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Latest revision as of 14:50, 10 February 2022

This is not medically sound.
Date of Scene: 10 February 2022
Location: X-Lounge
Synopsis: Tabby sneaks out of the med bay cause hungry. Gets caught, shares Sandwiches and exposition with Emma and Betsy
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Betsy Braddock, Emma Frost

Tabitha Smith has posed:
By now it's the wee hours of the morning after the Rec-Room explosiions and the tragedy that is the pool table being destroyed. And sadly, sleeping off a concussion often means when you run out of sleep you wake up.

Which is how Tabitha Smith is in the longe and not in the med bay where they probably really should have tied her down. At least she got a less burned top on in the form of an oversized black Xavier Institute hoodie that hanns down past her thighs to hide most of her jeans. The girl's feet bare and toes waggling so they can breath as she seems to be raiding the fridge in the lounge for anything with a lot of sugar and is not actually alcohol.

"Foood, c'mon where the junk!" the blonde mutters as she rummages almost climbing into the fridge itself.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
The wee hours of the morning have been Betsy's primarily operating hours for some time. Why she avoids asleep is anyone's guess. But as a result, she finds herself heading into the lounge to behold the sight of the fridge raiding Tabitha.
"Kitchen's closed, isn't it?" she offers from the doorway as she makes her way inside.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is entering on in. The Lounge hasn't been ruined along with the student area, so Emma Frost has come down to work. She has a mug of tea with ehr that's smelling too sweet, flavored with something alcoholic no doubt. She would glance at Betsy, "Elizabeth." Then over at Tabitha, "Tabitha. Did the others get fully treated in the medbay?" Emma had mostly departed after the chaos in the area had been dealt with.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
There might still be a little bit of brain clogging concussion so she is startled when Betsy's accent alerts the girl and in a startle she almost jumps and just hisses as her shoulders hit the inside of the roof of the fridge.

Ouch, dammit. The main kitchen but screw walking upstairs. Someone responsible might see me and be all concern frown and march me back down to the medbay. But I'm awake and hungry and I'm so not gonna badger anyone at this hour just so I can have a snack." she states and pulls a bunch of cold cuts and salands and other sandwich fixings. Emma gets a sigh and a nod. "Yeah the others got looked at Remy is passed out in there. I just came out because I had to hurl and then eat. I killed a dupe in that blast apparently." she says and shudders at the memory.

"But I need energy and since I'm up and making either of you want a sandwich?"

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Betsy nods as if she knows what Tabitha is talking about. "I always did my best to avoid medbay, myself. Nothing worth doing there if you are well enough to avoid it." She winks at Tabitha and makes her way over towards a seat, nodding at the offer. "That would be marvelous, thank you."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head, "No thank you but I appreciate it." SHe would nod at Tabitha, "Lovely. I do hope that they're all right. And that the younger Ms. Summers.. Is given some assistance with her training." The 'Younger Ms. Summers' being Hope at least by the sound of explosions from earlier.

"The exact methods, of course.. Will be somewhat tricky from her files, presuming she consents to them.>"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Sandwiches are made, Bread is found, buttered and then salads are set up. Thankfully anything that needs slicing iis already slices so assembly is like lego but food.

"Think that's the plan. Think Jean's about to double down on my training too. That was a huge gamble gotta admit on limiting the blast. No way even I could have survived if I didn't absorb and shape the direction." she states and works.

The cold meat is sniffed and she thinks it's ham but it goes on the top later of lettuce above onion, tomato an shredded carrot.

For Betsy's benefit she explains. "Hope Summers got wonky with her powers, absorbed Jamie Madrox's power. Multiple redheads, everyone logves that. But they also got some powers of their own. One mimiced Gambit and lit up the pool table. I kinda got blasted reducing the blast. Drop a bomb to stop a bomb." she states. "Kitty saved most folks, a Madrox dupe died, Gambit coped some of the blast and I knocked a hole in a wall. You do not wanna see me naked under this. Bruised and cuts like mad." she says and adds some dressings to the sandwich and with a plate found slides the thing to Ms Braddock.

Betsy Braddock has posed:
The entire story is asborbed by Betsy, as she observes Tabitha making the sandwich. That, or she is just really hungry, and eager to see the conclusion of the food. "Perhaps the lounge was not the best place for this experimentation?" She glances over at Emma, and then back at Tabitha. "Perhaps you need a different order of psychic present during these sessions."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would rub at her temples, "Somewhat excessively explained but reasonably accurate. And no, we don't need that full impression, Tabitha, thank you." She would go to let out a sigh voer and move to take a seat and rest one leg over the other. "But her powers allow her to replicate and enhance abilities from other mutants in the general area. And I'm unsure as to how much control she has. She might be overloaded by proximity though I haven't read her file so that might be inaccurate."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Ask again when I'm healed. Experiment? That is out on the lake shore. This was pure Tabby and pulling out her perfect but now very bruised ass." She states. "Emma's right on Hope needing training. Mimic stuff is like extra hard cause you gonna know not just what you can do but what they can do! If it was my powers it might have been worse. I don't charge objects and I don't have to shape my plasma. I've got a school of my own exploded earlier to attest. Knowing can help that. That's a lot of studying I'm glad I don't have to do."

Betsy Braddock has posed:
Rising up from her seat, Betsy smiles towareds Tabitha as she claims the sandwich. "Well, that does sound like a job for you, Emma." She flashes a grin to both in turn. "For me, sounds like a good excuse to make myself scarce." She takes a bite of the sandwich and raises it up to Tabitha in salute. "Thank you." And with that, she slips out.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smirk, "Lovely to be appreciated. But it depends entirely upon hte.. Younger Ms. Summer's willingness to engage in it, which I am unsure if she would like or not. And that of the other faculty to feel like it would be of aid to her. And how did it.. Feel when she replicated your abilities, Tabitha?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Her own sandwich is made and then Tabitha finds herself pondering the logistics of the massive sandwich and eating it. "Umm, she didn't. I'm saying if she did it would have been a worse situation maybe. You've been in my head enough. Once is enough. Can you imagine that, and at full power. We got stupid lucky today." she points out and with a tilt and a hmm manages to take a big crunchy bite of her sandwichh and behind to chew and try and get stuff down.