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Latest revision as of 21:21, 24 February 2022

Snack day
Date of Scene: 24 February 2022
Location: Main Room - Titan's Tower
Synopsis: Scooby snacks are made, and people chat.
Cast of Characters: Bart Allen, Billy Kaplan, Emiko Queen, Mary Bromfield

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen has invited Emiko to join him, as he makes the pet snacks for his friends. He is carrying a lot of bags, and will probably have to make another trip or two. "I use the Titan's kitchen when I make these, cause their kitchen is bigger, and has all the cool gadgets, but have to clean up well or Caitlyn will punt ya off the tower.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Like someone who rarely gets a chance to come to the Tower -- because, well, he doesn't -- Billy walks in a little sheepishly carrying a box full of Really Unhealthy Stuff. There are Twinkies and Chocolate-Covered Twinkies and Strawberry Twinkies (he seems to have a Twinkie thing) and Doritos and ranch dip and a variety of other snacks. He moves to a counter and sets the box down.

"We did a fund-raiders for the History Club and there was..." He pauses. "You know, not very many people are interested in History Club. So this stuff was left over."

He tugs off his black leather jackets, stuffs his keys and his vape into one of the pockets, and hangs it up.

"How is everyone tonight? Sorry I been away so long. School is nuts."

Emiko Queen has posed:
Emi's helping him tote the bags in, trying to cut down the number of trips taken back and forth. "Well I'm happy to help with cleanup, but I'll leave the baking to you. You just tell me what to do and when. I'll learn as we go." She flashes a grin towards Bart before setting down the first load and asks, "Do you want me to help carry in, or start unpacking?

Turning to Billy as he enters, she watches him for a moment before offering a smile and a hand, "Hi. Emiko Queen. I'm new to the Titans. Pleasure to meet you."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
What's that in the sky? Is it a bird? Is it a pla...oh, wait. Sorry. Wrong one.

Mary "Thunderbolt" Marvel descends gracefully from the skies, the hem of her skirt rustled byu the wind but never quite enough. She lands lightly at the edge of the outdoor kitchen, smiling warmly to everyone. "Hello, there," she says demurely.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Hey Mary, hey Billy." He does make the speed trip for the other bags. Once back in the room, he looks over to Emiko. "Some of them are bakes, some dehydrated and other things depends on which pet we are making the food for." He grins and will start laying out things on the counter, fish, meat, veggies, all natural stuff.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy quirks a friendly grin and gives a nod to Emiko, shaking her hand. His are the soft hands of a student and researcher. His soft skin feels like he hasn't done a day's manual labor in his life, probably. "Hi, Emiko. I'm Billy Kaplan. Wiccan when I'm running around in stupid clothes lookin' like a dork." His grin blooms into a full smile.

"Sup, Barto," he says while looking at Mary Marvel descend from the sky. He leans a little closer to Emiko and murmurs, "Now /that/ is badass."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Red Arrow, when we're going caped and cowled. Otherwise Emi or Emiko is fine," Her hands are neither soft nor delicate. There's callouses, rough patches, but also attempts to keep them looking neat and nice, steady manicures and daily moisturizer. Emi nods to Billy with a smile, "Pretty badass." Mary gets a wave and a repeat, "Hi, I'm Emiko Queen. New to the Titans. Nice to meet you!" Meanwhile, she's still helping to unpack the bags, listening to Bart. "Okay so... I'm on chopping duty then?" Emi flashes a grin at Bart.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary smiles widely. "Pleased to meet you! I go by Mary Marvel, but in missions with the Titans, I am usually called Thunderbolt." She winks. "Three guesses why."

As if to punctuate the point, a tendril of electricity arcs along the edge of the large thunderbolt on her chest.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles and says "Well we both will be on cutting duty to start with, save the veggie scraps they are good for guinea pigs and some of the reptiles and such." He looks over and says "Hey Mary, Billy, I may have the kitchen counters covered but sure there is something in the fridge if you want something.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy folds his legs to sit cross-legged...right in the middle of the air, just floating there calmly. "Hey, Mary," Billy say. He repeats his names for her if she didn't catch them when he introduced himself to Emiko. "Bart, is there anything I can help with?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Good to meet you, Mary," Emiko turns a friendly smile her way, then nods to Bart. "I kept a paper bag to put the scraps into, if that will work? Which ones are we working on first?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary ohs and nods, heading into the kitchen to rummage through the available drink supplies. She found some canned green tea and opts for that, strolling out again. "Looks like an interest set of choices for food. Had I but known, I would have gotten some chicken egg rolls. Would you like me to?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a bit and says "We can order food if you want, but this is more for all the pets our friends own." He motions towards the hard veggies and says "We start with these, as some of them have to be cooked down some before they can be mixed in." He looks over to Billy, "Cutting and peeling can always help." He tells the man.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
"Sure, cutting and peeling it is!" Billy says with a playful, friendly salute to Bart. He murmurs some words under his breath and and some carrots float to an unoccupied section of the counter as well as a vegetable peeler. He makes a small gesture with one hand and veggie peeler starts peeling the carrots.

"My mom usually does all the cooking, I'm not so good at this." He waggles his eyebrows playfully.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"I will never say no to some good egg rolls. Or spring rolls. Both are very good." Emiko flashes a grin towards Mary as she picks up a kitchen knife, examining the edge on it before shrugging and moving to the cutting board. Giving the knife a little spin, Emi sets to work, quickly and expertly slicing and dicing the vegetables into more easily cooked chunks. She's not just quick, or efficient, her cuts are precise, leaving her with a neat pile of equally sized pieces, and the end bits get scraped off the board into the scraps bag for later. "I can't say I'm a great cook, but I've been learning. Chopping and slicing... those I have more experience with."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary grins, then holds up a finger. "Be right back!"

She immediately drains the can of tea, tosses it in the garbage, and soars up into the air. In a few moments, she is gone from sight.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smirks a bit and looks over and jokingly says "Slow poke." He grins a bit and says "We will start with the feline treats. He starts simmering some veggies in a pot, and says "The goal is to make them as healthy as we can but also so the pets will eat them.

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy watches as Mary flies off. "There's probably no way she's gonna bring back ice cream is there?" he asks Emiko wistfully. "Damn, girl, you know how to handle a knife. Remind me never to piss you off."

He just keeps floating there in the air cross-legged while the peeler does the work for him. "So, B-is-for-Bart, why are we doing this? What's wrong with, you know, like cat food and stuff?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
Watching Mary whoosh off, she blinks, "Oh, I didn't mean she should go now..." Chuckling, she smiles, "Ah well, no harm. We'll have egg rolls sooner." Bart gets a raspberry and a, "Sloppy." in return. She grins and winks at him, then gives a nod, "I thought cats are carnivores... are there begetables that are good for them too? I need to do more research." She makes a mental note before flashing a quick grin to Billy, "All in the training. Wait until you see me with a bow and arrow. I make Robin Hood look like a kid at summer camp."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
By the time Emiko says the word "camp," there is a faraway whoosh of air, and then Mary is descending to the outdoor kitchen pavilion again, two large bags in her arms.

"I'm back!" she chirps, putting the bags on a nearby table. "Okay, I wasn't sure if everyone would like chicken egg rolls, so I got spring rolls, too. Also, I realized...DIPPING SAUCES! But sweet-and-sour, soy, teriyaki, hoisin? I couldn't decide, so I got a bottle of each. Did you know it is SNOWING in New York? Kinda wild."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen smiles a more, and says "There is a lot of meat in the cat's stuff, but we need binders, and there is some of the vitamins will bond with the meat so that the cats can extract them as well. If we did pure meat ones have to be either refrigerated or made into some type of Jerky. I don't want to have to use artificial things into them, thats why I do it once a week or so. He looks over and to Billy, he says "I have sorta taken the help of our friends pets on me."

Billy Kaplan has posed:
Billy stands up straight and lets his feet touch the ground. "Sorry to peel and run but I should get ready for classes and check in at home. Bart, see ya 'round. Emiko and Mary, it was cool t'meet you both." He slips on his jacket and murmurs, "I want to be back home." And just like that, he's gone!

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Welcome back! Anything is welcome, though I'm glad for the spring rolls. They fit my diet more closely," Emiko grins towards Mary, then turns back to look at what Bart's doing. She gives a nod and asks, "Do you use egg for binding at all? I read something about egg being good for animals's skin and fur. Or is that something that should be given separately?" Billy gets a smile and wave as he poofs out.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods, then watches Billy just...poof home. "THERE is a useful skill."

After a moment, she looks to Emiko. "So...what's your skillset, Emiko? I don't think it was ever mentioned. If I'm being impolite, I apologize...I was just curious."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen will rattle off a recipe, and how much of each thing. "Than we multiple it all by " He makes a quick count in his head and says "Lets go with two dozen, and two weeks, so enough for 168 servings, each original recipe is ten treats, so we need to make seventeen batches worth of it.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"I have been expertly trained in most forms of armed and unarmed combat, stealth, acrobatics, infiltration, investigation, tactics, and I am one of the top archers in the world.. not that that is a particularly long list." Emiko chuckles, grining at Mary and giving a nod towards Bart, "And he still routinely kicks my butt. Until I can get his timing down, I just can't counter his speed." She smiles to Bart and gives a nod, following along with the recipe given, parceling everything out into their appropriate quantities.

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary's eyes just go wider and wider as Emiko goes down the laundry list of skill and disciplines. "Wow...just, wow. That's pretty amazing, really. It must take a lot of dedication to do what you can do so well." She seems honestly in awe of Emiko.

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "And I think she is letting me win, just so I don't feel to bad, that or she is saving her tricks for is she really needs them and then gonna be "Ah pinned you again." He quotes lion king "Once we got these we work on the small mammals and then canines, and such, last one we do is Batdragon snacks."

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Thank you. I am very badass." Emiko states. Then she's laughing and grinning, "I have to be to keep up with people like you and Bart! You guys are awesome, and what you can do? THAT is cool." She hipbumps Bart and grins, "One of these days, Bart Allen, I'll get you pinned in a spar and then your speed won't do you a lick of good." She goes back to helping with the snacks, only to look up again, "Batdragon?"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary blushes. "It's not so great. A powerful wizard gave me a magic word to say. It may allow me to do a lot, but I didn't really EARN it like you did." She sounds a little wistful. "Without the magic, I'm...kinda just normal."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "You choose to do hero stuff and help people thats a bit more than normal." He offers with a smile, and then to Emiko, he nods, and says "Yea, he is a friend of a friend, have to see if I can set up a chance for you to meet both of them.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Hey, you were -chosen- for a reason. That means something! If you weren't worthy, the wizard would have chosen someone else." Emiko smiles towards Mary, then points to Bart, "And yeah, what you choose to do with that power is awesome. I wasn't trained to be a superhero. I was trained to be a killer. I choose not to, to follow my own path." Then she's turning a grin towards Bart, "Hell yes I want to meet a Batdragon!"

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary shrugged. "Well...I guess. But you're still pretty cool for learning what you can do. It's why I'm getting my degree in nursing. I figure I should learn something useful, and something I can make aregular living at. Just looking for sunken treasure or gold mines is...well, it's kinda cheating."

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen nods a bit and says "Emiko and I are both going to ESU, we actually met there." He continues working on the stuff as they talk "Seems a lot of us realize we need an education, I just hope it does not turn us evil. I mean how many evil Dr. so and sos are they?"

Emiko Queen has posed:
"I'm.. technically a trust fund kid. I don't -have- to do anything. But I -want- to. So I'm going to ESU for criminal justice, with a minor in social services. Once I finish, I can translate a lot of that coursework into a shorter degree for social services. And then I can start helping people OUT of costume. I mean, yeah, I can throw money at things, like that charity event. But I want to actually help people." Emiko smiles at Mary and lifts a shrug. "But if I want to help people work the system, I have to know it."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods. "And it's nice to know that you have something that's YOURS. That can't get taken from you."

Shje looked around. "Listen, I hate to deliver and run, but I should think about getting home, myself. I have classes in the morning." She give Bart and Emiko a dimpled smile. "Maybe I'll see you again soon?"

Bart Allen has posed:
Bart Allen looks over and says "Will do, you need anything give us a call, you still got my number right?" He does move to put am arm around Emiko, while they both are not cooking.

Emiko Queen has posed:
"Definitely. Have a good night, Mary!" Emiko smiles and leans into Bart when his arm moves around her. "Oh! Yes, here.. my number. If I can help, if you need anything. Let me know." She pulls out an honest to God business card and hands it to Marry with a sheepish shrug, "Ollie got them. I think he doesn't know how to not be... like this. He loves to embarass me."

Mary Bromfield has posed:
Mary nods to Bart. "Yep. Still got it." She takes the card, then nods to Emiko. "Thanks. I've been away for awhile, but I want to get back to helping."

She steps back, then lifts off slowly before speeding off over the buildings, and presumably to someplace where no one knows she is Thunderbolt.