is the same, nothing //could// be the same. But it was better to rebuild, rather than just let Genosha die. What other choice did they have?

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Poking the menu back into it's little stand, Raven looks around at all the people out on the deck. Obvious mutants everywhere, made her smile, made her comfortable.

"I've had Chicago and New York pizza," she offers. "And neither are actually pizza compared to pizza in Italy, but all are pretty damn good."

Turning her attention back to Clarice she lifts a brow slightly. "Which part are you thinking? Genosha before Erik liberated it was much like this Clarice," she gestures around. "It was the attack by Brainiac that destroyed it, so of course it gets rebuilt to what it was, actually, it's better because now it's free."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia scoffs at Clarice. "It may be good but it's not pizza. It's an open faced Italian pot pie." She shakes her head at Raven. "Italians may have invented pizza, but New Yorkers perfected it." She's not entirely sure why she's arguing since she really doesn't eat pizza anymore. But she's got to stick up for her home city.

"All I've ever seen of it is after Braniac," she says of Genosha. "So this is all I've known of it."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "After Magneto freed us - but before we fell. That's the Genosha I got to know - to love. I didn't see much of it when I was little. And this may be similar to that Genosha - but it can never be the //same// - many of the shops and restaurants I used to go to will never come back - there isn't the population to sustain that many anymore, and the people that owned and ran them..." Are gone.
    She's a real ray of sunshine, isn't she?
    "Anyways," Clarice says hastily. "It isn't quite the same, but it almost is, and it's- I don't know. It's good, and it's reassuring, and it's jarring. It's all of those things."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven picks up her Coke, taking a sip of is while listening to Lydia fighting for the rights of New York pizza and Clarice being nostalgic.

"No, it will never be the same," she admits without pause. "But that's life isn't it? Things change. I changed. Genosha has changed. Lydia changed," she grins over at Lydia as she says this, but not at her face, at her low cut shirt instead /then/ up to her face. "Life is about change, other wise it stagnates. I remember the Genosha between liberation and Brainiac, it was still recovering from the old Government, but Clarice... people will return. Those that can anyway."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia grins as Raven ogles her. If she didn't want her staring at her tits she wouldn't have warn something so low cut. "You've changed, too, Clarice. When I met you you were much more withdrawn than you are now. You're actually /happy/. These are all good changes."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "One percent of them, Raven. Only one percent will ever return." That's how few survived. Clarice tries not to let it burden her, but there are times... And she's certain that Magneto, and Lorna feel it even more keenly.
    She lets herself be distracted by Lydia though, looking at her friend with a curious expression. "Have I changed that much?" she asks, picking up her Sprite for a sip before she adds, "Well. I used to only have Mister Creed, but now... I have a much larger family. It makes a big difference, I think."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The one percent was something Raven knew about, it was something she thought about quite often. Her life had been dedicated to mutants, and to lose so many in one attack, it had scarred her soul in a way she couldn't express. She didn't talk about it, ever. Clarice wore the pain of it all on her sleeve, but for Raven that fight had been the worst fight in her life. They may have won, driven Brainiac off, created the Asteroid, but the price had been too high.

"You're forgetting the future generations Clarice," she finally says, a little less perk to her voice. "We're making a world for mutants today, sure, but this is also about our children, and their children, a place for generations to come."

She takes another sip of her coke, trying to shake the feeling that the words 'one percent' cause inside her as she does. "The future," she repeats quietly. "That's what it's all about. It's not about us, or our parents, it's about the future, ensuring /their/ way in life."

Paris Bennet has posed:
A hot white field of crackling static-like energy appears on the edge of the terrace in the middle of the air. The field expands to something of an oval, the view in the field giving a glimpse of a surf before hissing shut behind the emergent Bennet!

The tall warrior floats through the air to towards the counter and the awaiting barista to promptly order a black coffee without skipping a beat. Only when this is done do the gold within gold eyes survey round to get a clue about who is here. His distracted expression lightens at the sight of familiar faces!

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
Lydia gives Raven's thigh a comforting squeeze. "We'll recover," she says encouragingly. "We always do. The percentage of people who are born mutants go up every year, and we fight for their place in the world." She nods, "It's good to have a place where we'll always be welcome."

Paris' arrive gets a curious look, but only a cursory one. You always pay attention to who can portal. Never know when you might need a lift.

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    The portal also draws Clarice's attention away from where Lorna stands not too far away on her phone - but only for a moment. After offering Bennet a nod, she ensures that she has her Queen back in her view once more, before she answers Mystique and Lydia. "It can be both about the future - and ourselves. I know what we're fighting for, it just... It hurts sometimes to think of what we've lost, is all - and as much as I love Genosha, it's still hard for me not to think of that here."
    There's plenty of space beside Clarice for Bennet to join them - since Lorna had abandoned that place not long before.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven was wishing they had skipped food and gone straight for alcohol, the coke seemed bland as her mood soured, but the mask remained on her face. A half smile, pretending it was all good, no big deal, the practiced skill of presenting herself as 'fine' even when she wasn't. Years of the mask being used made is possible to keep it in place even when she was dying inside.

At the portal's appearance her eyes jump to the spot out of instinct, ready for what might come through. She might looked unarmed, but with Raven... looks were always deceiving. When no army or enemy came through, and Bennet was who appeared, she looks back to those at the table just in time for their good to arrive. Perhaps that would lighten her mood again, fresh food from a new kitchen, but she seriously doubted it. At least Lydia seemed to get it, to accept, understand and appreciate the hours upon hours of heart and soul the cobalt mutant had poured into the rebuilding of Genosha.

"Want a fry?" She says to Lydia, picking up a steak fry to offer to her lover. She knows Lydia doesn't need to eat, but she's still going to offer out of habit... another change, another thing to get used to. "We could put ketchup on it and pretend." A brow wiggle.

Paris Bennet has posed:
The hovering knight had a simple order, thus it takes no time for it to be delivered and paid for. The very height of efficiency that sees him on his way over to the group within moments. Cup in hand, Bennet greets in warm tones,"Bonjour! I trust I am not interrupting?"

Coming to a halft beside Clarice, he lowers to the floor with nary a tap. That cup isn't even disrupted prior to his initial sampling sip mere moments after greeting.

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
"Ooh, yes please!" Lydia says. She might not be hungry but food from her girlfriend is always appreciated. She takes one of the smaller steak fries and applies some ketchup on it. Then she sticks it in her mouth and sensuously sucks the ketchup off before eating the fry. "Mmm," she moans, "Tomato blood."

When Paris comes over she looks up at him, and shakes her head. "Have a seat," she says, gesturing to one of the open ones. We were just getting started." She says this even though she has no food in front of her. "I'm Lydia," she says, holding out a hand for him to shake. "A pleasure to meet you."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "No, no interruption," Clarice replies easily, nodding to the empty seat in offer. When Lorna returns, they'll find a way to make more room. "We were just about to eat." She looks at Lorna's food, glancing towards the green-haired woman. Her food was going to go cold - but it wasn't like they couldn't afford another order? "Are you hungry?" she asks, before taking a bite of one of her own fries.
    Looking back towards Lydia she adds, "This is Bennet du Paris," she doesn't pronounce the 'r' right when she tries to say the city's name with French pronunciation - but at least she keeps trying! "Magneto and I found him. Or - I was with Magneto when //he// found him," she says in a wry tone.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
To solve the problem, before it becomes one really, Raven reaches over to the table beside them where three people are sitting and simply takes the fourth chair to put at the end of their own table. Problem solved.

"You're more than welcome to join us, Bennet," she then says with a smile. "I think you'll enjoy what comes after dinner." No, no he will most certainly not.

"We're going to a club to listen to music, drink and dance," she continues, that same smile going a little broader. "You're more than welcome to join us."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Bennet silently mouths the city name Pah Ree, but manages not to flinch. Reaction past however, he moves on accepting the effort for what it was as he casually accepts the offered hand, bowing as he kisses the back of it lightly before replying,"Aye, Bennet. A pleasure, mademoiselle." Then is the seat accepted with a,"Merci."

The cup is set before him on a napkin that makes itself available and folds itself there for use. He will then arch a brow with ready reply,"This I shall decline. What passes for music reminds of the gyrating pandemonium of some great automaton, only less harmonic. And the dancing, hardly flattering. I will not burden with a lengthy diatribe such I gave Mister Saki."

Lydia Dietrich has posed:
An eyebrow quirks in curiosity, "You found him?" Lydia gives Bennet an appraising look /especially/ after he kisses her knuckles. "He's charming, though, I must admit."

She gives him an amused smile as he describes the music of today. "Well, I guess club music isn't for everyone. It's not something I'd listen to in my free time, but for when I'm in the mood to shake my booty it does the trick."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "It took me a few visits to clubs to get used to it," Clarice admits with an amused smile. "But I like it now. It's fun, espcially with the right company. I mean- I //suppose// I can tolerate it with Raven and Lydia for company..." She grins at the two women across from her with an amused expression, before finally picking up her sandwich for her first bite.
    Mmmm. Meat and cheese go so well together...

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Raven leans over to place a soft kiss on Lydia's lips, perhaps also to lick a little ketchup off the corner of her mouth, then sits back into her own place and devours a fry herself.

"You haven't heard all the music out there Bennet," she comments once she has swallowed. "Some is quite nice, other sounds like cats being dragged across violins."

Paris Bennet has posed:
Bennet's brow arches higher for a moment, then he takes a long sip from his fresh coffee. Somehow the scalding doesn't phase him, if he is scalded at all!

Clearing his throat lightly as he turns to Clarice, he answers the previous question she posed him that was overlooked in the face of greetings and seatings,"I still have no appetite, no. Dr Hathaway has been busy, but I am assured she will be contacting me soon."

Clarice Ferguson has posed:
    "Dr. Hathaway is typically far more prompt than that," Clarice remarks with some surprise, looking first towards Mystique, then back to Paris. "I would message her again - I assume there's some sort of miscommunication here."
    She dips a french fry in her ketchup, still a little concerned by the news that Bennet still lacked an appetite, but she tries not to linger over it. "You should hear my brother play. He's very talented - I'm sure he could play something you'd find enjoyable."

Paris Bennet has posed:
As if on cue, a light winks at his wrist. Bennet glances down with some surprise as he notes who it is reaching out to him. Bennet explains as he rises to his feet, a sizzling field of white electricity crackling off of the edge of the terrace,"I'm being called to the shuttle. Enjoy your evening, ladies."

With that, the field expands momentarily to afford a view of said craft at the docking facility before he flies through, the field snapping shut with a crackle then starlike wink.