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Outsider fun at the firing range
Date of Scene: 06 February 2022
Location: Sublevel 2 -Training Facilities - The Roost
Synopsis: Laura shows a blatant disregard for firearm safety. Hope shows signs of a deathwise. Roy shows off his shooting skills and Harper explains the intricacies of flirting while firing a shotgun.
Cast of Characters: Laura Kinney, Harper Row, Roy Harper, Hope Summers

Laura Kinney has posed:
With the world seemingly under near constant threat from mythical creates, aliens and all sorts of criminal groups it's rare that a week goes by without X-23, aka Laura Kinney, taking over the training room for one of her more wild and wacky 'workout routines'.

Today she's in the firing range. A selection of guns lined up along the counter. And plenty of paper targets set up.

More importantly there is a warning notice on the door: 'Caution blindfold training in progress'

Because that's right. X-23 is firing automatic weapons blindfolded. What could go wrong? (For her very little. Thanks to the wonders of her healing factor! For everyone else? Well that's what the sign is for.)

Harper Row has posed:
Harper Row is wearing a rather thick hoodie, the hood pulled to obscure her a bit, her blue-black hair dangling down as she makes her way into the shooting range. She's been a little irritated today and figured she'd work out some aggression with heavy weaponry. For once, she's not the only one thinking those thoughts.

Then she sees the blindfold.

"Ohhhhhhh crap, I am not wearing my body armor," Harper says, immediately reversing right back out the door.

Roy Harper has posed:
"Oh this should be /good/," Roy snickers as he heads into the training room after reading the sign. And he collides with the exiting Harper. "Oh shit, sorry, Harp. Guess I should work on my situational awareness."

He peers around her form to look farther inside. "So someone is being trained on how to use a blindfold? I couldn't really tell what the sign was trya say."

He's wearing blue shorts, a Blue Jays T-shirt, and trainers on his feet. Apparently he was heading in for a mundane workout but hey, someone's learning how to use a blindfold so this just got good.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope sees the sign and pays no attention whatsoever. She does give a little shiver as she steps through the door into the training room. And almost immediately runs into Roy and Harper. "Oof! Hey! Ah, sorry, sorry, coming through!" She does a little dance to skirt around the pair and calls out towards Laura, "Hey! Want to play Marco Polo? See if you can hit the moving target!" Then she's sprinting off and calling out with a grin, "MARCO!"

Laura Kinney has posed:
There's a click. A clack. And then the bzzzrt bzzzrt bzzzrt of a submachine gun clip emptying in a few controlled trigger pulls. Several of the targets disintergrate into clouds of paper.

X-23 sniffs the air. "Harper, Roy and..." She's likely about to say Hope when the lady in question bursts in whooping. "The firing range does not present many places to dodge or hide. And Tim does not appreciate it when I fire guns in the rest of the Roost."

She gives a little shrug. Clearly someone had to have a talk with her about that in the past.

"If you really wish to engage in high risk training I would have to throw knives at you." A pause. "I do have some in my bag..?" Because of course she does.

Harper Row has posed:
Harper Row winces, "I'm all for running and gunning, but def put on the goggles and and the ear protection. Especially for people with extra sensitive hearing. Wait, do you have that? I'm not even sure," she says.

She play jostles back at Roy, bumping him with a shoulder, "We need to hit the dojo sometime soon, let me drop you on your head a few times, pretty boy."

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy opens his mouth and says "Awwwww! You think I'm pretty? That's so nice!"

He weaves around Harper to get the full view. "Oh yeah this is way better than I had hoped. Blindfolded automatic weapons fire. Absolutely dope." He moves over to the headsets and eyewear that are kept within easy access near the range so the Outsiders don't all end up deaf and blind. He dons one of each.

Now not quite able to hear himself talk as well he says, "HEY THAT LOOKS FUN. CAN I TRY IT?"

Hope Summers has posed:
"I mean, the firing range itself is a pretty open space, plenty of room to run and dodge. But shooting at stationary paper targets is hardly going to teach you anything, especially if you're already good enough that you've added a blindfold." Hope hops up to sit on one of the shooting stations, putting one foot to the edge of the shelf and resting her forearm on her knee. "You can shoot me. Right now, in here? It's not going to matter. I'll even handle the cleanup after. But if you really want to train... we need a Danger Room." She glances around, looking at the room, "I wonder if Tim would object... I bet I could get the plans from the Mansion and then we could have a REAL training room. Adaptable, with the ability to up the difficulty as we want..."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"All of my senses are enhanced," Laura explains solemnly. Seemingly having no trouble looking directly at people without taking off the blindfold. "Thankfully my healing ability repairs the damage which loud noises would cause."

Her hand idly selects a clip of ammo from the bench and reloads. Before putting the gun back neatly in place.

It's only then she takes the blindfold off. Her eyes flick between Roy, to Hope and back again.

"Roy perhaps you'd like to have a go? Hope seems not to mind being the target."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper Row winces, "Yeah, but doesn't the damage still like...oh, right, you don't hurt...so...wow. That's a whole package of good and bad you've got going there."

She bellies up to the range to get a gun for herself, pulling her own custom goggles and ear protection out of her jacket. Not that the stuff here isn't good, she just...likes to use her own gear. What?

"You know you're cute af Roy, don't play," she says. "And I hear what you're saying, Hope, but I also kind of like the DIY vibe. Holograms are cool but even solid ones don't have quite the same flavor as analog targets," she says, before pumping a shotgun.

Roy Harper has posed:
When Laura put the automatic rifle down for Roy to have a try, he gives one of those happy 'eeeep' looks and picks up the weapon. He pops the clip to check it, checks the status of the chamber, pops the clip back in, and unfastens the safety. Kid's used these things before.

"No way I'm shootin' at Hope. I don't care if she take it, it would freak me out."

He flashes a goofy, playful wink to Harper. "I know. We all know."

He shoulders the weapon, which he set to single-shot, and starts popping off some rounds. Aiming is his jam. He can't fly, he can't regenerate, he can't go super fast. etc. etc. But our boi can aim. He goes from target to target popping a single round in the center.

He puts the weapon down and sighs. "I wish they moved. I was shooting my bow in the Danger Room at Titan's Tower the other day. There were moving robotic spiders attacking us. Very freaky deaky.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope sighs, then flicks a finger towards Roy at his insistence he won't shoot her, "That's why I went for you, Laura. You and Gabby are about the only ones that WILL shoot me. Most people don't want to shoot their friends and/or teammates." Lifting a shrug, she leans back against the wall of the stall, nose twitching. "The hearing is fine, but the smell always takes a minute to adjust... Oof. Thank you, everyone, for not wearing perfume. Or aftershave."

To Harper, she chuckles, "Oh I can't replicate Shi'ar tech, I was thinking more like pre-holograms? When it was robotics and traps and stuff? Really get it going. It wouldn't be a bad idea for us." She flashes a grin, "And I've been itching to build something for DAYS."

Roy gets a nod, "See? Like that. Robot spiders, or wall stun lasers and the like."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"As Roy said the Titans do have a system like that already," Laura muses. "I imagine we could probably borrow the training facility if we asked. Fitting one here might be expensive and impractical. The Gotham power grid likely wouldn't take the strain of advanced technology."

Plus Batman would probably complain about bringing supertech into the city.

"If I /really/ wish to test myself I simply find a hostile criminal group. There's no better simulator for danger than actively seeking out real danger."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper Row fires a few shotgun rounds and then turns and stares for a long moment at Hope, "If you're trying to tempt me into designing booby traps and hostile robot targets, I would ask who are you and why are you hitting on me so damn hard right now?" she winks.

"Although Laura has a point, real scumbags are the ultimate test. But also, most real scumbags are wussy whiny babies. I know because I electrocute a lot of them," she says.

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy unloads the weapon he was using and clears the chamber. Firearm safety.

He steps away from the shooting stand. "I take down shitheads every night without a gun," he says with a shrug. Neither his tone nor his body language seem to suggest he's boasting. "Honestly, I think a gun is a liability out on the street. Bows and fists for me."

He watches Harper pop off some shotgun rounds and nods approvingly. "Girl, you're enough to make a good dog break its leash. A blue-haired girl with a shotgun. Makes me wish I was straight."

Hope Summers has posed:
"Yes but I don't have the luxury of being you all the time, Laura. This is a treat for me. Normally if I go up against bad guys, it's just guns and the hellish bootcamp that was my life between me and them. I want to enjoy it while I can!" Hope flashes a grin at Laura before lookiing to Harper with an owlish expression that bursts into laughter. "Oh that question is so loaded... ummmmmm, simplest explanation? Time-traveling mutant messiah from an alternate post-apocalyptic world where almost all of you never existed. That covers the who. And the why, well, I'm with Roy on this one. Give me a blue-haired engineer and I just can't help myself."

Roy gets a wink and a grin, "Makes me wish I were gay, so we've got that going. And guns aren't always lethal. My favorite gun is forever the stungun I shot Batman with."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"I am not sure I would describe enhanced senses a luxury when in Gotham," Laura solemnly answers. "There's a lingering smell like a fire in a chemical works with hints of biological matter you'd be happier not thinking about."

She gives Roy a nod of acknowledgment as he puts the weapon back how he found it. The array of guns are Roost issue equipment after all. They're all from her own person collection.

She blinks a few times. Looks at Harper. Then back to Hope. Finally she sniffs the air and frowns.

"I honestly can't tell if you three are all flirting or if that is some sort of in joke."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper Row grins at Laura, "Oh, sorry, that's just my perfume. It's called INDUSTRIAL STRENGTH," she says. "I'll try and tone it down, but I feel self-conscious when I'm on a team with all these hotties," she says.

"It's sort of both, Laura. We're being funny with each other, but we're also full of hormones and depression. Well. I am, at least," she says.

She puts aside the shotgun and puts her hands on her hips, "I think I need to get a second welding rig so I can have one here -and- at home. Moving it back and forth is too much work. And we need robots."

Roy Harper has posed:
Roy quirks a grin. "Flirting? I flirt with everyone. I'm just sayin' Harper is hot and if I was a straight dude I would...I dunno..." He looks at Harper with that signature playful grin of his, that tool that solves more problems for him even than his bow. "What do straight guys do? Ask you out for pretzels at a sports bar or some shit?" He lets out a low laugh, just being goofy and having fun with the moment.

Laura gets a return nod. He recognizes someone who also respects firearms.

"So...what would happen if one of us actually did shoot you, Hope?" Roy asks inquisitively.

Hope Summers has posed:
Hope lifts a shrug at Laura, "I grew up going from bloody fight to blooody fight with -Cable- and no means of showering. You basically just described the scent imprinted on me since infancy. Oh, but throw in the scent of soul-crushing despair and sweat. Really gives that bitter undercurrent." Chuckling lightly at Harper's response, she gives a nod. "I mean, my hormones are doing pretty good right now, but I'm determined to learn how to fit into this world. And all it's strange and soft and I don't really know what I'm doing but I'm gonna keep pretending I do and eventually I'll figure it out."

Hope tips her head back against the partition and smiles, "You can borrow mine, should be kicking around here somewhere. I was trying to build a big gun." To Roy, she grins, "Conner took me to Hawaii. I think we're past pretzels and... sportsball. But we did go dancing last night! That was fun." The question has her looking towards Roy, "Normally? Like, if it's just me? I bleed, it hurts, rushed to the medical bay or the X-Mansion... or someone calls for Laura or Gabby and I copy their powers so I can heal it. Since Laura is already right here and I don't always have a choice in the power copying thing? It would heal instantly and completely and life would go on."

Laura Kinney has posed:
"You're also describing Bludhaven," X-23 adds helpfully. Gothams neighbor isn't exactly a top tourist spot. "My power isn't /instant/ but it's pretty fast." She corrects. Helpfully popping a claw with a snikt sound, then retracting it. Allowing the cut to seal itself up while anyone who is curious watches.

"Providing I'm aware of the shooter I can just cut the bullets out from the air though. However that's a skill I doubt that Hope could copy. As it requires a combination of training and metal claws. Bone ones would simply shatter when the bullet struck them."

She glances back to Harper. "I see," she replies in a tone that suggests she probably doesn't. "Generally I just use phermone outputs to tell if someone is genuinely showing interest or not. It's easy enough to smell attraction if you know what to sniff for."

Harper Row has posed:
Harper Row winks at Laura, "Sniff me, then," she says as she puts up the gun and heads for the door.

"I'm gonna go check out your rig," she says to hope as she pulls off her ear protection, 'I have very high standards for spot welders, I'm just telling you right now. If I find any loose hose, you're gonna hear about it from me," she says, pointing a blue nailed finger in faux outrage.

Hope Summers has posed:
"Ahhhhhhhh, but I don't just get your power. I get your power pushed to the absolute limit of its possible potential. Which is what makes the controlling of it so damn hard. I'm not just dialing it to 11, I'm dialing it to 100. I can't do a thing about it, either. Like... I can't choose to dull it down to a more reaonsable level. Any power that I copy is at it's maximum potential, period." Hope provides a demonstration! She unholsters her own gun, puts it up to her palm (pointed down the range), and pulls the trigger. The sound is deafening. But Laura (and maybe Roy) can see the wound starting to knit shut on one side before the bullet has even fully passed through on the other. By the time she swings her hand around, its like nothing ever happened. Flexing her palm, her fingers, she shrugs, "It can be useful. Or it can mean I have the maximum possible of, say, Scott's eyebeams with no means of controlling them."

Harper gets a wave and a smile, "There's no loose anything on my rigs!" She slides off the shelf and holsters her gun again, dipping a nod to them both, "And now I'm hungry. Getting shot always equates to getting hungry. Laura, tell Logan his genes are weird. Like.. weird weird. Why do I want fries with cheese and gravy?!" She might be teasing. Maybe. Hard to tell. Waving to Roy, she offers, "I can mimic powers of mutants around me. So sometimes its heal factor and olfactory senses. Sometimes its wings and bird bones. Sometimes it's turning into a hideous shrieking monster! I'm a grab bag. Later!"

Roy Harper has posed:
"Well I need to get a workout in. My only super power is doing a lot of pushups," Roy says with a quirky grin.

"Thanks for letting me shoot!" he calls out as he jogs across the huge room. First he puts in some earbuds connected to his phone and starts up some music. Then he picks up two dumbbells and starts up a treadmill. He starts running with one dumbbell in each hand.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura frowns at Harper as she leaves. "She probably doesn't realise the locations most phermones are released from," she notes. Then looking back at Hope she adds "Perhaps you are pregnant?" She sniffs the air again. "Although I admit that is unlikely. I am more than happy to pass on the message though."

As her team mates begin to leave the room X-23 puts her blindfold back on and reaches for another gun. Training time still isn't over!