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Latest revision as of 11:42, 20 March 2020

'Ships passing in the night
Date of Scene: 18 March 2020
Location: Rockefeller Center
Synopsis: An anniversary is set.
Cast of Characters: Thor, Beatriz da Costa, Kyani Kohanna

Thor has posed:
    In the Ritz-Carlton function hall just off of Rockefeller Center, a large part of their entertainment area was closed off. One of the street entrances was designated for the use and arrival of those with tickets to the Veteran's Banquet and Ball. There were doormen tending to the arrivals, people standing around looking on with curiousity. A crowd gathering somewhat, but not as if it were a prominent release party or celebrity gathering. Reporters were on hand assuredly, but not the throng that sometimes comes out. It all seems rather subdued.
    But within, inside the restored function hall with its 1950s art deco look to it, it's almost as if time's drifted back to the time when the hotel was young. The two story hall is populated with a throng of people, old and young, wandering and enjoying the string quartet, the dining area, and... of course, the open bar.
    There's a dais set up near a display with a poster that proclaims happily, 'Mission Accomplished!' showing the donations that they've garnered and it's around this dais that one would find some of the guests of honor. There's a member of the Yankees, an ex-President, a Rock Star who had a few hits in the last decade. And Thor.
    And out of all of those, it's the latter that seems to be most out of his element. Standing there in a rather sharp tuxedo, hands linked behind his back. His golden hair drawn back in a loose pony tail and he even took the time to shave around his beard like a civilized individual.
    To no avail.
    For he is currently trapped, speaking to a quartet of grand dames from old money who are asking him in detail about Asgard.
    "So tell me again, when did you and your people first come to Earth, Mr. Thor."
    "Quite some time ago, Lady Dunston."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    It's a sad fact of life that in the fashion world you have to impress the 'right' people and go to the 'right' places. This is one of those times, and Beatriz is dolled up for the part. Keeping to her wild public persona, she's gone for something risque, but tasteful. The kind of outfit that would make Bill Theiss nod in approval as it covers everything, reveals nothing, yet tantalizes with the prospects of seeing oh so much more.
    The core of the outfit is a poncho-like sheer fabric cover that's done up in swirling white and pastel greens. Through the fabric can be seen the bare arms and bare belly and the frilly, lacy bustierre of hunter green that looks like, with one wrong move, would let something 'naughty' slip into view--yet never does. Below the broad, bare expanse of waist is a set of harem pants, made of the same frilly, lacy material as the bustierre, which has that same 'whoops, it's showing' vibe going on while similarly showing nothing of the sort ... except along the long slits down the outsides of the legs binding only at just above the hip and just above the ankle.
    "Oh, Lady Dunston, you are a kidder!" she laughs as she overhears the hapless Asgardian under siege. She flashes a bright smile at Thor. "The Lady Dunston knows full well that your people have been here on what we call Midgard for millennia. I'm afraid she is pulling your leg, Prince Thor."
    Just drop that in there to let Lady Dunston know that a) she's put her foot in it, and b) she's talking to royalty all in a face-saving manner.
    She's a supporter of fashion. It's best to let her think she's smart.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    What is going on with these last minute packages? Mack calls for Kyani again and the dark skinned young man looks up from the Lazy Boy he was sitting in, in the lounge. He sighs as he gets up, he's told that this has to get to the Ritz-Carlton due to some big shindig. Before Kyani could roll his eyes, Mack points to the name and Kyani blinks, "Your not shitting me are you?" Mack laughs and shakes his head, and shoos him away with his hands. Kyani laughs and takes the package and when he takes his first step, everything around his slows as he runs.

    Running at high speed is fun, white lightning crackles around him as he runs, Kyani is a good distance away, but that is nothing compared to how fast he can move and move he does. He sees a elderly woman stepping into the street as a car suddenly appears and the driver looks on in horror as the old woman just stepped out into the street without looking. Kyani catches the elderly woman and gets her across the street with no harm to herself and she looks around wondering how she got over there. Kyani laughs and as he nears the entrance, he sees the guards and people checking tickets, he just runs through, the wind sheer blows against the people, skirts and dresses fly up.

    Kyani suddenly stops and walks into the main area, he starts looking around trying to find Thor.

Thor has posed:
    For her part, Mrs. Dunston of the New Hampshire Dunstons blinks a few times, suddenly beset upon and corrected by Beatriz' kind and charitable aid in such a social endeavour. It gives her the cover she needs to smile a little nervously and offer, "Oh, haha. Yes, indeed. Of course." She smiles and her companions smile as well, tittering and settling into a ripple of wry comments, for which Thor offers his smile to them, mildly pained though for a moment he'll catch Beatriz' eye and offer a nod of thanks.
    Of course then the charity volunteer charged with shuffling Thor around steps by, a young woman with glasses and a plastic smile tells him, "Please do come with me, Prince Thor, there are many people who would wish to speak with you."
    "Of course, if you will excuse me, kind ladies." He gives a nod to the matronly dowagers and their ilk then moves off with his handler.
    Though he gets a few social circles beyond in the ebb and flow of the crowd to tell her, "Bide a moment, good Heather. I would take this chance to avail myself of our host's largesse to refresh and then will continue anon."
    Which, it takes Heather a moment to parse what he said then she nods, checks her watch, "Alright big guy, I'll come back for you in ten."
    To which Thor then steps away, making his way through the crowd in the general direction of the bar, past where Beatriz mingles. And that's the moment that Kyani might well espy him.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Beatriz spots Thor's escape to the bar and suppresses a grin. Taking her leave of the Lady Dunston's tedious repetitive speech of how things were in the fashion world in her heyday--"I was quite the belle of the ball myself, I'll have you know"--with one of those vague excuses that people don't spot because they're JUST plausible enough and there's JUST enough distraction from others that the actual words don't register--"Oh, excuse me, Lady Dunston, I just remembered I have to be anywhere else right now," delivered with a kind, regretful face, eyes sparkling--she heads there herself.
    I mean come ON, it's THOR. Of COURSE she wants to meet a prince. (They're reputed to keep their mistresses in very high style, after all...OK, so yes that thought crossed her id, but was instantly banished by her superego.)
    "Prince Thor," she says as she reaches the bar, "it seems the ... ah ... Norms, was it? ... have woven us together again."
    Yeah, maybe you shouldn't use terms you don't really know.
    "I'd like to thank you personally for your forbearance of we mere mortals." Some more 'mere' than others...

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Yeah, snobs galore are here. Kyani does grin because well even they need things delivered, and hell maybe they will pay quite well. He begins speaking with a few people and handing out his card. A few texts him immediately stating they have a few things that would need delivered, and Kyani just grins. Still he was on a job right now and he needed to deliver this package. He gets the side eye from others as they see him wearing street gear, which is par for the course. Kyani wouldn't be caught around places like this unless he needed to be here.

    As he makes his way through the throng of people, he spys Thor going to the bar. "Hello Thor and Bea." he says as he looks at Bea. He smiles to her, "Looking good Bea." he says to her. He looks to Thor, "Hey this was supposed to be delivered urgent, so I got this here as quickly as I can." he holds out his iPad. "Please sign this." he says as he holds out his iPad.

Thor has posed:
    "Brandy, please." The tall Asgardian says to the bartender but moments before Beatriz's arrival. And naturally the server hops to, though his smile is bright and tickled, likely due to serving the tall Asgardian at the bar. He even catches Beatriz's eye as she approaches sort of giving her a /look/ as if to say, 'Look who it is!' but then he's back off to finishing the drink order.
    And then she speaks and Thor's eyes meet hers, for who could forget the swath of green in the sea of black and white and the occasional dash of red. He turns his gaze to her and offers a small nod of recognition couched with a smile that is ever so lightly tinged with exasperation. "It seems as much, good lady. You enjoy my thanks for your timely aid so need not my forbearance nor any other."
    A hand uncurls to the bartender, "Will you join me? Perhaps the presence of someone offering me kind words will trick my handler into thinking I am doing as I should be doing."

    That said, then is the moment that Kyani arrives and the Prince focuses upon the youth. "Ah, greetings?" He says at first not entirely sure what to make of the situation. Those blue eyes lift up and he smiles again at Kyani, then over towards Beatriz as he pats his pockets, "Have you a writing instrument of some sort?"

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea holds up a finger. "This is the writing implement, Prince Thor," she says, visibly determined not to giggle. You can see it on her face. "It's a touch screen. You just gently slide your finger on it and it's like you're writing."
    As a quick aside to the bartender, she adds, "A Harvey Wallbanger for me, please," she asks.
    God, I hope he doesn't use MY finger.
    Oh, wait. Maybe it would be better if he did...
    "Hiya, Kyn. How are you doing? Are you enjoying the party?"
    She glances between the pair. "Prince Thor, this is Kyani, a friend of mine." She comes across as the kind of person who makes friends in a few seconds and thus has thousands. "Kyani, this is Prince Thor, one of the guests of honour." She glances at Thor briefly, then decides not to claim friendship without confirmation in advance because, well, she flattens easily unless she burns away this gown she spent hours designing...

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani was about to explain that, but hey Bea is his homie. He smiles and nods in agreement with her, "Nice to meet you Prince Thor." he says, "Nah, this isn't my thing. I can't be stuck in stuffy suits, though I'm digging your dress Bea and Thor you're rocking that suit." he smiles. One of the older guest and his entourage walk past, "Letting the riff-raff into a chairty event, how deplorable." the old man says. Kyani grins, at the guy, "Hey don't break a hip." he laughs and looks back to Thor and Bea, "Sorry about that." he says as he looks to the two of them.

Thor has posed:
    "Ah," Thor says, eyebrows lifting as he looks to Bea and gives a nod of understanding, "Makes sense I imagine but..." A question occurs to him, yet perhaps he's learned something in the years he's been amongst the people of Midgard as he does not voice it immediately. He instead then accepts the ipad and gives some effort to signing his name with a brief swoosh of a fingertip over the surface.
    Though when Beatriz makes the introduction he smiles to the young courier and offers his hand. "Kyani then, good to meet you." And should that arm be accepted he'll give a strong forearm shake, not aggressive but firm, three pumps, then done. He then glances to the young woman, before looking back to him.
    "It is for a worthy cause so I am willing to endure what must be." That said he gives a single nod as if to lend further weight to his words.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea's eyes flash with anger at the the man mentioning riff-raff, turning her head and torso to follow his movement.
    Her eyes very briefly glow a strong green. The kind of 'blink and you miss it' situation that makes someone doubt what their eyes saw. Her nostrils flare and one fist--the one not holding the Harvey Wallbanger only just now delivered to her grasp--clenches and unclenches.
    Someone has made an enemy and doesn't know it. Nor probably care much.
    Regaining her composure with visible effort, Bea pastes that catwalk smile on her face and turns to face the pair.
    "I'm so sorry, Kyn," she says in a tight voice. "Some people here can't help being assholes. It's in their nature."
    That out of her system, the mask melts away and it's back to relaxed, friendly, wears-her-heart-on-her-sleeve Beatriz da Costa.
    "The good Prince shows us all what graciousness is," she says. In an every-so-slightly too loud voice.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani shakes Thor's massive forearm, "This is pretty awesome to meet you." he smiles. THough he doesn't give the older man any more notices, "It's all good Bea." he smiles to her, having noticed her eyes having glowed. "Easy Bea, it's all good." he says to her. He looks to Thor as he signed the iPad. Once it's signed Kyani puts his iPad away in his messenger bag. "Well hey if this is helping others, I'm down for it." he reaches into his pocket and takes out $1000 of his own money and hands it to Thor. "Here you go." he says to him.

Thor has posed:
    When Beatriz offers him praise in that faintly too loud tone, he crinkles his nose a touch and murmurs, "It is nothing." He says as he looks between the two of them. A small nod given as he smiles, then he gestures toward the bar with the uncurling of one hand. "Will you have something to drink afore you rush off on your next effort, young Kyani?" The man's voice is bright and vibrant, not as bombastic as some have heard but perhaps that's in part due to the surroundings.
    But then he is handed the money and he cocks an eyebrow, "What is this?" He asks as he looks to the cash, "Ah, a donation." His smile spreads easily enough. "Present it to the older gentleman upon the dais. I believe he is in charge of such. Though if needs be I can take on this task if you must away."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani is gone than is back, the man on the dias blinks a few times and looks at the money in his hand, granted Kyani did wait fo rhim to register him and he tells him he is donating the money to the charity. The older man nods his head and suddenly Kyani is in front of Thor, "Sure if you have soda, I don't drink alchol. My body burns off the alchol the moment it hits my system." he says to him. He smiles as he walks over to the bar. "So how are you doing Thor or do youo prefer Prince Thor?" he asks.

Thor has posed:
    "We are not in court, so either is fine." The tall man says, glancing back toward the dais then to the courier once again. He sidles up to the bar and leans there, arm resting against the wooden counter top and his gaze drifting across the room. "You remind me of a friend, he has such a gift as well. A curious thing, and a curious way to perceive the world I imagine."
    That said he nods his thanks to the bartender, "A soda for my companion, please." And then takes up his drink, smiling as the bottle entire is offered to him. He'll tilt the glass back, emptying it and then pour himself another.
    Moments later a glass with ice and some sparkling caramel beverage is brought forth and presented to Kyani.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Grinning, "Cool a Coke." he says. "Yeah, I'm surprised this happeend to me, I wasn't born with any powers or anything, just sorta happened." he says to Thor. "Really it's nice meeting you Thor." he says as he sits down at the bar. He rubs the back of his head and he looks around. Shaking his head a little bit, "Who is this friend who have a gift that I do?" he asks.

Thor has posed:
    Answering with the uncurling of a hand, "Ah, his name is Quicksilver. He is the brother of one of our other members. He is... a well-meaning soul, and quite fast." There's a pause as he smiles, "Though I imagine it is difficult for one such as myself to gauge speed once it hits a certain point."
    That said he takes another drink from his glass, then takes up the bottle and turns it on its side, letting it gurgle into the glass and fill it for his next drink. "Perhaps he is a long lost relative or such?" He offers that with the quirk of an eyebrow.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea, having stood back while the men talked, smiled to herself. Bridge builder. That's her. She conceals that smug, self-satisfaction behind her drink and by the time the glass is down, her face is once again composed and collected.
    "I, too, am more than I seem at first, Prince Thor. Since I know the Avengers have exceptional data processing facilities, I suspect you'll know sooner, rather than later, who I am when I'm not in costume like this."
    Stepping so that only the pair of them (and the barkeep, perhaps) can see her, back to the rest of the gathering she points her index finger up again, as before when explaining the iPad, and produces a three-inch long jet of intense green flame.
    Which is the first time Kyn has seen it...
    "Aside from my work in fashion, I'm also known as Fire and am a reserve member of the Justice League."

Thor has posed:
    Lips parting, Thor smiles with an easy warmth and gregariousness as he nods to Fire, one eyebrow quirking as he motions to her, "Ah, then that would explain why you were so skilled in musting to my aid then, Lady Fire." He gives her a small nod, his features twisted wry as the coincidences of the world seem to amuse him. Perhaps there is that aspect of Fate to he world, but not one he himself recognizes.
    He turns toward Kyani and offers, "I was beset, you see." He spreads his hand and gestures to the side, "The enemy were all around me, and then as if from the very heavens a voice was raised in my defense. It sowed such confusion I was able to make my nimble escape."
    That said he smiles wryly in Beatriz' direction, lifting his drink. "Such a deed is worthy of reward, will you imbibe with us, Lady Fire?"

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "Oh, that? No, that's years of having to suck up to people like that to part them with their money. And years of feeling sorry for the celebrities who have to keep a smile on their face while foolishness abounds around them." She grins and winks. "It wasn't so long ago I was standing where you were in situations like that. I just retired for a few years for ... reasons ... and memories fade quickly. I'm not the celebrity I once was and I ... honestly prefer it that way."
    She lifts her quarter-emptied drink in resposne to Thor's toast and nods affirmatively, ready to match Thor's sip or gulp or emptying with her own.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Quirking a brow at Thor, nah, not a family member I know Thor, but it would be cool to meet other Speedsters." he smiles. When Bea shows off a little, he blinks, he's not seen her do this before, he grins when a toast is given to her, "Lady Fire. I like it." he says as he looks between the both of them. "How is it being an Avenger and a member of Justice League, I wouldn't mind trying to get in if you all know who I can talk with." he says to them.

Thor has posed:
    His own glass lifts and if Thor can reach he'll even offer the clink, to Bea as well as Kyani. And then he drinks and continues to hold his place by the bar.
    Of course that's the moment that his wrangler, Heather, starts to walk by, weaving her way through the crowd and clearly seeking the Thunderer. The story is told in the way Thor turns his back to her and ducks down a little as if /so/ entirely focused on his drink. Yet he manages to keep discussing matters with the two of them, "Well you must simply make yourself known by doing what you can with your abilities, young Kyani. Aid the world, and in so doing bring yourself to the notice of others like you. Then let that friendship carry you aloft. It has e'er been such a way for me, for I am mighty, but without my comrades..."
    His lip twists, then he adds, "Well I am still mighty, just not as mighty."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea laughs with the rolling laughter of tinkling bells. And positions herself and her poncho-like gown as camouflage for the invading Heather. She knows the kind at a glance and with Thor's move to hide, she's taken it upon herself to be his protector, to the point of gently directing Kyn to close up the last visible gap remaining.
    "Well, I recently had Zee drop by... ah... that's Zatanna Zatara... and she was trying to get me back into action with the League. I said yes. So she's probably the one doing outreach right now. And over on the Avengers, well, I don't know anybody there, really, not yet, so ... I don't know there. But I do know they have some kind of academy? Something like that?"
    As the dread Heather approaches, Bea looks at her, fingerwaves tentatively as if she thinks she knows her maybe from somewhere, then ignites her eyes with a baleful green glow. Just enough to make Heather stare at her aghast as she goes past, missing the god-shaped silhouette behind her...

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani does move in closer to close up the gap between them, though he does take in the words by both Thor and Bea. "I see. I will see what I can get into than." eh says to them. "Thank you for the information." he finishes off his drink and gestures for a refill. Kyani thinks on this for a minute, "I've never thought about the hero thing, but honestly I do like helping people and with the abilities I have, I feel there is more I can do outside of just delivering things." eh says to them. "Granted I make some pretty damn good money doing this job, still I feel this is what I should be doing."

    Seeing Heather coming over towards them, "Who is she?" he asks.

Thor has posed:
    A low rumbling laugh comes from the man, tinged with amusement as he looks at his two companions and shakes his head, "Again I find myself in your debt." He acknowledges this with a nod to them each as he settles back to the bar in a more natural posture. He offers them each a refill, likely having forgotten that Kyani just wanted a soda, but his lift of the bottle carries with it a subtle peer pressure just from how charismatic and bombastic the large man seems to be.
    "It is good then, Lady Fire, that you have accepted your return to their ranks. I am sure any others you save as well as myself will be ever grateful." That said he gestures, "But yes, indeed, Kyani. Perhaps seek to work with other more experienced heroes or the like, make yourself of use to them. An apprenticeship of sorts. Your world and culture are changing, your abilities make you of use to your people."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "Well, my departure wasn't wholly voluntary," Bea says, face falling a bit. Brow furrowing as if her eyebrows wanted to knit. "There was ... an incident. It killed Supes. I overextended myself and suddenly everything I had was gone. None of the flame. I was just Beatriz. Everybody was very nice about it, but you could see it in their eyes. I was a liability of a sudden. Fragile. A victim, not a victor. So I left, kept on reserves, but everybody understood I'd not be called upon because, well, I wasn't ..."
    She lets her voice trail off.
    "Then it came back, slowly, but by then I was used to being just Beatriz and ... well ... never bothered to go back to this line. Until Genosha happened."
    She drains her glass with that, setting it on the bar.
    "But now it's all fine again."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani stands up and walks over to Bea as she tells them her story and he just hugs her, "You were able to come back from it and now they want you back. That in and of itself is a hero's journey." he says to her. He looks to Thor and nods his head, "Yeah I know." eh says to him. "I've seen some heroes but they seem not to notice, granted I've not really approached them either." eh shrugs a little, "I didn't know Bea here was a hero, but again I just like the social interactions, but I guess it's time to step it up." he says as he looks at the two.

Thor has posed:
    The Asgardian Prince listens quietly as Beatriz offers her tale, leaning closer so he can hear it over the background noise of the crowd's rumbling. His lips part as he murmurs a soft, 'ah' that might not be heard but can clearly be seen in his expression. He nods slowly chewing his lower lip thoughtfully. She sets her glass upon the bar and he refills it as if out of muscle memory and the long conditioning given to most Asgardians when taking on a host role of whatever sort.
    "It seems as if you have traveled a long difficult path, Lady Fire." Then he stops and adjusts, "Beatriz. And such leaves a mark, you are brave for having traveled it and to do so alone. That is not something I could do." He offers that small insight with a nod and then murmurs, "But you should know you are likely not held in ill-esteem, and those who have welcomed you back are assuredly glad to have you back in their ranks."
    And as he says that, Thor rests a hand upon her shoulder as his blue eyes find hers, as if insuring she takes those words to heart an then gives that shoulder a small squeeze.
    Then he nods to Kyani and uncurls a hand in his direction, "You see, Kyani agrees with me, wise beyond his years. Indeed, you should step it up."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Bea is silent a while, her return hug to Kyn being just her own variant of muscle memory. Her eyes are unfocused, however, her thoughts obviously having taken over for introspection.
    "Yes." She says that in the tone of voice of someone who's made a decision. She looks at Kyani. "The path of being one of these much-vaunted heroes is hard. It's filled with pain. With fear. With heartbreak. But I would do it all again if I could go back to my childhood knowing what I know now. And I have no regrets. It's the most fulfilling thing I've ever done." Her eyes bore a hole in Kyn's. "You've got a gift. Use it. Don't waste it."

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani smiles at Thor and listening to the much older man, though when he tells him that yes Kyani has to step it up, echoing his own words. He lets out a breath. Than when Bea hugs him back and than bore her eyes into his own, telling him to not waste his gift, he nods his head. "I hear you both." he says as he again takes a long breath and he closes his eyes for a moment and looks back to Bea, staring her in her eyes, than looking to Thor. "I will, I guess me doing deliveries isn't the best use of my abilities, but it does what it needs to do to help me make money, so I will just go into business for myself, but I will try to see about talking with you two and anyone else if they will have me." he says.

Thor has posed:
    Settling back against the bar, Thor gives a nod and looks between the two of them, smiling a bit as his eyes distance a touch, as if letting his thoughts drift to another situation this may well remind him of. He shakes his head after a moment and then takes a long drink from his glass. "It seems that we have been given a gift by the fates. We should agree to meet here again in a year's time, if only to learn further of what has passed for each other."
    His eyebrow lifts as he then looks to the others, "Agreed?" He lifts his drink again.

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    Blinking in surprise at the fact her glass is full again, Bea raises it to the toast. "Agreed. Just ... I'm an airhead. Someone will have to remind me." She winks at Thor. "You look like you've a good head about you. You give me a call, say, the week before?"
    She then downs the drink as well as she is able, obviously not able to keep up with the mighty Thor.

Kyani Kohanna has posed:
    Kyani blinks and than after a moment of thought, "Sure. A year from now we meet here." he says as he looks between both Thor and Bea. "If either of you need an apprentice let me know." he chuckles. "I will work on my gifts, I've already learned quite a bit about them, but for me, there is some sort of connection I've found that feeds into my abilities." eh shrugs. "I will figure it out though. He sips at his drink.

Thor has posed:
    "I will see with Quicksilver, perhaps he would have some insight to offer." And as he says that he digs into the pocket of his tuxedo. For a moment his brow furrows as he seems a little perturbed. Then he pats his pockets in his jacket, in his pants, but then finds what he was looking for in a side pocket. "Ah, here." He brushes his thumb across the surface of the cellphone he produces and then extends it to them and murmurs, "Please, take my information as you would and grant me yours. I shall have my friend set a reminder suitable for your warning, good Beatriz."
    At that he nods once solemnly. "Then in a year we will return here and I will see if Quicksilver contacts you, Kyani."

Beatriz da Costa has posed:
    "In the mean time, I do have experience with speedsters--Flash--and might be able to help you there in training. At the very least I've seen how Flash trains and maybe we can set something like that up on a lower budget and get you ready for hitting the streets and dispensing with justice."
    Give her a break. English is clearly her second language. She probably didn't mean "with" there.
    Bea takes Thor's arm with her left, and Kyn's with her right, seeming to be one of those horrifying people who has a social distance that's practically inside other people.
    "I like the thought that the Norms..." *sigh* "...tied together our threads so we'd meet here tonight. But whether old crones or chance, it doesn't matter. I'm happy we did."